Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 1, 1828, p. 4

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the dying maiden to bfr lover by miss rennic they tell me love that i must die that soon this faint and quivering breath must fail een thy dear name to sign and pause id death oh joy to think a spirit crtishd and brnisd like mine shall pass to peace then let iby sorrows all he hushd tliy murmurs cease the ball which strikes the wouded bird the storm which fells the blighted tree are blows dealt forth by mercys word so death to tne heed pot the idle tongues which tell twas thou who formd my early tomb twas i i lovd for life too well and wrought my doom be gay forget- task pleasures powr to furnish days of sunny glee i would not shade one passing hour witt thoughts of me and yet to be forgotten quite no no thy poor fond girl would fain be sometimes sumraoud to thy sight and love again let memorys glass give back my form such as when first i pledgd my truth with health and joy and feeling warm and fresh with youth i would not that thou now shouldst see my bollow eye and faded cheek nay chide not womans vanity nor call me weak your picture and the ring you gave close gainst my heart are firmly claspd the miser yields but to the grave the gold he graspd because i wildly oer them wept they hid my treasures from my eyes but i had niarkd the spot and crept and found my prize i bore my idols quick away they since have slept upon my breast and never from that home shall stray till alls at rest remember that my dyinff kiss upon thy picturd semblance fell my sight grows dim my all of bliss farewell farewell the london courier rash vows on jessys lip there glowed such charms i could not for my soul resist her i caught her blushing in my arms and in her bloom of beauty kissed her till panting trembling and afraid to give her tender bosom paiu i cried forgive forgive sweet maid i vow ill neer offend again i do forgive she kindly cried and sweetly archd her smiling brows i do forgive she softly sighed but prythee dear make no rash vows the nun there is no human sacrifice more barbarous than that of immuring m mo nastic solitude a young innocent being whom nature has formed for the enjoy ment of society and perhaps endowed with talents to become its ornament the love of liberty is emplanted in eve ry thine that lives and moves and has a being it is natures universal law and we have no right to oppose it ei ther by moral or physical restraints un less commanded by justice to do so for the susprcssion of vice we have no right to quench the intellectual flame which deity himself hath lighted by the cold and rigid severity of monastic discipline which has a direct tendency to destroy all those kind and social feel ings that render our intercourse with so ciety so delighful through the interest of a friend who was acquainied with the superior of a convent in m i was several years since introduced to a beautiful girl of sixteen who had been a resident there three year she was the youngest daughter of a proudjut indigent nobleman who un able to support her in that sphere of ftshionable extravagance in which the elder branches of her family still moved consented to sacrifice her at the shrine of bigoryand superstition i cannot describe the emotions i felt on first beholding her to see a being so young and lovely set apart as it were from all the claims of friendship love and consanguinity and destined to be burried from the world was indeed a melancholy contemplation she was dressed in a plain white robe sim ply confined at the waist by a black girdle from which hung her cross and rosary her bright hair which was parted on her forehead was partly con cealed by a cap of pure musln ca- dova might have wrought from her form a statue that would have immortal zed his name and stewart in his proudest days would have been delighted to ro py from so fair and chaste a model of female beauty but with all her loveliness she was a mere statue a very picture her hair was ronstrained her step formal and no emanations of soul were visible in her countenance her pure fair forehead downcast eye and pensive smile spoke the extinction or subjection of every human passion and there was a cold ab straction in her manner and conversati on that showed her thoughts were not of this world on parting i asked her if she was happy with a melancholy smile she simply replied they say i am happy and 1 believe i am so poor child heaven grant that thou mays not be deceived one year after this interview i a- gnn visaed the convent lucianne was a nun he mark veil shrounded her face and form from my view and i was permitted only to hold a few mi nutes conversation with her through the bars of her earthly prison cranio lov a writer in thus addresses dr spurzheim on subject of bumps lumps a skulls sir the sciences of cranidhy has been ridiculed by some extolled by others both with the same degree of plausibility like other discovering which do not exactly accord with pi conceived opinions or long tooted pre judice the dissemination of its doc trines has been slow whilst its utiliij even if capable of being carried to the greatest pitch of perfection has be questioned hitherto the object of its advocates appears to have been too confined be ing contented with proving after a mur derer has been executed that he hud the bump of cruelty and of a nooii- ous drunkard found dead inihe sireeis that the bibbing bump was most promi nent and so on now to render the science useful it is necessary in my opinon in the fust instance to ascertain whether the dif ferent bumps indicative of the various passions are 1st the causes of the passions res pectively or 2d the effects of the same that is whether the bumps are so prominent in young subjects as to ena ble a professor of that science alias a skullbump fortune teller to foretell whether the person whose skull he ex amines will be hung for a murder trans ported for a rapi or found dead in the streets from inebriation or if it is only in adults that those prominences are conspicuous as to prove a thermometer of the passions much will depend on the solution of iltese quest ions because if it should ap pear that the latter is the case i should be inclined to suppose that the bumps are caused by rather than the case of the different propensities of the human frame having wound public curiosity up to the highest pitch shall proceed to sa tisfy it all young childrens heads heing na turally soft and therefore easily mould ed if their future fate depends on the bumps in their pericranium the mo her o nurse has noting to do jo secure their offspring or forsce infants fuurc for tune fame or fate but to procure a mould or cast with such spaces therein as will leave loom for the bumps they wish should become the most pionvncnt fo grow and restrain others they wish not o increase in size and fix it in the childs head as the chinese mo hers fii shoes to their cli ldrens feet to make them fashionably small this would open a new channel of commerce give a fresh impulse to our national industry and prove a mne of wealth to our manufacturers increase the balance of trade and influence the exchanges if the principles of free trade be perseve ej in and com merce be as unfettered as the ocean but even if the restrictive system should again be had recourse to and the expor tation of these moulds be prohibited for fear other nations should become as wise as ourselves the advantages in a nation al point of view would be very great as we should be able to excel all our neigh bors french dutch spaniards portu guese italians russians prussians austrians germans swiss c c in even art and science from the various scientific lucrative operative specula tive c bumps raised at pleasure in our childrens heads gathering of impure thoughts unhallow ed desires and base affections it draws its whole influence from within aud is on ly affected within contamination may spread around and assail it but its brightness will continue unblemished its holy influence will be unimpair ed till its own sources are corrupted and it grows paler and paler and dies in irresistible gloom salt foster archer recently from syracuse have taken the stand formerly oc cupied by wilson as a tavern opposite j raynors inn and benison ciocker occosore comer of james first street in oswego where they offer course and fine sail by the single barrel or quantity at manufactures prices with the addition of transportation their facilities fordoing salt business are very great having an establishment at syracuse they will be enable to or- ce any quantity immediately on re- der and forward to any port in canada merchants and others are requested to call and exanrnc their prices which they think will be found satisfactory also for sale as above a gene ral and well selected assortment of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glnss ware c c c which they will sell on reason able terms as can be purchased else where oswego tune 1828 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office o john watkivs ffers his sincere thank- o his friends and the public generally for the liberal encouragement he has met with for several years pasta begs to inform them that he has this season received by the ship montreal from liverpool sixty casks and c of hardware cutlery c which has been selected from tlo first manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton otc among which are as follows tea kettles saucepans 5628 hand 7 lbs weight ditto in sets 4 lbs down to j oz saddle trees bitts buckles tind japand aud plated girth ruber and straining web and every arliclt in the saridlerv line stimpd bass furlatt pins commode knobs turn bucblt bed screws c horn lanlhorn leaves bivels saucepan handles and ears teapoi knobs candlestick springs and every arlime used by tinmen carpenters and oopers axes and adzes table and desert knives and forks britannia metal table snd tea spoons ditto iron tind brilannii meta and iron tind ladles pocket and penk nives scissors razors kent lath and shoe hammers flemish tacks locks of ill sorts round and flat bolts screws butt h and hl hinges coffin furni- iire steelyards assortment of files white wash shoe and scrubbing brushes tea trays cisselsand gouges plane irons dinner table sleigh and cow bells house and rat traqs tinm and japanm vjaltor chains smiths and hand bellows c sic c aiso 12 ions english and swedes iron n it it 3 wanted a good bi to whom liberal w iges anf con stant employment will begrveft appli cation to be made to amanal m u- mora iron wo its may 2 182s mansionhouse hotel plhe subscriber informs his friends and the public that baviftg taken this large and commodous huse and its appurtenances in the centre of kingscoa and made preparations for entertaining travellers he hopes to be able by his attention and accommoda tions to render it an agreeable im sa- tisfciory place of entcrtaim for those who have been iu the habit of frequenting it under its former establish ment and others who may favour him with their custom no exertions shall be spared on his part to promve their comfort and merit their approbon john davy kingston feb 3 1828 or sale from half of lot no 13 3d concessoa of hjidmand district of newcastle conta 100 acres 40 of which are under niitivati- on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lot on a durable strear and a fine grove of pine timber adjoining also a comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars etc application may be nvtde to j g bethuhe esq cobourc or on the prenvscs to 7ih feb 1828 levi cole f j l each teeming mother anxious for her race would have no need then to beg for each birth the fortune of a facer since more would depend on the forma tion and bumps of the back than on the beauty and feature of e front of their tespective noddles in short as it is impossible for human imagination to portray the beneficial ie- sulis which may ensue from so impor tant a discovery so it is in vain for my pen to attempt to describe or even hint at them for it is already nearly worn to the stump in sketching this outline or prospectus oh that this discovery had been made by my father i should then have been long since richer thn rohsch id wisr than eldon and braver than welling ton for i am sure my mother from her great fondness for me would have pro cured a mould that contained he bumps of speculativeness studynativeness and courageativeness in a supei lathe de gree yours ypsilon manufacturer of craniological patent bumj moulds omea cottage 1st sept 1823 delicacy an affectation of nice feepng and sensibility often takes the place of true delicacy but is as distinct from it as grossness where there is any affecta tion or uni atural display of any quality cannot exist and a person who is ex hibiting continual fear of something un seen must have an imagination con stantly operated on by improper asso ciations there is no attribute of hu man nature more enchanting than deli cacy it is a fire burning on the altar of feeling purifying evejy emotion sending its softening radiance through evtuy sentiment shrinking sensitively from the atmosphere of known corrup tion and extinguishing only in the foul mayors english spelling book ust published and for sa at the chronicle ofiice an extent ve edi- fnn nf mavors spoil ng book btorffo typed from the 328th london edition- a d1827 havinga beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st m rch 1828 plans specifications of anewgaolcourthouse at hamiltondistrictof newcastle ttotice is hereby giventhat the jw undermentioned premiums are of fered to such persons as shall furnish the clerk of the peace for the approval of the magistrates of the district of new castle on or before the 1st day of oc tober next with plans specifications and estimates of a gaol and court house in one building to be hult in the township of hamilton at or near the present court house the first story of stone second and third stones of brick to contain criminal cells debt ors rooms gaolers apartments court room grand and petit jury rooms also rooms for offices lc such as are usually required in such a building he roof to be covered with tin he wh de expense not to exceed the sum of50 0 currency premium will be awarded as followsvi for the best and roost approved pi nc 15 2d do do 10 3d do do 5 t ward clerk ofhe peace n c district hamhon nc district 10 may 1828 books for sale at the chronicle office coming out by m porter the obriens and the oflateitys by lady morgan st valentines day or the fair maid ofperthfiy the author of waver- iy- youth and manhood of cyril thorn ton tales of a grandfather by the au thor of waverly broughams speech on the english law hoop iroa 1 in to 3j in wide bound iron assd cost crawley l c steel too sfe s 3 ft aoi 30 hnxch tin ic and ix 50 do sheet iron 20 bills double sheet irnn m csks wroi nails ssd j0 do cut assd jo casks spikes 3 to 7 inches 60 bdls iron wire assd 4 to26wirc ruage bake pans belly pots powder sheet and ttar copper sheet and bar lead anvils vices bellows pipes fire irons ace am an s patent chain cables from 4 inch to 1116 in anchobs all sizes english and ameri- nan window glass dry white and reh led do mixed in oil dry colours for painters use boild and raw linseed oil white and tard cordage pitch rosin and 0 iktim 100 dor follansbes grass and cradle scythes 50 philadelphia millsaws 0 doz- annes patent anal shovels griiusiones wagon and cart boxes trace aid log chains frying paiii 4 casks of rranufac- lured tin ware 6 fitering stones- the above articlch having all been re ceived will be sold wholesale or retail for cash or short approved credit on the most moderate terms j w atkins kingston june 14 1d28 n b country merchants are res pectfully informed that the above goods having been purchased on the most ad vantageous terms enables him to offer them any articles of shelf goods as low as they can be purchased in mon treal iron steal sec at a trifling differ ence from the montreal prices j w alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london estab lished by act of parliament caritat five millions sterling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as ietr agents in the county towns of tho different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs a fy wmorris co brochville james macfarlanc esq kingston james o bethune esq cobourg jrobt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with the alliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9lh in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed not exceeding the sum assured 10ih the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed will be large mckenziebethuneco agents montreal 28th sept 1326 port hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope july 3 1826 wackets for steerage passen- warehousing forward ing commission the subscriber respecfully informs the public that he has taken a lease of that large sorehouse wharf ill ths town recen ly occupied by messrs mccutchon grossman where he intends to carry on the above business and will be ready at the open ing of the navigation to receive and for ward coods produce c c to any port in the canadas he wh always have in his employ seworiliy boats navigated by careful and experienced bodtmen and his charges for transport will be as low as those of any similar establishment in the frovince the subscriber wdl also pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably to instructions archo mcdonell kingsron 14th much 1828 reference may be rmd to john kirby esq john macanlay esq kingston and robert stanton esq york t steamboat notice on lake ontario he public are informed that the steamboat queenston cupt whitney has commenced making her regular trips and will during the present summer leave the different ports as follows leave niagara for kingston brock- ville and prescott every thursday morning at eight oclock precisely ind leave prescott on hef return for brockville kingston york and niaga ra every sunday at six oclock a m arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors prescott by which passengers go- down will arrive in montreal on sa turday evening and passengers pro ceeding upwards will by leaving mon treal on saturday morning arrive in time at prescott to take the boat every endeavour has bren ued to render the accommodations an fare on board of the best description quoenston l4h april i28 gers only to sail on the 5th and 20ih of every month from liverpool for new york the ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations being very lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose test endeavours will be to pro- mole the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered to the facility and convenience of this establishment to persons residing at a distance by saving them much delay expense too often attending the uncer tain jfv1 trrtvr ffofltftttf hf v f sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure its continuance and success to irish emigrants this line es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it will extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canalsby which is secur ed the readiest and cheapest conveyance to either of the canadian provinces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macaulay esq kingston williamgam- ble esq york or james morris esq brockvihe upper canada new york mnrch 12 steam boat notice lake ontario steam boat niagara capt mosier will after the 15th current leave niagara for kingston bockville and prescott every satur day afternoon at 4 oclock on her return will leave presscott for brock vihe k york and niagara eveiy wednesday morning at 6 oclock arrangements have been made with messrs norton co stage proprie tors by which passengers going down arrive at montreal on tuesday evening and those proceeding upwardswill by leaving montreal on tuesday arrive at prescott to take the boat prescott 4 7une 1882 mjtotlce is hereby given that i x will exprse to sale by public auction at point nepean in the dis trict of bathurst on saturday the 30th day of august next at 11 oclock a m at forths inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugranted lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of land bordering on the gmnd or ottawa river above the chnudiere folk- p robinson york 20th july 1828 ernest town clcth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and the pub lic that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose of picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen clothssati- netts which they expect to have in ope ration in a few days this being the first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery of the best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub lic will duly appreciate the attempt to extend the domestic manufactures of the country and favour it with that patron age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured either on shares or at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish it on moderate terms isaac fraser david b brown enoch drake ernesttown 26th may 1828 new school we whose names are hereunto subscribed recommend mr ro bert offers as a man of capability and experience and fitted to superintend the education of youth not only bj theory but also by a long acquaints with the real and actual practice of wftat w thweforc beiieve it w be of advantage to a portion of the ri sing generation that he should under take such an employment george okill stuart archdeacon of kingston w fraser p p encouraged by the recommendation of the above venerable and rev cha racters and at the instance of a numer ous and respectable circle offriends tho subscriber has taken that most eligible and commodious school room in the house owned by mrs tapin pronounc ed tapau l minutes walk from the english church about the same dis tance from the french church and within a few paces of front street those parents who may feel dispos ed to commit their children to the svj- scribers care may restassured of having justice done to them as he intends to take but a limited number of pupils and is determined to make itthe inter est of parents to patronise him robert defers kingston may 12th 1828 wanted immediately at da vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of stone cutters to whom liberal wages will be giveneither by the day or foot with all tools found if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will be gi ven and regular payments made either by the month or week donald mcliver alngston nov 8 1827stone mason j10r sale on reasonable terms lot m no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of burgess in the coun ty of leeds in the johnstown district fi- fnrhiitnitirnlrtv amlr atibfet oriice kingston 24th may 1s28 the kingston chronicle is printed and published eveiy saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesdav noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion c7 produce received in payment at the market price agents john bigoell esq quebec david chishohne esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochicl r- cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brochville josiah taylor esq- perth h- whitmarsh esq richmond j k harwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald gananotruc r- w warffe esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellvilte joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara charlesbipgaresq canal rest murray thomas dorlandksq adolphuatowii

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