Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 29, 1828, p. 2

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proving i wopntinr of hoi nor imln i propriimut liovo i mtt ian i thai i iulicril from bill 1 never sau it ihorv any utinff in lav in i nvercmfcit u iiiijjmt d j scour igos mrifi online possessed liinds in riihcr idnally- i of mmtir v ilil mo relatione there llic stjltc of the elicit- in your o- isnorl fujstinil lnrouslillo lmvrr ivovinrn into the ippcr ihcliovo iho merchant are mil exposed to nity difficulty iwcsitisc where iitey have to pay n duty upon im portation it signifies nothing to thepnver where he pny it the province of ip pcr canadn has co ol plained of hejnie d- lt u viuca l i mate of the tenure tiois of property h i f tl i subjects from priveri of a part of the duties and disputes nd in that pro- have arisen between the provinces as to icro is much iltc t he distribution of the duties so collected lire fines upon inula- is the consmnptiou of foreign goocb bj the and the kenernl dislike two provinces similar or does ilicditlvr- trincu i itave found to prevail to living ence of the origin and manner of the in- uofler the prtttrli insiitutiuns and laws habitants create much difference in their ho you find iiiai dialike confined to die consumption tshotim thiuk ibattbc arti- ktikiiji population or it it common q elcsthra piy most duty are liquors ivinc die trench i certainly not the french spirits i should think there is more tt h i i ui popuhiiiti yeueh coi anxious to prese liar pos ts it not arc anxious to preserve their pecu institutions with as little alteration as simc is not the french population much more numerous than the english it is the french and kulish population are very little mixed and even where they reside mixed together as in towns the do not associate but form as it were distinct castes- lathe scigneurin part ofcaita- ne consumed in lowercftuftcia probably they distil trrain and consume less of lic iniporled spirits than the people who rn tjesrer ihe market audi at least was the opinion of the commissioners who met to determine the distribution of the duties be tween the provinces then in the arrangement of the duties do the taxes hear rather more henvily up on the lower canadians than upon the should now turn their attention to the shores ol fnke brio and its tributary stream uhrre they will undoubtedly find an abundant supply for many vestrs to conic ursbonhl think lo00ogt staves could be proeured in time lo pass throucb the eusuiug year quebec markcti the wcllsmd canal and from thence to ih thj t hroivicie a ingslon xov mur 2j 1628 dn along the brinks of the t lawrence cpper according lo llie relative pronor- thc trench population is pretty mucli tin- j tiuus of the population so fur as liquor mixed there is a mixture of english ego 1 should say so in regard to other population in some of the towns and in commodities i should thiuk that from the what arc called the kastern townships habits and the superior comforts of living a considerable extent of territory lying i of several of the people of i ppcr canada between the scineuries and the bounda- the reverse is the ease so that very pmba- ries of ihe province the population is bly the distribution ofthe commissioners partly of english anil partly of american was a fair one when they took population descent but generally called english as i as the criterion for the distribution of duties distinguished f french on importation you say that the fines upon the mutations are there any taxes upon lie transport of property are one of tho rcasous why j of goods from the interior there nodu- eoglisu people are indisposed to possess tie of any importance some goods are it can you state the amount of those fines the amount of the fines is 1 be lieve onetwelfth upon each transfer aud its injurious effect upou property which is improved is manifest at once because if a man purchases a piece of ground a mere garden for jllti to 300 and builds a house worth 1u0ihj upon it he pays the fine upon the additional value- docs tho onetwelftli go totheseiocur ii doe is the commerce of canada carried on chiefly by english people by the peo ple of english and scotch and what the canadians consider foreign descent speaking of english as including all others who art- nut nuacliaos to what circumstance do you attribute the canadians uot engaging in commerce it can only be matter of opinion there are some of them that are engaged in the inferior brandies of commerce they keep shops and are enraged in small country half taverns half shops but generally tbey are not a commercial those who have engaged in received from the united slates upon which there is a heavy duty charged do you mean goods transported from the territories of the i nited fftutes hi the south of the province yes ihe duties appear to have been intended to act as a prohibition aud they have so far operated as to be a prohibition of export by that channel which was one great cause of pro moting the canal which has been toil in ilio ttinin tilnc- yh to be continued construe- domestic mella i a iv a l have ever obtained auy aaiasscd much property by means thereof did they not while the fur trade took the direction ofthe st lawrcurc enjjagc very actively iu that brand as clerks servants aud voyageurs or canoemen theydid i cao speak to that from my own knowledge the fur trade to the northen couoiry was from the year 174 from tne st catharine 8 journal copy of a letter from our obliging corns pendent at ihe lhtp cut dutd monday evtioitig no 10 1828 11 dear sir yesterday moraine about 7 oclock a parr of the deep cut bank ex tending about 12 rods in front of i mpar- pcople and of i lands store on the haruvoll job settled commerce few i duwo nearly twenty feet carrying iu one distinction or of the machines and part of the wanu road orhihbank pressing the earth from the canal bottom where there was 4 feet water so that it now lies from 8 to 10 feet above the surface of the water this day again about uoun another slide of sixteen rods took place ou mr thompsons job on the west side of the canal arid about a quarter of a mile from the first more scri latest from exfllam wo are indebted to the albion for the following the packet ship wiva captain rennet- arrived from liverpool ou tues day by which we have received london papers lo the 17th ulr the intelligence from the seat of war is of the most disastrous nature for the russians the bioitcrdc or siejre of choun before which was the main rus sian army under count witgenejein has undoubtedly been raised and the troops comprising it forced to a rapid retreat lo wards the danube- the fate of varna is not yet known one account states indeed that provisions aud reiuforecments bad been throuu inio it nd that from the en feebled state of lite as ailauts it would now bid defiance to their fftorta for the present campaign no official or certain accounts however have been received sioce those of the 17th september when the fortress was momently expected to surrender yel the abscuce of positive accouuts leads to the direct inference tht it still holds out in fact ir is pretty clir from ihe dates that the place was not taken so late as ihe s5th of september- the campaign as far as regards ulterior offensive operations on the pmt of the riisians is at no end and if only remains to bo seen if varna and silibfriil cau yer be taken two ob jects vitally essential to the honour ami safety of the russian troops without the t ifttitur vat utiiutrctl jfttttctfvlia jniib will be deemed lo have received some tar nish and the army will he compelled to a retreat at once disastrous aud fatal for altllqih from its proximity to the sea it is better supplied w ill provisions thau the army recently before choumla it is known to be wjihout urage and geucrall io a bad stale to cmmreuce a retreat over a barren country followed as it will be by airisou of varna aud probably by the will be tuniht of this in r even by the friend of the canci- j w ill it not be coiistrncd into a spir oivcstlessurss disloyalty and turbulcuee x thecana- dians have always been mo anx tudis- claim what do his maty catholic subjects iu the colonics cooihtmof have they nor equal rights ami privilege with their protestant fellow subjv not eligible to nod do they n eo pj ces of honour and profit fsiift the seni or member of the council ii upper cana da a catholic and is not tt6 catholic in lower canada virtually tin dominant reli gion we may perhaps m some al lowance for tho national wirmth ami love of country with the irish ht this does not apply to french canadian we sincere ly hope now that somethim is really about to be done for ireland and iow that pros pects of peace and harmony do seem to be dawning on canada that nothing will he done either to nv r the one or dissipate the other one of the canadian deputies just returned from england is ifully impressed with the present fortuitous aspect of affairs aod deeply sensible of the txcclleut inten tions of the british government he we are happy to learn mronglj disapproves of tin attempt to excite the we fervently hoi popular feel that its evil aud felt by lose who have the gootfofthe country ler huein hacha wli o is or 1733 to the year i 21 carried ou wholly j ousthaii the otliar by an association called the north west i these are alarming sympmos ofihe in- company and although the partners of stability of the foundation upou uhieh this that company were always chosen by a bed of clay rests and which it grrms tiut regular system of promotion of meritori- j be nearly cut through and so weakened as ous clerks i believe only four canadians to bo unable to sustain the great n eight ot ever came to be partners ofihe company earth resting upon it and one of them through a circumstance of family connexion 1 have uo objection to state the fact but it is not of any mo meat and it might offend the party hut ihe inferior servants were almost ubollv canadians v hen you say that the inhabitants of the lulish townships and the english juhahitants of ibi lnwnin homrfnn are desirous of knglih law in preference j to french law do you mean that they wish for the english law nf primogeniture 1 aud the euglish forms of conveyancing or that they wish for the english law as it is established iu the united states i should think that those who are not law yers do not exactly enter into tbedifiicuu ties relating to the english form of convey- auciug and the other difficulties of the en glish law are we to understand that they wish for the english law as it is practised iu the siates of vermont aod new york yes it is only in that way that they have a knowledge of it i should say that iu the water was in a fair way ofgettiog through before christmas auti still think that unless further slides continue lo take place it mey yet be done this season the day previous to the above mention ed unfortunate aod uufoisccu cvvm the whole of the deep cut was excavmed to towpath level with the exception of abnui 40nrpfl rfcitins frnn tlw lmvr mj where it is the deepest cuttiug tlo excava tion of the canal from towpath to bottom fcwjins beeo steadily progressing upwards or towards the wcllaud for 12 niontbspasl under the supcrintendance of those faith ful and industrious contractors it da vis donaldson and filled with water as fast as completed by means of ad urn across the canal some distance below thereby re taining a sufficient supply from ihe spring floods their method of disposing of the earth is by scows from whence it is thrown overboard in such places ns will not interfere with the navigation of winch there are abundance close at baud which has proved to be n far cheaper and more speaking of english law they may be con- j expeditious plan for taking out the bottom ered to mean aud merely to wish for i than raising it to the top ofihe bank adja cent for this reason it was determined to opeo a ditch through such parts as were not 6nihed this fall of 14 feci wide and 4 feet deep to omit the passage of scows for carrying offtheremfriniug earth iu ihe sprin which it was judged might easily the 7lthi men aft issuing from the ikukau passes in pursuit of wittgenstein the urgency of ibis cap ture is ofihe most imminent kind for in dependently of the exhausted state of the army before it that army is momentarily liable to a flank attack from hussein pa cha who would place it between himself tl e fortress site tin sea m e shall not be surprised to hrr then by toe next arrivals of a desperate attack having been made upou it lor evu if carried at the cost of 21000 men u would seem to be a lessor evil rhauthat jfa retreat the capture of varna would krtp hussein pacha in check relieve the fl v troops of wittgenstein secure a place of safely for the army be sieging it appease the discontent said to exist amnnij th soldiers and open the wa to atvramplo l e uexr cemjaiju frrhatd r are truly new iog and tendency will be at once seen alh at henrt albion his excellency lieutenant general sir peregrine maitland k g 1 cover nor of nova scotia and saite arrived iu town from york upper canada onsuu- day and took lodging at tie city hotel sir peregrine is attended ly lieut col coffin who we believe retorns to cana da and the hon robert boyle of his majestys fijth keimeot atddecamp lieut col hillicr hue private secretary and aiddeeauip to his lxceileucy and recently appointed deputy quarter mas ter general at jamaica hib lady aud fami- lyy accompany sir peregrine and lady mnithtnd to halifax from whence they will embark for the west indies the part who are all in good health loft town on illurbuty ly tile lcaui outl or iumii where the chebucto a government ves sel is waiting to carry them tonova-sco- tia mr t m moore proceeded to bus- ton by the same conveyance the provincial parliament ot lower canada me on the 2 1st instant for the despatch of business twl- lowsng is ills excellencys speech at opening of ihe session legislative council chamber that mllc lime rcl hi is mi a hmich tlil that the rnt u exiteb has in a c use may mcreci to mean alia 11 nn exemption from the disadvantages thc feel nuder the trench law does tbesyem of french law which prevails iu montreal and quebec materi ally affect or nnpede the coenmcrcial pur suits iu lower canada it creates very considerable difficulties in many respects the want of a bankrupt law a he effected by the first of may i wfan ud of any afnrand soft channtl would be omenta for provision for arranging insolvent estates jrrw to pas from one ink to the other causes considerable commercial debts by everv contract notar pa ifficnlty in recovering i a considerable portion of the heaviest the system where part ofihe work has bten entirely con pie entered into before a j ted on the first plan aud had in use by the e a real security upon contractors for some time mitl nut the ti held to i the whole of a mans estate mikes it qiflt- lottst indications of instability in the banks cult to know when a debt is secured or j have yet been observed butou the contra not because en instrument iu the po amon session ofan obscure notary or the papers of a deceased notary may be produced of any dale almost forgotten by the irranter of ii and unless formerly can celled it amounrs to a mortgage over the whole of his property- does that pievent the practice ofleud- ius noney upcii nortgi f0 it does undoubtedly because it is impossible lo know when you can safe lend rtoney and it also throws so much doubt upon titles that it has mode the system almost universal there of tranfering property un der a sherifts sale which after a certain time sets oside all alledgeil hypothecary security and iu fact shcrihs sales are so general that if you take up a canada newspaper panicularly the iucbec oa- zrtie you generally ee half of it occupied with sheriffs sales are you acquainted with the district of lowtc oada uuowu by ihe name of the townships have never been there in feet tl cy are tnacccbsible to travellers nod can i ulj be visited iu the sumiiicr on font or on horseback aud in the whiter whtu ihe now ltiitlb re jrood there be u no roads between tbciu and the bank of tiic river an the merchants who import goods for lp par canada exposed to uu difficul ty or to any unfair luxutiou iu the trau- ry remain apparently ttonbm the mils- it is far above this towards the wclland where the cuttiug is comparatively shal low that ihe quicksauds have tended to loosen ihe foundation of the canal and caused the avalanche of earth above des cribed aud from the description given we should think that the only ua to ren der it permanently safe will he to have the defective portions well timbered and piled in the same style only on a more extensive scale as such places arc secur ed on the newyork canals in which there is no difficulty other than extra time and expense- notwithstanding thce casual ties unless still greater ones occur u hicli the public shall have due notice think there can be no doubt but the canal will he opened for navigation curly in the ensuing season therefore ineivbautsand others on the upper lakes and tlsewbcre who arc desirous of availing thcuisclyes of this how channel for the transportation of their commodities to market will do well to make their arrangements ami be prepa red to take tho benefit of the same a early as possible lumber partictai iy pipe staves brings a fair pi ice iu quebec and we understand is a profitable i usiness as most of the oak timber convenient to and below lake ontario has ucn made use of for ibis purpose those on n who have heretofore been engaged iu udstrallick of we happy to s me more tranquil winch a short rreat measure subsided- till cause may he ascribed to ihe joiut effect- nf he lord lieutenants proclamation ad mr oconncps address the follow in fruni the courier of the lith october- hud shewn thai the country i becoming more peaceable daiv as it wrtsmiy tbinjr bur peaceable beforo the lord lieu tenants proclamation fur had it been so thai proclamation iroidd never have beeu issued aud the institution of tl e bruns wick clubs we must attribute hc impio ved stare of the country to the procij-ma- uon and to the clubs 44 the catholic ssoeiatiou has not been put down still holds its sittings hut its power of doing mischief seems to have been curtailed if nut extinguished mr lawless it will be seen has been restored to tranquility by a very summary process- liverpool ocl 18 arrest of mr law less my the freemans journal of yester day which we have juit received we icrru that dublin was thrown inoa stale ofvorj great excitement by the arrest of mr lawless- mr lawless was taken in to custody on a charge of sedition by mr farreh under a warrant from judge bur ton mr l accompanied by ah shiel mr- rrady mr stanton and others at- trudcri the police office to the judges chambers where be gave hail himself in 500l and two sureties in a like sum for hisappcaranee ai the next assizes for the county kfinnghani aud was then released from custody we regret to announce the death of the qtrcn vow ager of wuitemhnrg the prio- ccs itoyal of lninnd and eldest sister of his present majesty her death took in uermanv on the ftli october to the great grief of all her illustrious family her majesty was iu her i3d year married to the bite kin ol imt was urtendiurh may 1797 she visited england a short lime previous to her death 1 r i we observe with regret that the in cauada heretofore in opposition local government are identifying selves with the irish catholic question aud apparently attempting to introduce that un fortunate controversy into lower canada there are two very cogent rcasous why this step should not bo taken first because ihe grievances complained of at home do quebec november 21 1825- th is day at two oclock hu excellency sir james kempt came d wn in s t to the legislative council chamber and he ir g eemed on the throne the gentlert ushcr of the black rod was sentdwi the house of assembly to command t ieir attendance before his kxcellencvi and tb vt house beiig come up the speaker of l legislative council said gentlemen of the asscmhly 1 am comma n led by hi excellency o inform you that he does not nee fit inde- cl are the causes for which he has anmtnnttetl i r i ij j- h a speaker of the asmbly diily elected am approved and i arn further com manded to enquire whether you have pro ceeded to the election of n speaker and ii yu have upon whom your choice has fallen to which mr- papinean replied may it please your excellency iu obedience lo his majestys com mands the house nf assembly has proceed ert t the election of a soeker 2nd i am the person upon whom their cm ico has fal len i respectfully pray ibut it may dese yur excellency lo give your approbation to their choice- upon which the speaker f the legisla tive council sad mr papineau w i am commanded by hip excellency to acquaint you that he approves the choice which the assembly hs mde of you o be their speaker sndrcliue npon your loyal ty talents ard discretion kdoth allow and confirm vour election mr ppineau then made the usual claim to th privileges of the assembly to which his excellencys assent was given in the ac customed form his excellency was then pleased to open the session with the following speech gentlemen of the leei council gentlemen of the aupm of assembly hifi majesty having been mosl graciously i pleased lo confide to me thtf government of this important colony u ifford me great satisfaction to meet vou provincial parlinntent psacej in a tance at a i cannot but feel ih t very afdouil duties are imposed upon me duties indeed which i should deapnir ol beiic iblv 0 discharge to the satisfaction of hu majtv rtldhisfdlth- fnl atd loyal mibjects ihe iihamtanteof this province if i did not look f with a sanguine hope lo ihe enjry of your confidence and your cordial cooperation in my administration of the g withiaita eod tutdcretifhding between tliediflwet branches of be legisbiture the public affiirs of the colony cannot you party to rhe thein- situatinn of po mu h impor- rid ot peeumnr difficulty i t very ar i prosper the evils wlinharf- k expenen- iioi exitt ii ho colonics and secoiully cl cannot b- efleciiiihv fweds the pros because there is the hest reaon forbeliev- pe axd welfare of his mjestyv canadi an bubjeits cannofbe prort ad yu iny llierefre believe tw nn exertions promote con- clllhtlol iu that the british oovemmout is about to liriuc forward some general measure for the rcliefof his alaicstys romau catholic subjects there is moreover apart front lite idsupcmme uhjeelinn to the iuiroducti- ou of new matlvr of controversy into a country already sullleicntly distracted au obvious impolicy in the act pctitioningbs the canadiaus are at this moment for the removal of difficulties of their own and at a mini cm too when dl they ark it would seem is about to be granted them vhat will be spared on my prt ciliatiorby measnre in wh lhe undoubt ed prerogatives ol he crew y con stitutional 1iivilegca wil be equally res pected his majestyv gnvernmei has however relieved me hum the respof attend ant upon any measures to b- f f te adjustnent of the financial omcukjes thai have unfortunately occurs ald l ball mrs nowmpii who was slot by a des perate penij by the name ol johusou m vvihiamst on thursday and rcspectt whose fate the public mind is so intensely wrought up was still alive this morning lhe is uottmitiinply and skillfully attend ed by dr king one of the balls it is re ported has lodged in ihe spine and pro duced a paralysis of the lower part of the body take an earlv opportunity of conveying to von bv memvtge a communication from ills majesty which i have been specially com manded lo make to vou upon the subject of the appropriation ofihe provincial revenue it v ill he my duty to lay at the same time before you the views of his majestys gov ernment upon other fopies connected with the government of this province to which the attention of the ministers ol the crown has been called you will see in them proof of the earnest desire of his majestys government to provide as far a- may be practicable an effectual remedy for any case of re 1 grievance and you may rely on my affording you every assistance towards the elucidation of any questions which may arise for discussion in the course of your pro- 1 eedings gentlemen of the house of assembly i shall direct the accounts of the provin cial revenue and expenditure for the last two years to be laid before you as soon as possible with every explanation respecting them which it is in my powerto afford you gentlemen of the legislative council gentlemen of the house of assembly relying on your zeal and diligence in the discharge of your legislative duties i feel persuaded that you will give your immediate attention to the renewal of such useful acts as may have recently expired and indeed to all matters of public interest that may ap pear to be of pressing necessity and impor tance possessing as yet but an imperfect knowl edge of the great interests of the province and the wants of its inhabitants i refrain at the present time from recommending to you measures of public improvement which it will be my duty to bring under your consid eration at a future day in all countries however good roads and other internal com munications a general system of educa tion established upon sound principles and a well organised efficient militia force are found to be so conducive to the prosperity the happiness and the security of their in habitants that 1 maybe permitted to men tion them at present as objects of prominent utility but an oblivion of all past jealousies and uijseiisiuiis i the list great step towards ini- provementofiny kind and when that is happily accomplished and the undivided at tention of the executive government and the legislature shall be given to the ad vancement of the general interests of the province in a spirit of cordial cooperation there is no reason to doubt that lower-ca- nada will rapidly advance in prosperity and emulate ere long the most opulent and flourishing portions of the north american continent for the early period of its arrival as for the diversity of its character on the is lli the thermometer stood for several hours 15 below the freezing point at 12 oclock on saturday last a violent snow storm set in which continued all night and rendered sleighing generally good until thursday when the rain fell in torrents leaving at this day little ves tige of our intrusive visiter the niagara steam boats are all laid up for the season while the dalkousie sir james kempt am toronto perform their usual trips with their accustomed regularity despatch no ice having as yet formed to interrupt the progtcss of their enterprising navigators captain bcthunes troop of cavalry paraded on the common opposite st andrews church on tuesday last notwithstanding the unparalleled seve rity of the weather upwards of forty of this fine corps attended the muster who in point of equipment and soldierlike appearance would do credit to a cavalry parade in any country dr dunlop of the canada compa ny arrived in town last night from york and proceeded this morning in tho sir james kempt steamboat for mon treal ie the earlof dalkousie the chal lenges fngaie arrived in leith roads from quebec on the 5ih of october having on board the right honorable the carl op dalhousig late gover- or general of the north american provinces the challenger was only 2 days on her pflssnire his jjxcciuncy hir john colborne we learn by ihe loyalist proceeded on the lsth inst to the head of the lake as far as ihe town of hamilton visiting burlitglon heights and the works on the wflland cflwtl w fire we regret to state that the valuable brewery owned by thomas dalton esq m p commonly called the kingston brewery was destroyed by fire on wednesday evening last we are informed it was insured at the pro tection insurance oflice hartford conn for750i religious ad we understand that the sum assured is upwards of 800 the commercial advertiser has the following from hull fax ami st john wo have received a variety of nova scotia and new- hmnswick papers to the 4th inst it is an nounced that the british government is a- bout to send out 10000 stands of aims for the militia of newbruuswick tho cou rier of st john asks does this look like a disposition or in tention on the part of great britain to re linquish the possession ofauy of her north american colonics highly interesting toall who wish to promote improvement among the indians and destitute settlers in canada voder the patronage of the duke of sus sex the duke of bedford lord bexley and others highly respectable in church and state a society has been foroied id great britain for the promotion of edu cation and industry iu this country the object of the society is to train up teachers aud assist in promoting education aod in dustry among the indians am destitute set tlers in both provinces of canada two years ago an auxiliary to this socie ty was formed in montreal under the pa tronage of tho karl of dalhousie soon after i female branch of the institution was formed under the patronage of the coun tess of dalhousie iu quebec kingston ifjhnwtn bffuwfl wiwma w we learn from good authority says very little bas been done iotlmj the niagara herald that a regiment of province to aid the institution what has troops are to be stationed at this post been done in the lower province will ap- m j pear by the reports ofthe societies at moa- the ensuing summer that tho worts at the short hills are to be abandoned and fort mississagua to be finished af ter the original plan ihis we learn has been done by our present colonial se cretary sir geo murray who is well acquainted with the local situation of e observe by tho niagara gleaner that four companies ofthe troops ofthe untied states had arrived at fort ni agara two companies wereit is said lo proceed immediately to sockets harbor treal and quebec copies of which have been circulated this society is calculated to do great good to the indians and emigrants for whom all good people must deeply feel but however anxious we may feel for our red brethren as lord isexley called them yet great care must bef taken that we do not hurt them this lns been the effect of this frontier and ofthe importance of i most attempts which have been made a- its defences should the above prove 1 mon te indians aid the same remarks correct which we have little reason to doubt we will again be enlivened by the bustle attending an active military may be made respecting assistance grant ed to emigrants assistance in both cases must be afforded by teaching them to liv up in their own earnings we very much need a set of teachers who are qualified and post it will give new life to our town disposed to go among the indiaus and new and bring to our recollection the days settlers who would shew them daily what r r ci i h1-i- true religion is by their own example on of am lang sync as a military plau masicrand his aposl post we say without fear of contradic- taught on this plan elder case peter lion that niagara is the most delightful j junes the messrs ryersons and others in upper canada are now labouring to assist and healthy situation in lpper canada tbe neklecte and numerous tribes of pure air the best of water fruits of all kinds in their season and every ne cessary tojtive comfort to man the c ivd war wjiich has for some time agitated our neighbours of the united states may now be considered as closed the victory is decidedly in favour of general jackson and his ad herents martin van duren is to be the suc cessor of the celebrated de wit clin ton as governor of tho stute of new- yoik it is a circumstance worthy of notice that the effects ofthe late go vernor clinton were recently sold at sheriffs sale in albany to pay his pri vate debts yes the debts of a man who devoted his whole life icgardlcss of his own private interests to the service of his country a min lo whoso memory every stale in the union ought to raise a monument but republican ingratitude is proverbial the weather for the last ten days his exhibited a specimen of a canadian winter almost unprecedented as well the long neglected and numerous indians travel among the indians all who will take the trouble to in canada and the united states where this plan has been introduced must he highly gratified to open as sooo as possihle a semina ry to train up tearhers on this plan of unit ing manual labour with mental cultivntion is the object of a meeting to be held in the masonic hall on monday next when it is expected that such statements will be made as will induce many to leud the proposed institution their patronage and support the chair will be taken at seven oclock ladies and gentlemen are invited to attend without cards or further notice this meeting is called by the request of several friends to the indians and particu larly by the desire of the agent of the a- bove uamed society io loudon the a- grnt is now in towo and will attend the meeting communicated u e loyalist married on wednesday the 26th inst by the rev thomas haudcock a b- lieutenant charles jones of tho royal navy to jane only daughter nf lieutenant colonel jodes c b commanding 71st highland light infantry obituary notice drowned whilst bathing at the island of madeira 00 the2glh september last in the sotli year of his age captain tho hon william pitt canning r n eldest surviving sou of tbe- late right lion george canning dili la the female benevolent so cietys hospital on the 25th iiistnnt john kerry a uative of ireland agod iri i 1

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