to the editor of the u c herald in looking over your paper of last wed nesday i observed that you had taken some pains to sum up the nnmbers of those persons who had signed valedictory ad dresses to our late lieutenant governor atid that you had closed your article with the following remark li it appears by the foregoing statement that about3000 persons one third of whom are probably not freeholders have signed the addresses tu sir peregrine maitland the population of upper canada is esti mated at 200000 so that his excellency bore with him the signatures of almost one- sixtieti part of the inhabitants over whom he governed for the last ten years now sir give me leave to say that in these remarks you have strangely forgotten that candour and fairness which ought to distinguish an editor of a paper which frofesses to be the most temperate in the rovince particularly at the present pe riod your remarks would induce your readers to suppose that there were 200000 persons in this province who being free holders or male adults are fit and proper to sign addresses now this sir you must know is not the fact and if your re marks have the teudeocy which i contend they have they must produce a false im pression on the public mind according to the census of the present year the popu lation of the province is nearer 180000 than 200000 and if for women and chil dren wemake a deduction according to what i conceive to be the estahlised rule in such calculations the number of male a- dulis in the province must be computed at perhaps 60000 this i consider a very liberal allowance the proportion then which those who subscribed bear to those who did not subscribe is as 1 to 20- there 3s some difference between a twentieth and a sixtieth certainly but even that is in my estimation a matter of little moment my only object is to expose the effects of your remarks for they really are not to he admired either as regards their temper or tbeirdrift a valedictory address is a mark f respect which is due to a governor who jbas conscientiously discharged his high functions for the long space often years audi feel confident that had time and op portunity afforded a majority of the male inhabitants of the province would have of fered this tribute of respect to sir pere grine mahland and why sir should grammar sf commercial school- wm kennedylatc english teach er district school master will open on monday the first december next at that spaici- ous room in rear of the mansion howse hotel storestieet terms pr quarfler english grammar geography v d m aj cation and bookkeeping elementary instruction writing kingston 28th nov 1828- ish grammar geography d ips at globes history elo- ft n lion writing arithmetic j w d bookkeeping and 0 15 0 o they net is rt not perfectly notorious that sir pereotoe maitland was sincerely aoxi- ousto promote the welfare ol the province has any one questioned his good intensions has not the province thriven in an emi nent degree during his administration and though party spirit may of late years jiave been very active can it be said that sir peregrine was thereby induced to relax in his watchfulness over our best interests no sir men may differ in their views of the policy of his measures but assured- iy none can doubt the excellence and pu rity of his motives in pursuing them the number of siguatures to the ad dresses sir is to be sure not very great they do not constitute a majority of the inhabitants but i may ask on what si milar occasion that has been the case at all events sir you cannot question the mncerityoi the testimonials of respect and esteem presented to his excellency as his sun had set in this province to rise and shed its rays over a wider horizon no impure motives could mingle with the no bler sentiments of gratitude and affection which sir peregrines upright conduct had inspired and 1 therefore jipesir that you will not afford occasion to put into your moirth the language of miltons fallen an gel in his apostrophe to the glorious orb of to thee j call but with no friendly votie ami add thy name sun to tell thee how i hate thy beams l eugene j ohn watkdts ffers his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for the liberal encouragement he has met with for several years pastand begs to inform them that he has this season received by the ship montreal from liverpool sixty casks and cases of hardware cutlery c which has been selected from the first manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton c among which are as follows tea kettles saucepans 5628 14 and 7 lbs weight ditto in sets 4 lbs- down lo oz saddle trees bitts buckles tind japand and plated girth roller and straining web and every article in the saddlery line stamp d brass curtfiin pins commode knobs turn buckles bed screws c horn lanthorn leaves rivets saucepan handles and ears teapot knobs candlestick springs and every article used by tinmen carpenters and coopers axes and adzes table and desert knives and forks britannia metal tabic and tea spoons ditio iron tind britannia metal and iron tind ladles pocket and pen knives scissors razors kent lath and shoe hammers flemish tacks lucks of all sorts round and flat bolts screws butt h and hl hinges coffin furoi- ure steelyards assortment of files white wash shoe and scrubbing brushes tea trays cuissels and gouges plane irons pinner table sleigh and cow bells house and bat traqs tinm and jfftpabm malter chains smiths and hand bellows c c c aiso public notice is hereby given that from and after this date messrs john torrance and co are ful ly authorised to settle all claims due to ihe estate of the lalcmrdaniel fisher and that mr george munro of york and mr james lockhart of niagara are also authorised to settle all claims due to the said estate in upper canada montreal 1st nov 1828 signed john fisher by his attorney john mackenzie john torrance john mackenziie wlluam lunn f or side at the chronicle office a few copies of the atlantic souvenir a christmas new years gift for 1829 also the token ackermans forget me not jf ands for sale jli on the canal route hetweeu the ottawa and kingston being lot 32 in the 10th concession of pittsburgh about 16 or 17 miles from kingston containing 200 acres of good arable land wellsituated foranlno the public road passing across the south end and the cranberry creek passing through the north application maybe made to francis a harper esq k i ngstou nov t 1826 lount i 2 3 30 50 20 00 30 20 50 kingston assembly the first kingston assembly will be hold at walkers hotel on mon day evening the 1st december next by order jas macfarlane secretary in o v c u b ftr w en flfilhe public are requested to take notice 11 that evening service on sunday next 3 for the leniaioder of the season will commence at two oclock p m- in tot georges church rlituustiiinthjiiinili ferati 5 n hoop iron 1 in to fl in wide round iron assd t cast crawley l c steel tons shot i 2 3 4 b and bb boxes tin ic and ix do sheet iron bdls double sheet iron casks wrot nails assd do cut assd casks spikes 3 to 7 inches bdls iron wire assd 4 to 26 wire foliage bake pans belly pots powder sheet and bar copper sheet and bar lead anvils vices bellows pipes fire irons ac ram an s patent chain cables from inch to 1116 in anchors all sizes english and ameri can window glass dry while and red lead do mixed in oil dry colours for painters use boild and raw linseed oil white and tarm cordage pitch rosiu and oi kum loo doz follansbes grass and cradle scythes 50 philadelphia millsaws 10 doz aimes patent canal shovels grindsiones wagon and cart boxes trace and log chains fning pans 4 casks of manufac tured tin ware 6 fitering stones the above articles having all been re ceived will be sold wholesale or retail for cash or short approved credit on the most moderate terms 4tlmya j wativiins kingston june 14 12s n b country merchants are res pectfully informed that the above goods siuvjng ticuu ujtfciilsta im ad vantageous terms enables him to offer them any articles of shelf goods a low as they can be purchased in mon treal iron steal c at a trilling differ ence from the montreal prices j it furs and skins wanted at the stores of the subscriber in kingston and at cipe vincent all kinds of shipping and hatting furs also deer skins and horns cattle homsc for which cash or goods will be paid henrys phinny kingston nov 1st 1s28 stoves ust received and for sale at the 9 store of the subscriber- small as sortment of stovesconssting of cooking franklin boxnd nine plate alsoon handa quantity of stove pipe of differ ent sizes togelherwith a general assort ment of tin ware which will be sold wholesale or retail at reduced prices henrys phinny kmgston nov 1st i62s smofctf jycottov ooobh just received and for sale at the soe of the subscriber at cape vincent a few bales of 34 and 44 shirting and sheeting also a quanti ty of coarse and fine shoes which will be sold low to country merchants for cash or furs henry s phinny kingston nov 1st 1328 adjutant gneruvs ojfue york u c 7th nov 1828 j miit1a general orders commanding officers of militia corps will forward to this office without delay a nominal list of men between the ages of nineteen and thirtynine inclusive enrolled 5n their respective regiments or battali- these returns will be made out with great attention as arms and accoutrements will probably be supplied by his majestys government for the number of men ot the above description by command of his excellency tl lieutenant governor wohara a a gen mil 41 midland dtstmct i itis order- town or kingston v ed that the follow- to wit s in rule be added to the market regulations 14 auy person or persons exposing any articles for sale in the market house or on the market place on sundayschrist- mas day or good friday shall pay afine of five shillings for each offence it is ordered that the sixth regula tion relating to the general police be a- meuded by inserting therein the word ride so that the same shall read as follows 0th that any person who shall lean ride or drive any horse or carnage upon any nagged sidewalk except at the en trance of gate shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five shilling by the magistrates in session 10th november 1828 warehousing forward ing commission business the subscriber respecfully informs the public that he has taken a lease of that large storehouse wharl in this town recently occupied by messrs mccutchon crossman where he intends to carry on the above business and will be ready at the open ing of the navigation to receive and tor- ward goods produce c cvc to any port in the canada he will always have in his employ seaworthy boats navigated by careful and experienced boatmen and his charges for transport will be as low as those of any similar establishment in the f rovince the subscriber will also pay every attention to the disposing of property that may be intrusted to his careagree- ably to instructions archn mcdonell kingston 14th march 1828 ff reference may be made to john kirby esq john mcanly esq kingston and robert stanton esq york government contracts itotice is hereby given that i tenders will be received at this office until thursday the 4ih of de cember next at noon for the under mentioned materials required and work to be performed for the ordnance de partment being foi services included in the appioved annual estimates for the year 2i viz the cartage that may be required for every branch of the ordnance du ring ooe year from the 25th december 1828 the tenders are lo state the respective rates per day that will be charged for one two or more horses with drivers and carriages suitable to the service to be performed for supplying the royal engineers at this post and dependencies during the same period with any quantity thai may be required of the undermentioned articles viz oak and pine timber scantling boards plank laths shingles and cedar pickets brilks charcoal lime sand hair and also for the performance of such paint nnd ghirs work as mav be required specificationsof the above can be seen at this office as well as that of the commanding royal engineer the tenders which can be obtained from the commissariat must he sealed and endorsed tender for cartage timberc as the casemjybe all prices to be stated in sterling and payment to be made in british silver money or in bills at 30 days sight on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 sterling for every 101 10s due upon the contract two sureties will be required for the performance of each contract whose real signatures must be affixed to the tenders the principals to attend at the time of opening fhe same and it will be required that they themselves or agents duly authorised on their behalf shall reside in the town of kingston who will bo held responsible for the ex ecution of all such orders as may be jnohare ac g kingston 3d november 1829 splendid views of american scenery on friday the 10th of october w be published byt k greeuhanfcno 64 spruce street philadelphia a volnine ofspleudid views of american scenery viz 1 a view ofbccks shot towcron the schuylkill near philadelphia adjacent scenery 2 a view of the light hnufip m long island sound with the adjacent sce nery 3 a view of york on lake ontario with the fortifications 4 characteristic scenery on the hud son river 5 view of new london connecticut with the adjacent scenery 6 vjews of lemon hill near phila delphia the seat of henry pratt esq 7 the tomb of washingtonat al vernon 8 view at the great bend of the pus- quehanna 9 view of the upper falls of soloojons creek luzerne county pa 10 view of the lower falls of solo mons creek 11 view of the cattskill mountains from the hudson 12 view of fort niagara on lake ontario from the light house on tho bri tish side those views are executed in the best style of philadelphia engiavingfiom draw ings made upon the spot each plate will be accompaoied by a full and accu rate description thereof so as to make it perfecty intelligible to every person the work will he printed and issued to subscribers in the first style on superior paper and with a handsomely printed co ver and delivered to subscribers at tho ve ry low price of one dollar per copy flexible covers will be used for country susci ibers so that they can be afcfely sent by mail ct any gentleman postmasters and others who will interest themselves to procure ten subscribers and remit lodol- lars to the koiior shall receive twelve co pies from the very oatteriue patronage already received 120 subscribers having put dowu their names this volume will probably be succeeded by another as soon as other plates can be engraved all or ders from the country will be promptly at tended to qy auy editors who will insert the a- bave afew times and forward a copy o his paper containing the advertseniout directed saturday bulletine philadel phia shall receive a copy of the views immediately ou their publication ost on monday evening last by sla gunner gordon mkay of capt- faddys company royal artillery a silver watch no 154 with a steel chain six cold scls 2 gold keys and a ring attached whoever has found the same and will deliver them to the owner shall receive a reward of 2 october 25 128 government work required a few goodquar- rymen to be employed by the royal engineer department par ticulars of the work etc may be obtain ed on applying at thc engineer office john hare assist com gen kingston 6th august 1928 ttotice ah persons indebted jj to the estate of the late ceorge macaulay esq are requested to make immediate payment and those having any claims against the said estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simon h macaulay esq of bath who is authorised to setr tie all accounts relating to the said es tate james b macaulay executor york 1st oct 1828 mansionhouse hotel to be let for one or more years and possession given the first of october next for particulars apply lo mr jacob hercbmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kingsto 21st aog 1828 removal elesslie sons beg leave 9 to inform their friends andlhe public that they have removed to that shop adjoining mr j g parkers store street kingston 15th sept 1828 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and curly maple lumber deliverable al his mills 12 miles west of ancastcr or at kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be duly at tended to james johnston december 22d 1827 t cataraqui bridge oince kingston 9th oct 1828 at a meeting of the board of di rectors this day it was resol ved that a further instalment o 10 per cent upon the capital stock subscri bed shall be called in payable at this office on or before monday the 10th day of november next geo f corbett secy and treasurer contract for empty casks vt is hereby given that tcn- 1 ders will he received at tins olhce until the 11th day of december next from ucii persons a mav uc iviiiuikui tuuvriw for the purchase of such empty pun cheons hogsheads and pork barrels as may be at the disposal of the commissariat at this post from the 25th december 1828 to the 24th decem ber 1829 the proposal must be made m the pre scribed form which may he obtained on ap plication at this office and they mustbear the signatures of two respectable persons who will become responsible for the due performance of such agreement as maybe entered into- john hare a cg commissariat office kingston 8th nov 1828 otice there is now in the steam boat niagara- for the future passengers onboard the niagaia will be charged as follows cabin passage from prescot o 0 0 to york arid niagara j ditto from kingston to do do 2 0 0 cabin passage from prescott to kingston as formerly- deck passage from prescott j q to york and niagara- s ditto from kingston to york q q and niagara s from prescott to kingston as formerly kingston 1st september 182 notice 7 a well recommended medical gentleman of sound british prin- in of jl possession of mr charles wil son poundkeeper at barriefiew in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay horse shon tail formerly- belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according to law barriefield kith sept 128 to be sold hat valuable tavern stand in the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising a substantial stone house with stable ohcr apurtennces situated on lot no 88 63lvotinngthe court house and containing twofifths of an acie this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 15th october next the same will on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public auc tion and sold without reserve the ti tle is indisputable conditions to bo made known at the time of sale apply to the proprietor on the pre mises or to m moran auctioneer kingston 2d august 1828 n b- air walker would inform his frieuds that he in the meantime willcou- duct the business of the house as usual and takcs this opportunity of returning his thanks to his friends and the public for tho liberal support which he has always expe rienced front them o rent for a term of years immediate possession given tho property at present in the occupation of john grant in barriefield consisting of a good dwelling housebake house barn and other out houses with the land attached the property will b- leased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to the editor of the kingston chronicle kingston 5th may 1s26 notice to emigrants persons desirous of settling in upper canada may procure lands on tho island of tr-iuisituat- ed in luke ontaro 9 miles above kingston there are seven thousand acres yet unoccupied wjich will be either sold or lccftd upon reasonable terms the siluaton is pleasant and the soil generally of an excellen quality furl her information may he obtained by application o richd hitch- ins esquire residing on the island or loa k johnson eq at prescott montreal june 2 1s2s n b a steamboat passes the is- iii llnee mines a weoit g o vernment no vice ooi stone cutters will j find employment in the royal engineer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hare assish com gen commissariat kingston 18th aug 1828 s tt otice the subscribers will j- pay the following prices for pork imd flour in cash on deliveiy at their establishment at xoues falls south ciosby rideau canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the hoe weight from 150 to 200 lbs 21s cd ditio to from 2 to 3c0 lbs 22s 6d for flour in the bairelfine 21s 3d do do middling iss gd do in lite bag pr- cwt 10 6d mackay redpath jonea falls rideau canal dec 27 1827 a no tice persons having claims against support given commissariat office m eft on mcdonclps wharfahout lj mx veeksagoa barrel of pork the owner is requested to provo htf property kingston sept4 1828 kingston 14th no for sale for cash the south half of lot no 3 in barriefield containing about tlme its of anacre ofland with tlie build ings thereon at present occupied bv mr charles ralf as a dwelling house and merchants shop well situated lor almost any kind of business apply i almost ai y john kirby 1828 soap candle manufactory daniel caffray impressed with a grateful sense of tbe very liberal support he has received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at large would inform them that he contiuues the above business at his old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwrigbt esq and near mr a ivess aud the long island ferry he is determined to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can- oles which be pledges himseh shall bcol the best quality he will give the highest price in soap or cash for tallow wi ciples will meet with every supp the vicinity of vittoria towush charlotteville london district the centre of a dense p a j ferns egs leave to inform his custo mers that he has just received his fall supply of shoes gloves and materials of every description foi manu facturing and daily expects an addition of materials among which are about 70 dozen of skins such as bind ings white and coloured roan black a coloured morocco large shammy for mittens linings c tanned bassets white lamb and sheep skins deer do several dozens sportmcits tanned leather gaiters best iron bound port manteaus beautiful wool chamber matts do sleigh do and a large quantity of other articles imported direct from london and will be sold al a very small advance on prime cost and charges also on hand a good assortment of boots and shoes of all kinds ladies and gentlemens boots and shoes manufactured to order s usual k ingst november mh 182r otice is hereby given that i will expose to sale by public uhiion at point nepean in tile dis- ll the subscriber present the same duly authenticated without delay to henry cassady am esq for adjustment and those indebt ed to lim are requested to pay their ac counts to mr cassady who is author ized to give iwcipglfcn 1 lcl kingston 19th sept 1828 lands for sale lot letter d in the township of pittsburgh fronting the st law- rencecontaining200 acres well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance oi about 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concession in same township contamng200acreson which there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f aharper kingston 12th may 1828 the steam boat toronto jamks sinclair master ill leave kingston every mon day morning at s oclock for bath adolphustown hallowel sophias- are requesfed to burgh belleville the carrying place w a n and give lard and soap iu exchange for house i and ashes delivered at his works kingston oct22 1838 pork merchants can have their lard tried and packed in the first order at tbe shortest notice aud on the lowest terms trict of bathurst on saturday ae 30th day of august next at 1 1 oclock a m at forth inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugrantetl lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of land bordering on the grand or ottawa river above the chmtdiere falk p- robinson yormoih july 1823 notice the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny in this place is ready to receive of fers for the purchase ol any ol the com panys lands in this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend to settle on the companys huron tract that byprescnting them selves to ebenczer ohnstonesqof buf- falothey will be forwarded by him from that place at the companys expenseto the new settlement of goderichat the mouth of the maitlandhereloforc called the red river f a harper kin 26ih july 182s for sale the brick house and lot situate on the place darmes at pre sent occupied by assistant com gen hare for terms apply to thos kirkpatrick kineston isth scpims r or sale at this orrice and river trent leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingston in the evening touching at the intermedi ate places leave kingston every 3 o cioca in ilic iuomnigiui fuacum and return the following day touching at gananoqua and brockville leave kingston every friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belleville leave belleville on saturdays at 8 oclock a m and arrive t kingsion in ihe even ing touching at the intermediate places the torono is neatly fitted up and every attention will be paid to the ac commodation and comfort of passengers a stage will meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made to the master on board kingston 6th m 1s2s lamp black the subscriber offers for sale half a ton of lamp black in barrels from 90 to 100 lbs each it is ofa superi or quality not caked ormjldewcd and will be sold very low for cash geo f corbett 5 123 f cpt notice the officers of the 71st regt will not be responsible for any debts contracted by corporal alexan der mulvaiy he mossman of the regt kingston 2 october is28 commercial iiotjel market square kingston mrs scantlebcry begs to acquaint tbe public that sncc the demise ofheilate husband she continues to conduct tbe above commodious establish ment in offering her service to the mha- hitants of kingston and the traveller gene rally she trusts that experience added to assiduity and attention will euhle her to study tho comfort and convenience of her guests it were needless ierc to enumerate tl advantages possessed by tin hoteu over o- very other of the kind ill knuisrm they will ibe obvious to every pemuu who may please to visit tho aparimeuu