Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 13, 1828, p. 3

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v strongly resembled an overt act of treason contrary however to the reasonable and very general expectation that a dissolution would be resorted to this same house of assembly this same body of men who had contemptuously spurned at the exercise of the undoubted prerogative of the crown was met and their unconstitutional pretensions if not recognized and sanctioned were at all events effectively submitted to ample room as there certainly is for lamentation at this sacrifice of principles this unlooked for abandonment of the un doubted prerogatives of the crown our cause for grief does not rest here this same house of assembly were greeted with a most gracious speech from the throne in which they were informed that his ma jestys government earnestly desired to provide effectual remedies for cases of ac tual grievances where are ihey that their constitutional privileges should be respected when were they invaded and that every exertion should be made to promote conciliation vain attempt and to this was added that an oblivion of all past jealousies was the first great step to be taken to give effect to these generous intentions and wishes and now let us see how this first great step on the part of his majestys government was met the assembly in their reply instead of conforming to the usage of parliament in like cases instead of showing the slightest respect for the maxims and recommenda tions of his excellency wandered far from the matter of his speech and for no other purpose that is discoverable than to shew that oblivion of past dissensions was no part of their plan was in no degree in ac cordance with their principles or feelings the truth of this is apparent from the whole matter and contents of the address but more especially in the assertion that by arbitrary and manifestly illegal acts the legislature during the last year less than this indignity towards the head of the government was not expected from the assembly of lower canada by any one who knew any thing of the political creed and principles of that body but no one nay not even one of themselves could or did believe that to this sweeping denunciation of his noble predecessor this unequivocal denial of the undoubted prero gatives of the crown sir james kempt would have replied that he sincerely thanked them and that ee received their address with high satisfaction assuredly it is no part of our disposition or character to raise captious objections to the measures of government or to em barrass the administration of its affairs sufficiently intricate and difficult as they in themselves are by unreasonable com plaint or empty clamorous opposition but we hold that we shall ill discharge the duty we owe the public that we shall treacher ously abandon those political doctrines we have hitherto professed and supported and upon the maintenance of which we confi dently assert depends the adherence of these colonies to the british crown were we not to express the entire disapprobation with which we regard this answer a dis approbation not confined to ourselves but entertained by every intelligent individual who respects his king and desires to live under his laws and government so entirely wrong do we regard the an swer in question that we are almost led to doubt whether the governor general could have noticed the objectionable paragraph in the address of the assembly to which wo particularly allude great as is our vause for suspicion and alarm we are not prepared to believe that sir james kempt intended to convey to tbe assembly his opinion that tbe earl of dalhousie by ar bitrary and manifestly illegal acts had de prived the province of the aid of its legis lature during tbe last year it may be that for the sake of conciliation he for bore noticing the obnoxious portion of the address and intended as he may have hoped it would be understood that his an swer should have reference to such parts of the address as could properly be viewed with satisfaction admitting this howe- ver to have been sir james kcmpts in tention we are far from considering the explanation as at all satisfactory mankind estimate the conduct of public men accord ing to tbe doctrines and measures they proclaim and pursue wherefore following this which is indeed their only guide how will the generality of persons construe the answer of his excellency assuredly in its literal sense viz that the king has not the power to disalloio the choice of the house of assembly of its speaker and that the measures of the late noble governor general were arbitrary and manifestly illegal if this construction of his excellencys words is to be received as the true one to what i conclusion are we brought plainly to no other than this that the hitherto undoubt- ed prerogatives of the crown have been sacrificed and the earl dalhousics con duct is not only denounced but vilified and with what view has this fearlul this appalling sacrifice been made why in the vaiu hope of conciliating a few factious demagogues who do not themselves desire conciliation h is the lust thing they wish the settlement of what is termed the diffi culties in lower canada would be ruin to their projects it is their object to retard any such measure and it never will be accomplished with their consent 0 the truth of otis sir james kempt will at assured before tlie present session of the provincial legislature is brought to a close and with this remark we will for the pre sent close our observations tbe congress of the united states met at washington on the 1st inst co pious extracts from the presidents mes sage will be found in our preceding co lumns from the cursory glance we have had of it it appears to be a well written document itgives a very favourable pic ture of the state of the trade revenue and general prosperity of the republic by a proclamation of his excellency sir john colhorne which will be found in another column our readers will perceive that our provincial parliament meets for the despatch of business on the 8th of january our neighbour of the herald in noticing the lower canada watchman contain ed in our last number affects to treat with a sneer this able article of our able corresi pondent he speaks of it as a harmless piece of rant made up of dull unmeaning paragraphs that our brother of the herald should not admire tbe sound consti tutional views of the watchman nor feel quite comfortable that his parry should he subject to his vigilance we are not surpris edbut that the style should draw on him upper canada j colborne lieutenant governor george the fourth by the grace of god of the united king dom of great britain and ireland king deftnder of the faith fyc fyc fyc to our beloved and faithful legisla tive councillors of our province of upper canada and to our knights ci tizens and burgesses of our said pro vince to our provincial parliament at our town of york on the fourth day of december next ensuing to be com menced held called and elected and to every of you greeting whereas by our proclamation bearing date the twenty- first day of october last we thought fit to prorogue our provincial parliament to the fourth day of december next ensuing at which time at our town of york you were held and constrained to appear now know ye that we taking into our royal consideration the ease and convenience ofour loving subjects have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council to relieve you and each of you of your attendance at tfhe time aforesaid hereby convoking and by these presents enjoining you and each of you that on thursday the tecumseh i or te warrior of the west j poem in four cantos by an english officer the critical ire of the herald says very little for the tasto or ability of that journal we cighthday of january nextentuin guess as jonathan would 6ay that if the watchman could change his politics his style would not be in danger of reproach from the same quarter indeed he might even have the felicity of having his dull unmeaning paragraphs grace the columns jjou meet us in our provincial parlia ment at our town of york for the actual despatch of public business here to take into consideration the state nd wftlfare ofour said piovince ofup- er canada and therein to do as kiny seem necessary and herein fail not tlte weather since the commencement of in testimony wheceof we have this month has been of a peculiarly mild and open character with the exception of the last day or two when a trong south- west wind prevailed so far a finer month of december has seldom been experienced the entire of our steam vessels have ne vertheless discontinued their respective voyages the george canning schoo ner capt whitney arrived here yester day morning from niagara completing her cruise in the unusual short space of twentyone hours oak stick is received the article is well and pointedly written but we do not see how the publication of it would beuefii the public indeed we should be sorry under any circumstances wantonly to in jure tho feelings of an individual but es pecially one smarting inder the infliction of recent events like the person against whom the article in question appears to be directed whether the gentlemen so high- i ly applauded for their conduct during tbe late fire bad merited so distiuguised a no tice as they have received through the co lumns of the herald it is not for us to say nor do we suppose it in either case to be a matter of much moment to the public died on tuesday evening the 2nd instant jocelyn waller esq brother of the late sir robert waller of newport ire land bart and of the present sir charles waller mr waller was an accomplished scholar and as editor of the canadian spectator distinguithed himself as an able and talented political writer in private life his amiable and virtuous character en deared hira to all who had advantage of his acquaintance- montreal gazette by authority gocernmeut house york 1st december 182j his excellency the lieut governor has been pleased to appoint lieut mudge of the royal artillery his private secretary executive council office york 4a december 1828 notice is hereby given by order of his excellency the lieut governor in coun cil that in future the first thursday in eve ry month will be the regular council day instead of the first wednesday as heretofore john small cec kingston assemblies sphe next kingston assembly will be 4l held at walkers hotel on wednes day evening the 31st december instant by order ja macfarlane dec 13 1828 secretary caused these our loiters to be made patent and the great seyl of our said province to be hereunto affixed witness our trusty and well belo ved sir john colborne k c d- lieutenant governor of our said province and mijor general com manding our forces therein at york this twentysixth day of november in the year ofour lord one thou sand eight hundred and twenty- iight and in the ninth year of our reign j c by command of his excellency john b robinson atvy general d cameron secretary ad ver tise3ien t valuable farm for sae consisting of 800 acres in the township of darlingon newcastle dis trict upper canada comprising lots no 30 31 32 and 33 in the second concession 400 acres of which are feehold and 400 acres reserves the leases of which have eleven years un expired 200 acres are cleared and fenced the buildings consist of a large dwelling iioust root house and sabling capua barns an excellent sw mill m house and several smrll tenements with enclosed gar den and orchard every lot is plentifully waieved the high road f kingston lo york passes through he premises beng 27 miles from poit hope and 38 from york it i well satod foff a jfewntoinv store or tavern the whole will bn sold together or in lots of 1 or 200 acres and the pay ments made easy for further particulars apply to r fairborne esq darpngton j g bethune esq cobourg john warren esq whitby john macaulay esq kingston the editor of the kingston chronicle or of the proprietor james black esq st catharines niagara dstrict dec 61828 aufl of the canadian campaign tffe name and actions of tecum- seh must be familiar to every in- hnbitftf of canada and a desire to see the im of so distinguished and ex- traordv a mai perpetuated by any writer however humble must be a sen timent coequal with the admiration so univefsly during his enterpri sing crf not l a his enemies than a his allies and hs friends th author of this epic poem which is illusmated by copious notes is himself a canadian an has often combated at the sid of tecumseh to whom he was more immediately known on that memo able day which deprived nature of one of her brightest though rudest gems ana ln nearly now exterminat ed inn tribes ofa leader devoted to their interests and their liberties he beheld the remains of that glorious chiefi mangled and disfigured even as he h described them scarcely an officer of the division on that untoward occasid failed to pay the just tribute of regr t0 his memory and but few there were w did not lose sight of their o personal feelings in the depih and siricerity of their grief for the noble and unf tecumseh the principal and original view of the author in composing his poem was to tescue the name of this truly great m from he unmerited oblivion to which it hud been consigned but a- ware ofhe difficulty under whch as an unknown writer he labours in giving his worfc nil necessary publicity he has adopiei he suggestions of numerous li terary friends o print the volume by subscri among naval and military men lie trusts moreover that by his own cod some encouragement wiliut ffwhwbmki vn wu-ta- racter of poet the firsiof his native soil who has adventured on the dangerous shodsof verse but also in that of the historian the panegyrist of htm who is now no moie but whose name and whose memory there can be few cana dians unwilling to see transmitted to fresh goods wholesale and retale flphe subscriber wishes to inform bis friend and the public in general that he has just received a very extensive sup ply of groceries wines brandy gin spi rits and a few gallons of very superior highland whisky the whole of which he purposes selling at very reduced prices for cash or approved credit and to show the public he is determined to reduce his prices he bere gives the prices of a few of his ar ticles viz cogniac brandy 7s per gal holland gin 6s do do spirits 4s6 do do muscovado sugar 6d and 7d do lb d r f loaf lid do do table raisins lod do do sun ditto 7ijd do do currants lsld do do pearl barley gd do do scotch ditto 4d do do black pepper 9d do do starch is do do fig blue is6 do do best spanish float indigo 10s6 do do ditto coffee lag do second do is do cloves 4d do nutmegs 6d cinnamon 3d lemon and orange peel 3d isinglass is3 caraway seed ld epsom salts 8d sulphur 9d brimstone 7d lampblack 6d black lead is snuff 9cl putty 5d fine mustard in jars 2s6 do pekoe tea 59 do gunpowder do 86 do do do do do do do do do do do do do posterity the poem opens with a description of the action on lake ere where the gallant and unfortunate barclay after essaying all that human courage and re solutions could attain was compelled to strike to a superior enemy and on this leading feature the several other incidents of the poem are made to hang the third canto contains the cele brated speech made by tecumseh in the council of chiefs convened by ge neral procter when after the capture ofthelittle squadron he proposed re treating from amherstburgto the mora vian village captain barclay to whom in com mon with the other officers of the right division the poem is inscribed has been pleased to express his entire approbation of the work in terms the most satisfactory and gratifying to the author it remains foi his own coun trymen to decide how far successful he has bein in delineating the scenery of the land and the habits occupations and warlike exercises of tbe natives should any palpable omissions or errors be noticed it must be recollect ed in extenuation that the poem has been composed almost wholly from me mory and that fourteen years have e- lapsed since the wild scenerv of his native clime do do 02 do do do do do lb do do do do do do do do do old hyson do 5s0 do do young hyson do 53 do do souchong 39 do do best twankay do 39 do do bofiea 26 do do hyson skin do 36 do do and all other articles in proportion the greater part of his present stock being of this years importation and selected by himself he can warrant them of the best quality merchants in town or country can he supplied on as reasonable terms as in montreal and a liberal credit given all orders from town and country thank fully received and punctually attended to all kinds of country produce taken at the market price michael brennan kingston dec 2d 1828 n b m b has ou hand a very exten sive supply of dry goods consisting of red white blue green and yellow flannels superfine fine and common black blue and drab cloths drab and olive flushings grey and striped cotton tartan plaid green baize apron check irish knit hose with many articles suita ble to the present season and at very low pr i ce very liberal credit notice is herehy given that sealed tenders will be received at thisofiice till 21st december for washing the follow ing articles of barrack and hospital bed ding for a period of twelve months from 1st january to 31st december 1829 round towels at palliasses at bolsters at blankets at sheets at i rugs at palliasse at bolster at in barrack double barrack sidgle blaukets sheets rigs palliasses- bolsters hospital blankets- sbeets rugs at at at at at at at at also for sweeping chimnies the prices to he stated opposite each ar ticle in sterling dollars at 4s 4d two securies will he required for the due per- the author last beheld forma nee of the contract for further particulars apply to the to be let to be let for pasture from 1st february next for a term of 7 14 or 21 yeais subject to be resumed by government whenever required for public service the whole or part of the common situated around the fort at prescott as may be agreed upon tenders specifying the portion requir ed with the rent in british silver per annum payable quarterly at this office will be received by the respective offi cers of ordnance on or before the 15th january next the names of two responsible persons required as security for any contract that may be ente ed into for further particulars and form of tender apply to andrew patton esq barrack master at prescott i office of ordnance kingston 8th december 1828 j mathers agent to n g filgiano no 34 st paul street montreal mei- ch in tailor begs leave to inform the gentlemen of fashion that he has come from the above house and will takeorders to be executed immediately or in the spring in the london and philadelphia fashions equal to any mjde in london or in the canada those who will favor him with their ordefs will please call soon as his stay will he for a few days only he ivts a few articles of clo hing for sale apply at tlue old kings head dec 13 1s28 otice the general quarter ses- sions of the peace in and for the midland district will be held hy adjourn- meiaou monday the 5th day of january next at the court house in the town of kingston at the hour of ten oclock in the forewon at which time such persons as are desirous of renewing their tavern licences or obtaining new ones for the cu- susny year must attend for that purpose i kingston d 3d 1 828 for sale at the chronicle office a few copies of he atlantic souvenir a christmas nm yea gift for 1829 also the token ackcrmans forget me not jde n jjhemovfafa for sale at this office the price of the ioem in boards printed on the best paper and with the best type ill be two dollars the subscribers coes will be for- waided to their respective addresses london m 1st 1828 contract for straw itotice is hereby gien that jyi sealed tended will be receiv ed this office until 12 oclock on the morning of thursday the sth january next from such persons who may be willing to supply the u depart ment with 5 000 bundles of good straw the bundles to average 12 lbs each one third to be delivered by the 31st march one third by the 30th i june and the remainder by the 31st oct the tenders must state the price per bundle in sieilin nd must bear the signatures of two respectable per sons as sureties for she undertaking md the amount wll be paid by the commissariat in brituh silver john hare a c g commissariat office kingston sth december 1828 tbe tenders to be addressed to tbe re spective officers of the ordnance kings ton upper canada ordnance office kingston 1st dectmber 1828 aio v vl the subscriber re- hf pecttullv mibimshis friends in- i publcvhui he h removed froai his iiop io ihai one lately o ctmied by mr kendnck opposite j li shwssore wheie he w il crry on the t lo ng business in all its various branches james does kineson dec 0h 182 notice the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny in this place is ready to receive of fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lands in this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend to settle on the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves to ebenezer johnstonesqoi buf- falothey will be forwarded by him from that place at the companys expenseto the new settlement of goderichat the mouth of the maitlundheretofore called the red river faharper kingston 26th july 1828 for sale the brick house and lot situate on the place darmes at pre sent occupied by assistant cora gen hare for terms apply to thos kirkpatrick kingston 18th sept 1828 lands for sale ht ot letter d in the townshipof m a pittsburgh fronting the st law- eieconainini200 acres well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township oi kingston containing 200 ioes on whch there is a clearance of tbout 20 acres with a w house and to be sold that valuable tavern stand the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising a substantial stone house with stable other apurtenances situated on lot no 88 63frotinngthe court house and containing twofifths of an icre this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 15th october next the same will on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public aue- t on and sold without reserve the ti tle is indisputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply o the proprietor on the pre mises or to m moran auctioneer kingston 2d august 1828 nb mr walker would inform his friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the house as usual and takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support which he has always expe- rienced fro them to rent for h teim of years immediate possession given the p operty at present in the occupation of john gram in barriefield consisting ofa good dwelling house bake house barn and other out houses with the land attached the property will fa- leased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to the editor of the kingston chronicle kingston 5th may 1826 notice to emigrants persons desiious of settling in upper canada may procure lands on the island of tantisiturt- ed in lake ontario 9 miles above kingston there are several thousand acres yet unoccupied which will be either sold or leased upon reasonable terms the situation is pleasant and the soil generally of an cxcellcn quality further information may be obtained by application io richd hitch- ins esquire residing on the island or toa k johnson esq at prescott montreal june 2 1828 n b a sieamboat passes the is- and three times a week government notice good stone cutters will find employment in the royal engineer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hare assish com gen commissariat kingston 18th aug 1828 jtotice the subscribers will ayt pay the following prices for pork and flour in cash on delveiy at their establishment at jones falls south crosby rideau canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the ho weight from 150 o 200 lbs 21s 6d ditto do from 2 to 300 lbs 22s 6tk for flour in the barrelfine 21s 3d do do middling 18s 9d do in the bag pr- cwt 10s 6dv mackay redpath jones falls rideau canal dec- 27 1327 the steam boat toronto james sinclair master will leave kingston every mon day morning at 8 oclock for btih adolphuslownhallowel sophias- burgh belleville the carrying place and river trent leave the trent at 10 oclock a m on tuesdays and arrive at kingston in the evening touching at the intermedi ate places leave kingston everv wednesdnvat 8 oclock in the mornihgfor prescott and return the following day touching at gananoqua and brockville leave kingston every friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belleville leave belleville on saturdays at 8 oclock a m and arrive at kingston in the even ing touching at the intermediate places the toronto is neatly fitted up and every attention will be paid lo the ac commodation and comfort of passengers a stage will meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made to the master on board kingston 6th may 1828 t l eft on mcdonellv wh rfjhou t wrjoki 10 brcl of poisk bu owner is requested o jrow i p operty angm0iiscp4 1 b n lo xo 26 sixth concession in same towihp contining200acveon which lrc s tkarattce of ibout 10 acres w h co fence and now under a crop of t mohy it irjculirs apply io f aharper kifgsoif 12m 81y 1828 lamp black he subscriber offers for sale half a ton of lamp black in barrels fioin 90 to 100 lbs each it is ofa superi or quality not caked or mildewed and will be sold very low for cash geo f corbett sept 5 1828 tfjtotice is hereby given that i ll will expcse to sale by public auction at point nepean in the dis trict of bathurst on saturday the 30th day of august next at 11 oclock a m at forths inn licences to cut timber on the waste or uugranted lands of the crown in upper canada on the tract of hnd bordering on the grand or ottawa river above the chaudiere falls p robinson york20th july 182 shoes cotton goods just received and for sale at ihe store of ihe subscriber at cape vincent a few bales of 34 and 44 shirting and sheeting also a quanti ty of coarse and fine shoes which will be sold low to country merchants for cash or furs henry sphinny kingston nov 1st 1323

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