4 oui sovereign who thu9 sought to allevi- sb the sorrows of the aged chieftain by fleeting hack upon him the honours earned by his gallant son inverness cou- tfft the chronicle kingston december 20 1828 our london dates it will be seen are down to the 1st of nov copious extracts of foreign news will be found in our prece ding columns the important fortress of varna has at length fallen into the hands of the russians li 41 when last week we stated that the house of assembly of lowercanada did not desire conciliation f the settlement of what are there termed the difficulties would never be accomplished by their con sent and that of the truth of our asser tion sir james kempt would be assured be fore the present session of the provincial le gislature was brought to a close confident as we were that we advanced no rash as sertion we were not prepared to see our prediction so suddenly verified as has been the case at the very moment we were writing evidence of the appalling fact was established was confirmed and entered on the- journals of the assembly by the adop tion on the 6th instant of the resolutions proposed by mr neilson and which we published in our last number with a view of enabling our readers to form a correct opinion of the observations we are now about to lay before them it is necessary that we should refer back to the taessage of the governor genera to the house of assembly of the 28th november last upon reference to that document it will be found that sir james kempt was commanded by his majesty to acquaint the provincial legislature that the dis- cussions which have occurred for some years past between thediftereotbranches of that body respecting the appropriati on of the revenue have engaged his majestys serious attention aud that he has directed careful inquiry to be made v vliilt moaner thse questions may be finally adjusted with a due regard to the m prerogatives of the crown as well as to their constitutional privileges and to the general welfare of his faithful sub- jects in canada his excellen cy further informs them that he was com- manded to stale that the statutes passed in the 14th and 31st years of his late ma- jestys reign have imposed on the lords commissioners of his majestys trca- sury the duty of appropriating the pro- 41 duce of the revenue granted to his ma- jesty by tho first of these statutes that while the law shall continue unaltered by the same authority by which it was framed his majesty is not authorised to place the revenue under the controul of the legislature of the province but his excellency adds his majesty be ing disposed to mark in the strongest manner the confidence which he reposes in the liberality and affection of his faithful provincial parliament has been pleased to command him to announce to m the house of assembly that no appro- priation of any part of the revenue aris ing from these statutes will be made 1 excepting for the salary of the officers administering the government and the 41 salaries of the judges until his excel- lency shall have been enabled to become 44 acquainted with their sentiments as to 14 tfee mnvt jtvnrrt wgeorw mod m vthteh it 41 can be applied to the public service any person unacquainted with tho real sentiments and views of the majority of the body to which it was addressed would at once suppose that this message so remark ably distinguished by the spiritof concilia tion kindness and confidence would have been received with corresponding emoti ons far otherwise however is the fact as we have already said 44 settlement of difficulties is the last thing desired by the popular leaders in lower canada a ter mination of dissentions created hy their unconstitutional pretensions would have the effect of reducing them to that insigni ficance from which they never could have emerged but for the arts they have em ployed to inflame the minds of the ignorant and seditious but for the boldness with which they have vilified and resisted es tablished authority united with their con tempt for order and insolence of outrage the following are selected from the re solutions adopted by the assembly on the 6th instant which we recommend to the at tentive consideration of our readers not only as containing ample proof of the truth of our prediction but as disclosing the real views and pretensions of their authors and supporters 2 that this househas nevertheless ob served with great concern that it may be inferred from the expression of that part of the said message which relates to the appropriation of the revenue that the pre tension put forth at the commencement of the late administration to the disposal of a large portion of tbe revenue of this pro vince maybe persisted in 3 that under no circumstances and up on no considerations whatsoever ought this house to abandon or in any way com promise its inherent and constitutional right as a branch of the provincial par liament representing his majestys subjects in this colony to superintend and controul notice on saturday the 27th instant being the festival of st john the evangelist a ma- ionic sermon will be preached in st georges church by the rev br handcock divine service to commence at oue oclock p m kingston 19th dec 1828 a public meeting of the inhabitants of kingston is requested on friday the 26th december instant at 12 oclock noon atthecourt house for the purpose ofconsidering the propriety of petitioning the legislature for an act to incorporate the said town december 20 1823 o 44 il the receipt and expenditure of the whole public revenue arising within this j vince 4 that any legislative enactment in this matter by the parliament of the united kingdom in which his majestys subjects in this province are not and cannot he re presented unless it were for the repeal of such british statutes or any part of british statutes as may be held by his majestys government to militate against the consti tutional right of the subject in this colony could in no way tend to a settlement of the affairs of the province 5 that no interference of the british legislature with the established constitu tion aud laws of this province excepttw on such points asfrom the relation between exeuctive council okfice the mother country and the canadasean york 4th dec 1828 sflnfk lh p tttice is herehy given by order of l p can id a 11 his excellency the lieutenant cover- nor in council that sealed proposals post paid for a lease of the ferry from wolf island in the midland district of this pro vince to cape vincent on the american shore for the term of seven years from the twenty fifth day of march 1829 subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as the magistrates of the said district in general quarter sessions of the peace may adopt endorsed ten der for ferry will be received at this office until tbe fifth day of the said month of march on which day the lease will be adjudged to the highest bidder who will be required to enter into the usual security for the due performance of the conditions and to pay one pound twelve shillings and six pence cury before the patent issues john small c e c ny way tend to the final adjustment of a ny difficulties or understandings which may exist in this province but rather to aggra vate and perpetuate them to regard these resolutions in any other light than as indicating a determination tin the part of the assembly to assume supreme power in the management and settlement of the affairs of the province to view the in short as anything less than a plain une quivocal declaration of independence f the british parliament as manifesting not only disobedience to past enactment but also a determination to resist any future measures which the wisdom of that boy may devise in reference to the affairs f lower canada except such as may be dictated byand approved of by themselves would be to close our eyes to their obvious tendency and meaning in this state yf thiugs it remains to be seen what reception will be given to these extravagant w might almost say treasonable pretensions there was a time when to deny the 4 un doubted prerogatives of tho crown or v question the superintending power of the imperial parliament would be to rouse tlfc energies of both and by their just and law ful exercise the dignity of our sovereign would have been viudicated and thepeac of his loyal subjects preserved the reig op conciliation however has set in ami the question no longer seems to he wha is right rut wkei mil atou tmrbukmt and appease sedition the vigorous mind aud calm resolution of the patriotic craig no longer sways the councils of lower ca- nada however much its loyal inhabitants may have hoped such would have been the case when they saw placed at the head of their government an illustrious soldier who had the advantage of witnessing the happy effects of his firm constitu tional and equitable course of policy for ourselves nothing remains to be done but as faithful public journalists to watch the signs of the times dark and lowering as they are and to use our humble but best exertions to warn our fellow subjects of approaching danger and to rouse them to oppose- the pernicious system of liberal ism brought about by the false representa tions of restless demagogues and which if much longer persisted in cannot fail to destroy their confidence in that power to which they have hitherto looked for pro tection in return for allegiance not merely professed but engrafted in their hearts ne ver to be eradicated heretofore they have been induced to considertheschemes oftlie enemies of their country as so evi dently tending t5 subvert the power and authority of the british crown in these pro vinces that they could not fail to meet with reprobation instead of encouragement from tho british ministry and therefore they have made no personal efforts to coun teract their dangerous measures but it is now time that they should bestir them selves and at the same time that they prove their claims to the protection of their be loved sovereign also prove that they are what their fathers were supporters of the unity of the empire the female benevolent society beg to acknowledge the liberal donation of 5 from st johns lodge no 5 on wednesday night a very severe frost set in which has continued up to this forenoon the thermometer on thursday morniug was 10 below zero the wind extremely cold the several schooners which were detained here by contrary winds were enabled to proceed upwards and a general suspensiouof aquatic con veyance will prevail until the return of s pring yesterday afternoon a general meeting of the members of the church ofscotland was held in tho scottish church st ga briel street to receive tho report of i c grant esq their agent to great britain it was most satisfactory aud procured him the unanimous thanks of the meeting a committee to watch over the general in- tercstsofthe church and to communicate with the general assembly was appoint ed the thanks of the meeting were also voted to the noblemen and gentle men wiio had exerted themselves in behalf of the objects of mr grantsmis- sion montreal herald notick on saturday the 27th inst it being the fes tival of st john the evan gelist a sermon will be preach ed in st georges church by the rev archdeacon stuart to st johns encamp ment no 1 of h r t aud union royal arch chapter service to commence at 11 oclock a m n b dinner prepared hy mr g mill- ward old kings head at 5 oclock p m kingston dec 20 1828 on consignment the subscriber has 300 barrels of salt which he will sell cheap for cash walter mcunniffe kingston 16th december 1828 sheriffs sale midland district on wednesday24th towit j december 1828 will be sold on the premises of air wm car rel by virtue of an execution issued out of his majestys court of kings bench to me directed at the suit of archibald mac- donell duncan van alstine and elijah beech the whole of his goods and chat tels consisting of eight excellent horses 2 double wagons 2 single ditto 1 horse cart and harness 2 double sleighs 3 sin gle ditto 2 sets double harness 4 sets siu- dlo ditto i milch cow c also- a quautity ol ttoots and shoes household furniture c c salfp to commence at ii oclock a m john mlean sheriff m d kingsfa i5 december 1828 f 0r sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being p of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17iu december 1828 wrotlck all persons having i any claim for beef against the subset hers on account of the govt contract are requested to present their cheque on or before the 24th inst after which date said cheques will not be held valid evans atkinson coutraclors kingston 18th december 1828 government sale by auction will be sold on tues day the 30th instant at the com missariat magazines a number of un serviceable bateaux rigging tarpau lins c c sale to commence at 12 oclock noon john strange auctioneer kingston dec 19 1828 ttotice a meeting of the al stockholders of the steamer sir james kempt is requested on board the loat on monday the fifth day of janu ary next at 12 oclock for the purpose f examining the accounts and making such arrangements as may appear ne cessary henry gilderslieve 30th decerabor 1828 t he kingston dorcas society re quest st johns lodge no 5 to accept their thanks for a douation often dollars received from the treasurer of the lodge in aid of the funds of the society by order of the directress s g b1dwelj secy d s kingston december 20th 1828 to be let to be let for pasture from 1st february next for a term of 7 14 or 21 yeais subject to be resumed by government whenever required for public service the whole or part of the common situated around the fort at prescott as may be agreed upon tenders specifying the portion requir ed with the rent in british silver per annum payable quarterly at this office will be received by the respective offi cers of ordnance on or before the 15th january next the namesof two responsible persons required as security for any contract that mav beenteied into for further particulars and form of tender apply to andreio patton esq barrack master at prescott office of ordnance kingston sth december 1828 kingston assemblies it uk next kingston assembly will he ii held at walkers hotel on wednes day evening the 31st december instant by order ja macfarlane dec vi 1828 secretary upper cana0a j colborne lieutenant governor george the fourth by the grace of god of the ufltizd king dom of great britain dfld ireland king defender of the faith c- fyc spc toourbeloved and faithful legisla tive councillors of our province of upper canada and to our rights ci tizens and burgesses of oil said pro vince to our provincial parliament at our town of york on the fourth day of december next ensuing to he com menced held called and elected and to every ofyou greeting whereas by our proclamation bearing date thd twenty- first day of october last w though fii to prorogue our provincial parliament to the fourth day of december next ensuing at which time at our town of york you were held and constrained to appear now know ye that we takng into our royal consideration the ease and convenience of our loving subjects have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council to relieve you and each ofyou of your attendance at the time aforesaid hereby convoking and by these presents enjoining you and each ofyou that on thursday the eighth day of january next ensuing you meet us in our provincial parlia ment at our town of york for the actual despatch of public business there to take into consideration the state and wolfare of our said province of up per canada and therein to do as may seem necessary and herein fail not in testimony whereof we have caused these our letters o be made patent and the great seal of our said province io be hereunto nmxvl witness our trusty and well clo ved sir john colborne k c b- lieutenant governor of our said province and major general com manding our forces therein at york this twentysixth day of novellbei in the year of our lord one thou sand eight hundred and twimty- oight and in the ninth year of our reign j c by command of his excellency john b robinson awy general d camero secretary ad ver tisement aluable farm for sate consisting of 800 acres in the township of darlington newcastle dis trict upper canada comprising lots no 30 31 32 and 33 in the second concession 400 acres of which are freehold and 400 acres reserves the leases of which have eleven years un expired 200 acres are cleared and fenced the buildings consist of a large dwelling house root house and stabling capital barns an excellent saw mill mill house and several small tenements wiih enclosed gar den and orchard every lot is plentifully watered tire high road from kingston lo york passes through the premises being 27 miles from port hope and 38 from york it is well suited for a merchant store or tavern the whole will bt sold together or in lots of 1 or 200 acres and the pay ments made easy for further particulars apply to r fairborne esq darlington j g bethune esq cobourg john warren esq whitby john macaulny esq kingston the editor of the kingston chronicle or of the proprietor james black esq st catharines niagara district dec 61828 tbcumseh or the warrior of the west a poem in four cantos bs an engm3u officer t v j mathers agent to n g filgiano no 34 st paul street montreal mer chant tailor begs leave to inform the gentlemen of fashion that he has come from the above house and will take orders to be executed immediately or in the spring in the london and philadelphia fashions equal to any made in london or in the canadas those who will favor him with their orders will please call soon as his stay will be for a few da only he has a few articles of clothing for sale apply at the old kings head dec 13 1s28 notice the general quarter ses sions of the peace in aud for the midland district will he held by adjourn ment on monday the 5th day of january nest at the court house in the town of kingston at the hour often oclock in the forenoon at which time such porsflos as are desirous of renewing their tavern licences or obtaining new ones for the en- susnp year must attend for that purpose kingston dec 3d 128 for sale at the chronicle office a few copies of the atlantic souvenir a christmas ncic years gift for 1829 also the tokc acfcermans forget me not d etas an jhrmorfol for sale at this office author of the canadian campaign tie name and actions of tecum- seh must be familiar to every in habitant of canada and a desire to see the memory of so distinguished and ex traordinary a man perpetuated by any writer however humble must be a sen timent coequal with the admiration so universally excited during his enterpri sing career not less among his enemies than among his allies and his friends the author of this epic poem which is illustrated by copious notes is himself a canadian and has often combated at he side of tecumsch to whom he was more immediately known on that memorable day which deprived nature of one of her brightest though rudest gems and the nearly now exterminat ed indian tribes of a leader devoted to their interests and their liberties he beheld the remains of that glorious clueftain mangled and disfigured even as he has described them scarcely an oflicerof the division on that untoward occasion failed to pay the just tribute of regret to his memory and but few there were who did not lose sight of their own personal feelings in the depth and sincerity of iheir grief for the noble and unfortunate tecumseh the principal and original view of the author in composing his poem was to rescue the name of this truly great man from the unmerited oblivion to which it had been consigned buta- ware of the difficulty under wlvch as an unknown writer belabours in giving his work all necessary publicity he has adopted the suggestions of numerous li- terary friends io print the volume by subscription among naval and military men he trusts moreover that by his own countrymen some encouragement will be afforded not simply in his cha racter of poet the first of his native soil who has adventured on the dangerous shoals of verse but also in that of the historian the ipanesvrist of him who isj now no more but whose name and whose memory there can be few cana dians unwilling to see transmitted to posterity the poem opens with a description of the action on luke eric where the gallant and unfortunate barclay after essaying all that human courage and re solutions could attain was compelled to strike to a superior enemy and on this leading feature the several other incidents of the poem are made to hang the third canto contains the cele brated speech made by tecumseh n the council of chiefs convened by ge neral procter when after the capture of the little squadron he proposed re treating from amhcrsiburgto the mora vian village captain barclay to whom in com mon with the oilier officers of the right division the poem is inscribed has been pleased to express his entire approbation of the work in terms tbe most satisfactory and gratifying to the auhor it remains for his own coun- trvmen to decide how far successful he has beon in delineating the scenery of the land and the habits occupations and warlike exercises of the natives should any palpable omissions or errors be noticed it must be recollect ed in extenuation that the poem has been composed almost wholly from me mory and that fourteen years have e- lapsed since- the author last beheld the wild scenery of his native clime the price of the poem in boards printed on the best paper and with the best type will be two dollars the subscribers copies will be for- waided to their respective addresses london march 1st 1828 contract for straw rotice is hereby given that l sealed tenders will be receiv ed this office until 12 oclock on the morning of thursday the 8th january next from such persons who may be willing to supply the barrack depart ment with 500 bundles of good straw the bundles to average 12 lbs each one third to be delivered by the 31st march one third by the 30th 1s29 june and the remainder by the 31st oct the tenders must state the price per bundle in sterling and must bear the signatures of two respectable per sons as sureties for the undertaking and the amount will be paid by the commissariat in british silver john hare a c g commissariat office kingston 8th december 1828 fresh goods wholesale and retaie qtphe subscriber wishes to inform his i1 friend and the public in general that he has just received a very extensive sup ply of groceries wines brandy gio spi rits and a few gallons of very superior highland whisky the whole of which he purposes selling at very reduced prices for cash or approved credit and to show the tublic he is determined to reduce his prices e here gives the prices of a few of his ar ticles viz cogniac brandy 7s per gal holla od gin 6s do do spirits 4sc do to imuscovado sugar 6kand7d do lb d- r f loaf table raisins sun ditto currants pearl barley scotch ditto black pepper st- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 022 do do do tlo do lb do do do do do do lid do do 0d do do 74d do uld do 6d do 4d do 9d do starch is do fig bine is6 do best spanish float indigo 10s6 do do ditto coiree ls2 do do second do is do do cloves 4d do nutmegs 6d do cinnamon 3d lemon and orange peel 3d hinglass ls3 caraway seed ld epsom salts od sulphur 9d brimstone 7d lampblack 6d black lead is snuff 9d putty 5d fine mustard in jars 26 do do pekoe tea 59 do do gunpowder do 8s6 do do old hyson do 5sl0 do do young hyson do 5s3 do do souchong 3s9 do do best twaukay do 3s9 do do bohea 2s6 do do hyson skin do 36 do do and all other articles io proportion the greater part of his present stock being of this years importation and selected by himself he can warraut them of tho best qualiiy merchants in town or country can hetupplied on as reasonable terms as in montreal aud a liberal credit given all orders from town and country thank fully received and punctually attended to all kind of jctthqfyv iecuaccf titusni at the market price michael brennan kinsstou dec 2d 1828- n b m b his on hand a vcrycxteu- sive supply of dry goods consisting of red white blue green and yellow flannels snpcrfine fine and common black blue and drub cloths drab and olive flushings groyand striped cotton tartan plaid green baize apron check irish knit hose with many articles suita ble to the prevent season and at very low prices aud very liberal credit notice is hereby given that sealed tenders will he received at this office till 21st december for washiug the follow ing articles of barrack and hospital bed ding for a period of twelve months from 1st january to 31st december 1829 f round towels at palliasses at bolsters at blankets at sheets at rugs at palliasse at bolsters at barrack single blankets at i sheets at rugs at palliasses at barrack double bolsters- hospital blankets- sheets rugs at at at at removal the subscriber res pectfully informs his friends and the public he has removed from his shop to that one lately occupied by mr kendrick opposite j r shawssiore where he will carry on the tailoring business in all its various branches james boes kingston dec 9th 1823 it eft on mcdonelis wharfnlnnu ma six weeks ago a barrel of pork the owner is requested to prove his property itingstonsept4 1328 also for sweeping chimuies the prices to he stated opposite each af- ticlc in sterling dollars at 4s 4d two securies will be required for the due per formance of the contract for rurtner particulars apply to tho barrack master at kingston the tenders to be addressed to the re spective officers of the ordnance kings ton upper canada ordnance office kingston 1st de 1828 notice the subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny in this place is ready to receive ol- fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lsntls in this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend to settle on the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves lo ebenezer obnstonesqof buf- falothcy will be forwarded by him from that place at the companys opcnseto the new settlement of godcrichai the mouth of the maitland heretofore called the red river faharper kingston 2gth july 1s2s t for sale he brick house and lot situate on the place daimes at pre sent occupied by assistant com gen hare for terms applv to thos kirkpatrick kingston isth sept 1s28 lands for sale lot letter d in the townshipof pittsburgh fronting the st law rence containing 200 acres well wooded lot no 2i fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concession in same township contininc200acreson which there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars applv to f a harper kingston 12th may 1s2s