Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 27, 1828, p. 4

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yjw u fc w j gvp f v a ir t 1 j- v i i order m sivc iho trouble of scotch soxn air my hearts in the highlands the highlands the highlands jo gin i wore there tho the mountains an moorlands he rug ged an bnre tho bleak he the clime an but scanty the fare my hearts in the highlands ogin t were there the highlands the highlands my full bosom swells when i think o the streams gushing wild firoiih the dolls and the hills towering proudly the locks gleaming fair my hearts iu the highlands o gill i were there the highlands the iligldands far up the grey glen stands a cozy we cot wi a hut and a fimj an a less at the door wi my attld mother there crooniu haste ye hack donald an leave us nae mair the highlands the highlands sec supei au- ons ceremony which could m nc thought but end with the sriiniii- however lie composed himself and followed the kalantar arrived before abbas he did not dare lift his eyes lust ho should scc tbc fatal aigrette and iho faso diamond rise up in judgment against hint llall dead wiili fright he thought he already beheld the fierce rikas advancing with their horrid hatchets 14 bebut and you ismaclknzi dd abbas ir them listen since of thti two it u ihe jeweller who best atiiw- n is tors justice let the jeweller b a judge and lhcjudebe a jeweller debuts place in the work- hit olllce as he s 4 e w amis for 1 a iirel take shop of his master may you aco is well in his bebut the ambitious a persian tale hear this true storv and see whither you may he conducted by ambition huftt ihs persian pott in 010 of the suburbs of ispahan under the rein of abbas the first there lived a poor working jeweller in his dclfibhour- hood lie was know n hv the name of bebut the honest nuinlie less were the proofs of probity and disinterestedness whicli had gained for him this title in all dispute and quarrels he was the i chosen arbiter his decisions were pene- 1 rally as conclusive as tiiose of the kazi i himself laborious active cud intelli gent and esteemed by all who knew him bebut was happy and bis happiness was sell enhanced by love tamira the beautiful dnughicr of bis patron was the object of his attachment which sh re turn oil one thought alone dtautta his felicity he was poor and tho lather of tamira would never accept ason-in- i law without a fortune debut thorn- fore often meditated upon the means of getting rich his thoughts dwelt so murh on this subject that ambition at length became a dangerous rival to the softer sentiment there was a grand festival hi the ha rem in tho midst of it the pi eat schuh abbas dropped tho royal aigrette call ed jigha the mark of sovereignty anion the mussulmans in changing his po sition that it might be sought for be in advertently trod upon it and it was bro ken the officer who had charge of the crown jewels knew the reputation of bebut to him he applied to repair this treasure mono but the most honest could be trusted with an article of such value and who was there so ho nest as bebut bebut was enraptured with the confidence ho promised to j prove himself deserving of it now bebut holds in bis hands the richest gems of persia and the indies ambition has already solcu into his bosom could h be silent on an occa sion like this it ought to have been so but it was not 44 a single one of these numerous diamonds said perm- to himself would make my fortune and that of tamira i am incapable of a breach of trust but were j to commii one would abbas be the woue for t no so far from i he would huvo made two of his subjects happy without being aware now ny body else situated as i am would manage to put aside a vast trea sure out of a job ike this but one and that a very sm dl one of these many pern w 11 be enough for me if will b wro iv i confes hut i will replace it by i ise one cm and em based with sale on the canal gss rtte between the cw ottawa and kingston hinr lot 32 in the 10th concession of liilslnrh about hi or 17 miles from kinstoli containing 900 acres of rood a k able lan j well situated foranlrm tho public road passing across the uuti end and tho cranberry creek passing through the north applicatlou maybe made to francis a harper esq kingston xov 1 182 torjb just received and for sale at the store of the subscriber small as sortment of 3lovcsconsistin of cookie franklin boxnnd nine plate alsoon hand a quantity of stove pipe of differ ent sizes together wish a general assori- ineut of tin ware which will be sold wholesale or retail a reduced price hknuys phinny knlion nov 1st is2s mioland district it is ordeb- town orktkgstun ed that the follow- to wit to the market regulation in rile be added an p cam or persons exposing any youfsci sure to do in yours the sentence was punctually execut ed and 1 am told that isiuacl tutted out an excellent jeweller behutkazi on ids side took posses sion of his place lie was quite detf mined to limit bis ambition to becomnu the husband of tamira and living hi ly lie immediately asked her inm- riagc ami was immediately accept bebui thought himself at the summit el his wishes he was forming the nv delightful projects when a the m- lantar of ispanan appeared at his dew- still full of the fright into which this worthy persons first visit had thre him he received him with more flury 1 6th that any person who shall lead than politeness ho inquired confus- ride or 1v nyhorsc or carriage upon ly to what he was indebted for ho i any rtagged sidewalk except at the en honour of ibis second visit lantar replied when i went io articles for sale in the market house or uiltlmmarkot llace on sundays chri-t- mas hay or good friday shall pay aline of five shillings for each offence it is orkrkd that the sixth regula tion relating to the general police be a- mended by inserting therein the word ridkso that the same shall read as follows ni i trance of a gate shall for every such offence i i forfeit and pay the sum of five shillings by the magistrates in session 10th november 1s2s a mm xotile ll persons having clams against ihe subscriber are requested io nt thc same uy auihcnocate6 willimt delay to henry cassaoy un eq for adjustment and those tnueb- cd him are requested ro py their ac counts to mr cnssady who is author ized to give receipts therefor saml mcniece kingston 10th sept 1828 he officers of the 71st regt will not be responsible for any dents contracted by corporal alexan der mulvany the messman of the regt kingston 2d october 182s t j such exquisite as e and skill that the vidrir of the workmanship shall make up for any want of value ti tho material it i t w- ti vit i iqiosside u see the cntiijre god and the prophet wil see it plen ty enough i know hut i will alone for the sin and it shall he my only one some lime or other i will sro a pilgrim age to mashad or even to mecca should my remorse grow troublesome thus by the power of a but did bebut the honest contrive to quiet his conscience the diamond was remov ed a hit of chrystal took its place and the jigha appeared more brilliant than ever to the courtiers of abbas who as they never spoke to him but with their foreheads in the tvt could of course form a veryaccuatc estimate of the lus tre of bis jewels one day during the spring equinox as the chief of the sectaries of ali ac cording to the custom of persia was sit ting at the gate of his palace to hear the complaints of irs people a mechanic from lie suburb of julia hoke through the crowd he niosirated bmself at ihe feet of the abbas and prayed for justice lie accused the eisfci of corruption and of having condemned him wrongfully u my auversaiy and 1 said he ut first appealed to bebut the honest who decided in my favour being inform ed who hi be bui was whoso name for hontvy stood co high in ihe suburb of julf mo scuih ordered ihe k j into h presence tiio monnrcli iteard both silra and wevied ho affor maturely lie hi pionoance for the decision of brii he iloui whom he ordered tic k i ri o- lo enor of the city iinaeiiely o hrin before hm ii n bsiut saw ihe officer and his esmjt hah betide he hop where ho worked u sudden tremor run iliroitsh ns fiiwie but it was much wo when in lw n m- the si n he oflirer ciiiiti n i ii o oijov he ivi on thopoin of offering his head atoner- u house of your patron io transmit to the mandate of the magnammous alb i saw thee the beautiful tamra w the gazelle eyes tho rose of ispahan brilliant as the azure campac which im ly giva in paiadise iter ghuee pro duced on me the magical effect of the seal of solomon and i resolved o take her for my wife i went this very morning to her father but his word was given to you and bebutkazi is the on ly obstacle to my happiness listen i possess great riches and have power ful friends give up to me your claim on tamira and ere lonjr i will get you appointed divanbeghi you shall be ihe chief sovereign of justice in the first city in the universe i will give you my own sister for a wife she who was formerly the nigbtinjiale of iran the dove of babylon i leave you to reflect on my offer to-morrow- i re turn for the answer to be continued splendid views of american scenery n friday the- 10th of october will be published by t k- ireenbaukno 64 spruee street philadelphia a volninc of splendid views of american scenery viz 1 a view oflecks shot toweron the schuylkill near philadelphia adjacent scenery 2 a view of the light house in lon island sound with the adjacent sce nery 3 a vice- of york on lake ontario with the fortifications 4 characteristic scenery on the hud son kiver 5 view of new london connecticut with the adjacent scenery views of lemon ilill near phila- thc scat of henry pratt esq he tomb cf washington at mount veiuon view at the great bend of the sus quehanna jl view of tho upper falls of solomons i crock luxriie county pa 10 view of the lower falls of solo- moils creek 11 view of ihe cattskill mountains from the hudson iri view of fort niagara on l oumi from the jhrht lions on the ijt i liirrio i will uiu llgih ioiie on tu fin those views arc executed in the best r in of the juhmwji house style of philadelphia engraving from draw- hotel storestteet termpprquarte iugs made upon the spot each plate i english grammar geography will be accompanied by a full and aceu- 1 ilaps globes history bio- rate description thereof so as to make it cation writing arithmetic perfecty intelligible to every person and bookkeeping the work will he printed and issued to i elementary instruction and subscribers in tnc first slue ou superior writins paper and with a haodsomcly printed co- kingston 28th novas2s vcr and delivered to subscribers at the ve- rylow price of one collar per copy brooks for sale at the flexible covers will be used for country jgj chronicle 0 t f i e suscribcrs so thattbeycau be safely sent j cofltwlff ott by miss porter w my contlemaujvtoiastersand oicmandthc oftetettys others who will iuteict themselves to joy lady morgan procure ten subscribers and remit ludoll st valentines day or the fair tars to the editor shall receive twelve co- maid of perth by the author of waver- kingston bo nic day school ror vorxo iuurs r mns tvk leave to return thmlfir tho unform support wlrch heir vhool has received since its commencement and wish to as sure parents uu ouirdians that they shall make it their stuly as ihcy have overdone to merit a continuance of it by ihe strictest attention to the seve ral brandies moral and polite whicli constitute a liberal eiication reference may he made to the ve nerable george okll smart rev jom miichar lieutenant colonel mc- phorson and john toclen esq kingston ith av i is2s salt foster archer recently prux syraclsf ave taken the stand formerlv oc- cupied by wrlson as a tavern opposite j rayrors inn and benison ciocker co stove corner of james first street in 0wego where they offer course and fin sol by the single barrel or quantity at manufactures prices with the addition f transportation thoir facilities for doiw salt business arc very great having at establishment at syracuse they will be enable to or- celvc any quantity immediately on rc- der and forward to any port in canada merchants and others arc requested to call and examine ueir prices which ihcv tbnk will be found satisfactory also for sale as above a gene ral and well selected assortment of fo reign and domestic dry goods groce ries crockery and glss ware c c c which they will sell on reason able terms as can he purchased else where oswego ame is2s cornwall brock vi he kingston cobovrg york niagara 1 ixsioltitqube hotel o ue let for one or moreyears and possession given the first of o ruber next for particulars apply to mr jacob herchmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kiuisto a 1s28 shoes fy cotton goods ust received and for sale at the store of the subscriber at cape vincent a few bales of 34 and 44 shirting and sheeting also a quanti ty of coarse and line shoes whicli will lie sold low to country merchants hi cash or furs henry spihnny kingston nov is 13- for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession ol die 1own- shiji ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this oflicc kingston 9th august 1s2s wanted a p blacksmith to whom liberal wages ami con- s an employment will be given appli cation to be made to a- manahna mar mora iron works mav 22d 1s2s dclphia i 7 tl itotick there is now in the jt ptssession of mr charles wil son pomdkeeperat darriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay uorbbfdwvl tail formerly belonged to mr junsand mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay tho expenees of poundage keen- in and take him away otherwise he will he sold according f law b rrieficld hiih sept 1s28 mwors english spelling ho ok just published and for sab at the chronicle office an extensvc edi tion ofmavors spelling book iiereo- typed from the 32sth london rdltion- a dis27 having a beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st march 1828 wanted several respectable youngsters as apprentices to ihe mouldiug and bar lion making bu- sincss at the marmora iron works for terms apply to a manahan 21 ocs 1828 jramiiiar jc jonttnercial school war kisnefyhito english teach er district school master ill ojuai on mondav the first f ii december next at that spaci- 1 8 d 0 0 0 15 0 youth and manhood of cyril thorn- ion pies from the very flattering patronage already received 120 subscribers bavins put down their names this volume will probably be succeeded by another bs soon i r of crandfathc b au as other plates can te enjiavcd ahnrj i dcrs from the country will be promptly at- j ol y- tended to brougham s speech on the english f any editors who will insert ihe aj bpvc afew times and forward a copy o wrao ivnrrjf ins paper eoutaimne the advertisement directed saturday bulletine plulade- phia shall receive a copy of the views immediately on their publication notice a well recommended medical gentleman of sound british prin ciples wil meet with every support in die vicinity of v ittoria township oi clnrlottcvdle london district tin cenlieofa dene population government wokki equlited a few poodquar- rymen io be emdoyed h the royal engineer department par- tirulars of the work r ma be obtain ed on applying at the engineer ofliee john haul atasisu com 6vm kingston gib auusi l wanted at the stores of the subscriber in kingston and at cape vincent all kinds of shipping and halting furs also deer skins and horns cattle iiomsc for which cash or goods will hepid henry s phinnv kingston nov 1st is2s o rent for a term of years immediate possession given the piopetty at present in the occupation ol john grant in barrio geld consisting ofn good dwelling house bake houkc barn and ntlnv out houses with the blid attached the properly will b- based for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to the editor ol ihe kingston c hi oniric kingston 5th may 182 soap candle manufactory daniel coffroy impressed with a grateful tense of the very liberal support be has received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at lare would inform them that he continues the above busiuess at his old stand in front of die holdings of john s cartw right esq- and near mr a ivess and the loug island ferry me is determined to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can dles wlucbhepiedaes himselfstiauboof the best quality lie will give the highest price in cither siip or cash for tallow and lard and will fiivc soap in exchange for house crease and akes delivered at hi works kingston oci2 1828 t t pork merchants can have their lard triad and packed in the first order at the shortest notice and on the lowest terms public noiicc is hereby given that from and after this date messrs john torrance and co are fuh ly authorised to settle all claims due o the estate of the latcmrdanicl fisher and that mr george munro of york and mr james lockhait of niagara- are also authorised to settle all claim due to the said estate in upper canada montreal 1st nov 1s28 signed johls fisher by his attorney john mackenzie john torrance john mackenziie william lvnn a j ferns begs leave to inform bis custo mers that he has just received ins fall supply of shoes cloves and materials of every description foi manu facturing and daily expects an addition of materials among which are about 70 dozen of skins such as bind ings white and coloured roan black 4 coloured morocco large shammy for mittens linings ac tanned hansels white lamb and sheep skins den tin several dozens sportmens tannd leather gutters best iron bound port manteaus beautiful tcoolchambcr mlatts ro sleigh do and a large quantity of other articles imported direct from london and will be sold at a very small advance on prime com and charges also on hand a good assortment of boots and shoes of all kinds ladies and gentlemens biwif- and shoes manufactured to order as usiid kingston november mb 1528 alliance iwitisk end iorivn ufi and fire as- snrancc compim of london estab lished by act nj iarliament capital five millions sterling he a rents lor this company beg leave io announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure ajrainst loss or damage by pike and that they have for the convenience of the pub c appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns oi the different dis tricts viz git wood esq messrs a p w morris c james macfarlane esq james g bethune esq robt wm prentice esq john ross j esq to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public ol the following impohant and striking advantages that will bo derived from assuring with the alliancecoinpany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3t moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participation of profits jih partes who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their rlit to participate in tlie profits of iho company gib losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of setting losses in this country without referring to the board of directors in london slli reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on proper tv tor a lens sum than the real value thereof the com pany will pay whatever loss is sustain ed no exceeding the sum assured 10h the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex- peclaion that ihe profits to be divid ed will be forge mckeniebethuneco agents montreal 28th ij pout hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturins nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope july 3 1826 packets for sicerage passen gers only to sail on the 5th and 20th of every month from liverpool ibr new york the ships composing this line are all of the first class copperfastened and coppered of about 400 tons burthen and as fast sailors as any packets in the trade they have superior accommo dations being very lofty between decks are commanded by experienced masters whose best endeavours will be to pro mote the comfort of passengers and the appointed days of sailing will be strict ly adhered to the facility and convenience of this establishment to persons residing at a distance by saving them much delay expense too often attending the uncer tain and protracted departure of a tran sient vessel will it is hoped be duly appreciated and command such a pre ference and support as will ensure lis continuance and success to irish emigrants this line is es pecially recommended on account of the easy and frequent communication ernest town cloth fac tory the subscribers beg leave to ac quaint their friends and the pub lic that they have erected a manufacto ry on the mill creek in the third con cession of earnest town for the pur pose ol picking carding and spinning wool and weaving fulling colour ing and dressing woolen clothssaii- nctts whicli they expect to have in ope- ration in a few days this being die first establishment of the kind commenced in the midland district and no pains or expense hav ing been spared to procure experienced workmen and machinery ofthe best des cription the subscribers confidently trust that a liberal and discerning pub lic wil duly appreciate the attempt to extend the domestic manufactures ofthe country and favour it with that patron age and support which they are deter mined to use their best exertions to de serve wool will be taken and manufactured cither on shares or at a reasonable price or carding fulling or any other part of the process performed for those who wish it on moderate terms isaac eraser david bbrown enoch drake ernesttown 26th may 1828 j0tice all persons indebted il to the estate of the late george macaulav esq are requested to make immediate payment and those having any claims against the said estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simon h macaulay esq of bub who is authorised to set tle all accounts relating to the said es tate james b macaulay york 1st oct 1828 llllv l ii tail jl jliiml between the irish ports and liverpool by means of steamboats and smacks and to all it will extend the peculiar ad vantage of a connexion with respectable companies upon the hudson river and the new york canalsby which issecur- ed the readiest and cheapest conveyance to cither of the canadian provinces those who wish to send for their friends can procure them a safe and ex peditious passage by applying to john macaulay esq kingston wuliaragara- ble esq york or james morris esq brockville upper canada new york march 1r2r m a nsionhouse hotel f21he subscricr infoiins his friends and the public that having taken this large and commodious house and its appurtenances in the centre of kingston and made preparations for entertaining travellers he hopes to be able by bis attention and accommoda tions to renter it an agreeable and sa tisfactory place of entertainment for those wdio have been in the habil of frequenting it under its former establish ment and others who may favour him with their cusom no exertions shall be spared on his part io piomote their comfort and merit thai approbation j dav for sale froiithalf of lot no 13 3d concession of ii aid lm and district of newcastle containing 100 acres 40 of which arc under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is erected on the lot on a durable stream and a fine grove of pine timber adjoining also a comfortable frame dwelling house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars c application may be made to j o bethune esq cobourg or on the premises to 7th feb 1828 levi cole itjor sale on reasonable terms lot l no 24 in the 4th concession of ihe township of burgess in the coun ty of leeds in the solinslowu district for further particulars apply at this ofliee kingston 24ib may 1828 tui kingston chronicle ss pinned and published eveiy suuday by james macfarlane at his ofliee in front street kingston ivimw sevenlii pvmnps and six- terms seventeen shillings and six pence per annum if sent by mail twen ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s id first insei- tion and tj each subsequent inseition ten lines and under 3s 4d first inser tion and 10d each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line lor tlie first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders foi discontinuing advertise ments o be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion produce received in pay me lit at the market price agents john biguell esq quebec david chishulmc esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james mclntosbesq lancaster john cameron esq lochicl r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matildet alpheus jones esq ikscctt henry jones esq brkvlle josiah taylor esq perth ii whit marsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald cananoqut- r w marfie esq bath allan mcpherson esq noponee thomas parker esq lidtrile joseph a kerler esq crwwhe tames g pethuue esq hamilton david smart esq par hope william allan esq korfc daniel kossesq viltorio jehu croak psq nianr charlesbeeit esq hjirray thomas dorlaodesn adolphustotrn cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancaster or at kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be dulv at tended to james johnston december 22d 1s27 lamp black the subscriber offers for sale half a ton of lamp black in barrels from 00 to 100 lbs each it is of a superi or quality not caked or mildewed and will be sold very low for cash geo f corbett- sept 5 18 wktakted immediately at da- j ff vis mill south crosbyrideau canal a number of sonc cutters to whom liberal wages will be given either by the day or fool with all tools found- if required also a number of quarry men to whom liberal wages will be gi ven and tegular payments made either by the month or week donald mcliver kingston nov 8 1s27stom mason

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