i rmnrrm rawwff a r jvulu f itotlj um4u1jja the corporation their thereof the assembly evidently discovered and the first sttp tak- officer e of any particular pin en inwards its accomplishment utterly c- titey tfwiiahl the rood t the die nocturnal dcihcr alions of a hand fas- 1 members f sassiiuorromirrcclbmmin the plot v the miml officer c 01 any puunuu have no oilier rank out of their pro i yiroyed- m ole ami complete control ol the pa mick revenue ami by consequence to nil the pacii of government courtly npcu the of the public welfare who met ihcmso sternly in the path pushed them hark in their original ground wasthcrcfurc forever tl rclare 1 a pchlich enemy act to wonder if the administration of go vernor craig was afterwards one of unpre cedented iressioti and turbulence on the part of the house of assembly had the assembly at this time imposed upon them selves the burthen of any balance that might be necessary for the support of the civil rovoruinem and administration of justice it aid fifthi permanent funds already at the dhposul of government the offer would have looked and sounded better however tm- llinn what beiuags to them in their ivcs row ii vinrc rivatc r vp rfe chronicle not capacity as men tho widow of a late governor lu any precedency as such a governor of one province or his r coming loto another province have n 2 that province where they visit any l cedeucy above their rank in private ott07 a writer in the new 1 chronicle says the words out of ai c wo rut in tjic language when one is ou patience aucl out of money- ho sax i- kingston january 10 1620 we are still unable to lay before our rea ders any late european news wife tells himsho is out of sugar ore day next ut of out ceoflee the next ovtof tea the out flour the nest and finally c spirits tlo words we think are iuod words and decidedly the best i- j language when one is out odebt 0 constitutionally made and would have j trouble and qui ojftil if a man a moved that the assembly both studied and j smoky house and a scolding wife nut of mdorstood tho true interests of their coun- 1 doors is no had place bunker hiit j try but to have come thus up with an cfier to defray the whole expenses or tlic government in the hope that ii is majesty and parliament would at once forego their preexisting rights and revenue exhibited ihem in the character of the greatest asses nod blockheads that ever existed howe ver that man must be cither exceedingly simple and stupid or exceedingly wicked and hypocritical who nevcrexhibiis symp toms of mortified ambition and wo ac cordingly find that the leaders of the as sembly have ever since become at once more openly loud and clamorously urgent in their demands whether they relate to the guances of the province or other ques- tiousof constitutional government iu the meantime down till 1818 the pkhmanknt revenue continued to he applied by the crown as usual and the claims of the as sembly to that revenue continued umnoot- ed for eight years longer during which nei ther wasany step taken by government to encourage their pretensions to ii continued misceiilasy rara said ii ng a west india gaming house l the shark is there and the sharks prey the spendthrift and the leech that sucks him cowper st thomas i will accordiug to ynur desire give you a description one oftlu most destructive resorts that ever was de vised by the malignant genius of satan the saloou of rouge ct noir is one of the most famous among the numberless ambling shops of the west indies- on entering the apartment the imagination b stunned by the horror which bursts upon the eye the terrific laugh of the winners the hellish shrieks of the unfortunate and tho half suppressed moauiugs of the utterly desperate give me au idea of an assem blage of demons celebrating some dreadful triumph over human misery there is ob served a spanish don whiskered and mus- fachied like ancient pistol and exhibi ting the picture of avarice revenge aud every wicked passion fomenting in his bo som near him is some stranger fleeced of j siiiijisih his last doubloon aud tortured with the pangs of nlia vailing repentance a third group is formed of the lookcrson who have formed most manful resolutions to resist tho golden temptations around them hut who gradually yield to the irresistible fascinations of the piles of gold so splen didly spread out on the long green tables a marblecoloured sideboard is set off with a variety ti delicious liquors whose sti- j mutating qualities are enchastened by yiafigu somo medicinal preparation which fins ph the vonntr blood and harries the deluded tki iiiim to dtfstruction i vv a few cvcniors ago i was pacing jwjv through the saloon with afriendwho was an 1 adopt in all the m stories of the gaming cs- j pjc tablisllment we had walked round tjieeircuit w iles when our attention was arrested by ysjw the moans of somo figure stretched out on ymfc2 hsofa in a dark corner the lurid gleam ft jl whici now and then hashed from a lamp j modesty to the female character i to he like saltpetre to beef impar blush while it preserves its purity from the new monthly magazine broken ties the broken ties of happier days how often do they seem to come before our mental gaze like a rcmemberd dream around us each dissevcrd chain in sparkling ruin lies an earthly hand can neer again unite those llrokeu ties the parents of our infant home the kiudred that we loved far from our arms perchance mayrhnm to distant scenes romoved or we have watchd their parting bro and closed their weary eyes and sighed to think now sadly death can sever human ties the friends tho loved ones of our ya they oo arc tjonoor chanced or worse than all their love and troth arcdarkend and estranged they meet us in the glittering throng itli cold averted eyes aud wonder that we weep our wrong and mourn our broken tics oh who in such a world as this could hear their lot of pain did not one radiant hope of bliss unclouded yet remain that hope the sovereign lord hasgiv who reigns beyond the skies that hope uuitcs our souls to heaven by faiths enduring ties each care each ill of mortal birth is sent in pitying love to lift the lingering heart from earu and speed its flights above and every pang that rends the breast and every joy that dies tells us to seek a safer rest and trust to holier ties sfiamomoab forl829n a hlt flail mm kbeh i l- i 1 1 c t 3 l x cci ij h i on the features of this unfortunate present- j jfctotfkj ed one of the most awful pictures of des- 1 rsfecj pair that ever convulsed the human counte- 1 pliin nance the ghastly paleness of his fcc wv vas fearlessly contrasted ly the jetty wj blackness of his locks which were cluster- kjc p cd about his brow the sight was appal- i nahn 4 11 i is l 23 2 1 2 8 1516 2223 march 1 21 ti 7 m 27 28 3 4 1011 mm 151617 fi ii ww i4 mm an asylum for insane persons such as is suggested by our correspondent howard would certainly be a most desirable acqui sition we hop it may be takeu into consideration by the legislature there is however another class of per sons for whom some public provision should be made we advert to the nu merous emigrants who annually resort to this province poor and destitute aud who when attacked by the fevers aodarncs in cidental to our climate have no means of obtaiuing the medical attendance and comforts necessary for their speedy recove ry and for this reason either perish or de pend on the bounty of the old inhabitants- the burden which the care of such per sons imposes on the charity of our towns and villages almost surpasses credibility we may at least speak for our own good town and iu so doing we fearlessly assert that no town on the continent contributes more than it towards charitable purposes in proportion to the means aud numbers of its population considering neverthe less how inadequate all its contributions are to the effectual relief of the numerous objects of compassion which emigration from ireland annually places before us we do think some legislative measure is re quired iu aid of private charity whether such measure should be the endowment of one general hospital or a vote of small annual appropriations iu aid of charitable associations is now a fit subject for discus sion cioorit tins name is becoming po pular in the province merricks mills in the johnstown district lias lately received the name of colbomt our friend mr keclerof cramalic writes us that his vil lage is in future to be called colbomc in honor of the governor and that his excel- ivucy has given his sanction to the same the good people of prince edward arc al so wishing to havo the name oftheirctmintv changed into that of the district ofcolbome the ifimhtrthv snow which afforded us on saturday last so promising an ap pearance of a canadian winter season iv as almost totally removed from our eu- joyment by the peculiarly mild and genial nature of the weather ou wednesday last the thermometer averaged 36 and the day was consequently unnaturally soft break ing up with great rapidity the ice that was so firmly fixed between this and the oppo site shores no accidents however have occurred on thursday a snow storm re commenced which continued with little in terruption until last evening and we are now i appily in possession of perhaps as good sleighing as we have ever enjoyed- the thermometer at 7 this morning stood at s below zero and this day is clear cold and cheerful for that purpose that at tin f annual meeting one lalfol thesaid l shall he elected for two years aud 0 half for the term of one year and afterwards at the annual meeting for the cl ofbur- kcsses one half of the whof n0 of burgesses shall be elected lot t i of two years that no person b de e- lected a burgess who shall i possess a freehold or leasehold as afc j t said town of the assessed v 0 ft pounds or who shall not have resided in a dwelling house in the said uno for tuo years next before the election and have bona fide paid one years rcit of twenty pounds for such dwellingho that no person shall be elected as uugcss or shall vote at any eleetiou unless he be a subject of his imajcsty either by birth naturali zation that on the day after tbe election of burgesses they shall elect seven of their number as aforesaid as a council to ma nage the affairs of the corporation one of whom shall preside as chaiman of the corporation that the barge tses shall be compelled to swear to their qualification if necessary that the said council may ap point a town clerk treasurer assessor collector town crier and al constables within said town and may establish fire companies and regulate the same that no taxes be laid upon the inhabitants of the town other than those alredy imposed hut by an act of the legislature or petition of the corporation that tho rots received by the trustees cf the market property and funds be paid over annually to the council or at whatsoever times the same may he received that the corporation be authorised to take sufficient security from such orlicers as they may appoint and to require an oath to be taken by them for the due performance of their duties that the members of the council bo auo sworn du ly to discharge their duty and that the council be required to cause a correct an nual statement of the receipts and expen ditures of the police taxes ami all other monies funds and accounts of tho said town to be published annually in the news papers printed in the said town tho undersigned inhabitants of the town of kingston humbly pray that an tie mij imj uhsreti piuvitlnjj- lor the lore- going amendments of the police of the said town together with such other provisions as may he necessary to carry the same into e fleet or to grant your petitioners such re lief in the premises as to the wisdom of your honourable house ever watchful oer the public welfare may seem best adapted to the interests and prosperity of thy said town of kingston an your petitioners as in duty bound willeverpray kingston th january 1x29 the montreal cazette published by au thority has entered into an arrangement highly beneficial to its numerous subscri bers in the upper province of issuing ear ly numbers if that paper in time f the mails of monday and thursday tie ad vantages of this system are descriled in the advertisement which will be foind iu another column and appear likely an ticipate the intelligence afforded by any other semiweekly paper during 00 ses sion of the parliament below we may therefore expect a more speedy annuncia tion of the progress of thattntoestmhody than wo have hitherto enjoyed thereby adding greatly to the capacity of this section of tho canal at the same time effectually avoiding all apprehensions of future di flic lilt ies from heavy slips of earth such as have already occurred the ex pense of executing the remaining unfinish ed work on the whole line including the feeder aqueduct ecc c according to the new project we arc also informed will fall considerably short of the estimate on the former one after the next meeting of the directors when they shall have received the report of their engineers and decided as to the course to he pursued we hopeto be favoured with farther intelligence on the subject which we shall lose no time iu laying before the publick m4rrikd on the 8th instant by the rev thos handcock mr abel geo coleman of elizabeth town in the dis trict of johnstown to miss laura lewis of the town of kingston died ou mouday morning mrthos fergusonbutcher of this town a- many as riigh t- thought liunnfap in wilful and total disregard ol low another injurious radicr of the ses sions according to your authority is the putting of the masters to oversee and directing tho people to work on roads away from where they travel and have au inter est in making good now sir if this be as you describe it an existing evil and an injurious practice i suppose ou have uo objection to assist in its correction i therefore invite your earliest attention to it fifteen overseers out of sixteen illegally nominated at the late town mcetiug ai to be sworn iuto office ehy monday ue aud in order that each overseer may ha j a division the township must be set off h i fifteen parts you will further be pleas i to understand that the existing divjii 393u 5 a 1213 151c 2223 2030 5 cy ut we were fixed t6 ilic spot by the mifc mm anc ing 1 interest which the hapless victim cxeicd i ww wo at length overcome by our feelings jfc walked away aud as we were turning j ft fa down the dark steps which led to a solitary lane we observed an object gliding by us in the greatest agitation it was the wretched man whom we had just been con templating he stopt short and exclaim ed young gentlemen if you will be rul ed by my dreadful experience never again enter that infernal door 1 have this night lost the lastpmiclo of an immense fortune and nothing now remains forme hut death there was something peculiarly impres sive in the tones of his voice whose sound tho i should linger out more years than wretch eer told can never leaves my ears lie rushed into the darkest part of the ioiix avenue aud soon afterwards the ox- ploon of a pistol told us the finale of his tragic l0 philadelphia port folio ritlfi ofprfcedtncy compared and ad justed from the several acts aud statutes made and provided in england for tho suitlcmcut of the precedency of men and women iu america py joseph edmonson mowbray herald 1713 24 25 i 121314115 192021j22 20 27133 20 m i f 3 4 5 5 1011 1213 17 181920 21 25j5k7 31 12 7 8 9 3 4 8 suaii i92t2i mm mm 26 i- bfery 222 si mm 30- 1 7 8 1415 2122 e29 nhn 3 10 m 15 10117 21 22j23j24 26200 5 g 121314 192021 4 k 1112 2526 5 mm 3 w9m 30 si is fire the houscowned by 51 r walter mecnunifle in barriefield and occupied by john 11 glover esq navalstore keeper took fire on thursday dight last by which one room was much damaged and the furniture therein destroyed r 2 910 15 10 17 222324 fokaugust mm s 20 27212930 31 governor of the province lieutenant governor president of the council members of his majestys council j speaker of the commons house of asiubly chief julitc treasurer associate judges isaroneirf his wife his wife his wife their wives his wife his wife his wife their wives ihcir wives 1314 2f2 y 2728 loctober- 4 5 n mi majestys attonuy general his ife judo cf the admiralty his wife tocretary of the piovinco his wife lererof llc oiiiion rni honsoofisscmmy theruives mayor his wife amririn tlcirviw wksov rw mm s4m 0 is m ii j i m j mm o q v kam 9ioil 17 mm biw ran 5324252g wfew 5 7 12 131i4ti5 c 2 3 4 91011 i0l7lsiij20il22 23 24 25 3031 j l o 7 f u e ii 30 27 3 11 17 1112 isli 2520 1 2 ft 0 1510 22 224 2980 0 7 1314 1 2021 22 272829 3tr- m sm g 7 hm 18192021 20 2829 lluvtf 4 u o 9 f 30 1 5 n inn l2 vmm i ri ivzi 4 yif ftarcjei ft kiwk0im 242520 nwn mm p we learn that a petition to the follow ing effect is about to be presented to lite lgislature for incorporating the town of kingston the priition of the undersigned inhabitants of the town of kingston in the midland district humbll skewetii that in and by several statutes of this province the justices of the court of ge neral sessions of the peace in and for the said midland district are authorised to make and administer jylaws and regu lations for the police of the said town of lviugston and the police taxes and all faxes aud moneys accruing or belonging to the said town are required fo be paid to the district treasurer of the said district under the direction aud control of the jus tices of the said court of general sessions of the peace but the exercise of the autho rity so vested in ihc said court of sessions id the district in making and administering the local and peculiar bylaws and re gulation for the police of the said town and the nonpublishing as by law di rected statements of tho funds aud ac counts of the said town are found to be inconvenient and unsatisfacto ry your petitioners therefore humbly pray that so much of the said provincial statutes as vest such authority iu thejus- tjeos of he said court of session of tbe fvace may he repealed aud instead thereof that the said town be incorpora ted and be called 4t the corporation of the joien cf kingston that in addition jo tho incidental powers of a corporation be gi ven the power of purchasing lauds without the kings licence and tho power of en forcing by- laws by fine and imprisonment rht the said corporation may consist of srveu persons who shall severally possess the following qualification viz a freehold property or leasehold for not less a term than ten years in the said town of the as sessed value of 60 or who shall have re sided in a dwellinghouso in thesaid town for the space of two years next before their appointment and have bona fide paid oiio years rent of thirty pounds or upwards for suh dwellinghouse that the said seven persons shall he elected annually out of twcniyfour burgesses who shall he elect ed by the assessed householders in the saiid town at au annual meeting to bo held we have great satisfaction in the inser tion of the following letter in testimony of tho successful labours of mr radeliffe as master of the kingston high school sir having witnessed with much satisfacti on the examination of your pupils this morn ing in their several clases we feel it a duty incumbent upon us to make known to you our decided approbation of ihe system intro duced by you at the kingston high school the boys of the reading class particularly do you much credit for accenting in a very superior style those in the higher class for latin mapping geography and eng lish grammar are equally creditable to you when we consider the very short period of time those boys have been under your tuition we necessarily must entertain the fullest confidence of your abilities aud un wearied attention as a teacher wishing you every success iu your ardu ous undertaking we remain dear sir very truly signed akch mcdonell- j lefgatt john strange ohas tolkien kingston 23rd dec 1828 to the editor of the kingston chronicle sir among the many humane and charitable projects which havo attracted the atteution of the publick and of the legislature of late years it appears rather singular that unperson has suggested any plan for the relief of the insane the benevolent ends of an institution for the relief of individu als suffering under mental malady need not be pointed out nor do i think it can be re quisite to dwell on its great utility the rapid increase in the population of the pro- vive and ihe consequent proportionate in crease iu the number of fit objects for such a charity render it important that some thing should speedily he done towards es tablishing a lunatic asylum when it is considered how many persons labouriug under idiocy or insanity are scattered over the country and how gieat must be tbe de- n iviiiuii and uhurit ut sueli in particu lar as belong to indigent families i am sure it will uot be denied that their relief is a desirable object with all who feel fur others woes anil who sympathise with individuals whom divine providence has visited with the moslawful of human cala mities my attention has been drawn to thissub- jecl by a case which occurred in this town last summer an unhappy woman having been abandoned by her unfeeling husband while iu a state of mental derangement was thrown upon the charity of a few indi viduals witho tt whose aid she would un doubtedly have perished in a miserable manner this female is still supported by charily though her reason has been par tially restored and it is to be lamented that no mode presents itself of compelling her hardhearted husband to provide for her support or at least of punishing him for having so barbarously deserted her if not still maiutained by the contributions of pri vate benevoleoce the poor woman would yet perish aud it need not be told to you mr editor bow burdensome this tax be comes when added to the heavy demands made ou the purses of our townsmen for the relief of the unprecedented number of persons who have been thrown on the town by the fever which has lately raged so extensively and with so much violence in the country there cannot exist a doubt that the in dividuals of whom one hears in travelling through the province as pfllicted with iu- win ywjy wfss wk well wu treated with the greatest tenderness by their friends or relatives how shocking then must be their situations when they are ne glected a publick hospital or asylum for the iosane affording relief on a syste matic plan would remedy this and what is of as much importance it would hold out hopes of a cure being effected in many ca ses the establishment of such an asylum is therefore according to my viewsn mat ter of great public interest and it would be sides be honorable to tbe character of the legislature for humane and charitable feel- iog one asylum supported by the pub lic funds would be sufficient for tbe whole province and after the building which need not be very large or costly was erect ed a sum not very considerable would de fray ihc annual expenses because the friends of the afflicted persons should when found capable be required to contribute to wards their maintenance u hy then i ask should not such an asylum be immedi ately established is there uo philanthro pist in parliament to bring the matter for ward howard welland can the survey of tho proposed feeder says the farmers journal to this canal from the grand river or ouve to the deep cut as mentioned in a former no of the jour nal has been completed and the es timate made out aod il affords us sincere pleasure in being able lo state for the in formation of the stockholders and the pub lick on the authority of the principal en gineer that the result is even more favour able to the company than the antiripatious of the most sanguine aod that instead of the unlookerl for obstructions at tbe deep cut proving ruinous or very disastrous to the interests of those concerned it will c- ventually terminate greatly to their ad vantage tho very imperfect accounts and incorrect reports respecting which that have been circulated by designing persons to tho contrary notwithstanding on the present plan he grand river be comes the summit level pf the canal which precludes the necessity nf excavating the cranberry marsh so n to about 10 feet a laid out on tho original scale the same level continues crossing the chippawa or wetland r iu an aque duct and enters tho jcp cut 17 feet a- hovo the bottom ae femerly intended to the editor of ihe upper canada herald sir in your last number i observe some commentaries on the appointmentof over seers of highways and tbe division aod application of statute labor within the township of kingston which i cannot al low to pass unuoticed you insinuate that the practice of the sessions is injurious to the puhliek good because instead of allowing 20 overseers the magistrates have restricted the number to fifteen nevertheless you admit at the same time that no more than fifteen over seers are allowed to a township by the law how then cau tho practice of the sessions be justly stigmatised as injurious if it be in strict conformity to law if you had plainly stated that the law itself was defective in its provisions ami in some respects injurious to the public good no one would have disputed the truth of your assertion no one could iu such case have had reason to complain of tho injustice of your observations for the obvious remedy would have suggested itself to every read er you however for reasons best known by yourself preffr speaking of the inju rious practict oftftk sessions and instead of approving of a rigid adhcrenee to law and commending the sessions as most candid wellmeaning persons should do for nd restricting the illegal practice which had for some tiino prevailed of nominating at town meetings more overseers than could or ought to he sworu iuio ollice you rather desire the publick io infer that the people should bo permitted to go ou and choose were established two or three years ag when the irregularities which had crept it to the elections first attracted notice by the magistrates assisted by the deputy clerk of the peace aud that much care and at tention were employed in reudering them as convenient as the restrictions of the law appeared to admit you say however that they are injurious if so you are call ed on to remedy the evil and to propose a better and more convenient division of the township into fifteen parts produce your plan at the court house on monday next and take my word for it if it shall suggest any improvement of the existing arrange ments it will be readily adopted you cannot deny that this is a fair challenge you cannot refuse to accept it aud now sir let me tell the publick to what cause is lo be ascribed the inconve- uieuco which arises from overseers being taken to a distance from their owu resi dence tosupcrintend the application of tho statute labor say for instance from tho first to the second concession tho law as i have already said authorises the appointment of fifteen overseers while the people sometimes elect twenty of theso twvnty persons fifteen only can bo sworn into office and in appointing them to the reduced number of fifteen divisions instead of twenty it may often happen ihflt no overseer of those elected may reside within a pnriirdnr rlvwp ifrb- rtf paid at their town meetings the slightest attention to tho law and to the known li mits of the fifteen established divisions they would elect an overseer resident within each division and thus obviate ihe unplea sant nccessky imposed on the sessions of disallowing some of the popular nomi nations even after somo years experi ence and knowledge of ihe existing divi sions of the township the people chose at the late town meeting sixteen overseers instead of fifteen of course the supernu merary appointment must be set aside iu doing which some difficulty may be experi enced as well as some inconvenience iu consequence of the people disregarding the positive injunctions of the law and the wellknown existing divisions of the town ship in this respect therefore the fault lies with the people as clearly aud com pletely as tiie injury resulting from the limitation of the number of overseers to fifteen aod the consequent necessity of bteuding portions of different concessions within the same division is caused by tbe lw- it is unfair and perhaps something worse to charge the sessions with inju rious practices iu the execution of this part of the highway statute s as tbe article under consideration has doubt less air- editor of he herald beenwritti n by your deputy will proceed to tell you plainly what 1 think yon as one of the represent atives of this county should do while you are at your post in parliament lustead of admitting into your paper insidious attacks ou the sessions and imputing to jury which may thence accrue to ti e pub lick i would rather recommend you to set about providing a proper remedy by a- mending the law the necessity of amend ing it not merely in as far as regards the number of overseers but also the more effectual application of the statute labour has been represented to memhers of par liament during several successive sessions of the legislature and at the last ses sion a petition on the subject was i think forwarded from the inhabitants of the township owing to tbe peculiarities of its local situatiou aod settlement tho township of kingston requires at least twenty overseers instead of fifteen and iu a few years it may require even a great er number other townships may be si milarly circumstanced perhaps instead of limiting the number of overseers to any determinate number the people should bo authorised at their annual town meeting to choose as many as they might consider necessary with a reservation to the ses sions of the power of reducing the num ber if more should at any time be elected than wero manifestly requested provided that they should nover reduce the number below twenty this you will understand to be a suggestion which occurs to meat tho moment of writiug it may not bo approved it probably will not in tbo present temper of the times i merely throw out the suggestion and whether it be approved or not i at least trust that ihe wisdom and mature consideration of par liament will bo applied to the subject dur ing the present session j p at the town ileeling held at the- court house on monday january 5th 1829 for the town of knston- the toftnship and tbe additions the following persons were uo- sen io fill for oueear the respective offiges to which their names are annexed thomas wilson town clerk abraham truax collector john vincent and c assessors a mcmlcnaep road masters west of 1st co killgst n b whrtman sen thomas graham peter wyers sylvester llolden james uiown amos on lev william mckall do william guess t h h i t i east west of 2d con baal west 3d knst 4th con 5ib x 6th west centre 5lh6tl snarl li k west 7tlt con kingston east 7ih do do il east or town i robert death kicbard hnrninff nathaniel cover ly additions western 3d cor 6th do 4th do a ilw vnvolkenburgh john diamond darius smith