of securities in the hands of the public at large payable at the shortest of all possi ble notice viz at sight strictly spoakiu a bank cannot be at alt times in a condi tion to faco the calls upon it and deserve the entire confidence of the public unless the private paper it hut discounted be all like its own notes payable at sight but as it is no easy matter to find substantial as sets that shall bear interest and at the same rime be redeemable at sight the next best course is to confine its issues to bills of very short dates and indeed well conduct ed banks have always rigidly adhered to this principle from the preceding considerations may bo deduced a conclusion fatal to abund ance of systems and projects viz that cre ditpaper can supplaut and that but par tially nothing more than that portion of the national capital performing the func tions of money which circulates from hand to band as an agent for the facility of transfer consequently that no bank of circulation or creditpaper of any denomi nation whatever can supply to agricul tural manufacturing or commercial enter prise any funds for the construction of ships or machinery for the digging of mines or canals for the bringing ofxoaste lands into cultivation or the commence ment of lodgwindcd speculations any funds in short to be employed as vested capital the indispensable requisite of creditpaper is its iustant couvertability into specie when the sum total of the pa per issued does not exist in the coffers of the bank under the shape of specie the deficit should at least be supplied by secu rities of very short dates whereas an es tablishment that should lend its funds to be vested in enterprises wheuce they could not be withdrawn at pleasure could never be prepared with such securities the securities in the hands of a bank i hold to be a solid basis for the whole of its issues of notes provided those securi ties be of solvent persons and have not too long to run for the securities will be re deemed either with specie or with the notes of the bank itself in the first case the bank is supplied with the meaus of paying its notes in the second it is saved the trouble of providing forlhem if by any circumstance the notes be deprived of their power of circulating as specie the task of leplaciog the metal for the pnper money does uot devolve upon the pink nor was it at the first saddled with the business of turning to account the metal money its notes rendered superfluous for as we have already observed the bank can extinguish tho whole of its paper with the private securities it holds the incon venience falls upon the publlck which is under the necessity of finding a new agent of circulation either by a reimport of the metal money or by the substitution of private paper but probably the public would in such circumstances apply again to a bank conducted on sound principles this will servo to explain why so many schemes of agricultural ranks for the issue of circulating and convertible tiotes on ample landed security and so many other schemes of a similar nature have fallen to the ground in very little time with more or less loss to the shareholders and the public specie isequivalent to pa per of perfect solidity and payable at the moment consequently it can only be sup planted by notes of unquestionable credit and payable on demand and such notes cannot be discharged by a bare security even of the best possible kind i shall refrain from further extracts from books of authority to shew the unsound ness of the principle that our prodigious landed capital might be safely and effectu ally represented by bank notes and he thus made adequate to ail commercial purposes banks are establised as aids to commerce and by aiding commerce they of course naturally give an impulse toagriculturebut they ought never as they value their own prosperity to encourage overtrading among merchants or long- wiuded speculations on the part of agri culturists or manufacturers personal se curity uot security ou projterty is demand ed by all wellconducted banks and though private bankers in england may discount notes on tho security of the bor rower ouly and money may there be ea sily obtained on landed security from pri vate persons it is certain that the bank of england requires the names of more than one firm on the paper it discounts i am inclined to funk that the directors of that i- t i 4 i the companys charter which in such case would be required the bank of england already has a sufficiently extensive field of operation within the realm of eng land itself and that to establish a branch 3000 miles distant would be ap act of con summate folly that we have n particular claim on the bank for the adaption of so novel and so dangerous a measure for our benefit that if we carried ouf point and our application were grantedte bankout of mere regard to consistency must extend her favours to other colonies aid establish branches at jamaica the cae of good hope botany bay and calcutta that all these branches actiug as leeches would soon cure the old mother bank of her pleth ora but that the cure alas would soon be found worse thau the disease and end in consumption but this is a fudge it does not accord with the spirit of the times and the march of free trade and enlighten- 1 ed principles we must have the branch bank and then we may crown with laurel the brews of our illustrious senalrto whom we would be indebted for these tnighty be nefits the only fault i have to find with him is that he has stopped rather short cf the proper mark of a true canadian patri- ot whose view is solely to be directed to the promotion of canadian interests with out regarding those of the parent state and other colonies or caring at whose expense we prospered had i been so fortunate as to have occupied a place beside the hon member when he moved his immortal re solutions i would as a suitable tail have made the following proposal resolved that it is expedient for the promotion of the general welfare of the people of these provinces that an humble address be im mediately prepared praying that his majesty would he graciously pleased to reside during a certain portion of the year at or near the town of kingston in upper canada in order that his faith- ful canadian people might have an opportunity ofbasking in the sunshine of his royal smiles and that by the resort of his courtiers and nobles to u canada his majesty might give efficacy to our commerce enable us to dopt means for representing our landed capital i could point out a most romantic spoton one of our back lakes with a transparent expanse of liquid glass more beautiful than virginia water that admired ornament of lordly windsors famed retreat that would answer for the residence of our beloved monarch but i have too much anxiety for the preservation of his most precious health to recommend that he should visit us dur ing the season when fever and ague stalk through our concessions and shoot their arrows indiscriminately at all let it uot be said this would be an extravagant re quest for we have authority for saying that as sure as you petition the thing will be granted do not suppose that i am jesting in this matter for i was never in my life moie serious our eloquent representative does not require the humble aid of my fee ble eulogies he stands forth from the mass of our upper canadian legislators proudly eminent and exhibits most beautifully and instinctively how great is the difference between the sound views of a practical statesman and the theoretical reveries of u speculative rhapsodist upon the wings of his two grand projects i e a free trade to china and the establish ment of a branch of the bank of england at montreal he confidently aud no doubt with justice expects that he will soar into the regions of renown and finally perch on one of the topmost pinnacles of fames resplendent temple believe not j be seech you those detracting mortals who compare those wings which are sure and strong as an eagles to the faithloss pini ons of unhappy icarus and who malici ously prophesy that with the rashness of icarus the honorable member will be loo adveo- m light idc great institution would laugh at mr dal- tou or any other man who would wish tbcm to make their notes represent his land the preference of personal se curity thus given by the bank of england to that of property iu any shape doe not then exactly accord with the opinions of our great political economist in this case it may be sked of what use would be a braucb of the bank of england at mon treal unless they agreed with him in al lowing their notes to represent our land it would certainly be of very little service in bringing about the wonderful change which our orator contemplates in our con dition but we have still a remedy we must petition the governor and company of the bank of england to make our migh- tv genius of froutenac a branch director aud then the tide of unimagined riches would flow upwards fill our coffers with abundance and fertilize aud beautify our now unyielding soil we should slake our thirst at an overflowing fountain and in short witness a return of the golden age our grand object must therefore be to pray the king that he may he graciously pleas ed ou our behalf to use his royal recom- mendation to lis ministers to make an ar rangement with the governor and com pany of the bank of england to establish a branch of their bank at montreal and to make mr dalton a branch director and who sir can dare to say that this is not a most modeat reasonable request 7 is not the bank of england suffering under a plethora what surer mode of relief then can it adopt thau to swallow the nos- v truat of doctor dalton 7 but some cap tious persons may argue against the ration ality of this scheme aud say that not to dwell on the necessity of an alteration in punished for essaying a turous by a plunge from upper air a headlong and disastrous pluuge into the blue depths of the mighty st lawrence fum for the kingston chronicle mr editor having hfee recently solicited to at tach my name to a petition from tho inha bitants of the county of prince edward to the present provincial parliament praying for legislative enactmeut to se parate them from the midland district and to organize them into a distinct ju risdiction and previously hearing oftho in 1803 the landbank of paris was for this reason obliged to suspend the pay ment of its notes in cash aud to give no tice that they would be paid off by instal ments out of the proceeds of its real securi ties am opposition in sentiment prevailing be tween tho people f that county and the couuty of hastings i have been induced to examine the arguments adduced by both parties in support of the prayer of their respective petitions and after due and impartial investigation i am thorough ly convinced of toe propriety and justice of deciding in favour of the county of prince edward in the first instance sir that couury comprises five lare townships each pos sessing an excellent and durable soil which for its fertility and production of the staple commodities of our country is uot surpassed or even equalled by any other county in the midland district or per haps iu the province and we may with the clearest evidence pronounce the inha bitants generally as loyal as industrious and intelligent as obose of any other coun ty in upper canafo in the next instance sir it is compose of a peninsula project ing upwards of 5b miles into lake onta rio and wholly unconnected with any part of the midfoot district being separa ted by the waters af the bay quiutie and joined to the district of new castle by a narrow istbmusofaboutonemile in breadth from this circumkance it would appear that nature in fo ruing her territories for j the convenience and accommodation of man had designed priuce edward a place where scenes of great and magnifi cent nature were ao be acted and where the business of human life was to be con ducted independent of any other jurisdic tion or coutrol one circumstance tending to corroborate this is that notwithstanding its first settlement cannot be dated as ear ly as some other parts of the district to which it belongs and holding out at that period no other superior advantages than the futility of the soil yet in point of im provement in agriculture commerce po pulation and weal of its inhabitants it may be considered to have surpassed allo- ther counties within the district thus sir considering tut rapidity of its improve- ent the constant current of emigration of industrious enterprising european far mers to its uncultivated lands and the al most innumerable blessings with which divine providence has favoured it mani festly designed for the comfort prosperity and welfare of the inhabitants when in a distinct and separate jurisdiction we may fairly presume that not only on this ae- couut ought they to have it but the time for their separation has arrived especially as that eventcannot injure or prove detri mental to tho prosperity of any of the ad jacent counties or districts but sir this is uot tho only argument which indu ced roe to attach my name to the prince edward petition the circumstance of the population of that county amounting to upwards often thousand being about one third part of that of the whole midland district which comprises 30 townships gives it a claim to independent jurisdic tion quite superior to the county of has tings the population of which at present amounts to only about four thousand nor is there any probability of the latter county ever improving in the same ratio with that of the former the reason which i assigu for this is that with the excep tion of a small part of the 12 townships embraced iu the county of hastings the soil is of au iuferior quality unfit for gene ral cultivation and the surface of the coun try rough rocky and interspersed with sunkeu impassable swamps not so with the county of prince edward while upon the subject of population i cannot forbear remarking that prince edward contains upwards of three times the amount of that of the ottawa district which has been long organised and established and far surpasses even the western district si tuated near the head of lake erie in a populous flourishing part of caoada a nolher important argumeut to be consi dered is the superiority of the resources of that couuty over any other of equal ter ritory or extent in the province next to the free constitution under which we have tho happiness to live a judicious divi sion of our country into proper aud con venient districts may he considered the most important and valuable privilege especially when the part to be organised as such possesses sufficient population and resources to warrant such a measure f in particular tho latter arc so requisite and if prince edwards rcsourses amounts as they do fo more than several of the long organised fjistricfs in tne province r and if as stated before it comprises no more than 5 townships and pays into the midland district treasury annually more than one third part of the yearly taxes of that large district which now contains 30 townships i ask what superficial ob server is there existing who cannot see the propriety justice and reasonableness of the prayer of their petition from what has been already observed it may appear su perfluous in me to attempt any further iu vestigation of the subject or to produce any other argument to justify ray actio en deavouring to obtain for that county by attaching- my name to its petition a ju dicious iudependance in its judiciary func tions but sir when i contemplate the e- normous bills ofcost frequently amounting to 100 0 0 and upwards accruing to individuals in that county in a single suit in the court of kings bench inconse quence of the town of kingston being si tuated at a remote part of the district and at so great a distance from the county of prince edward and where the courts are held aud district business transacted from which to the most remote part of the dis trict costs are charged and to which all having business where magistrates jurors litigants and witnesses are obliged to at tend when i say i contemplate these things with others that shall soon follow i can not hut consider them not ouly destructive and ruinous but grievous and intolerable burdens which render justifiable the com plaints of the inhabitants of that county and which in my opinion call loudly for legislative interference it is mr editor a circumstance worthy of remark however demoralizing and injureus to community that crimes misdemeanours of a flagrant ana ayrtoviwrs nature cogntzavie and pu nishable by british law are frequently compromised and pass unpunished iu con sequence of the unwillingness of those whose duty it should be to iuform to be bouod to prosecute and appear at so great a distance there arc other irresistible arguments which ought to occupy a place in our catalogue and which i will briefly notice these are the difficulty danger and in certain seasons of tbe year impossibility of crossing the bay quiotie to attend the courts and the uncalculable damages and disadvantages accruing to the inhabitants inconsequence of being obliged to have their homes and business frequently for the term of two weeks at a time and at a season of the year wheu their agricultural pursuits require their individual attention we now proceed for a moment to com ment upon the impropriety of any other division of the county of prince edward than that for which we have been con tending and to accomplish which we have considered it our duty to petition the legislature we have already observed and it is manifestly obvious that nature had originally designed prince edward a place for the transaction of its own judi cial functions and now to divide and give a portion to hastings which has already a sufficiency of territory would not only thwart the design of nature heap upon the inhabitants accumulated loads ofgrief trouble and distress but would forever exclude them from the participation of thosi rights which in common with others they ought to enjoy examiner kingston january 1829 p s the editor of the loyalist is res pectfully solicited to give the above an in sertion in his paper rod amounts to in this case 198 shillings by 2 gives the length of one sidle of the squareinmilestherefore9 9s uviltiplyed by 2 are equal to 198 miles square and a circle of the saine diameter will many pounds to surround it as squire as it contains acres of course philomaths young i- rishraan can perceive that the square portion w bettor than tbe round problem 4th feby 1829 canada company-where- as several informations hve been received by me that timber bfls been plundered from lands the property of the canada company particularly in the london midland eastern and ot tawa districts and the names of several offenders have also been communicated to me i hereby give notice that agents are appointed in the various districts to procure evidence respecting the depre dations and that every person who may heteaflerbe found offending will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law wm dunlop warden of the woods and forests wardens office guelph feb 2 1829 j n b persons desiring of purcha sing licence to cut timber on the com pany s lands will apply to me by let ter addressed to my office here a special session will be hol- den on monday the thirtieth day of march next at the court honse in the town of kingston at the hour of ten oclock of the forenoon to divide the township of kngston into divfoions and to allot to the different overseers the roads they are so superintend and work for the ensuing year at the same time to receive the accounts of the overseers of the highways of the township of kingston for the last year by order allan maclean clerk of the pouco m d feb 21 1829 office of the cataraqui bridge c6pony kingston feb 12 1829 at a meeting of the directors of the cataraqui bridge company it was resolv ed that a further instalment of 10 ffi cent on the capital stock be called in payable at this office on or before monday te 16ih march next geo f corbett secretary and treasury j information wanted griffith ihefa- t ther of thomas griffith who advertised in the york canadiart free man u c saying that he wonw wish to hear from his father and miher is now in kingston and can be hrd of by enquiring at the post office kings ton u c and if any person wio may read this advertisement shouu know the above thomas griffith hes ear nestly requested to inform himof the same kingston feb 11829 government contract notice is hereby giventhr seal ed tenders for supplying his majestys dock yard at this phewith hnlfaton of mould candles will be received at this office until the 3d day of march next on which day at 11 oclock in the forenoon the said ten ders will be opened and decided upon the tenders are to be addressed to the naval storekeeper and endorsed tender for candles john kyte chief clerk naval storekeeper naval store- keepers office kingston dock yard february i2a 1829 tohe canada company having j completed the surveys oftwo lines of lots of one hundred acres each along the new road leadiug from wilmot togoderich at the mouth of tbe river maitlaod on lake huron passing on the south side of the new townships of north easthope ellice logan mckillop and hullett aud on the north side of south easthope downie fullarton hihbert and tucker- smith the same are now ready for sale in this office ou the most advantageous terms the country which is thus for the first lime opened for settlement is one of the very finest tracts in the province and not surpassed by any portion of the united states taverns are already opened and being built at easy stages of ten and fifteen miles along the whole extent of the road where teams will be always in readiness to convey settlers and arrangements are made for a regular twice a week team from this place to goderich john galt superintendent canada companys office guelph27th january 1820 the newspapers which insert the ca nada companys advertisements will please attend to this six times for the chronicle mb editor as i have seen no solution of the ques tion proposed by philomath requiring the content of a square and circular piece of land each of which would require the same number of pounds in shillings each one inch a cross to surround it as the land would amount to at 20s per acre i send the following solution as the sum of the sides of a square mil contains twice as many rods as are contained acres multi plying tho number of pounds which oue to let the house at present occupied jir3by ca hagerman inquire pos session given on the 1st may next apply thos kirkpatrick kingston 15th jan 1829 ttotice the subscriber re- jl quests all persons innkeepers in particular to whom he m be in debted for strong water o oresen their accounts for payment immediately is he does not intend 10 houble ihet for the next seven years ix leist mmoranab kingston feb 10 1829 barrack canteens office of ordnance kingston u clltk feb 1899 tkrotice is hereby given that the canteens in the undermention ed barracks are to be let upou the following conditions for 12 momhsfroin 20th march next no person but of an unexceptionable character nor any person for more than one canteen or who will not under take bona fide to reside in the canteen and conduct the business thereof in his own person will be approved and two sureties will be required for the regular payment of the rent and of all sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for the due per formance of the several conditions and stipulations of the lease the person whose pi oposal shall be accepted and his sureties must execute the indenture of lease and covenants relating thereto the particulars where of may be known by applying to this office or to the barrackmasters at the several barracks the names of two respectable per sons with theft christian names pro fessions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the inden ture as his sureties must be inserted in the pioposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance de partment does not undertake to procure the tenant a licence sealed proposals addressed to the respective officers at kingstonwithtbe words tender for canteen written on the outside cover will be received at this office on or before 12 oclock noon the 8th march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops bilited on them all personsmaking tendersfor can teens are to take notice that they will be held to the strict performance of the covenants of their leases and full pay- mentsof their rents without any remis sion or reduction further than the co venants of the lease itself set forth the form of the tender to be as fol lows j hereby offer fortke canteen in the barracks at for 12 months from the 25tk march next the rent of pounds per annum for the house as a dwelling and the further rent of per months for every ten non- commissioned qjficersand private soldiers who may occupy the barracks during that period and propose mr of and mr of as my sureties for the same therentsof the canteens as dwel lings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite to each in the following list therefore the biddings wtll be up on what is offered for every ten men occupying the barracks this num ber will be ascertained from the bar rack masters monthly returns which are made up on the 1st day of every month and no changes in the occupa tions of the barracks which may take place in the progress of the month ei ther for or against the tenant will be taken into account no less number than 10 will be charged against the te nant nor will any odd number be cal culated thus if the barracks should be occupied by 148 men on the 1st day of the month only 140 will be calculated for that month the bidders are also de sired to introduce no fractionable parts of a penny in iheir offers as they will not be noticed nut will au tender be noticed exc pt such as are strictly ac cording to ihe above foim r tetedcpont4 t 1 point henry 2 frederick i york fort george a government contract ifktoticf is hereby given that jj sealed tenders will be received at this office until the 28th day of this month from all persons desirous of contracting to furnish such team work as may be daily tequired in his majestys dock yard at this place for one year certain commencing on he 2d day of march next and for a further indefinite period until six months notice be given by one of the parties for the discontinuance of the contract the tenders are distinctly to express the rate per day in sterling it which the said teamwork will be performed and are o be addressed to the naval storekeeper and en dorsed tender for teamwork nd the parties making the tenders oi iheir authorised agents are personally o attend at this office on saturday the 28th instant at 11 oclock in ihe fore noon when the said tenders will be o- pened and decided upon john kyte chief clerk for naval storekeeper naval storekeepers office kingston dock yard february 12th 1829 ttotice all persons indebted jl to the estate of the late george macaulay esq are requested to make immediate payment and those having any claims against the said estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simon h macaulay kq of bath who is authorised to set- lt all accounts relating to the said es- jamfs b macaulay york 1st oct 1828 executor office of the cataraqui bridge company kingston january 26th lb29 at a meeting of the directors of the cataraqui bridge company held this day for the purpose of choo ing by ballot a president agreeable to the act of incorporation john r glo ver esq was unanimously reelected for the ensuing year g f corbett stcy and treas government transport mjotice is hereby given that a sealed tenders will he received at the commissariat office kingston un til 12 oclock on the morning of thurs day the 5th day of march next from such persons as may be willing to un dertake tbe transport of all govern ment stores heavy ordnance and gun powder excepted troops settlers baggage horses c from kingston to york niagara queenston and other posts at the head of the lake or from those places respectively to king ston and also from york to niagara other posts at the head of tho 1 k back again during the ensuing season the tenders must be made accord ing to a prescribed form which can be obtained at this office where aba the several conditions of the intended con tract may be seen and each tender must bear the signatures oftwo respect able persons as sureties for the under taking the rates and prices must be stated in sterling and the payments will be made in british silver or in govern ment bills at the rate of one hundred pounds for each and every one hun dred and one pounds ten shillingsdue upon the contract jno hare acgt commissariat office kingston2lst january 1829 office of the cataraqui bridge company kingston january 26th 182 at the annual general meeting of the stockholders of the catara qui bridge company held this day a- greeable to the act of incorporation the following gentlemen wore bv ballot unanimously reelected directors for the ensuing year jno r glover jno marks jno kirby jno macaulay and stephen yarwood esquires- g f corbett secy and treas exeuctive council office york 4th dec 1828 jotice is hereby given by order of l his excellency the lieutenant gover nor in council that sealed proposals post paid for a lease of the ferry from olf island in the midland district of this pro vince to cape vincent on the american shore for the term of seven years from tho twenty 6 fth day of march 1829 subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as tbe magistrates oftho said district in general quarter sessions of tbe peace may adopt endorsed ten der for ferry will be received at this office until the fifth day of the said month of march on which day the lease will be adjudged to the highest bidder who will be required to enter into the usual security for tbe due performance of the conditions and to pay one pound twelve shillings and six pence cury before the patent issues john small c e c t kinc- sto 0 0 0 0 sterpr 0 5 annum 0 0 he public are respectfully in formed that the kingston and york m ail stage leaves kingston aud york on mondays and thursdays at noon and arrives on wednesdays and saturdays a- m- stage fate through 2 10s interme diate distances three pence halfpenny per mile 30lbs baggage allowed each passenger extra baggage 200lbs e- qual to a passenger all baggage at the risque of the owner seats taken at walkers hotel kingston and how ards hotel york extras furnished at eithei of the a- bove places or any part of the coun try h norton co from kingston to the river trent j ogdenfvom the river trent to york furs wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting furs h s phinny kingston jan 1 1828 kingston assemblies jhik next kingston assembly will be cl held at walkers hotel on thurs day evening the 5th march feb 21 1829 p notice to emigrants ersons desirous of settling in upper canada may procure lands on the island of tantisituat- ed in lake ontario 9 miles above kingston there are several thousand acres yet unoccupied which will be either sold or leased upon reasonbl terms the situation is pleasant and the soil generally of an excellen quality further information may be obtained by application to richd hitch- ins esquire residing on the island or toa k johnson esq at prescott montreal june 2 182s n b a steamboat passes the is- and three times a week stoves just received and for sale by the subscriber in the mark place a amity low priced cooking s oves y h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829