m lioakkuost hllliaot houht esq- what dream of beauty ever equalled this what bands from fairyland have sallied forth withsoowyfohagerom the abundant north willi imagery from the realms of miss what visions of my boyhood do i miss that here are not restored i all splen dours pure all lovilines ail graces that allure shapes that amaze a paradise that is yet was nor will not in few moment be glory from nakedness that playfully mimics with passing life each summer boon clothing the ground replenishing the tree weaving arch bower and delicate fes toon still as a dream and like a dream to lee ccptions but to exceptions iocs no attend though we have extracted so many passages we really must quote almost entire lite humorous chapter on the ad vantages of a goodhcait the next day sir christopher findlater called on chrcnce lotus lounge into the park said lie l v th pleasure replied clarence and into ifco park they lounjred by the way ht met a p letters vith proper references addres- a man to orison i ka mmn 1 i a s stopped- tc to j ames johnston poor fellow said he it is he cete- bratedwm england all criminal are 4 n celebrared thurtell was a hero la fed mimodiatoly at da- from the london literary gazttte the disowned by lh author of pclhatn 4 rote lno london lcd colicru concluded cut as we have seen that that pas sion for glory mule the great charac teristic difference between clarence and warner so also did ihul passion terminate any resemblance which war ner bore to algernon mordaunt willi the former a rank and unwholesome plant it grew up to the exclusion of all else with the latter subdued and regulated it sheltered not withered the virtues bv which it was surrounded willi warner ambition was a passion- hie desire to separate himself by fame from he herd of 0ber men with mordutnt to bind himself by charity ye closer to his kind with the one it tl im f to us iprrs with the outer a pity ana t iuw vimi he one power was the badge of dis- with tears n her eyes a goou heart is better tlanall the heads in the world amen i oiierr walnut curly jvaple lumber the imvcriberis ready to contract for my quantity of clu rrywabiut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills is miles west of ancasler or at kerbj m tlatts store burlington bay whero schooners cat lake it in thtsilewood a patriot and faunileroy was discovered to be exactly lke buo naparte it is the celebrated robber john jcqcries who boke into mrs wilsons house and cut the thro its ol herself and her husband wounded the maidservant and split the childs scull with the poker john jeavies 1 exclrimed the baronet let us come away i linden continued sir christopher that follow was my t servant once he robbed me to some j considerable extent i caught him lie appealed to my heart and you know my dear fellow tint was irresistible so i let him off who could have thought he would have turned out so v and ihe baronet proceeded o eulogise his own good nature by which it is just ne cessary to remark that one miscreant had been saved for a few years a om t is mill south crosby ridean canal a number of stone cluters to whom moral wiiires will be given either by the ay or foot with all tools found ii required also a number of quarry men to kvhom liberal wages will be gi ven and regnlur payments made ellhci by the nonth or week donald mcliver vingstoi nov s 1327 stone mason fitetth goodr wsolesaxfi and rctale gtphe subscriber wishes to inform his fivnd and the public in general thai he hasjlst received a very extensive sup ply of goceries wines brandy gtn spi rits au a few gallous of very supericr highlaui whisky the whole of which he purpose selling at very reduced prices for cash or ipproved credit and to show the public us is determined to reduce his prices lore fives the prices of a few of his ar- union inorder to rob and mut- ticks vet cogaac brandy s per cat hollradoiu 6s do spirits 4sg do musctvado sugar oil and 7d do ie transpoi der ad libitum and having fulfilled tl office of a common pest to stiller on the gallows at last vvhat aline th it is t line ion with the other the means to bless satire is a dwarf which stands upon ihe shoulders of the giant 111- name and the kingdom of verse like thuof epirus is often left not to him who has the noble genius but the to have a jrood heart both our gen- i i sharpest swor i ah cried mr perriv de ihew of iuvvde wrilng look satarist is like at it wish an indifferent eye and lo there is none hold it up to the light and you cant perceive it but rub it over wth your own spirit of acid and see how plain and striking it becomes u manners were very c0ldhaugh ty collected and sidfposscsscd and his conversation that of a man who has cultivated his intellect rather in the world thin the closet we mean that perfectly ignorant oftqngs he was driven o converse solely upon persons and having mibrbud no other ph lo o- i pliy ii m that which wordly deceits and disippontramis bestow his remarks though direwd wore bitterly sarcastic and parook of all the illniure for j which very scanty connaissanee du monde ves a sour and malevolent mud so ieidy an excuse 4 how very 1 duigree iblo lord borodaile s said j lndy flora when ihe object of ihe re- mirk urned away and rejoned some iules of h corps 4 dis reerdile i said lidy wcjiboroiigh i llvnk hm chartning he is so sensible how rue his remarks on the woild are i thus s it always the young judge harshly ofihose who undeceive or re- vol titcr inhusasin and the more ttdvinrcd in yea- who havenoi leant- od virt w to look ivw ii- ii follies and errors lv wiich they i vo sitllmed with a paying and eiiateye conider every nnximof sovert y on hose fia as the mark of a superior knowledge itndpitiiso that as a prolitndity of though which in reiv is bin an in iinniiy of givpe ol- tis or i of life is under the iiiliueiice of the primitive feelns wo and we i lugh hei and vo vein our lulep ons which they were awakened at the en trance of the park by a young man in rags who with a piteous tone suppli cated charity clarence who o his honour be it spoken spent an allotted and considerable part of his income in judicious and laborious benevolence had read a little of political morals ihen beginning to be understood and walked on the goodhearted baronet put his hand in hs pockefand cave the be- gar half a guinea by which a young strong man who had only just commen ced the trade was confirmed in his im- posilion for the rest of his life and in stead of the useful support became he pernicious incumbrance of society sir chris onlier hd now recovered h spirit whats like a good action said he to clarence with a swelling breast the paik was crowded to ex cess oar lounjrers were joined by lord st george his lordship was a stanch tory he could not endure wilkes liberty or general education lie launched out against the enlightenment of domestics what has made you o bitter v said sir christopher my valet cried lord st gorgo l he ins invented a new toastingfork ingo ing to take oui a paten mtkc his tor- tune and leave inv thats what i call ingratitude sir christopher for 1 or dered his wages to bo raised live pounds but last year it was very ungrate- fdl said the ironical clarence vovl reiterated the goodbearted sir chtis- i op her you cannot recommend me i vuiei findlaser renewed his lord ship a good honest sensible fellow nor write v p kl loaf sun ilittm currants- tearl rlcv scotch ijfitki black iccpjxt starch fit bluec 16 do host spvaaish float indigo 10s6 do ditto coee ls2 do second do is do cloves 4d do lid do km do 7ti uo hid do fid do 4d do id do is do nutmesft cinnamoun lemon aod orauge peel isinglasss carawayy seed epsom hsalui sulphur brims tow lampbhack black lcad snuff gd 3d 3d js3 lid til do do do do do do do 7d do 6d do is do id do putty d do do do lb do do uo do do do do do do do do do 07 do do do do do lb do do do do do do do 26 do 5s9 do 8sg do do do 5s i 0 do 5ss do 39 do 3s do 26 do 3sg do do do do do do do wno can ne her read 1 n o o ihat is to say yes i citn mv old nrvini collar is rnl of nlneo and is ti iiiiioiaii in as sil lord s george piecelv rep i 01 i vvu ir the are am tsau we weep j iitmi thv 1 hey arc excited and so nvicd o aoelty n ive we io peceve thu we imve iittle leisure to reflect the baronet he was a liv id by fear teaches us to restrain our feelings when displeased wo seel 10 revenge the displeasure and find i excess of our pnsjer alike are panhed v oj joy our sorrowj considered eriminvl and chidden into restraint from h rrshness we become i acquainted with deceit the promise made is not fulfilled the threat not ex- cuclthc featfctlsely excited and the hope wlfully disappointed we are surrounded by systematised delusion ana we imbibe- the contagion from be ng forced into conceding the thoughts which we do conceive we begin io af fect those which we do not so early do ve learn the two main tasks of life to suppress and to feign that our me mory will rot carry us beyond that pe riod of artifice to a slate of nature when tiie wn principles of veac and be- bei were o strong as to lead the philo sophers of a modern school into the cr- io of terming ibem innate as the petty fish which is fabled to pevsesjsthe property of arresting the ojes of the largest vessel lo which it clnj- even so may a singlcprrju- ilcr it it not leal or despised more than the advosc blmt or the dead calm de lay the bar of knowledge in the vast ngss of vuie never get a reputation for a small peifcuon if you are trying for fame in alofor the voiiu cn only judge by cv i sees that tioe who pav couiuvblc aticnuun to minutiae sel dom inye tlr minds occupied with you arc a laugh rouet l weil then i take your rc- vommriidat send him to mo to morrow at twelve i will said sir christopher my doav pmdlnter crtci cvrencc when lord si george was gone did you not loll mo some lime agoi hat coll id was n urea rts- cal and closely fie with jellvries mv now you recommend htm to lord s george hush hush hush said grett rogue to be sure bui poor fellow he came to me yesterday with tears in his eyes and s4id he should starve if i would no give him a character so whit could i do v at least tell lord st george be iruih observed clarence- cut fine miustard in jars pekoe ivea tjiinponvrier do old hyrsod do yoiin mipon do souchomig iif st twauby do llohea hyson skin do aud lll other articles iu proportion the greater paait of his present stotk bcinof tiiis year s importation aud seiected by hiatself i he cia warraut them of the best qualiiy biercbants in town or country can be sutlpplictl on as reasonable terms as iu montreeai ana a libera credit given ail orlders from town inl oiuuiiy thank fully receeiveil and pnoctuidly attended to all iuds of country produce taken at the niarket price michael brennan kingstoimi 1rc 2d 1828 n l m b has on hand a very exten sive supiplyor drv goods consisting of red while blue green anil yellow t v and conunim iilttcim i drab cloths drab and olive rkwlu tjreyand stripedcoiton i 5 if r baiaw apron check i run knit iii with many artielessuita- ble tothepr seas0ui ftu al very lov price and vs c ere d it in a aags there are it is true ox en lord st george would not trke him rejoined the goodhoartcd sir chris opher with forcible naivete no no linden we must not be so hard- hear led we must forgive end forget and so saying the baronet hrew out his chest wh the conscious exuliajon of i man who has uttered a noble sentiment the moral of this little history is tht lord s george hnviajg been pillaged through thick and thin as the prove b has it foi wo years t last missed a gold watch nd monsieur collard finished his career as his exemplary tutor mr john jef- ferics had done before him ah what a fine ihingiisto have a good heart but to return just as our wanderers had arrived at the farther vm of the park lady westborouh and her daugh ter passed them clarence excusing himself to his friend hastened towards ihem and was soon occupied in saying the prettiest things in the world to the prettiest person al leiist in his eyes while sir christopher having done as much mischief as a eood heart well cn do in a walk of an hour returned home to write a long letter to his mother a- gainst 4 learning and all such nonsense which only served to blunt ihenfiec- tons nd harden the heart admi rable young man cried the mother ilibi x tlat ulmoval les 4- soxsbegwvo 1 tboir friends andthc thev have removed to h r t saop ul j v n suiiu st re j km i mr j g parkers e on t the subscribers will pj c following prices for pork u flour n czs on dtdveiy at their esblshmr- j fai so1 crosby km cannl us undermen tioned viz for fori- i h weight from loo o 200 lb- 2 is gd ditto do f 2 to 300 lbs 22 gd for fkn- i il bvh line 21 si do r middling 18s 9d do in lb btg pr- cwi 10s gd mackay kedpat1l jones ym rde cttnal dec 2 is 2 r6 it sale tiie brick house and lot situate on the place darmes at pre sent occupied by assistant com ien hire for terms pplv io titos kthkpatrick kington l sep l sgg lands tor sale et ot letter d in the township of mla pittsburgh fronting the st law- leuceconiuninffsoo acres wcllwooded lot no lib fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on winch there is a clearance of bout 20 acres with a log house aud darn lot no 26 sixth concession in same township containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 10 acres wiih a good fence and now under acrop of timothy for particulars apply to f aharper kingston 12th may isb adver tlemeftt all able farm for v sale consisting of 00 acres in the townshi of darlington newcastle dis trict upper canada comprising ots no 30 si 32 and 33 in the seond concession 400 acres of which are freehold and 400 acres reserves the leases of which have eleven yean un expired 200 acres are cleared and fenced the buildings consist of a ltrge dwelling house root house and stabling capital barns an excdlcn saw mill mill house and scleral small tenements with enclosed har den and orchard every lt is plentifully watered the high road from kingston to5 oik passes through the premises bcii2 27 miles from port hope and 3s bom york it is well suited for a merchant store or tavern the whole will be sold together or in lois of l o 200 acre ami the pay ments made easy foi further particulars apply to r f airborne esq darlington j- c lie bane esq colours john warren esq whitby john miicaulay esq kingston the editor of he kingston chronicle or of the proprietor james black esq st catharines niagara district dec 6 128 matjiejfs a dent to n g filgiano no 34 st paul sireet monacal mer chant tailor begs leave to inform the gentlemen of fashion that he has come from the above house and will takeordets to be executed immediately ot ii 2jiii lmithfim jid philadelphia fashions equal to anv made in london or ill the candidas those who will favor him w tltheir orders will please call soon as his slay will be for a few days only he hltasa few articles of clothing for sale appply at the old kings head dec 13 182s8 he deputypostmastergennond announces the formation ol i iho undermentioned new post ofticees in upper canada to o into operausion upon the gh of next month viz 7hcmfiill on vonestreet i2nmiles from york wm prsonsp rm marhham 10 miles ne of thmi hli james johnson p m pickering 22 mdes li of y kingston road francis leys rvftk toronto 14 miles w of yf dundasstreet a leys p m streetsville g miles nw of to ronto on river credit israel han som p 61 oznabrtick 13 miles w of corn wall joseph bockus p m t n stayneiu d pmio general post office quebec isth dec 1328 a ctionto be sold bv pub lic auction on mom ay il3m incatthetofthe roomthc following rtlv2s ard flushings furniture cotton steam alliance british and poni fs surance company of london cstao lished by ad of parliament c h to announce to the inuabrt- 1 loom d o ambnckbook antsof upper canada that they con nue tb assure against loss or damage by fire and thatthey have lor the convenience of the public appointed the muslin bombazeites blankets following gentlemen as their agents m the comity towns of the different dis- uicts viz 7 guy c wood esq cornwall messrsawmorrisfyc broclvtlle james macfarlane esq kingston james bcihuneesq cubourg robt wm prentice esq- york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous ol effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will he derived from assuring with tbealliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate picmiums of assurance 41 h a participations of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fne are not there by deprived of their right to participate iu ihe profits ofthe company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents heie the power of settling losses in this country without relieving to the board of directions in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid yill in lliu trfiii nf vo 4- ing made on property for a less suvi than the real value thereof the com pany will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex- pectanon that the profits to be divid ed will be large and counterpanes cotton shawls and handkerchiefs fio cotion and calicoes crockery spirits tobac co and snul do gloves iff spelling books and pocket looking classes and brushes ropes quills gun flints ink powder shoe packs and several other articles too numerous to detail t also one pipe tenonfle wine bake cvans corn brooms and 400 acres of wild land conditions made known at the time of sale sale to commence at 1 1 oclock a m mhoran a u kingston feb 10 1s29 at the same time tend place and to continue from dv to day a quantity of household furniture ft or sale on reasonable terms lot no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of durness in the coun ty of leeds in the johnstown distrirl for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24th may 182 twtotice is hereby given that the nart- ll ucrship existing between richard lowe and thomas dier since the first of mpj 1s25 in tho carditis and cloth dressing business at the napane mills is this day dissolved by mutual consent all those who have iy claims on the said firm are requested to present them to thorn aa dier for settlement an tl all thoe indebted to p to either party such accounts as are presented endorsed by thjscnier vsl rfchitolowe i school fob ylv iaiufs r mbs twlo hcglrye u return thanks for unornt pci which their school 1ms received ice its commencement and wish o as- isu since mcketiebethuneco shall make it their stf- stoves just received and for sale ati ihe store of he subsc b5rtmentofsiovesconsijtng of cdohkib frmkun boiud nine phtie alssnn handa quanuty of stove pic of ditiuf- eni sizes together with a general asmsr- rneul of tu ware which 11 he sold wholesale or retail al itdltccrl pi rices henrys pllinxy kin is on agents montreal 2sth sept 1826 port hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of evtry description of a su- ever done to merit a continuance ol it bv the ariciest attention to she v ral brobche moral and polio which constitute a liberal education reference may he made lo she a e- neribe gcorgq okih stir- riv john machar lieutenant colonel mc- perior quality which he will sell for pson and john jblm lsq cash or approved bills as low as they kingsto 4th ap t can be obtained at any manufactory m the united states port hope july 3 1s26 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of ihe town ship ofjloughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th august 1s2s wanted a good blacksmith to whom liberal wages and con stant employment will bo given appli cation to be made to a manahn fthi mow iron works may 22d k2s a notice w ell recommended mcdlcil gentleman of sound kliiftshpr n- 1 meet with every support in the vicinhy of vitorii townshi charlotievdle loudon district tl centre of a dense population rtcs w tktotick there is now m jjf o isi of mv charu vv- son pou d- keeper t birefield of tte townsliipaf puburtfh a stout t irk by qfi8i5 ti forme ly belonged o m jua fnd mr hart of the ordnnce iepment whoever may own said horse are requested io pay the expenses of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according 10 law barriefield kith sept 1828 shoes a cotton goops just received end for sale at the store of the subscriber at cape vincent a few bales of 34 and t4 shirting and sheeting al o a quui- ty of coarse and fine shoes which w 11 be sold low to country merchants lor cash or furs henrys piunny kingston nov 1st 1328 for sale five acres of land more or less in dcmorcstville being pari of lot no 37 in the first concess west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mlcod kingston 17th december 1s28 runs and skins wanted at the storesofthe subscriber in kingston ad at cape vincent all kinds of shipping and hatting furs also deer skins and horns cattle hornsocc for which cash or goods will be paid henry s phinny kingston nov 1st 182s notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dmo- n are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and those having claims pgainst said estate arft re quested to present ihem for i d justment mary donovan jan 17 1829 administratrix w i yo as appvices iho moulding und br iron mkng m- inos at he maimora iron v0iks for terms apply io a makahan or sale item bidfof los mo 13 3d concession of llaldimatrtl district of newcastle conaiinn 100 acres 40 of which re under cultivati on an excellent saw mill picteu1 on the lot on a durable sdcirt stud a fine grove of pine timber in also a comfortaliu ivatiie dwtdlotj house new bam and carpenum s wok shop for ptirlictdim r rilicntm may be u e io j c iir inc km cobourg op on the pimi in feb n ifvgjt ia 1 co ie savors enclsrspetxvni book pidlis ij sio cimoiiciooilifari vkhsav fdi- fiotl ofmorn sfril fomfc svu- vtiftl lom thej2sdi liudourd n- a 11- hiijira lnmiliihi heceenmv- jamr rl tvulwl- kingston chronicle s printed and published cveiy saturday by james marfarkmc its office in front street kingston 2d or s 1538 terms seventeen shillings and six- soafs camtle matufactokv l per imnum if sent by ml wm- llihi i caffray aatjj subscription lo bo paw in fmpresseii nid a gfateful sense of the very liberal support he ba received 1 hm from bis njmerous frix as mil as from price ov ada er elufen the public pt large vould inform them that jj and under 2s- first msei- bc continues ilie above business at bis old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and uear mr a ivess and the liodg island feiry he is determine ion and 7 each subsequent inseiuou hi lues and under 3s 4d fnsiinser- iton aud tod each wbserpumt r on ibove ten lines a per- line ur ion the 6i eion nrd id per line int to have constnllv n band a general supply of soap cali- dle5 which he pledges bimselfshall be of every sukccjuen msertiom die rest quality lie will give the highest price i either soap or cash for tallow aud lard and will give soap in exchange for house grease and ashe delivered at bis works kingston oct22 1628 pork merchants can have their lard tried and packed in the first order at the shortest notice aud on the lowest terms adverijromt wuhout written di rections inserted tiil forbid and charg ed accordingly orders lot discontinuing dvo ments to be m irriting vm delivered by wednesday noox at the facesi no advertisements received after l anus for sale on the canai route between the ottawa and kingston being lot 32 in the 10th concession of pittsburgh about lo or 17 miles from kingston containing 200 acres of good arable land well situated for an inn the public road passing across the south eud and the cranberry creek passing through the north application maybe made to francis a harper esq kingston nov 1 1828 of puultca- paymeirt in notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellvhle 24th dec 1s28 admr on consignment- the subscriber has 300 barrels of salt which he will sell cheap for cash walter mcunniffe kingston lth december 1828- ten o clock ou the day tion cc produce received at the market price agents john burnetii esq luzbrc david chisbohne esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prcscoti henry jones esq brocktuh josialt taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k tlarttvcuveq bastard mess c j mdonald cananont rw warlve esq bath allan mcpheraon eso napanee thomtts parker ksq tktlvillt joseph a- keejer isq crumahr james c iu esq hamilton david sinirt fs port hope william allan esq y dauiel ross esq i itoria john cm ok esq niagara charles bgar s mvrrv thomasdorlandesq adofyhustoirn