Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 7, 1829, p. 2

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dull is your foicusick talents arc you mi hi have succeeded aod dragged out a life if uot of splendour or affluence at least of comparative innocence aud retire ment but the courts of law wore too contracted a gelil for a man of your ambi tion you found their dignity order and subordination incompatible with your views ami destructive of your aspirations io an evl hour you deserted the bar ami betook yourself to the more precarious trade of politicks how you have hither to succeeded irjyour new employment aa ignorant aud discontented people an idle and famished peasantry a disgraced and ruined country bear ample testimony sir the restlessness of temper which made you a legislator has proved injurious to your self but the ambition which placed you in the speakers chair has i fear destroyed your country we shall be overwhelmed if you do not desert the senate as you did the bar aud immediately retire to your ori ginal obscurity your career in the assembly but espe cially as speaker has been remarkable for a variety of strange circumstances iu what publick capacity does the province ever hear of you but as a politician your publick identity is confined to lie hustings and the assembly and the chart of your travels scarcely extends farther we never behold you as a member of any literary or scientific society we never sec you mix with the gentlemen of the country in giviug aid countenance and encouragement to the youti of the times in thuir endeavours to store their minds with useful and ornamen tal knowledge neither our museums nor our libraries owe you any donation and not even one of those speeches and pamph lets in whose praise yourself and your we never behold you but iu a dull round of iioldiog intriguing politicks no scene has any rn- in your eyes hut the gloo my walls of the house of assembly no sta tion hut the chair the table and the floor of that venerable fabrick your oratory too like your person has its locale aud we scarcely ever hoar of you as a speaker but when the mace and a thousand pounds are glittering io magnified rays before your eyes who ever thought before that ova- rice had been a constituent part of elo- queuce sir i know not whether you keep a mistress but if you do you are much beholden to her for initiating yon so perfectly in the abandoned trade of prosti tution have you not prostituted all the little talents that you possess to the gratifi cation of a party have you not made it the object and study of your life to pleaso that party in their endeavours to obtain the mastery over the government ofthc pro vince have you not sacrificed with them at the shrines of bacchus of pluto and of mercury have you not in fact become the highpriest of their political revelries have you and they not turned the house of assembly into a house of bad fame iu which the character reputation and circumstances of every honest man in the country are nightly investigated and discussed but you have done worse than opening a banqueting house for scandal have you not established an luquisitorial tribunal over the lives liberties and privi leges of every british subject m the pro vince 1 what mau is safe from your illo- gal and unconstitutional scrutiny what private family is secure from your jesuiti cal mode of procedure is there a father in the province who does dot tremble for his offspring if they are anywise con nected with the publick business of the country is there a son who does uot do the same thing for his father who that differs in opiuion from the house of as sembly is dot made au object of insult and persecution who in the honest discharge of bin dufy happens to give of fence o the assembly that is not drag ged before them with ftvorv inrlfeuiry and compelled lo uuooijjo uot a liraud kgaj trial but contumely scorn aud disgrace iu the name of british liberty what ag- iid country is this that we live in ekitons i can you longer ondure this do von live in a british colony and sub mit to have your rights thus wrested from you can you live and forfeit the liber ties fnr which your fathers bled is the cause of sidney and of hampdeu no long er yours ynu are loyal and hrave bo resolute and courageous and rest as sured that the evils you now complain of will soon bare an end i declare in the face of my country that ihc house cf as sembly iu at preseut constituted is cor rupt and au intolerable nuisance the people have a right a well defined con stitutional right to recall such represeuta- let that be done let us peacca- ple punishment i should be sorry bow- ever to send you down to futurity wholly unaccompanied and therefore beg leave to introduce to you the very acceptable names of viger and vallicres names con nected by alliteration as well as by a com munity of feeling principle and profes sion two bookful blockheads iguorantly read with loads of learned lumber in their head they both participated with you in your assault upon the character of lord dal- housie aud it is but right and just that they should share in your punishment mr vigor is also reported to have said iu the debate on mr ciikistiks illegal aud unwarrantable expulsion that for his part he felt it paiu- ful even to name such a man as lord dal- housie no woudcr he knew hit lord dalhousie was a gcntlemau which he is not him elf he knew lord dalhousie to be a soldier which he also is net himself his skulking exploits behind a tree in the battle ofchnteauguay have not yet been forgotten t ey yet serve as an amusing tale to beguile the long winter nights hi the neighbourhood of that famous field as to mr vallikhks the damnale sys- fcwi which he spoke of on the same occa sion has served to give to the country a better opiuiou of his religious principles than have been hitherto entertained this is the first intimation the publick have had of his belief either in heavcu or hell the province rejoices at the conversion of so great a man aud the church that reared ti c key bidden from us our legitimate the i wiping hand in the hour of need urces have for the last ten years been fsoiirces nave lor tne last ten years been 1 consummation which cannot in too dearly constitutionally wrested from their coo- 1 purchased a union of though anil action purposes and in ourvery teeth j will soon eradicate all thecviu in corrup piamlered upo the dictum of colonial i tious under which we groaicure the secretaries and arbitrary governors while seemingly hopeless poverty whhltl e learn- ir the same time for an injured individu al to ask the kvecutive nay to supplicate r a biugle act of justice was like one rying in the wilderness look to the mass of treasure of which hese provinces have heen drained i have lokl yon of 50000 a year bv the east in dia company but subsequent calcula tions have led me to believe it is much lore we ma set dowu 150 or 200000 for the loss upou exchange this it will mb said i by the hou att general is he- maturity of its corrupt fruit a generous cause thfl balance of trade is against us i alacrity in the eastern recmhrs wll i iid cannot be helped but i say it could think defeat the object and embattle a jf helped ought to be helped and would phalanx of puclie virlc wih strength ed atty oeucrul has so aithfilh and pa thetically described and rcimlurso us the 570001 ten times over a wdl compact ed bundle of rods will ever chk the rapa cious career of u host of petty trams no thing is so hateful in their sli as union in thegovertied their favourto motto is divide and devour thux57iiu0 it appears to me is warned iu jjcu oi the like sum intended to be sj en in bribery of which we are io have no vjsjlle sin till him from a destitute orphan to ins present exaltation and popularity caunot doother- wisethau perform high mass and te dewn for the return of so undulifnl and longlost a prodigal however were he new wear- illmr n he rvpeetrh tntlr tacbicnr threecornered hat the publick will do him the justice to believe that be the admitis- tration of lord dalhousie what it would we should bear him extolling it to heaven instead of sinking it to hell adieu for the present false and defama tory triumvirate adieu wretched calum niators of a mau of acknowledged hononr virtue and integrity adieu base slander ers if yo ever renew your work of ma lice and vmdictiveuess depend unon it that you shall hearagnio from the watchman 28th february 1820 e helped if we bad hut bare justice look t the sales of the crown and clergy re vives the prodigious fees on the grants m land for these twelve years past the des to the canada company the casual avenue of the crown fr m fines lorfei- tnres and ferries the revenue of the post office the miutia fines and the fines of quakers menonists and tunkers and ltus look with complacency if wc cau epon the 250000 acres of laud set apart ur eudowmentofan university founded on exc principles directly at variance with the feelings and sentiments of uinc- ite of enoni domestic provincial parliament upper canada mr daltoos speech continued heavens and was it the bonand learn ed atty general who uttored these words who wheu tt is proposed to learn what has become of the militia fiues iu many ca ses iufamously extorted says with most astonishing gravity he believes they have been laid out in drums he who pocket- eth annually upwards of 2000 of the peoples money and who hesitated not to take 3000 for a trip to england to pro cure a trade act calculated to enslave us he tells us we are involved in debt to british merchants which we cannot li quidate and iu a day or two afterwards asks us to borrow 57000 to pay a debr dueby a nation in which is concentrated half the wealth and two thirds of the productive powers of the world it i- not surprising that he has conveniently forgot to tell us hov the principal of the debt is to be paid he says the balance oi trad is against usand sets his face against any proposed measure that may brine ie lief lie tauntingly tells us tie chinesi would take for but the furs arc all in from can ida to new york aud refuses to assist iu diverting tlam to uuollcc ile exultinely asks what could wo obtain torn uiua j ausi nothing but tea sir this said ar ticleof teais a ticklish commodity we wish to import it for ourselves but the hou a general says no it is the height of ingratitude to too mother coun try even to think of such a thin- be sides do you not know that the chinese are a setofjcalous curmudgeons whom no- ilie east india company can tenths of the population auu in spi heir petitions and remonstrances were tfe utal revenue of this province at the codtrou of its legisla ure as our constitu tion provides un man in his senses cau doubt but that it would he adequate to e- very useful purpose hut while it is the will be plunged as the hon and learned att jcncral has justly represented it now to be in a hopeless state of beggary how long it may he deemed prudent to perie- vcrcina course as hateful as it is detri mental in the people i cannot tell hut this 1 know that treat a people for ever with a contempt and iudlguit togoad them with oppression to firm entire courts of iw of single familiesto extort money from them on shallow preieuces uuder colour of law to incarcerate mark ed iodiviluals to their destruction for trifl ing oltences while gross offenders if but partisans have full impunity to squander their subsistincoou pampered favourites is uot tho way to conciliate their affection and every mau of sound mind must he a- wake to the fact that to conciliate the af fections of the people is aud ought to be the only mode by which great britain can maintain dominion here listen to a few words from air stephen the counsel to tlic colonial department and weigh them well r policy to make them the upper canadians and the english and an- j gloamerican inhabitants of the new lowu- ships of lower canada continually feel that a union ith the great republic to the southward would open to them chaonelsof commercial intercourse from which your laws have interdicted them 1 can it be supposed th they will always be content to lose the vast commercial advantages which they would derive from their uue- qualled inland navigation if their inter course with the ocean were uninterrupted f and again your dominion rests upon the habit of subjection upon the ancient iftcctiou felt by the colcini stsfor their mo ther country upon their confidence in your justice and upon tuii persufumcn that they hive a direct interest in te connection ofuuion aud especially the sense ofillter- cst will bo greatly weakened if you per sist iu extending them from all control of the si lawn nee those sir are the very words of the very conncellur whn advises the very de- iicji m r wfotl umii-r- jilrti uiltjulm were haehoc all the embryo projects of a 5tin and ins satelites a depart- the act of transmittiu x oi puclie virlec i to break down le mac iuattous of the self interested ftes olthepulic weal this house moving as a body actuated by one soul cau accomplish even legitimate design which the oatltrhl advantages and relative position of the country niay prompt to the conceptions of man for the benefit of the people to the cud of scaling this bond of brotherhood do i tend m v on this occasion could 1 fo au instant think it would have no such pendency i would suffer my right baud to be severed rather than give mr rwiug commented in a witty strain upou the speech of the ion member for fronteuacdic said it had no more to do wilh the question before the committee than the gospel of matthew muk luke aud john had indeed the li member might as well write the acts of lie apostles ami read thcru to the house a ne speech ucm bivu mr bucll said that notwithstanoi t forcible apptjls made to the feeling in bouse he felt a his duty to oppose i r e sure altogether he could nol co burthen the country with an inon the already heavy debt of the provi of 57000 for this object he com m crat ed the sulferingsoflhose woo had iu t property in the late war but he co no reason v by this province shoult ihened for tl payment of those 1 thenar was not one of our seek had been brought on us by tl country and arc we to be told t cause we have been the greatest by the contest we are to burthen urn still more for ihe paymem of a llemim which does not in reality heioug ii jn discharge our table is daily toatkd whi petitions for roads aud other usofill u is and daily complaints are made ih we have no money at our disposal and shall we now ho told that wc can wuberse raise a loan for this purpose and die in tcrcst to be charged lothe nvnt eveoc of the province 7 he should fcu oo ill discharged that duty which he wed to himself and his constituents could he for a moment enters in the tir4en lie would see bebur- sscs tiii t tte 1 being of 0 is irovince to be overli okc or dsi yarded the houorable nnd learned memher from storn on u oppused to the measure be cause be conceives it to he unjust 1 on the contrary view it as a question of honour of justice und of sound policy that it is a question of honor and justice there cau be no doubisince our legislature is pledg ed to the payment and since the mother country has not acioily paid one third of the amount of the whole but is ready to pay another it iil part ou our assumption of the remainder its sound policy is ma- niest from the confidence which the pay ment of this just deb must give to which the payment of this just debt must give to those who may be epned in future to the ravages of an euemy and i at another contest will occur nnd we k not hot soon can scarcely be doul we may ourselves be succrcrs in a nuer ere ions and havcourlittle all v mvay and our wives and chiluren dri u house- loss wrnilerers into the wilderness ioun 1 could wish to see a revision of those losses for it is not to be denied tlat sown have too much some too little and sunns none at all hut i fear it is now too late w do justice iu this particular and the liy must go as it is it is not easy to prevent fraud the honest defender of his country ought not to suffer because a rogue has preferred an unjust or exaggerated claim if then we are houud by every prinej pie of honor ami justice to pay these clai mants and i irust a majority uf us will hi oh as i do upon the subject the no consideration will be how is the money to henised 1 must confess i do not like the appropriation of the silttax to this oh- jeet and 1 am sure my constituents and the people generally throughout the piovince will not like it t saltis in article of iudis pensible necessity in every collage iu the country and no t ix is more du popular be sides such s tx cannot long he available tor the moment the kideau canal is open slj this ontario country will be supplied with liverro i salt whic is not only of very supt forded m h r ior quality but it can then be af- e cunshierahl uuder the pri- ilcr k bvr rs iflv a-ti- kiorfi ii ru- l in both pov maiutaiumg 1 fear that all these bonds have no objection to the losses beup pi from ihe monies raised from the htenl lands to the canada company rut in- stead of appropriating the money so raised for this object bow was it disposed of i u was given away for purposes ill calculated lor the public pood but it is said that we have no controul over this fund knot and we are uot to interfere in the disposal o monies raised on property to which we have by our industry given a value nei ther should we assume the payment of a debt the contraciing of to which did not de pend on ourselves these were t few of the reasons which induced him to oppose the measure and he hoped the committee would not entertain a measure which calculated to destroy to the best of tlic country ees we are mw payinp for american salt to this may uk uded tl e probability there is thai wfsilh t relet have sili works j our tm i u cvt ipi lion eh sofliur is kv ay the least ohns hntf e iviit irpresiv a very siti mtioti our in- per duties at monti quebec would enfecti he felt weirc- about to appoint comods- ioners to proceed to the lowei pioviuce iid iliey mijrht ho instructed lo ncftnciate frtlsobjc but perhaps after i the ml territorial revenues of the crow n cees are the most legitimate sureesfroi witence the amount of losses should l pi id snme uonorahle members are forthrow- iuj tli whole burden on the shoulders of poor aid euejimi where middle and lower classes ar already so heavily latcn ami over borne na never to be able to redeem their national debt i am supriscd at those who must have witnessed the sufferings oj the tradesmen oiechanics and labourers ho convrted into a reading room and the proclamations calling us together would have to undcigo some alteration as to form at least since we should no lon ger he a parliament or colloguium not to gether to speak our minds and council the government hot au assembly of tenons tryinjr which could write the best essay ou a given subject there is a difficulty too attending this new mode of debating vd ich would beset most of us and how thy ho norable reader from frouteuee nas con trived to get over ii i cannot for the life of me comprehend that is the kind oi lore- knowledge which musi be possessed in tho writer to cndde him to auswer arguments he has never heard and read the minds of 40 or 50 people the day before they meet together with as much case as ho can read disown effusions itmust henwued how ever that this mode ghesgrcit confidence as we have seen fully exemplified hy the attitude in which the honorable gcntlc- i an squared himself before the attorney general against whom the formidable ar ray seemed chiefly directed by the knock preparatory civen to thotablc and hy the peculiar air of selfsatisfaction and as surance leering through the enhorued spec- uelifc on the noc of thai talented pa triot to say nothing of the trouble itsaves the reporters below the bar who have the satisfaction of seeing tho eloquent speech all ready cut and dry for tho press al ter all we may say with swift what is a sermon good or bad when a man reads it like a lad following some others the houorahlc member for leeds but u reiterates the as sertion thet us the late war wilh the uni ted state w brought on by the mother country this province ought to have no thing to do with the payment of her own losses j utteriy deny that it was brought ou hy the mother country i say it was war of aggression of the grossest and it y and wieldly imagining their aged and honour ed parent was prostrate before the combi ned nations of europe seized what they thought a propitious nomeut to lend a help ing imad to crush the illustrious scec of all their own greatness they with a helping hand io sustain itreat bulwark olall w jivnii nut mos i npnucipled aggression on the par of the amcricnnsj who foolishly nm tl me not lid assist good government l of the hheitiesoi uio whole earth b assassin like they mole upon lierihen evl nd struggling null uumherless foes and when ur purpose aud not fighting the battles of every thing that i most dear and sacred to civilized man fxd attempted to jivc her n mortal wouixj but thanks be to the god of armies rbe blow was feeble an the shock hut as the rustling of the bmt she arose in the mistiness of her strength and her ene mies were no more rdl s wc r them who assisted in her cause thatisnnr own god forbid i hxte and dctm the seinshncss of the idea that because we nave happened to escape any wonnds or losses ourselves we should therefore 11 diherentto those of our own brethren n we had not the same interests same hon member savs tl in england j of these people ioroe the brunt bitlle with orld and who arc freque ily ol deny themselves the verv neccss who have the whole billed in cry necessaries of le in consequence of excessive taxation j am surprised 1 say that any honorable member can stand up in his place and av that they ought i pay the whole amount ot the losses sustained in the countrv ii is their tern losses is a benefit only to inns uf tlic countrv as the 1 payment of the wes- ntry the hoi was interests unjust ami iniquitous to the last degree lu england it is scarcely possible for the vul- rjle or lower rhissos ever to heller their cm- riiimufiereit is i the power r cverv in to ig o ifanyofthe kfa subjects tives bly and respectfully petition the governor to dissolve die present parliament there ean be no rignt without remedy there ore limits to tho privileges of the mouse of assembly aud wheu these limits are ovcr- uteppel maintain that even the legisla tive council that traduced and much a- hused body have a constitutional right to join the people in preserving the constitu tion they are as much the guardians of ihe public welfare as the house of as sembly and they are therefore hound to assist us when our rights and liberties are atsuke it has been said that dissolutions do ni good iu this country i care not lei ihe forms and powers of h constitu tion be maintained when the rights of the people are in danger who is the phy sician that would not administer medicine when the body is diseased and iu danger though he were assured that no benefit would result from it but sir i have lost sight of you for a little yet were you a thousand times of more importance than you really are who could preserve any remembrance of you when his country was m jeopardy mo wonder then if i have forgotten you for a moment but tho i forgot you perso nally he miseries which you have entail ed on the province were fresh in ro me mory aud its real interests deenlvenra veu on my hear i had a ribt there lore to rally around me all the loyaltv and sterling principles which i know the couu try be yot possessed of i did so and 1 nive not so mean an opinion of myself to think that my efforts will have been al together in vain but i know not that i should at present add auy thing more to the truths which 1 have told yom i ha manage 7 but the company wero to attempt to trade kltn them a thousaud to one but the chi nese might commit some act of violence for they are naturally vindictive win the country believe that the hoi and learned att general cave grave utter ance to those absurdities yet such is the surprising fact thus would be attempt to from our purpose as children re wont to be frightened by foolish n scare wc tlth 9 wskki press stands martyr to the freedom of rrancis collins whose the record of p the sentence eternal disgrace camtda kcuch of u the indigent state of our province has tim j blwonj of the first sir p ment puiliy order to5ir v to wonto the provincial f withoni ihe consent of hie legslatue soohstcrliog to the attor- w cn he had before rcceiv- 4t00 for his trip to london whatever may he the views feelings and political bent of the persons now coo- trolling that department and consequently our destinies the sagacious advice uf their councellor mr stephen ran hardly fail combined widi the report of the canada committee io have its effect iu working for our salvation from that degrading jtate uf poverty so fcehuglynnd forcibly pourtray elbythe leaned any general if this honorable hi use possess hul half the pene trattou of the learned and acute air ste phen and manifest the firmness and dignity expected by irs constituents aud necessary to the demooatic branch of a constitution al and pnpuhr government tie prosperi ty aud eooieitmcutof this province will beyond all deuht be secured to our ccnsiitueuts we owe an awful respousibdinweare now about tothrast our hands in p their pockets and drag from thence 570031 an enormous sum to be wrun from mr m kcuzie said england bad owing i national debt to maintain onesixth ol its population and if ibis boose increas- i i idiwihs piovieu aluy v take away the last tic which unites us to england great britain when she gave us a constitution said we should never be tax ed that wc should sit dountnderour own 6 wee hut the assembly adopted the laws ot rngiaud and what the mother country would not do we do it ourselves if they added 5000 to the debt they would feci theoonseqaeneesrney would weaken the ties that attach them to great britain did the atlorney general speak as a friend to fcofcland wheu he purposed taxing goods imported from england into quebec f no he spoke as au enemy for such a measure would prove advantageous to the united states as they would supply us with their manufactures i ro v t his sum by a duty on salt wlcuthor ueau canal was finished we would have halt at a very low price and far cheamr than tnat which is imported fro the ui- oi states it was rbe intention ot ti english government to unite us wiib then selvesthey had the opinion of the law yer ofthe colonial department and if ti added taxes upon the country fcey wouh prepare the wyy for the take possession of it iki bot- inte rights on utl 0 it c ral pari of the are our rights trust and lope together what then officer of the crown becomes of the boasted prosperity be vaunted boons that we are told every now anu then we receive from great britain hoaven knows we are as poor as the hon gentleman has represented knows that united status w n of it he feared thai th country did not afford men of huines ami uoic men of principle lorepre he at the u4 and he k y i nave convicted you of falsehood deflation fr scurrltoy and i think that the iriii siou of this record to posterity will bo am- the poor man alone 5ss hoars he p o of his little alinlc will give else wc should not have heard of this tre mendous appeal to our compassion sav tremendnus for it prick to the very spine i i d whcl live must be sad dled with about 100 a year to pay ho interest of the sum now recommended to he borrowed and ultimately with 10000 opay the principal k other dis tnet must be proportionably aggrieved ami all this through a prodigious system of abuse the parallel of which under any wo h government it zt v c 0de l0 pnt out i the midst of abundance wo have the learn- nerars evidence i whatis of our puverty-strick- and and are it a- ini- erass c much stroneei own senses tht evidence and lie sad evidence t we are a j rtu d puverivst en people our treasury is loekod t thereto bv a lecliug of compassion fo the leep and ruin ous injuries ef my elowen consequent on the intrepid advocacy of a cause which the best feeliqs of us all trust will ever impel to niaiitain with our properties our lives these interesting sufferers driven to the lat pinch of ncccssiiy and ifforeredres- could be wrung from his m jesty s minivers immense additional sery might h indicted while the grows thesifd starves i ever bliudfohl in giving this most import ant vote f the learned aft general doesnotsceapaytopay the principle of the proposed loan do if vo ho earned it mi b by the ai of members aiil mis will ei a sbnkiug othinisfron the ottawa rou and mor effectual uiii istiugcorruplion tbn has ftvurh of the inbabiaits ol i f regarded by uosc of ii we e friends and mrothers extending cheerfully i evils if continued would be tl e means a uotry under the goverttmetm 1 argument although te fact of englands havioe already paid more than 00000 of these losses in staring him i ibe face on the journals of last session the konoral am not how- cord iat to ii u- dust ex- i4lrtlit tljl i ueir placing tl of the united states the members of tbh muse were not as they professed the heard much about judge willis when they met h they changed since that day api led jiidjrc wihu rodo for himself they a handoned him and the attorney general obtained a very great victory over tlu house but he was happvit was not a vie- tory iiver the people tlie attorney ge neral would introduce any measure to gel the province into debt but he would ad visp nun to pause o the brink of destruction bo not sever this province from gretft mr pothergul sai mr- chairman itave nor remained silent thus longbecans 1 jli mdifierent to this momentous questi on momentous in every point of view an1 panieolarty froni the rangetbe wide a brhftiv ebiehmmehonbl e imim huneed to tkc involving questions of a political nature too impor f dividual to improve tis eirruiustaneai become independent- c not couu os to pay their debts yet are they touv rously onering to pay two u hds of or losses after having home all tl e exp-n- jfttrtlu hu vol ilo ilbi wo matter what were the causey i the iate v 11 il1 member for the county of l ork impudently and untruly asserts that the war arose from the misconduct of men io power here using epithets towards this uoverameni of a very infamous nature nm which 1 have taken down the lion and learned member from norfolk more justly iies the right of search b one of tl causes of the late war but 1 sav again is do matter what were the causes of th ar e form an british empire het and our lights archies i we shall ever stand or fa the honorable nud learned member for norfolk says this country has soflvred itt proportion with england after tin wing a most dreadful picture of our situhtion says our revenue isdeciemgnow in all this there is not a syllable of much extraordinary lc an wijl so much gravity cd golcmnity ti puhhe accounts restifytbat aftei interest of our provincial debt we avop considerable sum to 0 in liquidation ofthe principal as io our surering in pro- propuriion with england w have only io eakulate our respective proportions of the debis of ile two countries in ipner cana da it is no two dollars per head whilst in sw i ni he pin t from 4 to dolinrs for every man woman ami thddinthe hingdom the debt of this eoantrycan be pule without difficulty or dist the debt of knglaud cau never be paid in the ordinary course of things so the crcumscnces of the two countries in ibis ropect are just as different as possi- ty and impossibility so much for that erdi amblv wiih a ust li- bcdy vote sever sum of money amoontius m 40ii00 for internal hi lavements these tre for je n r v or the ktrnij im n fcm riuurieoaud hetwe u ihv mi iruernd cruinw ami for tnki- parts o n c happv miidc for the houses in thi j new rp cerent vv um i nve been iog light and fortl pii will give favor the introduction of settlers into this ilovmee and who have hitherto sup ported with their donations md services tho emigrant hospital n tl prejem coo litutc quebec official gazette p old ones in djf- pruvincc also ihnt liberal ms purpose uuicel- t lawrence los- irthcei a proper for on- tii the general satisfaction to all huo the committee on the attonev ge labours to votes m close mo after a scrutiny oftl w r morrisons case having b gone through the attorney general still a mrioritv nf fiva uui r ts een majority of five although hiscoun- selhave stated their objections to ol out ol sixty impeached v opposite side forty six itteo ve oies on t ire truth veut and it is such stufi e paying the on tne whole merits may possible be known before our p is j- ft is t shall be commnnim j readers it since commumcated to our putting the above in type the committee utb late hour yesterday vennnade their report to ihe house ft y resolution that the attorney general has been duly electcdhe rts fore retains his seat thus has termina ed this frvvlousand vexatious proceeding at an expense of about 2000 nod a in time of four weeks aj u weeks or the business of the tut iitiie pe- to the hindrance country and which to trace to p o iiio pe- otrntion to trace to be sret nokmgs of m iie central co intention to prom 20th march sue 0 legislature s on mend rt b fear tht that hon hmnjlf has mistake and has b ought us the wrong essay for speech cannot call it that kliwtocs heard and seen it readinstead ofitsbe- hou th tea rade af chini u hqw r tins mode of writing essays andread- nk them to the house previous to their hemj passed off in tho newspapers as fine the chrow kingston march 7 ion prenami t l um nut 1 folhrreil s the na lose no later intelligence from england uan was contained in our last we copy from the observer as great a portion of the debates a9 our umits this week will admit tlic folloninj sentiments from mr othteiis speech on the ar losses have nek u s pnescssing k for and ritlsit

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