1 fron the london literary gazttte the lament of one who can get no employ so wobegone pgcutlemao jm sure you never kneir 1 am a wretch lht has not got a single thing to do i 1 never drink for i have cot a grain of sense to spare 1 never smoke poor earthly joy it alt dissolves in iir i never swear i reckon that the stupidest of sins i will not game ive nought to ez and no oue ever wins 1 i cannot swim my system hi a tendency to cramp i never sail that getting drowud does always strike so clamp i will not ska besides ie jaae i could oot if i chose i take no snuff for truly sic is not a hungry nose i cannot study for my baadc the worst of thoroughfares i never hunt i bold my life worth thirty housaud bares i never shoot my pouhererc ioj does all ih fit dirty work i hate all politic the greefc the russian ted ih turk 1 cannot talk from morn til nib what hare i got to tell nor hear another better lodge next door to old bow belt i i never dance what bob my tegc and bounce about tbs floer i never sing- a singing maaa a nuisance aa a bore i play nr sddu uqualls and quji will net repay one labour nor wbiuicg kate what right hdo x to tactalbe ray neighbours i cant compose i cannot see where lies zn authors bliss corrtpnv vh blftup uy ctuiim ww- why only aiok at this father was a swiss was born in lon don ho prided himself on this cir cumstance as did also ihc k george rr j from the london liuram gazzitte gresse a very fat painter and v friend of oapiain grose was appointed to teach some of the royal family gresse at hit first introdjjticr as a teacher a the royal palaces had been told by mullerpage to tho then young prince edvard that the etiquette was if by accident he met ihs king or any member of ibe reyai iimily with in the palace id stand respectfully till 1 t then pact and take a no tice unless hose great personages condescouded to notice him 2t hap pened that during his many profes sional visits at buckingham house at kew and as windsor during the first two years attendance he had never by any chance met the king one day however whilst waiting t attend the queen and amusing himself id looking at the painted ceiling in the great au dience chamber door suddenly o pened and by a side glance h per ceived himself in ih royal presence it was no less a personage ihia his majesty king george the third who entered alone struck no doubt with the extraordiq ary bulk and general con tour of the figure of the artist for he stood wiih his hands behind him grasp ing his cocked hat and hi lrz strad dling wide whh his bead threes buck the king advacced i the middle of he room and eyed hir irhh apparent surprise gresse remembering the pont of etiquette dropped hi head to its natural posiico and stood stock- still after his roijesty had tafcn this survey he walked round whilst gresse wishing a trapdoer io open unde his own feet remained nothing short of a waxen figure beneath a tropical sun at length the king unconscious we miy reasonabls suppose of the misery of the sensitive artist walked 10 some distance and turning round took a view of him right in front gresse deter mined to shew the king tba he really was not a statue regardless of further etiquette mads to tbtscvercigc a mos profound how which the kirg under standing as it is supposed he imme diately retired gresse after this accidental first interview with our jasi sovereign as 2 hive before observed became a great favourite with his rmjesty ss much so indeed that the kig condescended to visit his house which he bttlt at cookhim and in which he resided oc casionally during the summer season as this house which was dubbed ores- ses folly had neither extern il ele gance nor much internal beauty to bos however it is likely ill it the king was excited by tint phyfu humour in which he occasionally indulged to view i as a cur osity bemg the residence of so great a mm have hoard grass re late with much delight the conversati on which happened this royal visit hs majesty went iriq every apnrtmenr noticed the contrivances of the kitchen commented on his pictures ard hen visited his garden and domestic out buildings you havo chosen too low a site though observed his majesty take care m isicr grfsse or you will be carried off in a winter flood which prognostic by the way had nearly occurred within a year after on going up a staircase constructed with a too sudden turn which led ro the huge mans dormitory the king whispered to one of the attendants i wonder how gresse climbs up this narrow flight but a greater wonder will be how they wal got him down if be dies here for theie is no flexibility in a coffin hey my lordr hey gresse though bis c you and 1 were borrt britons that is something lo hoist hey gresse bartlozzi had a groat esteem for gresse who had been a favourite pu pil of his estimable colleague cipriani indeed he lived with this painter many yrars and was a very close imitator of his style gresse had studied under other masters so m my indeed that bartolozzi who was dorg some pro fessional service for a fi iend cf g resses unfortunately differed with ihc engra ver who italianlike wu hasty and gresse harping cr ibe word style t he exclaimed cmdam mister gresse hold your tocgus you hive copy so iriiv mi stare you nave not left no style at all oaiosborough as b sufficiently known was aa enrbcsastic admirer of music and though certainly no musi cian yet his iovo for sweet sounds was such that he had tried his nitive sk 11 upon almost every instrument he was too capricious to sit to study an ono- methoflically though having a nce oar be could oerforni an air on the fid dle the fuitar the harpsichord or the fluta vnder fischer his sonul iw he did take a few lessons upon the bur- boy or clarionet i forget whch bu made nothing of it he however could nwduiatfc t a certain degree on a keyed instrument and ued frequent ly to chant any rodomontade that was uppermost accompany ag himself with ihc choidsonony ntojtei pianoforte bach rhe hai a true german share of dy humour used to sit and endure his miserable attempt and 1 luglrn in hw ivvc eactuliu wb oi uni- barough not at all abashed at his irony rould proceed labouring hard at any particular key be it major or be it mi nor and drully exclaim now foi pur- oberitv walnut curly jviaple limber rw sibscriber is ready to contract any quantity ol cherry wnlnot aua curly maple lumber deliverable it r the third indeed his majesty in talking with him uon his parental ountry condescended to remark but his mills 13 m les west of ancaster o at kerby and hatts sore burngon bay whb schooners can take it in letters uiih proper reference addres sed to h 11 nt ancarer wllbodulyat- tendedl james johnston dcccmbi 22d 1s27 a v v t started immediately at da tf vis mll south croslyridtau li9rj a number of sionfl cutters to whom liberal wages will be gtvenehhei by the dwy nr f w all oo found if requinj al o a number of quam men 10 whom literal wages w 11 he gi ven and iegultr piymcnts kude efchei by the mother week donald uelxveb iines or nov 1s27 stone masu cells chant now a specimen of oh bird dat is debilish fiie cried bich now for a touch ofkert and old henry liwe rdded gainbo- roogfa i when bach his patience worn out would cry now dat is too pad dere is no law by goles why the goni- pany is to listen to your murder of all ihsse ancient gombosers when gen tingupfiom his scat be would run hi finger rattling along all the keys and pushing the painter from his sciit would sit mttself in his place and flourish vo luntaries as though he was intprrd once rich called upon him in lal- mill and going straight jo his pairting- room he found him firging hard at the bassoon an instrument tha requires the wind of a forgcbollows to fill giin- boiougbs cheeks wore pufivd and hi face was round and red as the harvest moon bach stood astounded tote iv away man poc it awy do you wnt to burst yourself like the fjg in the ftble t do defil it i only fit fi tbeluns of a country mickschmidi 1 nay now ecliirodgainbooiilh 1 it is the richest bss in the world novt do tisttn again listen added bach mine frtendr i dd issten your door in tils p- ani pv i the powers above p i ho 10 be tav- fkesh goods wholesale and retale 4 llhe tiibfieribe wishes 10- inform hv rittid snd thepohlic in general thai he has just received a very extensive sup ply efrtciies viics brandy giu spi- rits and a few ghhoos of very superior higbbuid i ibe w 3 of which le iiurpuses teluus t erv reduced prites fur cash or approved credit kihi to show tle public e m determined to reduce i prices he hero f vc ili price cf a few of hi ar ticle vii qoguiftr nanjy 7s per gal ucluu giu 6 do dil spiriu aid do du tmiutiivado ir cd and 7d do lb k i lsf tnwe raums sun dit currants prl lurlry tsceteh ditto rtuk ivjicr hutch pie blue litto cvfiee second 6 llove natawps ciouruiuu lemon aud oi- pec iinlat caraway sd kpsom blu sulphur krinittoue lampblack buck lead souflf f i 1 i- iy rii- muvtard in urs rlce tvn gunpowder do old hyson do young hyson do souchong uet twankay ci iluhea hyuu skin do and all other ricle in proportion the greater part of his present stock being of this years imporuiioti msd electrd by iiiuisclc he can wnrraot them of the heoi qjality mercbauts iu town or country con ha supplied on a reasonable terni ns iu mmitroal ad a lihtral creiit givco all order from towu httd couutrj thtnk- fuliv reeaived mil punctually atitnded to all kimij of country iloduce taken at the market price mick all pttennan jj m u on hand a eryxten- t iwvuly f day ouudst eodsirtlug lid do du iim do do 7j- do do ihtu do do gj do do 4d do do 04 do dl is do do 16 do do hfl do du i do dn u do do 4d do cz cd do do d do do t do ltl do do ld do do m d lb id do do 7id do cu id do do is do do 11 q do 5d do do 2s d do 3j do do 86 do do 5sl0 do do 50 do do 3 do do 20 do do 245 do do 3ti dn do than an adder come then taking the tartan plaid green ftahw apron check clarionet baw cuw exclaimed irish knit hose wiih many articles suita- ihe musician vorso and vorse no me t the present season and at very low more cf your canarding tis as a duck 1 price nod ery liberal credit- by gar tis vorse as a goose mr jackson of exetei tho composer so celebrated for his canzonets must no be forgotten as another exception to this observation however this dis- linjniishrd musician ws almost as fond of painting as ciinsborouh was of 1 street removal 57 lesslie sons beg leave a e to inform their friends andthe iuslic that they have removed to that sop adjoining mr j g parkers music j and as i bare hcird was no mean performer with the pallet and pencils primitive methodist preacher a rant ing preacher at lemoors lately address ed his auditors in this highly figurative strain ah i dare say youd ail pay o see a boxing match between randall and martin yet you dont like cpay 10 sec a boxing match between ms and delzebub oh my friends mny hard knock and many a cross buttock have i given the black bruiser for you sake pull do pull olt these fay garments of m uttmon strike the devil a 3rnit blow and darken his spiritui3 daylights at him manfully sesd him at oner- irta chancery ill be your bottleholder i ask nothing but the money t which 1 hope you wll kingston 15 th sept 1828 tbjtotice the subscribers will jj pay the following prices for pork md flour in cash on deliveiy at their frgtabhshnient at jortus falls south crosby rideatt canal as undermen tioned vis for pork in the ho weigh 1 fiom 150 to 200 lbs 2 gj ditto do from 2 to 300 lbs 22s cd for flour in the barrel finc21s 3d do do middlng 1 ss yd do in the bg pr- cwt 10s cd mackay redpat1l jones fills rideau cmnl dec- 27 1sj7 fllhe brick ho ml on the place for sale ouse and lot situate darmes at pre- com gen nt forget before you go i stockport occupied by assistant adrcrtiser hare for terms apply to typographical errors the errors 1 thos kirkpatrick made by compositors are sometimes 1 kingston lslh sept 1825 very entertaining for instance the ve times once contained an account of a fashion ible party at which one of he mol distinguished persons was the duke of fork anoher paper late ly furnished its readers with a long re port ofproeeedings i the court of common fleis and the morning chronicle of last tuesday contained an account of an attrocious bobbery lincoln herald furs wanted at tho store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting f lrs h s ph1nny kingston jan 1 1828 lands for sale w ot letter d in the townshipol 114 pittsburgh fronting the st law- rencecyilainng200 acies well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance oi bout 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 20 sixth concession in same township containing 200 acres on which there is a clearance of about 10 acres aritha good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f aharper kingston 12th may 1828 advertisement aluable farm for insisting of s00 acres iu ihb township ot dntlngon newcastle dis trict upper canadit comprising lois no 30 31 32 and 3 i the second concess on 400 acres 0 which are freehold and 400 acr reserves the lenses of w in dt have tleven years un expired 200 acres aie cleared and fenced the buildings con- of a large dwelling house root house and stabling capital bariu an excellen saw jl 11 m 11 house and several smail tenements with enclosed gar den and orchard every lot is plentifully watered the high toad fiom kingston to yok passes through the premises being 27 m les fiom port hope and 33 from york it is well suited for a merchant store or tavern the whole will b fold together 01 in lots of 1 or 200 acres and the pay ments made easy for farther particulars apply to r fairborne esq dutlngon j g beihune erq cobourp john warren esq whilly john macul iy esq kugsion the fitor of the kingston chronicle or of the proprietor james uirtck esq st cabjrines niagara drift dec g 182s j mathers 4 gent to n g fdgiano no 33 st paul street moniieal met- climt tailor begs leave to inform the gentlemen of fasbon that he has come from the above house and will take orders to be executed immediately or in the spring in the london and philadelphia fohons equal to any made in london or in the canadas those who will favor him willi their orders well please cdl soon as ills stay will bo for a few days only he has a few articles of clothing for side apply at the old kings head dec 13 1s2s the deputypostmastergeneral announces the formation of the undermentioned new post offices 111 upper canada to 0 into operation upon the 6m1 of next month viz thnnihillon yougestreet 1 2 miles from yoik wm parsons fm markham 10 miles ne of thorn- bill jnmes johnon p m t pickering 32 miles e of yok kingston ro id francis ley pm toronto 4 miles yv oi york dundaastreet a leys p m strettsrille6 m les nv pf to ronto on river credit israel ran som p m oznahrucl- 13 mllei w of coin- wall joseph bockus p m t n stayner d p m g general post ojfice qnehrr th pre 1s3 ttotice there is now he ll possesson of mr charle son pout dkeeperat barriefield- tithe townh of pittsburgh a siou dark bay holis fc short ta ft- mcily bfioned 10 mr jua u hart ci the ordnance department whoever way own said hone aie recjueiied to pay the expencea of poundage dc keep- alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london establ ushcd by act of parliament capital five millions stew tng he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants cf upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public apponicd the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs a tip wmorris fyc brachville james mucfarlane esq kingston james g bcthuneesq cobimrg robt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to cither of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will pleise apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following impoitant and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with t he alliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participations of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment cf losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6 losses by lightniugwil be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country withou rcfering to the board of directions in london 8h reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from ue will be paid 9th lu the case of an assurance be ing nude on properly lor a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany wl whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10 b the extended scale on tvlrch the society is formed warrants the ex- pectationthat the profits to be divid ed will be large mckenziebethunedcco agents montreal gsth sept 1s26 port hope nail manufac tory j brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that be has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory iu the united states port hope july 3 1326 f or sale lot no 17 in tho ninth concess the town- shp ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this oftae kingston 9th august 1828 wanted a good blacksmith to whom liberal wages and con stant employment will be given appli cation to be made to a manahan mar mora iron works mav 22d ls2s notice well recommended medical jji gentleman of sound british prin ciples vi i meet with every support in he vicinity of vitloria township ol i inland take him aviy otherwise he charlotteville london district the centre of a dense population will bo sold accordix to 1iw barricfield kith sept 1328 furs and skis s wanted at the stores of the subscriber in kingston and at c ipe vincent all kinds of shipping and lint ling furs also deer skins and horns c ittle hornsdtc for which cash or goods will be paid henrys pihnny kingston nov 1st 1528 notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the lite patrick dono van are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them furdjustment mary donovan jan 17 i s3 adnvnistrarrix wotice all persons indebted xw to the estate of the late geonoe macauiay esq arc requested to make immediate payment and those having any claims against the said estate to present them without delay duly au thenticated to simn h macauiay esq of bath who r authorised to set tle all accounts relating to the said es tate james b macaulay york 1st oct 132h executor shoes cotton goods just received and for sale at the store of the subscriber at cape vincent a few bale of 34 and 44 shirting and sheeting also a quanti ty of coarse and fine shoes which will he sold low 10 country merchants for cash or furs hen ry s phinny kingston nov 1328 stoves just received and for sale at the store of the subscriber small as sortment of stovesctf nsisting of cooking franklin boxand nhie plate alsoon handa quantity of sve pipe of differ ent sizes togciherwrth a general assort ment of tin ware which will be sold wholesale or retail at reduced prices hes by 3 pihnny wanted several respectable youngsters as apprentices to the mouldiug and bar iron making bu siness at the marmora iron works for terms apply to a manahan 2d pes 1823 soap candle manufactokv daniel caffroy impressed with a grateful sense of the very liberal support he has received from his numerous friends as well as frmn the public at large would inform them that he continues the above business at his old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and near mr a ivess and the long island ferry he is determined to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can dles which he pledges himself shall bo of the best quality he will give the highest price in either soap or cash fur tallow and lard and will five soap in exchange for house grease and ashes delivered at bis works kingston oct22 1328 pork merchants enn have their lard tried and packed in the first order at the shortest notice aud on the lowest terms l mm ands for sale on the canal route between the fwp ottawa and kingston j being lot 32 m the 10th concession of pittsburgh about 16 or 17 miles from kingston containing 200 acres of good arable land well situated fornu inu the public road passing across the south end and the cranberry creek passing through the north application maybe made to frauds a harper esq kingston nov 1 1828 notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of tho late frede rick keeler are to be settled wilh j ii samson bcllville 24th dec i28 airr on consignment the subscriber has 300 barrels of salt which he will sell chonp for cash walter mcunniffe kingston 16th december 1828 ii or sale five aries of land more or less in demoicstville being purl of lot no 37 in the first con c ess t on west nf green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply io mrs jane mlcod kngson 17h december 1828 a special session will he bol- den on monday the thirreth iky of march next at die court honse in ihc town of k nt the hour of en oclock of the forenoon to divide the township of k ngston no d visions uid to jfllot to he different overseen the roads they arc so superintend and work for the ensuing year at the same tme to receive the accounts of tlie overseers of the highways of the township of kngson lor the last year bv order allan maclean clerk of the peace m d feb 21 1829 ma or sale on reasonable terms lot ms no 24 in the 4h concesson of the township of burgess in the coun ty of leeds in the johnstown district for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24 h may 1828 notice is hereby ftiven that tlie part nership existing between richard lowe and thomas dier since the first of mey 1625 in the carding and cloth dressing business at the napane mills is this day dissolved by mutual consent all those who have any claims on the ml id firm are requested to present them to thomas dier for settlement and all those indented to pay to either party such accounts as art presented endorsed by tic other richard lowe- thomas dier napane mills oct 1st 1328 school for young ladies mr ct mes twig beg leave to return thanks tor the uu form support which their school has received since its commencement and wish to as sure parents and guardians that they shall make it their stud as they have ever done to merit a continuance of it by the strictest attention to the seve ral branches moral and polic winch constitute a liberal education reference may be made to the ve nerable george okh smart rev john machar leutenanl colonel mc pherson and john mclean esq kingston 4th april 1s2s ijor sale front half of lot no 13 31 concesson of haldimand district of newcastle containng 100 acres 40 of which are under cultivati on an excellent saw mill is eiectcd on the lot on a durable stream and a fine grove of pine timber adjonw also a comfortable frame dwell ng house new barn and carpenters work shop for particulars c application may be made to j g beihune esq cobourg or on the premises to feb 7th 1828 levi cole mayors english spelling book just nubl and for sale r the g broil cle office an cxteus ire edi tion of mavors spell ug book serco- typed from the 33sth lontum edition- a dls27 having n beautiful fiontis- piecc engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st march 1823 tiik kingston chronicle is printed and published evciy saturday by james macfarlane at bis ofiicc in fiom street kingston tepms seventeen shill ngs and six pence per annum if sent by mail tweii- ty shdl ngs subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines amj under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7a each subsequent inscition ten 1 nes and under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod ciich subsequent inser tion above ten lnes 4d per line lor the first insertion and id per lnc for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in tcruing ami dclvercdby wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion t produce received in pa meat at the market price agents john rignell esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james alcintoshesq lancaster john cameron esq iochitl r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prcscott henry jones esq broqkville josiah taylor esq perth ii whiimnrsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald gomonoevc- r w warfle esq bath allan mcpherson esq nnjjanee thomas parker esq btlhile joseph a keeler esq cromahe james g betbuue esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york dauiel rossesq vitloria john crook esq niagara charles biggar esq slurry thomasdorlaudeaq- adotyhustotm ft v 4