mr hamilton explained the cause which induced hiill i in his curtl m the ins i lvtherill moved at d elm to mill lite ahr adjournment of icy gi ncral j inwed it llll bv tbv v leruriu- it t the resolutions pro r peterson tvero unjust ami such j oct us ou honbl member would sup dr leterty saidtho lion member fin uvntwortb had ttfrxetmhs coat rll i n foifa us lhit ho changed because il hw governor liwl arrived tin present i i vornor save i all we asked and licfl iftlv- hoc member expected j- sr ij stair- he wouid lie dutp pointed f the list four yeafethttt turncoat patriot was the greatest grumbler in the hoise he was iiuvssantlv calling out uncle ftitthnrst and resorted to every spu es i i i f insult io annoy tiir p mv stated ihnt he t let him shew if kv n m ait land it tltiooi i live and ho character nfn whole people they found a seizing officer in tho court be ton and the found the samo seizing 0 ficr constituting the court above me ne ver knew a case of an v consequence brought before the ivugs bench licit tlio whole propcrlv was ol swallowed up in cess ll the system w is bad during i lie i me iid- inttiist ration the lute governor protend ed to ho religious hu ho did tint believe that his outward show would take him to lieiveo mr hamilton said the hon memher had mad i most cowardly attack upon him which he dared nt to have done elsewhere he would noi liocl uix tnt iltor liiid make use ofsioh language h was true that le oppoed ihe utc adminsira- lioil because ho disapproved of their mei- j si res anil he supported tlio pr rati so ho tlouislt totir ittti v us staling no doubt he believed that ho was what was true- lemrmthoug1 t the observation just find it was lorno out bv le conduct of certain individual- mem ber- fell very sore oil this subject heeausr it rouios home to themselves why llltl rl vy not defend the house when he mem- iios who voted lr the alien bill reported n com mil too of which the huu bihcttk- i 1 11 hoi si iiidercd htil do c co iiw id ho- witc tifi n iiicmncr were sriiuiercu a finned for their vote on that hill had lie mr m uol heen enllod by person now a nenbor of th houw the eomipt tool oli corrupt governmrn did honorable a it leu on nine forwawl ou liifvi oerasion rope thelihel which ww their duly ae- iifi otuhtri that an ntthclc on i niroilior is px attack nulhe wiioie rse a memher d mackorvio spoke rs the tiouo to the cflvot that rtr htvf ci v id thai honorable momhor pur- tnthe wa avttiik luue this to his en n mitumt when ho vm stijpriin rhe mea- nrob ned the year io nort thai ho fur tie benefit i ns sipportii jill bv ih veil tlrm he it hfiw how roifm 1 takd his coat thecuinsry when lie v tlifs tibnosioiis moasuie prrpmao i- vttoirey the attorney gone i- i h- hibturi in a triy tjaeket urico vft the eouiirv iej tokot was cut ialo loailttk slriirfs in hr had funtiril- ie t the rose of each of ihe mombeis f weiuwordi hoar hear yes these cntlenieii wera tried in tlie halanoo ami uv wero finl wauting and lisivifi ieeu rejected bv this house thev now he- row i us iiiy- rty ui t wotlul ore 1 k ho hi nut linage i the 10 v or no tn l it ri ri sciitj lie il he could not allow an iniu it ntfor el rmiywiiure mui iw would m iiiotnthv for tveiimnrtli nhvti auo where lie nliiftiil ortit pulirj mr lerhunu snid iliorv was notiiing w jwsiifj ilii trormdiiik he tlumfilil jita tcnrnrtl altonicv milmhirt hefiiw ill olu- mitrec ww insly lioiturabte ami ie le- fil them tn hiiai nut h precedent la justi fy such i tojiilhiive proccufinx em the pro hji o o nill 1u no li i4i friw r4u iklulicci fill 10 jris i boutviir rvffriveil iao any ti h fhrnily not as in ts rvmi mores adiision f in iroopn at the statu if some ihounmd kreuehmen deter- mined to booohiplisi iheir nohle task that celebrated country urn ions rnvfl ted hap been restored to pea ant security there is hi avarin the yuion of the flag has proved to the world t icspeet of the three crowns for the fib of treaties and ray soldiers take pleasure in recount iiir ho sincere support whi they have foaud in ihe euclisn navy a formal doclaration notified to the porte has placed tl- m urea and the neinh- bourins islands unifi- ihe protection of the ibree powers thii solemu act villsuihve to render a protruded occupation unneces sary i continue to it the flreeks lo roh iii id th-i- ruins and my ships bring the communes nod to the departmont a just share in the management oftheirm- toreslsbut il iwlst at the came tunc preserve to the protecting and moderilini pouerwhieh hrloiibs t the crown the full scope of actim and force winch pub- lie order requires i have caused a pro- jeeti which will he presented tn yoo nrenared with care invite all the tube me- ditniious of your wisdom to this project mi i confide the discussion of it t love of public good una to y everyday pives me fresh tvcticu of my people and enhances the shcredness of the obligation which i have coniracled in dedicate myself 10 their hap- ir fidelity ofs ofth3f en very roneral latiifaciion in the capital the delivery of it warfrequcmly imenupi- ed by hil cries of approhaiion and not one of tho papers which we have received bus any fault to find wiili it the vacancy in the frfnch ministry i not yet permanently filled m renneval urovistonally oeeupies the office of m de frrouays and it wouid appear that ilince polijgnaclsbottobecaheci upon to take a post in the executive government of his country part f the french tronps bavs arrived bt marseilles from the mo- hack n them those hiti a s i es ic sto pii3 gjiertsity od n of so t ijo read the offensive word in it and aued lluln any pretedeii w if do i re em i id i mom ifi cme the suelliie to ihe very man that thet wore defaming for vears hear honr ah lie dr l regretted was that they liiid not joined the lato ndininutra tinii for men of their description were veil qualified to join the riis of tliat fall en parly as lomaitland liimsstf he did not like to fietr bis name mentioned but as it tirne 1 upin debate ho would ask id he rot do every thing in hlj power m libel iio imihoj did he nil o from door to door begins for signatures to defime nor svvodvlvzo mem ami did he not further degrade his hlli office by trans- mittiti theslanderjso mondv obtained to tho kills government such a man miyit think that turnmt meoibers of this houe were fit persons to sit in ihe up per house hut he was sure that tl e pre sent lt governor would not sully hischa- mcter by following so degraded an exam ple hear hear he believed that the dillon memhers for weutworih were sih- nz for a seat in the upper house but they might sigh in vain for their temporising trudinyio twncoit conduct could excie no feeiins in the breast of such a man as sir john colborne but that of contempt or horror order order yes thoy j knew that they had forfeited all claim up on their constituents and their eyes were qow rivettcd to the upper house and they did hope that they might ascend ii ose steps which enabled many a corrupt toolto escape the merited vengeance of their constituents but a change has ta ken place and ho might ay there was now no hope for tho wicked sir john col- borne came here to conciliate tho people- aui he would not insult them hyexalltng men who find proved traitors to their eou- stitueiits ho dr l would tell the members for vveiinvorth that he detested treason of any kind but a traitor in po litics- a mm who basely deceives his con stituents m the hope of obtaining the smiles of the great wad to him tie most odious and diiracefal character in existence ioud cheering and bravo in the gallery he hoped the hon memher for durham would ponder on what he had heard that hon member attempted to become a lead er of a middle party and he was ready to grasp at auy thins in the disposal of the executive order order ho knew that ho was wandering from the question he hoped he would not get too warm 3 iaigh nut re thonm it was his l- v to apprize his excellency of the schemes that were in agitation to insult the people ami brinj his judfemem iutn ridieub the hon member for durham s ifauticipat- iti this question sid that there was a rebellious faction in this house a ml ho had prtdised to unfold the coils of the sbii- fevt but it ended in smoke there was nothing since heard of ihe coils or of the surneut and the boil member in at tempting to deceive this house and the government had deceived none but him self he dr i could warrant thai thai hon member would never mention the serpent again tnev might cry order as ion as ihey pleased hut i c would always fxd it to be his duty to exhibit mock mi- t ios turncoats aud tttpktefa to the couu- try hut to the late lieutenant governor did hft but put men ij olscfi who would not nisc their hands i defence of the country in the late war lij t l co il i s iy fiat he wis horn ti-ek- and he would die ftv the lute lieutenant governor broke doaiithe free loyal men of the country and he euve commissimn to rascals he cried the to v n lidoiiti thy had arly ui j resn rir nil he 1 evtii henli rhed for nor did he ihsire id any situation of profii or omolu- na and i oh hi mil receive- tfce hesi ii- ui- nppoiottuobi in u cum out rebellion when he vaaiotu this guvern ineiit an i he prcvaile on a corrupt house to p ls a gakiux act what did he not t i what has he not done to injure the country never did una tood thiim far the country he bowed discord and hrk- up peace and hnnmiuy did he uui k3p tholouruan of larliamenr which najsjt fohavjhcou iriusiiiitlud to iinland in x ii until thoy met he was afraid to sen 1 the n lost his own nets should appear ti the members of the british commons did bit nlaitlaud tike the buclttnil paper ibc chronicle and the iore gazette be cause they slandered this house lu the niagira district there was mi man to he found tahui this house ami he sent to the united stites and obtained huciail xivouwoith to abuse us did not this hiicse pass a bill to make judgo willis try ho long peudinft cause betweeu buulton rud tiande and it was thrown out il was mice tried and how was it triuif il was tried before hagennau who desirod tho jurors to finda vrlici for plaiutilf sub- jeel to the decision of the court above well who was ihe court aboic cliria- topour hngermau v ho was the judge bo low was themily man who sat in thecuur above nd to have a jjli to c d- ho ic neizirts t led that iu own opi- f tiit ihu luoiistrous r iter placed on ihe cid- npoa the jropiy the ivitn tluee rujthini was arraigned forsuch language they eond oot if luey were to stretch ihir privileges so fiir as o adopt tilts reso- lu i lis they would ho guilty of an uncoil- stttolioiiil act mr baldwin resolutions were with drawn and those rend by mr peterson were put the first second and third were carried by a in ijrity ofonk upon the forth resolution heins pt jul u wilsonsaid ii was the most linjum proceed ing bo had ever known of iu tlo iarlia tneul f this province there was inucu said abuui collins and judge vviliis hot they hid n itiin to do wnii thiin old lins tins cried fr n seurifous production and very properly and found tuuh and as to judge willis they knew notliiiik of him henevcr went circuit that the people could have a knowledge of him this pro- ceedius grew out of a desire offiomo mem bers 0 put down the present mode of ear ryinjj on criminal prosecution and ihey vere seconded in litoir schemes by illis but he mr wl would say toat if the present system changed it would throw the administration of justice iuio confusion it would disorder and disorganize every thin although tho praclioo differed i isngland from thai pursued in this colony yet the practice here wa the practice pur sued in other colonies and iu die united states and the majority uf the people ol this province were from the united states and as a matter of course they highly ap proved of the present practice he be lieved the object id the supporters of the reolutious was to turn gentlemen of honor aud laleni out of their situations that they might get into place themselves hear hear from the ministerial bench although they possessed neither talent nor integrity nor justice the present proceeding was subversive of all justice he believed that some members thought that opposition to the measures of the government was vir tue from the attorney general emanat ed the greatest aud best measures thai stood upon the records of upper canada lo the exertions f that virtuous and highly ho norable gentleman they owed the adoption of the host laws iu the statute ttimk and he wuuhl not uow stand by aud see huu put down by a persecutiuf faction gentle men should consider what ihey were about he thnuht judge willis and collin- ought to he allowed lo shift fm ihcniselvc in tle ease of both he was sure the loam ed attorney houorahly discluted his du ly and if thoy were suffering for their in temperate conduct they themselves ami not the aitnruey were to blame mr fothergill said the alleged calumny applied in a dead body and no to this house but he denied it was a cidumi y and if they by supporting ihe resolutions look away the rights of ihe attorney tl iy would be destroying their own rights individual had a rigjit to express his own sentiments upon the conduct of former parliaments without that right there would he an end to history the attorney ge neral was called upon to give an opinion ie gave itio the mildest mauuor hecouhl and they were now called upon to make it a broach of privilege lie knew thai thoy would he sorry fur their proceedings after one nights sleep if hon members wore to think how the time of the house has been wasted he was satisfied ihttley would reject the present proceeding and turn their attention to some measure more beneficial he was told that tho aiioney icuoraj was ihe cause of his owt dismis sal he thought he was instrumental to it yet bo should give 1 is vote indepcndiutly but he would now pledge himself that he would call upon this house togive their ceusure for acts more duilgitouc lo ile state than the present ifthis mode of pro cedure were p isuteil in members wore trying to create nil excitement in the coun try if that were patriot u to he hoped he never would be one lie would t dic- tatu but ho hoped they would act calmly ami coolly what were they toitiy to do they were entering resolutions about a dead body aud thoy had no right to do so committee rose and asked leave io sit a- gani the speaker took the chair and the report was negatived by onk mr morris observed that he did not in tend to say a word in ile rest lutiu ns now on the table hut wl cube saw the feelings ol warmth evinced by hon gentlemen be felt bound to make a lew observations uu the measure the resolution- he consider ed were untrue in as much as ihey nssi ri thai the expression used by ihe i on ally general bs the eiltel of imputing disloy al principles to ibc people ol this province and their representatives whin ihe lan guage loch has given so much ofleme moans no such thing iris inertly ihe o- piuiou of that honorable gentleman and has ho not as good a rit to pas an opini on on ihecoiiinct uf public men as any o- tuor individual 1 tie remark is confined 10 a i ev members of this house aod does not apply iu the manner stated iu tho resolu- pe in m h s to the i- b i o tr r ti sn many vc i have reamii to more enlightened i treaty of the gin 1 1 ope- 1 that this first cv uicir ouutry fn and whom pce has to liber vill not prove vain hove that the poite i ceasi to oppose ile july and it may he arrangement will not diluhmeik of peace u ik wbictt yon to fuifil must daily v silihjec before tho house it p mo thai it- intention was to ru le hnnble aty general when ho mr left the house n low weeks ago that net gentleman was attacked day af- lt day with a degree uf htteriia3 and mi- ligitv which was most improper ik ryrmhad fori or lie saying any thing i no hopa that the individuals who resori l nieh conduct would grow tired of a line of jroeeediug snjinfair but when on his fptvru he found be same perseeniiidh con tinned with virulence beyond any thing he ev he mr- mj disapproved ol io of the measures of the late admini iii and as fr as ho honorable atlv icrl might be supposed to have ailvised e measures b- udfered from him hot diit i rcjmoi to iusnfy relentless effort to jure that learned gentleman whose coibut nil all occsimi- in this lanisc way opt tl tilflnu vn 1 hvtnufjwe bw lie llei with an ability and integrity which do bo- iioarto himself t well as the country whenever lo was called upon give expla nations iu that candid manner uhith do credit to him he like all other persons is fallible and liable to err but bo filled the situation of atty general with an a- hiliiy which il may he difficult to find else where mr h concluded by remarking that hewa impressed with ll elelitf tl at the object of members was to injure the attorney general by removing him from his office aud thinking so he fell bound to state ithc should therefore oppose the resolutions mr thomson said ihe privileges ofcne member was ihe privileges of the whole he hoped to attorney would give the names of theitersons lie alluded to in ht coiumunicatio if he would nil s le should then hivo ii in his power to vote a gainst tl e revduiions the atty general said when any one reads that lener aud views the way it came into this house when be sees to what il refers when he sees that the expression does not bear any charge of dihylty a- gaiusl this house or against the people of the country when he the a gen- chal lenged any man losay that he ever charg ed thiscountry with disloyallybe was sure that that man if he possessed the feelings of honor would not support the resoluti ons i bad established a character thai would enable lim lo despise any injustice that might ho attempted toward him and he would sit down perfectly satisfied what ever might he the result dr itlackloek wished the committee 10 rise report progress and ask leave to sit hgaiu to morrow w i ich was carried by a majority of two and thus the proceed ing terminated the newcastle gaol and court house hill us ordered into committee mr lyons iuaie is speeches in favor of establishing ile county town at cohurg which le described as ihe healthiest place in upper canada with respect to hamilton he slated that iot0 would purchase the whole of it the petition presented a- gaiost erecting ihe buildings at cohurg contained ihe signature f many persons mho diil not reside in the district boys put their names toil some signed twice and men signed it who were o beastly drunk that thoy were held up to enable them to write their names mr fothergill combatied the arguments of mr lyons and declared that the peti tion entrusted to him was regularly signed by ail iho wealth aud talent iu the district and that the one brought in by mr lyons was gotten up in the nmsl foul and rascal ly maimer that a false map was produced to if committee by mr lyon to enable them to report in favor oi cohurg mr rwiug thought hamilton ihe most central situation and he was opposed to re moving the court and gaol to cobur all it w nil id he a hi no fit lo him lo have them ai the latter place he would how ever if the country could iifiord to go to the expense of erecting new buildings hae no objection to the i poiutu cut of disinter ested persons to decide where ihey ought i e erected hi be lost tii- the the east the situation idspnlnhas allowed me to rec ii the irooos ehieh i bad left at the flispwfal of his caiiolic majesty my sol diers ne returned o l eir connlry siuer having received fi- the inhabitants of all the countries ti rtogh which they have passed testimonies if esteem anil regard due to their esvohmt discipline consi derable sums huf icon tidvaneed to the spanish governmeit n convention bas boon signed to regifatc the repayneut of ihem the hope whiei i still retain of ob taining from the dy f algiers a just re paration has retarded the measure which may he obliged toiake in order to punish him bill 1 shall lienor i imthiug to protect the french eomiiieive fioin insult and pi racy aud striking camples have already taught the aigcrine that it is neither easy nor prudent to lrue the vlgilauce of my naval force engagements contracted by n ancient i riiuli tiiituy imf crsvvu va vo tiioiiii after having convinced myst if that this in- execution was the rcnull of inability 1 have consented piuess this noble ta tiemou will assist me become more easy experience lias dipcieo the en arm m iuctsate theories fiance like your- seivos knows on what basis iis happiness reposes and ihose who should seel it any bore hut in the sincere union of the roy al ituthoritv ami the liberties which tlio charter has consecrated ivnuldbe openly disonned by it you gentlemen are called upon to render this union more lose aud mure solid you will accomplish thl happy mission like faithful subjects and ioyal frenchmen and your efforts will he iqualiv ceriaiii ofile support uf your king and of the public gratitude re a r the princess of tarentum died at parts on tuesday of inflamation in her twenty 1 umtn year madrid date to jan thai the pope had appoiatoil fkico fir the mention itiis south ankricun states the spanish go vern flolit isnt pleased with this intelli gence a it i considered a recogni tion of tho independence of thuss states letters and papers to the isa j unary hail been received the government of miguel bad not been in the luast altered in its character tho prisons were full and a lingering death appeared the unlydelivu to upen with il a more of- iii rejected ncacious ueociatiou for if e ineresi of the colonies and of commerce many of my subjects i avc tillered hy the measures taken 1 y the en j ror of brazil in his war with the kepeauc ol hue tins airrs some of their vessew have been captured the convention which i have just ratified while il confirms with respect to the right of blockade a ooiw-iva- lory principle always maintaiiard in franco i us u res to them the restiturinn ol their property and an indemnity propor tioned to their loss on this occasion as on all others i one its praises to the french marines which shews itself worthy of it uohle mission tim hueiessive slocks wl ich btve a gitated some oft e niw st tes of south america have left the political situifiou of those slates uncertain and rendemiitdif licult to form regular relations with them the moment is doubtless not farvhstant when i shall he able to give to thuss rela tions a stability advantageous to my sub jects meantime i have appointed con suls io watch over their interests such ccutuoieii is tie happy stale of our relation with foreign powers w hatever may he the evvuts that ile fu ture reserves for us i sh ii certainly never forget tliat the glory of france is a sacred depunit aud that lie lounur of being the guardian of it is the fairest prerogative of my crown order aud peace prevail in tho interi or french industry already so justlj ce lebrated is daily distinguished by new im provements some branches of our agri culture aud commerce are su fieri ug hut i hope that it w ill be possible for lic to les sen the evil if i should not be able to cure it- the long inclemency of the seasons and the unfavourable delay which the har vest experienced awakened for some weeks the solicitude of my government distressing doubts with respect to the slate of our resources have been speedily dis pelled by more positive information the subsistence of all is assured and if ihe price of com while it augments the pros perity of the landholders increase for a moment the distress of the indigent pro- videjire has created beneficence to relieve those who suffer the pres freed from restraints enjoys entire liberty if licentiousness its fatal enemy still slums itself under the cover of a generous and confiding law public good sense which becomes more firm nud en lightened does justice to ii aberrations and the magistracyfaithful to its nolle tra- ditioiis knows its duties aud will always fulfil them the necessity of placing tho religion of our fathers in security against any attack to maintain in my kingdom the execution of the laws and at tie sanc time to en sure among ts ll e perpetuity ofile priest- hood have induced me alter mature re- fbciiou to prescribe measures which i have felt to he necessary these iiiea- suiva have beta executed willi that pre dcui firmness which recouedos theoheili- enco thm n the lawsil o respect ilue to reli gion and ihe j list regards to which its mi listers are entitled privy council judge willis the lords of his majestys most hon ourable privy council assembled at 11 oclock yesterday morning in the privy council chamber whitehall there was a very numerous assemblage of their lord ships the case which came before them being one of considerable importance viz tl e petition ngaiust the removal of one of the justices of ihe coui of kings lleucliin upper canada by the local au thorities the lords present were the lord pre sident of the council the lord chief da- ron ihe vice chancellor tho secretary ol siato tor the colonial department the judge of the admiralty rise judge-advu- eategeiicral the master of tie mini the chancellor of the duchy of lancaster tie vice president of the board of trade right honourable sir john beckett am tiic right honourable j v crokor tho kings advicate il c attorney anil the solicitor general attended their lord- shtpi during the heating of this important case mr boiler was the clerk to their lord ships iu waiting mr home addressed their lordships ai considerable length for ihe appellant j w wihw esqouo of the justices iu the court of kings lieuch in upper canada thi learned gentleman entered very fully in to the act of parliament called the cana da act which va passed for the govern- weltt of that colony and particularly that part which related to the judges and the power of the governor aud the court over them the act recites that in case of the absence olthe officer of the colony including the judges without a reasona ble cause the governor and council shall have the power of removing them from iheir- mice on the 26th of june last the lieutenant governor in the name of the governor sent mr willis his dismissal as one of the judges of upper canada on the next day ihe 27th of june the council recommended to the governor lo dismiss mr willis no doubt they discovered that ihey had acted illegally but if mr willis was not removed from his office legally he was not dismissed at all ami was there fore as much a judge of upper canada uow as ever be was the delivery of the learned gentle mans address lasted two hours dr luslinglon them ose aud addressed their lordships on the same side and stat ed the circumstances which led to mr williss dismissal m he these mr wal- pole willis was me of the judges of the court of kings bench in upper canada one of ihe judges of the court was absent mr willis and a puisne judge mr jus tice sherwood sat as the court and disa greeing in their opinion the proceedings of the court were interrupted and mr willis was induced from this circumstance i consult the act of parliament under accounts were received yesterday from terceira stating the arrival of the first di vision of the portuguese refugees at that island tho refugees have in many in stances eluded the vigilance of ministers by engaging american vessels the gazette do france of wednesday gave we aro assured that despatches were brought yesterday by an cxtraotdi- nary express which announced that the emperor uf russia had sent orders to the grand duke constant lie to put himself at the head of the polish rrrny and to march and occupy the priori polities letters from wnrskw mu that the army of the bal tic has also received orders to march to tltt south m de gaubert had had a conference with the reis effeudt and it wnsreportea that in consequence of this conference the going fn return from poroi to constantino- pie this news had caused a raise of funds at vienna j the prussian slate gnzctre mentions on the authority of a lettci from odessa that the sultan had sent a large force to retake varna and deliver bulgaria tc accounts from jassy to 2d january men tion ttt the wo armies are in winterquar- trs nothing hfd taken place on the right bank of the danube gen roth has his head quarters at varna the turks were endeavouring to strengthen siilistria but from the extreme cold made little pro gress the most vigorous preparations were making by the russians fur the next cam paign letters from olranto say that several vessels with provisions for greece freighted at ancona had perished and two men of war vessels had been stranded but to what natiou they belonged is not mention ed on the 4th of january the summits of vesuvius wore covered with snow on the 6th fire and stones were thrown up from the craters of vesuvi us from the quebec star of kwobatick ad mkw s1itt1kmksts the opinions which obtain currency op- tbis important subject are generally those of men who have not thorns ives had any personal experience in relation to ir and are often very hastily formed they have all the vices of mere theones often suffici- mngof frances speech paris january u7 today liis majesty opt ned the session of the chambers in te louvre alter lie usual preliminary ceremonies haiihecu gone through and tte peers and deputies nad taken their seals liis majes ty iiilvorcd the following spceih ueiilleiieu 1 am happy m seeing you every year assembled round my throne lo proooie iu conceit with inc the great in leirats of my peoi le this salisftliuil is tiic more lively on the present uciou as i have pleasing ron loimiealuus lo niiike lo ou aim no- pori nt hilaium io intruai to yon my relations will loiein powerscon- iniie u be friendly i he hsoiumuccs 1 re- o fioui my allies ofirr he n pledge iba notwiihsianiling the evcnt which have desubiicd ihe ln peiee will not it disgitrhed iu the roi of lump tohasttu the pacification of greece i have iu con cor vith england aud russia seut to tho which the court is est idished w hen from the wording of a clause in the act which states that the chief justice together with tho two puisne judges shall consti tute the court of kings bench he was led to infer that the court could not be le gally constituted without he presence of the three judges and that ihe efore mr justice sherwood md himself bad not the power o sit in b mco as a court lie com municated bis sentiments by letter to the lieutenant governor general sir pere grine maitland ftir willis was thou ap plied to select what causes could be tried hy him as i single judge hut ibis ho declin ed doing mr willis received a letter from tlie lieutenantgovernor on the 98th june dismissing him from his situa tion dr lushingioii contended that sup posing mr williss view of the act of par liament to he incorrect yet if a judge con- sctcnriuusly 1 elk veil llat le hfd tin iili to eveicise certain functions he could not fill tl ose duties without violating the oath he had taken and the misinterpretation of an act of parliament bad not a miilicient communications will lo made to you j ground for the dismissal of a judge res- on u estate of our fill iiicesvou u illbehap- 1 peeling the disputes which had subsisted py to learn that the estimates ol ihe reve- between the lieutenant governoi aud mr nue for i628 have been esiectfed his increasing prosperity las not relaxed the system of economy tu which mygovt-ru- meiit must endeavor daily to advance farther without lowevir forgetting thai useful expense is also economy inumcrous labours ill oteopy i e session which is upeiitil today you will have to discuss a code which is des tined for the army and deserves serious attention the law on the endowment of tic chaml er id peers and my oiler laos wortl y fifynur a i tout inn will he presented m5ou a erinus and in port nt projocl will at ovo all call lor your solicitude ll has been long since nckimw lodged that tl ere is a necessity for a oew municipal departmental law the whofoof which shall bo in harmony with our iniituiions ti e most difficult questions are eontieeted with the organiaatiyo it voflt to secure o willis they were not relevant to the case the prayer of ihe petition was that his majesty in council uould order mr willis lo be reinstated in his official capaci ty- t ll rec oclock counsel were ordered to withdraw and their lordship remained in deliberation about half an hour the decision was not known tie case was not defended on tlie part of the governor aud council courier ju 31 mr calt the aitlor wl o has i ithcrto acted as manager for the canada com pany has been dismised from ids office bv ihe directors mr gaits character is tin impeachable but it appears ihai he was too fund of having his own way and this jq vo offcuco the loudon herald snys tho speech af ti2 misg oi franca ijvperrs to have giv- ently specious but always unsolid and failing wheo attempted to bo reduced m practice this objection docs not lie to the exa- ininntjonm latterly taluil befor atstmojfji committee of the assembly which have rrlatiou to ibis matter as well as to aim nvr intimately connected with it aud we allude to the measure of the improvement of the internal communications we have much pleasure in giving them to our read ers without adopting or contradicting the statements which they contain and leaving them to stand or fall by tiieir own merits john jones junr of the city ofquebee esipiiro appeared before the committee and answered as follows explore the country and ascertaio the most eligible directum for ihe road this being accomplished to your latisfacthttt the grand yoyer nay pass through tlo whole line of it iu order to settle all con flicting interests and to provide for keep ing up ihe said road after il shall he made you will next cause the road to he suivev- ed and chained and half mile posts erect ed nud numbered he quality of die in particularly deeribed of each aid every half mile als number of rods of ditch ing and causewaying required oneardaml every half mile you will then give public notice of the times am places uhcuaod where you will stt up at public unction each half mile of the said road separately and to ile person who shall ho the highest bidder for nitderiutiitg to make a single half mile of the said road you w ill adjudge the same half mile after it if mile until i tie whole is so disposed of taking care that each conractor do procure good security which road u hen completed should he in spected iu august aud also in october this mode of procedure would hmigut fanners iui axmen of the country fur- ward as competitors with the more weal thy jobbers from the tovwis ami would ef- feciualy prevent speculation and le lira means of having il o w i wile of the public monies actually expended to the greatcrt possible advantage ttltilti il would at tilt same time afford to the woodsman aim portuuity of retting tie noiu larlill i tour and provisions on or neai the spot whcie he dwells and thus eircolate mo- lioy where money is most w anted in evw new country by following up this system should any individual derive nnycnul-i- inonl it u ii ut iho person who actually p forms iiie labour kvcry bridge on the road of a certsis extotit should farm a nepirate eonliirti and he built according to a plan suhmittfi which plan should he particularly sot fortlr in tlio advertisement and aconveuiontses jou nj sulhcieut ticio shoulj be ulluwtrf