r 41 combined that braced your nerves and payed your way to a far distant couotry how your home your solace ao d your p ride ye have toiled all the day long ye have fought and bled endured all manner of privations and all for your coun try and freiides who would not love the ir coun try that purchased their homes so dear fathers behold now the chan ge another s aeration has arisen around you ye now ite the fruit of your labour and reap a foil harvest under the clemency of an in dulgent sovereign ye can now worship under your own vine and fi tree and none to molest you or to make you afraid ye friends to our benign religion this day and tbia scene presents to the mind of the ranking roan a reflection not uncongenial with the roost refiued and liberal senti ments of which the heart of man is capable i moan not the surrounding scenery which at this delightful season of the year pre sents in a most picturesque view nor do i mean the infant retinue or rising genera tion bursting forth as it weie from the embryo of the wilderness and rapidly emerging into distinction among the na tions of toe earth but i mean a numerous assemblage of different persuasions of christiansseemingly to share in one com mon interest possessed of the same feel ings of christian philanthropy and cherish ing sentiments belonging to the reciprocal interchange of common benefits enlight ened and liberal principles seem to be bursting forth into resplendent day men are beginning to enjoy the philosophy of reason and the flow of sentiment eman cipated from the shackles of bigotry and superstition man turns philosopher and calls the stranger his brother influenced by these principles the prospects are am ple before you to encourage you to deeds of charity and benevolence remember that union is strength and knowledge is power and that combined energies sur mount the most formidable difficulties and achieve the greatest actions the super intendents of s undertaking you have so laudably begun have care and labour and difficulties to encounter which may be very much alleviated by your encourage ment they are men labouriug under dis abilities and imperfections like yourselves butyou cannot doubt for a moment their warm attachment to this work and their fttttbitt inipipot in iq nrppq then reloi uot for a moment the necessary nid the ponderous work requires and may heaven succeed their efforts and crown your most sanguine hopes the rev mr scott then rend over the 127th psalm and concluded tins part of the business of the day by returning thank 9 to almighty god who had been pleased thus far to prosper the undertaking i imploring also his coutinned blessings during the pro gress of tho buildirg and much success to the faithful pastors whom god may after wards seud to feed aud build up his spiri tual church in this place the company assembled then marched to a place adjoining tho church ground there not beiug sufficient accomodation in ibe tavern where a very tasteful tempora ry erection had been provided by the stew ards consisting of doughs of trees neatly aranged when about 50 gentleman par took of a pleutiful dinner provided by messrs ketchum o tl is place mr s l scripture in the cbair mr john steele croupier after the cloth was removed the follow ing loyal appropriate toasts were drank from the chair the king 4 times 4 with much enthusiasm by the croupier the royal family- from the chair the duke of weft- ington ami his majestys ministers by the croupier sir john colhorne his majestys lieut governor of this pro vince by the chairman the infant pres byterian church of colboroe by the croupier the presbyterian churches of british north america by the croupier the presbyterian churches of the united states mr josiah p farrer in a neat and appropriate manner returned thanks for the honor dono that church of which he was a member by mr j p farrar the church of scotland mr d brodie in a few remarks re turned thauks for the junior done the established church of his native couo try after which he proposed the church of england capt spilsbury r n returned thanks by the croupier the methodist epis copal church mr chas powers a member of tbat church in a neat speech return ed thanks s b notice pencer evans a native of shrewsbury eugland by trade a tinman late corporal in the queens ran gers stationed at fort amhurst upper canada is supposed to have been dis charged 25 or 26yearsago in that country if the said spencer evans will apply to mr john waikins kingston upper cana da or his sister catherine evans cole- bam shrewsbury shropshire england may hero of something to his advantage the montreal official gazette the nia- ra gleaner the new york albion and the new york spectator will pleaso give the above two insertions and send their ac counts to the editor of tbe kingston chronicler- kingston june 13th 1829 for sale y benjamin hart montreal agent for messrs day and martin 400 casks real japan blacking 200 do do paste japan 40 casks of royal romaine cement warranted of the very best quality 400 casks nails assorted 100 bags black pepper 100 casks epsom salis 10 boxes salad oil quart bottles 600 reams of post foolscap and printing paper plough shares crowly co blister 4 steel sheet iron sad irons fryiug pans shoveis spades lon don loaf sogars cloves cassia c c c montrea 4th jun 1829 notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j ii samson bellville 24th dec 1828 adm a ot1ce is hereby given that tenders i will be received at this office until wednesday the 1st day of july next from any person or persons willing to contract for the tolls arising from the cataraqui bridge for twelve months certain from tbe day of the opening of the said bridge the tolls receivable by act of parliament are as fol low viz for every waggon or carriage of any tusi i ijiiun uii four wheels laden or unladen drawn by two hnjses oxen 9 or other beasts of draught 7 id for every carriage with four wheels and drawn with one horse 6d for every additional horse ox or oth er beast of draught 2d for every chaise cart or other vehicle ou two wheelsliden or unladen drwn by one horse ox or other beast of draught 6d for every additional hnseox or othei beat of draught ld for every carriole sleigh or other ve hicle without wheels drawn by one horse or other beast of draught 6d for every additional horse or other beast of draught 2d for every horse and its rider 5d for every horse mule ass ox bull or cow 2d for every hog pig goat calf sheep or lamb id for every person who shall pass the said bridge except children under two years of age and except the driver of any chaise carriagertwagontrain carriole sleigh or other vehicle 2d it being understood that all officers non commissioned officers privates seamen and marines of the army including the militia whcm imbodied for actual service and navy including the officers artificers and la bourers belonging to the cornrnissamt oi- ciuance dock yard and au other govern ment departments with their horse ca riages convtyancesand cattle o every des cription shall at all times pass the said bridge toll free provided always that this licence shall not extend to permit non commission ed officors privates seamen and marines and thesaid artificers and labourers to pass toll free unless they shall be passing on duty the soldiers and marines with the arms and accoutrements or shall be fnrnish- pvtj amrik capfaln gildebsxjfve will until further notice leave kingston for the bay of quinte every monday and friday morning at 8 oclock and after stopping at the usual places arrive at the carrying place tbe same day leave tbe carrying place for kingston every tuesday and saturday morning and arrive in the afternoon leave kingston for prescott every wed nesday morning at 8 oclock and prescott for kiogston every thursday morning at 8 oclock stopping at gananoque and brockvilleas usual fare reducep to the following rates m r if 2 5 s3 5 wcic 1 o o r r r s h cd oooooooooooo c a o 1 si coojyirfcoioocicacog 5 ft ojuoccooocuco 5 k ooooooooooo 1 c- v i i 3 3 o d uoocooiuooao a 5 w o a o o r 4 n c 3 ft r- o 3 5 r b 3 hshc3chwcs o ici3i t s9 c ozrc s a 7 o c p o c3 cijnift o o o o w d 0 r 1 hw ft p w f r o 0 o o oooooooooorj qcouooucloo oooooooooo wkcooooooom jjjoard and liquors to be charged se parately the boat meets the stages between york and montreal thereby affording the public asafep ad0 expeditious passage be- tweert those places immediately after leav ing pt a bf will he rung as a signal for deck passengers to call at tbe captains office and pay their fare those who dc not wh considered as cabin passen gers 301 charged accordingly all pas- sageso be paid before leaving the boat allgoods or parcels put onboard tbe boathouid be marked and aisc accompa nied y a bill of lading or letter to the pencil to whom they are sent with the ar ticles ncntioned on tho back which 5ill of lding or letter may bo put in the let ter x at thecaptaius office cyfor freight or passage apply to the captiiin on board kingston june 13th 1829 wanted at the tan- yard of the subscriber 200 cords of hemlock bark of this years peeling for which cish will be piid ohn plant bower n b sole upper leather and ed with passes by their comnandmg officers calf skins of the first quality at mon th officers commanding the dlttirent forts ti mlttttm or the heads of the respective depart nient3 covetnment sale mtotice is hereby given that on jl wednesday the 1st of july nexr at 10 oclock in the forenoon there will be exposed to public sale at his majestys k yard on point frederick a quantity of paper stufi and rags they will be put up in lots lo suit purchasers jno r glover naval storekeeper dock yard 4th june 1829 t enderswillbe received at the engineer officekingston mills until the 24th day of ally next for ex cavating about 50000 cubic yards of earth upon the cataraqui creek line of rideau canal specification of the manner in which the work is to be per formed may be obtained by application to lieut briscoe r e at kingston mills kingston 4th june 1829 the subscriber returns bis sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal supporr he has received in bis line ofbusiness for several yearsand he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to the store lately oc cupied by mr t atkins where he intends to keep continually on hand a general as sortment of dry goods and groceries which he inteuds to sell cheap for cash or country produce joseph bruce kingston 5th june 1829 that all public stores military baggage and camp equipage of every desenptinn of the army or navy or of any of the severe departments belonging or attached to either shall be allowed to pass the said bridge toll free at all times notwithstanding they shall be transported in hired carriages or in any other manner and bit stores carried from any depot to another shvll likewise be ex empt from the payment of toll that day la bourers and artificers iu the temporary em ployment of any of the military of naval departments shall during suih employment be allowed a free passage t go and return once a day by being furnished witn passes by the heds ot the departments by whom they ate employed such person or persons who are willing to contract as above will be required to give approved sureties to the amount of one hundred pounds currency thu the amount of the tender contracted for shall be paid weekly to the treasurer at this office where any further information required will he given between the hours of 10 a m2p m it is ftrihertobe understood that no con tract will be entered into unless the board of directors should receive an approved of fer and should the tolls not be let by con tract a toll keeper will be required persons tendering are required to be at this office on the opening of the tenders on wednesday the 1st o july at noon geo f- corbett secretary sf treasurer office of tho cataraqui bridge compy kingston 2nd june 1 ciobourg harbourthe following j premiums will be paid for plans specifi cations and estimates of a protecting pier or breakwater to extend from the shore into thirteen feet water at a total expenceof not more than 3000 the plans c to be de livered at this office on or before the 1st day of july next for the most approved plan 7 10 0 for the 2nd 5 0 0 ff r the 3rd 3 0 0 william h draper secretary office of the cobourg harbour cnmy coboure 26th may 1829 s editors of the different paper in york and kingston and the gore gazette are request ed to insert this four times aud forward their accounts to this office a of the landers and treal piices kingston 4th june 1829 fox sale at the chronicle office few copies of a pamphlet entitled historical sketch of the services 79th rejiinent or cameron high- rice is 3d wild and high the camerons gathering rosn the war note of lochiel which albyns hills have heard aul heard too have her saxon foes how in the noon of night tbat pibroch thrills savage and shrill but with the breath which fills their mountain pipe so fill the mountain eers with the fierce native daring which instils tho stirring memory of a thousand years and evans donalds fame rings iu each clausuts earans 10 broadway new- y or k mr john ford respectfully announces to his friends and he puufie he has taken this establishment io connection with the united states hotel at saratoga springs the adelphi is already distincuished bs a house of select resort and has been con siderably enlarged this spring its delight ful situation commands a beautiful view of tho bay of new york the adjacent shot es of long island new jersey and the walks of the battery in its immediate vicinity passengers in the london liverpool and havre packets will find this establish ment peculiarly convenient agreeable apd contiguous to the steam boats proceeding in alt directions from the cily the distinction between this and other hotels in new york is attributable to the circumstance of having a number of parlours on the european plan where gentlemen and families have the option of enjoying the retirement of a private table or partaking the accommodation of a very limited table dhote conveniences combined with strict order and attention in the interior economy of the establish ment which it is hoped are calculated to obtain general approbation fftke united states hotel at saratoga springs reopens on the 20tk of this month where mr ford will contribute his best ex ertions jot the comfort of his guests during the season newyork 1st may 1829 rryihomas t orton aucii- m oneer lind and general com- msnsion agent brock street east of the market wanted a quantity of whisky pork flour and corn kingston 8th may 1s29 valu real estate end tannery forsde r10 be sold by public auction o ei he highest bidder on wednesy the first day of july next between the hours of twelve and one p m if not previously sold at private sale of which due noici will begivjo all ihat certain tract of lmnd and premises situate adjoining the town of kingsonbeingpari of farm lot acon- tainng upwards of 3 acres andotne quar ter of land known as the iclivirs- ton tannery comprising a sub stantial brick dwelling house currying shop stables sheds bark mill sixty- iwo vats 20 of which are under cover with an excellent garden a constant run of water through the premises laid oui and adapted to an extensive scale fbu- siness in the tanning and currying line also that certain tract or par cel of land and premises known as lots no 7 8 and 9 in the town plot of pi- cardvillo adjoining the said town of kingston comprising a two story frame house stables sheds garden and pump undei an excellent and substan tial fence also lots no 352 and 353 in the town of kingston comprising two dwelling houses with stables and sheds containing two fifths of an acre also a valuable farm in the township of kingston in a high state of cultiva tion com a toil g about 75 acres being part of loi no lf in the 3rd conces sion and known as the grove at waterloo comprising two frame houses bun stable sheds and a thrifty young orchard also lot no 104 in the 4th concession bay side ameliasburgh containing 200 acres also lot no 5 in the 1st 2nd and 3rd range souli of the high way in a town plot called maitland in tht town ship of augusia containing ltloosquare feet terms of sale one third cash on executing the deeds one third at months and one thiid at six twelve stoves just received and for sale by the subscribe in the market place a antity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829 notice is hereby given that the part nership fexisting between richard lowe and tbo dier since the first of may 1825 in t carding and cloth dressing busine a the napaoe mills is this day dissolved by mutual conscut all those who have j1d c 0 thesaid firm are requested tq present them to thomas dier for settleni those indebted to pay to either party such accounts as are presented endo b the other richard lowe thomas dier napanemill5oct 1st 1828 17jor sale on reasonable terms lot no 24 i t 4tli concesson of the township 0 burgess in the coun ty of leeds in tne johnstown district for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24th may 1828 months from tm timr of sale for aay information respecting ihe title appl ca non to be made to james atkinson s- qmrc at the tannery or at the office o ihe subscriber brock street in the town of kingston thomas turner orton auctioneer broker kingston 13th may 1829 jjecutive council office york 2sth march 1829 ltotice is hereby givin by or- jj der of his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that sealed tenders postpaid for a lease of the ferry across the river saint lawrence frcm prescott in the dis trict of johnstown to ogdensburgh on the american shore for the term ol seven years subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as the magistrates in general quarter sessions of the peace may adopt en dorsed tender for ferry will be received at this office until the first thursday in may next on which day the lease will be adjudged to the high est bidder upon condition of its being a horse or steam boat ferry the lessee will be required to pay one pound twelve shillings and sixpence currency for the lease before it issues and to enter ihe usual seeurity fo the performance of the conditions and the due payment of the rent john small clke c mrotice- the annual meeting a of the midland district home misssonary society will beheld at bath on thursday the 11th day of june at 12 o lock noon the rev mr smart is ex pected to preach on the occasion by or der of the committee isaac fraser bath may 27th 1829 viceprextt illiam johnson bah- ber and hairdresser next door to carminos lenders his grateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with since he commenced business and be hopes by close attention and industry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 new goods wholesale and retail j as w armstrong is now receiv ing per the brig sophia from uieenock his irish and scotch impor tations and expects daily by the hora tio and cherub from liverpool and king fisher from london his fnglish goods comprising an extensive and general assortment of fancy and sta ple articles which he offers for sale at the montreal wholesale prices exclu sive of transportation upon inspection they will be found superior and much cheaper than what is generally offered in this market being au selected undei his own inspection and such as he can with confidence recommend n b a splendid assortment of fi gured and plain irish tabbinefs kingston 26h may 1329 notice any outstanding private accounts of john gait esquire will be settled bv john reid priory guclph 30ih march 1s29- roman catholic chapel at the marmora iron works i jjhie subscriber is now building a vo- man catholic chapel ac these works to complete which a considerable sun is yet wanting he therefore respectfully tiivcifs hltmetf v tfas inhabitants of a icingsloo hoggin their contributions ia aid of this lnunhle undcriaking subscriptions will be thankfully receiv ed by plessrs walter mccuuifle wni orbcoll mich breunan mich morao andwames lyuch a mahahan notice lihe subscriber hereby notifies the puh- lie that be rill be accountable for io debts or accounts contracted in bis n iine without his or mr ashers psrsond or written order john karkes kingston 30th may 1829 notice jll persons having demands against the estate of the late abraham darker of iullowell deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated to the subset ibsis for settlement and all persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscriber who are duly authorised to grant discharges hallowell may l6ih 1829 d b stevenson benj hubbs j roticethe copartnership here- totoie existing between james pheris and john jones under the firm of jamas pheris s co is this day dis solved by mutual consent all persons indebted to thesaid firm either by note book account or otherwise aie re quired to settle the same with james pheris who is authorised to grant ac quittances for the same and he is an swerable for all demands against the said firm hallowell 23d march 1829- james pheris john jones cataraqui bridge office xtftfjftoff xthfifak la vt a meeting of the directors of the on- taraqui bridge company this day it was resolved that a further instalment of 10 per out on the capital slock be called in payable at this office ou or before tues- rlnvthe 16th day of june next geo f corbett s t day notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them for adjustment mary donovan jan 17 1829- administratrix n the press and will speedily be published in a duodecimo volume the lower ca nada watchman the work which w be carefully revised and corrected will be printed on good paper and neat ly half bound price 5s per copy per sons wishing foi copies will please give in their names as early as possible chronicle office kingston 23d apr 1s29- notics yhereas several depredations respecting saw logs have been com mitted on the isle of tanli every per son or persons who may hereafter be found offending in taking logs or cord- wvod without a permit will be prose cuted with the utmost rigor of the law richard hitchins isle o tanti6th april 1829- to let fhrik the house at present occupied fhyca hagerman esquire pos session given on the 1st may next apply to thos- kirkpatrick kingston 15th jan 1829 the subscriber haviug been ap pointed collector of ihe customs at the port of bath in the midland dis trict in virtue of a commission to that effect by his excellency the lieut go vernor dated 27th april last hereby intimate to the public that he has ac cordingly opened an office fit the said port where all custom house business will be attended to colin mackenzie 9th may 1829 cherry walnut c curly maple lumber the subscribers ready to contract for any quantity of cherrywalnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancaster or at kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be duly at- tended to james johnsto for sale most valuable farm in the town ship of tbnrlow and within n ne miles of bellville containing one hundred acres sixty of which are un der good improvement with a log house bain and other outhouses libera terms of payment vil be given for particulars apply to dr marshall bell ville or to the proprietor on the pre mises christopher obrien thin low 2d may 1s29 anadacompany-where- as several informations have been received by me that timber has been plundered from lands the property of the canada company particularly in tbe london midland eastern and ot tawa districts and the names of several offenders have also been communicated to me i hereby give notice that agents are appointed in the various districts to procure evidence respecting the dedre- dations and ihat every person who may hereafter be found often ing will bepiosecuted with the utmost neour of the law wm duinlop warden of the woods and forests ardens office guelph jttb 2 ltf2y n b persons desiring of purcha sing 1 cence to ut timh n ihe com panys hinds will appiy iu me by let ter addicsed to my office here kjior sale lot no 17 ninth concession ol the n in the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at i ins office kingston 9th august 1828 otice there is now the possession of mr charles wil son pou dkeeperat barrlefield in the townshp of pittsburgh a stout dark buy mo use swn tail formerly lieiongeu io mi junta nnd mi htn of the onlnviee department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay rhe expeuees of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according to law swiefield th sept 1828 tg lake ontario canadian line ot steamboats the alciope niagara queenston steam packets have made the following arrangements for the present season commenc ng their regular trips on the first of m ly y ending on the 15ih november viz the afciope captain james mckknzik leaves niagara for prescott every sa- turday morning et half past 8 oclock touching at kingston and biockvlle will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every wednesday morning after the arrival of ihe mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston and york the n2agara captain john mosikr leaves niagara foi prescott every thursday morning at half past 8 oc1ock touching at kingston andbrockvilleand will arrive the following day leaves iroiiuu loi ivttguia ixecjj aiiijii- rooming after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston and york thi qjjeestox captain joseph whitney leaves niagara for prescott every tuesday morning at half past s oclock touching at kingston and brockville and will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every friday morning after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston add york rates of passage to from prescott niagara from prescott to york to from kingston niagara to and from kiogston aud york to from kingston prescott from york to niagara from prescott to montreal there is a dai ly line of post coaches sundays except ed running in connection with the above boats prescott u c march 26 1829 2 10 2 10 2 0 2 0 0 15 0 10 the remaining unsold pews in st georges church will be disposed of at public auction on friday the is of jfay at 12 oclock further particu lars may be known upon application to mr stennett kin 24th a 1829 wanted immediately at the long fitlls south ciosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath 1st april 1c29 for sale 200 smoked hams and 100 pair of smoked chops of the first quality bv thos turpin kingston march 28 1829