sonnet to an absent friend lady if eer it chance thy feet to stray when you pale moonbeam greets the wes tern shore while save the plash of some poor fishers oar no sound is heard oer the blue watry way then sometimes think on one that far away mid albyos happy hills with thee of yore delighted roamd nor dreamd that now no more thy converse kind at closa of summer day should bliss his evening paths with anx ious eye when evenings purple robe begins to fall thy gentle form he lingers to descry but ah nights murkier shadows like a pall enshroud the sky and warn him to de- p assured thy form shall live enshrined with in his heart the deserted house bt miss anna maria poster contributed to the spirit and manners of the age the legend of aldershaw goes thus about sixty years ago an ancient man- siou belonging to a family called fitz ralph was pulled down and the present once beautiful edifice erected on its site after an italian model its hall was adorn ed with marble copies of grecian statues its garden full of fountains and foreign shrubs it was the resort of the travelled and tie elegant for its owner was a young man under seveuandtwenty inheriting a clear estate and his own master during the life of this gentlemans fa ther a hoy had been brought up in the fa mily said to be a foundliug 1c was in deed true that be had been found one winters morning wrapped in a gipsys cloak at the gate of aldershaw but ma ny person believed the child had a sort of byrigm to the care and kindness which he ever afterwards experienced at the hands of bis supposed benefactor aud his after- cooduct beeuied iu pruvethat he thought so hi in self when the heir of aldershaw succeeded to his father h property he took upon him aho the duly of following up the fathers ians of benevolence and the foundling aiues belonging to such plans as it should seem mr fiizralph continued to receive him under his roof aud to assist him with a small allowance whenever the young man who was then serving in an india ship returned from sea mr fitzralph had auother companion in his newlyerected mansion aud one upon whom he lavished every testimony of generous affection this was an only sis ter a young lady of great personal beau ty many accomplishments and singular tenderness of nature her brother was as proud as fond of her and it is said al ways reckoned upon matching her with some man of higher rank than their own whether it was that miss fitzralph really preferred a single life in the society of such a devoted brother or had indeed some unhappy predilection can never now be ascertained that secret together with the disastrous one which must close my tale has passed into a gulph where all things lie buried which gods eye alone has seen the acting of although mr fitzralph was in the maul most kind and liberal to his sister it was known that a certainjealousy and has tiness of temper often caused her great oc casional pain and that upon one point they differed esseutially this was upon the subject of their early playmate and home- associate james chance as he was call ed whom miss fitzkalph professeed to believe was her illegitimate brother and mr fitzralph refused either to acknow ledge as such or to allow of her consider ing m 89 a at wd fenr a usilaciiw still however no serious misunderstand ing was known to have taken place be tween the attached brother and sister ami james chance was admitted as for merly to the hospitable hoard of alder shaw and treated there with that kind fa miliarity with which amiable persons ma- nifet their desire of lesseoing an inferi ors sense of his own humbleness the young man was handsome in his exterior with powers of pleasing far beyond medio crity and that sort of manner between znaulioess and boyishness which the sai lors are often liked for he was however no honour to our gallant profession he had vices which skulked from daylight and above all from the light of a virtuous womans eye and so much talent at dis guising them even when they were partially discovered tnat miss fitzralph tt was supposed aeyer believed him guilty of aught beyond levity and credulity it is true james chance was no careful steward of the money his young benefactor allowed him annually and that be fre quently drew from him under various pre tences large sums in addition but miss fitzralph either would not receive this as a proof of his worth lessuess or truly be lieved him linked to their fortunes by a bond sacred to natural feeling however disallowed by law and therefore persisted in pleading for his necessities three or four years had elapsed thus since the build ing ofthe house now desolate and alder shaw had become the boast and delight of the whole country when some communi cation from james chances captain caus ed mr fitzralph to discard the young man for ever and miss fitzralph was then known to have expressed herself quite satisfied with the justice of his sentence the unprincipled foundling therefore appeared no more at aldershaw and the neighbourhood might have forgotten his very existence had not miss fitzralph frequently woru an air of abstraction as of trouble which led gossips to pronounce her unfortunately wedded to early remem brances it was whispered that she bad declined several unexceptionable offers of marriage and the mistress ofthopost- ofbce deposed that letters in j ames chances baudwriting had certainly gone from her house to aldershaw directed for miss fitzralph it did not appear however that any answers were returned con jecture therefore was at fault especially as mr fitzralph went on in his ordinary course of social enjoyments bearing his full share in all the county meetings whe ther in ball room or businessroom and betraying no diminution iu spirits this would not have been the cuse was pre sumed had he been aware of any attach ment between his sister aud the discarded foundling about this period anew suitor began to make evident court to miss fitzralph and heiog one whom nature and fortune and high birth united to render acceptable it was concluded would finally succeed she became gay and agreeable showing herself so well pleased with the attentions of voung lord that her brothers joy was apparent to every one mr fitzralph certainly looked for ward to this alliance for bis sister with that eagerness for family aggrandizement which was represented to have been his greatest weakness and the fine entertain ments given at aldershaw inconsequence of his expectations are yet spoken of with wonder and admiration by the children of those who witnessed- aud described them in return for one of these the aunt of lord who lived then a few miles off issued invitations for a ball in honour it was supposed of the young lady whom the nephew sought to bring into their fa mily upon the appointed day mr fitzralph had a dinner party consisting of ladies and gentlemen all going to the ball miss fitzralph appeared at it as usual it was afterwatjrfs said not by any means in her ordinary spirits her bro ther on the contrary was violently gay even to boisterou6uess although he too it was subsequently recollected more than once appealed gloomy add abstracted the diuuer over and the gentlemen left to their wine the ladies retired to the drawingroom where miss fitzralph was remembered to have looked at her watch and remarking that they need not order their carriages for the hall until an hour or two later requested leave to withdraw for a short repose in her own chamber that she might rid herself if possible of an un easy headache the permission of course was granted and she retired piecipi- tately no suspicion of anything extraordinary in her manner in her purpose was at that time created amongst the ladies one of whom now a melancholy widow then a hhrtfco fells tttp she rfrmfrrfhers the frfl betook themselves to the discussion ofthe young ladys person and dress one ad miring her rich diamond necklace for in those days young women dressed sumptu ously another her aigrette of rubies a third her splendidlyset repeater and a fourth her pearl bracelets my iufonnant owned thai most of them envied this poor lady little thinking she was even then within an hour of being a pale mangled corpse for more than that time after miss fitzralphs departure the female party she left in the drawingroom entertained themselves without feeling any surprise at her absence at length the gentlemen join ed them mr fitzralph did not at first notice his sisters nonappearance having engaged himselfon entering with a spright ly girl whom report accused of seeking to win bis attentions but hearing the hall clock strike he seemed to be reminded by it of their engagement to the ball and ab ruptly asked for miss filzralph a servant was sent to summon heron the instant he returned to say that the ladys maid had noi seen her mistress since dinner for a momeot every one was struck with astonishment and the coun tenance ofthe young master of aldershaw darkened visibly it was a beautiful sep tember night and some one suggested that miss fitzralph might bav changed hermiud and instead ofgoing to lie down upon her bed have gone to try the effect of the open air perhaps she might have he- come worse and so be unable to return or perhaps she might have eutered the sybils grotto and have fallen asleep there to be continued notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van are hereby called upon lo make payment to the subscriber and those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them for adjustment mary donovan jan 17 1829 administratrix the subscriber most respectfully informs his friends and the public throughout upper and lower canada that he has taken that excellent and old established house fronting on the st lawrence well known as clamps coffee house of which he will enter into possession early in may the accommodations which this house affords are equaltoany in montreal and are too well known to need remark he intends to fit up the house with the utmost attention to comfort accommo dation neatness and style he promis es that his house will at all times be supplied with the best prtovisioswhich the markets affoid and the wines and liquors will be of the choicest descrip tion that can be procured good stab ling is attached to the premises he hopes therefore by a diligent and unre mitted attenton to his guests to give general satisfaction and to merit and receive a liberal share ofthe public pa tronage henry tipson montreal april 20 1829 the kingston chronicle and york loyalist are requested to insert the above thomas t orton aucti oneer land and general com mission agent brock street east ofthe market wanted a quantity of whisky pork flour and corn kingston 8th may 1829 william johnson iw ber akd hairdresser next door to carmiijos tenders his grateful ac knowledgement to the public for the li beral support he has mot with since he commenced bifeioess and he hopes by close attention a iudustry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston h may 1829 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherrywalnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancaster or at kerby and halts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancaster will be duly at tended to james johnston ana da company where- as sever inlbrmations have been received by me that timber has been plundered from lands the property of the canada company particularly in the london midland eastern and ot tawa districts and the names of several offenders have also been communicated to me i hereby give notice that agents are appointed in the various districts u procure evidence respecting the dedre dations and that every person who may hereafter be found often ing will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law wm dun lop warden of the woods and forests wardens office guelph feb 2 1829 n b persons desiring ofpurch- sing licence to cut timber n the com panys lands will appiy io me by let ter addressed to my office here tfctotice there is now in the jyi possession of mr charles wil son pouidkeeper at barriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay horse short tail formerly belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep- k him away etliotwibt uo will be sold according to law barriefield th sept 1828 16 in the press jnd will speedily be published in a duodecimo volume the lower ca nada watchman the work which will be carefully revised and corrected will be printed on good paper and neat ly half bound price 5s per copy per sons wishing for copies will please give in their dames as early as possible chronicle office kingston 23d april 1829 soap candle manufactory daniel caffray impressed with a grateful sense of the very liberal support he has received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at large would inform them that he continues the above business at his old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and near mr a ivess and the long island ferry he is dotermiued to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can dles which he pledges himself shall he of the best quality he wih give the highest price in cither soap or cash for tallow and lard and will giv soap in exchange for house grease ad ashes delivered at his works kingston oct22 1828 pork merchants can have their lard tried and packed in the first order at the ns hortesotice and on the lowest terms 5x0 yes just received and for sale by the subscriber in the market place a antity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th august 1828 ijor sale on reasonable terms lot no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of buigess inthe coun ty vf leeds inthe johnstown district for further particulars apply at this offiee kingston 24th may 1828 4tfle canada company having u completed the surveys of two lines of lots of one hundred acres each along the ne road leading from wilmot to goderich at the mouth of the river maitland on lak huron passing on the south side of the new townships of north easthope elfiee logan mckillop and hullett and on the north side of south easthope dewnie fullarton hibbert and tucker- stfith the same are now ready for sale in this office on the most advantageous lertos the country which is thus for the first tiifte opened for settlement is one of the very finest tracts iu the province and not surp dv an portion of the united states taverns are already opened and belpg built at easy stages of ten and fifteen miles along the whole extent of the road whore teams will be always in readiness to convey settlers aud arrangements are m for a regular twice a week team fidpt this place to goderich john galt superintendont capada companys office guelph 27th january 1829 the newspapers which insert the ca nada companys advertisements will please attend to this six times l well recommended medical pl gentleman of sound british prin- cipels will meet with every support in the vicinity of vittoria township of charlotte vilie london district the centre of a dense population steamer 12 ffmhb m- captain gilderslieve will until further notice leave kingston for the bay of quiute every monday and friday mornio at 8 oclock aud after stopping at the usual places arrive at the carrying place the same day leave the carrying place fo kingston every tuesday and saturday morning and arrive in the afternoon leave kingston for prescott every wed nesday morning at 8 oclock and prescott for kingston every thursday morning at 8 oclock stopping at gauanoque and brockvilleas usual fare reduced to the following ates oooocu o o o 5 o o p 3 p o c a cu o if c c a i o r 1 v co o co en o cr i ft a c a r g o i ooooooo 2 s o g0 cooiococo cot o cm o xi oi en t cc w j m a d o a a ps ps p 3 c advertisement ttotice is hereby given to the il public that the tolls of the government locks and ca nals upon the river st law rence will be reduced at the opening of the navigation to the rates in force previously to the year 1827 but that it will be obligatory to take out the tickets for the three locks inclu sively viz the cascades the split rock and the coteau du lac and which tickets signed by the superin tendent will be issued on application to the deputy commissary generals office at montreal countersigned by that officer the locks will be open on sundays as well ason weekdays so as to obvi ate the great incovemence which this detention has hitherto occasioned the rates to be paid will be required according to the following tariff in force before their last increase in 1827 and which is republished for general in formation durham boats 2 10 0 batteaux 1 5 0 small craft 0 12 6 the former arrangements relative to the breadth of beam will continue tobe in force and passage through the ca nals will be refused to all boats exceed ing twelve feet six inches in conse quence of the injury caused to the works by forcing them through the locks boatmen and others are cautioned not to stick their spike poles in the mason or wood work as they will be ri- goroasly prosecuted for all injury of this or any btherdescription- commissariat head quartets quebec 30th march 1829 signed rj routh 4w corny cenl a re c3 a 3 ht o co a a f j 9 a o cofccck 3ic o co d co co fljboard and liquqto be charged se parately the boat meets the s between york and montreal thereby fording the public a safcpleasant and erplhieus passage be tween those places 1 m mediately after leav ing port a bell will befaug as a signal for deck passengers to caji at the captains office and- pay their are those who do not will be considered as cabin passen gers and charged accordingly all pas sages to be paid before leaving the boat all goods or parcels put on board the boatshould be marked and also accompa nied by abillof ladiug or letter to the person to whom they are sent with the ar ticles nieutioned on the hack which bill of ladiug or letter may be put in the let ter box at the captaine office jfor freight or parage apply to the captain on board kingston juue 13th 0829 a for sjle at the chronicle office few copies of a pamphlet entitled historical sketch of the services ofthe 79th regiment r cameron high landers price is ao 14 and wild and high the camerons gathering rose the war note of lochiel which albvns hills j have heard and heard too hftve her saxon foes how in the noon of night that pibroch thrills savage and shrill but with the breath which fills their mountain pipe so fill the mountain eers with the fierce native daring which instils the stirring memory of a thousand years and evans donalds fame rings iu each clansms earans expiration of copartner ship the copartnership heretofore ex isting beiween george w yar- ker and thos d harris under iho firm of yarker and harris in the hardware line expires this day ah persons in debted to the said firm eitlier by book account note or otherwise are re quested to settle the same with g w yarker who is alone authorised to grant acquitances for the same and answerable for all demands due by the said firm geo w yarker thos d harris kingston april 30th 1829 n b the business will be continu ed by g w yarker in same premises jjoticethe copartnership here tofore existing between james pheris and john jones under the firm of james pheris sf o is this day dis solved by mutual consent all persons indebted to the said firm either by note book account or- otherwise ate re quired to settle the same with james pheris who is authorised to grant ac quittances for the same and he is an swerable for all demands against the said firm hallowcll 23d march 1829 james pheris john jones t notice the steam boat toronto james sinclair master will leave prescott for kingston every monday morning at 7 oclock leave kingston for the carrying place every tuesday and thursday morning at 8 oclock touching at bath adolphustown hal- lowell sophiasburgh bellville and the river trent ahd leave the carry ing place for kingston every wednes day and friday morning at 6 oclock touching at the intermediate places aud leave kingston for prescott every sa turday morning at 8 oclock touching at gananoqueand brockville passengers are requested to be on board at rite hours mentioned as- the boat will always jeave ten minutes af ter that time the captain begs to inform the public that the fare on board the to- routo is reduced and that every atten tion will be paid to the comfort of passen gers n b the captain will not be respon sible for any goods that may be lost or mislaid unless notice is given of such loss at the time or on iho return ofthe boat kingston 12th may 18 government how york 27th aril 1829 j his excellency the lieutenant go vernor has been pleased to appoint culm mckenzie esq to be collector of toe customs at tne fort offiatn v alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed tbe following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrsafywmorrisfyc brockville james macfarlane esq kingston james g bethune esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind th public of the following important and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with thealliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participations of profits 5th parties wbo obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits ofthe company 6th losses by lightning will be mada god 7th the agents have the power f settling losses in this country wittodt refering to the board of directions i london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from 66 will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less uft than the real value thereof the conv pany will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on whia the society informed warrants the ex- pectation that the profits tobe divid tsfhfuil 1 ijwilagt mcken2iebethuki i agent montreal 28th sept 182 lands for saire lot letter d jgjjie owns pittsburgh frontsgthe st rencecontaining 200 acres wehiv lot no c foud cone township of kingtfttn wntaining acres on which there is a clearance about 20 acres with a log house barn 44 tot no 26 sixth concession township containing 200 acres on whiqh there is a clearance of about 10 acres wifii a good fence and now under acro of timothy r for particulars apply to f a harper 1 kingston 12th may 1828 mayors english spelling book just published and for sale at xit chronicle office an extensive edi tion of mavors spelling book stereo typed from the 328th london editioa- a d1827 having a beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston 21st march 1828 v ad ver tl semen t- aluable farm for sale consisting of 800 acres in the township of darllnglon newcastle dis trict upper canada comprising lots no 30 31 32 and 33 in the second concession 400 acres of which are freehold and 400 acres reserves the leases ofwhich have eleven years un expired 200 acres are cleared and fenced the buildings consist of a large dwelling house root house and stabling capital barns an excellen saw mill mill house and several small tenements with enclosed gar den and orchard every lot is plentifully watered the high road from kingston to york passes through the premises being 27 miles from port hope and 38 from york it is well suited for a merchant store or tavern the whole will be sold together or in lots of 1 or 200 acres and the payments made easy for further particulars apply to r fairborne esq darlington j g-be- thuue esq cobourg john warren alsq whitby johu macaulay esq kingston the editor of the kingston chronicle qh ofthe proprietor james black esq st catharines niagara district december 6 1828- the 9 is printed and published saturday by james macfi at his office in front street ki terms seventeen shillings and pence per annum if sent by mailt ty shillings subscription to be pat4 advance price of advertiseme 1 i 1 j paymt port hope nail manufac tory brown begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced manufacturing nails of every description of a su perior quality which he will sell for cash or approved bills as low as they can be obtained at any manufactory in the united states port hope july 3 16 82 sod memoriaufor sale here 1 six lines arid under 2s 6d first tion and 7j each subsequent inse ten lines and under 3s 4d first tion and lod each subsequent tion above ten lines 4d per li the first insertion and id per every subsequent insertion advertisements without writte rections inserted till forbid and 1 ed accordingly orders for discontinuing ad ments to be in writing and deli v wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received aft ten o clock on the day of pub tion 05 produce received hi at the market price agents john bigneueq quebec david chisholme esq three river andrew porteous esq montreal james mcintosbesq lancaster jobn cameron esq lockiel r cline esq cornwall jfjjjfeorxe browse esq matilda tbpheus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth 4 h whitmarsh esq richmome j k hartwell esq dastard mess c j mdouald gananoq- r w warffe esq bath allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq bellville joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamilton david smart esq port bt william allan esq york daniel rossesq vittoria john crook esq niagara charles biggar esq aftwrji a thomasdortand adolphwtm laiiwj t