Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 25, 1829, p. 3

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notice wanted as servants a married couple without a family or a quiet steady man who understands grooming for particulars apply at this office kingston july sih 1829 t under the patronage of his excellency sir james kempt he quebec races to take place on the 11th 12th and 14th of august open to all horses now in the possession of a resident iu upper or lower canada ahd who must become a subscri ber to these races of a sura not less tbau 4 dollars on or before the 4th august the merchants purse of 50 sovereigns entrance 10 h ft from march mont fence and twice round the course 2 miles aud i gged horses to carry 8s 121 bs 6 yearaold 8sf lojbs 5 years old 8st 3 lbs 4 years old 7st 3tbs 3 years and under a feather the second horse to save his stakes garrison plate of 25 entrance 5 b f 2 mile heats grand sweepstakes of 50 dofclars each h ft to which the stewards will add 25 provided throe or more horses start oue mile heats aged horses to car- ry9s 4lbs g years old ost 2lbs 5 years old 8st olbs 4 years old 8st- 3 years old 7st 2 years old a feather tho wiauerofthc merchants purse to carry 71l extra horses to enter for the grand sweep stakes and garrison plate at holgatess on the evening of ihe 11th of august at nine oclock all private matches to be run on the day and at the time the stewards shall ap- pvfrirsttu wrt nharci to be nrn in heats all horses that have never started on the quebec course must be shown to the stewards at holgatcs on monday the 10th of august at 12 oclock john w atkins in offering his thanks to his friends and the public for past favors begs to in form them that he has this season received hy th cshipsearl dalhousic lady gordon montreal and irton from liverpool 100 casks anil cases of cutlery c which were selected by himself last win ter from the first manufacturing houses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton c forming the best and most extensive assortment of articles in his line ever im ported into this province and from the very advantageous terms on which they have been purchased he is enabled to fer them at very reduced prices kington july 8th 1829 of- strayed from the premises of mr rogers near kingston a red cow with her horns bored and the ends cut olt her forehead is speckled white and read she is supposed to have taken the road towords bath who ever will give information where she may be found will be rewarded k llth july 1829 ftj otice i most respectfully beg 1 leave to anuouuee to the german puli he my purpose to puhlutu inilif german language t as almanack for upper canada for the year 1830 dedicat ed by permission to his excellency sir john colbornk major general r c b lieutenant governor of his majestys province of upper canada c c c and 1 also beg to acquaint the public in general that tho farmers storekeeper lias been directed to sell aud buy for the shareholders of the farmers store at their request aud according to their posi tive directions so far as it cao be done without engrossing on the mercantile liue such articles as are sloreable viz salt in barrels tea in chests butttcr iu firkins c c also that those who have no shares and store therein shall be accom modated on equal terms with proprietors in recommendation of the prompt punctuality of the storekeeper his hitherto satisfactory conduct will suffice john goessman clerk of the f s- compy fy german agent york june 87th 1829 editors iu the province are requested to give the above an iosenion n otice there is now in the possession of mr charles vil- son pouidrkeeper at barriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay house short tail formerly belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep ing and take him away otherwise he will be sold according to law barriefield th sept 1828 lg i notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keelell arc to be settled with j ii samson bellville 24th dec 1823 ad or sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sopbiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17th december 1828 notice whereas by au indenture made the tweutyeightli day of may io the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twentynine between the honorable james b maeaulay of the town of york io the home district province of upper canada esquire and christopher a ha- gernian of the town of kingston in the midland district aud province aforesaid esquire executors of the last will aud testament of the late george maeaulay in his life time of the town of bath in the midland district aforesaid esquire and the undersigned trustees conveying to them all the real and personal property of the said late george maeaulay iu trust for the benefit of his creditors it is pro vided that all the creditors of the said estate who may desire to become parties to the said indenture who shall come for ward and establish an claims ami v-w- cute the same within three months from the date thereofsball be at liberty to do so and shall participate in all the benefits and advantages of the said trust accordingly notice therefore is hereby given to all persons having any claims on the said estate to present them and to come for ward aud execute the said indenture per sonally or by their attorney on or before the 28th day of august next aud all per- sous iudebted to the said estate are here by requested to call without delay and settle the amount of their respective ac counts with the acting trustee henry l is her peter davy anthony bhawke acting trustee bath 10th july 1329 jewelry watches c market place the subscriber moat respectfully informs his friends in town and country that he has received a fresh assortment of british jewelry c watches mado expressly for ihe british market those wanting good time pie ces will do well in calling early all watches sold will be warranted to keep time clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price given for old silver s o tazewell kingston juno 27ih 1329 he subscribe r returus his sincere thauks to his friends and the public for the liberal support he has received iu his liue ofbusiness for several years and he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to the store lately oc cupied by mr t atkins where he intends to keep continually on hand a general as sortment of dry goods and groceries which he intends to sell cheap for cash or country produce joseph bruce kingston 5th june 1829 t anwood a town has been laid out bearing this name at the mouth of the river trent the situation ispleasant and healthy and promises to be the centre of com merce to a large portion of country when the trent is mado navigable to tlie kicc lake- park and town lo to be had of the subscriberon very rea sonable terms if applied for soon sheldon hawley auwood24th april 1829 soap candle manufactory daniel coffray impjinccii i wrl topee if the very liberal support be bas received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at large would inform them thai lie continues the above business at bis old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and near mr a ivess and the long island ferry he is determined to have constantly on hand a geucral supply of soap can dles which be pledges himself shall be of the best quality he will give the highest price in either soap or cash for tallow and lard and will give soap in exchange for house grease and ashes delivered at his works kingston oct22 1828 notice whereas several depredations respecting saw logs have been cotin- mitted on the isle of tanti every per son or persons who may hereafter ihe found offending in taking logs or coiid- wood without a permit will be prostc- cuted with the utmost rigor of the lavy richard hitchins isle of tanti cth april 1829 notice a few copies of scotts new noel anne of geicrstein for sale at the chronicle office kingston 4tb july 1829 in the press ad will speedily be published iiu a duodecimo volume this lower ca nada watchman the work wbiich will be carefully revised and corrected will be primed on good paper and neat ly half bound price 5s per copy per sons wishing for copies will please give n their names as early as possible chronicle ofiice kingston 23d april 1829 a for sale most valuable farm in the town ship of thiiilow and within ttiiio miles of bellville containing one hundred acres sixty of which are un der good improvement with a log house barn and other outhouses liberal terms of payment will be given for particulars apply to dr marshall bell ville or to the proprietor on tho pro mises christopher obrien tlmrlow 2d may 1s29 salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long batfled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the physician none in which he is 60 universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience aud justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a hcalriiy action lo the vessels of the skin aud its original colour and smootlmess numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentator it bas in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at oucc gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head aud all scabby eruptious peculiar to un healthy children cc there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained io it aud it may be used ou infants or others under any circumstauces whatever price one dollar per bottle fur sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the gamut as kingston 1 lib july 1828 public notice the sub- scribers having been duly ap- pomted by commission from the cana da company under date of 22d janua ry last to act as their commissioners within the province of upper and low er canada instead of john gall esq their late superintendent they hereby give notice to all who may have any transactions with said company that they have full power and authoiity to do and perform nery thing that appertains to their concern which will be transacted at the com panys office in york or at the es tablishment at guelph william allan thos mercer jones the newspapers which usually in- rt the canada companys advertisements please to publish this for three months w a t m j ser wi expiration tils subscriber has io the pressaduo- d ecimo stereotype edition of the nav t9lfnpnt for the iiceof schools c the won will be ready lor delivery early in may next and will he afforded very cheap hy the quantity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please scud in their orders as early as convenient jambs macfarlane chronicle office kingston 2jst march 1821 pork merchants rv have their lard t 1 g nfcikal william davis haii dresse and barbel ever grateful to his friends ad a generous public for the liberal patronage he has received most respect informs ihem that he has removed to that pleasantly situated shop a few doors above his old stand and di rectly opposite mr thos smiths hat store where he solicits a continuance of their favours kingston june 23d 1s29 notice any outstanding private accounts of john gait esquire will be settled by johnreid priory guelph sothmarch 1829 the slbsriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved arcdit also a case of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books and stationery c w driscoll kington j 3d 1829 stoves just received and for sale by the subscriber in the market place a antity low priced cooking stoves h s phininy kingston jany 30 1829 notice this should meet the eye of mr ellen mccormnck late of the county of westmeatli ireland who ftifteu some lime ago m w h w- noix lower canada she is rquested to address a letter to her sister catharine raftrce at kingston upper canada who is very anxious to ascertain the place of her present residence editors of papers in lower canada will please give this one or two inserti ons kingston 8th july tft29 for sale by benjamin hart montreal ageut for messrs day and martin 400 casks real japan blacking 200 do do paste japan 40 cask6 of royal romaine cement warranted of the very best quality 400 casks nails assorted 100 bags black popper 100 casks epsom sabs 10 boxes salad oil quart bottles 00u reams of post foolscap and printing paper plough shares crowly co blister 4 steel sheet iron sad irons frying pans shovefe spades lon don loaf sugars cloves cassia c c c montreal 1th june 1829 tried and packed in the first order at the ns hortestoticc aud on the lowest terms enders will be received an be engineer office kingston mills until the 24th day of july next for ex cavating about 50000 cubic yards of earth upon tho cataraqui creek line of rideau canal specification of the manner in which the work is to be per formed may he obtained by application to lieut briscoe r e at kingston mills kingston 4 june 1829 wanted immediately at the lon falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to hack ay redp atil i si april r the subscriber having been ap pointed collector of tho customs at the port of path in the midland dis trict in virtue of a commission to that effect by his excellency the lieut go vernor dated 27th april last hereby intimate to the public that he has ac cordingly opened an office at the said port where all custom house business will be attended to colin mackenzie dili may 129 notice is hereby given that the part nership existing between richard lowe mid thomas dier since the first of may 1825 in the carding and cloth dressing business at the napaoe mills is this day dissolved by mutual consent all those who have any claims on the said firm are requested to present thm to thomas dier for settlement and all those indebted to pay to cither party such accounts as are presented endorsed hy the other richard lowe thomas dier napane millsoct 1st 1328 roman catholic chapel at the marmora iron jvorks a ihie subscriber is now building a ro- man catholic chapel at these works to complete which a considerable sum is yet wanting he therefore respectfully a therefore dresses himself to the inhabitants of kingston begging their contributions in aid of this laudable undertaking subscriptions will he thankfully receiv ed by messrs walter mcoiinihv ivm driseoll mich lircuuau mich mori a ud james lynch u a manahan stihe subscriber lie that he will of copartner ship the copartnership heretofore ex isting beiween george w yar ker and thos d harris under the firm of yarker and harris in the hardware line expires this day all persons in debted to the said firm either by book account note 01 otherwise are re quested to settle the same with g w yarker who is alone authorised to grant acquitances for the same and answerable for all demands due by the said hrtii geo w yarker thos d harris kingston april 30th 1829 n b the business will be continu ed by g w yarker in sarne premises notice crown office york ith june 1829 j itotice is hereby given that the jl courts of oyer and terminer general gaol delivery and of assize and nisi prius in and lor the diffeent districts will be as follows viz eastern circuit district town court to commence eastern cornwall monday 27th july johnstown broekville tuesday 4th aug bathurst perth monday 17th aug newcastle hamilton monday 31st aug midland kingston wednesday 9th september western circuit western sandwich monday 27th july london london monday 3d aug gore hamilton tuesday llth aug niagara niagara monday 14th sept home york monday 12th oct ggespe c tfull y info mf inhabitants of kin ff stun vocal instrumental music r gornall organist of st ceorecs cmrch orms the if kingston that he icill immediately commence gioing in structions in vocal and instrumental music fyc piano forte clarionttt german flute bassoon ic if re quired will attend pupile at their own places of residence a society will be formed for the purpose of singing glees catches duets songs c the congregation of st georges church is respectfully informed that as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained he xeill teach a choir for the use of the church when psalmody anthems chanting fyc will be taught after tke manner of the english cathc- rg flatters himself from his per fect knowledge of music having made it his principal study from infancy to merit a share of public pafrinage terms moderate application to he made at his house near the kingston tannery kingston 20th june 1629 lake ontario canadian line of teamboats furs wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping aud hatting flrs h s ph1nny william johnson bar- bbr and hair- dresser next door to carmiuos tenders his grateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close atteution and industry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 new va tciies and eight day clocks eorge hardy watch clock h maker respectfully informs bis riinds and the public that he bas remov ed to the house formerly occupied by less- lie and sons lower end of store street nigh the post oflice where he bas on hand au assortment of silver watches plain and patent lever eightday brass clocks gold ear rings gold pius wed ding rings gold plated keys and seala silver thimbles silver tea spoous- rogers silversteel penknives steel chains gilt chains seals aud keys watch glasses plain and patent fliut x c the above goods are of the best quality aud as g h- imported them direct from britain he is enabled to sell them cheap watches and clocks repaired and brass clocks made to order old gold aud silver bought kingston u c 4th july 1829 0tir1 hereby notilies the pu de accountable for m debts or acctuut contracted in his naw without his or mr ashers personal or written order joii harkes kingston 30th may 1829 book binding establishment at tin kingston chonich office the subscriber having engaged experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public hat all kinds of business in ibis line w ii be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the sinle volume t binding in calf folio full bound iu calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do l2mo do do 18mo do do 1 0 0 0 0 s 0 10 5 3 d 0 0 0 it 0 a j ferns boot and shoe manufacturer begs leave to iuform his customers that he has just re ceived hissummcrsupply of ladies boots and shoes of the latest london fashions and warranted to be of the best quality being all made expressly to bis order also ladies and gentumens gloves and nil kinds of materials in his line for mauufac- booksfor sale at the chronicle office flappertons second expedition tunug- 4w kingston june 1g 1629 notice the subscriber hereby forbids all persons trusting or trading with his wife anne smith as he shall not he accountable for any debts or accounts of her contracting darius smith kingston 27th june 1829 into the interior of af tea containing a chart of his route ivom badngry to soc- caiuo and of his servant richad lander from rano to the niger in a dincreul aud more easterly direction franklins stcund expedition to the polar sea letters from the jegean hy j emerson esq notice ll persons havingdemands against the estate of the late abraham barker of hauoweu deceased arc requested o present ihem duly authenticated to the subscribers for settlement and all persons indebted to the estate arc re quested to make immediate payment the subscribeiswho aie duly authorised to grant discharges hallowell may l6ih 1s29- d b stevenson benj iiubbs half binding in calf folio half bound aud mented quarto do do octavo do do l2no do do ldmo do do orda i 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 2 10 u 1 s 0 1 0 binding in sheep folio full bound and mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do ibmo do do orna- 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 3 notice spencer evans a native of shrewsbury england by trade a tmman late corporal in the queens rau- ners stationed at fort andiurst upper canada is supposed to have been dis- h 1 urged 25 or 2 years ago in that country if the said spencer evans will apply to mr john wntkius kinstiou cppercana- litl- j ills lttl vilu mm liii ham shrewsbury shropshire england may here of something to his advantage the montreal official gazette the nia- ra gleaner the new york albion and the new york spectator will please give the above two insertions and send their ac counts to the editor of the kingstou chronicle kingston june 13th 1829 he subscriber respectfully of isnrm the public that he has just re ceived of this seasons importation from newyork 1 well selected assotment ot india european goods among which are ladies gentlemens and childrens leghorn hals all of which be offers for sale for cash likewise a quantity of solo and i p- per leather tobacco and snuff and as usual bason hand cogniar brandy hollands gin jamaica spirits madei ra port tenenffe and spnish wine teas sugars c r c walter mccumffe ki lt my 129 canada compan y where- as several informations have been receved by me that timber has been plundeied from lands the property of the canada company particularly in the london midland eastern nd ot tawa districts and the names of several offenders have also been communicated 10 me i hereby give notice that agents are appointed in the various districts tn procure evidence respecting the dedre datons and that every person who may heiealier be found offen rag wll be prosecuted with the inmost rigour of the law wm dun lop warden of the woods and forests ngyile alciope niagara jl queenston steam packets liive made the follow airangeuients lor ihe present season tommeneng their regular trips on the first of may and ending on the 15th november viz the aiciopfi captain jamfs mckknzik leaves niagara for prescott every sa turday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston and broekville will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every wednesday morning after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at broekville kingston and york the niagara captain jobn mosier leaves niagara for prescott every thursday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston andbrockvilleand will nrrivo the following day leaves prescott for niagara every sudnay 1 of the mon ut jurtitl iiioiuiijc after the cmv treal stages loucililig kingston and york the tueistox captain joseph whitney leaves niagara for prescott every tuesday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston and broekville and will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every friday morning after the arrival of the jon- txeal stages touching at broekville kingston and york rates of passage to from prescott niagara from prescott to york 2 10 2 10 2 o- 2 0 0 l- 0 10 to 2c from kingston niagara to and from kingston and york to from kiotou prescott from york to niagara from prescott to montreal there isa dai ly line of post coaches sundays except ed runuiug in connection with the above prescott ucmarch 20 1829 half binding in sheep folio ldf lotnied qua to octavo l2mo lrino bound aud do do do do do do do do ori a- t i 0 i 0 0 0 0 4 1 j 0 0 0 3 10 wardens office ls2y j guelph feb 2 n b persons desiring of purch- sing licence to cut timh the com panys lands will appiy u me by let ter addressed to my office here also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fauev bindinj- separate charge- james macfaulane kingston 13th april 1629 for sale 200 smoked 11 vms and 100 pir of smoked chops ftf the first quality by thos turpin kingston march 28 1629 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnttt and curly maple lumber deliverable al his mills 12 mles west of ancaster or at kerby and hatts store burlington bay where schooners can take it in letters with proper references addres sed to him at aneaster wll be duly at tended to james johnston 10 broaowat jfewyo uk mr john ford respectfully announces to his friends and tho putdict he has taken this establishment ia connection with the untied states hotel at saratoga springs the adelphi is already distinguished as a houe of select resort and has been coo siderably enlarged this spring its delight ful situatia commands a beautiful view of the bay ot new york the adjacent shores of long island new jersey and the walks of the battery in its immediate vicinity passengers iu the london liverpool and havre packets will find this establish ment peculiarly convenient agreeable and contiguous to the steam boats proceeding in all directions from the city the distinction between this and other hotels in new york is attributable to the circumstance of bavin a number of parlours on the european plan where gentlemen and families have the option of enjoying the retirement of a private table or partaking the accommodation ot a very imutcd table d hole conveniences combined with strict order aud attentou in the interior economy of the lstauibh- iiicut which it is hoped are calculated to obtain general approbation tftfa initid stalls hotel at saratoga spring reopens on ihe lth of this month where mr ford trill contriluu his ustf- ert ions for the comfort of his guezts during the season i000 newyork 1st may 1p

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