Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 19, 1829, p. 2

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f nadi ia tlie sarnftway a they arc iu stot- laud no i would cot exactly wish ihat thai should be inferred for in the case to which i have last adverted there is probably election i shall state one case there is in connection ith the church of scotland a mr sfieed now nt ancasier that gen tleman wout out to that country i believe five or six years ago he was licensed as a preacher in the church of scotland hut not in full orders a chape was built and it is ooe of the churches which or strach- an a 1 am assured rncniiuued as me of the established churches hut a church was bvit at ancasier this mr sheed was in 111 habit of preaching there for so ne time ji at last the people united to tail him to he their minister to support him j adequately and in consequence el this hj came to scotland nearly two years ago and was ordained to the charge by the presbytery of aberdeen in that case there was an election yas that a congregation of seceders not of secedera but of persons incounec- that i to say that ti r woub i can only answer i that front the petitions and returns tho as- 1 scmbly has received from many it appears that there are a vast number of persoos in every corner of upper canada who would wish to have ministers in connection with the cbureh of scotland nd as wearelcdto believe tho majority of them would it is not stated whether they arc at present se ceders or no how are ihe ministers appointed among the presbyterians of tlie church of scot land 1 1 believe by election frontier lite british tamps marched cut of iliir cantonments at portalegrc on the 23d of october ipu aud on tho morniogof the 26th came up with the enemy at the village of arroyo do molinos and after a snart action killed wounded and captur ed the renter part of the enemy together with tho whole of their artillery nod mili- thry chest on this occasion cnpt mac donald was severely wounded while gal lantly leading his men out of the town to charge the squares of the enemy the large bone of bis left leg was shattered and 15y whom is the jurisdiction of the pres- a musket bail passed quite through the o- thpr all the atteution and medical advice by cry exercised in the cauadas i am dot aware that properly speaking there is any presthyteryj there is what iscalltd a presbytery in connection with the seces sion hut there is u- presbytery in connec- tiou wit the church of scotland and i do not think that the church of scotland which his critical situation required were bestowed on the brave sufferer but as the medical gentlemen were divided iu o- piniou regarding the wounds the fractnr- etlimb was not amputateda circum stance which he often regretted at the consider themselves as having the right of i expiration of three or tour months the leg estal1shing presbyteries beyond the boo mis i was so far healed as to permit him to pro- is not the scotch clergyman at calcutta cd to lisbon- being soon after promo- in connection with the general asscraoly ted to a majority he returned home and in scotland th riiere is something acemal- it i rather the strict tion with the church of scotland so oven in thechureii of scotland there u no- 1 nus in that constitution am thing to prevent minister being elected by cooceved to he deparuug from the people and there arc parishes iu scotland where the minister is elected there is one of the most populous in scot land which is vacaotat this moment north leitsr if that point is settled arc there any grounds of diflereuce left hetween the es tablished church of scotland and tlie jo practice of the church to he continued iiiiiihi l ii j1 bioghapky tht ftrfe zfottf6 ftentdd macdonald c b 2j rtgimuti- lieut colonel 1 jon aid macdonald was the fourth son of the late jehu macdonald a sovhc wound having compelled hisequal- nedlhes battalion of the regiment then iu scotland notwithstanding all his suffering- however- his military ardour omuioued unabated on the reduction of trc 2o battalion be joined the first in ire land in 16j4in may 1815 he embarked with it for the netherlands the dreadful battle of quatro bris on te 10th june having stretched the bravo cdnercn a corpse ou the bed of honour and seceers the fact is that we ol the es tablished church of scotland hel that there i- some difference between the education of the one class and of the other not that i would in general say that the education j of the sedcedcr is inferior to that of the j established church for in many case it is fully equal but it is not necessarily so strict as ours i are you aware that the reglum donum which fa given to the members of the pres byterian church in the north of ireland is esq of dalclmisnio perthshire and in j ly galhut companioo lieut colonel mit- burly life was intended for the legal profes- jehel to retire iron- the field major macdo- sion alter spending several ycrrs iu tho office of a respectable practitioner in ed inburgh he exchanged the labours of a peaceful occupation for the arduous and uaid took command of the battalion on the evening of that day it is quite unneces sary to enter into a detailed account of alt the movements made by the gordon high- at that time lie beginning of tho late war landers on the eventful day of waterloo peculiarly dangerous profession of arms after a period of service iu various corns lieut imacdonald joined the ifcd regiment iu ireland in 1798 iu this national corps ie continued to servo during the whole of distributed equally to the ministers of the 1 the remainder of the war and largely par- secession and to those of other congrega- 1 ticipated in tho wellearned fame which ijjviqxwfoolaftlpjviitijs jvtlumpeoef ithoscikfiiaidutitiishndibiummniquiiwiliminu congregations so far as i know are pro perly speaking in communion with the cbureh of scotland if it were stated to yon that the two de scriptions of presbyterians that have been alluded to consisting of tho cbureh of scotland and the seceders though differ ing in scotland were willing to reconcile their differences in canada in order that they might obtain a portion of those re serves which by some are supposed to be long ealusively to the church of england what answer would you give to that state ment 1 i may be allowed to state that so far as regards the information wbich the general aassembly of the church of scot- laud has received many of the cor-grega- tious although served by ministers who are not in communion with the church of scouand have really been long desirous of being connocted with the church of eicot land and i know that there are other con gregations at least 1 know of one other congregation whose minister is at present connected with the secession but who are determined to have their next minister of tho eburcb of scotland and in such cases as i have now described i should think it exceedingly hard if the members of the church of scotland are at all admissible to the eoefit of a share in those reserves that persons who really have long been attach ed to the church of scotland although from merous campaigns and sanguinary battles inl799the92dregtformedipartoftheexpc- dition to holland nuder the command of his royal highness the late duko of york aud in the battle of egmootopzee on the 2d october covered itself with glory on this occasion lieut macdonald was se verely wounded having received two bay onet wounds in the brest while defending himself against the united attacks of three french soldiers in egypt in 1801 ho was again severely wouuded by a grape- shot wbich iu its progress tore away a great portion of tht flesh ou bis left arm above the elbow his services in holland and egypt were in 1803 rewarded with a com pany in 1807 he accompanied die 92d to copenhagen during the seige of that city the 92d and a few more troops under the command sof sir arthurwellesley now duke of wellington were sent to dislodge a body of danish troops strongly posted near the village of kioge the euemy who outnumbered the assailants in the propor tion of four to oue poured on the attacking columns a dreadful shower of shot as tbey advanced to storm the danish position but the highlanders and their brave com panions unmindful of the dangers which stared them in the face advanced a great part of the way at the ordinary step and when they had approached close to the danish batteries the whole rushed against but wc conceive it a duty which we owe to the memory of major mucdonald to give a few particulars regarding the charge which the 92d made at three oclock under ro ver of his numerous artillery napoleon caused two columns of three thousand men each supported by another of equal force tinuw igiitwari mil mtttwk itlmlnftnnd left centre of the british position to car ry the orders of their master into execu tion the french troops advanced in close column as they ascended the ridgo in front of the left of the position where the 92d regiment was stationed a belgian orps consisting from two to three thou sand men received them with volleys of musketry which arrested their progress for half an hour at length however the whole of the foreign troops fairly ficd and uetiredin rearof the british the retreat f the belgfens caused sir dennis pack to order the ground given up by them to he occupied by the 3d battalion of royals and 2d battalion 44th regt these two of the most honourable onlci of the bath was presented with a vvatei medal and by the empci with the order of wladafmr in additi on to these he in 1301 received a fold medal from the turkish emperor for the services li had performed in egypt lieutenantcolonel macdonald re mained in the service till b819 when his leg having become cxtiemcly pain ful lie found it necessary lo retire from the service and forever bid adieu to that farfamed corps in which he spent twentyone years of his life and in which he had reaped such a rich harvest of glory and renown during the last ten years of his life he suffered greatly from the wound in his left leg it fre quently broke out and cortined him to bed for months at a time from the wound numerous and laie pieces of bones have ofen been extracted not withstanding ml this and the excruciat ing pain he was repeatedly made to bear his constitution was long proof against the most violent asmuhs of the disease lull his once manly frame was at length so shattered with tfce desperate nnd repeated attacks of a disorder al together incurable that he sunk under hs sufferings on the 19th off june last although he perceived his end rapidlv approaching yet bis great fortitude of mind enabled him to suppoot his last ill ness and look forward to ir5i approach ing dissolution with the sinie manly firmness which he bad so ofen exhibit ed when surrounded by housands of his enenves in the field of srife the deceased was a complete soldier few o flic ers have seen more service or had their bodies so severely shattered by the balls of their countrys enemies in action he was cool firm and courageous horse sircj by niagara dam b hap haz- aixllyfed near bellville named kingston to coter for the kingston sweepstakes we wish the gallant captain success hut the knowing ones rather intimate that time will not allow of his being got into condition we beg to draw the attention of our read ers to the missionary notice which will be found in another column tho editor cftbo canadian freeman has been released from jail by order of his majesty robbery ou wednesday night last the store of hiss m a read was entered by forcing one of the shutters and robbed of goods and money to the value of rising of 100 the perpetrators have not yet been detected ret advocate on monday last a case was tried which deserves particular notice as affecting the interests of the mercantile part of the com munity this action wns brought by jo seph bruce merchant of kingston to re cover the value of certain goods lost in the rapids of the river st lawrence by the sinking of a bateau belonging to stephen fincbley a forwarder of lachine the counsel for the plaintiff contended that the loss of the goods was not attributable to th actofcod or the kings enemies nd con sequently that theplaiutiffhad a legal right to recover the amount of damages proved on behalf of the defence evidence was offered to prove that it is and always has been the understanding of both forward ers and merchants that tho dangers of the navigation were excepted from the risques assumed by the forwarders in this province and evidence wasfurtheroffered to shew that the loss of the goods in question was entirely attributable to the dangers of the to the soldiers he was kind and attentive i navigation and that no charge of careles- m eym ee tt rt defcefaee tv and to ahr ffieefi ii9fqififtitktii44t advice he w as ever ready to afford them either few officers lived more respected and none evp i more regretted his deeds will live long in the remembrance of his relatives nnd old companions in arms may evey highland warrior hear iu recol lection the hnroic exploits of their intrepid countryman and like him when duty calls them to the mortal combat tread in the paths of honour and of duty for they may rest assured that these and these alone will lead them to immortal fame observer edinburgh circumstances which they deplore they have their opponents with such irresistible im- not had ministers of that church should be j petuosity us to cause the euemy to fly in a deprived of that benefit i may take tho liberty of staling further that although i ltuow that it has beeu recently represented few miuutes from the field of blood and leave theiartilleryin the hands of sir arthur and his handful of men early iu the year that those ministers and people iu upper 1 1808 the 92d regiment aud many others canada who bae been hitherto differing 1 were seni to the assistance of sweden aboui matters of ducriue and worship are j uuder the command of sr john moore now williue to unite for the sake ofreceiv- hut rcturued to euzland in the autumn of ing a share of those clergy reserves i the same year without performing any ser- know thatavast number and i believe the j vice whatever after remaining a few days greater part of those who now profess their j in port the same armament was ordered to willingness to be conuected with the church proceed to portugal he re it arrived a few ufaciilflruhthavc dan- hen nmktiumlw h mtb n 10 the bairtp of vinjrrit when the british army moved from lisbon towards tho spamsh territory the 92 rcgi- same profession i have in my possession a number of memorials and petitious which wee sent to the general assembly of the church of scotland some of them six some of tnen seveu years ago they bave no re ference whatever to any share of the clergy reserves and many of those per- raent wmcb formed part of general hopes late earl of hope ton 0 division accompa nied their gallant leader who with the british artillery moved first to madrid and subsequently to salamanca where the sous stale that they have not ministers at j brave moore commenced those operations all others say that they are supplied iu j against the enemy which terminated in tho souie measuse with religious instruction j glorious balle and victory of corunna but that they are particularly anxius to be 1 and in which the british general lost his couuected with the church of scotland i life iu 1809 the 92d regiment formed part coqceivn that those persons have been of the expedition to alchereo hut was af quite disinterested in that profession and j forded no opportunity of distinguishing it- that there can he no greater mistake than to represent that this is done from any view to spoliation or to taking what is not le gally their own supposing that a portion of these reserves were to be made over to the church of scotland have you any definite idea of ihe manner in which that church would pro pose to deal with them so as to make them beneficial and useful i cannot venture to say that any plan has ever been propos ed is it your belief that aportionof that un animity that bas appeared lately between the seceders and the scotch presbyterians bas arisen from the wish to share in that provision which isalleged to have been made for the established clergy i cannot take upon me to answer for the ministers at all i but i do admit in tho fullest extent what tbey rprcseot that the grounds ofdifferenco are very inconsiderable there and i can sufficiently account for this unauimity with out any reference lo the prospects that have been held out to them but at the same time i would hope that this distinction shall be kept in view whatever may be the case with regard to the ministers who may have an interested motive in joining in this solici tation assuredly tho same motive cannot extend to the laity who as 1 have already- endeavoured to represent have for many years past professed a strong desire to be connected with the church of scotland and to hare ministers of that communion and for that reason i think there is little ground to question the sincerity of the professions of those persona are you sufficiently acquainted with the tenets of the seceders to be able to say whether in case a provision was mado for the presbyterian ministers and their ap- poiatment placed in the bands of the crown or vested iu general assembly of the church of scotland those secedes would concur in those appointments i cannot venture self having recovered from the walche- ren fever a considerable portion of the men were embarked in august 1810 for the peninsula where iu the following month they joined the army under lord wellington in the lines of torres vedras when maseoa retreated into tpin the highlanders wero among the keeuest in the pursuit aud in the memorable battle of fuentes de honore which was fought on the 3d and 5tn may 1811 they conduct ed themselves in their usual gallant man- uer soon after this the regiment was or dered from the neighbourhood of almeida to portalegrc and for some time thereafter formed part of a corps of observation un der the command of general now lord hill in all these operations captain mac donald accompanied his regimeut and by his distinguished courage and example ou all occasions highly contributed to raise the discipline of the corps to that poiot of excellence from which it neverdescended in proof of this we may state ihe following faci the 93d regiment bad beeo quar tered about three months in a spanish vil lage called banos when the orders were issued for the whole army to move towards the enemy on the 18th may 1s13 on the evening of that day sir kowlandtlill occu pied ihe house col cameron had quitted in the morning on his arrival the princi pal people of tho towu waited upon the general with an address sir rowland after tnakiug a suitable reply to it inquir ed if the deputation had any complaints to make against the troops that had left them to thisthe head of the deputation replied sir rowland hill had you been bore this morning when the highlanders march ed out of our village our tears would havo answered the question which you have now put to us general hill having received orders to force hack a corps of french troops wbich had approached tho portuguese weak battalions did every thing in their power to repel the assaults of the enemy iui after some hard fighting they were al so compelled to yield as there were now wo other infantry regiments on thegrouod iteady to act but tho gordon highlanders sir dennis pack galloped up to them and aid nioetysecond you must charge 311 the troops in your front have given way this short address disheartening as it was produced a very different effect from what might have been anticipated instead of itoperating unfavourably ou ihe minds of the soldiers it roused their courage lo ihe most exalted pitch to which it could be tarried they saw that on their conduct faung in a great measure the fate of the bat tle and of all those nations arrayed against the french usurper and therefore as one man instantly made up their miuds to con quer ordie where they fought al this interesting and truly critical period of the dreadful drama the sebject of our memoir arose even above himself his eyes sparkled with fire he turned round to the battalion and to his two hundred and thir ty companions in arms gave ihe order to charge when the whole instantly rushed forward while traversiug the space a- fcout one hundred yards between the two wmiesthnmopnoncwimvt5cihhihihtidiini with the most inspiriting language his countenance at the time denoting that he occupied a station which at that moment he would oot have exchanged for ooe of the most splendid or exalted in the uni verse the cheers of the highlanders gave the enemy who had now arrived at the summit of the ridge the first intimation of the f ite that awaited them for a few seconds the french seemed inclined 10 dispute the progress of tlie nssa1 nis but just as the dreadful collision was about to take place the front ranks of the enemy began to exhibit an traeastness which in a second or to more showed itself in the flight of the whole three thousand ou arriving at the ground on whi- li the formidable foe had sood and perceiving the disorderly the chronicle kingston sept 19 3829 we have oothingof a very recent date by new- york the quebec papers however have supplied the deficiency an immense crowd of shipping having arrived at that port has enabled us to procure dates to the 10th from london and 12th from liver pool success appears to attend the rus sian army aud the porte has evincod a more conciliatory temper the effect of de feat anu disfippointment than u first dis tinguished their warlike ambition the intelligence from england is unsa tisfactory the yorkshire manufacturers are doing litlle and distress is the natural consequence from every part of the united kingdom favorable accounts of the crops have been received mr oconnell has been returned for clare without oppo sition no confidence seems to be placed in the report of ministerial changes the ultras still show no mercy to the duke judge refused to receive evidence of this and held that the forwarders were bound in this country as in england to make good all losses not occasioned by the act of god or the kings enemies and that no evidence of a general understanding in op position to this rule could be received the solicitor general ihen endeavoured to shew that the loss of the goods in ques tion was attributable to ihe act of god failing in establishing which he held that as this was a hard case tlie jury might as had nfteo occurred in england in cases which he mentioned refuse to adhere to ihe strict rule of law and render a verdict according to tho eqity of the case in favour of the defendant which verdict rendered under such circumstances would be upheld by the court the judge charged the jury in favourof the plaintiff declaring that ho could not believe that the solicitor geneial was serious in addressmg them as he had done verdict fer the plaintiff and 461 2 8 damages we understand the principal point in question viz whether evidence might not be given of the general understanding a- moug merchants and forwarders that the daugers of the navigation were excepted from the risques assumed by the latter wim undergo a muro serious discussion in the court of kings bench next term herald m yesterday evening the business of the court of oer and terminer for this dis trict terminated the criminal business was not as heavy as usual several civil bill case were disposed of and we under stand there wns hut oup individual upon whom sentence of teath was passed the lateness of the hour at which the grand jury was dischargee prevf nts us from re cording the several senieuces which were pronounced we liad a narrow escape ourselves nf the vcancc of the law in ur paper of the 5th instant a letter signed enquirer appeared to contain some libellous character- and during the week a paper was purchased at obt office and subsequent ly sent to the graiud jury for a pre sent- mcnt and with equal speed returned to nner the authority who had the politeness to we are extremely happy to inform the public that mr dean th respectable con tractor for the tolls of the catnraqul bridge with aliborality and disinterestedness high ly creditable to himself has reduced the toli on all fnot passengers to one pv eci on sundays with a view of affording a greater facility to persons of all religious denominations to attend their respective places of worship at kingston such a geuerous sacrifice to the public welfare re flects greatcrcditupon mr dean ib yesterday at the cathedral church of this city mr james lynn alexander lato theological students under the protection of the society for the proposition of toe gospel was admitted to deacons orders by the lord bishop nfthe diocese the rev s mountain of cornwall 0 c who has engaged the services of mr alexander as his curate the rev clarke missionary of the above mentioned society arrived the same day from england and the rev hankel minister of st pauls churh charleston s c were were present at the cremouy aud partook afterwards with the bishop and other cler gy of the sacrament of the lords supper according to the practice of the churcbj mr hanckel preached in the catbetli iu the afternoon mr codman the organist of the cathe dral who been absent in england ah so assisted in that capacity having lande the evening before queoc mercury his excellency sir peregrine maitlaot as we are informed proceeds to england by the first opportunity we regret that i stateof his excellencys health induct this step a speedy return to the ol country being advised by the attendti physicians halifax paper the army gcnllord hill attended by his staj inspected yesterday morning the 244 regt of foot commanded by col flem ing at padington immediately after its rival by canal boats from manchester tp officers and men appred in good htalv and spirits and received the commenda tions f the genl commanding ia cbief- the regiment then set out on its march tt woolwick where it will be quartered ribit embarks in three days for quebec married- this day by the its thos handcock mr james pon t miss elizabeth kelly both of this ttfiw vg at edinburgh tmuljtox ihshk wimster f rtle cbum offi tj c to catherine youngest dauejit the late mr patrick mclimont or patrick n b died on saturday last after a illness p f hallesq major second frontenac militia aged 47 years his mains were interred on monday with sonic honors jl received and for sale at t chronicle office a few copie cptain basil hails travels in ni america 20th sept 1821 in which h was retiring the bruve macdonald bestowed upon his jfhant issociaiestbe most flattering encomuras which words could convey sir wmii- rm poltsonby perceivmg thai the ene my rriied in a disorderly m nuer rushed forward wiihthe 1st 2d and 6th regiments of heavy dragoons and in an instant cut his way through the enemy as far a the valley be worn ihotwo po sitions captured two eagles killed one thousand and brought oil two thousand prisoners- the greys having charged partly st tho flanksand purify through intervals foimed by the 9d regimen to allow them to pass cheered as they advancfi nd n a manner which made every scotchmans heart leap for joy on seeg what the highlanders had accomplished the old greys as with one voice palled out hurra ninetysecond scotland r ever and lushing forward like an impetuous torrent thny were in atwink 1 the very centre of the french column in this dreadful bat tle majpr macdonald was more fortu- nuto thi1 in s of his former engage ments having escaped without a sctatch although l had two horses killed under him ofi wilh a musket the other with a cann8 da for this gallantry and admiral induct throughout he was piomoh o ho rank of lieutenant co- lcnel- made a knight companion great exhibition we learn by the last buffalo papers that matters are in train by a corapauy of gen tlemen in that village and in u canada fur a singular and complicated exhibition at the falls of niagara on tuesday the sixth of october next of which the fol lowing appears to be the outline mr forsyth the proprietor of the pavi- lion on ibis side of the river at the fall has obtained fiom his excellen cy the lieut governor to blast offihax por tion of what is termed the table rock which bas for several years past been i eraduallv inclining towards the vawuine after against individnul 2h below aod which hu lraal ctaut ed a fissure of eight or ten inches in width encircling a mass supposed to contain ten millions of tons this shelving rock is situ ated adjoining the waters edge aod in fact composes apart of the foundation o- ver which the stream rushes with resistless impetuosity in its preseut state it is con sidered dangerous to visitors who are daily passing under and upon it in their anxiety to obtain ihe best views of the roaring ca taract by applying a heavy charge of powder in a suitable place it is expected the whole of the immense body of stone and earth thus marked off will be disengaged and a great part of it furiously precipitated into the bosom of the niagara in addition to this earthquake mr sa muel patch of new jersey noted for his daring exploits at the passaick falls has been written to and liberal offers made to induce him to come here and leap over the falls of niagara from goat island on the same day which it is thought he will ac cept but in case he should decline after examining the premises the schr superior a stout staunch vessel has been purchased foribe purpose of being sent over the falls in the style of ber predecessor the michi gan which it is believed will pass the rapids in safety and that the spectators will see her launched 150 feet below impelled by a current that moves at the rate of 25 or 30 miles per hour tbo journal father says as the wet land canal is nearly completedi a corres pondence will be immediately opened with the proper authorities for arrange ments to pass thejtrst vessel on ibat or the succeeding day from lake erie to ontario should the slate of the work permit such an exhibition would equally attract ihe lovers of pcienco and the more humble devotees of simp lo curiosity formers j tmrpal piece it before tbem here the matter ends aod whether the inter alluded to contains the charge of libel or not we are not sufficient of t lawyer to determine all we shall add isv f we would advise all editors of public journals to retain some learned member 0 the bar who would have abundance to d m analyzing the va rious periodicals tow are 9ent for insertion and in the crucible f legal discrimination try the purity or ot of the subslance of such articles wesleyan missons- three sermons will be preac in the british methodist chapel nett sabbath day that in the morninjfat 10j oclock by ihe rev mr knowhnu that in the afternoon at halfpast twe by the rev mr hick and that mrjm evening at six by the rev mr squirt from quebec late missionary in the west indies the public meeting will be held in the above chapel on the monday evening following the chair to be taken at 6 oclock a colleeidp will be made after each of the sermons and at the close of the public meeting a aid of the funds of the society lost esterday between the p office and the bridge a n fciick lace veil any person leaving same at the chronicle olfice will be su lily rewarded september 20 1800 3- jewelry watches c a next door to mr watkins ilardwm store in the shop lately occupied theubscriuct most informs his friends iu country that foe has receiver a sortment of british jewt watches made expresslyfor market those wanting good 1 will do tfell in calling oarly es sold will he warranted to clocks watches and j fully repaired highest price old silver s o taze kingsron juno 27tb 1829v stone cutters wan fairro immediately by the ber at hamilton district of net a number of good stone ci whom liberal encouragement given and constant emyloyment the ensuing winter archibald fla hamilton 10th sept 1829- on thursday tl grand jury invited their venerable fo thomas dor- land esq who foi upwards of thirty years has discharged lhe of grand juror to a sumptuous dinnei at reiters hotel se veral guests were i the dinner was served up iu ihe bt style and the phy siognomies of mary a happy individual who shared the eme exhibited on tho following day tho desl re of the excellence of the wli in lno quantity that each seemed to ha absorbed the party broke up about aod tbe c was distinguished t9 harmony and good humour ii c thomson esq acted as president nrd ft richardson as vice we understand l ca i t y of the r a has p a 8 young anwood a town has been laid out bcarii name at the mouth of the river the situation is pleasant and hei and promises to be the centre of i merce to a large portion of col when the trent is mado navigable the rice lake park and town to be had of the subscriber on very sonable terms if applied for soon sheldon hawley anwood2 april 1829 roman catholicchapel at the marmora iron works tihe subscriber is now building a maa jfctholic chapel at these wortoj to complete wbich a considerable sum yet wanting he therefore respectf addresses himself to the inhabitants kingston begging their contributions aid of this laudable undertaking subscriptions will be thankfully rccoii ed by messrs walter mccuniffe won driscoll mich brennan mich mori and james lynch a manahan f or sale lot no 17 in tht ninth concession of the tot ship ofloughboro for particulars ei quire at this office kingston 9th august 1828

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