mi ib the cook to the heart but iu my rarrv her dumpier carcass 1 tnougot cm iz ssicide bucjtttattbatmb- tll midland district date ap1221823 to whom paid to sundry persons to ft m to 11 it i to ii if to iff m i to ft it to f tt i to ft if to ii ft to to f 1 tt it ywbs to ii 9 1 to ii to if to m to it to ft 1 to to m ii to it 11 enttbe chambermaid came w tcu m0 stat the tailor had called to know ho i liked my new coat 1 pushed my ifcrm through one of the holes that had been burj in tbe back of it tottered into the dining- room whero he was waiting forme aod fell in a awoon a bis feet to thomas markland esq dr for what 1 assessors fees 1825 mi 182812 14 10 1826 20 17 10412 1 5 182516 19 14 182613 6 34 182735 3 u 1828 8 5 1147315 34 182218 6 1 1826 44 17 4 182723 12 24 the midland district totbe clerk of the peace dr to allowance 40 u 0 to assessments oj u u to officerent from 1st jan to 1st aug 1828 s list of jurors extracts recording koads general assessment stationary postage- two population returns special jury list collectors absentees to wd clerks ijofld 1828 1826 18g7 3828 1829 1827 1826 1828 1829 1827 1827 5 2 991 18 44 10 i 1 1 1 7 10 5 5 10 3 m p mp mp mp mp 1827 1828 1828 1828 1328 26 10 2 5 2 31 1 2 9 3 6 5 3 17 4 28 29 books for dist acct 1 padlocks and stovo sers as constable for services for coffin for pauper and fursg mediciue 25 8 1 18 2 10 1 15 6 7 9 0 18 8 to d- haight syey overcharge to s hezelton 33 to j b lock wood road surveyor 24 to james wilson 25 to paul peterson to marshall bidwell to hugh c thomson a to john mclean esq snentt fie8 for gftol to john mclean esq sheriffm district to a b hawk j fraser and william committeefor bridge 35 mckay esq parrots bay to ehas dulmage gaoler arts furnd prisoners 11 11 7 to john ashley to william mckay esq- coroner to hugh c thomson for printing to william ketcherson uoad surveyor to elias dulmage gaoler salary from january to april to leverith tolle constable for servicos to simon washburn coroner to amount of errors in marmora madoc assesst for 1827 corrected by clerk of the peace to john carscallen road surveyor to thomas markland esq to samuel morley to william chesnutt 30 to lewis laporto may 1 to joseph braodamour 7 to dr gedaes surgeon for gaol 15 to john ashieyiucurred on rates where no property was found 17 to samuel 3haw coroner to michael koi for services 23 to colin mclean for cleaning privy 24 to william vaoalstina 31 to william driscoll for prisoners junel6 to wiliiam georgo for services to samuel huff constable to aael cvok for constablestaffs to samuel huffman and wm morrison fur services 1 21 to benjamin fairfield sen a july 1 to elias dulmage gaoler salary july 7 to jacob german road surveyor to corey ferris for services to henry ashley for to thoiuaa coleman m p augst 19 to w griffith crier adolphustown 2 to stephen griffith 2 5 o thomas dorlaud esq 2 sept 1 to tfaeodorejbrocket panning constables j n q oct 1 to reoben white ij p 1828 39 2 to james wilson mp 182840 1829 20 to elias dulmage suds furnsd district 14 3 for serving bench warrant on corne- jany 24 to timothy mcguire lius collins forme dical assistance for wounds received 31 to moses wells and another constable feby 3 to elias dulmage salary to jauy insu 3 to thomas barnet f priwoew to 31 adolphustown 3 march 18 to elias dulmage salary to oct 182831 to james mailer 5 to moses wella for attd adg sesons 5 aprhw8to amount paid sundry persons by order of committee for gaol and court house i yitiuumdiuiiy oitmniiififiinr on mume received at 4 percent 10 3 3 15 25 10 40 39 39 15 10 4 141 70 48 6 8 15 17 4 48 3 3 1 1 10 15 10 10 18 10 1 5 31 1 1 1 182839 10 5 10 17 81 12 6 86 7 6 5 5 carried forward- 71 17 2188 0 9 i i j 1l 4 m si i ii r 1828 apl 22 by amount of balance as per account town and towoshipuf kingston pittsburg and wolf island town and township kingston pittsburg and wolf island ernestowo marysburg town and township kingston pittsburg and wolf island adolphustown thurlow hillier s irphiawb u rg marmora madoc town and township of kingston fredericksburg pittsburg loughborough thurlow sydney richmond adolphustown i marysburgb j ernestown pittsburg 1 wolf island portland k lough borough am elias burg marmora madoc amherst island richmond raw den and huntingdon sopbiasburg amount received from non resi- m 253 antn 1828 28th april 1829 by amount of balance carried to now account by a wrong charge q money said to x be paid to miller and wallace balance 277 16 104 rates in full 1822 32 18 74 in part 1825 17 15 in full 1825 24 7 iu full 1826 6 13 6 6 4 41 it w u ii ii i 4 41 44 j 1 41 44 44 44 1 44 1 44 r it 4l in part 1826 142 19 94 in full 1826 12 14 6 in part 1826 19 5 4 in full 1827 77 12 7x in full 13a7 145 16 in full 1827 35 4 2 in part 1827279 16 8 in part 1827 89 4 8 in part 1827 5 17 5 in full 1827 13 i 104 in full 1827191 18 0a in full 1827148 6 6 44 l 11 in full 1827 59 10 40 13 1827 16 5 1827 32 10 in part 1827 in part in part 74 6 4ft npart 1828 32 in full 182 9 10 11 in part 1828 ii 2 3 in part 1828 31 0 7 in full 1828 94 19 2 in full 1828 21 16 4 in full 1828 23 4 5 in part 1828 5 5 0 in full 1828 22 15 9 in part 1828 110 0 0 132 15 41 22 19 5 31 88 0 10 12 0 19 9 0 5 5 10 8 10 0 0 1 0 0 4 10 0 1 10 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 140 1 6 allowed at the january sessions signed jno macaulay v b chairman qsmd foreign 97 7 7 1 48 3 m 5 3 41 5 835 16 3 april 1829 22 19 5 thomas markland zversurer from the neio york albion termination of the war the mary lord arrived from london last night bringing a london atlas of the 27th of september which paper states that on saturday evening itreceivedan express from its correspondent at berlin announ cing that count diebitsch had sigoed the preliminaries of peace and forwarded them to constantinople the terras of tbe trea ty were based on those of tho treaty of a- kermaon the account further states that a conspiracy bad been detected at con stantinople and that 500 of tbe old janis saries had fallen victims to tho wrath of the sultan the accuracy of this intelligence does admit of some doubt although such an e- veotisbyno means improbable indeed its probability is the strongest evidence of its authenticity from the geographical position of count diebitsch now so far ad vanced to the southit is clear that the in telligence ought first to be received via vi enna and paris the news of the surren der of adrianoplo was communicated by count diehitscb to the russian minister at the austrian capital from ihonce it was forwarded to paris and lord cowley tho british minister at vienna communi cated the same intelligence to bis govern ment now it does soom to us that tho news of peace as tho peace was concluded near constantinople should be received in the same way and not by tho circuitous route of berlin it should also be borne in mind that the news in berlin was notoffici- al but communicated by the correspondent of the london weekly paper before men tioned tbe eapttire of adnanople and the dis tinguished successes of the russian army as detailed in the bulletin in the preceding columns show how homeless the pros pect of the porte being now able to make any successful resistance th turks seem tolvwrto7ty pabfcstrlckeir and flee before their enemies in the most disgrace ful and disorderly manner the conduct of 15000 men at slivno or sclimno as it is sometimes called under helib pacha was unworthy of the most undisciplined barba rians in our article of last week we ex pressed an opinion that count diebitsch was delayed at aidos for his reinforce ments the bulletin bears us out com pletely in this conjecture and so fur from general krassowskys having sustained a defeat ho was enabled to detach a pari of his force to the assistance of count die bitsch the count approached adriano- ple with 56000 nicu say in round numbers 60000 slivno is the town which appears on our map of last week above and to the north ofjainbol on tbe river tuoza the name is not inserted we are indebted to the kindness of the editors of the new york mercantilo ad vertiser for tho following extracts from the lonrfon atlas by advices from berlin which have just reached us by a special courier we have positive intelligence ihat the trea ty of peafce between russia and turkey is actually concluded and signed the terms of the treaty our account says will be an evidence to the whole world of the moderation of the empe ror nicholas they are based on the treaty of ackermanrwith a provision of indemnity to russia for the expenses of the war the turkish plenipoten tiary immediately returned to constan- viude bfiarin ih fteafjr jod by general diebitsch under powers vest ed in him by the emperor and escorted by 4000 cossacks the sultan immediately released all the russian prisoners of war who are on their march homewards a conspiracy had been detected at constantinople against the life and power of the sultan and five hundred of the old janissaries lost their lives our correspondent communicates the whole of this intelligence as positive and undoubted russia and turkey hostilities have ceased in the east thiseventwasanuounced in the greater part of our impression last week and is confirmed by all the subsequent ac counts but none of them afford any in formation beyond the mere fact of an armistice having been concluded on or about the 29th ult the first accounts which came through berlin stated that in consequence of an earnest represen tation of the reiseflendi the british and french ambassadors and general muffling concerted together as to the mean of averting tho calamities to be apprehended from the appearance of the kussian army before constantinople ineyhad accordingly a conference with the reiseflendi early on the 24th which ended in plenipotentiaries being appointed with full powers to treat res pecting the indemnities to be conceded to russia for the expenses of the war md lhe jion of m de raster the confidential secretary of gen munw lie disposition of the sultan and urging the necessityof an immediatesuspension of hostilities the plenipotentiaries aod m de rustcr reached adrianopleen the 27lh of august and on the 29th gen die bitsch gave orders for a cessation of hos tilities on the whole lineoftto russian operations it has since been stated that the sultan was so anxious to con clude the armistice that lie left the terms entirely to the emperor of rus sia and the dcly s- l- l attributed to its having betn sent to st pctersburgh for ratification the other reports in contradiction to these statements arc that gen diebitsch had left on ohe 28th to advance upon the turkish capital and a frankfort paper of the 20th inst states on the authority of a letter from vienna of the 15th that the armistice was concluded on the 30th lt in the camp of the russian gcnetal before constantinople it is remarkable that the prussian state gazette of the 19th insl is wholly silent upon that subject h has fixed a term ppjftij2 which he will attack tbe capital without t0 statement is corroborative of that from ad of the 9th give above in a supplement to this days paper will be found a statement of the assessment and road tax unpaid in the different townships iu tbis district for the space of eight years from 1820 inclusive to the first of july 1828 the document is an important attention of tho p one wm the publ ic aid cal seminary on an extensive seal would compensate for the suppression fall the others iu the province ve are struck sir prima with a conviction which no sophistry jgj remove that in proportion as the eablishments for a liberal education are lminished in tbe same rttio will jhe numjfe rgfjh be lessene1fc shall piuy ibo- bif- fue ou lise other hand kir52 cess totfiese ad vantages flmrm without fear of contradictionthaiiw kri n avail themselves the chronicle kingston oct 31 1820- very laufrom eurojxby an arrival at new york from havre pari dates to tho 30th september have beea received we have just time to make the following extracts from the commercial advertiser of monday evening last nighly imfortant from ewilano rumors were again afloat of changes in the british ministry which we utterly dis regarded until we saw the fact gravely an nounced upon the bulletins of some of our contemporaries on the authority of the london courier of tbe 28th september that the duke of wellington and mr peel were to go out we then commenced translating the couriers article from the journal du havre but soon found that the whole was a satire upon tho journals which aro constantly trifling with the public by tho circulation of such idle reports the courier gravely assures the public that nei ther cobbett nor hunt nor lord mount- cassel nor mr sadler are to sacceed the noble duke fbo thr spt nr w- the parisjpapers of tbe 28th ofseptern- her contain the account of tho conclusion of peace as given in the london atlas of the 7th there was also a rumour on the same day of the rouewal of tho hostilities hoiwon the russians nndthe turks thi report was somewhat strengthened on tbe 29th by the following exiract ofaoommer- cial letter from vienna daied septl8 at the opening of the exchange to day bank actions were at 1193 but they felf suddenly to 1190 this fall is attributed to tbe rupture of negociations serious com- motions at coustaniinopte and the de6nl- tivo march of the russian forces on the turkish capital h is somewhat suspicious that no dates are given for this intelligence of tbe defi- nitive march of tbe russian forces the following intelligence from adrianoplo of the 8th september as given by tho augs- burg gazette is more probable 41 the conferences were suspended on tho 3d upon a declaration being made by the turkish plenipotentiaries that they stood in need of fresh instructions upon one of the points under disenssioo the rus sian commander granted them ten days declaring that ho would not wait beyond the 14th for tho definitive conclusion ojf peace the point in question is helievel to he the indemnity which is fixed at millions ofsilver rubles about 4000000ij anapa poti and akbalzick are to be ce ded to russia who will demand nothing t the turkish empire in europe whilst waiting for the definitive signature of the treaty on tho 14th geo diebitsch conti- nueshis operations tbe army holds it self ready to tnarcb if on the day in ques tion the sultan has not come to a decisioja immense magazines aro establishing at adrianoplo for the russian troops the ausburgh gazette also contains tbe following intelligence from constantino ple down to the 5th of september inclu- srrr rcteitevlby erpresr notwithstanding the proximity of tbe russians whose advanced pftts are at czurly about- 15 leagues from onstaoii- uople tranquillity prevails in lie capital and tbe inhabitants hopes tha ere many days the treaty of peace will i signed at adrianoplo toe exchange of couriers be tween the rusian headquartern and tbe capital are very frequent asto the con ditions upon which the russian comman der insists they are known to the porte alone who seems to entertain more dis trust towards the foreign ambassadors than towards the russians russia says the turks treats us with rigour bat not with bad faith it is rumoured that the letter addressed to the grand vizier by count nesselrode at the commencement of hostili ties will form the basis of the negotiations forpeace the sum to bo paid by the porte as an iudemoity for the war will be fixed at st potersburgh and turkey will give guarantees for her fidelity in flpfiuing the conditions of the treaty ofpeace no doubt of the early termination of hostilities can be entertained as the ottoffan minis ters are completely disheartened and ex press themselves in terms of venation and devotedness for the emperor of russia we are assured that hostilities have been suspended until the peace be ratified ne vertheless the works of fortific are pushed with activity thia sqjttq ctoesnot quit his camp at baruistachiftht- the mussulmans aro enjoined not w9 asid generally for uuless these taxes are p up vrjlfaittlix months from this date the lands in question are subject to be sold by the sheriff of the district without reserve- hawltys poems we would beg to draw the attention of our readers to a neat duo decimo volume of poems by mr w f hawley the work is by permission ded icated to bis excellency sir james kempt who in this allying bis name to the authors performance proves at once his zeal for tho promotion of canadian literature and his readiness to befriend the too often friend less child of genius the work indeed is one whose equal in merit does not often issue from the cana dian press in tbe queoecraefarp and she triumph of envy there appear an originality of conception and design which show the authors capacity for pootry of a higher order than it has often fallen to the lot of the canadian muse to afford the public with a very few exceptions our attempts hitherto in this walk of literature have been confined to the perishable records of newspapers and magazines when a work like the present appears we hope the public will readily come forward and by a liberal support encourage tbe growth of native genius and foster very effort likely to give us a literary character and literary taste the following from the miscellaneous pieces in the volume we would select not as affording tho best proof of the capacity of tbe author but for its brevity and play ful satire to maia of them will he pro port ion ably augmented the arguments upon which 1 ground this inference are furnished by experience br a very considerable acquaintance too with the localities of the country inthefim place the establishment we will say of ten district schools ensures the meao3 of a liberal education to at least a mug score of students at no greater expense than the very moderate tuitioffteeconraw demanded and often withoot aoycttsfgr at all surely then sir the education of 200 vouths in the higher branches of sci ence were alone no light subject of con- cratulatioo in a country which conlaw less than 200000 souls and would war- rant in times of greater piessure than the present an annual disbursement of aiuuu from tbe public treasyry j but i have grounds too for assertinr that perhaps an additional 200 are through the medium of the same scbdols furuisnetf with facilities forobtaiotng the same ad- vantages from which they would be ftiomia lossly excluded were those schools aesiv ished i allude to such as in addition tho tuitionfees must incur the increased ex- penso of boarding from home tttowf rents of these last will immediately etfw how wide a difference there is in ibwijj iug them ntlr or or a distance wr homes for in the former case thfcy many obvious moans of diminishing expense of which tbey could not anil themselves in the latter they are stance enabled from tbe coutiguityoli- market for their produce and the facuw afforded by the usual course of commbrciw interchange to meet expenses which incurred in a distant place must pv insurmountable inconvenience rhojw mer aod the mechanic may within their neighborhoods townships or even distnefcv- contribute to the liquidation of these 0 penses by such fruits of their industrjasj would bo impossible for them to apply a similar manner we will say in the ca pital of the province on a beautiful woman who was pumb 14er form bo exquisitely fine was natures fairest best design neer deviating from the line of peerless beauty her auburn hair her polishd brow her eve which shamed the vestals vow her lip her cheek her neck of snow were fairy sweetness but naturo willd perfection rare and thoeach charm teem m blended there she knew that maia was as fair as bright and winning long nature held the forming clay vvhatqoam th mid yfignn my she stole the power of speech away and left perfection the weather for the greater part of this month was of the most delightful nature mild genial aod healthy and little appoar- ance beyond the unusually early docay of vegetation existed of our rapid approach to the dreary season we have for the last three days cxporienccd a cold oasierly wind with almost incessant rain has plung ed us into all the horrors of a canadian fall aod placed us in possession of ma ny of the disadvantages of the winter with out one of its benefits i was on the nointof addinc afewol iu iiuiiihuiis ou fae same t of the quostjoo but to avoid tediuosd i shall reserve them for another oca sion i would mcroly rape thai theed cation of about 400 youths in thevarioi branches of a liberal education the meat yf which is now afforded by tbe distrn schools nnd of which even the possibilrt would be removed 1y tho abolition of these schools is a consideration of suchpawj mount importauco that it would be ahnon sacrilege to move a step towards their tfop pressiou without the most delicate cau tion i have the honor to be sir atiuistek of a district school oct26tb 129 l editor of ijbfic subject of the above p s should the herald conceive the sui discussion sufficiently import nut td warrant his giving a place to this and the ccunrmini- cattons that may fellow -without- the eti quette of a more direct application be weuld greatly oblige the writer r i wo perceive by the albion that capt dickenson ofthernhas been honorably acquitted having notyet seen the evi dence 0 his defence or the defence itself it would be uncandid to express an opinion on the merits of bis case beyond tbe exul tation that every friend of our gallant navy must feel when a brave and distinguished officer of that service has triumphed over the persecution of the envious portion of we are indebted to the politenessof a friend for several numbers of a recent date of the john btdt and the age we shall in our nextcontiuue our extracts from these very clever and spirited journals for the chronicle the public schools no 2 ma editob from a desire to embrace the whole outline ofthfe view presented in the state of our public schools i was naturally led iu my former communication to be more brief than the importance of the subject pro perly allowed i must therefore beg leave to recall your attention to the suhjeci pre mising that it is my design as occasion may offer to enlarge upon tbe various heads already brought under consider ation these as will readily occur to the reader were 1 tho general necessity of our common and district schools as nurseries for an university or as preparatives for the liberal professions the following aro said to be fatrjtitif words spokeu by oliver cromwell to die loug parliament tbe document it woufi appear was found amongst some old le pers which had belonged to the cromwell family it really appears to us blu oliver had lived m the present day- h would mako a good governor fdr ber tain province well known to on mdejy spoken by oliver cromwell wftofl he put an end to the loug parliament fa 9 v xj it is high time fur me to put an end uj your sitting in this place 4fwwchjp jbave dishonoured by your contempt of all vir tue and defiled by your practice of every vice you are a pack of mercenary wretch es and woold like esau sell yoareaaa- betray your god for a few pieces ofifr ney is there a single virtue now mail ing amongst you is there one tifkfi do not possoss ye have no more ret gionthanmy horse gold is yourgott- which of you have not bartered away jew consciences for bribes u there a masra- monst you that bath the lenstcare feriho goodof the commonwealth ye sordid prostitutes have ye not defiled tbissacrea place and turned tbe lords tempi iofo a den of thieves by your immoral pfe cipies and wicked practices ye are aroir intolerably odious to tho whole nation vou who were deputed here by tbe peo t their ericvanca rodnupd ar their arms the measure the ap- 0 accompany the turkish plenipotenl tiaries to the headquarter of general k a tv j re the tnxito aa the ambassadors to the russian rn co ral pledging themselves fo thl 00 at the kussian he 3ia tiers r s uiliusenes lortiio paci- eadcavonrfn 1 t nn r of neral penrance ofrussian troops at jjmaburna 00 the jblaca sea and at czurll iadicatea but too clearly that gen diebnli ra to follow up his operations until tbocoi cludion of peace thefojlewiug intelligence froffl belgrade sept 8 is also furnished b butth gazette 7 1 letters from adriauople anhp tbat 1 issioners ctibrb w pie to get their grievances redressed are yourselves become their greatest grievance your country therefore calls upon me to elean this augean stable by petting a final period to your iniquitous proceed ing in this house and which by gods help aod the strength he hath given vie i am now come to do i command ye therefore upon the eril of your lives to depart immediately out of this place goi eet you out make haste ye venal slave bgone poh take away that shining bauble t an inrlt up the doors a short sketch of j0inv90n literary character by cumberlai j f et mttor which johnson had found room for in hij intellectual store- riouslyentertoinedornovofh boue correctness with which ho had abolition j ea oroot of their assorted it and the roaajness with wbich keeping these topics of consideration i t tur nay lhat he ww view 1 may sir alnwb t tosss si e2s ube we the pprtlto methodically and advantavnji wm x co with most admi- tjvmjtjs t a hi translates of brevity to confinf t zz sk 2 a consideration of the defects in the system o education as already established and their causes 3 proposals for their improvement whchlast necessarily discardedthe idea whether senou9ventflriai jj if and ftjeavorto advance some others of the mo strikiug argument for ph 0le h0 itutionsfor edueauon which now exist and so to erroneousness of the a nifest tho nowftaa writo of tragedy buthisrene gave rim uq coospicious rank id that de- panoient s aq essayist he merits more eonsideration his rambler art ioavorr bodys bands about them opinions vary