the subscriber offers for rent for a few year that commodious brick build ing and store in store street near mr john blakes inn with two good store houses and a good cellar under one of them a good cellar and kitchen in the dwellinghouse also a small well of water joining the cellar the whole of the premises is in the best of order with a commodious yard and is a real good stand for business possession given the 1st may 1830 thos turpin nov 14 1829- government sale of con demned stores by auction will be sold on tues day december 1st at the ord nance wharf point henry a quantity of condemned stores viz 400 sheets iron 125 tin xxx 143 tin and iron shot cases 31 lb 66 nails 49 s words 33 pair blankets 50 coverlets 4 tents 5 tarpaulins 20x 16 6500 enpiy cartridges for cannon carpenters tools c c 2 boats sale to commence at 1 1 oclock a m john strange auctioneer kingston 14th nov 1829 notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders will be received at this office until 24th dec for washing the following articles of barrack and hospital bedding fora period of twelve months from 1st january to 31st de cember 1830 c round towels at palliases at bolsters at blankets at barrack double sheets- rugs- b arrack single palliasses- bolsters blankets sheets rugs- palliasses- bolsters hospital blankets- sheets- rugs at at at at at at at at at at at at also for sweeping chimnies the prices to be stated opposite each article in sterling dollars at 4s 4d two securities will be required for the due performance of the contract for further particulars apply at the barrack master at the tenders to be addressed to the respective officers of the ordnance kingston upper canada ordnance office kingston 15th nov 1329 notice came into the enclosure of the subscriber in ihe 5th conces- sionof pittsburbgabom a fortnight since a sorrel mare about six years old and 13 hands high having a while star in her face the owner is requested to prove his property pay costs and take her away johnlavry kingston 11th nov 1829- notice if aon mcgihney a native of the county of longford in ireland should scethfc notice she is requested to write to her sister jane to the care of mr noble tavecnkeeper kingston upper canada editors of papers in the canadas and state of new york are respectfully re quested to give the above an insertion kingston 12th nov 1829 jtotice is hereby given that 1 i tenders will be received at this office until the 24th december next from any person or persons will ing to rent the property well known as the kingston tannery containing up wards of 3 acres and a quarter of land now the property of government situate adjoining the town of kingston com- rising a substantial brick dwelling- louse currying shop stables sheds barkmill sixtytwo vats 25 of which are under cover with an excellent gar den a constant run of water through the promises laid out and adapted to an ex tensive scale of business in the tannery and currying line the above property will be let from the 1st january next fora term of seven years subject to be resumed by govern ment during any part of the said term should it be required for the public ser vice upon giving twelve months notice and it may be rented either with the dwellinghouse which is separate from the tannery premises or without as may be required or it will be let for garden ing for which ihr ground is well calcu lated or for any other purpose for which it may be suitable shoulu no eligible of fer be made for it for a tannery for further particulars apply at the ordnance office point henry or at the royal engineer office kingston the rent to be paid quarterly to the ord nance storekeeper at this station in british silver the names of two per sons willing to become security for the due performance of the conditions of the lease will be required to be inserted in the tender office of ordnance 1 in gston nov 5 1829 j wanted a respectable ppr- son to take charge of the kitch en and to act as messman for the royal artillery and engineer mess kingston oct 31 1829 n b proper certificates as to cl racter will be required for particu lars apply at this office notice if william mcmanus fvom the town of lisnaskey county of fr- maunaugh in ireland should happen to see this notice he will please write to mr noble tavernkeeper kingston upper canada where his brother ed ward now resides and is anxiou to hear from him editors of papers in the canadas md the united states will confer a favor by inserting the above kingston 29th oct 1329 tavern to lt t and posses sion given immediately that well known stand in the flourishing town of belleville formally occupied by the late theophilus nelson s i tavern application to be mde to mrs nelson at belleville as to the terms october 27 1829 for sale lot no 402 situa ted near the upper burial grounds in the town of kingston together wilha well finished and comfortable two story brick house and commodious outhouses thereon erected as this property is in the neighborhood of the fortifications a- bout to be constructcdits value will soon be greatl enhanced the terms which are moderate may be known by any per son desirous of making an advantageous purchase on application to john macaulay co kingston oct 24 1829 n b the above premises will be let until a saleyhhll be effected kkssm post offic kingston 204 ocm82ft tenders will be received a his office until the 12th day of ije- cember next for the conveyance of his majestys mails on the prince edward county route from the post office atbath to the post office at the ri ver trent a distance of fifty two miles the contract will commence on the 6ih day of january next and conti nue for the space of four years per sons making tenders are requested se parately to specify the rates at which they will undertake to carry the mail orice and twice in each week john maca m or sale at the chronicle office the atlantic souvenir fors30 the token for 1830 rvbrent de cruce a novel waldcgrave a novel dugald stuarts moral philosophy edgewonhs tales laconics shakspeares dramatic works stone cutters wanted yftasrd immediately by the subscri ber at hamilton district of newcastle a number of good stone cutters to whom liberal encouragement will be given and constant employment during the ensuing winter archibald fraser hamiton 10th sept 1829 kingstou dock yard upper canada 20th oct 1829 wothh is hereby given lhal the at undermentioned quantities of slop clothing wffl be pert ap for sale at this dock yard by auction on thursday the 26th of november next sale to commence at 10 oclock a m f i 1339 in no 1441 pairs 4410 in no 898 pairs 5447 in no 929 in no 1037 pairs blue jackets cloth blue trowsers do duck frocks stockings shirts flannel waistcoats flannel drawers knitted worsted jackets 350 in no shoes 2726 pairs hits 1489 in no marme red jackets 43 in no black half gaiters 12 pairs wrappers 146 in no cases 53 in no a deposit of 25 per cent will be re quired payment is to be made in hard cash as provincial or american bank notes cannot be received jno r glover naval storekeeper n b the biddings are to be made in sterling ami the- dollars whether spanish or american will bu received at 4s 4d eacii and the french crowns at 4s lod each sterling niversity of mgill college the motre- l medical institution having become associated with this univfrsity the following gouts- esofpublic lectures will be delivered during the next season com mencing on the 9th november next chemistry pliarmacy and materia mtdica eleven a a a- fhoimes m d anatomy physiology and surgery one p mj stephensoumd theory and practice of mdicine two p af vv caldwell m d midtoifery and diseases of women and chil dren three p m vv robertson esq visit at the montreal general hospital eve ry day at noon n b students who shall hereafter conform themselves to the bye laws and statutes of this university may take out iegrecs in medicine and surgery montreal august 72 1529 stolen or strayed about a fort night since from tho pasture of mrs stickle noar kingslon a dark bay horse 16 hands high and about 5 years old whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded zelotis abbott kingston oct 24 1821 old kings head tavern respectfully informs the public that he has removed from his old stand to that new and elegant brick house in the market place receutly occupied by mrs scantlebury where un der the sign of the old kings head he hopes to have a share of the puhlic sup port which he will endeavour to deserve by his attention aod accommodations and by keeping one hand liquors aod wines of the first quality kingston october 1829 government contracts for engineer and ordnance ser vice wtot1ce is hereby given that x sealed tenders will be receiv ed at tho commissariat office until 12 oclock on monday the l6ih of november next from such persons as may bt willing to undertake the fur nishing of the undermentioned articles for the service of the royal engineer and ordnance departments at king ston and its dependencies from the 25ih day of december next to the 24th december 1830 viz for lumber of all kinds as per spe cification lo be seen at this office or the office of the royal engineers lime sard hair bricks and charcoal also for such glazing as may be required agree ably to specification and for cartage as heretofore the tenders must be separate with the laws in sterling money and each must twar the real signatures of two responsible persons as sureties for the undertaking the conditions of the several con tracts iy be entered into may be fully known on applying at this office payment will be made as usual in british silver or in other current coin hi the late of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 tor every 101 10s due upon the contracts john haul commissariat offie a c c kingsion 14th october 1829 t valuable real estate for sale he marmora lion works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and stock thereunto be longing as formerly advertised toge ther wth 12734 acres of valuable land hearing excellent red and white pine tijnber and other woods suitable for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder for cash at kingslon upper canada on saturday the ythday of octobert 1830 at noon for plans of the works and other particulars apply to mr manahan on the premises lo messrs gould dowic co london messrs dowie and v ttfd liverpool at the office of the albion newspaper new york or to the subscriber at montreal peter mcgill midland district upper canada august 1329 furs wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting furs h s phinny government contracts mrotice is hereby given that 11 sealed tenders will bo receiv ed at this office by oclock of the morning of monday the 16th day of november next from soch persons who may be willing to undertake the furnish- ingof the following supplies for the use of the troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from the 25th december next to the 24th december 1830 viz fresh beef bread biscuit and flour salt pork straw 60000 lbs in 5000 bundles for barrack service delivera ble in equal proportions in march june and oct and rations of forage a ration to consist of 9 lbs of oats 16 of hay and 6 of straw the articles to be of the best quality and the forage ration in particular to he delivered by the contractors from their magazines which must be situated conveniently lor the garrison the payment for beef bread bis cuit flour pork and forage rations will be made monthly cither in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rateofl00 for every 101 10s due upon the contracts the contractors will be required to keep a supply of biscuit flour pork and forage rations in store to answei such demands as may be made upon them from time to time agreeably lothe ex igency of the public service the tenders arc to bt separate viz one for fresh beef with the price sterling per lb one for bread biscuit and flour with the price of each in sterling per lb one for salt pork with the price ster- img per ik- one for straw with the price sterling per bundle one for forage rations with the price sterling per ration and each tender must bear the teal signatures of tworesponsible persons as sureties for the faithful performance of the contracts the terms and conditions of which can be fully ascertained on ap plying at this office john hare a c g commissariat office kingston 6th october 1s29 jewelry watches sec next door to mr watkins hardware store in the shop lately occupied by wm stennett the subscriber most respectfully informs his friends in twn and country that he has received afresh as sortment of british jewelry 6cc watches made expressly for the british market those wanting good tim pieces will do well in calling eaily all watch es sold will be warranted to keip time clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price giveu for old silver s o tazewell kingston june 27th 1329- lst received and for sale- by tne stoves jlstreco subscriber in the market place a mitity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829 for sale the house aod premises of the lato george macaulay esq situated in the village of bath on the bay of quintis about sixteen miles from the towu of kingstou the dwelling house coulaius on the first fiooran entrance hall draw ing room sitting room two bed itooms iantry kitchen aud an attorneys office above stairs there arc four ood bed rooms aud underneath the house an ex cellent cellar there is also uu the pre mises a stable aud suitable out offices the whole of the buildiugs are nearly new and in excelleut couditiuo there isuear- ly an acre of land belonging to the pre mises tastefully laid out into gardeus aud well stocked with choice fruit trees form ing altogether one of the most dclighful places of residence for a gonteel family iu the district also lot no 32 being one fifth of an acre in the towu of kingstou also the west part of lot a in the fitll concession in the township of siduey also lol no 5 and east half of no 4 iu the tith concession of the township of marmora as tho above property must bo disposed of immediately for the benefit of the credi- j tors of the above estate it will be sold ex- i tremely cheap for particulars apply if by letter post paid to ab hawke henry lasher peter davy bnmilly 14tb 1829- trustees for sale red cedar pickets white do do boards punkand scantling byjohn mowat kingston august 8th 1829 the celebrated distiller from the united states philip castles lately arriv ed in kingston and now in theem- ploy of thomas molson esq brewer and distiller of said place having from experience acquired a perfect know ledge of distillation and rectifying all sorts of liquors is desirous of giving information to those who are interested in the business the new plan of ma king pure spirits and also the method of making the new celebrated yeast which never yet failed with those who have purchased the receipt to produce from l6to 17 quarts hydrometer proof liquor from 60 lbs meal two thirds com and one third rye reference may be made to john ci- erpomt esq brooklyn n y mr morgan distiller troy mr philo bates canandaigua m hoi ley do nathaniel garrow esq auburn hen ry colheurus esq do saul cleve land sq rochester mr grant dis tiller lockport mr mosses drake distiller littlefalls and mr wil liam green distiller bclfont centre county pennsylvania mr castles having served i regular lime to brewing and malting wishes j those who are not competent of the business to apply to him where tliey can have tlie real knowledge inhs fullest perfection i fat any time mr castles may be absent the business will he left with mr james morton at mr molsons brew er v kingston october 13th 1s29- to let the small stone dwelling house op posite the residence of john strange esq for particulars apply to henrys phinny market square notice john nathaniel william or robert clark from the county of down and parish of ban ger in ireland are requested to write to mr noble tavernkeeper king ston upper canada where their bro ther james now resides and is anxious to hearsome account oftriero editors of papers in the canadas and the united states will have the good ness to give the above an insertion in their respective papers kingston 29th oct 1829 the commissioners of the canada company hereby give notice that they have re ceived the necessary authority under the provisions of the act of parliament 9th geo 4th cap 51 to execute deeds to all persons who have purchas ed lands from them and are entitled to the same it is trusted the above notice will dispel all doubts which may have been hitherto created respecting the security of purchases under the company oythe editors of such papers as have been in the habit of inserting the companys advertisements will please publish the above notice for three months canada compaoys office yo oct 182 e the undersigned hereby give public notice that we wilt not be accountable or liable as forward ers or common carriers on the river st lawrence for the haz ard and danger of the navigation hence to montreal and vice versa ive promise thepvblic to employ none but sober experienced mcn as masters of our boats we will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed to ns with some respectable office for its safe delivery at montreal and at the lowest premium lo be obtained in cases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions tij properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive wilt be for the safety and interest of the owners the property will be made subject to the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to allihe liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed il f s jones j a mes mecutchon hooker f henderson john mcpherson fy co prcscott 22nd marchli23 n b owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal to prcscott will direct merchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in montreal with the value of each and every package signed john mcphersonfy co s jones james mccvtchon hooker henderson prcscott 15 september 1s29 marmora iron jvarestif bar iron the subscriber the selling agent for the marmora iron works has now for sale potash kettles of all sizes stoves of different sizes of patterns satent cooking stoves with or without xlu vjltns mtuandolhcr castings and a quantity of superexcellent bar iron all which he can afford at very moderate prices john watk1ns kingston sept 30m1829 notice whereas by an indenture made the twentyeighth day of may in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twentynine between the honorable jame b macaulay of the town of york in the home district province of upper canada esquire and christopher a ha- german of the town of kingston in the midland district and province aforesaid esquire executors of the last will and testament of the late geor e macaulay in his life time of the town of bath in the midland district aforesaid esquire and the undersigned trustees conveying to them all the real and personal property ol the said late george macaulay in trust for the benefit of his creditors it is pro vided that all the creditors of the said estate who may desire to become parties to the said indenture who shall come for ward and establish their claims and exe cute the same within three months rorn the date thereofsball be at liberty to do so and shall participate in alt the benefits aod advantages of the said trust accordingly notice therefore is hereby given to all persons having any claims on the said estate to present them and to come for ward aud execute the said indenture per sonally or by their attorney on or beforo the 23th day of august next and all per- soosindebted to the said estate are here by requested to call without delay and settle the amount of their respective ac counts with the acting trustee henry lasher peter davy anthony b hawke bath 10th july 1829 acting trustee notice all notes or accounts- due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellville 24th dec 1828 admi for sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17th december 1s28 rr rvti7inuvr totco the subscriber haviog laid in a largo stock of very superior wines aud spirits iu bottle and wood offers them for sale at his vaults in notre dame street of bottled wines he has nearly every discrip- tiou that is usually enquired for amongst them are madeira east and sautcrue west india port 1850 l p tenerirte sherry pale brown bucellas brooti faval muscatel mosello hock claret and burgundy chamhertiu fronlignan chablis vin de grave champaigoe c cv and in jtood- fast and west iudia madiera from 80 to 140 per pipe port from 35 to 75 per pipe teueriffe l p carpenters br to 40 sherry pale and brown from 45 to g5- per rutt brouti tent bucellas ccc also brandy rum gin shrub c e thos heaven montreal atgust 29 12j the subscriber having boesi nppoinrp agent for mr heavcu iu this province orders will he received by him and nunc tually attended to john strange kingston 2uh august li9 rand 30 a j jv tons kiugstou august 29 18s sheet iron vst received from england a consignment of 200 boxes superior sheet iron which toill be sold unusually ow for cash only j w atkins kingston sept 30th 1s29 swedes iron ow landing from tho general wolfe direct from gottenburgh 300 assorted swedes iron apply to william budden point a calliere montreal august 8th 1829 notice ny outstanding private accounts john gait esquire will bo settled by john reid priory guelph 30th marchls29 the subscriber will pay cash or exchange goods at the lowest i ate for the undermentioned articles bees wax old silver horse hair hogs bristles old coppe brass ana pewter james tracey september 129 the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and thepublic for the liberal support he has received iu his line of business for several yearsand he beg leave to inform bis fricuds and the public that he has removed to the store lately oc cupied by mr t atkins where he intends to keep continually ou hand a general as sortment of dry eoods andgroccries which he inteuds to sell cheap for cash or country produce joseph bruce kingston 5ih juue 1829 ll persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van drc hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and tho- having claims against said estate are r quested to present them for rtljusiiuc mary donovan jan 17 1829 admhiistrvr notice sjhie subscriber hereby notifies the pn lie that he will be accouutable for debts or accouots coutracted iu his nat without his or mr ashers personal ft written order john harkes kingstou 30t1i may 1329 wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath april 1829 notice 1 a persons having demands again the estate of the late abraham barku of hallowell deceased are requested la present them duly authenticated to ti subscribers for settlement and a persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscribcis who are duly authorised to grant discharges hallowell may 16th 1s29 d b stevenson benj iiubbs j a for sale most valuable farm in the town ship of thurlow and withn nine miles of bellville containing one hundred acres ixiy of which are un der good improv mentwitiia loj bops barn and other outuotlscs lii terms of payment wll be giver for particulars apply to dr marshall bell ville or to the proprietor on the pre mises christopher obrien thurlow 2d mav 1829