m kingston -j- f i v chromic jle 3 nec rege nec populo sed utroque vol x saturday december 12 1829 no xxiv for the kingston chronicle defence of the tyrol when austria bowd to gallias yoke and could no more defend her right her spirit by napoleon broke succumbd betfeath his thundering might ye there wore some who did uphold 5tf8er sinking fame her tottriogpowr who dared the patriot flag unfold and wave it in her dying hour great brunswick with his gallant band urgd by a fathers cruel death rushd on the foo with flashing brand and spoke revenge in evry breatb yet they were few too few alas tho glory smipd upon their canso to check a tyrants vetran mass who trampld on their rights and laws to happy englands friendly shore tho bable yagers sped their way far from the battles deafening roar freed frooi the despots barbrous sway ten thousand heroes such as these with brunswicks prince to lead them on united with the tyrolese might stilt have savd their countrys throne hail hofer everlasting famo has tw ind iny forehead with iior wreatu thy glorious patriotic uatuo slow time itself shall bow beflcatb midst tyrols rugged hills and heath where foaming streams in torrents flow there first you drew your infant breath and thoreoerwhehnod thy deadliest foo the gallic troops in firm array their standards reard before thy walls their leaders pointed out the way where glory stood where viclry calls fresh ardour hcamd in evry eye ercii burning breast new conquest sees the warworn colours loosend fly and proudly flutter in the breeze thro inuthaps ravines dark nddcep admitting scarce the light of day oer emjegy cliff and tottring steep they firmly pressd upon their way all sound was hushd all seemjat rest saving the columns raeasurd tread or eagles darting from their nest soaring and screamiug over head a dangious pass they boldly dare which ns they roarchd still narrower grew the soldiers start as high in air the hrioking birds around them flew the rocks eeemd closing from above a mistobscurd tho partial light foreboding terrors came to prove the awful truih all was not right a form stcpd oer the thrcatning rock just seen amidst the hazy gloom and with a voico of thunder spoke the hour is come behold your tomb ii disappeard a passing breeze dispersd the fog which floated there the war cry of tho tyrolese next peald like thunder in the air triumphantly the shouts arose lejevre started at the sound proclaiming death to freemens foes for innapruckt valoinro holy around huge stones which had for ages stood along tho mountains craggy brow now thirsting as it were for blood kolid crashing on the ranks below from every tree nd nook and cove the tyrol shots unerring flew their trumpets sounding from above incensing strains still louder blew then rushing forth in stern array with faulchions gleaming in their hands 2ike hungry lions on their prey completely telld the shatterd bands but few escapd to tell the tale tbo many from the valley fled and every pass thro hill and dale was strewd with bodies of the lead in vain their daring austria fails she yields them to her conqmus sway the boon the savage tyrant hails and fills tyrol with deep dismay hofer with thirty of his chiefs a despots will ordained to die jtfo tongue could tell their countrys griefs at this fell stroke of tyranny they died as they had livod like men preferring death to slavery and then it was and not till then that austria prizd their bravery pix see scots iifo of napoleon 3d vol pages 2489 from english papers miseries of a stage coach traveller having booked your place and paid ten shillings on account of yqmgsre mount ing the roof in a shower obtain after ha ving buttoned every crevice and wrapped up every vulnerable part being suddenly called by name and told you had five shil lings more to payobliged to unbutton every rag to get at your purse which you had deposited io your fob for safety and at the moment you have extracted the ne cessary sum the coach driving off at a ra pid pace without giving you a moment lo rearrauge your costume amusing yourself with a practical joke opon a youngster hanging on behind- by seizing his hat and throwing it over a hedge and suddenly astonished by a whack in the spine from a twoyearold stone which the said youngster had thrown with almost killing prccisiou being an outside passenger on a cold frosty night and there being an inside place vacant invited by tho guard to get in strip off your outside garments and get in accordingly just got comfortable and preparing for a nap when you aro or- dcrod out again to make room for a new passonger who boks himself for the re mainder of the journey alighting on a wet and dreary night and ordering uglnss of brandy and water while the horses are changing the landlord cxatiously slow ht last you get your beverage and have paid for it when the guard reiterates his cry ftrexpedition and approaches to quick en his passengers- before you touch the tempting liquid you hand it to tho guard to take a sup which ho does with a ven geance by swallowing the whole ni- ro time for another glass arriving by the mail at the breakfast house and more anxious about your per sonal appearance than your stomach you rush to a barbers shop close at hand to get shaved the barber old and slow the water cold and the razor blunt as a reap ing hook not half shaved when the horn sounds urge old m latherom to-wic- ditioii and he cuts a square inch ol vol chin the horu sounds a second time and id despair 3 ou boliout your face co- yered with soapsuds aud your chin bleed ing copiously the barber has no change and obliged tolcavo a shilling for the hap piness you bare enjoyed- n il ongtl ting a mile on the road you find you have left your gloves behind in a sound sleep in the middle of a snowy- night when tho door opens with the cl uom- ary salutation of the coachman goni men i leave you here get at your purs- with difficulty pay the fee and try tocotn- pose yourself aalu tu ihc mornln had yen have dropped your puro which has by some tueaiis beeu kicked out of the coach ueingan outside passenger you fall n- slcep and have the misfortune to he jerk ed off the coach luckily your heel catch es in he iron won and you arc thus sus pended like achiiles by his mamma in the river styx year nose being nearly grour j nflfby the rotary evolution f tho wheel the roach at length stops and you are re instated iu your place when the ly consoles you by saying told me you wore asleep id care of you ology of an english seamen said how are you yonrt i told you i would come and see you ajfj ive brought you a monkey a shout of taugbier mr twyford a monkey bless my soul bow odd what o you think i xm to do with a monkey sailor why i thought your honour would like to accept it as a present much laughter mr twyford upon my word i ought to he very much obliged to you you tcem determined to be grate ful for what has been dooo for you and it shows an excellent disposition but i must decline your present for i cannot hoar monkey sailor well your ho nour if you wout accept the mbukey ill bring you a poll parrot the next time 1 come mr twyford aye ill accept of a parrot or any kind of bird hut i dout like mon keys bailor well good bye your ho nour i shant forget the parrot jack then left tho office aoiidst grea laughter man d being a oaitif of tie michaelmas goose as the custom of eating a goose on mi- chaelmnsday is still preserved iu many fa milies it may dot bo amiss to insert the origin of such custom queen boss on her way to tilbury fort oo the 20th of september i51l dined at the ancient seat of sir acville liufrcvihc near that place and as her majesty was mora lil to a hlgil seivnud dish than a simple ragout iwcnsso thb k might 1l0 tight prvjwmo pi j- vide a iuuple of geese for hkr guest j after the qucon had dined vvti lcvtily j ihc rerjtitfswd i rlfpiit tumbler ol rttouji and ill rspamk aruiaila incut returned the glass to when iio ocwh came that fleet hd been destroyed by s brother of the order of free and accepted masons immediately drop ped his sword made a sign of recognition and rode off the poor fellow was how ever shot dead a few moments after by one of the same regiment this being told at a meeting of a lodge in paris the grand master inquired if any one present could vouch for the fact it so happened that captain of the 35th was therewho was an eyewitness of the scene at wafer- 1 loo and strange to say at a meeting held at the freemasons tavern at which the duke of sussex presided on his royal high ness making a similar inquiry tho same captain chanced again to be pre sent and on both occasions vouched for the truth of tho fact iiuk destruction had u majesty hi dcr to drgi t rook knottier i oi uur- to tho j r use knight j the sjipuuel storm her it a simple fscttbe countryhouse of a certain prelate was last week bououred by tho arrival of a nobleman and bien- t lemon tho establishment of the bishop was respectable but yet simple and con sistent with his character the nobleman was ushered into the drawingroom and every thing had gone on as usual until just before die dinner honr the worthy prelate was called out by a domestic who inform ed him that tho whole faiul was ioton- fosion for tc lerds fftfttusnan had dcuar- ed wiiii rcpettu j ouius he could uot i j- with strwrjs in livery the bishop rcqtst- vi v tjf htm and he accordingly decid ed from die garret where he had taken shel ter to ihc hall i am very sorry hr stii the bishop that my household nx ii raiijcd jl such a fuf you ul uiaouei as to iicrt you have canto a tmce today auu must ho fatigued was so i rild ay in o r ii- cr itic goose and good news and lhrcd with the et that she above dih tohoscrvod oi titat uun oti- jt i year after tbo bliihed ha rusifr aid ihc ncojj ever ajacc- d on uardcri- if you had have taken ahecdotk of ijobii coiiwoc- jritf way ot n niishi ian wai his lordsifplo solicit a lieutenancy ihc admiral fiixing his pccotrrting eye oh hioi surveyed him in silence for i imtiltte and then observed tliytwcrll ho sportii with mens livci indued hu i would not trust you with a boat in a trcut stream maki jt considerable s i rc- aiiy tiv hardly hnoxv how to act in bis j diynlty lut this lean do my wife i j am certain has no objection to ycur dicing with ks if your master has not i vul i therefore go and consult him first an in- form you oi the result the poor gtntle- t was ia a troniour his conccitiosttly disappoarod he bnothljr requested the lfsb- op not tospcnle to his master and atlecoth iiitih with rather awry feco ho cot-dc- j scctod to sit down ffith tbc other c csticr what the consequences were to his character wo have not heard but we eou- i i cal jis name least it should reach his was ters ears auu occasion his discharge be sworn lie drew back his hand and ob served to sir r birnte that he must de cline taking an oath sir r birnie why do you refuse to be sworn batsby because i do not believe it to be proper that 1 should swear at all sir r birnie ton object from religious motives i suppose batsby yes 1 do sir r birnie pray of what religion are you batsby lama christian sir r birnie a christian as you as sert that you are a christian perhaps you will tell me to what class of christians you belong batsby i belong to no class whatever i am no sectarian despise sectarianism the whole is a filth and a stink and an abomination all mere empty profession without works or charity sirr bircic aro you a quaker batsby no i am not sir k biroie then you are ho and by the law of the land to take an oath when it is adminislered to you having been a wit ness of the commission of a felony batsby the law of god is above the law of the laud aud i find in the written word of god thou shait uot swear at all sir r birnie how can wc administer justice unless upon the oilh of v itucsscs litj lf men v ould speak truth aud i would sooner sudor death than tell a lie there woiy be no difficulty in the nd- miuistratioii of fhc i shall not swear let tucconseqnedsb3 what they may even u i ehuiihi ho idj iiiin iikttnnt execution and beg to say that i refuse to take an oath cmiely from a conscioniious belief tnat i should he doing an act contrary to tho commandment of god sir ii birnie i am satisfied that it would bcqiiito useless for rue to argue with you opon the subject for we should uovcr be of the same opinion if you had avowed yourself to have been a quaker i could have received your riurmntiou hot in the present dilemma we can culy look out for another witness tho prisoner was remanded till monday next but mr babv was ordered to attend i extraohntafy mabcil aoivfcg the enumerable instanccsofskill cou ge and celerity of movement displayed luring tho peninsular war h- our brave troops ami their gtdlnni leaders no eircumtanco more striking and none more worthy of being recorded tbac ue ioiiow lug descrip- i tion by coi napier in the second vlurac of bis work of the forced march of t light division uutivi that chivalrous and lament- ed commander gen roicrt catlhi craw ford who fell at the stomiug nf ciudad roderigo in his attemp to joia sir a wellesley at talavcra the 20th at dnybreak the french army quitted its position and before six oclock was io order of battle on the heights of salmis behind the alberche tipt day nio general robert craw lord reached the eugluh camp with the 43d g2j and 93th or nle regiment and immediatily took charge of the outposts these troops after n mch of20milesworeio bivouac neamalpartida de palceacri when tbo bfcj in caused by the spanish spread t- that parr crawford allowed the men to rest a few hours aud ibeu withdrawing about fifty f the weakest from thernkscomcieoced his mreb with the resolution not to halt until he reached the held of battle as the brigade advan ced crowds of the runaways wero met with aiu those not all spaniards propieaug the vilest falsehoods hcarit ipas defeat fr sir arthur ffclksiti ivus lihd tne french tcere only a few miles distant and some blinded by their fears affected even to point out the enc rsv advanced posts on fhe nearest hills indignant at this shame ful scene the troops hastened rather than iackeo the iipetuosity of thr pace and lcavony 17rafglers behind in 20 hours they had creased me field of battle io a close and compact body having in that timo passed ocr gz eoglish miles and iu the hottest season of the year each man carrying from 50 togu pctiuds weight on his shoulders lad the his ton an gibhoi from tte john jiull to john bult warrcr near decl oct 1 1620 mv peak bi only right you a short billy do to tcl you wc were ail combing to the mephistophilos on twosday some of us travuls by the dover ouion nn un common iood staj ud law and her spouse in uclr broroh what i have chcolty to zry u tut t have been purvoilcd upon to phj2h ny oninaj letter to you in a serious fcr- wants want all the a moderate males- lliugton o i known of such spared his sneer moo ru soldiers mirch he about the ti wojld have 1 delicacy of three brought before nrios a- a sailors gratitud about years ago a poor lud was mr t ivy ford charged with wa broad iu tho c n air at night with no vi sible means of subsistence mr twyford very humanely e t him into the marine socio about relvecnonhs afcrw rds the lad cijd at tni office and thanked mr twyford for bis kindness promising to re turn agaiu assoc s possible and pay him five shillings whicl the worthy magistrate had given him to buy a pair of shoes a- bout six months ago jack kpt his word and called with five shillings which mr twyford refusing to accept jack was de termined to pay him iu omesapo or other and would call again on wednesday true to his promiso so came blustering iu anl walked up to the bench am address- in mr twyford ifsth all ihcrough phrasc- mer is kind ennftosay he wtlldooctssj to them and write a biographical scratch of my life and have my bond in a plate for a fru litis piece belcive i am to bo lilhotomized which is cheaper than cop- p per you have my prcraishon to hannounce my work which i should like tocall the book of the breakfast parlor but fulmer thinks tho ramsbottom papers better vohffl pvop d l ramsbottom l s what do you think of poor mam hood the great frinior of the turkic he is bumbled and to an irish usurper for so i couclood nirnotib the autosr of th rushes tt be i of nick is only a nic calls himself paddy shaw surely he on to know bea- h s 2 i comb to town with an ai- eu art the wntchmen are beat oil their beats and wo shall never sec their lantarn norhcer their agreeable rattles as the daybook says hennymorc i wish mus ter peel had not ordered his new blue pe lisse till the spring for in the darkuigltts when the fox oi luunum is in the strcots i do love to listen lo the our a beau cried while we are ail couchcyicg iu our lets adoo wuusmore ubmit tliis letter as wc have rc- list of thcduko ofuv requisites to make even man sir thomas lethbridgo a peerage rr feci ditto mr brougham tho rojls mr hume a few lessons in cockers arithmetic r j scarlett a scat snclc ir gtr ay cave to appc llirrpiit te fcanufcetnres a repeal of the free trade as alderman wood wivdom tho lzmpcier nicholas constauno- affectikg case of hydro phobia abridged from the northern ffftsj on tuesday the 0th of june last mr hcrvey received a slight woend in tho cheek by a bouse dog which he kept chain- on tho vool- a pban- tbe last momcot to save his nierrfefroni every pain and uneasiness on his account that he could prevent them from enduring dr oneill of comber came to visit him and communicated to mr miller his de cided opinion that air hervey bad all the symtoms of confirmed hydrophobia mr miller then sat down by bis bed side lie did however remain quiet for about fifteen minutes but then taming suddenly round he fixed his eye steadfastly on his friend and said mournfully hut calmly miller i am a gone roan i find all the symptoms of that dreadful disease comfirmed on me mr miller tried te soothe him as well as he possibly could but he shook his head anil replied no miller i am no child i know my fate is sealed but the will of god be done mr miller then suggested to him that it would render bis mind more easy and afford him satisfaction if he knew that his affairs were settled lie ac quiesced in this advice and he dictated his will with as much composure as if death wore only to ccroe in the ordinary courso of nature lie could talk of water without the smallest concern but beseemed totally at a loss to account for the appearance of itgiving him so much uneasiness and hor ror having put his band to his chin and found his heard long he asked mr miller if he thought he could shave himself mr miller fcario that his hand would not be steady enough proposed that the operation shonlo ho done by another person the application of tho soap to ihe face of tho patient made him shudder with involuntary dread bsl after repsfitlg hif i shutting his eyes be was at last able to al low the operation to proceed whenever the razor touched his face a slight shudder succeeded he sent for his principal gar dener he told him that a few hours would probably terminate the etristeccc of his em ployer hut that ho wished him to remain in his situation on an increased salary till the place was disposed of he begged him to be attentive spoke to him with the kind est familiarity and talked of tho proper mode of managing the place when he was gouo iu a toue and manner which gave no indication either of sorrow or dread ho then sent for his chief labourer to whom ho talked in the 6ame kind and affectionate manner mr mgullougb aud mr- miller remained with him during the night ho tried to tiilie some milk but when it was placed before him be felt a slight shock on touching it he was atlens lo two or three sips when suddenly raising p- for as this done than he exclaimed oh sbut shut shut the air the cold air i can not bear it- he shortly afterwards took tho morphine dropped on apiece of sugar dean ihillpotls a bishopric lord ellenborough common sense earl grosvcnor amarquisate sir lij b sugden lo act the great man sergeant wilde to represent newark tbo w big power ut any scridv principle tbc courier aacdiiorwlio vf f that his name miric and tiat he english t i wbt tho post the ghost of ztla to be laid not in the red sea for which purpose tifo in tl ed iu the yard but the hurt was so trifling himself up in bed and speaking very ra that no uotice was taken of it nt the time idly ho said he was choking cried out f the following morning mr hcrvey went i jic door to be opened but no sooner w forwerd to the dog to caress and fondlo him this done than he exclaimed ohsb as frequcuuy was his custom to do when the animal immediately seized hioi by tho flerhy pari of his arm inflicted a large anil painful wound and it was with the great- j i a fcwminutesmorelie called for ouo est dinjetdty and exertion that mr hervcy of his friends and requested him to hold could cxtrcate hiiuteli from tho dog as the his head that be might try to sleep mr t animal conimaed to hold fast by the first miller complied but in about three minutes grip he had taken bcng now apprehen- j afterwards he was seized with spasms ac- stve that all was riot rihi mr hcrvey lost companled by such a horrid and terrific dis- no time in repairing to belfast and waiting l tortion of countenance that those who wit- on dr pardon who ct the wounded part j nesscd it declare that the bare recollection out of the arm but nothing was done with 0 it still makes them shudder mr miller he check until tbe next day when it was j rushed from the bed in an agony of horror cauterized for some time he followed aud had only strength suflicient to tell mr the advice and prescription of dr pudou mculiough to take his place instantly until his arm healed up and he apparently ifijr hcrvey jumped up in the bed crying began to think that the danger was not so i to his horrorstruck and almost paralysed grout as no at nrst apprcdeudcu iilw cink wyst j j v aod then as it wero mastering his excruci ating agony by a powerful effort he con tinued in a calm but scarcely less terrified tone it is all over call the house seud for the sht nad been killed immediately after hitm understands him so that ii was not actually ascertained whether the auimal was in a rabid state or mr hcrvey at length began to relax the regularity with which he had beeu ruirco curtis has been retained j wont lo take the madicino proscrihed john bull a dissolution of parliament j frothing partieularoccurrcd till tuesday preparatory to a rat hunt the apostates an hours ctts gridiron he protestants fair diversion on t the upon him i ne rroicstants lairpiay ic papists a second edition of smith- j t 8ta of health he arranged with field that gentleman that tbo latter should call ihe present cabinet the confidence of nation don miguel io be recognized which oiiht toj since to have bee done the bukops who betrayed their sacred trust cardinals hats great britain to be relieved from tbe doctor his friends gazed io speechless horror for a few seconds and the silence was at last broken bytheunfor- that they av he rcccivcn rue ursi wounu uu uu- to e dav he had called with his friend mr mil- room cried out miller miller do not ler of ccmber and seemed to be iu bis or- leave me be a man tis over and i am again quite collected do not be frightened depend on it i will not harm you no my dear hervey replied tbe other tho 1st september twelve weeks from the tuoatc sufferer who observing day he received the first wound on mon- were making a movement as if t i iiil1 c 1 i 7 mil 1- millm 111 ill tin next morning for breakfast at eight oclock and tako a seat in his gig to belfast mr miller accordingly came at the appointed timo and found mr hervey poorly and his face seemed redder than will not leave you t had promised to stay with you to the last and cost what it may i will keep my word tho fits now becama more frequent he requested mr mcuiiougti and mr- miller to hold his hand every at- we si mc ccived it and our readers will lik our- 1 thai ever brought ruin and despair upon a selves gather from it that our caiocmed ordinary on the way mr hervey com- and mr muter to no ms a plained oi being very ill and was seized tack now continued knwjss t imhccile and unpatrionc coaion j n violent hfecuping he ai length bo- x l more severe at about correspondent liko other great ladies lias resolved lo appear in print o have since ascertained that the work will appear shortly iu out volume with tho promised notes atd illustraiiis nation 1 1 1 from the london morning jvurni gossip of the day freemason rya the battle of waterloo a young officer of we think the 35tl cd ie hoy saved his life iu a very extra ordinary manner the prince of orange was in command of some regiments which had been formed iulo square when hisroy- iil highness no longer fearful of n charge with which they had been threatened by ome french cuirassiers gave orders for iem to deploy into lines this being ob served by the french commaudcr he sud denly brought his men to the charge and re tho 35th could again form the solid tquarc they were broke in upon and dis persed some of them took shelter in a u field of standing coru and amongst then foung le roy who however was ulti mate- overtaken by a french cuirassier who wrs in the very act of cutting himdowu ben le roy threw out by accident the police extraordinary bowstreet the conscientious cob- btr on friday youth ned george hi ii was charged with stealing a pair of boots from tho shop of mr pitt shoemak er in seymour place camden town mrs nizaheth pitt stated that she was sluing in an apartment at tho back of the shop and she saw the prisoner enter and uke a pair of hoot that were suspended from a nail within the jamb of the door while he held tho hoots in his hand ho looked rouud the shop ind seeing no one he placed ihe boots under kiicoat aud ran off as fast as he could sie raised an alarm and called stop thief and the prisoner was pursued and taken daykiu the high constable of camden town said that he heard a hue and cry and saw tho prisoner ruoning his feet slipped and ne fell ou the grouud aud was taken he had thrown the boots away during the pursuit and a wituess wa pre sent who saw it and picked up the proper ty joseph batsby a man about 40 ycsjrsof age presented himself and tbe new tos- so ill thai he requested his friend to oclock be said he felt a curious sensat ou- him telling him that for more than it was in his limbs as if he were picked weeks past ho had slept very badly with the finest need lesa p llltl rccmacons sign of distress the french- lament was tendered lo hjui that he might came d ri ve three weeks past ho bad sler and that his rest was broke by the most frightful dreams shortly after his arrival at home mr hervey went to bed in the course of iho night he ber ame extremely ill he cot out of bed aud went towards the wa terjug for ihe purpose of cleansing his moulh when to use his own words to his utter astonishment he could not look at the water nor approach it though be made several efforts to do so he uow became quite sensible of his situation andrelirodto bed again to an ordinary mind it is hard to say what might have been the effects of such an appalliog discovery but tbe horrid consciousness of being seized with the fear ful raaladymereiy determined him to meet liko a man and a christian the fate which he knew to be inevitable at eight oclock the breakfast wa brought to him by his aunt but this he returned untasted the lady about an hour afterwards offered him some whev which he had required her to pre pare but he shuddered aud appeared fright ened at the sight of it and desired it to be removed as he could not bear its appear ance he then desired mr miller to be sent for who repaired to him immediately he hail formed a resolution which he kept to hoost silver barbed arrow wero darting through every portion of his body he jaitl it was altogether a delightful scnsatiou his nerves become most seusiiive the leasi noise iu the room a change in tho light of the candle tho moving of a sha- daw on tbe water a relaxation or com pression of ihe hands of those that held bun gave him the most excruciating pain and lie would exclaim with heartrending voice that it was cruel so louse him shortly- after this the saliva began to make a noise in his throat be los bis voice but ho show ed by significant gestures that he was sen sible of all that was passing arouud bun as the fits came ou he appeared to price bimscif in that position as if be wished to rest en his head ami heels while his body moved quickly up and down accompany ing each motion with an souizmg groan these filsat length ceased and belay from ten to fifteen minutes so still that all except those iu the bedroom with mm supposed he was either dead or dying suddeuh with a vnice load and strong as u i per fect health he ckciaimed here boys do you- tluiy the awful moment which hq had headed and vainly hoped to escape hk