Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 12, 1829, p. 4

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ft its do 1iom the london age to till gbkat caltain ok the ags sia i sec no reason that gunpow der treason pshn i ani setting down the words of some young urchins who are re hearsing their parts for the fifth of next month under my window but to be gin again sir i can do i see auy reason why the songs of our statesmen should not be reported as well as those of our soldiers and sailors the strains of the army and navy afford some criterion of the spirit that animates them and in like manner the convivial lays warbled forth by the members or wouldbe members of a cabi net are indicative of the loyally and pa triotism of the singers i have therefore taken the freedom of sending you the melo dious numbers of several of our statesmen they were poured forth under the honest inspirations of champaiguo and burgundy which always make men sincere when under their influence and you sir as its great captain may tell the age what rulers and patriots sing when they art t aware that any duels amaug them taking down their notes the time when or the place where the effusions were ut tered can be of no moment the sentiments ihcy express constitute their only import ance the first is a song by henry broug ham esq air the bella of st petersburg the rolls the roll those morning rolls how their rich fragrance charms our souls when cup of chinas geutle chime tells the sweet hour of breakfast time full many a life has passed away since rolls began their pleasing sway advanced with butters creamy shine aud streams of chocolate benign and i though richly oeaih this vest the milk of kindness warms my breast would fain send ooe true lover more of rolls to the elysian shore id lauding hampsteads heavenly fields to none that bard of cockayne yields who told the town such tuneful tales of gardens and divine green rails yet once poetic hunt was wroug lie said our world no charm had got like beauty iu a rural spot for to all hearts at least to mine the rolls sweet spell is more divine than augbt in this round world can be save that sweet cate called chancerie the second melody sir is a song by somebody sung to rdbea butterfly id he an emperor born in a court smiling on this slave frowning on that revlling iu rare dictatorial sport free from insipid senatorial chat id oeer be conquered by libertys charms about whose sweet person each mad poet siogs but blest in bellonas congenial arms id be a prince or tho best of all kings protector of england unfetterd id be defender of scotia and cambrias lord prince of hibernia that gera of the sea keeping sweet peace with my magical sword id never sigh for the tedious games of forms and of fancies that parliaments play id give warm patriots a bath in the thames melting their love for sweet freedom away o xibat a sweet dream comes now making my wine look more bright all hut a diadem circles my brow 0 may the vision neer fade from ray sight i when tho good and the great and the wise are no more 1 to yon temple my minions would call proclaim myself lord of the oceangirt shore and spread my rich banquet in wcit- miusters uall another gentleman mr editor called by some joseph surface gave the follow ing dirty which he composed on a misfor tune that happened to him some time since at oxford air the last rose of summer tis the last vote i can bring left blooming alone all his kindred that can sing have voted and gone no friends come with flags gay aud trumpets glad note to inspire his faint huzza and give vote for vote ill not leave thee dear plumper to pine at the poll go aud get thee a bumper to cheer up thy soul streams of brandv soft rippling can sorrows tide stem jtvhere the thirsty are tippling stipple with them pjftl soon will i follow since interests decay and do more my view holloa the base peck obey since true hearts have voted and falso ones have flown o who would inhabit these hustings alone after this effusion sir tho vocalists ad journed at a very late or rather an early hourfsinging in chorus see the rosy morn appearing c yours respectfully q if tue corner the subscriber having laid in a large stock of very superior wines and spirits in bottle and wood offers them for sale at his vaults in notre dame street of bottled wines he has nearly every discrip- tton that is usually enquired for amongst them are madeira east andjsauterne west india over me regally see mr henry leigh hunts poems iu one of wtucb be asserts that the lwe drvmest things the world has got are alovcly woman in a rural spot married on the 30lh oct after a slowly revolving courtship oftweutyfouryeara mr holmes of baucllstrect warwick whee fwright to miss thompson of meridea odo thou sand two hundred and fortyeight visits are calculated to have taken place between the lovers previous to tho kuot beiug lied thus the gay bridegroom soft and slowly steals to hymens altar on bis wignn wheel port 1820 l p teneriflc sherry pale brown bucellas brouti fay a i and moselle hock claret burgundy chambertin- frontignan chablis f ivinde grave muscatel champaigue c c and in wood fast and west india madiera from 80 to per pipe port from 35 to 75 per pipe- teneriffe l p carpenters brand30 to 40 sherry pale and brown from 43 to 65 per butt brouti tent bucellas c also brandy rnm gin shrub c cvc thos heaven montreal august 29 1829 the subscriber having been appointed agent for mr heaven in this province nil orders will be received by him and punc tually attended to john strange kingston 26th august 1829 notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rickkeeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellville 24th dec 1828 admr or sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17b ppco lsfi notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber y aud those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them forpdjustment mary donovan jan i7 1829 administratrix notice fl mlle subscriber hereby notifies the pub- lie that he will be accountable for no debts or accounts contracted iu his name without his or mr- ashcrs persoual or written order john uarkes kingston 30th may 1829 wanted im mediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stonemasons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath april 1829 for sale fhhf house and premises of the late a george macaulay esq situated in tlio- village of bath on the bay of quintie about sixteen miles from the town of kingston the dwelling house contains on the first flooran entrance hall draw ing room sitting room two bed rooms pantry kitchen and an attorneys office above stairs there are four good bed rooms and underneath the house an ex cellent cellar there is also on the pre- misos- a stable and suitable out offices the whole of the buildings are nearly new and in excellent condition there is near ly ao acre of laud belonging to tho pre mises tastefully laid out into gardens and well stocked with choice fruit trees form ing altogether one of the most delighfuj places of residence for a genteel family in the district also lot no 328 being one fifth of an acre in the town of kingston also the west part of lot a in thectb concession in the township of sidney also lot no 5 and east half of no 4 in the 6th concession of the township of marmora as the abov property must bo disposed of immediately for the benefit of tho credi tors of the above estate it will be sold ex tremely cheap for particularsapply if by letter post paid to a b hawke henry lasher peter davy bath july 14th 1829- trustees for sale red cedar pickets white do do boards plank aud scantling by john mowat kingston august 8th 1829 bookjbinding establishment at the kingston chronicle office tlie subscriber having engnged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the p ublic that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed a his office with neatness and des- pfrfch and on moderate terms f he following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on he single volume binding in calf i s folio full bound in calf orna mented qu m do do oclavuv do do i2ii do do i8io do do 1 0 0 10 0 5 0 3 0 2 d 0 foil half binding in calf alio half bound and orna- j q 17 0 nientcd j quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 2 10 l2uio do do 0 18 18110 do do 0 16 binding in sheep folio full bound and orna- 0 17 c mooted j quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 0 12mo do do 0 1 10 ismo do do 0 1 3 0 university of mgill college the motre- al medical institution having become associated with this university the following cours es of public lectures will be delivered during the next season com mencing on the 9th november next chemistry pharmacy and materia medica eleven a a a fholmes m d anatomy physiology and surgery one p ms stephenson md theory and practice of medicine two p at w caldwell m d midwifery and diseases of women andckil- dren three p a w robertson esq visit at the montreal general hospital eve ry day al noon n b students who shall hereafter conform themselves to the bye laws and statutes of this university may take out degrees in medicine and surgery montreal august 7 1s2p- half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna- q 9 mented j quarto do do 0 4 0 octavo do do 0 1 7j liuo do do 0 1 3 18mo do do 0 0 10 also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 stoves subscriber in the market place a entity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany so 1s29 we the undersigned hereby giv public notice that we will not be accountable or liable as for ward- ers or common carriers on the river st lawrence for the haz ard and danger of the navigation hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none bnt sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at all times when it can be dtnc effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable office fr its safe delivery at montreal and at the lowest premium to be obtained in cases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of the owners the property will be made subject to the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this covrsc will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider th emselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence in montreal signed h t- s jones j a mes mccvtchon hooker henderson john mcphebson fy co prtscoit 22nd marehis2s n b owners of goods desirous of insurance against lie dangers of the navigation from montreal to prescotl will direct merchants from idiom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in montrtal with the value of each and every package sigmd john mcpherson fr co il i s jones james mccvtchon hooker henderson prcrcott 15 september 1829 notice whereas by an indenture made the twentyeighth day of may in the year of our loud one thousand eight hundred anq twentynine between the honorable james b macaulay of the town of york in the hume district province of upper canada esquire and christopher a ha- german of the town of kingston in the midland district and province aforesaid esquiitr executors of the last will and testanent of the late geore m acaulay in hiel t 9 the town of bath in the mifiand district aforesaid esquire and rh undersigned trustees conveying co them all the real and personal property of the aid late george macaulay in trust for the benefit of his creditors it is pro videdthat all the creditors of the said estate who may desire to become parties to the said indenture who shall come for ward and establish their claims and exe cute 0 same within three months fr9i the daw thereofshwll be at liberty to do so and shall participate in all the benefits and advantages of the said trust accordingly notiee therefore is hereby given to all persons having any claims on the said estate to present them and to come for ward and execute the said indenture per sonally or by their attorney on or before the 28th day of august next aud all per sons indebted to the said estate are here by requested to call without delay and settle the amount of their respective ac counts with the acting trustee henry lasher peter davy anthony b ha wke acting trustee bath 10th july 1829 just received and for sale at the chronicle office a few copies of captain basil hulls travels in north ameiica 20th sept 1809 a jsi 10 broadwat newyork mr john ford respectfully announces to his frietds and the publicthe has taken this estalfemnent in codoectior with the united states hotel at saratoga springs the adelphi is already distinguished as a house of select resort aud h been con siderably enlarged this spring its delight ful situation commands abeaucul view of the bay of new york the adjacent shores of long island new jersey anj the walks of the battery iu its immediate vicinity passengers in the london liverpool and havre packets will find this establish ment peculiarly convenient agreeable and contiguous to the steam boacs proceeding in all directions from the city the distinction between thsand other hotels in new york is attributable to the circumstance of having a aumber of parlours on tho european jao where gentlemen and families have the option of enjoying the retirement of a private table or partaking the accomwodatiou of a very limited table dhote conveniences combined with strict order aid attention in the interior economy of the establish- afentwhichitis hoped are calculated to obtain general approbation crac united states hotel it saratoga springs reopens on the 20th of this month where mr ford will contribute his best ex- ertionbr the comfort of his gusts during the season newyork 1st may 1829 in the press nd will speedily be published in a duodecimo volume the lawer ca nada watchman tlie work which will be carefully revised and corrected will be printed on good paperand neat ly half bound price 5s per copy- per sons wishing for copies will please give in their names as early as possible chronicle office kingston 23d april 1329 valuabipri for sale sphat substantially built and conveni- ent new house and lot situated at the corner of wellington and vittoria streets in upper bytown aad extending 60 feet in front on the former and 138 feet in depth on the latter street tho house consists ofaparunirapd di ning room two bedrooms a kitchen and pantry on the lower story four large bedrooms in the upper there are also a large shed stable c erected on the premises the situation of tho above property be ing in one of the most public parts of the town and commanding an extensive view of the scenery around the okaudier falls and bridges renders it well mecitiog the at- teotioo of a person in business or as a re sidence for a private family indisputable titles will be grvenfor further particulars apply to j- hagerosan esq attorney at law in bytown or to the proprietor on the premists bytown 27th july 1829 for sale by benjamin hart montreal agent for messrs day and martin 400 casks real japan blacking 200 do do paste japan 40 casks of royal romaice cement wananted of the very best quality 400 casks nails assorted- 100 bags black pepper 100 casks cpsom salts 10 boxes salad oil quart bottles 000 reams of post foolscap and printing paper plough shares crowly co blister 4 steel sheet iron sad trons frying pans shovelsspades lon don loaf sugars cloves cassia c o c montreal 4th juncl829 william johnson bart hcjc ixa hajkdbesseb nest door to carminos tenders hisgrateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with since he commenced business and be hopes by close attention nd industry to merit a coo- tinuance of the public patrcnage kingston 30th may 182 for sale lot no 7 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office iiingston 9th august1828 the celebrated distiller from the united states philip castles lately arriv ed in kingston and now in the em ploy of thomas molson esq brewer and distiller of baid place having from experience acquired a perfect know ledge of distillation and rectifying all sorts of liquors is desirous of giving information to those who are interested in the business the new plan of ma king pure spirits and also the method of making the new celebrated yeast which never yet failed with those who have purchased the receipt to produce from 16 to 17 quarts hydrometer proof liquor from go lbs meal two thirds corn and one third rye reference may be made to john ci- erpoint esq brooklyn n y mr morgan distiller troy mr phuv bates canandaigua m holley do nathaniel garrow esq auburn hen ry colheurus esq do saul cleve land esq rochester mr grant dis tiller lockport mr mosses- drake distiller littlefalls and mr wil liam green djstiller belfont centre county pennsylvania mr castles having served a regular time to brewing and malting wishes those who are not competent of the business to apply to him where they can have the real knowledge in its fullest perfection if at any time mr castles may be absent the business will be leftwith mr james morton at mr molsons brew- cry kingston october 1829- johfwa t k i jrs in offering his thanks to his friends and the public for past favors begs to in form them that he has this season received by tbeshipsearl dalhousie lady gordon montreal and irton from liverpool 100 casks and cases of cutlery c which were selected by himself last win ter from the first manufacturing bouses in birmingham sheffield wolverhampton otc forming the best and most extensive assortment xtf articles in his line ever im ported into this province and from the very advantageous terms on which they have been purchased he is enabled to of fer them at very reduced prices kingston july 8th 1829 wholesale commission warehouse the subscriber has just received on consignment and offers for sale 30 packages of dry goods con sisting of fancy and staple articles well adapted for the season viz silk and chape shawls chintz cambrics drills handker chiefs irish linens cottons carpet ing a few pieces of superior blue and black cloth c c c the whole will be sold as low as they can be purchased in montreal on a credit by furnishing approved endor sers also 120 barrels whisky 40 kegs tobacco 25j do do john strange kingston lltb july 1829 cherry walnut curly maple lumber th e subscriber is ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills 12 miles west of ancastcr or at kerby and hatts store burlington letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancastcr will be duly at tended tow james johnston salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baffled the art of tho most experienced physicians has at length found asovereigb remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment tew cutaneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the- vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy bjithhe proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its only commentator it has in three or four weeks cured casestjf fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedi- ate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children c there nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever- price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingston 11th july 1828 the subscriber has in the press a duo decimo stereotype edition of the new testament for the useof schools c the wnru vviilhe seudv far delivery oearjyin mfay next andwillbe affordedvery cheap by the quantity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please send in their orders as early as convenient james macfarlane chronicle office kingston 21st march 1829 the subsriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he oners for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a case of christys waterproof hat6 and a variety of school books and stationery tft w driscoll kingston july 3d 1829 the board of education for the johnstoum district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited aud the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbeil thatthe compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the raoruing and at ita ctose in the evening asdrra adapted to general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to adiel sherwood esq brockville july 1829 ira the kingston high sehool for la dies willreopen after the mid summer recess on monday the 27th inst iu consequence of tne removal of miss m radclifie who has taken charge a a branch of this school at brockville the services of mr radcliferw111 be required in aid of this establishment and which will oblige him to discontinue his attendance at the boys high school kingston 17th july1829 notice spencer evans a native of shrewsbury eugland by trade tinman late corporal in the queens ran gers stationed at fort amhurst upper canada is supposed to have been dis charged 25 or 26 years ago in that country if the said spencer evans will apply to mr john watkins kingston upper cans da or bis sister catherine evans cole- ham shrewsbury shropshire england may here of something to his advantage the montreal official gazette the nia ra gleaner the new york albion and the new york spectator will please give tin above two insertions and send their ac- 1 counts to the editor of the kinstoa chronicle kingston june 13th 1829 j tb alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conji- nue to assure against loss or damage fire and that they have for convenience of the public appointed following gentlemen as their agents ii the county towns of the duteremrm tricts viz r guy o wood esq comwtb messrsascwmorristyc brbcki james macfarlane esq kingsta james g bethune cob robt wm prentice esq yor john ross esq ni to either of whom parties desi effecting assurance will please a the agents take leave to re public of the following impoi- striking advantages that will be flemtd from assuring with theauiancecompaay 1st perfect security 4 2d honor and liberality in thew itlenv nt of losses 1 4thicifflvgfoim 5th parties who obtain the ment of losses from fire are not by deprived of their right to parti in the profits ofthe company 6th losses by lightning willbe good ijsv 7th the agents have the ow settling losses in this country wi refering to the board of tmrectio london- 8th reasonable expenses i in the removal of property will be paid 9lh in the case of an assurflfcjsc ing made on property fori than the real value thereoc pany will whatever loss is ri not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale oijjir the society is formed warrants tfre ex pectation that the profits to be divld ed will be large mckeniebet hlweca agents montreal 2sth sept 1826 mavors english spelli book just published and for salei chroiiicle office an extensive- tibn of mavors spelling book st typed from the 328th london edit a d1827 having a beautiful frt piece engraving james macfarli kingston 21st march 1828 k- j tius kingston chronicle s printed and published e saturday by james macfarl i at his office in front street kini terms seventeen shillings and i pence per annum if sent by ma3 ty shillings subscription to beaau advance v price of advertii 5 r six lines and under 2s 6d jirst tion and 7 j each subsequent mei ten lines and undw 3s 4d first tion and lod each subsequent tion above ten lines 4d per litie the first insertion and id per line every subsequent insertion v advertisements- without wjfrtett rections inserted till forbid mtth ed accordingly rw orders for discontinuing advejlise- ments to be in writing ano delivered b wednesday noon at the laof no advertisements recaw ten o clock on the day pf n tion q5 produce received pjsjl at the market price tsp agents m john bignell esq qutbec david cliisholntfr esq three bicer andrew porteftus esq montreal james mciniftesjjv umcttstcr john cajsejm esp ochkl george rfisasfefeq matilda alptfeus jgfifexesq prcscott rnnf jones esq brockville jofliag taylor esq perth bf vhitmarsh esq richmond jfek hartwell esq bastard mess o j mdonald ganattoft john dean kmj jiaih allan mcpherson esq napanee thomas parker esq eclmtte joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bcthune esq hamilton david smart esq port hope t william allan esq york daniel rossesq vittoria john crook esq niagara charlcsbiggnr esq murry thomasiovlandesq advijtiusten m v

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