id bean alderman tune id he a butterfly id he an alderman borne in the city where haunches of venison and crocn tin ties meet seeking in leadenhall reckless of pity birds beasts and fish that the knowing ones eat id never languish for want of a luncheon id never grieve for the want of a treat id be an alderman constantly munching where haunches of venison and green turtles meet oh could i wheedle the votes at a vestry id have a share of those good savry things enchaind by turkey in love with the pastry and floating in champagne while bow bell ringe those who are cautious are skinny and fretful hunger alas nought but illhumour firings id be an alderman rich with a net full rolling in guildhall whilst bow bell rings what though you tell me that prompt apoplexy grins oer the glories of lord mayors day tis better my worthy than legion to vex ye or lingring consumption to gnaw yon away some in their folly take blackdraught and blue pill and ask abernetht their fate to delay id be an alderman waitbmak3 apt pupil failing when dinner things aje clearing away e b the subscriber having laid in a large stock of very superior wines aud spirits in bottle and wood offers them for sale at his vaults in notre dame street of bottled wines he has nearly every d scrip- tinn that is usually enquired for amongst them are madeira east and sauteruc west ludia port 1820 ij p teneriffe sherry pale and brown bucellas broati payal muscatel moselle hock claret- burgundy chambertin frontignan chablis painfully interesting case a sea faring man was on tuesday received in to guys hospital havinghis hand dread fully lacerated by a cat and gave the following account of the accident he said his name was john hicks and that he belonged to the ship lady keith now lying in the london docks that about six oclock on the preceding even ing he was sitting alone in the cabin when he observed a cat belonging to the robert peal brig lying alongside scratching the leg of the table he struck at her but she still continued to scratch and he struck her a second time when she desisted and immediately made a spring at his face but missed him he seized the poker to defend himself and sstisswr to ismk aw 6ff mw ta i but could not and she still continued to fly at him with her mouth open and at length she made a spring and fasten ed upon the fleshy partof his left thumb and so engrafted her teeth in the flesh that they penetrated it to the bone and her talons fixed in the palm of his hand with the fewer partof heoody hanging down he endeavored all he possibly could to release himself from her grasp and gave her several blows but yet she would not let go her hold and he suf fered the most excruciating pain he called as loud as he could for assistance and a customhouse officer on deck ran down into the cabin and he also tried to shake her off but all was useless and at length two lighted candles were plac ed under her paws and notwithstand ing they were very much burnt she was still inseparable and continued her hold the customhouse officer still continued to burn her feet and at length she dropped down and ran upon deck pursued by the officer but she escaped in a very short time after his hand and arm began to swell very much and he vent into his birth but never slept dur ing the night such was the extent of kl p h em and next morning toe inflammation coming on so rapidly he was advised to apply at the hospital search has been made for the feline an tagonist who there is no doubt is in a rabid state but she cannot be found the case excites great interest among the students viude grave champaign c c and in tfood fast and west ludia madiera from 80 to 140 per pipe port from 35 to 75 per pipe teneriffe l p carpenters irand30 to 40 r sherry pale and brown from 40 to 65 per butt brent tent bucellas c also brandy rum gin shrub c ccc thos heaven montreal august 29 1839 the subscriber having been appointed agent for mr heaven in this province all orders will be received by him and punc tually attended to john strange kingston 20th august 1839 old kings head tavern respectfully informs the public that he has removed from his old stand to that new and elegant brick house in the market place recently occupied by mrs scantlebury where ua- der the sign of the old kings head he hopes to have a share of the public sup port which he will endeavour to deserve by his attention and accommodations and by keeping ouchand liquors and wines or kingston october 1829- i fcook binding establishment at the kingston chronicle offce the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds f business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance wilpbe made fn the single volume binding m calf folio full bound in calf oroa- mentcd c do do do do quarto octavo l2mo l8mo do do do do c s d 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 john waters in offering his thanks to hy friends and the public for past favor oc lo j form them that he has this se rt by th eships earl dalhousie l gordon montreal aud irton from mxerpool 100 casks and casqs of cutlery o which were selected by bim win ter from the first manufacture houses in birmingham sheffield vvoj c forming the best nd raiost extensive assortment of articles in his ever iin- ojrted into this province from the very advantageous terms on which they have been purchased he is enabled to of fer them at very reduced prices kingston july 8th 1829 half binding in calf folio half bound and orna mented quarto do octavo do 1t2no do l8mo do do do do do s 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 1 i 0 10 8 c binding in sheep folio full bound and orna- mentcd c t 0 17 g quarto octavo 12mo isroo do do do do do do do do 0 7 6 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 3 half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do 18mo do do 0 9 0 0 3 10 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 ft also ledger blank work and ftulin to any size or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 stoves a notice ll persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them forrdiustment mary donovan jan 17 1s2s administratrix notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rickkeeler are to be settled with j ii samson bellville 24th dec 182s admr just received and for safe by the subscriber in the marker place a amity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829 notice jk ny outstanding private accounts of john gait esquire will mo settled by john reid priory guelph 30th marhls29 he kingston high school for la dies will reopen nfer the mid summer recess on monday th27th inst in consequence of the renaovalof miss m radclifte who has taken charge of a branch of this school al brockville the services of mr radcliite will he required in aid of this establishment anl which wiii oblige him to discontinue his attendance at the boys high school kingston 17th july 1829 in the press ad will speedily be published in a duodecimo volume the lower ca nada watchman the work which will be carefully revised and corrected will be printed on good paper and neat ly half bound price 5s per copy per sons wishing for copies will please give in their names as early as possible chronicle office kingston 23d april 1829- i wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to april 129 the commissionrrr of the canada company hereby give notice that they have re ceived the necessary authority under the provisions of the act of parliament 9th geo 4tb cap 51 to execute deeds to all persons who have purchas ed lands from them and are entitled to the sme it is trusted the above notice will dispel ail doubts which may have been hitherto created respecting the security of purchases under the company tthe editors of such papers as have been in the habit of inserting the companys advertisements will please publish the above notice for three months canada compaoyvoffice york oct 1829 stone cutters wanted wantd immediately by the subscri ber at hamilton district of newcastle a number of good stone cutters to f encouragement will be gi and constant emyloyment during ww winter archibald fraser hamitod 10 spt 1829 valuablriteal estate for sale ihe marmora fan works the privileges appurtenances build- utensils and stock thereunto be- waging as formerly advertised toge- stttll acrcs valuable wfwv e d white for m wiu be sold with ch s h bidder f cash at ktngton v canad saturday the 9lhday of octobert 1830 at noon for plans of the works- and other the premise- messrs gould dowie co london messrs dowfe an alhi l l oeftfc albion newspaper new york the subscriber at montreal mm peit midland districtupper canada august lt9 for sale the house aud premises of the late george macaulay esq situated in the village of bath on the bay of quintie about sixteen miles from ihc town of kingston the dwelling house contains on the first flooran entrance hall draw ing room sitting roomtwo bed rooms 1 antry kitchen and an attorneys office abnvo stairs there are four good bed rooms and underneath the house an ex cellent cellar there is also on the pre mises a stable and suitable out offices vfe f note oriiio l as gjot and in excellent condition there isnear- ly an acre of land belonging to tho pre mises tastefully laid out into gardens and well stocked with choice fruit trees form ing altogether one of the most delihfu places of residence for a genteel family in the district also lot no 328 being one fifth of an acre in the town of kingston also the west part of lot a in ihcotb concession in the township of sidney also lot no 5 and east half of no 4 in the 6th concession of the township of marmora r as the above property must be disposed of immediately for the benefit of the credi tors of the above estate it will be sold ex tremely cheap aid p by letter post ab hawke henry lasher t i t peter davy bath july 14th 1329- trn for sals red cedar pickets white do jo board plank anc scantling b john mo wat kiogstoo august 8th 1829 we the undersigned hereby give jtublic notice that wc will not be accountable or liable as forward ers or cotmow carriers on tke river s lawrence for the haz ard end danger of the navigation hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none but sober experienced men as masters of ow boats we will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable office for s safe delivery at montreal and at te lowest premium to be obtained 1 cases where no instructions arc gtve with respect to the amount to be tnsured on the different descriptions of property wc shall ensure such amount as wc concetve will be for the safety and intemtofthe owners the property muke made subject to the premium paid for its insurance persons who coniign property to us for transport and object to this course fpiu immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed h fy 5 jones j a mes mccutchon bhexderson john mcpherson co pcscolt 22nd marchl828 a bqicmtss ef good desirou of insurance against the dangers of the negation from montreal to prescott ww direct merchants from whom they pwchase to furnish us or our agents in montreal with the value of each and eviru package signed john mcphersonb co h sjones jaes mccutchon hookershenderson i rescott 15 september 129 valuable property forsalf in birr own i4mhat substantially built and convrni- ent newhouse and lot situated at the corner of wellington and vituvia streets in upper bytowo and extending 66 feet in front od tbe former and 198 jet in depth on the latter street the house consists of a parlour and fi ning room two bedvrooms a kitchen and pantry on the lower story fe largo bedrooms in the upper here ar also a large shed stable c erected on the premises the situation of the abovo property be ing in one of the roost public parts of the town and commanding an extensive view of the scenery around the chaudior falls and bridges renders it well meriting the at- tention of a person in business or as a re sidence for a private family jewelry watches ace next door to mr watkins hardware store in the shop lately occupied by wm stinnett the subscriber most respectfully informs his friends a town and country that he has received a fresh as sortment of british jewelry c watches made expressly for the british market those wanting good timepieces will do well in calling early all watch es sold will be warranted to keep time clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price given for old silver s o- taj8tewell kingston jnne 27th 1s29 wholesale commission warehouse the subscriber has just received on consignment and offers for sale 30 packages of dry goods con sisting of fancy and staple articles well adapted for the season viz silk and crape shawls chintz cambrics drilij handker chiefs irish linens cottons carpet ing a qw pieces of superior blue and black cloth c sec c the whole will be sold as low as they can be purchased in montreal on u credit by furnishing approved endor scrs also 120 barrels whisky 40 kegs tobacco 25 do do john strange kingston 11th july 1s29 cherry walnut curly maple lumber the subscriboria ready to contract for any quantity of cherry walnut and curly maple lumber deliverable at his mills re miles west of ancastcr or letters with proper references addres sed to him at ancastcr will be duly at tended to james johnston salt rheumthis inveterate disease whifc- has ion baffled notice pencer evans a native shrewsbury england by tra tinman late corporal in the queens n gers stationed at fort amhurst up canada is supposed to have been i chargcd25or26yoarsago in that count if the said spencer evans will apply mr john watkins kingston upper cai da or his sister catherine evans cc ham shrewsbury shropshire engla may here of something to his advanta the montreal official gazette tho n ra gleaner the new york albion and new york spectator will please give above two insetvms and send their counts to the editor of the kings chronicle kingston june 13th 1829 alliance a british and foreign life and fire surancc company of london est lished by act of parliament capital five millions stepoing rit he agents for this company m leave to announce to- the jnhal ants of upper canada that they coi nue to assure against loss or damage fire and that they have fp convenience of the public appointed following gentlemen as their agent the county towns of the different i tricts viz guy c wood esq comw messrs a sf wmorris c erocko james macfarlane esq kmgsi james g bethune esq cofum rub wm prentice esq- jotfs john ross esq niagc to either of whom paxtiotresuebi effecting assurance win please apjpj the agents take leave to remio public of the following inportajgl bytown 27th july 1829 for sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17th december 1828 the art of the most experienced physicians has at length fcnnd a sovereign remedy in dr la grangctfcgenuioe ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the phyaician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior effica indisputable titles will be givenfor p4bffi esq attorney at law m bytown or to tho proprietor on the premises three or four weefcs cages m l and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedf ate relief in salkbenm but ejbft and called scad heed lt y eruptions peculiar to un healthy children jsl 55 d a mercurial na- ure contained io it and it may bo used on sfts qudcr j circumstances price one dollar per bottle frf swedes iron tktow lauding from the general i taig jjm wolfe direct from gottenburgh w0 i treal sole a for hvluf lous assoried sssr butt- i ji point a callicrc montreal august 8th 1829 aiou- notice n hereas by an indenture made the n l 0f 1 iq lie 3ear of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twentynine between the honorable james william johnson b b and hairdkeser next door to carminos tenders hi ac knowledgemenu to the public f ld0 y bcral support he has met wift since he commenced business and h hopes by close attention and industry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1 829 ob salelot no 7te ninth concession of the town ship of lougljboro for particulars en quire at this office alngston 9th augustls2 the celebrated distiller from the united states dedmf stussl ha he prcss a juo testelj p cl of lle new 2wl forthc schools c tho by the w f we quantrty country storekeepers ho may wish for a supply will please rrvi please send in their orders as early as convenient ou j m chronicle office kingston 2lst march 1829 striking advantages that will be from assuringjvith the alliance cw 1st perfect security f 2d honor and liberality in the 2d honor and liberality in the tlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurai 4th a participations of profits 5th parties wbo obtain the set ment of losses from fire are not th by deprived of their right to partick in the profits of the company cth losses by lightning will be m good 7th the agents have the powei settling losses in this country wit refering to the board of direction london 8th reasonable expenses incor in the removal of property from l will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance mg made on property for a less s than the real value thereof the co panyh whataver loss is sustain wetcveding the sum assured 1 2 the cxtcnde scale on ws the society is formed warrants tbe i pectation that the profits to be dbr ed will be large mckeniebethune agents montreal 28th sept 1826 mavors english spellip book j17st published and for sale at i chronicle office an extensive e non of mayors spelling book stert typed from the a2sthlon5neditic a d1s27 having a beautiful front piece engraving james macfarlan kingston 2 1st mnrrh 1 828 mri rc zvzx 0 ps c tll ci the subsriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy an j staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredtt also a case of christys wntcrproof hats and a variety of school books and stationery fyc w driscoll kingston july 3d 1839 strict and province aforesaid esquire executors of tho last will and ink a the iate georg m aulav n hjs life tjme of the town of bath in tbe midland district aforesaid esquire and the undersigned trustees conveying to them all the real and personal property or to universjty of ivrgill ssksg thc motre- al medical institution iwi s associated with this un the blowing cours es of public lectures will be delivered during the next season com mencing on the 9th november next chgastry pharmacy and materia mtdica eleven a af a fholmcs m d anatomy physiology and surgery p m st1phensonstt theory and 1ractice of medicine xrl i cwwolu m d mawifery and diseases of women andchil- m dren 1vta r esq t mt at the montreal general hospital ece- ry day at noon n bstudents who shall hereafter conform themselves tl bye laws and statutes of this university may takeout degrees in medlcfw and surgery montreal august 27 1820 ofthe said late george macaulay in trust for the benefit of his creditors it is ro- vdeuthat all the creditors of the sad estate who may desire ro become parties to the said indenture who shall come for- 7 tablih their claims nod exe- 22 t 5 three months from and shall participate in all the benefits and nwfri ltsa accordingly ki isl given to all ek 2 z on the said 7 p apd to come for- stlww tfss saij ileture per- sssskl r r atoroc o or before sf3 d all per sons ndebtmto tin said estate are hire- y q to ca o jelay and settle the amount of their respective ac counts with tbe acting trustee p hehrrljsher peter davy anthony b hawke bath io j i829 acin trustee tot brcwer d of ed r ol said place having from expenonco acquired a perfect know ledge of distillation and rectifying all sorts of liquors is desirous ofeivine information to those who are interested m thc business the new plan of ma- king pure spirits and also the method of making the new celebrated yeast which never yet failed with those who have purchased the receipt to produce from l6to 17 quarts hydrometer proof liquor from 60 lbs meal two thirds otn and one third rye reference may be made to john ci- orpomt esq brooklyn n y mr morgan distiller troy mr vho bates canandaigua m hollev do nathaniel garrow esq auburn hen ry colheurus esq do saul clcve- arid esq rochester mr grant dis tiller lockport mr mosses drake distiller lutlefalls and mr wil- p d bfont centre county pennsylvania mr castles having served a regular time to brewing and malting wishes those who arc not competent ofthe business to apply o him where they can havo the real knowled-r- perfection tuts kingston chrniclr s is printed and publishe- saturday by james mi at his office in front street terms seventeen shillings m pence per annum if sent oy sfl5p tj shillings subscription to be s advance- price of advertiseflffir six lines and under 2s 6dftirt tfon and 7j each subsequent insert i ten lines and under 3s 4d frst tion and lod each subsequent 1 tion above ten lines 4d per lit the first insertion and id per every subsequent insertion advertisements without torix orders for discontinuing jaav naents to be in writing and delive wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received ten o clock on the day of tion ucalionfor tke johnstotcn district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the i actions inserted till forbid regulation made some years back by ed accordingly which tbe use of american books in teaching is prohibited and thc masters are directed to confine themselves to euch works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may he obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the hoard on applica tion to dr hubbell ir that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school io tho morning and at its close in thc evening a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may he had on application l0 adkl shcr esq july 1829 in pmej brockville he e in its fullest james m r it at any time mr castles may i absent thc business will be left with m won at mr molsons brew- kinrrsion october id t line of business for several yearsand he beg caye to n form his friends and the pubfc subscriber returns his siucere thanks to his friends and the public or uie liberal support he has received in h cry lb 1820 that ho removed tothc storeliiem- copied by mr t atkins whore he intends to keep continually on band a general as sortment of dry goods ami groceries which nc intends to sell cheap for cash or country produce v joseph bruce w kingston 5th juuo 1829 c produce received at the market price agents john bigttell esq que david cbisholme esq- andrew porteous james mcintosh john cameronat r clineesq consul george browse efgmzf if fo alpheus jones sq prescott henry jones esjtf brockville josiah taylor esq perth h wjiitmrsh esq hickmond j k ilartwell esq bastard mess cj mdonald ganano john dean esq bath ahanmcpherson esq napanee tbemas parker esq bellville joseph a keeler esq cramahe 9 james g bethune esq hamiftolutft david smart esq port hope if william allan esq fork j jut daniel rossesq vittoria john crook esq niagara oharlcsbiggar esq murry thomasdorlaudesq a- iphustotcn i j