Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 13, 1830, p. 3

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f aswhopwus hp himgudgeons will take notice and gpni themselves tccordingly he d6ts not mean to res trict them in tte c of the only wea- cn they baf the argumcntum ad uinbug are at perfectly liber ty tbserve the members of their own faction s doctor dunlop served the tiger endeavor to blind them by throwing enuffin their eyes but he begs them to beware how they speak of his cotfntry and government in future before common sense again under takes to reply to an englishman he would beg to introduce him to common honesty and if its suggestions ore at tended to common sense will not again misstate the argument he begs to in form him that the old lady of ephesus died of the dropsy brought on by drink ing too much cinand bitters at the last celebration of independence and lltcre- forecommon sense is wrong in thus introducing the critur so frequently to the public he would recommend john homspun to confine himself to web sters spelling book his trash was crammed in mine ears much against thestomachofmysensc homespuns disgust means that his egotism has turned sour and if the doctor he appli ed to had given him a dose of calomel ere this his disgust and patriotism would have passed off pat if he is a latlanderhas no business in the ranks of thehumgudgeon faction an englisman is well aware that he is always ready to join in a row and that the native gene rosity of his character ever impels him to join with the weaker party come cut pat from among them or i will send sawney after you and bring you to a drumhead court martial an englishman would beg to remind a canadian of the vulgar proverb about foul bjrds commonly applied to those who volunteer in abusing and traducing their country or friends if his pretended canadian was born in england and is the author of those scandalous editorial articles which the man of kent alludes to an englishman would recommend the following quota tion to his serious consideration al though the slanders and services of such men as paine and cobbet may be ac cepted and used they remain objects of hsregawd and contempt a wall vitfv those tc whose service they have desert ed as with their countrymen whom they have abandoned the citizens of the united states in common wilh all civi lized people despise those political je suits whose attempts at fraternization prove that they act upon the principles of the french jacobins and that the have adopted the belief that the end sanctifies the means an englishman cannot conclude without congratulating the editor of the herald on the choice spirits he has in training under their management the herald has been con verted into a second torch of alecto was the allusion may be too classic for the humgudgeons and from the remar kable manner in which it spits fire at the word loyalty he will content him self with likening it to a wet candle trick ernest town march 3th 1 s30 12 13 14 15 ig 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8 the wtuthtr from the heavy rains which have fallen during last night ami this morning the snow has almost wholly dis appeared and the ice on the bay and riv er in front of the town begins to look ve- tj hue the busy note of preparation at our wharves would indicate tbe near ap proach of the opening of the navigation the steam boat toronto after having un dergone a thorough repair was launched yesterday in fine style from the upper canada gazette at twelve oclock this day march 6 his excellency the lieutenant gover nor being seated on the throne in the legislative council chamber and the mom of assembly being present his jj excellency was pleased to prorogue ihe present session with the following f speech uonarabu gentlemen of the legislative council and gentlemen oftlte house of assembly the assiduity wilh which the public business of this session has been trans acted now enables me to relieve you trom your legislative duties among the bills passed there are none which can afford moro general sa- iitfaotion than those which secure the jong expected remuneration for war losses the rcpair of roads a conveni ent entrance to builington day and the completion of the wclland canal a work ns advantageous to the conjoint interests of the province as it is peculi- arly favorable to the agricultural and commercial prosperity of some of your finest districts i regret that a bill for imposing an additional duty on shop licenses must be necessarily reserved for the significa tion of his majestys pleasure the usu al accounting clause be omitted gentlemen of the house of assembly i thank you for the supplies which you have granted for the service of the province and for defraying the expense incurred in carrying on several public works honorable gentlemen and gentlemen we need only compare the actual state of the province with its condition a few years since to perceive how sus- ceptible of rapid improvement it is at this period by a judicious application of the means at the command of the le gislature from your individual exertions also mub benefit may be expected by pro moting measures to encourage in your respective districts moral and industri ous habits the sure path to that easeand independence whih every settler in- this productive country can obtain by his own activity and perseverance list of bills passed the 2d session 10th pro vincial parliament 1 marriage bill 2 overseers of highways and pound keepers sill 3 a bill granting money for roads and bridges 4 gaol lunlts bill 5 prince edward separation bill 6 lino fence and water course bill weekes relief bill not assented to 8 grnnthamacademy incorporation bill 9 fine appropriation bill 10 intestate estate hill 11 spirituous liquor retail without li cense prevention bill chaplains salary repeal bill a bill to make good certain monies ad- aoced for contingencies felons counsel hill farmers company incorporation bill registry and conveyancing of fo reign deeds bill niagara district court regulation bill gore of fredericksburgh survey bill district officers regulation bill clergy reserves sale bill sheriffs and deputies ineligibility bill norfolk bouodary and separation bill r randals relief bill 24 commissioners appointment bill 25- indigent debtors relief bill 26 eastwood and skinners relief bill 27 kingston female benevolent suciety relief bill 28 war sufferers relief bill 29 imprisoned debtors health preserva tion bill 30 libel law bill 31 stewards duty bill 32 law suits prevention bill 33 jury bill 34 windham survey bill 35 theap relief bill 36 york 2nd market bill 37 hornore patent bill 38 justices and treasurers accounting bill 39 2d gaol limits bill 40 certain indians protection bill 41 r rnndiils remuneration bill 1i salmon preservation hill 43 township of cornwall survey bid 44 mrs pomeroys pension bill 45 wolf destruction bill 46 commissioners vacancy bill 47 vabdflfawm 48 loan bill 49 judges exclusion bill 50 agricultural hill 51 law suits bill 52 insane persons relief bill 53 commercial bank bill 54 war sufferers relief bill 55 covering bill 56 loan for highways bill 57 survey bill 58 quakers menonistsand tunkards relief bill 59 upper canada college bill 60 currency regulation bill 61 burlington canal bill 62 strobridges relief bill 63 militia pension bill 64 the receiver generals reimburse ment bill 65 long point light house bill 6g a bill to make good certain monies advanced by his excellency for the don and lumber bridges 67 56th geo iii repeal bill 68 innkeepers license bill 69 wellaod canal loan bill 70 caoadncoropanys responsibility kj 71 militia pension bill 72 fastern district loan bill 73 berczys road bill 74 shop license bill reserved 75 beer bill 76 strobridges relief bill 77 york hospital per cwt 5d board per 100 ps is 3d standard staves pern 10s c currency regulation 8ct declares that such of the silver coins of tho united king dom as are depreciated in weight more than onetwcotyntlh of their full weight shall not be legal money repeals so much of the former laws as gave currency to french half crows crowns four livro ten sol pieces 36 sol pieces and spanish pistarioes and all the higher and lower denominations of these coins muddy wit a black servant not a hundred miles from st andrews be ing examined in the church catechism by the minister of the parish was ask ed what are you made of jack lie said of mud massn on being told he should say of dust he repli ed no massa it no do no stick toged- der for the kingston chronicle song go cniel hearted traitor po and leave this heart to drocp and die- thou canst not shore the t hi jl triir woe which bids me thus in secret sigh the wrongs which thou hast hcopd on me this heart be sure can neer forget and though no more bclovd by thee thy falsehood i must still regret yet never think this withered heart can eer forgive thy broken vows though all unworthy as thou art i never lovd thee more than now ianthe died at belleville on tuesday last mr peter holmes aged 63 on monday last william hallowel be lli u tie eldest son of the rev john bethuue rector of christ church montreal aged 12 years morgans masonry 1 or sale at the chronicle qifqce march 13 twsmshs will be receive the undersigned until 12 oclock monday5ih inst from such person ns are willing to furnish 2000 running feet of good sound and straight hcniftock swamp ash or rock elm each stiek not to he less than 30 feet lon and larpe enough to square 10 inches the said timber is to be delivered by the lotli of may next ensuing id laid down in a newly opened road flcar mr john wallaces tavern thomas rogers- kingston 6th march 1s30 a house special 8dsssk9x8 will be holden at the cottrl n the town of knrsror on monday the 29th day of march ne i ten oclock foienoon for the toad mas ters of i ho different divisons of the town ship of kingston to return their ac counts of statute labor performed dtfring the year also to assign divison on which slat me labor is to be pei formed to tho different road masters for the present year by order allan maclean clerk of the peace kingson 2d march 18 just spo hereby attend nndol midland district sale ok lands ive notice lhil i shall ifler for sale such portion of the lands as are advertised bv the ttcasurer of the district and contained in the warrants of the clerk ofthe peiee ns may be sufficient to saiisfy the ar rearages of assessments due thereon at the following times and places viz township of pittsburg on the 9th anil lotll june 1830 at morions inn in lhrnefcld at the hour of ii oclck a m kingston on tholltliand 12th june 1k30 at the court house at the hour of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june lsq at peter davys inn in bath at the hour of ii oclock a m camden on the 15th and 161i1 june isso at bowcis mills at the horn of n oclock a m richmond on the 17th and 18 june 1830 at the napa nee mills at the hour the chronicle duodecimo vo- assented by tho legislative council and have received the royal assent with the exception of the two reserved patriot from the fork adcoeate road and bridge act authorises the expenditure of 13650 upon tbe roads and bridges under commissioners appointed in the act lo tbe home district 1500 in the niagara district 1000 in the london ditrict 1100 in the western district 1- 100 in the gore district 1600 in the newcastle district 1110 in tbe midland district 1900 in tho johnstown district 1100 in tho bathurst district 1100 in the ottawa district 800 and in tho eas tern district 1000 wo understand that the monies appropriated will be immediate ly paid to the order of the commissioners aud trust that they will bo faithfully and disinteresiingly applied to the purposes in tended by the legislature war lossesloan act receipts in the preamble the principle of the former bill ofthe same session namely to provide 57412 sterling fur tho remuneration of the sufferers provided the british govern ment shall pay au equal sum for tbe same purpose authorises the receiver geno- ral to borrow 57412 for use of the suffer er nod appropriates the duties on salt and whiskey imported from the united states to liquidate the loan and interest burlington bay canal act autho rises the receiver general lo borrow 0000 on thesocurity ofthe tolls and appoints william chisholm alexv brown john aikman asahel davis joshua freeman william applegarth and w b sheldon commissioners to expend the same in completing the ca nal in the manner therein provided continues the present tonnage dues authorises the commissioners tc charge such tolls os they may sec fit upon ap ples cider potatoes and all other roots and vegetables and all articles not cn- numcrated in the table of duties fixes the tolls chargeable on certain articles as follows salt and plaster per bbl 6d currency wheat and peas three farthings per bushel flour per barrel 4jd beef pork butter lard whis key bees wax and herrings per bbl 9d do porkeg4jd oil per bbl is ashes do is 3d dry goods prospectus it is somewhat a matter of surprise that the district of newcastle which in every other respect has not a supe rior in the province of upper canada whether we regard the internal improve ment of its country or the highly intel lectual character ofifs inhabitants should yet be deficient in one most obvious 171 or sale tales published at oflice in a neat lume of 490 pages the lower canada watchman the work beinr now ready for delive ry persons wishing for copies will please apply immediately february 27th 1830 at the chronicle office esof a grandfather in two volumes third scries february 27th 1310 to rent for a term of five years and upwards a fine farm of 200 acres and possession given on or before the 1st of may next the above farm being well known by the name of hickorygrove the proper- means of its advancement viz a res- my of major kroin borders upon lake on- tespaper tario nine miles from kingston in the of 11 oclock a m r redericksburgh on the ith june 1sj0 at john gordaniers inn at the hour of 1 1 oclock a m tiiurlow and uuugcrfort on the 21 stand 22nd june 1830 at royal mu li ras inn in the lown of bellevillcat the hour of 11 oclock a ft sidney on tho 23rd june 1s30 at r whites at ii oclock a m rawdon and huntingdon on the 24th 25lh and 2gth june 1830 at ed- ward fidlars at the hour of n oclock a m ameliasburg on the 2sth and 29th june 1830 at b 11 lews inn the carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a m hallowcll o n thcsoih june 1ss0 3t gnrralt striekers lnw at the hour of 11 oclock am sophiasbuig on the 1st july 1835 at dcmorestvillc at the hour of 11 oclock a adolphustown on the 2d july 1830 at the court house at the hour of 11 y clock a m ills toe m iw ipper caaia aveity eligible property in the bay of tlutnte well known by the nan a of ch ampicvonformerl belonging to capt pityne of tho koyaf engiueert situated within nine miles of the ruwuof kingston containing about auv acres of arabic land of which the are upward of 100 acres in the highest state uf cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built in the roitartt style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a geutlemaus family and it has a verandah of 70 feet iu length which commands a beautiful view ofthe lake in the rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from tho house above described and the bam and other out buildings are in excelleut rder tho above property will be sold much un der its value aud possession given on the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made to messrs g g s how- lafd new york i simpson mac1 nt yrc co montreal l a harper esq kingston or to proprietor a simpson qurfcc 1st dec 1829 he 5tl ii pectaole and independent neu through which to cenvey to the sur rounding districts a just idea of its rela tive importance to supply this defect and thereby to ffffbro an enlightened peopie the tower bay of quinte there are about 2 acres already prepared for spring crops besides 8 acres laid down in fall wheat and a fine orchard as the proprietor mtmt4 retaining the stone bnmwg of assciting and maintaining their true with out offices attached to it the terms position in the moral and political world is the object of a person who now for the first time presents himself before the public in accordance wilh this purpose he proposes as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers shall have appeared to sanction the undertaking to issue week ly in the village of cobourg a paper ofthe above description aiming to be truly independent and respectable alike free from the animosity of party spirit and the licentiousness of personal animadversion attached by birth and education to the institutions of great britain it will ever be his study to support them as the means of that distinguished preem inence which has so long constitut ed her tho envy and admiration of the world thus in principle the cha racter of the newcastle pioneer will be found to be unequivocally and decidedly english an avowal which its projector confidently anticipates will ensure it the general support of the province in arrangement the new paper is intended as nearly as possible to re semble that ofthe two published in new york called the albion and the atlas both of which are so well known and justly admired that any dilation on their respective merits would bo more than superfluous the terms will be the same as the other papers in the province- one poundper annum exclusive of postage and payable halfyearly in tdvance a stination that it is hoped will be strictly complied with as otherwise the permanency of the establishment cannot possibls be secured in conclusion the writer might urge some dhim to the particular attention ofthe newcastle community trom the circumaance of his having been the first lo introduce a printing press within their district but he trusts the advanta ges of tke proposed undertaking arc in themselves sufficiently apparent to ren der it independent of any such sugges tion aid with great respect he remains 27m publics most obedient and very humble servant it d chatt2rton cobowg march 4 1830 will be moderate and part of pay men received in produce teams cuttle and agricultural implements may bo had at a valuation none but pesons of re spectable character need apply ernestt lllh february 1s30 bankof upper canada public notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of the stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital stock outstanding shall be called in and shall be made payable at the bank by the following instalments viz ten pet cent or l 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10th instalment ten per center l 5s on each share on the 24th of april next being the 11th instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each share on the 1st day of july ncxt be ing the 12th and last instalment thjre- by completing the payment of the full amount of the capital stock oithc bank under its charier by order ofthe stockholders thos g ridout cashier bank of upper canada york nth dec 1829- marysburgh on the 2d and 3d july 1s30 at tho stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock pm loughborough on the 6th and 7th july 1830 at mcgregors mills at the hour of m oejock noou- portland on the 8th and pth july us30 at jacob shibleys at the hour of 11 oclock a j john mclean sheriff m j sheriffs office kingston dec- 20 1829 lst published hv carey lea end carey of philadelphiathe ribst vol ume to bo continued at intervals of three months of tho encyclopaedia americana a popular dictionary of arts sciences lit erature history and politics brought down to the present time and including a copi ous collection of original articles in ameri- cax btotiftafbt oo the basis of these v- euth edition ofthe german conversations- lexicon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo price two dolluis and a half each 7 persona wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle office where the 1st olume may be seen james macfarlane- kingston 24 dec 1629 b y auction the whole oi the subscribers stock kn trade will be sold on the premises on wednesday 24th march and follow ing dpys until the whole is disposed of on a liberal credit general reserve and in lots 4rming a general assortment of prime ud fashionable goods suited to the spring and summer seasons catalogues will be ready for delive ry ten 4ays before the sale and the goods hay be seen on monday and tuesday preceding conditions of sale purchasers under 25 cash 25 to 100 four month credit l00to 200 six months credit 200 avd upwards nine months credit on furnishing the broker wilh two ap proved endorsers sale to commence at 10 oclock am thos askew kuffston 9th march 1830 c ik pi o y a fj o a r hot k ij cjakjnli0 returns hrs bincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal sup port which he has received from them at the royal oak lie now solicits a continuance of their patronage and begs to assure all who may favour him with their custom that his utmost efforts will be used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve ments in his establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitots than formerly his ta ble will be constantly supplied with the very best the market afiords and his wines an3 liquors of the first quality the situation ofthe royal oaf is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january 1 1s30 marmora iron wares jiar jrox t ife subscriber the selling agent for the marmora iron works kas now for sale potash kettles of all nizes stoves of different sizes fy patterns patent soaking stoves with or without setts of tins mill and other castings and a quantify of superexcellent bat- iron all which he can afford at very moderate prices john watkifts kingston sept s0f1s29 he subscriber returns his siu thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support hciias received i his line of business for several yearsantl be u leave to inform his friends and the pdblic that he has removed to the store lately oc cupied by mr t atkins where he inf to keep continually on hand a general as sortment of dry goods and groceries tfbiefa he intends to sell choap for cash or cou produce joseph brucfc kingston 5th june 1sc9 all debts due to the subscriber by note of hand or book account must be paid to him before the 1st of march 1830 or they will be put in the hands of a lawyer for collection without fail titos tukpin nov 14 stone cutters wanted vantd immediately by the subscri ber at hamilton district of newcastle a number of good stone cutters to whom liberal encouragement will be given and constant emyloyment during the ensuing winter archibald fraser ilamiton 30th sept 1829 oots shoes glovesdec tlie subscriber begs leave to in form his custo- niersthathehas jtist received a part of his full supply consis- j ingot an exten sive assortment of ladies and childrens boots and shoes ladies gentlemen and chil- d runs o loves and niitiuus frtiumu ttub- ber shoes and overshoes seal skins linings and bindings shoe thread and alt kinds of materials used in the shoe line he has also on hand a good assort ment of boots shoes c of his own manufacture upper and sole leather all kinds of work made to order as usual he further begs leave to return thanks for the support he has hitherto received and assures his customers that they will constantly find his shop well supplied wilh the besi of articles aj ferns kingston nov 30 1829 cxsft the subscriber t ate agent to n g filgi- ef a ano returns his sincere thanks j to his friends and the public for the very ilitvkai aippwi whist ihftmuif in that employment and wishes to in form them that he is jiow agent for m- metler fc co merchant tai lors saint paul street montreal he begs to assure those who may favour him with their orders that all articles furnished by him shall be executed in the best manner and most fashionable style and on the most reasonable terms they have made arrangements to re ceive regularly the latest london fash ions naval and military uniforms made according to the late regulations they will always have onhand an as sortment of trimmings suitable for the above purpose j mathers agent kingston feb 25th 1830 n b all ordeis addressed to m metzler co st paul street montre al will be punctually attended to furs wanted at tbe store ofthe subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting furs h s phinny book binding establishment at ti kingston chronicle office f he subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds uruumu tu h t wf ftfcuuuu- ed at his oflice wilh neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by tho quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented ames a smith silk cotton and woollen dyer from man chester england begsleave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicin ity that he has commenced the above business in all its branches in the house lately occupied by mr caflray tallow chandler on the street leading from grass street to the water where he will color and finish all kinds of silk crapes velvets velveteens ribbons cotton and woollen coods to any shade or color required n b j a s flatters himself his long experience in the above business will enable him to give general satisfac tion kingston dec 5 r subscriber offers for rent for a tew years that commodious brick build ing and store in store street near mr john blakes inn with two good store houses and a good cellar under one of them a good cellar and kitchen in the dwellinghouse also a small well of water joining the cellar the whole of the premises is in the best of order with a commodious yard and is a real good stand for business possession given the 1st may 1s30 thos tukpin nov 14 1829- quarto octavo 2ino 18rao do do do do do do ao do s d 1 0 0- 0 10 0 0 d 0 0 3 i 0 4 0 half binding in calf folio half bouud mentcd quarto octavo l2mo 18mo do do do do and orna- do do do do 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 2 10 0 1 8 0 1 0 binding in sheep full bouod and orua- folio raentod quarto do octavo do 12ino do isroo do 0 17 6 do do do do half binding in sheep folio half incited quarto octavo 12mo ismo bouud and orna- do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 7 6 3 0 1 10 1 3 p 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 7 i a 0 10 also ledger blank work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 tssion of a 4 ny person in the posse mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through the medium of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no tice december 25th 1820 u

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