r weltro frt hmimi london ppr f jjctirod that ooiiof bn been given that v jho four pr ceofc aock it to he reduced rto ihree rod hif and redeemable at the option of the oovernrueot ia tea years j we are oot exactly aware what amount of living will he effected by this opera- ticra celebration of his majehys birth day yes terday being st georgee day and the one ap jointed to commemorate the birth of our moat gracious sovereign the troops in the garrison paraded in front of the market square the ar tillery appeared to the beet advantage in their hew and bedutiful uniform and fired a royal sa lute in capital style our gallant countrymen the 79th never looked better displaying the 6rst time for the season their martial and pktur- esquegarb asightafter a long and severe winter particularly to eyes like ours unusually cheering and which we hail aa a certain harbinger of j spring they fired a ftu dejoie with admirable precision we perceived with much pleasure that apart of the frontenac militia cavalry joined the regular troops in doing honor to the day at one oclock a royal salute was fired from the cockbum which was mooed in front of the resideqpeof the hon captain byng the sittings of the court of general quarter sessionsand district court in and for the midland district will commence on tuesday nest in this hi place hemp we beg to draw the attention of our readers to the advertisement on this sutyect by john r glover esq h- m naval storekeeper at this post which will be found in another co lumn we believe the article of hemp can be raised with great success in this province and we sincerely hope that there is sufficient enter prise among us to benefit by the encouragements now offered by the navy board theatricals on monday evening next the jlmdteurs of the 79th highlanders will perform the comedy of u speed the plough with the farce of the poor soldier on tuesday everffng the new company of gentlemen jlmateurs will perform the celebrated 1 tragedy of tr richard the third with the laughable farce of jt race for a dinner tlier has been very cold and the sharp easterly winds that prevail we fear will materially check the progress of the vegetation on thursday last one of mr archibald mc- donells barges arrived from montreal with goods being the first arrival of the kind this season 7 1- 1 i if the following touching article we copy from the perth examiner dalhovsie april 7th 1830 im born otatie to athrawart fate im born to strive wi hardships sad and great to the editor of the examiner dear sir i had a peculiarshareof the distress that prevaded the mother country before we left it- i was in peril by water and in this land of comfort my wife has had the misfortune to loose her eyesight and i had my leg broken c c c i am well bcbuld in adversity ive been puir and vexd and raggy tryt wi troubles no that sma a them buir but this misfortuno iays the cape stane o them a on monday morning last whilst at work in the field i heared a cry of distress issuing from my dwelling house i hastened to the spot and my feelings may be conceived but not described when i saw my house on fire and my wife who has a tender con stitution and who bad been bedrid for some time proping her way from ihe con flagration in a state of nudity skrickiug for help being almost frantic with auxicty for tho fate of her helpless children whom she could not sect lint who were safe in attempting to save my all i got myself burned and severely hurt by a fall which rendered rne unfit for any further exertion at hi juncture n neighbour fortunately arrived and was the means of saving some things hut the morning was fine and a dry breeze soon made it daogerousto en ter the house and then we cuuld only be idle spectators our body clothes the most of my implements seed grain aud neaily 100 bushels of potatoes in the cellar and n great quantiry of our summer provisions were consumed to ashes when i looked on the ruins and saw my poor blind wife and helpless children wi no bnuse to put their head in 1 was al most ready to say with our departed countryman robert burns when a similiar mishap befell him my situation is not to be envied by those who have received the mittimus of depart from me ye cursed please mention the accident in your next examiner i iini dear sir yours most truly charles baillie burlington bat canal 13th april 1830 yesterday the canal presented a most cheering prospoctior the district of gore when the ondermentioned vessels passed through it laden with some of the surplus produce ofthe country general brock kerr master rebecca and eliza zeland master rrittania roberts master margaret mitchell mas tertrafalgar euoe master tclctrrah boylan master minerva kent master- brothers mcintosh master mohawk chief campbell master peacock bates master kingston packet fox master core balance married in this town on toenday ovening last by the rev thos handbook b a mr charles thomas to miss mar- ticia blaochard for the kingston chronicle lines written oh the blank leaf of a volume of poems given bythe author to a dear friend compeud oer distant lands to roam where strangers only meet mine eye oft memry wilt revert to home and dreams of pleasure long gone by you too perhaps may pause awhile to ponder those few shining hours which you and i hav seen to smile though fleeting aa gumcistcs flowrs ianthe erratum in the 5th line of the maltese jiir published saturday april 10th for how read who- died on wednesday last mr john for myth grant aged 25 on the 17th inst henry youbgest child of lt col wright r e aged 2 years and 5 months theatre the new com pany of gentlemen amateurs have the pleasure of announcing to m public that on tuesday next 27th inst they will perform the celebrated tra gedy of richard iii with the laughable comic extravagan za of a race for a dinner doors open at 6 curtain rises fit 7 places for the boxes may be tflken al mr armstrongs store where per sons wishing to procuie them will have the goodness to purchase or produce their tickets tickets also to be had at messrs armstrongs driscchs wilsons wat- kins and tazewells and at mr dani- fords inn prices boxes 4s pit 2s gallery is 3d kingston april 24 1830 notice the subscriber having taken out letters of administration for the estate of the late daniel scharmahorn ofthe township of richmond deceas ed requests all persons indebted to ihe estate to make immediate payment and all having any demands against the said estate to present them duly au thenticated for payment hannah scharmahorn administratrix- richmond april 10th 1830 h m dock yard kingston u c lth of april 1830 the navy board being desaous of obtaining some ilentp the giowth ofthe canadas for ihe purpose of experiment notvce ts verefty gvven fet enrs will be received at my office until the 1st july next from such person or per rons residing in either province as may be willing to contract for the delivery from one to ten ions of hemp the tenders to specify full particulars of the place where it is proposed the hemp shall be or has been grown as al so the price at which it will be deliver ed at montreal kingston or quebec the hemp to be subject to inspec tion approval or disapproval and satis factory proof will be required that it is bona fide the growth of canada the tenders to be opened at 1 oclock p m- on thursday the 1st july next j r glover naval storekeeper for sale at the chronicle office the ezchtsives a novel and the rivals a novel public notice the commissioners appointed to ap propriate and apply the sura of one hun dred pounds toward the improvement of the highway between kingston and bath will meet at the inn of mr geo smith jail in ernest town on thurs day the 13lh day of may next at 9 o clock in the forenoon to receive tenders for the following contracts viz sprtirtn no 1 to commence at post marked no 1 at the foot ofthe hill near a stone bridge and a few rods east of ihe house ofm benjamin van- winkle to post no 2 opposite ihe house of widow douglass distance abount 75 rods to be turnpiked and gra velled with 2 water courses to be made of solid stone one of which shall be 2 and the other 3 feet wide section no 2 from post no 3 in the woods west of floating bridge to post no 4 a few rods west ofthe house occupied by mr hugerdore distance about 50 rods in this section all the stumps are to be taken up and removed 40 feel in width through the centre of which 20 feet in width shall be levelled and made smooth with broken stone none of which to exceed 3 inches in di ameter section no 3 from post no 5 at a stone bridge in front of g moreys lo post no- 6 at stone bridge near cen tre line of lot no 5 distance about 48 rods to be turnpiked and gravelled villi one water course 2 feet wide to be made with solid stone section no 4 from post no 7 in front of mr wm- bakers to post no 8 in front of mr burnetts distance about 90 rods to be turnpiked and gra velled with 2 water courses each 2 feet wide to be made wilh solid stone all the above contracts will be required to be done as above specified the turn pike must be eighteen feel wide and raised from 12 to 15 inches above the natural surface as its location may re quire and the ditches on each side of the turnpike must be cleared 4 feet wide and well levelled off all the gra velling must be 10 feet wide and 6 inches thick and broke fine none to exceed 3 inches in diameter and put on the cen tre ofthe turnpike the above con tracts will be given to the lowest bidder good security will be required for the performance of the contracts h lasher p j fitch eet jos amey l ernest town 17th april 1 commis sioners t1jotice the commissioners jjv appointed to repair the road from waterloo to kingston will mcel at ihe house of lambert vanalstine innkeeper in waterloo on saturday the 15th day of may next at 10 oclock in the fore noon to receive lenders for the follow ing contracts viz 45 rods commencing at the small bridge near mr r coopers in the 2d concession and leading towards kingston to be turnpiked 20 feet wide raised 18- inches in the centre and two watercourses wilh stone bttments2 feet wide in ihe clear and covered with 3 inch plank or good sound pine or ce dar timber 16 feet long 15 rods easterly from mr john mc- michaelsto be levelled fit for gravel ling 35 rods westerly from mr jarvis wordens to be levelled fit for gravel ling 20 rods at the intersection of the bath road near the house of mr yval- lis all the above mentioned parts to be gravelled six inches thick and len feet wide in a straight line in the cenlre of the road the largest stones to pass through a 3 inch ring the above contracts will be given to the lowest bidder and good security will be required for the same tenders must he in writing saml aykrovd horace yeomans benj olcott kingston 20th april 1830 ublic lonobr- the commissioners for the eastern division ofthe road leading from wa terloo to the napane mills will meet at the inn of mr david daley kingston on wednesday the 5th may 1830 at 10 oclock in the forenoon to receive tenders and give out the following contracts viz from a post marked no 1 at the east end ofthe new bridge built by mr r clark near mr jwcguins to no 2 ten or twelve rods to be turnpik ed raised 2 feet iu the centre and gra velled from nc 3 to no 4 to be lurn- tjf r piked one good sluiceway to be made of stone 50 or 54 rods from no 5 to no 6 first from no 5 seven rods to turnpike and gravel two watercourses one 4 feet the other 2 leet wide included in the seven rods from the east end of said seven rods turnpike fourteen rods to post marked letter b to chop and clear out 40 feet wide 20 feet of the centre to be cut level with the ground and all stone ly ing above the ground to be removed out ofthe 40 feet toad from said post marked leiier b 16 rods to post no 6 eight rods to clear out and turnpike and eight rods to turnpike and gravel one water course in each eight rods from no 7 at the foot of warners hill to build a stone causeway 20 feel wide 2 feet high above the natural sur face a water course in the same to he built with good substantial stone hut ments and covered with 3 inch plank or flatted timber of a good durable qua lity the whole of said causeway to be levelled off wih gravel to extend east to post marked no 8 from 15 to 1 6 rods all lie above contracts will be re quired to be done in a good substantial manner the watercourses to be laid down with stone and covered wilh 3 inch plank or flatted timber of a good durable quality and free from rot all ihe turnpike must be 18 feet wide and raised from is to 24 inches above the natural surface and the ditch on each side the turnpike must be cleared 4 feet wide the turnpike must be made straight and well levelled off all the gravelling on turnpikes must be 10 feet wide and cinches thick and the stones broke fine none to be over 2 inches in diameter and put on the cen tre ofthe turnpikes the above contracts will be given to the lowest bidder and good security will be required for the due performance of such contracts as may be entered into all the tenders must be made out in writing n b the above jobs are all east of the lowest numbered post by order ofthe commissioners laflbert vanalstine secy to the commissioners kingston april 7lh 1830 wehlaud canal loan receiver generals office york u c 8a march 1830 the legislature having authoriz ed by an act passed in ihe last session the receiver general to raise by loan the sum of twentyfive thou sand pounds entitled an act tc tirant a further loau to the wei land canal company and to regulate their further operations on the credit of the government of upper canada b de bentures redeemable in 7 9 and 11 years in three equal payments notice is hereby given that sealed tenders for ihe said loan or any part thereof will be received at my office un til the hth day of may next stating the lowest late ol interest and addressed to the reicivergeneral upper canada endorsed tenders for loan no tender will be received for a less sum lhan seventvfive pounds john henry dunn h m receiver general ijlor sale at the chronicle office tales of a grandfather io two volumes third scries february 27th 1830 n otice is hereby given that sealed tenders will be receiv ed at the commissariat office king ston before 12 oclock of the morning of monday the 10th of may from jsuch persons as may be willing to undertake the erection of the undermentioned buildings within the teie do pont in this garrison viz a stone building ofttco stories about 1 57 x10 ditto of one story about 5c 22 ditto of ditto about 30 x20 plans and specifications ofthe above will be ready for inspection in a few days at the office of ihe royal engi neers where every information may be obtained proposals may be made for the ma sonry and carpenters work separately or for the erection of the buildings complete and detailed forms upon which tenders are to be made may be obtained at the engineer office it must be understood that the low est tender will be subject to a compari son with estimates already made and will be accepted or rejected as may be considered expedient the tenders must state the rates in sterling and bear the signatures of two respectable persons as sureties lor the undertaking and payments will be made in british stiver or in current coin at 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at ihe rate ofjcloo for each 101 10s due upon such con tract as may be entered into jnohare a c g commissariat office kingston april 12 1830 j wotbcel jamcs kenctan a- formerly of iimkkicv in ice land will make known his present re sidence at ihe herald office he will be in formed of something interesting to him jtfontreal april 7 1830 public notice the commissioners for ihe centre division of the read leading from wa terloo to lie napane mills will neet at ihe widow h ogles inn 4ih con cession of ernest town on tuesday the 4th of may 1s30 at 10 oclock in ttofermnt8 p fluuhe falter contracts viz from a post marked no 1 al the new bridge built by mr r clark lo no 2 a good substantial stone wall to widen the old stone bridge the whole to be well fdlcd up with sone and raised one foot higher than the old bridge now is and gravelled 10 feet wide in the centre each side of the gravel to be levelled off with small stones from no 2 twentyfive or ihiity rods of gravelling from no 3 twentyfive or thirty rods of turnpike in a straight direc tion with the turnpike now made till it intersects the road above the hill from a post marked no 4 betwoen mr adzits and mr pcwleys seven ty or eighty rods of turnpike in a straight direction along ihe old stakes wilh two watercourses one 6 feet wide and one 2 feet wide from no 5 near mr vanvalkfn- burgs eight or ten rods of turnpike from no 6 fifty rods of gravel ling one watercourse 2 feet wide- a ditch to be opened on the north side of the road to curry the water to the watercourse no 7 near mr normansfifty or sixty rods of gravelling and the tufn- pike repaired one watercourse 2 ffeet wide no 8 near mr benjamins fifteen or twenty rods of turnpike and gravel ling no 9 near mr bndgleys 25 or 30 rods repairing turnpike and crossway from a post maiked no 10 on the west end ofthe long bridge west of hi badgleys 60 rods of gravelling no 11 near mr wormworlhs sixty rods to be gravelled no 12 at the wesi end of the old turnpike near mr weden walkers jutir from sixty lo eighty rods of turnpike and three watercourses 2 feet wide no 13 near iwrjohn sniders junr thirtyfive rods of gravelling no 14 near the widow mcg ills from 40 to 50 rods of gravelling all the above contracts will be re quired to be done in a good substantial manner the watercouises to be laid down with good solid sione and cover ed wilh 3 inch plank or good sound cedar timber of sufficient size the turnpike must be is feet wide and raised from 13 to 15 inches above the natural surface and the ditch on eace side the turnpike must be cleared 4 feet wide the turnpikes must bo made straight and well levelled off all the gravelling must be 10 feet wide and 6 inches thick and broke fine none lo be over 2 inches in diameter and put on the centre ofthe turnpikes the above contracts will be given to the lowest bidder and good security will be required for the due performance of such contracts as maybe entered into the above jobs are all west of the posts by order ofthe commissi nathan fellows secretary lo the comiv ernesi town 3d april l3o for sale lot no 2 in the town of kingston containing two fifths of an acre apii u be made to george mcken esq dec 91329 to rent for a term of five years and upwards a fine farm of 200 acres and possession given on or before the 1st of may next the above farm being well known by the name of hickorygrove the proper ty of major kroin borders uponlake on tario nine miles from kingston in the bay of quinte there are about 25 acres already prepared for spring crops besides 8 acres laid down in fall wheat and a fine orchard as the proprietor intends retaining the stone building with out offices attached to it the terms vill be moderate and part of payment received in produce teams cattle and agricultural implements ma be had at a valuation none but pesons of re spectable character need apply erncsttown 11th february 1s30 bank of upper canada public notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of the stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital stock outstanding shall be called in and shall be made payable at the bank by the following instalments viz ten per cent or l 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10th instalment ten per ccntor l 5s on each share on the 24th of april next being the 11th instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each share on the 1st day of july next be ing the 12th and last instalment there by completing the payment ofthe lull amount of the capital stock of the bank under its charter by order of the stockholders thos g ridout cashier bank of upper canada j york 11th dec 1829 j 3f t valuable real estate for sale he marmora lion works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and slock thereunto be- f ilg us tormoilv iilvitiisi ujf long titer wilh 12734 acres of valuable laod bearing excellent red and white pine timber and other woods suitable for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest hiddor for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9th day olocloberl is30 at noon for plans of the wovks ami other particulars apply to mr jvianahan on the premises to messrs gould dowls co london messrs dowjo and baird liverpool at the office of tire albion newspaper new york or to the subscriber at montreal peter mccill midlaud district upper canada august 1629 s the ro v al oak hoteij carmino returns his sincere i thanks to his numerous f ends and customers for the vovy liberal sup port which he has received from them at the royal oak he now solicits a continuance of their patronage and begs to assure all who may favour him with their custom that his utmost efforts will be used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made vnriou improve ments in his establishment ho is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitois than formerly his ta ble will be constantly supplied withiic very best the market affords and his wines and liquors of the tnst quality the siiualiou of he royal oak is cen tral aud pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january 1830 poe al5 in upper canada avery eligible property in the bay of quinte wcl kuowu by the name of champignon formerly belonging to capl payne of tlie royal engineers situated within nine milfs of the town of kingston containing about 400 acres of arable land of which there are upwards of 100 acres iu the highest state of cultiva tion ou the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built in the cottage style sufficiently capicions for the accom modation of a gentlemans family cud it has averaudah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake in the rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required thcro is also a very good farm bouse detached from the house above described aud the baru and other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der its value and possession given ou the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made to messrs g g s how- land new york simpson macjntyri co montreal k a harper esq kinstun or to the proprietor a simpson quebec 1st dec 1829 s5t midland district salb of lands i do hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as are vdyertised by the treasurer of the listricfnj contained in the warrantsofthe clerk ofthe peace as may be sufficient to satisfy thi j roarages of assessments due heredltf the following times and places viz township of pittsburg on the 9th and lotli june 1830 at mortons inn iu bacricfield at the hour of 11 oclck a m kingston on the 1 ith and 12th june 1830 at the court house at the hour of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june is30 at peterdavys inn in bath at the hour of 11 oclock am camden on the lmhand 16th june 1sso at bowers mills at the hour or ii oclock a m richmond on the i7th and 18 junt 1830 at the napanee mills at the hour of 11 oclock a m frcdeiicksburgh on the 19th june 1s30 at john oordanicrs inn at the hour of 11 oclock am thuilow and hungciford on the 21st and 22nd june 1 830 at royal mon ros inn in the town of belleviheatthe hour of 11 oclock a m sidney on the 23rd june 1s30 at r whites at 11 oclock a m rawdon and huntingdon on the 24ih 25th and sgirjuno 1330 at ed ward fidlars at the hour of 11 oclock- m ameliasourg on the 28th and 29th june 1330 at billews inn the carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a h itallowcli o n thcsoih june 1s30 3t gamut striekers inn at the hour of 11 oclock am sophiasburg on the 1st july 1830 at demorcstville ai the hour of 11 oclock a m adolphustown on the 2d july 1830 at the court house at the hour of 11 vclock a m murysburgh on the 2d and 3d julv g30 at the stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock pm loughborough on the gth and 7ih july 1830 at mcgregors mills at ihe hour of 12 oclock noon- portland on the 8th and 9th july usso at jacob shibleys at the hour of 11 oclock a m john mclean sheriff m i sheriffs office kingston dec 20 1859 wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom lbcral encouragement will be given apply t mackay redpath april 1629 4 ny person in the possession of a mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through the medium of this paper information respecting its nature provided il be thought worthy of no tice december 25th 1829 sold bv auction on thurs- to be so day th lo kogfs head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr geo millward deceased and which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may he assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on the most reasonable terms kingston march 13 1830 e 29h inst all the house hold furniture and moveable effects of deputy assistant commissary general lcggatr at his residence front street near colonel douglass consisting of mahogany dining tea and card ta bles chest of drawers common do do bedsteads feather beds rnd bedding carpets chairs china gfass crock ery an excellent eight day clock a large and serviceable cooking stove with tin kettles and pipes complete and a varie ty of kitchen ulensils fire irons fenders ccc c c also a good milch cow an excellent piano forie sale to commence at 11 oclock ml moran a b evised editsow op the provincial sta tutes the number of subscriber for this troth not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a source of undoubted authority that the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will he some consolation to him for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble he has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in the revision that he hiis boon instrumental in forwarding a measure which must prove of great utility to the province jas macfarlane kingston april 2 1830 forwarding the subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they arc making prepa rations to commence the forwarding business on the opening of the naviga tion when they will have five good durham boats ready for the transportation of property to and from montreal they cannot well annex a list of prices as much will de pend on the height of the water but they will carry at lower rates than hive been charged heretofore the business to be carried on at brockville under the firm ofjmorris thome co and at montreal by charles bowman a w morris co charles bowman thos c thorne brockville l6th march 1ss0