to he time wfaai madame vettrii aid mr andaraod iteumho again making hate ful love for their entertaioraeoi the kixftstoy chronicle aaturfrag flmte 51630 since our last publication the packet ships canada john jay and napoleon have arrived and furaiabed dates to the 35th of april the most interesting circumstance contained in these papers regards the health of our beloved sove reign which for some time excited considerable alarm in england the latest accounts howev er represent his majesty as having been able to ign some official documents j and we trust that ere thi the best and noblest of monarch s may have been restored to the prayers of his affection ate subjects the fench assume a high posi tion in the expected conquest of algiers a more formidable expedition has seldom assailed this barbarous and obstinate people and we apprehend that a repetition of the bloody days when lord exmouth afforded them so firm a specimen of british heroism has before this con vinced them of the impolicy of opposing them selves to a civilized system of warfare some salutary reformation in the penal code of the country in relation to forgeiies will be submitted by mr peel confining the punish ment ofdealh to certain acts such as the forgery of the great seals of the united kingdom the signature of the king wills bills of exchequer c the emancipation of the jews was carried by a majority of is it may not be uninteresting to the curious to observe that the hebrew cha racters which dencribe this number signifies also life an omen of no mean importance tribes of israel yesterday being the 4th of june the 1st and 2nd regiments of frontenac militia and capt bethuncs troop of cavalry mustered in extraor- dinary numerical strength upon their respective parade grounds the day was particularly fa vorable and the plains in the neighborhood of the scotcljchurchjdisplayedanassemblage that would bavc done honor to the campus martms of ro man celebrity thetioop under command of co markland passed in review order and af terwards wentlhrough several manoeuvres under the command of that meritorious officer and aided by col kirby the new system of drill wap for the first time adopted and the man ner in which it was conducted exceeded the expectations of the crowd assembled to witness appointment to the 2nd rcgt we have inserted elsewhere assumed the command this day and manoeuvred his regiment with all the skill of an experienced officer at 6 oclock the officers of both regiments aat down to a sumptuous dinner at myers hotel the company including several guests exceeded 50 the dinner was served in the bct style and did great credit to mr mycrs taste the wines were of the first quality amongst the guests we observed the clergy of the town colonel douglass hon capt byng messrs- yarwood marks capt bonnycastle besides several gentlemen of the town col markland acted as president and col raynes as vice the excellent band of the 79th highlanders at tended and echoed the following toasts with appropriate tunes toasts 1 the king god bless him 2 the memory of his late majesty king ueorge the third to whom we ate indebted for our constitution 3 the royal family 4 the army and navy 5 his excellency sir john colbome and the province in which we live 6 his excellency sir james kempt and the province of lower canada 7 his excellency sir p maitland and the province of nova scotia 8 his excellency sir h douglass and the province of new brunswick a speedy and hap py adjustment of the boundary question 9 the duke of wellington and his majestys ministers 10 the memory of sir isaac brock and the allant men who fell in our defence during the ate war 11 colonel douglass and the garrison of kingston 12 captain byng and the naval establish ment in the canadas 13 commodore barrie may he have asafe slcasant passage with his family on his return to ifcttffa 14 our fellow militia men throughout the pro vinces 15 colonel by and officers of the engineer department 16 iady colborno and the canadian fair 17 the welland andrideau canals the company did not scperate till an early hour this morning several volunteer toasts and some excellent songs were given and we believe the general impression was a regret that the fourth of june could only be celebrated once a year jin architect came too late for insertion in this days paper pile which haa stood forenturiet the fondly che rished and living record of former yeara anddi- regarding alike its rentable age and storied fame foels no respect for the adventitious valuw which memory flings over the proudly magnifi cent building rendered thus more beautiful aad lovely by ita gradual decay how many a talle of romantic chivalry how many a lay of thrai- hng interest would lose one half their influence were the scite of their locality lost to us for ever could we not trace the battle ground of marathon of thermopyko of quebec or of waterloo who would care for milliades for leonidus for wolfe or in yeara to come for wellington it is association which gives a value to every thing who would remember the proud the generous alcibiadea had there been no socrates were this not the case why do we with such pleasure rote amid the dreary passages of holy rood and crosby hall were it not for magna charta what could we find to interest in runnymede what would give interest to the name of druid 7 could we not wander through the groves of mona and fancy that every ancient oak ave a shelter and a resting place to the spirit of borne murdered de votee with such feelings and they are gene ral who could behold without regret that all that this province contains of antiquity should have been doomed to destruction who could look upon the very stones that had sheltered the accomplished frontenac and the adventurous father hennepin and not feel sorrow that he had not sufficient authority to preserve the edifice from destruction how much ol historic record was recalled by that round tower the silent monitor depicted to the mind the fierce iroquois the accomplished governor and the bold tra veller how many a scene of fierce and extermi nating warfare was pictured to the mind by the strong bulwark it had been found necessary to erect to repel that fierce invader it stood a silent record of the past the illus trious frontenac was identified with its every stone a governor of whom contemporaries wrote that this country was never governed with ao much wisdom moderation and equity as by the count de frontenac the gratitude of that age gave his name to the lake which is now again known by its indian name ontario winch 1 believe signifies the pretty take aid seldom has the gratitude of mankind been more justly paid this accomplished nobleman was at once a statesman a soldier and a scholar his domestic virtues if they may be so termed obtained from father hennepin a man of great virtue and learning and of indefatigable research and withal bold and adventurous in the cause of his holy faith the following culogium tllvv have endeavoured to blacken his reputation to eclipse his glory and to render him suspected but i am bound to say to the praise of that illus trious nobleman that he was a father to the poor and a protector to those that were in danger of being oppressed and that his conversation was a perfect model of virtue and piety such was the man who built the etone fort whose demolition has been rendered necessary by the public service such is the character history draws of that man whose name is con tinued to us by the county in which wc live the space which can be allotted to this intro duction now compells me to quit a subject which i find ao interesting that i could with pleasure dwell upon his virtues for many columns the count however is a character to whom at some future period this series of papers will probably often recur the iroquois will forma considera ble portion of the dramatis person of the suc ceeding numbers should these tales excite the most trifling taste for enquiry into the former state of this province the wiircrv object will be died on tuesday last mrs thirkell wife of mr jo seph thiikell of this town aged 43 years at york on the 27th ult deeply regretted john m esq aged 42 years port op quebec arrived may 23 brig prince george morrison 7th of april from aloa to roger dean co general cargo brig sophia neil 4th do from greenock to masson strang co geoeral cargo 8 settlers ship brilli ant barclay 5th do from aberdeen io h g forsyth co ballast 30 settlers 24 ship margaret tumpton stli do from liverpool to general cargo 10 settlers brig martha sweerjaod ffith do from tobago to j p thirlwall rum and sugar ship sir john bcrcsford bong 8tb do from liverpool to forsyth walker co general cargo brig aunandalc anderson 8th of april from liverpool to h g forsyth co with salt bii kail ofdalhousie boyd sthcfdo from gree nock to massoo strang co general car go bark universe alexander 8tli do from belfast to h g- forsyth co io bal last 40 settlers ship montreal lei ten 8ih do from liverpool to g ross co with general cargo bark campobello corner 8th do to j leather co salt brig blackston esdale 5tb do from whitby to lemesusier ballast biig isa bella donaldson 6th do from dundee to a gilmour co general cargo brig james lumsdon petrie 3d of do from ja maica to heaven macaulay with ruin sugar c 27 brig favourite allen 8ih april from greenock to w price a general cargo schr swift from arichar with fish 28 brig symmetry cram 6tb april from shields to h g forsytl co in ballast ship sir walter scott brown 8th do from liverpool to j lea ther co with salt adjutant generals office york u c 27th may 1830 militia gkvjeral okdeb the lieutenant governor has been pleaf- ed to make the following promotion ifl the militia service 2d frontenac regiment to be colrt- ool lieut colonel the hon geo mark- land vice cummiog deceased to tafce rank 1st april 1830 to be lieut colonel major francis raynes from the cavalry troop vivo markland to take rank 1st april 183- by command n coffin j- general of militit- midland district to wit it is ordered that numbers one three and six of the geoeral po lice regulations be rescinded and that the following be substituted in their place no 1 that aoy person haviug depfl sited or having caused to be deposited in aoy street of the town timber plank stoce brick lime mortar or other ruaw- passengers in the sophia from greonock mr mm p mcintosh and family mrs n mc intosh miss mcpberaoa and messrs v smith james scott duncan gibb jr ft sheddan r morris and j- massou it the margnvet froio liverpool messrs a voting george pembertoo and henry pomherton messrs douglass rowbottom elmhurst buchanan greeoshielda gil- lispie and mahanan in the carriogton from trinidad mr- black passengers iu the favourite miss scoit messrs j g mckenzie cormack echeney mcpher son orr armstrong and fifty settlers tor the chronicle legends of frontenac he knew many tales of olden time andfeltpleas- ed when asked to repent them godwins life of chaucer no 1 fffje souiin stolacr he leaves a name at which his foes grew pale to point a moral or adorn a tale johnson time rolls over us and leaves the traces of his withering scythe on all things the crumbling rock and the receding wave attest his power ful influence no less than the mouldering ruin and the dilapidated pile but the rude hand of man destroys in a moment what time would not effect but in years and not without supplying a more sublime creation to reconcile us to the change the lapse of years wears away and destroys the proud pinnacle and the haughty for tress but the grey lints of age add beauty to the decaying work of art and the association of by gone ages invests the crumbling tonc with ro mantic intercut lint more ruthlessly to gratify his whim foi iunrird iaiprovciaoitl man dcalnv ifch attained his motto must still be utile aim ductile father hennepin whose name has been al ready honourably noticed has established for himself a name and reputation which ephemeral notice like the present can no way affect but there is a degree of unpretending observation that should not be neglected in his work and it is de lightful to read a book w ritten so long since which bears such powerful internal evidences of truth evidences which our more extended knowledge of the present day can fully corroborate when we consider the worthy fathers opportunity to embellish and heighten wc feel that no little praise is due to that innate love of truth which could resist the temptation reader my forte does not lie in moral or critical disquisitions so i beg you will suspend your judgment until next week when i shall appear before you in my pro- perhabit the garb of fiction the may tea sale of the hon the east india company took place at the ware house of the agents on saturday the 22d instant thequantiiy exposed for saloon this occasion was 2tiu3 chests and 874 box es of which 21 42 chests and 869 boxes were sold and 661 chests and 5 boxes withdrawn the quantity of each denomination of tea put up withdrawn and sold with the prices will appear from the following statement twaukay put up 1479 chests 498 box es withdrawn 419 chests sold 1069 chests 498 boxes upset price 2 10 a 2s lid sale price 2sl0 to 3s hyson skio put up 815 chests withdrawn 107 sold 708 upset price 2s 7d a 3s salo price 2 s 7d 2s 8d and 3s oj d hyson put up 133 chests withdrawn 15 sold 120 upset price 5s id sale price 5s- ljda 5sli- young hysoo put up and sold 114 chests 350 boxes upset price 4s 5d a 4s 7d sale price 4s 7d a 4s 83 souchoog put up 60 chests withdrawn 42 sold 18 apset price 2s- lid sale price 2s llj congou put up 100 chests withdrawn 73 sold 22 upset price 2s 4d sale price 2s 4jd bo- hca put up and sold 100 chests upset price ls9l sale price is loda lsload- pekoe put up aud sold 12 boxes upset price 4s4d sale price 4s 4jd a 4 4d gunpowder put up 14 boxes withdrawn 5 sold 9 upset price 5s 10d- and cs- sale price 5s- i0i a 5s loijd and 6s 0d man- gazette shipping intelligence ship montreal aud sir john berofj proceeded for montreal in tow of ihe john molsid this morning a gentleman has come up who left the lower end of crane island yesterday at 3 pm nothing then in eight comiug up ship montreal from liverpool came out by the north channel and like tbo m argaret and ptbers had a very rough passage saw a great number of vessels outside the gulf the margaret sailed from liverpool on the 9ih ult with a light s w wind and came out by the north channel after clearing the land experienced a constant succession of n v gales was in lat 5c n and as far south as 41 n made the gulf sun wee prospectus for publishing a weekly religious news paper at kingston upper canada to be exclusively devoted to the established church of england and tiie support and iltvatration of her primitive and apostolic oictrine ministry and worship to te called rial for buildiog who shall refuse or ne glect to remove the same within one hotr after having received an order to do o from the police office shall forfeit aud ptj a penalty of twenty shillings for each of fence aud be liable to all expenses attend i ing the removal of the same provided that this regulation shall not extend to persoos requiring said materials for immediate use and occupying there with not more than one half of the width of the street exclusive of the footpaths thereof opposito the site of the intended building no 3 that any person depositing 10 the street any firewood cart sleigh wag gon or other carriage cask case rubbish or filth of aoy description except for the purpose of immediate removal and who shall neglect forthwith to remove the same shall forfeit and pay the sum of five shil lings for every such oflence together with all expences atteuding the removal of the same ne 6 that householders or proprie tors of unoccupied houses having cellars opening upou the street shall secure such opening with sufficient side walls and irap- doori 00 a level with the foot pavement or sidewalk tbo hinges lucks and liaiodfrs for the said irapdoors being such as shall be approved ofby the police iflicer and if any householders or proprietors of unoccu pied houses shall neglect after notice gi ven by the police officer forthwith to se cure the said openings according to tbo imeut and moaning of this regulation such householders or proprietors of unoccupied houses so offending shall forfeit aud pay the st to of iwnnfv shilling nni imltahk for all expanses that may uttend the secur ing of the same ll is ordered that the following rules bo w the warder hilst other denominations of christians arc engaged in the laudable undertaking of circulating periodicals and other useful vehi cles of religious instruction according to their respective views in unlimited numbers it has ever been a matter of regret that the church of added to the general police rcgulntious no tl any person who shall dig a hole id any siroel of tho town or who shall remove thorcfrotn aoy soil or stone with out nennissiou being first obtained from tbo police officer shall forfeit hud pay the sum of twenty shillings no 42 it in ordered that in future any licensed carter for the town who shall be guilty of driving furiously through the streets or beyond ao ordinary trot except during the lime of a fire shall be liable to forfeit their license by the court 17th and 24th may 1e30 millek a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gananocjue mills c j jfcdonald4co jlay 29 1830 or mkee dentist has left this town for yrk he will re turn here in about two vceks and will immediately afterwards call with any one who may require his services if they will in the mean time leave their address for him at the kingston hotel june 2d t andrew parmenti- er proprietor of the horti cultural and botancial garden of brooklyn new- york containing 24 acres of nurseries offers twelve select kinds of table grapes very hardy from the north of trance at 6 the dozen with directions for planting or at ss 9d separately they can be bad from the 15th october he has a choice assortment of 202 apples 190 pears 71 cherries 63peaches15 nec- tarians 85 plums 18 apricots 20 gooseberries and bis collection of or namental trees and shrubs is of 306 kinds and has also more than 200 rose plants mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and ornnmental trees from his collection mr p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the officcof thechronicle reference john macaulay esq john kirby esq john marks esq stephen yarwood esq allan maclean esq 22d may 1830 n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the giound until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any in jury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all i with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several or ders will be made up into one package with a view to save the expense of ca- riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mr par- mentier is now ready to received or- ders agreeably to the above advertiee- ment jambs afccfailiake king 29lh may 1s30 h m dock yard kingston v c 19th of april 1830 the navy board being desirous of obtaining some hemp the growth of the canadas for the purpose of experiment notice is hereby yivefl hat tenders will be received at my office until the 1st july next from such person or per sons residing in either province as may be willing to contract for the delivery from one to ten tons of hemp the tenders tp specify full particulars of the place where it is proposed the hemp shall be or has been grown as al so the price at which it will be deliver ed at montreal kingston or quebec for sale- a erv valuabu farm in the township ofthurlow situated withio four miles of the town of belleville and within a quarter of a mil of the river moiree containing two hundred acres of land of which therw are one hundred acres in the highest state of cultivation on the farm thero is a very neat substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn of fifty feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to the propri etor on the premises ronald mcmichael thurlow 10th may 1830 to be sold by auction at coopers wharf on wednesday the 2d day of june 1830 the schoon er canadian of obis port togetherwith the sails tackle and furniture having been seized by the collector of cus toms at port hope she was launched in the spring of 1828 and is now in ex cellent repair h m mosley auctioneer york 13th may 1830 uvgston hotel m myehs respectfully informs the public ihat he has taken the above well known establishment the house is now open for the re ception of company and he flatters himself that by strict attention to his businesshe will be enabled to restoreihe high reputatioiuwhich it sustained under the superintendence of its former res pectable proprietor the late mr ro bert walker he solicits the patronage of the old frieflb of the house of his own friends and of the public generally n b boarders can be accommodat ed by the day or week kingston u c may 15th 1830 1 overnment sale of un- w serviceable stores by auction will be sold on thursday the 10th day of june next at the ordnance wharf int lteniy a laigc quantity ol con demned stores consisting of blankets bed cases regimental clothing tools c x c sale to commence at 11 oclock am john strange auctioneer kingston 21st may 1830- tuewline of steambo ats rom carryingplace to pres- the hemp to be subject to inspec- jcott three times a week and from pres- lion appiovalor disapproval and satis- i coil l0 lne carryingplace the to- englaud should have slumbered upon the project j wev books for sale we now under the divine blessing anticipate jvl at the chronicle office the success of and which in a few words is ox- factory proof will be required that it is bona fide the growth of canada the tenders to be opened at 1 oclock p m on thursday the 1st july next j r glover naval storekeeper hardware and cutlery no 51 st paul street montreal the subscriber having removed to the above extensive premis es is now receiving and will have con stantly on hand the largest and best as sorted stock of hardware and cutle ry to be found in montreal his goods being purchased in the best markets nf england by some of the clo sest buyers for the new york market pressed at the head of this prospectus this indifference has arisen from the that conscious who are continually on the look out for laurie todd a novel by mr gait b v the ilx t damlcj novel wl at all p flf f spectionbe found much below the usu- supenonty of those principles which they cannot 1 ales of a crranaj other by the f hat love principles sanctioned by antiquity and j author of vaverly al pnees cherished by the word of god forms no apolo- i p7 tip tihtamnma a n- upper canada merchants are gene- gy to the rising generation of episcopalians in jv ft rally invited to call before concluding 1 their purchases they may depend on finding it greatly to their advantage thoss brown irion ff im lbo- tstotice is hereby given that jjb sealed tenders will be received at this office until thursday the 29th ju- ipressing their minds with a just view of the importance oil bte the underswiiei their hereditary doctrines and the necessity of a ww mt uvrr u- strict adherence to the pure principles ot that vc- public notice ilia d hereby give at we will not neritn abb 5 s selves members yy arulr or common carri- where can this information be more easily and psoii the river st lawrence for satisfactorily obtain than through the f ol iic anj danger of the naviga- a well rpniilntpfl nrpaproevoud to whatever 4 2e3c3su welfare of the peopls ad on hence o montreal and vice versa the interests of the church important and ufiefti not only as the meas for conveying general in formation in relation to matters which more par ticularly concern us as churchmen but as tend ing to produce a correct religious impression up on the people and best calculated to advance the great cause of evangelical truth with these views we humbly and respectfully lay our convinced that her interest j than through the pares of i iewspappr devoted to whatcvir uml welfare of the people ad uo hence we promise the public to employ nunc but sober experienced men as masters of our boats wc will at all times when it cah be done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable of fice for its safe delivery at montreal at the lowest premium tobc obtained rsodb wi- ronto capt sinclair and the dalhou- sie capt mcdontll will run during the season as follows viz the toronto will leave the carryingplace for kingston every monday wednesday and friday morn ing at5 oclock touching at the trent belleville sophiasburgh hallowell adolphustowii and bath and leave kingston for the carryingplace every tuesday thursday and saturday at 8 oclock in the morning touching at the intermediate places the dalhous1e will leave prescott every monday and wednes day morning at 5 oclock and on every friday afternoon on the arrival of the montreal stage touching at brockville and gananoque and leave kingston for prescott every tuesday thorsday and saturday morning at 8 oclock touching at the intermediate places mr welur will shortly run a line of stages between york and the carrying place three times a week to meet the toronto thus forming an easy itad expeditious route from york to montre al via the bar ofqwnte jjl -h- rates of the boats as usifal anathe stewards department furnished with th best wines liquors c c kingston may 5 1830 r ng from project before our brethren of the church t thai hpr interests will be advanced by the means we are pursuing and herapostolic pu- in cases where no instructions are rity sustained through the present and succeed- g with respect to the amount t be in of the warder shall never he tatwd on the different description of stained with anv polemical feeling or any sub- property we shall ensure such amount ject likely to excite religious controversy or paiiy 1s w conceive will be for the safety and prejudice they will be pen to the roinmunica- j of ihc owners the property to the preivium persons who ly next from any person or peril ling to contract for the tolls arisi tho cataraqui bridge for ouo year cer tain or for two years certain from ihc 91st day of august next when posses- and customers for the very liberal sup sion will be given the toll receivable p which he haa receflm from the tub royal oak hotel scarmino returns his sincere b thanks to bis numerous friend tions of the protestant cleigy and laity whoe subiect cooperation with that of all our brethren wc ull 1 e made suojcct most anxiously and fervently solicit the edito- paid for its insurance mtotice all persons to whom jt the firm of evans and atkin son or james atkinson are indebted aud who have not already presented their accounts are requested to do so on or before the 15th inst ames atkinson rial department will be conducted by one or more consign property of the episcopal clergy and the mechanical part ft object io this executed at the ofiice of the upper canada lie- s r i i- raldahd while we entreat all the labourers in j aiew s t owei n the vineyard to aid and assist us not only as cor- i they must consider themselves subject respondents butas agents in thecncoiiuiiement l the liibiliiies of the navigiiiou to us for trentyort course will imiuedi- which kingston th ji mo 1sso of a fervent and rational piety we would desire them to remember us in their prayers that our humble efforts may be blessed of heaven in ex tending the knowledge of the truth as it is in jesus in promoting the advancement of that primitive communion of which wc arc members and in impressing the encouragement of those tempers and affections which should find a home in the hearts of thofte who would be found at least the disciples of the son of god upon the most moderate calculation that has been made on the subject of the subscriptions for this undertaking we find that the expense annually will not exceed 12s cd exclusive oi postage the wafder will be published on sa turdays upon an excellent sheet of canadian manufacture and iv is expected that the clergy to whom wc send our prospectus will act as agents and transmit on or before the 1st of july next the names of the subscribers to john macaulay fn kingston kmiiii m idso henco to a ontroal- siancd if- s jones tames mccutchon hooker henderson john mclherson co prescott 22d march 182s- b owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation fioui montreal to prevott will direct merchants fiom whom hoy purchase to furnish us or our j a jontreal with the value of each and every package sieued john mcpherson co v h fc s jones james mccutchon hooker henheixcqn by act of parliament may be seen od the bridge and those persons evpjnpc from paying toll may be known on application at this olfice such person or persons who are willing to contract as above will be required to cive approved sureties to the amount of 100 curreocy that the amount of the tender contracted for shall be paid week ly to tho treasurer at tbis office where any further information required will be given between the hours of 10 a- m- aud 2 p m it is further to be uoderstood that uo contract will be entered into unless the case board of directors should receive an ap proved offer and should the tolls not be let by contract a tollkeeper will be re quired persons tendering or their agents are required to be at this office od the opening of the tenders at 12 oclock noon on thursday 52ith july next- geo f- corbett- secy tr office of the cataraqui bridge company kington 1st may 183g at the royas oak he now solicits a continuance of their patronage and begs to assure allho may faypur him with their custom that bis utmost efforts will be used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve- mentsinhis establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitors than formerly his ta ble will be constantly supplied with tho very best the market affords and his wines and liquors of the first quality the situation of the royal oak iscen- tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january 1 180 s i prescott 13 cpcmuer i ro elegant fancy goods each vanalstine having relumed from newyork with a splendid assortment of rich fancy silk goods of the latest fashious and importations which they willscll at very low prices for cash for particulars jtc hand hills on ma co 1330 king trayed from kingstreet in the town of kingston on the 6th may instant a pale red cow a small hole had been made through each horn whoever will give informa tion where said cow may be found at this office will greatly oblige the indigent owner and shall be suitably rewarded kingston m 15th 183 mir5kcars masonry jm forsmcatthe chronicle office- match 13