Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 5, 1830, p. 4

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from darntcy amtl chapter i patient wmrsttt madam and pardon in j sjiafeake ashe spolce the loud neighing of the strangers horse announced the approach of some of his fourfooted fraternity and oorrtbc the cottagedoor the old man irtcked forth to ascertain if his apprehen sions were just the cloud however was cleared on ins brow in a moment by the appearance of the person who rode into the garden joysood wife joy cried the old man it is sir cesar it is sir cesar we are safe enough now sir cjsar cried the traveller that is a strange name 1 aud ho turned to the cottage door to examine the person that ap proached cantering through the garden on a milk white palfrey adorned with black leather trapping appeared a little old man dressed in singular but elegant habiliments his doublet was of black velvet his hose of crimson stuff and his boots of buff his cioak was black like his coatbut lined with rich miniver fur of which also was his bon- uet he wore no armsexcept asmall dag ger the steel hilt of which glittered in his girdle and to turn and guide his palfrey- he made use of neither spur uor rein hut seemed more to direct and urge him with a peeled osier slick with which he every dow and then touched the animal on either ear his person was as singular as his dress extremely diminutive in stature his limbs appeared well formed and even graceful he was not a dwarf but still considerably below the middle size and though not misshapen in body his face had that de gree of prominence and his eye that keen vivacious sparkle generally discovered in the deformed in complexion he was swarthy to excess while his long black hair slightly mingled with gray escaped from under his bonnet and fell upon bis shoulders still the most remarkable fea ture was his eye which though sunk deep in his head had a quickness and a fire that contradicted the caiiu piaciu expression ui the rest of his countenance and seemed to indicate a restless busy spirit for glancing rapidly from object to object it rest3iot a moment upon any one thing but ap peared to collect the information it sought with the quickness of lightning and then fly off to something new in this manner he approached the cot tage his look at first rapidly running over the figures of the two cottagers and their guest but then turning to their faces his eye might be seen scanning every feature and seeming to extract their meaning in au iostant as in the summer we see the bee darting iuto every flower and drawing forth their virtues while it scarcely pauses to fold its wings it seemed as if the face was to him a book where each liuo was written with some tale or some informa tion but in a character so legible and a language so well known that a moment sufficed him for the perusal of the whole at the cottage door the palfrey stopped of itself aod slipping down out of the sad dle with extraordinary activity the old gen tleman stood before the traveller and his hosts with that sort of sharp sudden motion that startles although expected the old mao and his wife received their new guest with reverence almost approaching to awe but before noticing them farther than v fetgtitu thiut aiii ll turned directly towards the traveller and doffing his cap of miniver he made him a profound bow while his long hair parted from the crowo foil over bis face and al most concealed it sir osborne mau rice said he well met the traveller bowed in some surprise to in himself recognised ly the singular per son who addressed faim truly sir ho answered you have rightly falieo upon the name i bear and seem to know me well though in truth i can boast no such knowledge in regard to yon to my re membrance this is the first time we have met 44 within the last thousand years replied the old man we have met more than a thousaud times but i remember you weif before that when you commanded a ro man cohort in the fine punic war 44 hes mad thought the traveller 41 profoundly iusaoe and be turned an en quiring glance to the cottager and bis wife but far from showing any surprise they stood regarding their strange visiter with makl of deep awe aod respect however the traveller at length replied memory with mo is a more treacherous guardiau of the past but may i cravo the name of so ancient an acquaintance 44 in britain answered the old man 4 they call me sir cesar in spain don cesario and in padua simply cesario il dotto what cried sir osborne the fa mous 41 ay ay interrupted the old man famous if it may so be called but do nore of that fame is but like a billow o a sandy shore that when the tide is in it seems a mighty thing and wheu tis out tis nothing if i have learned nought be side i have learned to despise fame that your learning mu9t have taught you far more needs no farther proof than your knowledge of a stranger that you ne ver saw at least with human eyes said sir osborne and in truth this your knowledge makes me a believer in that art which hitherto i had held as empti ness accustomed to command there seating traveller as his guest aod demanding of the old couple a supply of those things he deemed necessary set downthe salt in the middle richard hartley now bring the bread take the bacon from the pot dame aud if there be a pompion yet not mouldy put it pown to roast in the ashes whet sir osboros dagger richard is u alldouo then sit with us for litrcin are men all alike now tell me richard hart ley while wc cat what has happened to thee this morning for i learn thou hast been in jeopardy thus speaking he carved the bacon with bis dagger and distributed to everyone their portion while sir osborne maurice looked on not a little interested id the scene one of the most curious parts of which was the profound taciturnity that had succeeded to garrulity in the two old cotta gers aod the promptitude and attention with which they executed all their guests commands tho old gentlemans question seemed to untie richard hartleys lips and he com municated in a somewhat circumlocutory phrase that though he had built his house and enclosed his garden on common land which as he took it was free to every one yet within the last year sir payan wileton had demanded for it a rent of two fy ifwelry watches c rt jot to mr jvatkns hardtoart ft fore in the shop latly occupied by itm sttnnett he subscriber most respectfully informs his friends in town and country that he has received a fresh as sortment of british jewelry c watches made expressly for the british market those wanting good time pieces will do well in calling early all watch es sld will be warranted io keep time clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price given for old silver s o tazewell kingston jun 27th 1829 just published by carey ltd and carey of philadelphia the first vol ume to be continued at intervals of three months of the encyclopaedia americana a popular dictionary of arts sciences lit erature history and politics brought down to the preseolime and including a copi ous collection of original articles in ameri ca biography on the basis of the sev enth edition of the german conversations- lftton to he completed in twelve large volumes octavo price two dollars and a half each otp persons wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle ojjice where tho 1st volume may be seen james macfarlane kingston 24 dec 1839 wi- pounds per anoum which was far beyond his means to pay as sir payan we1l that he did it onlyin malice the old man said 4i because he was the last of the good old lords servants who was left upon the ground and he sir payan was afraid that even if he were to die there bis bones would koep posscssiou for bis old master so he wished to drive him away altoge ther 14 go forth on no account interrupted sir cesar without he take thee by force and lead thee to the bound aod put theeolf go not beyond the limits of the lordship of chilham castle neither pay him any rent but live house freo and land free as i have commanded you in truth answered the old mao he has not essayed to put me off but he sent nia ban in tiifa biuktilucc t dcutauij iiiccui and to drive me out off the cottage and pull of the thatch though our richard who has returned from h nmy hryonl ihc seas is up at the rrfauor to do him man ser- ing in one of the most public parts of the vice for the sum town and commanding an extensive view hold cried sir cesar 4 let thy son of tho sceuery around the chaudier falls do him maaservicc if he will but do thou and bridges renders it well meriting the at- him no man service and own to him uo tcntion of a person in business or as a re- lordship sir payan wileton has but his sidence for a private family day that will soon be over and all shall indisputable titles will be given for be avenged own him no lordship i say further particulars apply to j ilagermau 44 nay nay sir i warrant you re- esq attorney at law in bytown or to plied the old mao twas even that that the proprietor on the premises provoked peter wilson the young bailiff pytown 27th july 182 to strike me because i said sir payan was or sale lot no 17 in the not my lord and i was not his tenant and rh r 1 m that if he stood on right i had as much a nimh concession of the town right to the soil as ho ship oi loughboro t or particulars en- 41 strike thee strike thee did ho strike quire at this office valuable property for sale in bytowv qtpiiat substantially built and conveni- i eat new house and lot situated at the corner of wellington and vittoria streets iu upper bytown and extending go feet in front on the former and 198 feet io depth on tho latter street the house consists of a parlourand di- niug room two bedrooms a kitchen and pantry ou the lower story four lu0 bedroom hi il- uiii i wrn nr also a large shed stable c erected on the premises tfiesiluatioo of the above property bc- thee cried sir cesar his small black eyes glowing like redhot coals and tvinkliug like stars on a frosty night 44 sure he did not dare to strike thee 44 ho felled him sir cesar cried the old woman whose tongue could refrain no onger he felled him to the ground he a child i have had upon my knee felled old richard lleartlcy with a heavy blow 44 my curse upon him cried the old knight while anger and indignation gave to his features au expression almost sub- ther heart and limb liko a blasted oak like it may he be dry and sapless when all is summer without a green leaf to cover the nakedness of his misery without flower or fruit may he pass away aud lire consume the rottenness of bit core kingston 9th aupust1828 i midland district sale of lands do hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as are advertised by the treasurer of the district and contained in the warrants of the clerk ofthe peace as may be sufficient to satisfy the ar rearages of assessments due thereon at c i hc 1 i imr inn li bank of ctper canada p ublic notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of ihe stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital jj oclock a stock outstanding shall be called in and shall be made payable at the bank by the following instalments viz ten pet cent or i 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10th instalment ten per cent or l 5s on each share on ihe 24th of april next being tho 1 1 th instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each share on the 1st day of july next be ing this 12th and last instalment there by completing the payment ofthe full amount of the capital stock ofthe bank under its charier by order ofthe stockholders thos g ridout cashier bank of upper canada york 11th dec 1829 township 0 pittsburg on the 9th and 10th j 1830 at mortons inn in barriefield at the hour of 11 oclck a m kingston onthellthand 12th june 1830 at th court house at the hour of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june 1830 at pnter davys inn in bath at the hour efll oclock a m camdcn 1 5th and 16th june 1830 at bowers mills at the hour oi m richmond on the i7lhandl8 june 1830 at ih napanee mills at the hour of 11 oclock a m frederirksburgh on the 19th june 1830 at john gordaniers inn at the hour of 11 oclock a m thurlow and hungerford on the 21stand 22nd june 1830 at royal mun- ros inn in the town of bellevilleatthe hour of 11 oclock a m sidney on the 23rd june 1s30 at r whites at 11 oclock a m t 44 cast from you no ore until you have tried it seven times in the fire replied sir cesar hold nothing as emptiness that you have not essayed but hark bend down thine ear and thou shalt hear more anon tho young traveller bowed his head till his ear was on a level with the mouth ofthe diminutive speaker who seemed to whis per not more than one word but that was of such a naturo as to make sir obborne start back and fix his eyes upon him with a look of inquiring astonishment that brought a smio upon the old mans lip there is no magic here said sir cesar 41 you shall hear more hereafter but huali come iuto the cottage for hunger that vile earthly want calls upon mo for its due herein alas we are all akiu unto the hog coine they accordingly entered tho lowly dwelling and sat down to a mnil1 onkco table placed in tho midst sir cesar as if valuable real estate for sale the marmora lion works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and stock thereunto be longing as formerly advertised toge ther with 12734 acres of valuable land bearing excellent red and white pine timber and other woods suitable for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9lh day of octobert 1830 at noon for plans of the works and other particulars apply to mr manahan on the premises to messrs gould dowie co london messrs dowie and baird liverpool at the office ofthe albion newspaper new york or to the subscriber at montreal peter mccill midland district upper canada au 1s to be let and possession given on the 12th day of june next the commodious shop and premi ses at present occupied by mr wm driscoll in king street for terms inquire ofthe subscribers jno macaulay david john smith kingston may 7 1830 rawdon and huntingdon on the 24th 25th and 2cth june 1830 at ed- svard fidlars at the hour of 11 oclock am ameliasburg on the 28th and 29th june 1830atbillewsinnthe carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a m hallowell on the 30th june 1830 at garratt striekers inn at the hour of 11 oclock a m sophiasburg on the 1st july 1830 at demorestville at the hour ofll oclock a m adolplnistown on the 2d july is so it the court house at the hour ofll vclock a m murysburgh on the 2d and 3d july 1830 at the stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock p m loughborough on the 6th and 7th july 1s30 at mcgregors mills at the hour of 12 oclock noon portland on the 8th and 9th july u830 at jacob shibleys at the hour ofll oclock a m john mclean sheriff m d sheriffs o k dee 20 1829 wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath april 1828 furs wantep at the store ofthe subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting furs h s phinny bank notice puhjic no tice is hereby given that he an nual meeting of the stockholders 0 the bank of upper canada will be nolden at the bank in the town of y on monday the seventh day of jun ne at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the pui pose cf electing by ballot directors to serve for the ensuing year as pro vided in the act of incorporation thos g ridout cashier bank of upper canada york april 27 1830 n b editors of the several newspa pers in the province are requested to publish the above until the day cf elec tion just published at the clronicle office in a neat duodecimo vo lume of 4jo pages the lower canada watcuvian the work being now ready for delive ry persons wishing for copies will please apply immediately february 27lh 1830 a xy person in the possesion of a m mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through the mediun of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no- tice december 25th 1829- for sale a most valuable farm in the township of thurlowand within nine miles of belleville containng one hundred acres sixty of which ire un der good improvement with a lot house barn and other out houses liberal terms of payment will be give for particulars apply to dr marshal belle ville or to the proprietor on tae pre mises christopher obrien tliuilow 2d miy lozt notice auij notes or accounts due to ihe estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellville 24th dec 1828 admr stoves received and for sale by the subscriberin the market place a aiuity low priced cooking stoves ii s phinny king jany 30 1829- or sale five acres of land more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgli apply to mrs jane mleod kingston 17th december 1828 illiam johnson bar- ber and hairdresser next door to carminos tenders his grateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by rinse attention and indutrv to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 an eittract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on the 20ih ol march second quarter begins on the 20lh march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement o the summer vacation about the 16th of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either ofthe above quarters a scholar is admited inio the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable from the begining of that quarter p the canada compa ny have for sale in upper ca nada about two millions fve hundred thousand acres of land ofthe following description first crown reserves being lots of 200 acres each scattered throughout the older townships gf the province second blocks of land of from 1000 to 40000 acres these are situat ed in the townships of the western districts and in the township of wil- mot in the gore district third a town and township called guelph in the gore district in which there are already nearly 800 settlers with almost every kind of tradesmen mechanics taverns stores schools saw mills x and a grist mill is in progiess this is a desirable location for settlers with small capitals as labor ers and servants are easily procurable and lots pat tly improved can be pur chased at a reasonable price fourth the huron territory con taining one million one hundred thou sand acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for upwards of sixty miles on the bank of lake huron the town of goderich has been commenced on the side of the harbor formed by the confluence of the river maitland and the lake and as a road is already cut to the gore district and another is in progress to the london district it has already become the cen tre of a settlement there are already about 500 inhabitants in the huron tract a saw mill is in operation a grist mill building and several taverns and stores have been established and a brewery and distillery are in progress the land is admitted on all hands to be equal to any in the province it passesses lime and building stone brick earth and potters clav in abun dance and the produce of the country- can be carried to market by water through lake huron by the river st glair to the lakes erie and ontario and the river st lawrence to montreal and quebec agents john davison esq quebec hart logau co montreal charles sheriff esq or 0tta robert sheriff esq ottawa chals p tread well esq lougueil alex fraser esq perth james samson esq kingston allan mcpherson esq napane james h samson esq belleville james g bethune esq james kerby esq johumcfarlane esq- francis baby esq york 24th april 1830 cobourg fort erie aldborongh saudwich for sale in upper canada avery eligible property in the bay of quinte well known by the name of champignon formerly belonging to capl payne of the royal engineers situated within nine miles of the town of kingston cootaining about 400 acres of arable land of which there are upwards of 100 acre in the highest state of cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dxvelling house built in the cottage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and it has a verandah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake id salt rheumt this inveterat disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with morere- uctance by the physician none iu which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointoieot jiasftood the rest of csoprience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might he obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentator it has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years staodiog that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedi ate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head aod all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children 03 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john mussun quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingstoo hthjuly 1828 the commissioners ofthe canada company hereby give notice that they have received the necessary authority under the provi sions of the act of parliament 9th geo 4th cap 51 to execute deeds to all persons who have purchased lands from them and are entitled to the same it is trusted the above notice will dispel all doubts which may have been hitherto created respecting the security of purchases under the company jy the editors of such papers as have been in the habit of inserting the companys advertisements will please publish the above notice for three months canada companys office york oct 1829- alliance british and foreign life and fire assur ance company of london established by act of parliament capital five millions sterling the agents for this company beg leave to announce to the in habitants of upper canada that they continue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns ofthe different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aav morrisc broekville james macfarlane esq kingston james g bethune esq cobourg robt win prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv- euiroin assuring wiuwtwwumwjfsww pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board ef directions in londcn 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property lor a less sum than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex- pcttbiooii hnt j lie- pp6jfijqjdi will be large mckenzie bethune co agents montreal 28th sept 1826 ws kings head mar- square kingston james a smith begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr geo millward deceased and which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may be assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on the most reasonable terms kingston march 13 1830 the rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from the house above described and tho barn aod other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der its value and possession given on the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made to messrs g g s how- land new york j simpson macintyrk co montreal i f- a harper jsse- kingston or to the proprietor a simpson quebec 1st dec 1829 25i oltsale lot no 273 iu the town of kingston containing two fifths of an acre application to be made to george mckenzie esq dec 9 1829 n tons swedes iron ow landing from thu general wolfe direct from gottenburgh j00 assorted swedes iron apply to willtam sudden the board of education for the johnstotcn district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books io teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtaiuedbyeach master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning and at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may be found io mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had oo application to adiel sherwood esq brockville 1829 the subscriber has io the press a duo decimo stereotype edition of the new testament for the use of schools c the work will be ready for delivery early in may next and will be afforded very cheap by the quantity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please send in their orders as early as convenient james macfarlane chronicle office kingston 21st m 1629 the subscriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a caso of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books aod stationery fyc w driscoll- kingston julyd 19 notice all persons having demands against the estate of the late abraham barker of hallowell deceased are requested lo present them duly authenticated to the subsciibers for settlement and all persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscriber who aie duly authorised to grant discharges d b stevenson benj hubbs hallowell may 16th 1s29 the kingston chronicue is printed and published every saturday by james macfahlane at his office in front street kingston r seventeen shillings sixpence per annum if sentby mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisement six lines and under 2s gd fiist insertion and and 71 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and 10d each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first inserlion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing odvertisentents to be in writing and delivered by wednesdat nook at the latest nn advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication c produce received in payment at the mar ket price agexts john bignell esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq mon treal james mclmoah esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq connoall georpe browse esq matilda alplieufl jones esq precott henry jcipcs esq brockviue josiah taylor esq perth uwbitrmtrah esq richmond j- k harlwell esq vtutmd mest c j mdonald ganantiuue john dean esq bath allan mcpherson esq jfapane trios poiker esq bellvuie joseph a keclcr esq cramahe james g belhuuc esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york luml fiosrt fo vittoria john jtf rock esq artct charles birflr rray j v uilbct em dwphvmwn esq

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