Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 12, 1830, p. 4

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e55 ii 1ilj gentry who ik j fcv have ivsi a gnn to nu the at scnc aid ahhi ihttsi ji individual us rv finds rn other to do of tlio bui you see profit ij i which was aurvnuitnes cxreed ui am about to relate i auv perinjwic grottntew i inn on anil aw for a gun thus ioavink the man of uo work a elcai oi 400 upon each guu alias 90gu for his job the account therefore stands thus stoyjjo freight r21k9 laud carnage to- njid cool intrepidity merely for transfer 26000 lui ic arena of pineal u tjio result the yankees got pos- ixcfstua informs the spocuuhv j icro o iicadorc ever session of these guns two or three days nf- i utile de toms ty cn or roadwf by me fntho ycarlf it tcr their arivall lhero are mere ww my fifiwi n tlay in november t men of rcsocctability new residents in li verpool who cau 3 guard i following date not rccnllpcfcd to comma m at bis majestys castle in dublin where was then quartered on tho morning about eight oclock i was walk ing in liiti castleyard awaitiug a summons when the subject of my anecdote occurred kvery body has seen or beard of the castle of dublin not to know it argues one self unknown it is the tenth wonder of vouch for tlie accuracy of my statement from a correspondent of the times kwregl elegant fancy goods bkacu vahakstine j fc avwel vrrs c- thill he lias tnkeu the above well known csinblhdinient the rouse is now open for the io- ceptiou of company and be hut tors himself thai bv strict attention to his busincssjhcwtll be enabled to restore 1 he hitfh reputation which it sustained nuclei ihc supc inicmlence of its former res pectable proprietor the laic mr ro bert wnlkcr flu solicits the patronage of the old friends of tho house ol his own friends land of the public generally n i hoarders can b accommodut- a flort- o u i bviiff returned from newyork i assortment of rich faucv with a sjdynui kingston u c may i5ih 1830 ov prices for cash for patticulars ec hnd ois kingston may 29 1s30 tiic world and as such deserves to be most sui goods of he latest fashions and carefully watched over accordingly importation which they will sell at very wherever a ccuticcl could be placed at the time i write of men was one to be been pacing tho half dozen flags allotted to him and inhaling the savoury steam offal tilings issuing upwards through the gratings of tho kitchen areas of viceregal courtiers uvlhc by the duties assigned to many of said sentries were sufficiently ludicrous and have often overcome the gravity which i ought to have maintained when ques tioning them as to their orders- one was tftok sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship oflottfihboro for particulars en quire at this office dnsston th aitffusms2s lcr posted in a gloomy passage to prevent in- gmy to an old iron lamp glassless and o- pen to the four winds of heaven another a sort of moveable commit uo nuisance j ot5ck is hereby given that settled tenders will be received at this office until thursday the 2dth ju- ping ly next from any person or persons wil- ling to contract for the tolls arising from the gataraui pridge for one year cer tain or for two years certain from the 21st day of august next when posses sion will bo given the tolls receivable act of parliament may be section the dge and thoso persons ewipl from 1tks wanthp at the store of the subscri- mnrkci place all kinds of shu- b no ilattixg furs ii s pi1ixny protected a certain corner overlooked from j pivir poll may be known on application ouscmads but the al office the apartments of the h most ridiculous was the reply made to me by a solitary centry in a little inclosed grass plat what are your orders sir to do my duty to all oflicers and to wateh the air not perceiving that the man was a j tender contracted for shall be paid week- cockney i concluded that he was placed treasurer at this office where there for some meteorological purpose tatlhct information required will bo however the amused corporal explained to iveq bclwceu the hours of 10 a m and me that the mans sole business was to look g p u a pet aartv but this is a j itla further to be understood that no i contract will be entered into uulcss tho board of directors should receive an ap- proved offer and should the tolls not be let by contract a tollkeeper will be re quired valuable real estate for sale he marmora lion works the privileges appurtenances build- utensils and stock hereunto hc- longing as formerly advertised toge ther with 12734 acres of valuable land bearing excellent red and w to the safety of a pet hare but this is a digression the court of the castle forms an oblong square the principal entrance facing the state apartments and at each extremity are arched ways on which are sentries as also is one on the kings co lour which accompanies the guard and is fixed in a stone rest in the centre of the court whilst walking as t have already said my atteuiiou was suddenly nttiuclvd by anuiseand shouting in the lower yard through the archway leading from which such person or persons who are willing pine timber and other w to contract as above will be required to i for making charcoal will give approved sureties to the amount of 100 currency that the amount of the persons teodoring or their agents are required to be at this office on the opening po 1- i i fywfc wtl thursday yyth july next gfo f corrett secy tr in a few moments dashed up a furious and ojtico of the catrraqui bridge company kingstou 1st may 1630 ferociouslooking bull bellowing witn rage nud his nostrils almost touching the ground he spurned fortunately the sentry at this passage on hearing the noise stopped short clertr of the archway as the monster glancing his eye at him rushed on at the man at the colours who sprang to ihc por tico of the state apartments and cscouced himself behind a pillar the bull irritated at missing his object ran straight on with redoubled fury at my horo posted at the archway of the opposite extremity of the oblong who appeared to be devoted to destruction as with arms supported be calmly awaited tho onset he was an i- risbraan a grenadier and ui old and hardware and cutlery no 51 st paul street siontrkal fmhiie subscriber having removed jfl to the above extensive premis es is now receiving and will have con stantly on hand the largest and beet as sorted stock of hardware and cutle ry to be found in montreal his goods being purchased in the best markets of england by some of the clo sest buyeis for the new york market i good who are continually on the look out for soldier who always obeyed orders to the bargains in the manufacturing towns letter on rushed the monster headlong w at a fl upon the slightest in- at him with a roar which f long remem cclion be f mu below the usu- urcl and just as pats life had not becu worth a seconds purchase ho carried arms al montreakprices ported and came to the charge half sink- u canada merchants arc gene rally invited to call before concluding their purchases they may depend on finding it greatlv to their advantage thoss brown montreal may 2d is 30 ing on his knoos whilst bo rnado a lounge at his formidable assailant at the moment of collision it was a fearful thing and i closed my eyes horrified at the only result which i could anticipate howevera shout of triumph from the rabble rout of tho pur suing mob quickly convinced me that my apprehensions were needless 1 beheld the brute but fco iustant before so fierce stretched lifeless upon the earth tbe black froth pouring bom his mouth whilst the attention of poor pat nothing tho worse for bis encounter was solely bestowed on his broken bayonet which be eyed very ruefully and on my asking if ho would wish to be relieved in consequence of the shock lie musr have received he dfecftlied murcl begging that i would bear witness that his arms were injured in defending bis post in a few minutes tho owner of the bull arrived with ropes and horses to drag it away from him i learnt that tho animal had al ways been remarkably vicious and had kil led its man in its time having been voted a nuisance in its neighbourhood it had been disposed of to tbe butcher who that morning had treated his friends to a bull- but previous to knocking the brute on the s head the humane amusement having been concluded hhe bull escaped from its tor mentors when being driven to tbe slaugh terbouse in the rear of the castle the- bayonet bad entered the aoimals forehead a little below the horns and had penetrat ed the brain to tho depth of four inches a fragment of the bayonet exceeding that length remained in the skull and was ex tracted in my presence the brave ma- tittmiktiil i believe living and serving with his reman rtq thfi west indies had reading and writing come by na ture be would doubtless have been as learned as he is strong armed ho might have obtained an advancement in the com pany io which he supports the genuine character of a british grenadier c j t s te ocus suitable be sold with out reserve to the inchest bidder for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9th day of october is30 it noon for plans of tbe works and other particulars apply to mr manahan on the premises to messrs gould dowie sc co london messrs dowie and uaird liverpool at the office of the albion newspaper new york or to he subscriber at montreal peter mcgill midland district upper canada august 321 bank of upper canada ublic notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of the stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital stock outstanding shall be called in anc shall be made payable at tbe bank by he following instalments viz ten pet cent or l 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10h instalment ten per center l 5s on each share on the 24th of april next being the 11 lb instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each share on the 1st day of july next be ing the 12th and last instalment there by completing the payment of the full amount of the capital stock of the baak under its charter by order of the stockholders tiios g r1dout cashier bijk of upper canada york llth dec 1829 mldlaind district sale of lands wewune ofsteamboats jj do hereby give notice that i shall a- from carryingplace to pre- j attend and offer for sale such portion cott three times a week and from pres- coit to the carryingplace the to ronto capt sinclair and the dal sic capt mcdonch will run d the season as follows vi- the toronto will leave the carrvinirpiaeo for kingston everv iuf1 iring of the lands as are advertised by tho xinnsurer of the district and contained in ihe warrants of the clerk ofibe peace as may be sufficient to satisfy the ar rearages of assessments due thereon at the following times and places viz township of prmshiir on tho lh monday wednesday and friday mom- j and 10th june 1830 at mortons inn ing at 5 oclock touching at the trent i hi barriefield at the hour of 11 oclck belleville sophiasburgh hallowell a m adolpbustown and bath and leave j kingston on the llth and 12 th june kingston for the carrying- plaee every 1s30 at the court house at the hour tuesday thursday and saturday at 3 of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june 1s30 at peter davys inn in bath at oc go6d old parson roberts formerly of bad sometimes tbe presumption to preach without notos and beiou a dell mau bis spirit which he however mis took for a very different one did uot al ways supply him with matter on ouc of tlese occasions ho put his tongue out for in space of several minutes to the great wovlorment of all tbe congregation be ing weed by his deacou after service what 1 tho world made him ruu histoogue outso ac replied why to be honest sir i had nothing else to put out lock in the morning touching al the ntermediate places the daliiousie will leave the hour of 1 1 oclock a m prescott every monday and wedncsi camden on tbe 15th and lgh june day morning at 5 oclock and on every j 1330 at bowers mills at the bom ol friday afternoon on the arrival of the f 11 oclock a m montreal stage touching at brockville richmond on the i7th and 13 june and gananoqne and leave kingston 1830 at the napanee mills at the hour for prescott every tuesday thursday 1 of 1 1 oclock a m and saturday morning at s oclock frcdericksbuigh on he 19th june touching at the intermediate places t 1s30 at john gordaniers inn al the mr weller will shortly run a line of hour of 11 oclock a m thurlow and ilungerford on the 21stand 22nd june 1830 at royal mon ros inn in the town of bellcvilleat the hour of 11 oclock a m siiey on the 23rd june 1s30 at r whites at 11 oclock a fl raw don and huntingdon on the 24th 25th and 26th june 1830 at ed- afutl fidlars at tbe hour of 11 oclock am amelinsburg on the 2sth and 29th june 1830 at billows inn tbe carry- in place at the hour of 11 oclock a nallowcll o ithc 30th june 1s30 wavlsw pa v i esti- eu proprietor of the c u 1 1 w r i a i d botancii im u a brooklyn new- york contain acres of nurseries oilers twelve select kinds of table crapes very hardy from the north of france at go the doze with directions for planting or at 3s id separately tliqj can be hud from the 15th october he has a choice assortment of 202 apples u0 rears 71 cherries g3 peaches 15 sec tarians 35 plums 13 apricots 20 gooseberries and his collection of or namental trees and shrubs is of 306 kinds and has also more than 200 rose plants mi james macfarlanr editor of this paper will receive ordci ornamental trees fiom mr p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will he carefully packed and forwarded wilhou tbe slightest delay catalogues can he obtained gratis post paid at the officeol thechronicle reference john mcaulay esq john kirby esq john marks esq stephen yarwood esq allan maclean esq 22d may 1830 n b it may be prober to mention that the necessary direilfo vvil1 be sent along with the differ rees as to the manner of treating il trees received in the fall can b- safely buried in ihegiound until tbespr ulien llw can beplanted- without re in jury from the frost provcd that they are entirely covered bra and aji with earth tbe smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken tltat several or ders wil be made up into one package with a view to save tbe expense of car- riaco the subscriber having neen appoint ed agent in this province lor mr par- mentier is now ready to received or ders agreeably to he above advertiee- ment james macarlane kingston 2dth may 1sjo a ny person in the possession of a lsl mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through the medium of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no tice december 20th 1829 notice alili notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellv 24th dec 1s28 admr william johnson bar- ber and hair- ditessrit next door to carminos tenders his grateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with tiuce be comracuccd business aud he hopes by close attention and industry to merit acou- tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 an extract from the regulations of upper canada colfcge the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter tbe christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on tbe oth of march second quarter begins on ll 20th march and ends on the 10th jnne third quarter begins on tm- june and ends at the commencement of of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 2 1st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited info the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fiom the begining of that quarter tub canada compa ny have for iklu upper ca- utndred r irula about two millions live thousand acres of land of the following description first crown reserves being lots of 200 acres each scattered throughout the older townships of the province second blocks of land of from 1000 to 40000 acres these arc situat ed in the townships of the western districts and in the township of vil- mot in the gore district third a town and township called guelph in the gore district in which there arc already nearly 800 settlers with almost every land of tradesmen ec mechanics taverns stores schools for fruit and j saw mills occ and a grist mill is in bis collection i progress this is a desirable location for settlers with small capitals as labor ers and servants ate e rily procurable and lots paitly improved can be pur chased at a reasonable price f frlomjtt of government the nestor capt thorn duriog the last hostilities with america took out to quebec tvemyfour twemy-four-pound- cri for a battery up at t lakes the owners of the nestor played their chis so as to have her to white- ther and govern ment absolutely paid 05000 for the freight of these twentyfour guns well those fiids must bo conveyed up to tho lakes on the ice and for this further transfer government positively contracted stages between york and the carrying place three times a week to meet the toronto thus forming an easy and expeditious route from york to montre al via te bay of quinte rates of the bonis as usual and he stewards department furnished with the best wines liquors c ate kingston may 5 is30 the boyal oak iiotklt carmino returns his sincere 5 thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal sup port which he has received from them at the roval oak he now solicits a continuance of their patronage and begs to assure all who may favour him with their custom that bis utmost efforts will be used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve ments in his establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitors than formerly his ta ble will be constantly supplied with the very best the market affords and his wines and liquors of the first quality the situation of the royal oak is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january i 1330 it garratt striekers inn at the hour ol 11 oclock a m sophiasburg on the 1st july ls30at dftroorcstville at the hour of 11 oclock a r adolpbustown on the 2d juiyls30 it bc court house at the hour of 11 vlnck a m marysburgl on the 2d and 3d july is 30 at the stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock p m loughborough on tho 6th and 7ih july 1330 at mcgregors mills at the hoof 12 oclock noon portland on tbe 8th and 9th july us so at jacob shiblcys at tbe hour of tl oclock a m john mclean shrtiff m d sbnrms office kiuuon dec 20 r839 fob saije iiv upper canada avery eligible property io the bay of quinte well known by the name of champignon formerly belonging to capt payne of the royal engineers situated within nine miles of the town of kingston containing about 400 acres of arable land of which there are upwards of 100 acres in the highest state of cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling bouse built io ihc cottage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and u has a verandah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake in the rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from the house above described and the barn and other out buildings are in excellent order the above properly will be sold much un der its value and sscssiou given on the 1st slay next orc w if required- for further parties s application may be made to messrs g g s how- land neiv york simpson macintyrm co montreal s f a harper esq kingston or to the proprietor a simpson quebec 1st dec w2 25tl to be let and possession given on the 12th day of june next the commodious shop and premi ses at present occupied by mr wm driscoll in king street for terms inquire of the subscribers jno macaulay david john smith kingston may 1830 or sale a very valuable farm in the township of turn low situated v i mbsof the town of believille and wti iiuurter of a mile of lie river moiree containing two hundred acres of land of which there ai e une hundred acres in the highest state of cultivation on the farm there is a very neat substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn of fifty feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the best si3 and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to the propri etor on the premises ronald mcmigiiael thurlow 10th may 1830 alliance fourth the union territory con- british and foreign life and fire assur- belleville cobourg fort erie aldboroogb saudwich s taiuing one million one hun cd thou sand acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for upwards of sixty miles on the bank of lake huron the town of goderich has been commenced on the side of the harbor formed by the confluence of the river mai tl and and the lake and as a road is already cut to the goro district and another is in progress to the london district it has already become the cen tre of a settlement there are already about 000 inhabitants in the huron tract a saw mill is in operation a grist mill building and several taverns and stores have been established and a brewery and distillery are in progress the land is admitted on all hands to beequl to any in tbe province it passesses lime and building stone brick earth and potters clay in abun dance and the produce of the country can be carried io market by water through lake huron by the liverst glair io the lakes erie and ontario and the river st lawrence to montreal and jikbr agents john davison esq quebec hart logan co montreal charles sheriff esq or q robert sheriff esq a chats p tread well esq lougueil alex fraser esq perth james samson esq kingston allan mcpherson esq napane james 11 samson esq james g bethune esq james kerby esq johnmcfarlane esq francis baby esq yo 24th april 1830 alt rheum this inveterat disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointoient few cutaneous diseases are met with more re- uctance by the physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful tbis ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour aud smoothness numerous recommendations might he obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentator it has io three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted tbe power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head aud all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per rottle for sale by wrnbinley kiugston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingston llthjuly 1828 the board of education for the johnstoion district give notice that from the present time it j their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and tho masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining tbe use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning and at its close in the evening a form adapted fo general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is re- commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to a did shenvood esq brockville july 1820 ance company of london established bij act of parliament capital five millions sterling tiu2 agents for ttys company beg leave to anncuice to he in habitants of upper canaja that they continue to assure against loss or cvmage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the puljic appointed the following gentlcmenhs their agents in the county towns of ihaj different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aav morrisc brockville james macfarlane esq i kingston james g bethune esq cobourg robt wm prentice es york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind iho public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from asstuius with the alliance com- pany 1st perfect security d f f ahj liutfwuyp bmfcv settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good j 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this cou itry without referring to the board ef directions in louden 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9tb in the case of an assurance be ing made on property fir a less sum than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended soale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation hat the profits to be divided will be large mckenzie betiiunefeco agents montreal 28th sept l26 ld kiivgs head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs leave 4 inform his friends and tbe public tltat he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr geo millward deceased and travellers may be assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on the most reasonable terms kingston march 13 ism wanted immediately at the- long falls sjtitli crosby on tho rideau calal about 20 good stone masoijs to whom liberal encouragement willbe given apply to i mackay itedpath april 1829 morgans masoiyry for sale at the chronicle office march 13 the kingston chi 18 p rin oil and published evci by james m c n ane front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpent sent by mail twenty shillings be paid in advance ov1cle saturday it lus office in per annum if subscription to the subscriber has just received a very general aud select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for salo exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a case of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school iiooks and stationery fyc w driscoll kingston july 3d lb29 for sale lot no 273 in the town of kingston containing two fifths of an acre application to be made to george mckenzie esq dec 9 1s21 swedes iron jrow landing from the general l wolfe direct from gotteuburgh 300 tons assorted swedes iron apply to william bttdden price op advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d firjt insertion and acd k each subsequent inserting ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion am sequent insertion above ten lit for the first insertion ami id pi subsequent inscticn advertisements without xorutt sorted fill forbid and charged a orders for discontinuing adv in trritiiig and delivered by we at the latest no advertisement received af r ten oclock on the day ofpublication g3 produce received in par lent at the mar ket price 0d each sub- 4d per line line for every direction in- rdingly lsetnenis to be nesdat noon vid chisholme oua esq jdtn- caster john esq comical ipin li- jones isq ihoclrilu bittuartfh esq agents john bignetl esq quebec esq three rivers andrew po treat james mcintosh esq cameron esq lochiel k cli george browse esq jlfatuda esq prescott henry jones joslah taylor esq peril h richmond j k hartwejl ssnjjhfjovbt mess c j mdoinild gananoii john dean esq hath allan mcpherson esq ffapane thos paiker esq bellviue jomphft kcclor esq cramalie james g bhliuuc esq ilamilloii david smart esq port tlojh william allan esq york daniel rutts esq viltoria john crooks esq niagara charks biggar esq murray j d uhborf esq advphustown

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