r 1 r with frtfi pmlon and the 0 ing wu admin blo we baoo doubt or hia excellencys ap probation bei expressed of lie state of the re giment at hie excellency ioepected the royal artillr and on fr fay morninp em barked in thvwonto for hallowell from whence he was to peed to york visiting on his route the m armefwn works and the other improve ments in tbeection of the province tw- rr we are mpy to loai that hie excellency the lieut fcvemor has been pleased to appoint thomasmarklaod jq ofthis place as judge ol tt suirje courttr ie midland district in inlander ffehet esq deceased the wbathfir iof 14 ms been very pleasant and favorable to the wjieat crops throughout the disw we learn lojik remarkably well e about embarking return- frcn ber- states that the health excellency aearea to be greatly improv- and lieut hon r boyle jadecamis returned with his excellency audio the mm veael were ttlsu asbcigcth hon and rih rev the lord bishop of nova tvitb tbrev messrs louch and wix t oblrve ays the st john observer that oom0 tlic contemplation of his ruisys mintcrs for reducing the cxpcncc of eowftuting oucolonial governments one ef fect of the ecoimising system is immediately to take place in lse provinces where the general staff is to be rutced and from the first of july next there wlufl only a majorgeneral on the ettttoq wilh oi aiddccamp we arc appre- hive that th measure will occasion to us the loan of our resjeted lieut governor sir howard ptuglas who ia generally thought will beap- poted to novscotia on the retirement of sir peregrine maimo fjljjdsubscriber ni inform jl his ctomers and the public thai ht is lotr reiving his spring and sum- tner supply goods ihe whole of which having bee imported direct from the manuiaciurs and purchased for cash will be soldnt lower prices than ever wore often in kingston among the assortment ill be found london and manchesteifriiited muslins and cam- hrics furnure and garment calicoes wain and fancy striped cambric 4acconeiteaiid book muslin ging- laros bengturkey and blue stripes and checksummer snipes sadies and gentleens fancy muslin and silk handkerclifs barcelona and china silk handkchiefs crapes ribbons parasols gves silk and cotton ho siery silk id and cambric stocks andstiffencj veils persians salins st 1st of letters remaining in the mji post office at bellville 6th june 1830 ralph p abbott 2 rev daniel adams 2 william appletoa daniel ahem fanny armstrong john bird 2 anthony barnes 2 tobias bleeker eze- kiel beckwith samuel a borges s m benson jqhamfrmajolin bauder john fffcpvttam stephen biihjohn carscallen uaptain archibald chisholm erastus cox jacob carman lt col chisholm james clowes john cotchapaw enoch crook john canniff aaron dame monsieur louis dupuy george davis thos d davis abraham defoe edward dickeos daniel dexter jesse edsoll johu fre derick capt abel gilbert george gris- wold stephen griffiid caleb gilbert da- vid gibson joseph iloldsworth solo mon hazelton esq silvester harlberi thomas halstead abraham hardy chas h hayden john hannah 2a john heas- too joseph harvey james howard 2 samuel halstead jacob huffman ja hodgin jas hubel thomas hall willi am hams captain john andrew ke nedy peter lusk 2 john latta ste phen lawrence nicholas lake joseph n lockwood esq 2 david lampman r dliddell margaret midick dauie 1 ma- honey waller maxwell john myass pe ter mather jacob maracle moses morse barnard murphy blakerw meyers dun can mclellao rosy nowlan thomas olina alex o petrie 2 david queen richard robinson james rankin sen miles riggs patrick ryan abel scott timothy sidley 2 ahraham siimers muthias stafford george sherry miss taylor gideon turner john vanmear ora van tassel john wright henry wall george williams thos wellman r e walker john h wannamaker aaron whitier henry p wannamaker john young thos parker p m n b- if the above mcotiooed letters are not taken up iu six weeks from this date ihey will he sent to the dead letter office o millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gnuanoque mills cjjfcdonaldco jfay 3f 1s30 nktew stereotype e- j jmtion olf mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 328th london edition a d 1s27 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for i supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d ma is 30 circular am erican and foreign agency for claims c uuder the ilirectioo of george washing ton everitt united states land and gene ral agent philadelphia state ofpennsyl- vania u s of america american aud foreign claimants cre ditors asigoees heirs devisees lega tees fuodholders in the american funds c having claims debts dues de- mauds inheritances stocks c payable or recoverable in any of the slafesor ter- ntinie ufth lltmj siirot iv tanrja arc requiring the intervention of legal proceedings or otherwise may have their business promptly and sulficieumy attend ed to by transmitting to theuudersigued the suitable legil proofs testimony evi dence vouchers or certificates thereof as the case may he together with the requi site power of attorney authorizing him to from a discerning public patronage sup port and geoernl iuqueuce aud as my establishment is the ooly one of ue kind in this city and as it has been founded for many years i trust my friend and the public will continue to aid rve promis- ing and pledging myself to use every ex ertion to please effect business and give general satisfaction at he same time i return ray most gratem thauks for past favours i am the publics and your most obedient and humble servant gkorue washington evebitt n b any friend editor c giving this circulars gratuitous insertion in any paper shaltt any time receive my ser vices as a compensation g w e eoverstmeivt cost- tracts notice is hereby given that sealed tenders will be re ceived at this office until noon of thursday the 15th day of july next from such persons as may be willing to supply the commissariat with about 800 cords of fire wood the same to be of he best quality h etters remaining in the m a post officejtt kingston on the stbjjune 1830 john askcr maximo aussnnt ohed abbot john alteriugc john aod agnes allen scott bunt archibald beilh james bartleraan 2 joseph p belair 2 duncan beith andrew badgley baptiste bandril samuel bruce john brnnn da vid brass william bussell johu brewer office circular lam agency loati tax and actuarys office the proprietor for the last five years fcas bceu extensively engaged in the land ageocy i nan tax aud actuary business the business consists in purchasing sell ing and bartering also leasing c all kinds of landed property and real estate located in all parts of the state union and adjoining territories where owners and others concerned in lands c can forward correct descriptions of their pro perty drafts maps prices terms c and other necessary information aod instruc tions to be registered in the office re cord kept for that purpose and therehy en able purchasers and others to obtain and ascertain information respecting real es tate c he attends to all the ageucies connected with the different slate go vernment aid public offices makes in quiry couceiuiug lands that have been or arc to be soli by the comptroller for un paid taxes ibts owners know the result and the sumnecessary to redeem the same also receive and forwards iuforination on any subject busioess to and fro through out the uoim- n b secrecy in all ca ses strictly observed n b- haviug agents and corres pondents atroad throughout the union canada europe c i am enabled to embrace and effect business iu all its branches far and near with correctness and expedition p p tu icnns of the office will he ve ry moderate and reasonable regulated ac cording to the nature of the business but in all cases orders from a distance irumtine irovtl irtiid niiniiitnnieil wtihi advance fee of five dollars 05 post masters will please frank tht r letters unquestionable reference and secu rity can bo given as respects the general good character of this establishment its proprietor and his attendants it is tho decided opinion of thousands of its patrons that this establishment is a great accommodating not only to propri etors but also to different local land agents in various sectioos of the state uuion and adjoining territories as well as to those who may have business here the local situation of this city as being the mosteu- tciprisingand the greatest seaport in the union aod where at all seasons thereis a great resort of persons not only from all parts of the united states but from every part of tho globe beiog the great thorough fare of the east and the south to the west aud the north seems to demand an es tablishment of this kind with the hope that this uudertaing will meet the friend ly notice approbation and patronage of the public i subscribe myself your very obedient and humble servant geonge washington everitt general land loan and tax jigent fy actuary and to consist of equal quantities of john baker christopher bush john black or yellow birch bard maplo l cassin f w colliut clarissa castle patrick cassidy f cheueville sarah callen 2 patrick cotter john conway jamcscockburo william cook james dullin richard davis william dawson james dawson william dobsou james dorland beujamin fralick michael flood joseph ferris daniel ferris black or yellow birch bard maplo beach hickory and iron wood the slicks to be full four feet long and none lo be less than cj inches in the diameter about five hundred cords will have to bo delivered into the fuel yard at kingston and ihe remainder at point henry and the whole must be de livered piled and completed before lb 24th january next tho wood will be received in stacks one coord high and must afterwaidsbe piled three cords high by the contrac tor if the commissariat should consider it necessary and each cord to be as usu al four feel four inches high eight feet long the price to be stated in sterling mo ney and payments will be made in bri tish silver or in bills of exchange on hiajjmajesiys treasury at the rate of 100 for each 101 10s due upon the contract the tenders must bear the real aig- natures of two respectable persons as securities for the undertaking john hare assist com len commissariat office kingston utt june 1830 tor fuel longer john grant sarah gardiner james gra ham peter grass mrs guess wil liam howe david headen j harkess p h nicholas hoey g p hunting ton s howard stephen hatch r hen derson david hendersoo christopher johnson 2 john james john johnston johu joy major krieu edmond kir- by3 stephen keycs james lake adam ludlow william i oiler charles loring james mccallum michael murphy pal maloney duncan macdonell johu mckenoy anthony mcguio archi bald mclntyre hugh mclotyre george alclntyrc james mcdaniell robert mitch ell anthony mcnauley james or john murray 2 bernard mcmahon allan mc- inuis charles nash jamosnorth james oconnor louis perrault anna maria porter mrs mary picard noble prestou mrs purvis robert pain james reeves 2 george rutledge mary richmon anne redmond robert shannon peter stafford george stralhcu john smith tunis snook john suther land sarah spafford 2 julio saville hugh smilie mrs simmons jvseph tcssier nancy thomas james tweedell james teuessey hyacinthe tartedit la- rivierc george williams daniel walk er lewis warlmao richard waldcn joseph ward james wafer nicholas wagoner samuel waters john macaulay p m nota brne if the above mentioned letters are not taken up in six weeks from this date they will be sent to the dead letter oilicc b act in tho premises the nrhofe properly authenticated under tho official attesta tion of the american minister cousul or commercial agent nearest the constitu ents place of residence he has efficieol tsassss sifsstofe smmm sssyfcsa c book3 w i office of the philadelphia bazaar and tat- tettats real eanrommd1 pjrt store no 25 north sixth between market and arch streets for he purchase sale barter aod exchange of lands farms lots houses carriages of every descrip tion horses and other live stock country produce furniture the stock fixtures and interests of persous declining mercantile manufacturing tavern keepiug or any oiher busiuess mechanics goods wares aod tools mechauical mathematical nau tical and musical instruments gold and silver plate watches jewellery gold chains contracts for the year 1831 or notice is hereby given that scaled tenders will be received at the com missariat olfice kingston until oclock on monday the 9th day of au gust from such persons as may be wil ling and capable of supplying fuel wood to the garrison and departments at kingston and its dependencies to c mence from lhe29lh april 1ssj the use of the several goveini fuel yards will be given over to the contractor ior ihe period oi his ngf ment who is to make the issues iff de tail to the troops and others upon r- i jeis signed by ihe officer of the c missariat which orders and issues will be pvid for monthly the individuals entitled to the vood are to be at the expence of its convey ance from ihr yard the tenders must state the price per coid in sterling and each cord must be eight feet long four feet high and four feet broad containing 128 cubic feet englishaud all issues made accordingly- the wood is lo consist of black and yellow birch hard maple beach hick ory and iron wood in fair and just proportions and no stick to be under the dimensions of three and half inches diameter as an encouragement to competition tenders will be received for one or three yetrs so as to offer more cer tainty to lhc employment of capital 1 ge h da gilbert doru and to suit the convenience of cometj dr0c j darling s jt 1st of lettom remaining in the hi post office at fredericksburgh on 5th june 1830 abegail slater alcxr forshce be r- celoff atklobon chariot cotter david edgar daniel bowen david parks2 david brown duncan bet da vid jackson francis s pierce- george huffman george ii detlar esq george jordan hugh bence henry carter 2 hugh stephenson jacob kesler john sills joseph guosolees johu anderson john clark esq james for shce jacob shaw 2 johuldanges jonathan cummings 2 james yv joncs3 john aod isaac bane jonas vaoalstine jacob petcr60u james allin 2 packets mar- garethess mathew cealin mark mc- murry mathew sharp peggy crook patrick kelly 2 peter mowers paul chirley peter perry esq peter l for- shec stephen warner 2 stephen younge sarah forshee tylor cum mings thomas empey esq thomas mcconnell- valentine joyce wm j p bartells esq wm bill wm brad- shaw zachariah tralick if these letters are not taken up orro- deemed io six weeks from this date they will be sent to the dead letter office d l thorp p m ltotice al persons to whom j3i the firm of evans and atkin son or james atkinson are indebted and who have not already presented iheir accounts are requested to do so on or before the 15th inst james atkinson kingston 5th june 1ss0 7ktotice is hereby given that x sealed tenders will be received at this office until thursday the 29ih ju ly next from any person or persons wil ling to contract for tho tolls arising from the cataraqui bridge for one year ccr- in etters remaining eunice allen john burley john ii blacker johu bush john g clute george fiukle catharine finnan mr forward wm hawlcy aarou hutch inson widow ingle wm lee amr- blo martioeau francis nicqum attenw millet john parrot juor isaac park robert perry junr thomas robiobon george reynolds asahel rockwell silas shorcy rufus shnrey jacob timmerman wm willcox tho above letters if not redeemed with in six weeks will be sent to the dead let ter office quebec john dean p m tain or for two yoars certain from the 21st day of august next when posses sion will be given the tols receivable by act of parliament may be seen on tho bridge and those persons epjpt from paying toll may be known on application at this office such person or persons who aro willing to contract as above will be required to j nivo approved sureties to the nruouut of tnc currency that the amount of the tender coutracted for shall be paidweck- ahtutrncfwmrnwlifia mwuqiejrw tivea between the hours of 10 a m aud p m it is further to be understood that no- contract will be entered into unless tho board of directors should receive an ap provl offer and should the tolls not be let by contract a tollkeeper will bero- quircd persons tendering or their agents aro required to be at this office on the openiog ing on in the tin 5ih tors the contractor will be bound to in i w etters remain jli post office picton june 1830 james adamson john allen elizabeth adkins john black anthony badgley thomas bcasley b bnngart2 james brennan judah bourman lydia bour- man john bongart william beard peter b cole tyler dimming jo- dorland john pilhn- 2 jasper ienr dingmau- diugmao heory fortune john fogarty walterjfiynn william m3tooiy n epot or rtnumwjlcirinaton 2 job huff 2 jonathan months supply in advance at each fu- hends 2 edwanthwkrt m hunt el yard aid every previous informa- iegdoe james heaton wllam hale tion will be afforded to biin on applica- v lion at the commissariat office oi the nature and extent of the demands jones vens hazard james irvine- john lawrence lyons joseph lea- john lamb patrick mckeoua i isaac mintz alexander mcintosh robert part of ihepresent fuel depots will j mccartney henry mccullock rosel mur- bo given over to the contractor to lay ray owen mcmahon hugh mcmahon in his supply at a convenient season j meyodert mastin andrew minaker an- inspcc- owlas apcr huckabacks sail canvas whc and brown drill last ing white ad grey shining and sheet ings linemnd coiton damask ta ble cloths laces bobbinettcs caps tippets an collars london made waistcoats ladies and childrens shoes aod boots dunstable straw bonnets together wit many other articles too numerous todetail also a select assortment of crockery i which are blue edged and brown lned dinner services and tea sets ac c c h smith kingst 18th june 1830 6w a j ferns begs leave 9 to inlorm his customers that he has just eceived a part and daily- expects the emainder of his summer supply of ladies gontlcmens and childrens 3oos shoes and gloves portmanteau carpet bagsindia rub ber shoes aid all kinds of manufactur ing maierialsin the shoe line june 19th 1830 4w vaiilt abl e pro- pebty for sale the premises well known as the principal janding place at hallowell where steam- boats and otber vessels generally take in aod discharge their cargoes the premis es comprise awharf in complete order with a store home attached two dwelling houses one of which his beeo occupied as a tavern for several years with suita ble out houses and about eight acres of land laid out into village lots it is ao excellent situation tor a steam mill beiog the shipping place for an extensive wheat eouotry i the property is offered for sale in the first instance in one lot but should it nut fee sold by the first day of september next will then be disposed of iu separate lots porchaiers irms apply to mr john s heer- ihe mmiaes or in montreal to peter mcglll co new 1830 pondents in the principal cities of the uuited states- and canada and trusts his agency will offer peculiar advantages and facilities to those persons residing abroad who maybe disposed lo confide the set tlement of their claims c in this coun try to hia superintending care and ma nagement mr everitt having in the year 1823 despatched a very worthy respectable and experienced business man to make a tour throughout europe on business of importance has opened and established a professional correspondence yitll highly respectable and professional gtntlemen io london liverpool edinburgh dublin and paris which he is in course of extend ing lo all foreign ports and capitals in commercial relations with the united states is also prepared to transmit for set tlement all claims c of the abwe des criptions in behalf of persons reading in the united states due payable or reco verable in any part of europe onbeiog furnished with the proper proofs c aod power of attorney similarly autheotitated by such foreign minister consul or com mercial agent as the case may require in the united states he has made arrange ments to insure the utmost promptitudiu the settlement of all business that may e confided to his agency and will coinim- oicate to his principals the earliest infot- mation relative to the progress and finj adjustment of their concerns and punctu- ally remit to them whatever sums he maj recover in their behalf by the usual course of remiltanceor in such oiher mode as they indicate his charges will be moderate and pro portioned to the nature of the case aod the trouble aod expenses incurred thereio qj n b all communications ad- drossedto postage must be paid accom- pauiedith a reasonablo advance fee george washington everitt will receive immediate aod punctual attention philadelphia 1830- graving paiotings fitc also new and j seconoshrfid saleable articles of every des cription coived and sold ou commission liberal cash prices given for pawn brokers pickets- agency aud commis sion husirp m n branches strictly at tended to information on any subject or busiuess given received aud forwarded far or peif money borrowed and loaucd on real e houses stores c rented and loased f oardinghouse keepers supplied with boal citizens io public or pri vate lifo applied with partners clerks iu any caua aou assistance insolvent debtors ah net compelled to avail them selves of l insolvent court can have their busil attended io legally and cor rectly iiiil professional services in case of qfpositiou uutil discharged by the hooourah j j court insol vent ierf bait bonds bills of sale petitions assignments and other papers correctly neatly drawn and executed passengers office passage t land or water to aod from aoy porr town in the uuiou engaged aod secure for applicants q- c aq secrecy iu all ca ses strictly observed at this office citizen strangers foreigners and emi grants who want information on aoy business who waul situations nod employment or who wih to purchase or rent real or personal estate will do well to call at the old establishment no 25a north sixth street between market and arch streets q ah communications through post offices roust be postpaid geonoe washington everitt pounder and proprietor and jiis depots as to quality are to be subject to the tion and approval of the commissariat officer who may bfe appointed lo thai duly the payments will be made in bri tish silver money 6r in current specie at the rateof4s 4d sterling per dollar or maj ste due upon ihe contract two approved sureties will be re quired for the duo performance of the contract whose real signatures must be affixed to the tenders jno hare asst com gen commissariat office kingston luhjune 1830 removal the sub- scriber begs leave io inform his friends and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truax store street where he has on hand as usual a very general assortment of hardware paints oils cordage c c and is iu daily expectation of a further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool the whole of which he will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follanshya grass scythes 20 doz english grass aod cradling do for sale uncommonly low geo wyarker kingston qth j un 1 quantity and t thony morrill william mckenzie joseph mccaw james noxoo chester potter john pumboy john palen isaac plernm paul peterson williatn patrick reuben reggs george w bmith jno smith jos striker gideon spencer anne shuhany abram snider alxr- sal- laos frederic h smith samuel spafford ernest ii snider ira spafford wm n b the undermeutioued lotters re main in this office if these letters are not taken up or redeemed in six weeks from the date hereof they w ill be sent to the dead letter office j s hrbrmans pm h 1st of letters remaining in the june 5th 1830 post office at adolphustown elisha aims georc w bedell ezekiel benson daniel cole bar nard cole andrew davis james fraser 2 abraham frascr alexr edgar norman hurd daniel haight larry lew mcgrath is 2 peter thos philadelphia june 9th 1830 no 254 north sixth street to the citizeus of the world i deem it very proper aud necessary to issue my circulars aod humbly solicit attention read this fr salo coal aud timber lands farms otc c strange emigrants and foreigners ah persons visiting or intending to visit thcityor country or having any busi ness to be executed are particularly in vito to favour this office with their wor thy iatronage w gtouoe vaskigto evcmtt wanted immediately a number of stone cutters and masons for the barracks building at kings ton to whom good encouragemeul will be giveu and employment during the season allan mcleod kingston 12a june 1830 r mkee dentist has left this town for york lie will re turn here in about two weeks and will immediately afterwards call with any one who may require his services if they will in the mean time leave their address for him at the kingston hotel une 2d wm king- mcfadden wm steel gamaliel taylor and robt white n b if these letters are not taken up or redeemed in six weeks from this date ibev will be sent to the dead letter ojbce john d g m s 1st of l remaining in the j post office napanee on the 5th of june 1s30 margaret brant ezekiel benson s m benson 2 james bell andrew bush john church luke carscallao 5 josh ua chcsbro james conuaygeorge coyle reuben dayton john j fretts abra ham fraser john graham john gordon george grahampaul heck john kay 2 daniel lucas francis laroy joseph mar tin hamrael madden wharam nobles christopher obrien mary oncil archd oharymichael oiercey2 david perry 2 aaroo h- prester 3 charles perry armstrong rogersjacob shortliffe elijah williams daniel varty n b if these letters are not redeemed within six weeks from this date they must bestot to the dead letter office a macpherson v m of the tenders at 12 oclock noon on thursday 29tb july next geo f corbett- secy tr office of the cataraqui bridge company kingston 1st may 1830 h at dock yard kineston u c- 19th of april 1830 the navy board being desiroiw of obtaining some hemp th growth of the canadas for the purpose of experiment notice is hereby given that tenders will be received at my office until tho 1st july next from such person or per sons residing in either province as may be willing to contract for the delivery from one to ten tons of hemp the t t sp particulars of the place where it is proposed tho hemp shall be or has been grown as al so the price at which it will be deliver ed at montreal kingston or quebec the hemp to be subject to inspecs tion approvalor disapproval and satis factory proof will be required that it i- bona lide the growth of canada tho tenders to be opened at i oclock p- m on thursday the 1st jniy next jr glover navar storekeepers we the undersigned hereby grro public notice thavwe will btttay be accountable or lipble t fobuji warders or common gjsfiqf ers on the river st lavrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ nune but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at all times when it can be- done effect insurance on property con signed to us wilh some respectable of fice for its safe delivery at montreal ai the lowest premium to be obtained incases where no instructions anr given wilh respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of ihe owners the property will be made subject to the premium- paid for its insurance persons who- consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all ihe liabilities of the navigatiou bence to montreal- siued h sjones james mccutchon hooker fy henderson john mcpherson co prescoti 22d march 1828 n b owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of tho navigation from montreal to prescott will direct ilerchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in afontreal with the value of each and every package signed john mcpherson co 1 b ii s jones james mccutchon hookers- henderson ficscoh 10 september 1825 v a t s m fit