1 j itvm thp iftull kip boat roxt viomci the water e gently glide mritilv merrily ww let love be our beacon ami song beourguidc mtivilv merrily rw i what is it tin nil iw bright planets above us j should never illumine the skies thevmaj sleep in their watch il the beauties tliiit love us prt brighten our path with their eye then when oer the waters wc gently glide merrily merrily row let love beour beacon and song be our guide merrily merrily row while others arc wasting the night in sleep merrily merrily row wc steal her soft breezesand sail oer ihc deep merrily merrily row and while to their senses flat dreams are rc- vcalinc their forms unsubstantial as or wc wander like bees thro the gardens ot lecl- and gather the honey thats there so when oer the waters we gently glide merrily merrily row let love be otir beacon and song be our guide merrily merrily row oscar napoleon buonaparte wiibn cuonapai te was paying his court to madame de beauharnais says de bourrieunc neither of them kept a carriage and he being passionately in love and a most assiduous suitor es corted his intended about the town and especially on her visits to her agent they went one day together to the of fice of the notary haguideau who by- theby was one of the smallest men i ever seen madame de beauharnais who placed great confidence in ragui- dcau had come to him that day expres- ly for the purpose of communicating her intention of accepting the hand of the young general of artillery the protege of cartas josephine was accordingly closeted along with the notary while bonaparte walked in the outer office occupied by the clerks the door of ragnideaus cabinet however not he ing shut close the general overheard the lawyer dissuading madame beau harnais from the marriage she was about to contract you are wry imprudent said the notary you may have to re pent this slep as long as you live it is madness to go and many a man who lias nothing but his sword to depend on 1 bonaparte said josephine when she told me these prior circumstances bad never alluded to this and i had no idea thai be heard what raguidcau had said imagine my astonishment then bour- rienne when on the day of the corona tion as soon as be had put on the im perial robes he said go and find ra- guideau and bring him here immediate ly raguideau soon made his appear ance and the emperor said to him 4 well and have i nothing now but my sword todepend on v eight years had elapsed since the scene at the ofiice of the notary and bonaparte although he had borne in mind the discourse of m raguideau had never mentioned that he was privy to it to a single soul not even to de bourrienne at the time when he was in the habit of making his secretary the confidant and depository all his projects and secrets jjc bourrienncs memoirs joseph buonaparte tuis exmonarch who now leads a philosophical life on the banks of the deleware not far from borden- town was lately visited by sir r kerr jorter ou his way from south america by the united states to u- rope the cidevant king received with great hospitality the english tra veller who found him living ina com modious and even splendid dwelling- house constructed out of a large suite of stables which had formerly been ap pended to a magnificent mansion re presented as quite a palace which had been burnt down a short time before many fine pictures and other valuable property were consumed but enough remained saved from the fire to fur nish the present residence in a noble manner with some of the best works of spanish and flemish masters one of the saloons is particularly de- dicatebvto sculpture portraits of the bo- j naparte family and sir r k porter in speaking of the collection describes the bust of charles bonaparte the fa ther of the family as the most impres sive of them all from the striking beauty and character of countenance it strong ly resembles that of the celebrated an- tmous joseph bonapart who has as sumed the title of count survilliers in showing these things did it with unaf fected candour of comment on the ex traordinary destinies of the living or dead otigmals of these marble portraits and sir robert remarks that the same manly sincerity and good sense prevail ed in his occasional observations on his own past and present manner of life lie has a large domain round his house purchased by him and he spends vast sums of money in promoting culti vation of all sortsagriculiure and plant ing to a great extent every description of tree even from foreign countries that can be raised in the climate he has redeemed thousands of acres from the waste erecting villages and encour aging artificers and other persons of useful talents to inhabit them he is universally respected and must bo what he seems a much happier man in his present expatriated home the bene factor of all btrouad him than he could possibly have been when sealed on a contested throne however brilliant lie is fond ofliicrary puruitsand hav ing read all that has been published in the shape of memoirs relating to his bro ther napoleon lie devotes his leisure hours to writing a commentary en the subject wherein with the impartiality of strict justice between the late empe ror of france and historiographers lie means to set the true statements on the onesideand the false ones on the other and to furnish posterity with he trusts a really fair account of that marvellous man this he says he owes alike to the memory of his brother and to the verity of his history whenever such a work is given to the world it will cer tainly be woithy of attention and as it will probably come out while many wit nesses of the times it tells of still exist its accuracy must be subject to the same ordeal by which he tries his contempo rary biographers and the free voice of the public weighing all the evidence will be the ultimate pronouncing judge of the real character of the deceased napoleon foreign paper ttotice the undersigned j being about to leave upper ca nada for england uuiil the month of oc tober next begs to return iris thanks to bis customers fur their past favours and to in form then that during his absence his busi ness will he conducted for him and in his name by mr peter mccallum who is fully competent to receive and execute orders iu that lino geo webster kingston hthjwtt 1830 n fi naval and military uniforms on the shortest notice j w hardware and cutler no 51 st paul slnet monfrkal the subscriber having removed to the above extensive premis es is now receiving and will have con stantly on hand the largest and best as sorted stock of hardware and cutle ry to be found in montreal his goods being purchased in the best markets nf england by some of the clo sest buyers for the new york market who are continually on tliu loov out tui bargains in the manufacturing towns will at all times upon the slightest in- spection be found much below the ustw al montreal prices upper canada merchants are gene rally invited to call before concluding their purchases they may depend on finding it greatly to their advantage thos s brown montreal may 24 1s30 kingston iiotfxm mykrs respectfully informs the public ural he has taken the above well known establishment the house is now open for the re- ccptioiuif company and he flitters himself that by strict attention to his businehc will be enabled to rest ore the high reputation which it sustained under the superintendence of its former ics- pcctablo proprietor the late mr ro bert walker he elicits the patronage of the old friends of the house of his own friends and ol the public generally n i boarders can be accommodat ed by the day or week kin ir u c ma 15th 1 wjior sale lot no 17 in the hl ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire ai this ofiice kin 9th august1 fuicst wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping feud hatting furs ii s ph1nny valuable rkal estate for sale the marmora iron works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and stock thereunto be longing as formerly advertised toge- i titer with 12734 acres of valuable land bearing excellent red and white pine timber and other woods suitable for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9th day ofoctobert 1830 at noon for plans of the works and other particulars apply to mr mannhan on the premises to messrs gould dowie co london messrs dowie and baitd liverpool- at the office of the albion newspaper new york or to the subscriber ul montreal peter mccill midlanj district upper canada august le29 ven bank ok upper canada public notice is hereby gii tvnfrtft n yuirucil mntiinj stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital stock outstanding shall he called in and shall be made payable at the bank by the following instalments viz ten pet cent or l 5s f teach share on the 20ih of february next being the 10th instalment ten per cenlor l 5s on each share on the 24th of april next being the 11th instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each jtew line of steamboats from carryingplace to pre- cott three limes a week and from pres- i share on the 1st day of july next bc- cott to the carryingplace the to- ing the 12th and last instalment therc- ronto capt sinclair and the dalbou- by completing the payment of the full sie capt mcdontll will run during the season as follows viz the toronto will leave the carryingplace for kingston every monday wednesday and friday morn- amount of the capital stock of the bank under its charter by order of the stockholders thos g ridout cashier ing at5 oclock touching at the trent j bank of upper canada j belleville sophiasburgh hallowell york htli dec 1829 i adolphustown and bath and leave midland district sale of lands fdo hereby give notice itittt i w1 attend and ofier for sale such portion of the lands as are advertised by the kingston for the carrying- place every tuesday thursday and saturday at o oclock in the morning touching at the intermediate places the dal1iousie will leave treasurer of the district and contained prescott every monday and wcdnes- j in the warrantsofthe clerk ofthe peace day morning at 5 oclock and on every as may be sufficient to satisfy the ar- friday afternoon on the arrival of the rearages of assessments due thereon at montreal stage touching at brockville h following times and places viz and gananoquc and leave kingston township of pittsburg on the 9th for prescott every tuesday thursday j i loih june 1s30 at mortons inn jnd 6atuiua nioi i u l in ijetibhl tlie hum i vi1 touching at the intermediate places am mr wilier will shortly run aline of kingston on the 1 lib and 12th june stages between york and the carrying 1830 at the court house at the hour- place three times a week to meet the toronto thus forming an easy and expeditious route from york to montre al via the bay of quiute rates of the boats as usual and the stewards department furnished with the best wines liquors c c kingston may 5 ls30 the royal oak hotel scarmino returns his sincere c thanks to his numerous friends j 1830 at john gordanicrs inn at the and customers for the very liberal sup hour of 11 oclock a m of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june 1830 at peter davys inn in bath at the hour of 11 oclock a m camden on the 15th and lcth june 1s30 at bowers mills at the hour oi 11 oclock a m richmond on the i7th and is june is30 at the napanee mills at the hour of 11 oclock a m fredericksburgh on the 19th june port which he has received from them thurlow and hungerford- qlt b th at the royal oak he now solicits j 21stand 22nd june 1830 at royal mun- ros inn in the town of bellevilleat the hour of 11 oclock a m sidney on the 23rd june 1s30 at r whites at 11 oclock a m rawdon and huntingdon on the a continuance of their patronage and begs to assure all who may favour him with their custom that his utmost efforts will be used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve ments in his establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitois than formerly his ta ble will be constantly supplied with the very best the market affords and his wines and liquors of the first quality the situation of the royal oaf is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january 1 1s30 notice all persons having demands p gain st the estateof the late abraham barker of hallowcll deceased arc requested to present them duly authenticated to the subscribers for settlement and all persons indebted to the estate arc re quested to make immediate payment to the subscribers who aic duly authorised to grant discharge d b stevenson ben j ii u bbs f hallowcll may 16th 1323 on 24th 2jth and 2gth june 1ss0 at ed- svard fidlars at the hour of 11 oclock am ameliashurg on the 28ih and 29th june 1s30 al billows inn the carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a m hallowcll on the 30th june 1s30 it gnrrau striekers inn at the hour of 11 oclock a um sopbiasburg on the 1st july 1s30 at demoresivillc at the hour of 11 oclock a m adolphustown on the 2d july 1830 it the court house al the hour of 11 vcloek a m marysburgh on the 2d and 3d july 830 at the stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock p m loughborough on the 6th and 7th july 1830 at mcgregors mills at the hour of 12 oclock noon portland on the 8th and 9th july us3 at jacob sliibleys at the hour oflj oclock a m john mcleax sheriff af j sherds office kingston dec 20 1829 andrew parmejvi- er proprietor 0 the horli cultural and ifotancud garden of brooklyn new- york containing 24 acres of nurseries offers twelve select kinds of table grapes very hardy from the north of france at s6 the dozen with directions for planting or at 3s 9d separately they can be bad from the 10th october he has a choice assortment of 202 apples 190 pears 71 cherries 63peaches 15 nec- torians s5 plums is apricots 20 gooseberries and his collection of or namental trees and shrubs is of 306 kinds and has also more than 200 rose plants mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and ornamental trees fiom his collection mr p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded withou the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the officcof tbechronicle reference john macaulay esq john kirby esq john marks esq stephen yarvoodesq allan maclean esq 22d may 1830 n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried inthegiound until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any in jury from the frost provided that they arc entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several or ders will be made up inlo one package with a view to save the expense of car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in his province for mr par- mentier is how ready to received or ders agreeably lo the above sidvertiee- ment james macfarlane kingston 29th may 1830 4nv person in the possession of a mineral a production of canada in lafyvttbi vfcimiw l- o i will receive through the medium of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no tice december 25th 1829 notice auii notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellville 24th dec 1s28 admr william johnson bar ber and hair- dresser next door to carminos tenders his grateful ac knowledgements to the public for the li beral support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronage kingston 30ih may 1829 an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are ordered nc follows- first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4lll of january and ends on the 20h of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the l6th of august rolitli it ui lie i lifglua imijiclliiul after tiie summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either ofthe above quarters a scholar is admited into the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable from the begining of that quarter for sale ix upper canada avery eligible property in the bay of quinc well known by the uame of champignon formerly belonging to capt payne of the royal engineers situated within nine miles of the town of the canada compa ny have for sale in upper ca nada about two millions five hundred thousand acres of land ofthe following description first crown reserves being lots of 200 acres each scattered throughout the older townships ofthe province second blocks of land ofifrww 1000 to 40000 acres these are situat ed in the townships of the western districts and in the township of wil- mot in the gore district third a town and township called guelpb in the gore district in which there are already nearly 800 settlers with almost every kind of tradesmen mechanics taverns stores schools saw mills c and a grist mill is in progress this is a desirable location for settlers with small capitals as labor ers and servants are easily procurable and lots partly improved can be pur chased at a reasonable price fourth the huron territory con- j taining one million one hundred thou sand acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for upwards of sixty miles on the bank of lake huron the town of goderich has been commenced on the side of the harbor formed by the confluence of the river maitland and the lake and as ar is already cut to the gore district another is in progress to the loicc district it has already become the cen tre of a settlement there are alrad about 500 inhabitants in lire hu0 tract a saw mill is in operalioi grist mill building and several tve- and stores have been established a brewery and distillery are in progrv the land is admitted on all hands to be equal to any in the province passesses lime and building sto- brick earth and potters clay in abihi- dance and the produce of the coun- can be carried to market by wj through lake huron by the river cluli to ihc lnkos frin ind ontai and the river st lawrence to montr and quebec agents john davison esq quebec for sale a v farm in the township ihurlow situated within four miles of 0 belleville and within a quai of the river moiree cont hundred acres of land of are one hundred acres in state of cultivation 0 n tin is a very neat substantial fn it cifi fn a mile two- there lighest there lwell which m u d n jl beg leave to ainounce totbe in habitants of upper canada u at they continue to assure against loss or damage rtre- nndtlrmtoy ha m the j eucc f ie ile h uv ii uw lohuwmg genlonn as liv ik- county towns oi p viz c wootj t a a vmorri fee jnmes vh s e x ko- 1 1 t iii clfircmlfvje h i i n l7ie av a ijc o follow n iviitvjs th j fiorli jhtii v ih tieal l uonoi an n ol lovs i mod tilt- pi ulth il me v ntee 1 rv si eurir 1 ii s as t- t ei- op a i rij charles sheriff esq or ntiawa robert sheriff esq chals p tread well esq louguerl alex frascr esq james samson esq allan imcpherson esq james h- samson esq james o bethune esq james kerby esq johnmcfarlane esq francis baby esq york 24th april 1830 perth kingston nanane belleville cob our fort erie aidboroogh saudivich s kingston containing about 400 acres of arable land of which there are upwards of 100 acres io the highest state of culiiva- on the farm there is a very neat sub- tion staotial dwelling house built in the cottage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and it has a verandah of 70 feet iu length which commands a beautiful view of tbo lake in tho rear of tho dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from th house above described and the barn and other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der its value aod possession given ou the 1st may uext or earlier if required for fltb further particulars application may be jjljl made to messrs g g s how- land new york- j simpson macintyrk co montreal k a harper esq kingston or toie proprietor a simpson quebec 1st dec 1839 25tf alt rheum this inveterat disease which has long baffled the art ofthe most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr- la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with morere- uctaucc by the physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this oiutment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose xhal a fair trial should be its only coiuiucutiitur il fins iu three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen aod tweniy years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it notouly at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commouly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children qy there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contaiued in it and it may be used ou infants or nthfrs oiwipr anv circninstawfi whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingston 11th july 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the preseaitime it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a cop of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoiring the use of prayers at the com- mecemeut of school iu the morniog and at is close in the evening form adapted to general use may be fouid in mavors spellingbook and is re- coamended for this purpose by tho board priutcd forms for the quarterly certifi- ctes to be signed by two trustees may be ud on application to adiel sherwood esq irockville july 1829 oh is theqettvei 4th a participation of 5th parties who obta v ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the companyi 6th losses by lightningjvill be made good 1 7th tho agents have lie power of settling losses in this counjry without referring to the board ef fireclions in louden 8th reasonable expends incurred in the removal of property lorn fire will be paid i 9th in the case of an akurance be ing made on property foa a less sum than the real value thereofuie compa ny will whatever loss is stained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended sc the society is formed war pectation that the profits will be large mckenzie bethneco gents montreal 28th se is mar- gsn jamei a smith begs leave to inform hi friends and the public tltjt he has un dertaken the above establhment for merly kept in such high pputation b mr geo millward dteased am which he confidently hope o maintain travellers may he nssureopf finding at tion on the most reasonabloerms kin march 13 i8f on which ts the ex- be divided old kings hlad m ket square kingsn jai a wanted immedi tely the long falls s on the rideau ca good stone maso liberal encouragement wil apply to mackay edpath april 1821 th crosby 1 about 21 to whon e given morgans mabonry- for sale at the chjnicle office march 13 the kingston chjoxicle is printed and published cvi saturday by james macfarlakeai his office front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpenje per annum- sent by mail twenty shillings subscription i be paid in advance tements t o be le and posseion given on the 12th day of unc next the commodious shop and pnn- ses at present occupied by mrvm driscoll in king street for torms inquire ofthe subscbers jno macaulay david john sm1ii kingslon may 7 is3 the subscriber as just received a very general and select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for sale exceediog low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a case of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books and stationery fc w driscoll kingston july 3d 1829 price of advert six lines and under 2s 6d fiit insertion ar aod 7 each subsequent insertiti ten lines ar under 3s 4d first insertion anf lod each sul sequent insertion above ten lifcs 4d per lin for the first insertion and id pr line for ever subsequent insertion adveitiscments without utiibi directions ir sorted tilt forbid and charged ajcordingly orders for discontinuing advlrtiscments tot iu writing and delivered by widxesdat nooi at the latest for sale lot no 273 in town of kingston cofitaining the two fifths of an acre application to be made to george mckenzie esq dec 9 1s29 oc no advertisement received aler ten on the day of publication icjp produce received in pajment at the ket price loc mat w swedes iron ow landing from tin general wolfe direct from gottenburgh 300 tons assorted swedes iron apply to william buddcn agentsl john bignell esq quebec pavid cbisholini esq three rivera andrew poftcoiis fsq jtfcni treat james mcintosh esq laneasttr joh cameron esq lochicl r cline esq cornioal george browse esq matilda alpbeus jon esq prescott henry jones esq brackvuu josiah taylor esq perth hwiiitnwrsb esq richmond j k hartwell est bastand meat c j mdonald janaiwque john dean esq bath allan mcphereon esqi napanc thoa paiker esq flcllvitte josept a kecler eaq cramahc jaincs g bethun4 esq hamilton david smart erq port hope william allan esq york daniel uosfl esq viltoria john crook esq jfiitgttrn charles biggar esq murray j d gilbert esq ifctyjiausrvtrtt