Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 3, 1830, p. 2

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p wtg ihmpvrwitftit v nnry hi jljt ennui uui contain all rli he i raw tfllm visionary riit l this was rcnli ho him fiiieerely lie lieved nay su infur asuu who that some acuiu honrd hitii expa- rltl hi not amu l if 7 ad o ih to was hi eiilhitv sensible nrrmu ii shook ihcir heads and hinted thitt he uns fin cxsfhorillntiry man nml that there iniht he something in the matter one nftiis ht ton mi artist o smite not employ- fil hiiij rrvqinmiy ia drawing the portraits ol those vho appeared to limi iu vision tlio most propitious lime fur those angel j tjnn visits wai from jirio at night till five in the morning and so docile were his spiritual tillers that thcyappeired at the ftisll of fain friends so however the shape which he desirea nv was long in appeariugi loci he sat jeocil and paper ready and his eyes in vacancy all at ooce the vi upon him and he began to work lik pnssest ho was requested to drawthe likeness of sir william wallace the eye of iihko sparkled for he admired hofoci rical in the prnrrss liupruvvitictth iirrok3ivsy of society d v ire icrpciunteu ii a ail real lilo unnr corn which lour musaod years ftjuu was raised frctm uu improved 1713 by an in ventor worshipped for two ihoum year the l fm iw in iv in ihe nncfpfit world undo cres still furina the nriftrip kind hiki the potnm pcrlmpij h ht nefil that the oh uow hnrld has rprcini over luro will continue to mturish an ex cnsiv vrtieu hc nnmoof ihe race hy it was liri cultivated in south aiucr forgotten unerring wisdom fit ere annear nothing more accident ianu ol of ittan- greikcvt d fiotj tp mti popu- snii ca s airj mflw jitir in jr nm hit i tiif 1 3i1cci llitis r p hallo wnd rito iuotiti rii i roc i ian cm ir tb i1sii ftl 71 ml totm tt ltrh i col yi t v i i to riuwific i lfcmfliot tit on tlio ihiid liallot r wp hkicii prosiilcut iiuo ctkcdo ice pre acre lurlsijht votes and dres- tvrti thirds for the tss ballots won- j f- ccnahal 17 foi sr cmwo 2il ra 17 for cftuabnl ln which was t randiilaies sj ii fvr tairedo sr dcchrfi legally elect- id ate lvl t firming in a stahle manner the power iit i n guvci ii men i with tlin liberty of lhc p pl the chosen interpreter of the will havo preserved in fact the rn- pelican forms lllflt we warmly reclaimed hiiv the cunsiiturinn of the year twenty ho ino rniuliutv of peace to calm aeilhtinilsi qoell hostile passions and to conciliate men and all interests to all ap 1 william wallace he exclaimed h i see him now there there how nohle ho looks reah me my things having drawn for some time with the same care of hand and steadiness of eye as if a living sitter had been beforo him fllukc siopt suddenly aad said i cauuot finish him edward the first has stcpt in between him and me- thats lucky said his friend for i want the portrait of edward too- blako look another sheet of paper and sketched the features of plantagcnet upon which his majesty politely vanished and the artist finished tlio head ul wallace laconics dy tue latk sir humphry davt wo have read the last work of this great and good man with melancholy pleasure regretting that so illustrious a tniod should not have been longer spared to enlighten mankind with ils ingenuity yet rejoicing at the bright en ovulations that shone around its last days and must have invest ed it ttii iill brighter hopes that mki were the feelings of the author consola tions in travel or the lntidaysofa phi losopher every page will furnish abun dant evidence we transfer a few of ittllf misery and valuable truths to ourcolums- mirror chance tin world like the individual flourishes in youth rises to strength in manhood falls into decay iu age and the ruiosof ao em- pire are like the descript frame of an in dividual except that they have some tints of beauty which nature bestows upoo them the sun of civilisation arose in the east advanced to wards the west and is now at its meridian io a few centuries more it will probably be seeo sinking below the horizon even in the new world and there will be left darkness only where there is a bright light deserts of sand whero there were populous cities and stagnant moras ses where the green meadow or the bright cornfield once appoarcd practical science the practical results of the progress of physics chemistry and mechanics are of tlio most marvellous kind and to make thorn all distinct ivould require a compari son ofaocient and modevn dates ships that were moved by human labour in tho an cient world ore transported by tho winds and a piece of steel touched by the magnet points to tho mariner his unerring coarse than the sox of au infant jet take rliy great city or arty province and you will find tbat the relations of male orfomnlo are un alterable aaioi a part of the pure air it the atmosphere is continually consumed in combustion and respiration living vege tables emit this principle during their growth nothing appears more accidental than the proportion of vegetable to animal live on the surface of tho earth yet thty arc perfectly equivsdenl and the balanoo of the sexes like the constitution of the atmosplcrc depends upon tho unerring in telligence human family when man measures the works of lhc divine mind by bis own feeble combinations he must wander in gross error the infinite can never be understood by the finite knowikoge and immoktalitr the tree ot knowledge is grafted upon the tree of life ami that fruit which brought the fear of death into the world budding on an immortal stock becomes tho fruit of the promise of immortality revelation wk are sore from zeolosical frets as well cm pre q ui t id as as from sacred history that man is a recent animal on the globe and that this glohc has undergone oue considerable revolution sitice tho creation l itflter and wo are taught that it i to ilndflrso ftftn titer by fire lid i ra ww idont of ilc npudic proceeding ibrn to tho elc fl president go- oeral cfticoflo received u3 votes sr ca- nhcl is and scatrint whereupon son fjalcedonas duly elected vice pre sidoitt the prosiileii nutbeiugtn bogota a deputation sent to tho vice presi dent infornii o l eloctiou and in viting him at oi v euter on the duties of his station and j prenideot t interim tca oaiccdn irturued with thcdepuia- thm took the iiaths and then addressed the cifnzres a cmnmitc was also sent to tho liheratrn niinocncingtho election to him and rxunviok topcctablt miuimfrs of the sanctuary vnl nut soldiers honored and pacific gui ts 1 rould not have undertaken the rrs task you have assigned nio wi lout counting upon your cooperation vllowciticus moderation and con- roid arc the most urgent wants of our pre- t dilllcult social position and inas protects each a- opinious no er of n i jmes keicttultliin juil m8j rrtt j t ofhis lonso 100 yards and insiafiily kill men killed wire mr david whfe0 lfistojn cilltoxlclf mr ciuhvcllsnllicis mr hideout iir arnold clerk ill mr messrs lihickmiin dodsod p- dcws and manv others were wfarhhl ot lit qlc i- ti v 33 stores and 10 or k imuses aid- 1 in imnmi our rcadirs vii rl u own dnmagfi from so i c uuvl tin- l u nl ur huiivivit y iiull ciririd i- a dililic in lii- iis oud ij v- w jil hi store moil hurt- overt fi i kt w it 1 it iitf mii in passing from the store to the street arnold was struck by a flyinff door wij torn nut part of his itulft lie ran street and was carried into au iulu onrou i itflim qui ftiinisli oui t8oi iim halfh u 1i cnjffaru ti- vrjiiut thai has wcu tiat hih moje3ty conbiitm scb nuchas lik whatever may have the government been whatever the country cf hi othi voice be heard anions scij lintcnt uttered than absolute o his birth let you no otl viou pm errors love of order aud of liberty and ilj missiod to the laws tioguta 5lh may ifrjo domingo caicedo ind c pre v tniii it itlul rj jj hotisc aud lay during ihc night and jayd by hi ivani atta- k as u great ajony when he expired btrayiiig for ft nsderal the very foundations of some houre which in tho moat ere were blown up and tho preservationidedhtrcanddjiiity to thtt cwrtvn p lives is miraculus many fttuod tnoditflvcacc tu th ubjet tho arrival lying ou their flours without a roof rjj0re rccem than k8c nw them or walls around litem others w m s t hi outvtriuntd tit faat extricated by their own uxcrtions 01 1 ri lu of their friends from the midst of raft h ai conveyed the english may i some wcrccarricht- n saturday tost with an unexampled mm the of timber ifv preparatory to a oew ami glorifl d slate of existence of man but this is a we arc permitted to know and as this tnto is to becntirely different from the present one probation any knowledge respecliog it would bo useless aud indeed almost impossible miscellany n lit isil school ca to fit votn tbc ohl to tlic new world and by iho exertions of otiti roau of gooius uided by the resources of chemistry a power v the edd plulosofthprs conlrl hardllv hied uas been ctiovhiltfd almost all the macliiuery the steam engine crforou the which imu tic i n ij aud applied to id active life pierce mahoncomc up vnl your nml tiplication pierce multiply fou huudrei by two put itdown thats it 400 hy 2 twitfot nought is 000 whack whack u take that as an illustration is that one m faith masther bats one au one any how but sir is u wanst uought nothin now master uro ihere cant le less than nothin 4i very coodi sir if wanst nought be nothiti then twicct nought must be somethio j for its douhlo what wanst nought is se p sthruck for nothin an mo know j i iioo boo l get our you eiculapian hut ill give yousomcthiu byaitbyjust to make you renumber that you kuow oo- iliin ollwid you to your sate you spal peen you to toll rnc there eai be less than nothin when its well koowil that sporting squire oxantcr is a housaild pounds worse than noth tt yoi 1n- tniw the admiration itncl regard of uouijres for his character and deeds- tho liberator expressed iu reply the icatst pleasure at the choice thai had been mide and at being himself once more a private citizen ou the fith may a complimentary ad- dress binned by he new vice president the archbishop of bocota the secretaries of the treasury interior and war and a- bout 200 ciiizriis was preseuted to gen uolivar in which the fullest expressions of admiration tut his services and sacrifices arc employed and as he was no longer in power they may be taken as sincere on the 9th twdivar loft borota forcar- thaqeua where he was io embark as was supposed in the british frigate shannon for jigland fc with tho ami respect io ivurbtucqi in the v the proclamat brrlh w tcviimooiaji of hffci arrived on the usui du bis route he wasreceived ofl i at cinity of carthagena on of the vice president station is in a proper past nc- relations with venfzlela jcuc bogota gaccta of may lglh con- twjs a protocol of the conferences between the cmnmissiouerh of the constiiuoolcou- kjss and those of the chief superior of venezuela held iu rosario do cucuta on the 18th and 19th of april the commis sioners of venezuela required to kuow in the first place whether they were rccog- dl3d in the character of euvoys of the rovernmoof of the state of venezuela as ui no other case were they permitted by iheiir instructions to continue the negotia tion the hogota commissioners replied that they were not authorised to make the recognition proposed and consequently tno discussion was brokeo off orratherco- terod upon except io the character of pri- citizens beams and rubbish a dihtauco between masses brick bats- prom the albion in charlotte although the detttvenpl the mary howlaod has this of property was extensive the prese arrived from liverpool having ition of life was more remarkable yet l on thc20th ult the king ub ny were badly and some mortally wotjoice to say is much bet- ctl the jail h nearly level wilh r- the following are the latest buc- ground- the public records arc all itlndsor castle mm it the kin- has ed a tranquil night hid majestys jptoms are alleviated digued ilkxuy iialford m j tieuxey rc are happy to observe by the folio tr- aud the fragments of the bnilldgs tcred through the couuti are y for miles on assuming his tone it recommends oblivioo of a animosities and promises that do dist citizens ou ac- alludiug doubt- past opinions under these circumstances ground to persist in her suc- uot only the labour of horses but of mau by combinations which appear almust posses sed of intelligence wuggouj ar it constructions inaile vessels pcrlorm voyages in oposilion to wind aud lido and a power placed iu human hands which scorns almost unlimited to these novel aad still extending improvements may moved by caucl to added others which though of a ry kind yoi materially affect the be second comforts of life the collection materials of the elements of combustion aud applying thein so as to illuminate by m paddy damn come up to of a hundred pound at five percent i5y some of you let i for puss there manner- you thieves yon- do you maoc inastllcr per ctut yvt nnnuhi v to be sure i do how do it 111 say as a huudhcr pound u to oue year so is live per cent por annum 41 lnuih by h liats the uuuher ui tho sum poddy tis no 8i sir tho master steals n glance at the key to i only waul to look at it in the tiou shall be made between count either of their origin less to old spaniards or venezuela can have uo cession uolivars course in to be noble and disinterested sued to the eud will fading message of president to the constituent congress fellowciiizcns the constitution be ing settled and charged as you are by the uatiou vi ith he nomination of the high functionaries who are to preside over the republic i think it proper to reiterate my repeated protestations not again to accept of the chief magistracy even should you honour mo with your sultrages you should bo assured that the good of my country rcquics of rnc tho sacrifice of so paratius myself forever from the country which gave inoihvi in order that my re maining in colombia may ool be ao im- pedinjbut to the hnppiucss of my fellow- cilizeus venezuela in order to justify her secession- has ascribed ambitious views to me next sbo would allege my reelectiou as an obstacle to reconciliation and final ly il i n i iivrmiii kjwl k ctlvi im dismemhcrincnf ra civil war the con- hrleratioui m meli t hubmittvil to congress you state on f ho day if lis i tt ih many oilier pi tmiiido cim h 1 nhhgation i to give lomhin rrciv inntisii em in on i fpmhluatlui and tbr public weal i beseech you fi lu this message as n nrotif t cougl fossil j cough you see howdaroyoj o such an answer you bigficndcd from m i give mo ucii an dunce you gooff an study it you rascal ly lilliputian off wid you and dotj let me sen your ugly mug till you know it now gintunun for the classics ami of the most extraordinary nature applied to first for the latinaarians lany cassuiv various novel purposes you will find a few come up wid your asop larry youvcn experiments in electricity leading to the year at latinaum dont think vou know marvellous result of disarming the thunder laliu forrfrf what your own coat i ma le 1 dyou willsce new iu- of larry but in the first place larry do a siuglo even titi chemica opera tiou houses streets and es if you look to the results of i arts jon will hud new substauces ilogota 97tji i l tri lc lionourctl witl cloud o hi terrors struments created by human ingenuity dos ecssingtho same powers as the electrical organs of living animals to whatever part of the virion of modern times you cast your eyes you will find marks of superiority aud improvement and i wish to impress upon you the conviction that tho resuhs of intellectual labour or of scientific geui- us are permanent and incapable of being lost monarch s change their plans govern moots their objects a ilect or an army of- fects their purpose and then pass away but a piece ofstcol touched by the magnet preserves its character forever and secures to man the dominion of the trackless ocean a new period of society may send armies from the shores of the isaltie to those of the buxilic and tho wpire of the follow ers of mahomet may be broken in pieces by a northern people and the dominion of the britons in asia may share the fate of that of tamerlane or zangukhan but tho steam boat which ascends the delaware of the st lawrence will bo continued to be used and will carry tho civilization of au improved people into tho deserts of north america aud into the wilds of cu- uada posthumors fame thk works of the most illustrious names were little valued at the times wheu they were produced and their authors either despised or neglected and great indeed must have been the pore aud abstracted pleasure rcsultiug from the exertion of in tellectual superiority aud tho descovery of truth and the bestouiog bcuefus aud blessings upon the society which induced meu io sacrifice all their common enjoy- incuts aod all their privileges as citizens to these exertious auexagoras archime des koger bacon gallileo calhlei in their deaths or their imprisouuients offer ioslao- cesof this kiud and nothing can bo more striking than what appears to have becu the ingratitude of men towards their great est bcuefauitr- you whac back of it l yon kuow what a mau that leaches eas sirs is called schoolmaster sin whack whack whack take tiiat for your ignorance you woodenheaded goose c whack and ibat to tho thatll tachc you to call a man that taches classics a schoolmaster indeed tis a profior nf hmiinuity it self lieiswhuck whactci wliackli you rinzl ftdtfr you youre as bail as dirk ocouncil that oo masther in thscouocry could get any good of io regard that lie put school together by the cars hed be though the spalpeen t himself i laid for- animate you- dorr tlim bv bcm tatii yout mil j june power of conscience- in december 1615 a prisoner io the mid dlesex jail committed suicide under cir cumstances assimilating it very nearly to hat of richard crowninshield- jr last nreek the self murderer in that case like the wretched individual ahovo alluded to had been apprehended as tho perpetrator of a crime which had rarely been parallel ed io poiut of cowardice cruelty and atro city ho had not yet received his trial hut there wai no doubt of his guilt- the ih conjecture seems f account of his suicide was p airfifpur- ji0d at the rime secure him glory un- j thonm 9amkt rece arrested on f i i a charge of murder and robbery committed n 25h ft t sunday last io tho middlesex jail- i be means he used to effect bis pur pose so completely were uncommon he contrived to cut off about four inches of a walnut handle of a pail to this he fastened one end of his handkerchief and then pass ed the stick through an interstice between two large stones which form apart of the roof of his cell and so to place it on tho uppjr part of the stones as to make a cross beam for his purpose ho must then have maje the aoose part of i handkerchief fast rouiid his neck and then have fastened his hands behind him and all this while standing on tho head of a keg which when he kicked it away left his body suspended aboot six inches from the floor when fouitd at the usual dinner lime of the pri soners ho was stiffand cold mit justices abbot and harden on thursday eveniug when his guilt was u- pa rent to all the audience ho tppeandto be suitably affected with his situation and iold mr train the jailer that he had n quvel which tvns now of no use to him that ho wished to present tt to the jailers daughtrrand re- nuetcd to have the use of a bible in its stead ho was immediately furnished with one and seemed so intent iu searching it3 sacred coutents as to remove all suspicion of any inteuded violence on himself oo sunday he asked the jailer to seod him a ra zor to shave himself but mr traiu sent him a barber and while he was shaving daniels ihe latter said smiling 1 suppose the reason a razor was not sent to me was that he feared i should destroy myself with it but if i had any such intention i should uot wait for a razor as there are many other ways of doing it- il is added that about 12 oclock on sunday daniels called to a prisoner in an adjoining room with whom he had got acquainted and exclaimed t good bye i am going to take a tramp to see old pluto you havtnh courage it is probable that he swung off immediately after this excla mation and that he had been banging nearly two hours when found the verdict of the jury of inquest ire un derstand wntfelode eand thai tfee body htallaimri comhneo dluuld all concur to it iis must i n per to us the people ofco atts possessed of the required by the law fttzcus to receive tlwm of my most ardent patriotism and oi the love i have over possessed lor colombia r iox bolivar april itfjo ww r of congress guncrew i possessed message ofittii insi in which i hi cli of your you reiie- st r to accept again the ilricv eveu though you should i tv votes of the hepre- bcntnlivcd of ilie people and has takcu die same iii coiisidemijiiii congress duly sippwriates this new proof oftlio givtaiq and iijinierestedness that il realises in our view the mniv lidos vou had already y lutn ed cnnsoin to isuid sir that each one orsof joircss obeying ihe imtriotimu nod duly and his ihli io flight the impu- mbt you coufiims fates your reputation the whole wherever wouldni stiiud tunc to vou fig such go o put such an pruftssor of iiut to upon me au me a whats ftio for breeches fern fciuina m nu tts not iatin for a woman femora yon do it v dont strike me sit cur ii dlront ariity em thats can dont lire iis vrcdit oi vou may of ik nieml impidsm of own view of two puiillc rcquirctwnts wi ivcigti in the depth of his conscience on the election day the easoii lhat have indue it you may not he re- fkcicti ami these will determine his vote- whatever be tho fate however that pro- you cd you to solicit til cted s vidence reserves for nation congress entc has been given to thesurcous for dissec tion notwithstanding the tlem i of his participation iu the stonchani murder a chain of circumstances makes his gaiilt un- questionahlc- salem gazette r sir and for the taios the hope lhat ill tl i whack ir say uhack strike me sir an i wi youdo it v feinorali whack 4l ah sir ah sir tldfonnorn- li tti sir tis fermorali ah sir 14 this ihratoment to a frolissor of hutna nity whack whack whack whark kick kick kick thump thump ihutup cull cull cufl drives him head over heels to his seat now sir may he youll have latin for breeches bgaju- or hy my sowl if you dont you must strip and til incite you what a profissor of humauiiy is south america suicide tho following is the ancient colony law ou he subject which tbas ne ver been repealed an act against self-murder- evory colombian sensible to the honour th court considering how taw satao nut ioviig the glory of ins country wilh dolh previi lipon fi0vcra pcrs0 within look upon you mill the respect aud coosi- oiis jurisdiction to make awav themiselvcs deration tlic o the seme- you have ren j judgeth that god calls them to bear testi mony against such wicked and uomatural practices that others may be deterred therc- m l colombia important intkllicienck accounts from carthagena aonounce boli vn rs approaching departure forever from colombia aod the election of a new prcsideut and vice lvesideut we trans late below themtfssago sent by bolivar to congress on the 27th april with the reply of that body- ou the 4 ill may congress s baring previously settle and adopted the dercd to the cause of america aud will take care thai the bistro of your name shall pass to posterity in such light as be fits the founder of independence of colom bia such sir are thotcniiincuts of congress which by its order j have the honour to communicate to vou vikcente borkezo hall of the session knrota april 30 totlifl kx- sinioq bolivar liberator tresidcnt fire c- proclamution of vict president caicedo ucting as pres uent votes of your re- fellow citizens tho preservatives have placed me iu the se cond cilice of tho republic with more fortunate aim the same votes called to the presidency that distinguished patriot joa quim xmosqucra during his absence from the capital the constitution deposits iu my inexperienced bands the supreme directiou of the kxocutive government colombians after many paiuful aud prolonged oscillations a new constitution i presented o cojoeqm combining aud from do therefore order that from henceforth if any person inhabitaut or atraiijjeir shall at auy time be found io lay violent hands on themselves or be wilfully guilty ojf their own death every such person shall ihe de nied the privilege of being buried in the common buriug placo of christi ims but shall be buried in tome commoo highway where the selectmen of tho town where such person did inhabit shall appoint aud a cart load of stones laid upon the graive as a brand of infamy and others to beware of the practices 10g0 lb is a warming io like dauiiuable storm in tennessee a letter to the editor of tho naslhville banner dated aholbyville tenn juine 2 gives further particulars of the drcradful storm iu that quarter at tuiduighi of may 31 mr newton editor of ihe shelbjvville intclligeocer at a carried amidst tbe rruins england imperial parliament bulletin rovin ale in ordnance estimates house of commons april few lasl ia i tho most sanguine the house having gone into a cons nf his medical advisers iiteo of supply on these estimates ihnt ini majestys health ii we have been informed from sources lhat the king has rallied considerable be- hopes aud cxpee- perecval proposed a vote of 6304 j the department ol eosiueers and sappe symptoms mr hume said tho country was notsioed windsor casttc may itfthe king i rmccoil i trinniul rltl hi hfxui ranquil niht his majes- arc all alleviated henry halford in asiiuatiou to bear so large ao estal m j tierney i thcr- hpmouv qm jn j ficcrb in 1802 113 were deemed suffior prico arc growing better mr perceval said that of the whoteult is mcoliooed uuder tho paris bead ber not more than eleven were uaeidl tbe firt division of the expedition cd a in st algiers would sail on the 11th mr ocnnnell thought it would tctoiher ou the 12th one on the l3th ooc ter to get rid of the expense of kcepoillie 1lth and the remainder on the lfith ficers in ireland to make surveys ate a paragraph uuder date of london 18th until better times arrived ys there will he no alteration in the dtt- colonel trench saidthe cug on sugarthis year in ireland performed with great savj- a dutch brig bad arrived at toulon from the country ihe busiuess that algiers confirming the account that the formerly doue by jobbers cv as making every effort for a vigorous after a few words in cxplanilio distance among other means to deter vote was agreed to a vote of c enemy lie bad adopted the singular lor the remaining part of the expnsebe of detaining all the european consuls artillery corps in addition to 20 lieiber as hostages or to make use prevously voted was also agreed to f them as mediators was not stated uext votes were 37111 to the j horse artillery and to the rocke troop 1223 for tbe field train department mr hume wished to know wha directorgeneral of the field train doue from the quebec mercury further improvement in the kings health hy tbe antigua packet from liverpool ed and mr perceval said he had many eft npw i duties to perform as woum s t h evidence taken before the fi k v n el lhal s m i cousidered t he iu a state of progressive mrhume0h i kcow all ih p as ie fulouing buueiioniu dence by heart new mr perceval then tbn h j vm lls m ueu la5t member requires no information nejf h wi ymptoms conuouo subject u ibj on the motion for giantine 1jn sucb is ibe improve state of his majs- thccivil odicersofihe royal a i ne atteidauceoftwophysi- woolwich mr hume asked hi o longer nccssary and in cmi rmiu m o- tioney huviite ija ci t set- about 124 r1 iff lorn fc mr hume- how many of the sons of artillery officers lord e somerset ten or twelve of other c mr hume thus the remainder of the 1 thce neceu f i nlsce ilioit o u- clock yesterday mornii for london 1l0 bullimtas will in fuiur occasionally cxl-i- jiuut uventvi onl s ifuoo of ihe medical officers m attendants- court crcuhir it appears th- i 2 udock cowolf fell 24 arc receiv lhis moruil from 92 12 to i pauper educacion tho fact is ih public h saddled wilh this expense der o provide for certain favourites master of the ordnauce sir 11 ilardiogo repelled this c it was found necessary to keep u dumber of students to the amount o with a view to supply officers for the lery aod engtoocrs air maberly remarked thai the e ought not to educate the sons of f gentlemeu at the public expense sir h hartlinge it would be ir er to contract for officers for it w highly prejudicial to the service air hurae i call every peosio der the crown however unpleasant sound to courtley ears a paupe gives no value for his money it i moo sayiug that if a man is fit for j olso put him into the church or thi sir ii- hardioge i treat this 2 with the contempt which it deservi mr hume i have borne mu will not hear this- lord milton considered lhat no oftencc was nenut to the member tro5fi hear hear sir ii hardinge must say heti tempt for the opinion that the y tlemen at woolwich should he c as paupers tho british artiler perior io that uf any other counp- rope and an establishment w pro duced such a corps would alway decided support lord ilowick thought the ficy would be to provide the ineansjca- tion and leave individuals to pa- mr c gordon did uot thiuk rloe at woolwich would be less eflic the sons of civilians were to pay forowu education as at sandhurst sir ii hardinge replied fliiiidpuv signed a declaration to serve inrtille- ry or engineers and if they cf u ir minds they could not enter auy ranch of the service lord altborp said that the p of the scholars would readily pay forxpen- ses lord milton protested agaiwiole of the estimates ho did notdah of the government alone the 3 ws to blame for sufferiogextravagarruiious estimates lobe voted year after iu tme of peace the committee divided he ote when there appeared ayesl es 59 majority 72 after some discussion the of 87- 108 for defraying the expenordouce extraordioaries and somes oiless amount were agreed to ihe iport was ordered to be received oonda 31 immediate repru of unpleasant ao- couuts from wiotlsorwcre circulnled but the general opiniou ttiributed tlio fall to the news of the dissdution of the french chambers and the atual embarkation of the troops attoulonfor algiers c did not perceive auy oihr political d8w9 ofiui- portance the intelligence froi columbia copied from the albion will be fund in another column the liberator of soui america the ill-rcquit- ed bolivar has set te seal of sincerity to his patriotism by withdrawing from the councils of columbia since his jcrencc produced doubts and suspicions in the ninds of his countrymen it is expected thai hiwill immediately leave for england determined probably lo remain long an exile from ihecontry which owes her liber ties io ids conqumn sword and which has re paid his services with republican ingratitude the rev mr alaaar sailed on sunday last forrccnoek in the favorite his place was ably and eloquently occupied in st andrew3 church lhat day b the rev mr mcgill the presbyterian paetoof niagara ifv nclut i os wednesday ic 23d ult the examination of the reguncntahehool of the 7yih regiment took place at tta conclusion of which prii were awarded t the most prolicicnt of each class adjudged bihe chaplain to the forces assisted by caplm voting and other officers or the regiment c neat and comfortuwe dress es worn by the nldrcn on that occaoii fur nished from a rdniental fund wflw cre1 thcnipututiousothe corp xhw founder and supporters as dlheir clean appearance on iheir pa ren if the progress learning i thai semj mongsl cluldreno youn as those of composed rcfl is lhc highesi honor on fa teacher and t only p h alicntfonaiid adequacy o lrluty but that he txels bv far the generally bis profession by muteu acquaintance vh uwrpecajiaritiea of temper and natural capacts of those entrusted to h care this he seems know of his numerous riock as wcu as the rrher docs of her offcpring aih turns tohts aontagc and theirs with equal soli citude the first ercise was the scotch catechism- second speg third readingl kc citation fit arithmetic sixth english gram marseven writing tbe first ze was most deservedly give to miss barba macdonam daughter of the sergt major of thtegiment foe excellence 3 par-

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