jmjw st ticulairyin recitation and fyglish grarami ihetfpcond to jjchard stevens pn to pjw oft ergeanjs the third to ivtaa mary nic ftwtfj tq jme banlay pbq wited remar fcrjrell fifth to iiaagpbiaichisimas sixtj v wtyvki maccready bepidb aiunber prizes equally desegjjpg by junior pupils fob thb chronicle fflelihfam tnrs by a traveller ietmefrom the isle of the evening sitn where the solans roost and the otid deers run where the giantoaks have a gnarled form nd the falls are toped with the cloud and the st the ettrick shepheri beaotjfcl village fairest of those scenes wiich natosb deigns to paint in brightest hi wbtrcbe4t retirement reigns unmixdw ithci and worldly woes are known but as a tale i greet theeand i leave thee fraught with tfiou that take their rise from deeds of other da ays ever ballowd at thosedpered shrines where public faith and virtoe love to di o leg th four fillets of veal and hams 01 haply ate couples of fowls and no ham on tr another misery may be inflicted f eight or nine beafsteak pics or ifor drink may have brought cyder it after basket is unpacked nothinc presentejput cyder eternal cyder what jl the line stretch out to the crack of m unfortfate the shaj h cater id as bast hie youn 1 doonj another at ill see no more is over and the drinking is finished sound breaks in upon the peaceful trove a violin and a clarinet w impetus is given to the whole en begin to grow animated and alert ladies whose little feet beneathjheir full trimmd petticoat like little mice steal in and out larewith nanya winning smilefmany a look oythat theday will at last turn out delightful afes for tbe fallacy of human foresight the v begin to crisp and the clouds to gather ftc big drops to patter upon the leaves icilthe party would fainpersuade themselves loaing but fbesumraers heat a belief which ipejdily removed by the right up and down that take their rise from deeds of other daylornfwhich ends all doubts and convinces them days ever hallowd at thosejpcred shrines at fei ily verily the wys of man are nltoge- ii clear as the mighty streams that lave thy wall t rich as the verdurewaving oerthy bank mild ae the azuw of yon glorious sky wag faiftgreat mind who often ownd thee hoi yes yes dalhoosiesmidst these scenes hoi twits thine to wander far from publick st and the loud heartless hum of fretful man that steels the hearts of thousands gainst kind twschoold in battles broils and senates roai though all thy life a leader or a guides- how often here with hospitable grace thy door flew open to the welcome guest how oft the friend was cheerd the suppl soothm j the mendicant reoienishm oer and oer how oft and oft the glistning eye disclosed thefaealing balm that warms the grateful he cut now how cold the hearthhow lone the hafffppyv u f il where sojoumd once the noble and the brave- th p uitra p j where soverign rule and charity combind occordng to george the fourth and richard to awe the way ward and protect the poor r and i f everv p lhro r r fcanous gradations of supper theatre and ope- far now from hence where ind and ganges rojthe boxes always contain eight to a snug in scenic glory to the chftval main nd quadrille party there were three iner- may they who search for worth midst pompanqlppy little creatures whom poetry and ro- power be might convert to peris full of gay light- find him whose fame we praise whose losaedness and amiable gladness to whom deplore iresent had no clouds the future no storm fcarf wp wajjapj utihia ilia moment and sweet then the tidings that fiom indias strandfc one full blaze of joyous feeling there and echoed oft andlond on cabots shore i also two married ladies their husbands i way each succeeding billow bring to those fce a thing of life and light our little bark whovenerae thy name dalhousies lord vy er vanity if indeed the matter does not re ive itself in a catarrh or a positive nsuniption and thats the kind of picnic i da to when fcsay i hate a picnic love a picnic one properly so called ught of perhaps the preceding evening ch an one for instanceas i was lately invited to off hand and without preparation if morrow be a fine day said my friend i i give you a picnic to garden island there be my own family thre epersons s young ladies and yourself in all eight is was something too much in my own way to ve a doubt and with delight i accepted the 1 invitation well said he we meet at en on the wharf and my boat will carry us oss the day was beautiful there was a tie breeze from the westward just enough to the blue waters and to give freshness to the osphere but nothing more the awning op above and the cloaks and baskets were n below and if ever i saw a tarapuweso ng countenances spoke a predeliction to note the term of sonelor william henrt eays bouchctte is very well and pleasantly situ ated at the confluence of the richelieu sorel or charobly river known by each appellation with the st lawrence on the scite of a fort built in the year 1665 by order of m de tracy simi lar to thoseerected in the neighbourhood of mon treal c as a defence against the incursions of the indians and which received its name from sore a captain of engineers who superintend ed its construction the seigniory upon which the town is situated was granted in october 1672 to sorel sieurde soaerel it was purchas ed in 1781 from the hen possessor for th use of government by sir frederick haldimand governor andjpmrnander of the forces in cana da it rectia the name of william henry i compliment imis royal- highness the duke of oundi ng over the rippled stream and the ime redolent with the honey sweetness of er trefoil mingled with the reviving fresh- the cooled air as it swept over the wide and gathered in its flight the strawberry of the young firtree plants ed upon the island we wandered over its begemmed surface and found in every bud of nature something to admire to to wonder at the humblest weed the shrub have equal charms for the eye of a nature and the brilliant tints which all natures floral offspring from the right orange leaf of the day lily to the and cerulean dye of venuss looking ere alike by turns admired and denned any a laye of faery and romance were to the recollection by each beautiful va- naturcs widely developed family x vas not a tree a plant or flower from clarence whorommanded for some time in the v something could not be gathered from province and was pleased to take considerable ilsomething might not be learned how interest in the improvement of the town it waspiful to the ears of a fervent lover of rural at a small distance from the town and in a farmrjmd the vesper songs of the feathered race house overlooking the calm and placid richctieuf4tle of imagination does it require to fancy that lord dalhousie so frequently delighted toltkchsongis a hymn of praise and thanks- retire during the summer months to shun themrtthat ah beneficent being who caters noisy bustle of the capital and superintend tbeju arrow and tempers the rude wind to agricultural improvements of the seigniory ilsaoi lamb how infinitely superior was have often observed and indeed h is matter ot call perusal of the great book of nature historical record that nothing can be more sympihc ii formal routine of a recular picnic tomatick of a great and lirtuous mind than a prcp all s adventitious aid of music and danc- delection for rural retirement an vhen the sinking sun with ruddy beams of fast approach of evening twilightgrey m fiktniei i pie lant to rise fton a genuine picnic din- refrehed but not excited again resume our ponmts under the favouring mildness of the fcng jreeze with swelling sails and dashing ffilje 19fc nft garden island lasteaiainglidehomewardsoverthegenlly tine leaf from the book of mature coiitaris much t ngvav 0l bark drives freely on lessons of marah wisdwti- wit a ftenic 1 love a picnic to reconcile these two seemingcontrarieties it will be necessary to repeat them i hate a picnic one of your downright three weeks preconcerted affairs to which a crowd of people axe invited and which holds in requisition all the boats barks carriages and hackney chaises of the neighbourhood one in which the greater portion of oneand twenty days of anxious anticipationa lead at last to disappointment the great th important day at length in gloom and clouds comes on tehe dull mists hang likerobee of mourning around the sun the waves if there be any near heave and dash upon the rocky banks with sullen roar the wind slowly drives on the louring clouds and the anxious hopes of three weeks are as fsr as everfrom consummation dressingand breakfast is got over nobody in spirits but three or four romping tomboys with new frocks which they are anxious to display or their companions in glee three or four overgrown schoolboys full of mischief too old indeed for the nursery and who wonld be thought fashionable young men and yet equally unfit for that station as the other well the folks are assembled and such wrapping of shawls and betty my parasol when by the by the umbrella would be far more useful and so indeed the old maiden aunts seem to think for there they stand fully equipped for all the pleasures of a fete champetre rolled up in roquetaures and cloaks and by their encreased altitude i might perhaps add pattens or goloshes at the very least after a careful examination of the lockers and carriage seats to ascertain if every thing is comme il faut the whole cavalcade are to borrow the sailors phrase just getting under wayand it is discoveed that the wine is left behind or john finds under the hall table a huge basket of bread or some other equally indispensable commodity this mis hap having been rectified all again pronounced perhaps no less equally all correct than the train are again in motion and thus they roll on haply choaked with dubt or at every half mile threatened with a thunder storm after three or four hours riding they halt at some wild sequestered seat where with tones of distance made more sweet may be heard the silvery song of some minstrel of the forest and here the spirits of the party begin to revive a suitable place is sought for some embowering shade formed by a spreading tree whose branches to use a favorite pnrase witbacertain pretty picnic ueen have for a thousand years defiea alike fhe sunshine and the storm a tree on which the gentle woodbine loves to rest its fragile limbs at noon the sun breaks out with beams too intense to be endured the shady thicket tjien becomes the resort of the young and the oldthe gay and the grave- the raconteur and the scandalizes here they contrive to waste a portion of tbje greatest blessing providence has bestowed upon mortals time and then comes on the hourof dinner or the picnic meal on which occasions lag imy be produced if the parties be well arranged clouds in the heavens no storm onthe t can be wanting aff arootid it andfcalm whilst haply some syren throat arbfe forth some long remembered and cherished song of another and a distant sor which calls up visions of home and csstnot the less cherished because visited foi the last time or even more cherish- icipationofa speedy return to that hicfc holds for us every thing that is near- dearest there is in such a glow of feel- arm and impassioned joy a thrill of pare calm and undefined yet at the e causing a delightful sensation which enough to ruose our nature beyond it- gif e a value to scenes like this beyond ied beauties of light and shade a scene jias sufficient incitement to make me i love a picnic a ja dy son births lie 16th instant the lady of nt john goro royal artillery of er bourg on the 20th instant mrs ung of a son 26th june at cramahe the la- taia spilsbury royal navy of a bell an 7l lout 22 stn sin voyi now mai his li ec on the 26th iost mrs james th of a son married othinst at york by the ven n strachan lieut jones of the lent to isabella daughter of co- son of toronto died ay morning last at the age of ort illness of a few days mrs- ife of mr james maxwell is place who is absent on a gland and supposed to be assage home io ireland on the 7th day of aac moses esq lieut in 37th north hampshire ot wjotice tho crodiiois of il donald mclevir late contractor on the llideau canal aie hereby re quested to present their accounts duly authenticated to mr archibald mc- donell within forty days from this date when a dividend will be made out and payable twenty days after that time to all who will give a discharge in full for their claims against the said mclevir ltf- kingston mthjunr 1830 07 the editois of the brockville recorder and bathursl examiner are requested to give the above three inser tions in their respective papers and send their accounts to this o for payment o the public im- pressed with the due sense of the many favors received from a generous public the subscriber offers his sincere thanks and respectfully begs permission to notify that he has removed to part ofthe house occupied by miss read next door to mr j w armstrongs dry good store where all orders will be thankfully received and executed with neatness and despatch he begs further to say that ho has imported a few pieces of superfine west of england broad cloths principally black and blue which he confidently offers to his cuslomer asured that ex perience of their quality will afford en tire satisfaction as he has made ar rangements in london for obtaining a regular acquaintance with the latest spring and fall fashions he trusts that gentlemen will never henceforth think it necessary to apply for any article or dress to montreal elsewhere from the town of their abode gentlemens complete suits can beat all times furnished at twelve hours no tice and naval and military uniforms made to order and wjih exactness john oliphant merchant tailor kingston june 28 lg lif etters fvorn the united mjl states reokfefamag in the post of fice at kingston 0 30th june 1s30 william adzit ananal bick worth william boyle pnucis boden cornelius buckley austin cadwell john s cor- mack christopher collins james cod no- ly ezra s ely jftobert english patrick forward peter f rev john oosman james g gordon thomas home john hyues mary joic f johoston john kent samuel bright daniel mccolif george mcjntire anthony mcguin emma makin bernard ason william moore zenas nash jado q graves patrick m cinch william woods alexander whatson william woll john washing ton john wise 3a warner joh macaulay p m ialte qntario steam- mj boat niagara the nia gara capt john mosiei commences her regular trips for the season satur day may 1st ending on tuesday no vember 2d leaves nirgaa f prescott every saturdvy morn at e oclock touching at yorfc cobourg and port hope wind ano wea permitting kingston and br aud w ar rive the following j leaves presc every tuesday evening after iu at 0 the jhontreal stages for niaga louc at brock ville kingston cobourg and port hope wnd anj wea permiting and york and wifl arrive at jf j on friday morning ti k n las jet boarj aeco and jtoss y and coraf facti stabl gentl joy w ki te boarding- s gentlemen who prefer private residence can be with every convenience fol that such residences can a foh at the kingston acade t sleet the rooms are large cdkus and the attention to il e such as to insure satis- atiched to the bouse are d i large garden where the whl wish can at all times en- eeim ne 24lb 1830 tf r k passage to or from rrescou and niagara l2 10 0 from prescott to v 2 10 0 toorfrom kmgsi 2 00 to or from kingsto nn v o on to or froimkincstonand prescott 0 15 0 to or froim york and niagara 0 10 0 fnom prescott to montreal there is a daily line of post coaches sun days excepted running in connection with the aabove boat agents at kingston archibald mcdonalld at queenston adam brown ait york newbiggingand mur ray and niagara w d miller tfce niagara 341 tons bur then is im the best sailing order has very superior accommodations and her enginne by ward is on the low pressure principle niagara april 10 1830 ltf valuable pro pherty for sale the premises vvell known as the priocipal landiog ptace at hallowell where steam- boats an other vessels generally take- in and discharge their cargoes the premis es comrrife a wharf in complete order with a store house attachedtwo dwelling houses obe of which has been occupied as ataveq for several years with suita ble out houses aud about eight acres of land laial 0 into village lots it is an excellent situation for a steam mill being the shipping place for an extensive wheat country the prqp is offered for sale in the first instance in one lot but should it not he sold by t fi day of september next it will then ue disposed of in separate lots to suit purchasers for teris apply to mr john s ileer- mans on the premises or in montreal to peter mcgill co haow j j 1830 mtotlcje the undersigned og about to leave upper ca nada for england uuiil the mouth of oc tober next t l0 eturu his thanks to his customers for their past favours aod to in form then ihatduriog his absence his busi ness will he conducted for him and io his name by i p jvjccallum who is fully competent lo receive and execute orders in that juf ceo webster- n u uttljune 1630 n j iv and military uniforms on the shorten nolicc ci a the subscribor bts to in his customers and the public thai he is now receiving his spring and sum mer supply of goods hie whole of which frc havinff born imported direct from the manufacturers and purchased for cash will be fold at lower prices than ever before offered in kingston among the assortment will he found london and manchester printed muslins end cam brics furniture and garment calicoes plain and fancy striped cambric jacconetto kiu book miisha giog- hams boiigaltnrkoy nad bico stripes and check summer stripes ladles and gentlemens funcy mushnand silk handkerchiefs barcelona aid china silk handkerchiefs crape ribbon parasols gloves sill ati i co 1011 ho siery silk kid and cmob stocks and stilieners j veils persian satins and snrsnets linen ami cotton da mask bed ticks shi enr duck dowlas daper ilackabuhcs sail canvas white and brown dr3 last ing white and grey shiriingaaj sheet ings linen and cotton durotsk ta ble cloths laces bobbinect caps tippets and collars loijci made waistcoats ladies and ciiimrfns shoes and boots dunstable straw sonnets together with many other articles too numerous to detail also select assorent of crockery in which are blue edged and brown lined dinner services and tea sets c c c h smth kingston 18th june 1830 6v antm immedutely a number o stone outers and masons for the barracks building kings ton to whom good encouragement will he given and employment during tltt- season allan mclod kingston 1 jane 1830 o millers a second miller would find employment hy immediate application to gaianoqne mills cjifcdonaldco may 2p 1830 wew stjerkotypr k- dition ot mavors spelling book the subscriber haa in the press an extensive second cdii- tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32sih londom edition a d 1s27 this edition which will be printed ooi good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition- storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1830 ircular american and foreign agency for claims fcc under the direction of george washing ton everitt united states land and gene ral agent philadelphia state ofpenosyl- vania u is of america american and foreign claimants cre ditors asignees heirs devisees lega tees fundholders in tho american fuuds c having claims debts dues de mands inheritances stocks c payable or recoverable in any ofthe stales or ter ritories of tho united states in canada c requiring the intervention of legal proceediugs or otherwise may have theiir business promptly and sufficiently attend ed to by transmitting to the undersigned the suitable legal proofs testimony evi dence vouchers or certificates thereof as the case may be together with the requi site power of attorney authorizing him tm act in the premises the whole properly authenticated under the official attesta- i urtftta ttumwftcitft mfotur cttousul or commercial agent nearest the cjoostitu- eots place of residence he has efficient and responsible law agents and corres pondents in the principal cities of the united states and canada aud tfrusts his agency will offer peculiar advantages and facilities to those persons residing abroad who may be disposed to coofide the set tlement of their claims c in his coun try to his superintending care aud ma nagement mr everitt having in the yer 1828 despatched a very worthy respectable and experienced business man to make a tour throughout europe on business of importance has opened and established a professional correspondence with highly respectable and professional gentlemen io london liverpool edinburgh dublin and paris which he is in course of extend ing to all foreign ports and capitals in commercial relations with tho united states j9 also prepared to transmit for set tlement all claims c of the above des criptions io behalf of persons rcidiugiu the united states due payable or reco verable in any part of europe nubeine furnished with the proper proofs cc aai power of attorney similarly authenticated by such foreign minister consul ur com mercial agent as the case may require in the united states he has made arrange ment to insure the utmost promptitude in thesettlemcnt of all business that may he confided to liis agency and will commu nicate to his principals the earliest infor mation relative to tho progress and final adjustment of their concerns and punctu ally remit to them whatever sums he may recover iu their behalf by the usual course of remittanceor in such other inodo as they indicate his charges will be moderate and pro portioned to the nature of the che and the trouble aod expenses incurred liereiu ot n b all commuivrthiqft ad dressed to postage must be paid accom panied with a reasonable advance fee george washington everitt will receive immediate and punctual attention philadelphia ljo philadelphia juueoti 1830 no 2oj north sixth street to the citizens ofthe world i deem it very proper and necc to isuo my circulars aao humbly olifit e m a discerning public patronage sup- and general influence and as my in thisseat is the only one of tho kind many yeuti hs t has been founded for public will entrust my friends and the tap and piedkhgrfc aid me promis- ertion to please cfiecn use every ex- gcoeral satisfaction at ts aud give return my most grateful thanthjne i favours i am the publics and your ns obedient aud humble servan george washington evbmtt n b auy friend editor c giving this circular a guluitous insertion in any paper shall at any time receive my ser vices as a compensation g w e e rs is hereby gim that sealed tenders will be z ceivad at this ofiico until noon of thursday the 13h day g july next from sucn persons as may be willing to z about soo cords of fire wood the same to be of tho best quali to consist of equal xiffice circular- land agency loan tax and actuarys office the proprietor for tho last five years has been extensively eugaged io the land agency loan tax and actuary business tho business consists in purchasing sell ing and bartering also lansing c all kinds of landed property aud real estate located in all parts of tho state union and adjoining territories where owners and others concorncd in lands c cau forward correct descriptions of their pro perty drafts maps prices terms c and other accessary infirmtion and instruc tions to bo registered in the office re cord kept for that purpose and thereby en able purchasers and others io obtain and bscertaiu information respecting real es tate c ho attends to nil the agencies connected with the different state go- vernmeut and public offices makes in quiry concerning lands that have been gl are to be sold by the comptroller for un paid taxes lets owners kunw the result and the sum necessary to redeem the same also receives and forwards information on any subject or business to and fro through out the union n b secrecy iu all ca ses strictly observed n 0 c having agents and corres pondents abroad throughout the union canada europe c i am enabled to embrace and effect business in all its branches far and near with correctness and expedition p s the terms ofthe office ym uc ve ry moderate and reasonable regulated ac cording to the nature of the business but in all cases orders from a distance must bo post paid accompanied with an advance fee of five dollars post masters will please frank their letters unquestionable reference and secu rity can be given as respects the general good character of this establishment its proprietor and bis attendants it is tho decided opinion of thousanxls of its patrons that this establishment is a great accommodation not only to propri etors but also to different local land agents in various sections of the state uoion and adjoiniog territories as well as to those who may have busiuess here the local situation of this city as being thu most en terprising anf the greatest seaport in the union aud where at all seasons there is a great resort of persons not only from all parts of the united states but from every part of the globe beiug the great thorough fare ofthe east aod the south to the west aod the north seems to demand an es tablishment of this kind with the hope that this undertaking will meet the friend ly notice approbatioo and patronage of the public i subscribe myself your very obedient and humble servant george washington everitt general land loan and tax agent actuary quality quantities of r yellow birch hard map ny and iron wood tf ocr feet inches bo long and in ho i red cords fuel at office ofthe philadelphia bazaar and tat- tersavs heal estate office and commission store no 25 north sixth between market aod arch streets for the purchase sale barter and exchange of lands farms lots houses carriages of every descrip tion horses and other live stock country produce furuiture the stock fixtures and interests of persons declining mercantile manufacturing tavern kecpiog or any other busiuess mechanics goods wares in n in i uto a bvufmaamlwail tical aud musical instruments gold and silver plate watches jewellery gold chains rings pins c books maps charts en gravings paintings c also uew and secoudhaud saleable articles of every des cription received and sold on commission liberal cash prices givcu for pawn brokers tickets agency and commis sion business in all its branches strictly at tended to ioforiuaiiou ou any subject or business given received and forwarded far or near aloney borrowed and loaned on real estate houses stores c- rented and leased boardioghouse keepers supplied with boarders citizens in public or pri vate life supplied with partners clerks in any capacity aud other assistance insolvent debtors ah persons compelled to avail them selves of the insolvent court cau have their business attended to legally and cor rectly iucludiog professional services in case of opposition until discharged by the honourable judges of the court insol- veut debtors bail bonds bills of sale petitions assignments aud other papers correctly and neatly drawn and executed passengers ojjice passages by land or water to aod from any port or town in the uuiou engaged and secured for applicants confidence and secrecy in all ca ses strictly observed at this office citizens strangers foreigners and emi grants who want information on any business who waut situations ami employment- or who wish to purchase or ueut real or personal estate will do well to call at the old establishment no 25 north sixth street between market and arch streets q all communications through post offices must be post paid george washington everitt pouuler and proprietor sticlis none to diameter a will have to be dv yard at kingston and t point henry and the whole livered piled and completed t he4tb january next j wood will be received in stacks one cootd high and must afterwards bo piled three cords high by the contrac tor if the commissariat should consider it necessary and each cord to be as usu al four feet four inches high eight feot long the price to be stated in sterling mo ney and payments will be trade in bri tish silver or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for each 101 10s due upon the contract the tenders must bear the real sig natures of two respectable persons as securities for the undertaking john hare assist com gen commissariat office kingston 11 th june 1830 ontracts tor fuel for the year 1831 or longer notice is hereby given that sealed tenders will be received at the com missariat office kingston until 12 oclock on monday the 9th day of au gust from such persons as may be wil ling and capable of supplying fuel wood i9 the qmwit m dsmmm si kingston and its dependencies to corn- monce from the 29th april 1831 the use of the several government fuel yards will he given over to the contractor for the period of his agree ment who is to make the issues in de tail to the troops and others upon or ders signed by the officer ofthe com missariat which orders and issues will be paid for monthly the individuals entitled to the wood arc to be at he expenco of its convey ance from the yard the tenders roust state the price per cord in sterling and each cord must be eight feet long four feet high and four feet broad containing 128 cubic feet englishttnd all issues made accordingly tho wood is fb consist of black and yellow birch hard maple beach hick ory and iron wood in fair and just proportions and no stick to be under the dimensions of three and half inches diameter as an encouragement to competition tenders will be received for one or three years so as to offer more cer tainty io tho employment of capital and to suit the convergence of competi tors the contractor will be bound to maintain constantly a depot of four months supply in advance at each fu el yard and every previous informa tion will be afforded to him on applica tion at the commissariae office of the nature and extent ofthe demands part of the present fuel depots will be given over to the contractor fp lay m llissuppiy at a convenient season- and his depots as to quantity and quality are to he subject to the inspec tion and approval ofthe commissariat officer who may be appointed to that duly the payments will be made in bri tish silver money of in current specie at the rate of 4s 4d sterling per dollar or in bills at thirty days sight on his majestys treasury at the rate of jcloo sterling for every 101 10s sterling due upon the contract two approved sureties will be re quired for the due peiformance of the contract whose real signatures must be affixed to the tenders jno hare asst com gen commissariat office kingston 1 lth june ls30 lemovaiitic sub- jsil scriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truax store street where he has on baud as usual a very general assortment of hardware faints oils cordage c c aod is iu daily expectatiou of a further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol aod liverpool ihe whole of which he will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follaasbys grass scythes 20 doz english grass aud cradling do for sale uncommonly low geo w yarker khtgton9thjunc 1830 attention read this for sale coal aud timber lands farms c c strangers emigrants and foreigners all persons visiting or iotfndiug to visit this city or country or having any busi uess to be executed are particularly in vited to favour this office with their wor- 1 thy patronage 4w gfcotutf wasjmngt- everitt i the subscriber has io the press a duo decimo stereotype edition of tfae new testament for the use of schools c- the work will bo ready for delivery early in may next and will be afforded very cheap by the quautity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please sendiu their orders as early as convenient james macfarlane chronicle olfice kingston 2 march l8 organs masonry for sale at the chronicle office ma jl ic