Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 3, 1830, p. 4

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work from sir w scoira new song wlcn funnlv arc nicth inoiry rfwcr nd lovdv crti ar laugluus near attd in the gobwts bosom clear the care ol day arc drown u vi a k his office until thursday persons wll- y next from any pettnlls arising frm lin to contract fevge for one year er- i the aiarao two yours certain frm riyof august next when poss the cares oi uj i lain i mi hca wiich poss- when pun o v ft he given the toll rceerwiwe ami wild wit showvhw rovirttt 1 of hc seeu 0l and mirth w ws bridge and those persons o t from then b our tammloahi pay to may m bp tka i our banquet exohnu trolld at this orlice ah pay then is our banquet crowvs trolld ightund bold when lees are artier cold and baancbhwnger dull and bewftfs are brief and cocks do crow 4 us it is lime to go jl how to part we do not know then is our feast at full ah gay then is our feast at full paying l on may ctt ilia oflicc such person or persons to contract as above will givo approved sureties to 100 currency that tho lazy wit a short time since a society was form ed in a neighbouring town lor uic lauda ble purpose ci discountenancing those unnecessary exertions of body and mind whcli those who wish to be considered niirier then tlioir neighbours arc ac- iiimomcd to undergo it was named the lazy and idle society amongst its regulations it was provided that if any member rose before seven oclock in the morning he should be excluded alter a while it was more than insinua ted that one of its most conspicuous members had been repeatedly seen in an arm chair in front of his house as pp who arc willing hc required t the amount of amount of he tender contracted for shall ho paid week ly to tho treasurer at this oflicc wllrc any further information required will he siveu between the hours of 1u a m and p- m it is further to he understood that no cootraet will be eutered into unless lie roard of directors should receive an proved oiler aud should tho tolls not he let by contract a tollkeeper will ho re quired persons tendering or their agents arc required to he at this office ou the opening of the tenders at 12 oclock noon on thursday 20th july next geo f corbett sccy tr oflicooftho cataraqui bridge company kiugson 1st may 1830 hard ware and cutlery no 51 st paul struts monthkai e subscriber having removed to the above t an arm cikiii r ll to the above extensive premis- rarlv as five o clock in the morning j u i cany t live u wui m 0 nqw cceivm am w con- tbese vumours caused no utile stir and bfist among the iratcrmty who immediate- j k of 1iardw and cuti1 ly called a special meeting at which the ry bc montreal accused was summoned to be dealt with according to his deserts the evidence was clear and there remained no doubt that he had been guilty of a flagrant breach of the rules of the society when called upon for his defence however lie repelled with indignation the asper sion against his character and avowed j lumselt a true convert to the principles it rij il v tl l lu i j t lv llvo w t jt i c i upper canada merchants are trcne- he possessed ts true said he iljnvited to cal beibrc conc have been found m the condition staled c t m d d q but the reason this i am accustomed fl fc j kingston flotiol- m myers respectfully informs the scaled tenders will be j that he has taken the above well known establishment the house is now open for the rc- cepiion nf company ami he flutters himself lb t bv strict attention to his business he will bc enabled to restoreihe high uputation wliicli it suslaincd undir the superintendence of its former res pectable proprietor the laic mr ro bert walker ho solicits the patronage ol the old friends of the house of his own friends and of the public generally n i boarders can bc accommodat ed by the day or week kington v c 15 iso for s ali lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this oflicc kingston nh augusms2s fursr wantkd t the store of the subscri ber market imace all kinds of sllll- 1inu and hatting furs ill x n n valuakitu real estate for sale he marmora iron works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and stock thereunto be longing as formerly advertised toge ther with 12731 acres of valuable land bearing excellent red and white pine timber and other woods suitable for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9ihday of octobert 1s30 al noon for plans of the works and other particulars apply to mr manahan on the promises to messrs gould dowie co london messrs dowie and baird liverpool at the office ofihe albion newspaper new york or to tho subscriber at montreal peter ale gill midland district upper canada august 1829 his goods being purchased in the best inarkc- i f fngund by some of the clo sest buyers for the new york market who are continually on the look out for mf bargains in the manufacturing towns will at all limes upon ihe slightest in spection be found much below the usu- t ammfctfw parmemti- er proprietor of tho horti cultural au bolancial garden of brooklyn newyork containing 24 acres of nurrios offers twelve select kinds of table grapes very hardy from tho nov of france at 80 thodo7cn wh directions lor planting or at 3s jd separately they can be had from ihe i5ih october lie has a choice uaoriuicnt of clu apples 190 pears 71 cherries 03 peaches 13 ncc- lariais s5 wsmtt lb apricots 20 gooseberries and 1s collection ol or- nameiital trd stall is ol 806 kinds and lia also norc tlan 20 ros t riavatia nlvlp4 fltiqb salk- a very valuable uk c a5ada a j of thurloiv n have tor sale ip n m- j mdm about two millions fiv nd thousand acres of land of tlufoilow moi two nstrm behg lotsimndred fk 200 acres each scattered hrougho arc ene hundred ffc the older townships of the province slate of cultivation on i e farm there second blocks of land of fro s a very 1000 to 40000 acres these are siuang bouse well finished m fiontof tt hicb od in the townships of the westeirunsa handsome stream of excellent districts and in the township of wiwater there is also a barn olfilty feet in the gore district in length by thirty five feet wide a third a town and township callsbcd and other out buildings finished guelph in the gore district in whiin the best style and nearly new toge- ihere are already nearly s00 seltlerithcr with a good orchard we stocked to take that position after supper and when bedtime comes i feel too lazy to stir and so remain through the night man uf actum the iiaut ton not a hundred years ago a leader of the haul ton whose father and mother as goldsmith says had made a great noise in the world the first by beating a drum and tho other by crying oysters went to washington to see ihe fashions take the size of the rotunda and taste gadsbys canvas backs he had in early life been quite a man of polish at the taverns in a distant town having been a boot black of great skill and ge nius be was a man of polish still and gave out the card of fashion for one of ihe most distinguished circles one morning he wished to be introduced to ii tiioss brown montreal may 24 1s30 1ktewline ofsteamboats i from carryingplace to pies- cott three limes a week and from pres- cotl to the carryingplace the to ronto capt sinclair and the dalhou- sie capt mcdontll will run during the season as follows viz the toronto will leave ihe carryingplace for kinrston every monday wednesday and l-ridaymom- bank of upper canada public notice is hereby given lhatai a general meeting of the stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved that the remaining twentyfive per cent of the capital stock outstunding shall be called in and shall be made payable at the bank by the following instalments viz ten pei rent or c i 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10li instalment ten per rent or l 5s on each share on the 24th of april next beingihellih instalment and five per cent or 12 6s on each mr jnme macfarlane editor of this paper will rccoive orders for fruit and ornamental 1 lis collection mr p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully parked and forwarded wllhou tho slightest delay catalogue can be obtained gratis post paid at the ofliceof ihechroniclc reference john macaulny esq john kirbv esf john marks esq stephen yai wood esq allan maclean e 22d may 1s30 r g ji may bc proper to mention that the neressary directions will bc sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in thegiound until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any in jury from the frost provided that they arc entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken thai several or ders will be made up into one package with a view lo save the expense oi car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mr par- mentier is now ready to received or ders agreeably to the above advertiee- ment james macfarlane kingston 29th may 1830- a ny person in the possession of a rm mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through ihe nvdium of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no tice december 25th 1829 with almost every kind of iradesmwiih fruit trees forming altogether one mechanics taverns stores schooof the best arms in the country saw mills c and a grist mill i indisputable lille will be gven for progress this is a desirable locatifurthcr particulars apply to the propn- for sealers with small capitals as labtclor on the premises crs and servants arc easily procurabl ronald mcmigiiael and lots pailly improved can be pi thti 1 may 1s30 chased at a reasonable price alliance fourth the huron territory ct british and foreign life and fire atsur taining one million one hundred tb once company of london established by sand acres in the shape of a triangle i act of par tin men t base resting for upwards of sixty mil captai hvk mhmoxs stlulinc on the bank of lake huron nhhjfl at- u this company the town of godcrich has bt jl k- ter t i-n- commenced on the side of th of lppe hey formed by the confluence of the ri lo assue ulmh maitland and the lake and as ar fire and that they he u is already cut to the gore district i convenience of the public appo nes ing at 5 oclock touching at the trent belleville sophiasburgh hallo well share on tl 1st day of july next be- adolphustown and bath and leave kingston for ihe carryingplace every tuesday thursday and saturday at 8 oclock in the morning touching at ihe intermediate places i ii the dalhousie will leave the senate of the united stales lie n wished to seethe place where randolph p cvcr monday and wednes- had uttered his jokes and sprinkled his d at 5 o clock and on every sarcasm he made his entrance at i fnday afternoon on the arrival of the the side door of he senate at the ve- montreal stagetouching at brockville and gananoquc and leave kingston ry moment the full rapid voice of the vice president was heard in other words the question was taking the senators in favour of the motion will please to rise half the senate arose just as the fashionable was entering pray doni rise do be seated the voice of the vice president was again heard putting the negative of the ques tion and the oilier portion of the se nate rose this mark of condescen sion overwhelmed the leader of the ton why really gentlemensaid be 1 you do me too much honor let ine beg you to be seated when our man of wealth and fashion returned to the banks of the schuylkill he told his friends that the senate of the united states was composed of the poliiest gentlmen hc bad ever seen ing thu 12th and last instalment there by completing the payment of the full amount of the capital stock of the bank under its charter by order of the stockholders thos g ridout cashier bank of lpper canada york 11th dec 1829 j midlam d1str1gt sale of lands i do heeby give notice that i shall attend and ofler for sale such portion of the lauds as are advertised by the tieasnrer vftho district and contained m- for prescotl every tuesday thursday and saturday morning al s oclock touching at the intermediate places mr wellcr will shortly run a line of stages between york and the carrying j in the warrants of the clerk of the peace place thrpr times a week lo meet the as miy be mittcwmi in eaiiafy il toronto thus forming an easy and expeditious route from york to montre al via the bay of quintc rales of the boats as usual and the stewards department furnished with the best wines liquors c c kingston may 5 1330 why is my wiso aunt like a fashionable wa tering place because shes a bright un when is alderman most like a gliost when lies u goblin gobbling a j ferns lcgs leave to inform his customers that he has just received a part and daily the royal oak hotel scarmino returns his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal sup port which he has received from them at the royal oak he now solicits a continuance of their patronage and j ll oclock a m rearages of assessments due thereon at the following limes and places viz township of pittsburg on the 9th and 10th june 1830 at mortons inn in barrielield at the hour of 11 oclck a m kingston on thel 1th and 12th june 1830 at the court house at ihe hour of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th june 1830 at peter davys inn in bath al the hour of 1 1 oclock a m camden on the 15th and l6th june 1s30 al bowers mills at the hour ol begs to assure all who may favour him with their custom that his utmost efforts will bc used for their accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve ments in his establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much grealcr num- cxpects ihe remainder of his summer i ber of visitors than formerly his ta- supply of ladles gontlemeris and i wii1 be constantly supplied with the childrens boots shoes and gloves verv oest lne mrkel affords and his portmanteaus carpet bags india rub ber shoes and all kinds of manufactur ing materials in the shoe line june 19th 1830 4w h m dock yard kinztton u c 10th of april 1830 jjjvie navy board being desirous ol obtaining some ii cm i the gtowlh of the canadas for the purpose of experiment notice is hereby given that tenders will be received at my office until the 1st july next from such person or per sons residing in either province as may be willing to contract for the delivery from one to ten tons of hemp the tenders to specify full particulars of the place where it is proposed the hemp shall he or has been grown as al so the price at which it will bc deliver ed at montreal kingston or quebec the hemp to be subject to inspecs lion approvalor disapproval and satis factory proof will be required that il i- bona fide the growth of canada the tenders to be opened at 1 oclock p m on thursday the 1st july next j r glover naval storekeeper wines and liquors of the fust quality the situation of the royal oak is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling kingston january 1 1s30 just published at the chronicle oflicc in a neat duodecimo vo lume of 490 pages tiic lowek canada watchman the work being now ready for delive ry persons wishing for copies will please apply immediately feb 27th 1830 notice jll persons having demands against the estate of the late abraham barker of hallowcll deceased arc requested to present them duly authenticated to the pubsci bers for settlement and all qersons indebted to the estate are re- suested to make immediate payment lo the subscriber who aie duly authorised to granl discharges d b stevenson benj hubbs hailowell may 16th 1329 richmond on the 17th and 18 june 1s30 at the napanee mills at the hour of 11 oclock a m fredericksburgh on l lie 19th june 1830 at john gordaniers inn at the hour of 11 oclock a m thurlow and hungerford on the 2 1st and 22nd june 1s30 at royal mun- ros inn in the town of bellevilleat the hour of 1 1 oclock a m sidney on the 23rd june 1s30 at r whiles at 11 oclock a m rawdon and huntingdon on the 241 25th and 2gth june 1830 at ed ward fidlars at the hour of 11 oclock am aiucliasbtirg on the 2sth and 29th june 1s30 at billows inn the carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a m hallowell on the 30th june 1830 at garratt striekers inn at the hour of 11 oclock am sophiashurg on the 1st july 1s30 at demoiesivillc ai the hour of 11 oclock a m adolphustown on the 2d july 1830 it the court house at the hour of 11 vclock a m maryshurgli on the 2d and 3d july 1830 at the stone mills at the hour of 12 oclock pm loughborough on the 6lh and 7th july 1830 at mcgregors mills at the hour of 12 oclock noon portland on the 8th and 9th july us30 at jacob shibleys at the hour of 11 oclock a m john mclean sheritt m d sheriffs office kingston dec 20 1539 another is in progress to the lon the following gentlemen as their agents in ihe county lowns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aw morrisc brockville james macfarlane esq kingston james g bcthune esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara vu eltlici ol mi tun piiltlca duauoud ui notice aldjj notes or accounisdue to the estate of the laie frede rick keeler are to be settled with j hsamson bellville 24th dec 182h admr william johnson bar- der and hairdnesser next door to carminos tenders his grateful ac knowledgements lo the public for tho li beral support be has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to merit a con tinuance of the public patronnge kingston 30th may 1829 an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the lib of january and ends on the 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on tiiu 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the icth of august fourth quarter begins immediately afier the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends al the commence ment of the christmas vacation about oitaw belle- coboi fori adbch saudi district it has already become the tie of a settlement there are aire about 000 inhabitants in the hu tract a saw mill is in operation grist mill building and several tavi and stores have been established a brewery and distillery are in progi the land is admitted on all h to tie equal to any in the province passesses lime and building si brick earth and potters clay in dance and the produce of the coy can be carried to market by t through lake huron by the iit clair to the lakes erie and on and the river st lawrence to meal and quebec agents john davison esq quebec hart logan co montr charles sheriff esq or robert sheriff esq chals p tread well esq lougu alex eraser esq perth james samson esq kings allan mcphcrson esq napai james h samson esq james g bethunc esq james kerby esq johoimcfarlano esq francis baby esq york 24th april 1830 alt rheum this inre disease which has longed the art of the most experienced phynt has at length fouud a sovereign reriyi dr la granges genuine i iiinrii cutaneous diseases arc met with me- uctauce by the physician noue inb he is so universally unsuccessful i ointment has stood the test of exree and justly obtained an unparalleld i- brity it immediately removes tie si gives a healthy aciioa to the sstf lire skin and its original colur j smoothness numerous recommtndos might be obtained of its superior jffr but the proprietor choso that aohl should bc its only commentator t id three or four weeks cured cases jffo and tweuty years standing thath- sistcd tho power of every remedy has tried it not only at once gives hri- ate relief in pit rhwnn hut mrs capitas commonly called scald and all scabby eruptious peculiar healthy children oj there is nothing of a mercui ture contained in it and it may be i iofants or others under any crrcuiri whatever price one dollar per bott- for sale by wm binley kinnttfko musson quebec and george ben treat sole agent for the canada s the 21st december at whatever period of either of the kingston 11th july 1828 above quarters a scholar is admited into the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fiom the begining of that quarter for sale in upper canada avery eligible property in tho bay of quinte well known by the name of champignon formerly belonging lo capt payne of ihe royal engineers situated within nine miles of the town of kiogslon containing about 400 acres of arable land of which there are upwards of 100 acres in the highest state of cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built in the collage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and it has a verandah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake in the rear of tho dwelling bouse there is a well of excellent water wiih every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from the house above described aod tho barn and other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der its value and possession given on the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made to messrs g g s how- land 7veu york simpson macintyee co montreal k a harper esq kingston or lo ihe proprietor a simpson quebec 1st dec 1829 25tf to be let and possession given on the 12th day of june next the commodious shop and premi ses at present occupied by mr wm driscoll in king street for terms inquire of the subscribers jno macaulay david john smith kingston may 7 1r30 the board of education for the jcnvn district give notice that from the present tifi is their intention stricily to e the regulation made some years 1 y which the use of american io teaching is prohibited and thenj directed to confioe themselves sucm works of elementary instruction are compiled by british authors on a copy of mavors spelling- may be obtained by each master whifi- catcs have passed the board opica- tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of tsiool- mastcrs is desired with a formeig enjoining the use of prayers a meocement of school in the racnj aud at its close in the evening a form adapted to general t y be found in mavors spellingbookni re commended for this purpose bheuard primed forms for the quarlyertifi- cates to bo signed by two tru eay be had on application to adiel ste esq brockville julji the subscribr as just received a vergl aud select assortment of an and staple goods wbichhecs for sale exceeding low for caslofft ap proved aredil also a case of christy svfcproof hats and a variety of sebul rs and stationery fyc w dlbll kingston july 3d 1829 effecting assurance will please apply the agents lake leave to remind ibo public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in ihe settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain tho settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board ef directions in louden 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divided will be large mckenzie bethunecv co agents montreal 2sth se 1826 old kings head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs leave to inform his friends an ill ruerly kept in such high reputation by mr geo millward deceased and which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may he assured offinding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on the most reasonable terms kingston march 13 1830 wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath april 129 morgans masonry for sale at the chronicle office march 13 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subsmpiion to be paid in advance h for sale lot nin ihe town of kingston aining two fifths of an acre potion to be made to george mcknjesq dec 91829 u m swedes irn ow landing from fgeueral wolfe direct from cowrgh 300 tons assorted swedes ionpply to wieliam ten w price of ap t ts six lines and uul oi and and 7 each siive- under 3s id h sub sequent inserts ii for the first insertion u i v subsequent insertion advertisements without toritttn di eciof serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advenisfinenrs lo ik in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on ihe day of publication ic produce received in payment al the mar ket price agents john bigncn esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq mon treal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescolt henry jonea esq brockville josah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k hart well esq baslaml mess c j mdonald gananoque john dean esq oath allan mcphereon esq jyapaite ths parker esq bellville joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g belhune esq hamilton david smart jjlsa port hope william allan esq york taniel ross esq vittoria john crooka esq jyiagura charles biggar esq mfeiraji j n gilrrt fja mtfphnsfcvn

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