deepest cut i eighty fcct ami the highest embankment sixty foot the road twecn baltimore nod glenns falla is very fine especially that near ihc falls it is carried through a solitl rock of three hun dred feet and rising forty feet nhove ilie surface of the ronn- one of the bridges which is built of stone cost 70000 made nal fin assist chief the following anecdote of chief justice holt exhibits ooe of the best and rarest qualities of ajudgo unyielding moral cou rage in the rcio of queen anne in 1h se veral freeholders of the borough of ayles bury who proved their qualifications were refused tbo liberty of voting at the election of a member of parliament the law id such cases imposes a fine of 200 for eve ry such offence on this principle the applied to lord chief jusiicc holt who ordered the ofli cr to ho arrested the house of commons planned at tin thing in order of the house to mrkc it pc- cither jude council or attorney to at the trial however the lord justice and several lawyers were hardy enough to oppose this order nnd brought it 00 in the court of kinds bench the house highly irritated at tli eoo- tempt of their order sent a serjenut nf nrinn for the judge to appear before them but tbt resolute defender of the law bade him with a voice of authority 4i begone frtftvich hcj cni a svmo mmftftony the speaker attended by as many mem bers as espoused tho measure after the speaker had delivered his message his lorpship replied to him in the following re markable words go back to your chair mr speaker within this five minutes or you may depend on it i will seod you to xewgate you spoak of your authority but i tell you i lit hero as ao interpreter of the laws and a distributer of justice and were the whole house of commous in your belly 1 would tyt stir oue foot the speaker was prudent enough to retire and the house were equally prudent in letting the affair drop the 4tb of july in order that hi fin f nnnv qw into iho les mij irikiuu all the batfe- 1 thought hot by rucmy ou the very ft h w wii ild h iji itfge ihvdui i in tin n v in i of th fiii i shoe lions the trenches were opened in the oftheiibli nfter which the works not interrupted a moment night and even in workmen arc lillury fired but mule our fire opera the duri hours w og genera it v relieved mys night were the en the the ene- durfng ihe day the turkish anil arab sharp-shmtoi- proiecictl by the husdivs tfulo into ilmm- vines which were to the left of tin- sifrk thoy wounded a pretty vimiltrrlilr num her of men but the troops w verel by cpaulemeots- we hail reason to expect vigorous lies the oceupaticn of the fort of emperor allowed the enemy to nni without dnnjroi ic soo k ihe lur lit- c dii not profit by tlis advmiticc ever evcrv il nag was re 10 k1vc thry ll oh c- them a htifoi algiers capture of algiers london juy 15 1830 we have just received by an extraordi nary express from paris a supplement to the monittur of the 12h and the moni- teur and other papers of tbo 13th the supplement contains a letter from admiral duperre dated 3d july gi ving nn account of the false attack which he had ordered admiral rosamel to make upoo the enemys batteries on the sea side io order to distract their attention 2 another letter of the same date giving a i account of the furtberopcratioos of ad miral rosamel 3 a letter from admiral duporre dated on board the provence ju ly 6 to the following effect 11 sir on the 4th instant the day af ter the attack made by the licet under my command on the forts end batteries of al giers the chief object of which was to call back to the town the enemys caooonicrs aud troops whom i bad seeing koiug iu great numbers to the fort of the emperor the batteries opeued their fire upoo the fort at three oclock in the morning at ten oclock after a dreadful explosion which was heard for the ditanco of sixty mile all around we perceived the fort partly destroyed and our troops taking posses- m ti of h half an hour afterwards i was preparing to make another attack no the sea batteries when delayed by ibo unfa vourable winds wound myself obliged to suspend the execution of my plau by ihe arrival of a boat with a hag of truce which bad ou board tho admiral of the jeooi iccepijn tho batteries had been creeled ith as- tonuhin rapidity among the ci pn res of nrti mounted iu tlrin there w n ten 21 minders six 111 poiiwlcra four 10- ioeii mortars and s all w is read ith at four oclock rocket pare ilie signal mouccdi that of the v ikti 1 tsttl wiirt vtui i aii turkish cuuuer though the wtduncsi of the embrazures left them almost wholly exposed remained bravely at thcirpotits but could not iiicli howitzers o daybreak ou in tbo morning a and the firing enm- enemy replied fur the place where he shall fix upon and so ion as ho remains at algiers he nod his farilv tdinll he under the protection of the general inchief of the frvoch army a guard shall protect the safety of his person and that of hi family the generalinchief promises to all the soldiers the same advantages and the same ptotectioo- the exerciso of the mahometan rcli- pi n shall remain free the liberty of the jhitants of il classes their religion r propntv their commerce their lit- irv shall he inviolate their women ii uc respected the generalinchief misesibi upon his honour i neexchaneo of this convention shall h jnade before i oclock this morning rl the french troops shall immediately af r enter the casauha and successively a tii other forts of the city aud the port camp before algiers july o lb30- signed count de boormomti ilrretbehey siflixcd his seal a true copyxtetttcnaotteuera1 of the signed drsprkz t n t pr lous contend ag dost the the xv z icnshaii of geoku lvtvc x st a b tiic remains of bis late majesty king oeorno the fourth lay in state io ill skill and iutrepidity of ours whom gene ralla hitte animated by his example and his counsel at eight oclock the firing of the fort was silenced that of our batteries continued to ruiu the works the order to make a breach bad been riven and was beginning to be executed when at ten o- clock a dreadful explosion caused part of the fort to disappear torrents of frame clouds of dust and smoke rose to a prodi gious height stones were thrown in all directions but did not cause any serious ac cidents general hurel who commanded e great irav iugroom of windsor castle attended by one of the lords of bis majestys licd- eh amber two officers of arms four of i lis majestys gentlemen ushers six of the honorable band of owtlomeu pensioners hnd eight of the yeomen of tho ouard from wednesday to tho time of tho interment the slate apartment was hung with mack cloth the kings guard chamber the presence chamber icadiogto the state apartment nnd the great staircase were alsohuog with black cloth and lined by cenlleraeu pcusiuncra aud yeomen of the ffunrd- the royal body covered with a purple the ireochcsdid uotloso a moment to pass velvet pall thereon escutcheonof the roy over the space of tbo ruios it seems ecr- j u arms with tho imperial crown of the tain that at uino oclock the troops who j 1nilcd kingdom and tho royal crown of defended it being discouraged returned hanover laid thereon was placed under a into the city crying that they were sacri- tanopy of purple cloth also ha viug escutch- ficed to no purpose and that then tho deyj ons and the banners supported by the ordered the powder magazine to be blown j gentlemen pensioners namely the royal up j standard the union banner the banner of at two oclock a flag of truce was brought t george tho banner of scotland tho ban- to me oo the ruins of the fort of the eutlte- 1 of ireland the banner of hanover aud ror it was the secretary of the dey he the baooer of bruoswick were arranged offered to indemnify france for the ex- j r the royal body peuses of tho war- 1 replied that first of at the head of the corpso was seated the all the casuaba the forts and the ports must be delivered up to the french troops after appearing to doubt whether this con dition would bo accepted he allowed that tho obstinacy ofthcdcyhad been very fa tal when the alerincs they say are at war with the king of france they must no repeat the evening prayer till they have obtained peace llo returned to algiers- soon afterwards two of the richest moon of algiers were sent by the dey they did not dissemble that extreme terror pre vailed among tho soldiers and the inhabi tants aud that all were desirous that oo goe ordofthe bedchamber between tbe two jroomt of tho bedchamber as supporters n each side of the body two gentlemen ushers of bis late majesty aad tbe officers of arms itood at the feet the public were admitted to tlto state apartment from ten to four oclock on wednesday oud from ten to three on thurs day between three nnd four oclock the cere mony of the lying in state was brought to a hose for the purposo of affording the offi cials time to make the necessary arrange ments for couducting tho order of processi- nn in which those cogaged on ihe occasion were to pass from the castle to st georges chapel the whole of this first part of the was conducted in a manner and ations should commence immediately they desired that i would cause tbe fir ing to cease promising that the lire of the placo should then bo likewise suspended this suspension of hostilities iu fact took character as were required by the nature of place general valeze took advantage of ije pageant and a calculation founded pretty reasonable grounds it may be to have been visited by upwards of the name of te dey to suspend hostilities and to ask for peace at tho same mo ment wo perceived another flig of truce going towards the emperor our batte ries and those of the enemy ind ceased firing i desired tbe fnvoy to tell his mas ter that the proceeding of tho fleet under my command would bo subordinate to those of tho army respecting which i re ferred him to the generalinchief the it to open communication beyond the fori of tho limperor at 3 oclock ihe deys secretary returned accompanied by the consul and viecconsul of england- he requested the condition of the peace might he reduced to wriunlhis was done and a h i- jvlli vi v i i copy of which your kxcellcnry mill find below at four oclock the secretary tcreutunta ipon venty thousand persons a statement ihich when it is remembered that the po- milatiin of the place exclusive of the mili- viydocd not rircerd fivo or ii tbotssaud il m litik iu u iiini ufibti what an immense cencourso of person must have inured into the town from all directions evening nnc ii u 0 hod without hos tilities yesterday moroioc at five o clock the envoy returned to repeat his so licitations- i answered by tho annnxd note which i desired him to deliver to cue dey giving him at tho same time a copy for the commanderinchief of the land forces at oooo the algcriue colours were no longer displayed on tho casaubu and some neighbouring forts we per ceived our troops in motion towards the city at forty minutes past two ilis ma jestys flag was flying on the palace of tho dey and successively hoisted ou all the forts and batteries the squadron imme diately saluted with 21 cnus amidst reite rated cries of vive lo roil 11 today i have just caused tho pro- veuco to aochor under the walls of algi ers the other vessels in two divisions under admiral rosamel and captain ponce arc cruising before the bays of al giers and sidi ferruchi 14 1 despatch without loss of time tbe sphynx steam boat with count hour- moots despatches and my own 41 my first care has been to clnim our came for the third time ed that an interpreter him io order thai ho mi anco understand what him m braschewiu terpreter in ihe army i gasuahn tbo oey w ict iv i th the it the dry ilestr- migllt bo hrttl to enti by his eiist- ivas required nf firtin- went l en he was made convrntioil regal cc furtnorly i kgypt- ringc arrivals pruposcl du said that ho accepted the conditions noo that he ptneed implicit congdcucc iu the french houour 1 had signed the conven tion hf put hi sen i to it but desired that v iiiv r- itmhuikod to tho 5tb at noon in nrdiri that be might have time tosunimou bis council nnd induce it to subscribe to tho conditions prescribed the firiog was suspended until further orders however our works were conti nued and on the 5th at day break a com munication of 00 metres connected tin fort of tho emperor with tbe spot on which the battery against the cdaiiuha w in he erected today the two mih ruroed they were coimnisfriw hi fcr the purpose of witnessing thi reinony tut ffverai- about five oclock the ca brrame very numerous and the excitation nf ihe town wns perpetually kept up by fresh pprtivs driving into it the arrivals also now hesiu lobe important as well as uume- rous for tbe royal family the great officers of slate and several of tho peers of tho j realm were among those who mado their appearance iu tho course of the after uoou we observed the iuke of wellington iu his usual frock coat attire iu various parts of the products of the castle short ly after the hour at which tho putlic were admitted preparatory to the funeral pro cession an immense body of soldiery were marched into tho lower courtyard and the qundridgle about 200 ivero in atteu- uh114n nf if pr si mj in e comtnhsioii u hj t jm y fn firm the engagement into which be imd mi tored by affixing his seal to the convention kijt i it i i r i- uard udiouor lint allogether iry there wore not less than 1200 oxides about 500 horse uiounied seven itu iviajesty loiiym to the si unfortunate prisoaora he lone and aveuture they have just been i delivered to me and i send thorn to f his abode in tlc casuah prance they have suffered sinco tho j i had made to rc time of our luiklin but much but they desired that ihe occupation should be deferred till 01 horns i required thai tho fo s the port and ilie city should he delivered tip to the french troops hy ii o clock in the morning tho dey content ed and at this moment tho standard ftaucc is hoisted on ail the towers of this city tho sulijtt lion of which has been for so many acs the oljcct of all europe tho dey has retired into a house in the city which he inhabited befurc he took up p ile from rompaa earr 0 t the oxnsperntinn of the populate than that uf the oey nevertheless no no of tf c ucy ivcveruieiess none oi trios who escaped being murdurcd by the arabs aod a list of ivhoin lias beeu scot to you nave sunk under their sufferinge accept c signed uurepnk note to ihe dey of algiers from the admiral 44 ou board tho irovcnce july 5 the undersigned admiral conimand- crinchicf of the fleet of his most chris- tiao majesty in answer to those communi- caiinas which have been mado to him iu the name of tho dey of algiers aud which have too long suspended the progress of hostilities declares that so long as tbe flag of the regency ii flying ou the forts and city of algiers he ean receive no further communications and considers it as in a ttito of war signed duferse to his excellency the president of the council of ministers la casuaba july 5 l oclock p m prince the opcoiutr of tho ire lefore wn deferred t i 11 more from fuillifuliy ti ia i praises iwaks koi ie rcpeet t the conn b te fus ruinie his person will bi next paragraph of tho troops and of the superiority of ily opening the tin i of ihe uruperor t be new artillery bull tho tiehl pieces aod heavy cnnuotl the public property has beeti put under seal au iuventory will he tnkeu wiiich i shall transmit to your kxecllcncy i have the honour to be ws signed count de bourmont convention between the general inchitfof ac french army and his highness the hu f algiers the fort of tho casuaba all the other forts depending on algiers and the port of that city shall he delivered up to the french troops ibis morning ai iu oclock french time the generalinchief of the french army promises his highness the dey of algiors io leave him his liberty and the possession of every thing that belongs to him personally the dey shall be at liberty to retire with his fauihy aud all thai belongs to him to nnrftrpast imiitn the fourth entered tbe cas- frogiuore his majetfty was uuac- ed by i ho queen his jlajestyi was drawn by six most superb blnck jiorsest and the coachmen footmen pcsiillions nml manners wore their state liveries i is majesty who was dressed in r full suit of blnck uas looking very well as fcounos all the company bad arrived and ihc time was approaching for the mov ing of the procession these whose ollices or rank emitted them to take part iu the cere mony assembled in st georges hall whore they were marshalled into order by the heralds according to the programme which will he found below at this period tho quadrangle presented a very animated appearance from the number of eavafrv that were galloping to aud fro iu its enclos ed square all tho uercssary arrangements being length completed the procession began move precisely at half past eight after tbo procession had been moviog about twenty miuutes during which time the late kings private baud of musicians played the dead march of saul aud other so lemn music with the most admirable effect a rocket was discharged for tbe purpose as wo understood of conveying the intelli gence to the artillery stationed iu the long walk that tbo royal cofliu was in motion in consequence or this notification the five minute grus were immediately ehauged to minute lime during tbe period hat the procession was moviug through tbe quad- raoglo every window of the castle that looked into that large square was fdled h- ito persons aoaiuu to catch a gliiruce of at to the ceremony nnd each window beimg lighted up by ihc canlk6 that were in mse within gave au additional sombre aspiect in the procession itself as it moved alomg through the mate apartments m st ocorgie chapel which ii cutctfcd iu the fuiluw img order trumpets and krtilo lruus and drums nnd liiles of tbe fo uurai drupiftamt lilw of llm royal linuwho knight maishuls men two and two with bluiclt slaves- kniflbl meniiaps oflicen the kmuht mn shol ror knigntftfll windsor poirs nltis mojcstv le paffi s til inflate majf yiv apilbcitiry io his mojsty apoiherery in bisat mujiy surjron in his luir ma ty tll cnrote of wimlxir gcntiemcn uslicra quart cily wallers to h majchiv tiwof honor to his ne majetv- groornsnftbp privy chninberto his lulu majetty uenucmcn lhcrs uuily waitcta to his laic jvla- stfghuitmri to bis lte majely pbrsiciann to his ititn mnjcty i uuul chaplain io his laic mojcsrty eulfries to his h tbiiniefs prince icopold saxe cobtirp eflucnica to his i iim the duke of c-ou- cemer eqtieirios to his rnyal liiidmcsa the gnnibridpe voucirics to his royfd hirjinem the duke oj of equerries to uquerrki lus rojlll hiuhness tbe duke of cumberland toherroynl lliliucssihn duchess of kent aidcsdccnmp to bis lato irjjesty quarlcraiaktergcuctal adjntantoencra1 equerries to his late majrtv clerk marshal and first equerry iu his late ma- jesly- gentlemcn ushers of the privy chamber to mi late majesty grooms of the bedchamber to his into majesty master of ihe robes to his itlu majesty the members or the revel llanovirien mission the lords of the admnaliv attended by their secretaries solicitor general attorney general barons of the exchequer justices of the court of common picas justices of the court of kinea bench the lord chief baron of the exchequer the lord chief justice of the common peas the vice chancellor of er gland the master of the rolls the lord cvicf justice of the kbgs bench comptof his late majestys household treasr of his late majestys household privy councillors not peer attended by the clejks of the council in oidinary pursuivant eldest sons of baons eldest sons of viscounts pursuivant barons pursuivant bishops pursuivant eldest sons of earls herald viscounts eldest sons of marquisses herald earl herald eldest sons of dukes herald marquisses herald dukes herald the minister of slate of hanover tbe earl marshal of england the deputy lord great chamberlain tbe lord privy seal the lord presni nf the council archbishops tbe lord chancellor- the arcbbiahop of canterbujy norrny kiog of arms lords ofhilato majrmys dcdrflftniher gold stick capt of tbo yeomen of the j captain of tho hon band of jtlcmen pensioners groom of the stole to his latcmu- banuers to be boruc by pccrsj viz the banner of brunswick the banner of hanover tho banner of ireland tbe banner of scotland the banner of st george the cuion banner tbe royal standard tho royal crown gwppertcr of hanover borne ntlcmau ou a purple vejvet chcr cushion bv itlauc supporter courster king ofgueniau anus usher the imperial crown of the united kingdom borne on a prplo velvet cuehioui by clarencoux king of arms maerofhis tho lord stow- keeper of late majes ard of bis late his ma- tys house- majestys house- jestf prfvj supporter grntlemuu usher suppurter gciitlcutao usher hold purse- hold gentleman tbe lord cham- gentleman usher berlaiu of hu ir usher majestys household o v u g o fl w v 5 t c- s 9 r p o j m q o 5 o 12 55 the s- covered wllh a pntplc velvci pall ttdornod wilb ten escutch eons of the mp- nai ann under u canopy of pur ple velvet 3 i 5 br x s- p first gent garte usher daily k waiter to hitt bearing his seep- kod hoar- majesty ire- ing bis rod tbo cap of maintenance borue by iba alarquis of incbester tho sword of state borne by tbe duke ot wellington the chief mourner the kings most excellent majesty in a long purple cloak with the star of the order of the garter embroidered tbereou wearing the collars of s he garter tbe hath- a duke nek of the royal hanoverian gucl- pbic order attended by ii r h prince goorge of cumbcr- uad duke train bearers two pukes sixlceu peers assistants to the chief mourner prince of the itoyal ttlood tli itoyal highness tbe duke of sussex in a ion mack cloak with the star of tho order of ihe garter embroidered thereon ind wariug the collars of the garter the koyal hanoverian guelphic order iih train bore by two gentlemen of his royal uietiucns household iiis royal highuess the duke of cum berland in n ioiik black cloak w ith the star of tbo order of the gaitor embroidered thrrdoo and wearing the collars of tho inner the jtaih st patrick aud the roy al hanoverian guelphic order bis train borne by two gcntlcmco of his royal iligti- ucsss household his royal highness the princo leopold of siixc coburghi in fi long black cloak wiih the star of ihe order of the garter embroidered thereon and wearing the col lars of the garter tho liath aud ihe royal hanoverian guelphic order his train borue by two gentlemen of his royal higbuesss household his royal highness ihe duke of cloces- ter in a loo black cloak with the star of the order of the garter embroidered there on aud wearing the collars of the garter the bath aud the royal hanoverian guel phic order his traiu borne by two senile- men of his royal highness housciiold rlfvnl oiliiril oi lomr composed of 140 rank and file with ofiiccrs and non- commissioned officers in equal proportions from tho kings company the coldstream and 3d rcgimeuts of guards commanded by the captain of ihc kings company gentlemen pcusioncra with their axes re versed yeomen of tbe guard with their partisans reversed upon the arrival of the procession at st gcorpcs chapel the trumpets and drums and the kniftht marshals men aud olli- ccrs filed oltwithout the door at the entrance nf ihc chapel the royal body was received by ihe dean and pre- bendariep attended by ihe choirs of wind sor aud of the chapel royal who fell in before norroy king of arras and tho procession moved down tho south aisle and up the nave into the choir vrhcre the royal body was placed on a platform un der a canopy of purple velvet thereon os- cutcheons of the royal arms aod sur mounted by an imperial crown and tbe crowns and cushions were laid thereoo his majesty the chief mournersat on a chair of state at tbe head of the corpse and the supporter on each side their royal highnesses the duke of cumberland sussex prince george of cumberland tho duke of gloucestsr and princo leopold of saxe cobourg were seated near his majesty the chief mourner the lord chamberlain of his majestys household took his place at the foot of the corpso and ihe supporters of the pall aod of the caoopy arranged themselves oo each side of the royal body the assistant mourners and others who followed the royal body arrangd them selves behind tbe princes of the blood royal tho peers bcariog the banners were ar ranged on each side next the altar during tho service the kuigbts of the garter present occupied their respective stalls with the exception of the support ers of tbe chief mourner the ministers of slate the great officers of tbe household ihe nobility privy coun cillors judges and others composing the procession were cooducted to tbeir respect ive seals the part of the service before tbe inter ment and the anthem having been perform ed the royal body was deposited in tbe vanlr and when tho sorvice was conclud ed sir gporee nyler gnrtrr prirrinrr king of arms pronounced near the grave the styles of his late most sacred majesty of blessed memory tho procession was hanked by tbe preundiers of tbe foot guards every fourth man bearing a llumhcau at a quarter before en the procession entered the choir and gradually the various he ralds busied themselves with distinguish ed activity and success in marshalling ihc several iudividuals who formed the pro cession and assigning to each his allotted position- the banners that were placed at the corners and sides of the canopy un der which the cofliu was placed wero borue by lords vcrulnm errol caihart c the pall which was borne as elsewhere stated was exceedingly splendid being throughout decorated with shields nod o- ther devices of heraldry the duke of wellington wason the right of his majos- ty hearing the sword of state also in their respective places as given in the or der of tho procession were the dukes of cumberland and sussex and prince leo pold prince george of cumberland ac companied bis majesty the several knights of the garter took their places iu their respective stalls on the south side of the choir the risbops present on the north side too two archbishops canterbury aud armagh wero seated in stalls on tho south side of the western entrance the space arouud the communion table was occupied by the deau of windsor the provost of eton aod the several canons the burial service was for the greater partchaoted and the anthem suugwith splendid effect the dean of windsor was the officiating clergyman the vocal department by the usual choristers of the chapel aided by the choristers of the cba e e service at halfpast ten oclock the coffin was i lowered by machinery iuto the passage t leading to the royal vault where it was received ou a platform upon which it was i allowed to remain even after tbe ceremo- i oy was cuded at five minutes to eleven the whole of what fell to tho officiating clergyman and choristers was concluded aod his majesty who appeared much affected during the whole cercmooy retired through the door leading to tbe royal closet sir george naylcr proclaimed the style aud various titles of his late majesty and thereupon the distinguished personages present quit- led tho chapel without any regard to tho order in which they entered it and therefore not forming any returning procession sir george nayler concluded his proclamation with the words god save king william fv a rocket was let off nnd the hand outside played god save the king this was the conclusion of tho whole ceremony which accompanied corjtlhe fourth on bis way to the tomb aod cer tainty as far a outward ojwrvante could go matters wero for tbo most pari eon- i ducted in a way to impress the mind tvitli seriousness and solemnity domestic nothing could tiik races c finer than the weather yesterday wheu our races commenced innumerable carriages of every description saddle horses with their riders pedestrians of all ranks apes and condition were on iheconrscby halfpast twelve nclutk tbv must have been at least five thousand per sons on tho ground the course was io excellent order and every judicious rr- rangement had in co previously made by the stewards we were glad to perceive a number of strangers whom the fpori lint attracted to quebec and some of the of ficers of the octlj rot from montreal vcw gladly welcomed to their forfih itiiult among the american visitor c general cadwnldcr from i t whose sister is married to the prrcul ir erskibc the palm of beaut mustht giv- eu almost exclusively to the ladies from the ittitctl status hliu ttnhlj nttuiu ifl pretentions of their countrymen 1 lure was an air so distingue about sonic of these ladies thai wecouhl almost fancy ourselves in tho presence of high rank and accom plishments at home the races commenced with the mer chants purse woo with case by mr gihhl filho beating the american mare lady flirt we understand the mare was back ed heavily at three to two hut wciaust jay she bad not the lenst chnnc with the horse not even for a mile tho quebec plate was won by mr barnards horse sportsman the favorite who bad the foot of the other two was mr kauntzs yankee maid but she unfortunately bolted in the first heat the grey horse was distanced in the ttecond heat owing to a cross there was good race both heats between sportsman and light infantry the untrird stakes were won hy mr- gugys geldiog hazard which was jockied in a very supctior style beattog three others this was also a good nnd well contested race groat interest was excit ed by a match betwceo two wellknown and favorite horses on this course mr duchesnays maro fafxi und mr o heras grey gelding doctor the owner rode doctor aud ho officer of the 15th the mare in capital style the match was decided in f heats io favor of the mare the doc tor appearing to ui everweighted everyone seemed pleased with the sport and the politeness and attention ef the stewards we could not help remarking that on no race course io the world could a more beautiful scene be exhibited than may be viewed from the centre of the plains of abraham and it was evident such was the impresionon the mind of the strangers who saw it for the first time yesterday que ojl gazette f er principal genuuaber irya noihiugcouldliciiioresublim off of arms oftio black aud ljaq was lhe whole of tin yesterday took place the funeral of the late mr jamc thompson whose deth wa mentioned in our last in additieo to the military honors doe to his services a very large concourse of civilians attended to pay their last respects to so distinguished a ci tizen tbe bell of st andrews church tolled its soiern knell and the band of the 15th regiment accompanied the procession with a march suitable to tho mournful occa sion- the firing party was of the same re giment which had also formed part ef borne by military officers the several grenadier companies iu the garrinoo at tended tbe whole nppcaraace was aw fully solomo mr thompson had studied architecture io his youth and entered the army as ca det tbe captain with whom be volun- leered was kilted by hts side in the landing at louubourg in 1758 next jear he fol lowed general wolfe into canada and wes present at tbe disastrous attmnt to force the french entrenchments at jtcaupnrt since the surrender of quebec to the british arme be has continued to reside ia it and been universally respected by his felowcitizens having beoo far more eager to perform with scrupulous exactness eve ry social duty than to employ has very res pectable talents for his own ngcrandise ment- ooo trait of his character it would be unpardonable to omit unacquainted with fear he never learned the art of us ing the slightest disguise of bis sentiments to suit the humour of any company na turally and truly humane he was yet blunt uniform and uodeviating in hii sentimeut of facts lord dalhousie had the sagacity to see aod appreciate the merits of thi tetcrftg aud paid him much atteutiou at his lord ships request he assisted in tho ceremony of laying the foundation of the monument nf wolfe and montcalm 68 years after he had witnessed the fall ofholh wo hare already notice religious to duties at the o seen assisting at th hie quebec siqi is artimon in p i ii3 be was tumntuflioo u- qu the st lawrence httpte iipfte j who have notseeo ihi pari nf rentes of the navigable rivers in the world can form but a very imperfect idea of its gran deur and the magnificence of irs scenery above the island of orleans the sr law- reuce is comparatively confined to a nar row channel passing through a level coun try offering much sameness ou the south with the muuntaius on tho uorih too dis tant to produce much effect the views on the great lakes of the st lawrence in the upper province stretching out of sigh of land differ little from those on any ex tended sea coast studded with islands aud bordered with towns and habitations tbe st lawrence below ihe island of orleans from roauy points on its northern hauks lays open to the view a hundred miles nf a river varying from tweuiy to twenty milos in width the whole course aod coast of which iu this clear atmosphere can he distinctly discerned beautiful islands co vered wiih neat dwellings aud cultivated fields contrast with those that are of bare rock or covered with wood the crowded ietilemeut the ilages ud distant hh