from the mirror a serenade for warm wea ther air the young may moon the dogstar now is raging love the heat no air assuaging love then seek the ehadc or the cooling glade whore the goats arc not socngaeinelove come don thy calash and away my dear while yet the young morning id gray my dear for nought so composes the cheek toils rosrs as a walk eer thesunshedsa ray my dear no mortal sleeps this morning love nor lady dreams of adorning love while young musquiloes determined to eat us keep buzzing around their awning love then steal at once from he window my dear ere the scorching heat shall hinder my dear j for when the sun rises his beams will surprise us and bum us quite into a cinder my dear c r bonaparte icog at paris i was less frequently absent from bonaparte than at malmaisoa- we sometimes io the eve ning walked together in the garden of the tuilleries after the gates were closed in these evening walks he always wore a gray cloak and a round hat i was di rected to answer the first consul to the sentinels challenge of who goes there i these promenades which were of much benefit to bonaparte and me also as a relaxation from our labours resembled those which we had at malmaisoo as to our promenades in the oily they were of ten very arausiog at the period of our first inhabiting the tuilleries when i saw bonaparte enter the cabinet at eight o clock in the evening in his gray coat i knew he would say bourienne come nod take a turo sometimes thco io- we would take the little gato which leads from the court to the apartments of the duke daogouleme he would take my arm and we would go to buy articles of trifliug valuo io the shops of the hue st hotiore but we did uot extend our ex cursions further than rue delarhre sec whilst i made the shopkeeper exhibit be fore us the articles which i appeared anxious to buy he played his part in ask ing questions nothing was more amus ing than to see him endeavouring to imi tate the careless and jocular lone of the young tneu of fashion how awkward was he in the attempt to put on dandy airs whenpullug up the corners of his cravat he would say well madame is there any thing new today citizeo what say they of bouaparte your shop appears to be well supplied you surely have a great deal of custom what do jeople say of that buffoon bonaparte fe was made quite happy one day when we were obliged to retire hastily from a shop to avoid the attack which bonaparte had drawn upou us by the irreverent tone in which he spoke of the first consul bouritnnc memoirs of bono parte bob tail it is related uf thcecccntric lorenzo dow that preaching in a place on a certain oc casion where bo was iufurmed the people were so regardless of good order as to be in the habit of going out before the meet iug was dismissed lie commenced bis ser- xnon in the following mauner what a multitude of people are collected here some 1 suppose of all classes rich anil poor high and low learned mul ignorant rag shag and bob tail you are nil stran gers to me i dout know one of you from goes out before the meeting is dismissed tfl subscriber is anxious lo pur chase lot no 21 5th conccs- pltlvatjb board2xc- house gentlemen who prefer bob tail- no odo being wjlliii in bo calloil by that uame tliey all remained at tentive hoards for two hours happy would it be for some other places if there were no bob tails- the following was seen by a traveller duriughis late jaunt up the lakes it inn y amuse the curious i therefore send you a correct copy as superscribed on the tel ler directed to do troy el and then up the river thames iu canady to mister hubbete living noar whar cull and mai tyn yous to live if epitaphs were as they should be how many would record such sorrows as iho fol lowing hebe l1e3 the body op in whom honesty was greater than discre tion he had all the warning that experience aod observation could give yet he loved cucumbers boner than life he had been known to eat two at a time aad by impunity became o reckless that lit swallowed four at a meal and died within ihreo months crown office 2 1st june 1s30 ttotice is hereby given that 11 the courts of oyer and termi ner general gaol delivery and of assize and nisi prius in and for the different districts will be as follows eastern circuit district town eastern cornwall johnstown brockville bat hurst perth midland kingston newcastle hamilton court to commence monday 2d august tuesday 19th do thursday 10th do monday 30th do monday 20lh seulr western circuit sandwich wednesday 4lh augt london thursday 12th do hamilton monday 23d do niagara monday 6th scptv monday 4ih october york western london gore niagara home of which jill sheriffs coroners magistrates gnolers constables bai- lifls and other peace ofiicersarc com manded to take notice by orderof the court c c small clerk of the crown oundo nbm sday evening last near the residence of doc tor geddes a watch with brass case the owner by proving property and paying expenses can receive the same on application to this oflice kingston mill august 1830 7 2 sionand lot no 12 4lh concession i boarding at a private residence can bo township of pittsburgh and would i accommodated with cwxy convenience fenl obliged to the proprietors of said and comfort tiiit such residences can lots if ii ts their intention to dispose of possibly afford at the kingston acade- iheni to loave their names at this of- my front street the rooms arc largo ice rout mcbuhney kjgston ulh august j830 73 hardware and cutlkry no 51 st paul street momrkar he subscriber having removed lo the above extensive premis es is now receiving and will have con stantly on band the largest and best as sorted stock of hardware and cutle ry to be found in montreal his goods being purchased in the best markets of england by some of the do- t and com rood io us i nnri the aueniiot ift comfort will lu sncli lo insure sails- lac i m mi atlaciirtu in i lit house aro stables and a larao jjiiilen wlicro lite gcniltmllort wild wish ran at all linio en joy wilh irceimn kindlon jimp 24th 1830 if l i- aub ohtaitto st boat niagara the ni- gttfttf capt john alostcr commence her regular trips for the season satur day may 1st ending on tuesday no vember 2d leaves nirgara for proscott every sest buyers for the new york market saturdey morning at eight oclock who are continually on the look out for touching al york cobourg and fori bargains in the manufacturing towns hope wind and weather permit line will at all limes upon the slightest in- j kingston and brockville and will ui- spcclion be found much below the usu- rive the following day al montreal prices leaves prescott every tuesday upper canada merchants are gene- evening after the arival of the montreal rally invited to call before concluding stages for niagara touching at lirock- their purchases they may depend on finding it greatly to their advantage thoss brown montreal may 24 is30 ville kingston cobourg and fort hope wind and weather permit iug and york and will arrive at niagara on 2fi friday morning rates of passage to or from prescott and niagara from proscott to york to or from kingston anil niagara to or from kingston and york to or from kingston and prescott 12 10 0 2 10 0 2 0 0 2 0 u 0 0 mtewune of steamboats 11 from carryingplace to pres cott three times a week and from pres cott to the carryingplace the to- ronto capt sinclair and the dalbou- sie capt mcdonell will run during i fhp ac fn1nw vi7 the toronto will leave the is a daily line of 1ou coaches bun- carryingplaco for kingston every days excepted running in connection monday wednesday and friday morn ing at 5 oclock touching at the trent belleville sophiasburgb hallo well to or from york and niagaia 0 iu u fi from prvrrtt to montreal ihprp with the above boat auknts ai kingston archibald j mcdonald al qiieeilslon adam brown at york newhigging and mur ray iihi at niagara w d miller the niagara fs4i tons bur- adolphustown and bath and leave kingston for the carryingplaceevery tuesday thursday and saturday at 8 oclock in the morning touching al the then is in the best soiling order has intermediate places very superior accommodations and the dalhou3ie will leave engine by ward is on the low prescott every monday and wednes- pressure principle day morning at 5 oclock and on every friday afternoon on the arrival of the montreal stage touching a and cananoque and 1 for prescott every tues and saturday morning touching al the intcrme mr xvellcr will shortly rifit a line of i himself that by strict attention to his stages between york and the carrying j business he will be enabled to restorethc place three times a week to meet the high hop ih at ion which it sustained under toronto thus forming an easy end j the superintendence of its former res- expedilious route from york to montre- peculate proprietor the late mr ro- al via the bay of quiute rates of the boats as usual and iho stewards deparwnenl furnished with the best wines liquors c c kingston may 5 is30 siutrurn april 10 i 30 itf ivgston hoter mr myeps lesperifully informs ihe publu- ilnt he has taken ihe above well known establishment the house is now open for the re ception if company and lie antlers the kovafioak hotel g cahm1no returns his sincere 7 thanks to his numerous friends and customers for ihe very liberal sup port which be has received from ihem at the koval oak he ji rontimi or nf ihrn nitrppncr begs io assure ail who iiiiiy favour hn i with their custom that his utmost effoiis will be used for llieir accommodation and comfort having lately made various improve ments iu his establishment he is ena bled to entertain a much greater num ber of visitors than formerly mis ta ble will be constantly supplied with the very best the market affords and his wines and liquors of the first quality the situation of the lioyal oak is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for ihe accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling bert walker he solicits the patronage of the old irieudis of the house of his own friends and of the public generally n b boarders can be accommodat ed b the day or week kingston u cmny iih 1s30 w o y the ondersigneil a- being about to leave i jper ca nada for fngland until ihe mouth of oc tober stcxt bes lo return his thanks io his ow solicits customers for their pasl favours and to in form liicn that durius hs ahwuee his hui- kingston january 11830 anted immediitoly two journeymen pi inters apply at the anglocanadian oflice belleville 24lh july 1s30 o millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to cauanorpte mills cjjcdonaldo may 29 18 name by mr peter mecalhim who is fully competent to receive and execute orders in that line geo webster kingston ili7un ikk n b naval auil militiy unifrtrins on he shortest notice w a itu a 35 l s 11 perty tor sale premises well known as the principal v andint place at uahowcll where steam- uuais and other vessels generally ttke iu aud discharge their cargoes the premis- cscompric a wharf in complete order with a store house attached two dwelling mouses one of which has been occupied as a tavern for several years with suita- hle out houses and about eight acrcg of land laid nut into village lots it is an wanted immediitcly two exccllentsituatiou for a steam mill bciog journeymen piinters apply the shippiug place for an extensive wheat country the property is nltered for sale in ihe firsl instance in one it hut should it not t ifii a 1 1 he wltl by ihe first dayofseniember next iiwl ihenhedupuofinseparetelotfl m to suit purehnstiw for terms apply to mr john s ilccr- maus on the premise or in montreal lo petek mcgill 6 co notice ijmd all persons having demands agalmt wp l lno l the kslateof the late abraham barker nl concession of the town of hallowell deceascdarc requested to v fffi for particular sen- present them duly authenticated lo the 2 lis pubscibeis for settlement and all gjngton9i aiignit persons indebted lo the estate arc re- i s i c quested to make immediate payment to i w tt i r tu is her market jlace all kinds of bllip- ihc subscribe s who aie duly authorised pj aii hatting purs so grant discharges d b stevenson benj hubbs j hallowell may 161i1 is2 30 ii 8 pi inn y valuable real estate for salk zz fbihk marmora lion works the rjbviskd editiox of i privileges appurtenances build- the provincial staings utensils and stock thereunto he- totes the number of subscribers longing as formerly advertised toge- for this work not being equal to the j tber with 12704 acres of valuable expectations formed by ihe subscriber land bearing excellent red and while and having intimation from a souice of pine timber and other woods suitable undoubted authority that the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about ihe undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will be some consolation to him for bringing iho matter before the ub- lic as well as for the trouble he has al ready had some progress having al- rcadv been made in the revision thag for making charcoal will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder foi cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the imh day of octoberl 1s30 at noon for dans of the works and other particulars apply to mr manaban on the premises to messrs could dowic ife co london messrs dowte and baird liverpool at the oflice ofthu he has been instrumental in fotwardint albion newspaper new york or to a measure which must prove of great the subscriber at montreal utility to the province ias macfarlane kidgsioo a 1630 pktuk mcgill midland district upper canada august i asdttew paumenti- eu proprietor of the horti cultural awl uotancial garden of llrooklyn newyork containing 2d acres ol nurseries offers twelve select kinds oi table crapes very hardv from ihe north of france at 6 ihedoven with directions for planting oral 5s yd sepmately they can be had from the loih october lie has a choice assortment oi 202apples iy0 pears 71 chenios 0j peaches 15 nec- tar s5 plums is apricots 20 cooseberrins unil bis collection of or- uanienlnl trees and shrubs is of 30g kinds and has also more than 200 rose plin mi james macfnrlnne ediior of this paper will receive orders for fruil and ornamenial trees front his collection mr p will make arrangements thai whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded withou the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid nt the ofliccof the chronicle reference john ftlacauiay esq john kirby esq john marks esq stephen yarwoodesq allan maclean esq 22d may s30 n b it may be proper to mention that iho necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the giouud until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any in jury from ihe frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all with earth tlft- i11bh i and care shall be taken thai several or ders will be made up into one package with a view lo save the expense of car riage the subscriber having ben appoint ed agent in this province for mr par- meniier is now ready to received or ders agreeably lo the above advertiee- ment james macfarlane kingston 2th m h3ih any person in the pocssion of a mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen ai this office will leceivc through ihe medium of this paper infounrtion respecting its nature provided it be bought worthy of notice december 25t 1821 notice 4 lli notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frederick keeler are to be settled with j h samson admr brllvile 24th dec 1s28 william johnson bar ber and hairdresser next door io cat mines lenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for ihe liberal support be has me with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of ihe public patro nage kingsto 30ih m 189 1 krfrtt tit lu is oflijr ff gut the college quarters are order ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about ihe jib of january nd ends on the 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20ih march and ends on the lotb june third quaiiur begins on ihe lolh june and ends al the commencement of the summer vacation aboul the l6th of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about ihe lsi october and ends at ihe commence ment of the christmas vacaiion about the 2 1 si december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited inlo iho college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are pavable ftom the begimng of that quarter a very eligible property in the ray of ininte well knoun ty ihe name of champignon formerly belonging to capt payne of the royal engineers situated within affne miles of the town of kingston containing about 4t0 acres of arable land of which there axe upwards of 100 acres in ihe highest stato of cultiva tion ou the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built iu the cottage style sufficiently capacietis for the accom modation of a gentlemans family aud it has a verandah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake in the rear of ihe dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from ihe house above described and tlio barn and other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der its value and possession given on the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made tn messrs o g s how- land new york simpson macintyrk co montreal k a warper esq kingstu or t0 lhc proprietor a simpson quihte 1st dec 1899 25tf pi the subscriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fxcy aod staple goods which h 0 for sale exceeding low for cash m short ap proved arcdit also a case of christys maierproof hals and a variety of school rooks and stationery c w drlficoll kidclou july 3d lt just published by carey lea arid carey of philadelphiathe first vol ume to be continued al intervals of three mouths of the encyclopedia americana a popular dictionary of arts sciences lit- rrahtre history and politics brought down to the present time aud including a copi ous collection of origiual articles in ameki- can hiograiiir on thebasis of the sev enth edition of the german conversations- lericon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo 0y persons wishing io subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle ojjice where the 1st volume may bo seeu price two dollars and a half each james macfarlane kngston 24 dec 1329 we ihe undersigned hereby give public notice that we will not be accountable or lible ls for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ nne but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at all times when il can bo done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable of fice for its safe delivery at montreal ai the lowest premium to be obtained in cases where no instructions arc given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of property we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of the owners the property paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigatiou hence to montreal siened h sjones james mccutchon hooker s henderson john mcpherson co prescott 22d march 1828 n b owners of goods desireus of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal to prescott will direct ilerchants from whom ihey purchase lo furnish us or our agents in jfontreal wilh the value of each and every package signed john mcpherson ce h s jones james mccutchon hooker f henderson prescott 15 september 1829 alt rheum this inveterat disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physiciaos has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with morere- uctaoce by ihe physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has6tood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabt gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin aud its original colour and might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentaiur it has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standiog that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried itnotoulyat ouce gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children q there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it my be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingstou i lib july 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from ihe present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited aud the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtaiued by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the moruing and at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may he found in mavors spelliugbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to adiel sheruood esq brockville july 1829 itior sale town lots nos j 80 71 38 and the nonh half of 2y containing seventenths of an acre- also 400 acres in the township of ernes town being composed of lot let tered f in the core otherwise in ihe 8th concession also 200 acres being part of lot let tered g in the gore otherwise in the 8th concession of erneslown the above will be sold unusually low for ready money it being necessary to dispose of them in order to settle an estate application to be made to john s cartvvright agent for the proprietors kingston lou july 130 26w for sale a very valmm faim n the township of tliimy siiuoted within four miles of the loivn of billevilte and within a quarter of u mile of the river moirce containing two hundred acres of land of which there are one hundred acres in ihe highest state of cultivation on lhc farm lliore is a very neal substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn of fifiy feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other oul buildings finished in ihe best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well mocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to lhc propri etor on the premises ronald mcmichafl tburlow 10th may 130 alliance british and foreign life and i -a- ance company of london esu act of parliament capital five millions sti inc the agents for this ow n beg leave to announce hi- it habitants of upper canada ihn hey continue io assure against lossoi dam a ye by fire and thai they have for ihe convenience of the publ c pponted the following gentlemen a mm oierns in the county towns ol ihe diffei ent dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aw morrisc btocmiu james macfarlane esq kingstirn fajbft urmnticf c a john ross esq ajvj to either of whom parties dei of effecting assurance will plense the agents lake leave lo remind ihe public of the following important and sinking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuiing wilh the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 0th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company cth losses by lightniug will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to ihe board ef directions in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid 9th id the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a lesssum than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever less is sustained not exceeding the sum assured lolh the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that ihe profits tobe divided will be lare agents montreal 28th sept 1825 old kikgtfsead mar- ket square kingston james a smith begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr geo millward deceased and which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may be assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on ihe most reasonable terms kingston march 13 1s30 wanted immediateltt at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal aboul 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpatii april 1829 organs masonry for sale at the chronicle ottice march 13 m the kingston t iikonu le is printed and published crery saturday by james macfarlane at ins office m front street kingston terms seventeen eliillings sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price op advertisemia is six lines and under 2s cd fiit ing-rr- 3m aod 74 eac subsequent insertion ten cn s i d under 3s first insertion ami iqd vach mib sequent insertion above ten tin id pit line for the first insertion and id pci fine tor every subsequent insertion advertisements without written dii iom3il- sertcd tiuforbid and charced according orders tor discontinuing advertised ten is in he in ttriting and delivered by wedkksdai noon at the latest no advertisement retcivul afior tun oclock on the day of publication tzr produce received in payment at the mar ket price 1 agents john bigncll esq qi6 david hisholme esq thrctrivers andrew poiteoita esq treat james mcintosh esq lancaster jlm cameron esq lochiel r cline esq comiritu george browse esq matilda alplitiss jti esq prescil henry jones esq josiah taylor esq ptrth h wliitn n richmnd j k haruvrll esq bama c j mdunald gonoji que john i n bath allan mcpherson esq jvifjrailf parker esq bttlvilte joseph a kerftr fq cruynahc james g belhunc esq amrftm david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittria john crooks esq niagara charles biggar esq murta j d gilbert esq adolphustounu 4 kt