Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 16, 1830, p. 3

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thc kingston chronicle saturday october wh 1830 j i r i the events of the present day are replete with interest of no ordinary nature and we have therefore in our preceding columns given the most copious extracts that the latest dates could furnish holland has caught the revolutionary infection and without any ostensible or real cause dismissed their king spain long be fore this has found some other occupation for the beloved ferdinand than the embroidering of petticoates for the virgin and portugal may be readily expected to ease itself of that abominable incubus don miguel by an equally unceremo nious manucevre where this mania will end time alone can develope and we shall see at no distant period the whole continent of europe convulsed by the arbitrary and unwise example of the french bourbon whose obstinacy has terminated in his own ruin and likely to make others feel the effects of what a people oppres sed and insulted will do when goaded by a natu ral interest in the prosperity of their country the montreal official gazette we take ihis opportunity of expressing our acknowledg ments to the spirited editor of this excellent journal for his unwearied exertions in conveying the earliest intelligence of passing events as an official paper the montreal gazette is necessarily entitled to consideration but we feel it doe to the editor and proprietor to say that we do not know of any paper that is so little in debted to extrinsic circumstances for its high landing as a periodical the present is but one of several occasions on which we have received earlier intelligence by the gazette than across the lines at this place the court of general quarter sessions in and for the midland district commenced its sittings on tuesday last h c thomson esq was cho sen chairman in the absence of john macaulay esquire we should be wanting in candour not to stale that mr thomson discharged the duty wilh credit to himself and advantage to the public the districvconrt was also opened on the same day by jonas jones esq fine on wednesday morning beiween two and three oclock the house of mr gamble si tuated above the scotch church was discovered to be on fire by the very prompt attendance of the inhabitants the progress of the destructive element tfas ayrtstteditltbul doing mucft injury as there arc some strong suspicions that this was the work of an incendiary we hope the magis trates will enquire into the matter indeed we are informed that this is the second attempt made to set the same house on fire colonel bt accompanied by col boetler capt tjellish and some other officers of the royal errainecrs arrived here on wednesday evening from bytown by the route of the rideau canal it gives us reat pleasure to learn that col by fully expects that the canal will be open this sea son from bytown tomerricks mills and there is now no doubt but this great woik will be final ly completed in the course of next season theatricals the company now performing in the large room under the patriot office exhibit very respectable talents they seem all to be very perfect in their parts and their acting is chaste and pretty much to nature their se lections of pieces for representation are very judicious being suchascompert with their motto 41 to refine the genius and to mend the heart last night they performed the l soldiers daughter and the waos or windsor to a tolerable audience considering i was their first representation the part9 were generally well sustained and those of the females particu larly well the theatre is comfortably arrang ed and has a pretty appearance the scenery is very farbcyond what is generally seen wilh tra velling companies casualties a poor lame man of the name of on the morning of the 8th instant- the unfor tunate man fell a victim to habitual drunkenness on friday the 8lh instant a fine boy belong ing lo charles brawly of this place about three years old was run over by on the spot a wagon and killed captain rocho monde of the 21tt regi ment faas been appointed dcputyassistant adjutant general at headquarters in suc cession to major gavock promoted lt colonel lord charles fitzroy has been ap pointed assistant adjutaot general at armagh vice lt colonel moore lt colonel moore has been appointed deputy adjutant general upen the staff of the ionian islands vice lt colonel lord chas filzroy major general hon p stuart has been appoiutetl to the command of the tronps in north britain couwer for the chronicle county of northumberland agri cultural society the second annual cattle show c of this society was held in the public square of the village of colborne on wednesday the 6th instant the day beibg rery pro pitious and fine a great number of persons not only from various and distant parts of the county of northumbcrlaud but also many gentlemen from the neighboring county of durham were enabled to at tend the rather novel and interesting exhi bition several enclosures and penns were previously prepared for the reception of the different animal eutered for premi ums many of which were the finest and best that the country could produce a great many candidates entered for the numerous premiums offered by ihe society this year there were some very choice samples of butter and cheese produced the specimens of home manufactured li nen and woolen cloths were also very good more particularly the linen cloth the ploughing matches excited univer sal interest which took place ioone of the fields belongiog to the farm of joseph a kecler esq there were 18 ploughs started five of which were drawn by hor ses and thirteen by oxen this was an animating and sheering spectacle many of the candidates performed their work in a manner highly creditable to themselves and honourable to the agricultural reputa tion of the farmers in this portion of the province such a spirited ami well con tested ploughing match has seldom or ever been before witnessed in ihe county there were several huodred spectators viewing this interesting and meritorious trial of skill and it was truly gratifying to observe the keen ardour bustling activity and consummate skill with which many of the candidates eutered upon and finished their various honourable tasks assigned to each by the judges after the ploughing matches had termi nated to the satisfaction of the great con course of people assembled they retired from the victorious field of agricultural triumph to the village square where they were highly entertained wilh hearing four able essays on the rearing and inauaging of live stock read in addition to thee essays an interesting report of the judges appointed to view the different farms in the county that had been entered for pre miums for good management was also read the following are the premiums previ ously offered by the society and awarded to the different successful competitors by compelent judges appointed for that pur pose pnrimok of an excellent dinner prepared for the oiccasion upwards of 60 persons snt dowm to the table among whom were ma ny ot the most respectable farmers and in fluential gentlemen belonging to the coun ty during the whole of the day every tiling was conducted with the greatest or der od good feeling every one present seensed anxious only to please and be plead on this most interesting of all pub lic meetings which was assembled to join with one accord in wishing and pro moting speed to the plough in the course of the evening several loyal and ap propriate toasts were given and drank with enthusiasm conviviality and harmo ny reigned throughout the greater part of the social company retired at an early hour from the festive board in order to reach their distant homes ere chanticleer would proclaim the dawning of the morn john steele stey colborne 6th october 1830 maitriedfat halifax nova scotia on the 15th ult by the rev dr twining thomas gurlyi esq to miss sarah weeks youngest daughter of the laterfcv william twining at montreal on monday morning last by the rev amathieeon john gordon mackenzielsq of that city to miss gates daughter of horatio cairn esq of the same place dud at hallowellontbe 8th inst allan infant son of l p macphcrsun esq aged 10 months removal the subscri ber begs leave lo acquaint his friends and the public generally thai he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley druggist where he is now receiving a very general assortmentof staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books aud stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hats w driscoll kingston october 9ih 130 m ost valuable pro perty for sale mr smith bartutt being desirous ofclosing his con cerns in canada lias resolved to offer tors subscription for enc aging the introduction of ihe tureof the grape vine intothecan mr alphonse loubat ha sale the whole of his valuable pro- i considerably enlarged u vineyard an public auction well worth the attention of dealers in british and american manufactured goods his excellency sir john colborne is expected in town on tuesday evening next frommeseatof government we regret to perceive by a paragraph subjoined which id taken from the herald that the earl of dalhousie has been attack ed with palsy from the manner in which reference is made to the circumstance in the letter we are inclined lo hope that it was not a severe stroke especially as it ad ded that he recovered in a few weeks mont gazette we have seen a letter dated berham- pore 12th may from which we make the following extract ido not know if i roeutioocd in ray last letter that lord dal housie had an attack of palsy one rather warm sunday morning he put off very im prudently his flannels which he was con stantly in the habit of wearing he went to or rather was going to church in his carriage with the windows open and with his head uncovered he suddenly felt gid dy and palsy in the right side was the consequence assistance was speedily gi ven aod after three or four weeks confine ment he recovered he goes on a tour of inspection to the upper provinces io july when the rains are set in as from the height of the rivers this is the most favora ble season for travelling by water the army major general thornton has been remo ved from the staff of the army in ireland to the command of the island oljersey in place of lt general sir coliu halkctt promoted major general sir charles pratt k c b has been appointed to the command of the island of jamaica in place of lt general sir john kcanc promoted wm 1 ketchums to thos m spalding haldimand for the best blood marc l 10 0 ira brown cramahe second best do j 0 truman hinman haldimand for the best bull 2 0 nathanial herrimando for 2d best do 1 0 peter alger cramahe for the beat milch cow 1 10 john g rover haldimand 2d best do 1 0 baycs m eddv do third best do 0 10 samuel blakelycramahe for ihe best pair of steers is ephraim dooliuehaldimandforlhe second best do 0 15 copt spilsbury r n cramahe for the best ram 10 ira brown do for second best do 0 10 t m spalding for the 6 best ewes 1 0 capt spilsbury for the 2nd 6 best do 0 10 palmer crandcll cramahe for the best boar 1 10 theron dickenson do for 2nd best do 1 0 john galurty haldimand for 3d best 0 10 palmer crandcll for the best sow 1 0 b ewins esq haldimand for 2d best 0 10 niram burnham hamilton for the 2 best cheeses 0 15 palmer crandell for the 2 second bost 0 10 niram biirnharrti for best fitken butter 0 15 ambrose mail haldimand for 2d best 0 10 rcter algol tor ucai picco nntn chtiu a 14 jcr scripture haldimand for 2d best 0 10 john curtis percy for third best 0 5 thos plews cramahe for the best ploughing with a horse team 1 10 sissonwaithaldimand for 2nd best 1 5 stephen turney cramahe for 3rd best 0 15 theron dickenson do for ploughing best with an ox team 110 fcstusbcnnet cramahe for 2nd best 1 0 peter alger for 3rd best 0 10 thos plews for the best pair of hor ses worked at the plowing match 1 5 sisson wait for the second best pair 0 15 stephen turney the third best do 0 10 festus bennet for the best yoke of oxen worked at the ploughing match 1 0 theron dickenson for second best 0 15 sisson wait for the third best 0 10 john burnham esq hamilton for the best managed farm in the county 2 10 theron dickenson for the second best 2 0 elias jones esq hamilton 3rd best 1 10 sisson wait for the fourth best 1 0 t d sandford cramahe fifth best 0 15 w s myers haldimand for the best written essay on the rearing and management of live stock 1 10 0 joshua webster cramahe second best 10 0 besides the nhnvo mentioned premiums awarded thero were auo premiums offered by the society for the best stallioos dress ed woollen cloth improved agricultural machinesand implements but the judg es considered the animals unlit for or without competition in their different classes did not award any pries to them at this time the premiums offered hy the society for the best grain and pototato crops and entered for competition this year will be awarded at the quarterly meet ing of the board of directors on the first wednesday in january next when the quantities of each kiod of grain and pota toes produced per acre can be best ascer tained and decided after the awards ofthodiffereut inspect ing judges were publicly announced tho numerous aod orderly concourse of people began to disperse all of which seemed to be hihlypleased with the proceedings ofihe day the board of directors n number of the members of the society adjourned to mr tavern where they 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 government contracts for engineer and orj- nance service totice is hereby given that 1 sealed tenders will be receiv ed tit the commissariat office until 12 oclock of thursday the 18th day of november from such persons as may be willing to furnish the articles and undertake the following for the ordi nary service of the royal engineer anrj ordnance departments at king ston and its dependancies from the 25th december next to the 24th de cember 1831 viz jumber of all kinds as per specifi cation- lime sand the cartage of the landing to befttthe expense of the contractor ifair and bricks also for such glaz ing as may berequired per specifiation and for teamhire and cartage for the the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling money the rates at which the articles will be delivered at kingston or at any part of point hen ry or point frederick and each ten der must bear the signatuies of two res ponsible persons as sureties for the un dertaking conditions may be more fully known on application to this or the engineer office the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for each jglol 10s sterling due upon the con tracts jno hare a c g commissariat office kingston oct j 6 1830 f ubl1c notice is hereby given that all persons found cutliug taking away or injuring the timber on the lands belonging to the cauada company without a special authority from this of fice will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law caoadacompaoyi office york 11th oct 1830 g overnment contracts notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders will be received at the commissariat office until 12 oclock ut tuesday the 10th day ot november next from suclr persons who may be willing to undertake the furnishing of the following supplies for the use of the troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from the25th december next to the 24th december 1831 viz fresh beef tender no 1 bread biscuit and flour no 2 salt pork no s rations of forage no 4 charcoal no 5 the ration of forage to consist of 9lbs of oats 16 do of hay and 6 do of straw no difficulty or expence need be en tertained in supplying forage at a rea sonable rate as the practice is observ ed at every other post in canada the several articles to be of the best quality and the forage ration to be delivered from magazines convenient ly situated for the garrison payments for the several supplies will be mad monthly either in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for every 101 10 shillings due upon the contracts a due supply of the several articles must be kept in store to meet the exi gencies of the public service the tenders to be separate with the prices in sterling and each must bear the real signatures of two responsible persons as sureties for the contracts the conditions of which may be fully as certained on applying at this office jno hare a c g commissariat ojjict kingston 0th oct 1830 145 on tuesday the 2gth instant and on the following days a most exten sive select and valuable assortment of goods will be offered for sale at public auction by mr h m msley at robert thompson cos store port dalhousie welland canal consisting of euglish and foreign bar hoop and sheet iron steel anvils nails canada and tio plates iron mongery hardware aod cutlery of every description tin japan britania metal and plated wares buttons aod button- moulds superfine and common cloths silks muslins calicoes shawls irish linen flannels worsted aod cotten hose small wares hats gloves and carpeting hair seatiog sheetings bedtickiog blan- ketscounterpaues tableeloaths aod nap kins glass and crocker ware paints pig and sheet lead fowfcng pieces pow der masks and shot belts drugs and me dicines toys books stationary combs umbrellas parasols and perfumery sugar coffee tobacco and windsor soap old cherry aud rye whiskey of superior qua lity aod flavour io short tfrvcry articlo usu ally kept in a hardware pry goods fan cy and grocery store all f which will he sold io lots suitable for purchasers and for approved endorsed notes o a liberal cre dit to be known at the tiie of sale which will commence each morning at 10 oclock all tho above mentioned british manu factured goods amountinfi to nearly 9000 sterling have been lately purchased in england with cash and arc warranted of a very superior quality tli owners having taken ihe greatest possible pains in the se lection thereof in expectation ofesublisbiog an exteusivo and permanent commercial concern in this country bmt in consequcuce olthe recent decease of mr kooevr thomp son the late resident partner at port dal housie tho whole stoek which may be in spected 00 and after the 21st instant will be sold without reserve and the business final ly closed purchasers will be allowed the use of the store until they can onveniently remove what they buy and gmtleraen from a dis tance may have accommodation at port dalhousie at mr tlomas reads tavern to be sold by private contract or let with early possessinr a most convenient store and dwelling ffouse newly erected at port dalhousie lie former eminently situated for the transportation of merchan dize c welland canal and on the lakes for particulars apply to the owners and occupier robt thompson co port dalhousie wefflaod canal u c oct 9th 1830 w etters oom the unit- li cd states remaining in tne post office at kingston on 30th september 1830 henrion beers joseph burrell 2 andrew bordon ann catlin w s chittenden mary chorette thomas cain thomas coiklin francis car lisle john dickinson wm l daly bernard boyle dsniel dickerman samuel egglcston jabez fraser abner hurdino hwesjameshenry or jas hartley madtton b keith maria kunze jnojacksnthosjacksonmr jacklin david mcfarland jacob bftuer john mclaughlin john aicar- thur robert mcgill thomas nash richard neville riley w phelps william prindle thomas pickets william stewart michael susee tho mas sheehan nathaniel shannon sa muel sevvon james tuttle george thompson lewis vernon john vanschaick 2 stephen warner sa muel t walters jno macaulay p m tftew stereotype e- jyi dition of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors englih spelling book ster eotyped from the 328th london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1sso opperplatepress a first rate copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office jalymh 1s3q to millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gananoque mills cj afcdonaldco afay 29 1830 perty which if not shortly disposed of by private will be offered at public sale of which due notice will be given the property consists of those well known premises in front street now in the occupation of mr bruce consisting of a large and well finished two story stone house a stone store house about 70 feet in length by 30 in bieadth two and a halfstories with a brick front being a convenient merchants shop and a store with space for offices the cellars under the whole of the buildings are the best in town and will stow more than a thousand barrels there is a commo dious frame warehouse on the dock which extends 70 feet and the yard is closed to be safe for the storage of pro perty this property is especially well adapted for an extensive forwarder and commission merchant the brick house in the country one mile from kingston late the residence of mr bartlett together with about 90 acres of fine land this whethr con sidered as a farm or as a residence for a genteel family or both is a most beau tiful and valuable property a tract of land situated about five miles above brockvillc fronting on the st lawrence 400 acres in width being lots 36 and 37 in the 1st 2d and 3d concessions of elizabethtown 1227 acres known by the name of the jessup tract the soil is of a superior quality and on it is a good mill seat with a con stant supply of water where a dam could be erected at a very small expense a farm adjoining the village of bath consisting of 225 acres with a good farm house barn and orchard 100 acres under improvoment and thirty acres of the finest bever meadow the whole farm is a soil of the finest quality a lot containing 100 acres half of which is cleared with a log house upon it four miles from kingston on the york road the quality of the soil is excel lent and the lot contains a sufficiency of pine timber for the purposes of building also abundance of lime stone with con veniences and wood for burning it and awvtv 4vijtr vriiuy of limpid water close to the house a lot at floatingbridge bay con taining 200 acres and a broken front estimated to contain about 70 acres this is situated eleven miles from king ston on the york road and seven miles from bath and is altogether a desirable property there is fire wood enough upon the lot to pay the fit st cost of the land as it can be transported to kingston by water when the navigatiou is open and upon the ice when it is closed kingston august 10th 1s30 further particulars concerning any or all the above lots can be had by ap plication at the patriot office book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office t subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the p ublic that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf 1 folio full bound in calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do l2mo do do 18rao do do e s d 1 0 0 0 10 0 it 5 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 half binding in calf folio half bound mciitcd and orna- q y 0 quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 0 l2mn do do 0 1 8 18mo do do 0 1 6 binding in sheep folio full bound mented and orna- n 17 6 quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 0 12mo do do 0 1 10 18mo do do 0 1 3 half binding in sheep 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 n 3 30 folio half bound and orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do 18mo do do also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 paul clifford for sale at the chronicle office murray reader and introduction neatly and substantially bound for sale a the chronicle office for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th august1828 the subscriber has just received a very general and seleet assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a caso of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books and stationery c w driscoll kiogaton july 3d 1830 longisland six miles from newyork on the road to fort diamond where he now has io full cultivation a vineyard nf fony acres of ground containing a stock of 65000 grapevines nod a nursery of 72000 grape vine knots comprising sixty two varieties selected in europe between 40 and 50 n latitude and having also the peculiar advantage of being enabled to procure the best species of roots from his fatherss extensive vineyards aod nur series in the departments of giro ode lot and garronne in france 45 n lat pro poses to the numerous friends to the cul tivation of the grape vine in tbe canadas a subscription mr a l is ready to furnish subscribers with their grape vine roots the root will he three years old and will produce considerable fruit the 2d year from the limo of tneir being planted they will be carefully hlsstedpackedwhichwillgreatlyf c litaua the arrivingofthe roots hhen transplanted orders will bepunctually attended to by the subscribers designating the quantities and species of the grape vine roots they wish to have they will engage to pay for 1000 roots or more at the rate of 12j cents for each root for less than 1000 at the rate of 15 cents and 25 cents per root for less than 50 roots only two years old shall be paid for at the rate of 0 cents eacli for 1000 or more 12 conts for less than 1000 and 18 cents for less than 50 roots payment to be made on delivery let ters not received uoless postpaid mr loubat faas selected the following species as the best tbe choice of which is left to subscribers table grapes or for making strong wine white 1 alicante 2 robio eyes with big clusters or ceil de tour grosgrain 3 do melting or fondant 4 sweet guillant5 muscat 6 do frontignan 7 muscadelle from the river lot 8 mal- voise 9 tokay 10 syrian ii con- stantia 12 malaga 13 meillers red 14 large muscat 15 malvoisie 16 red root pied rouge 17 black jjamhourg 18 constantia for wine white- 19 auvergnat 20 blanquette 21 doucinelle 22 plan de dame 23 olivette 24 doucette 25 plant de reine 26 burgundy 27 morillon 28 madere 29 bourgelas 30 picardao 31 chalosse 32 pans red 33 claret 34 auvergnat 35- st jeau 36 jacobin 37 meunier 38 pioeau 39 pritanicr 40 teiuturier 41 bourgienon pa uwuudiuu w m- ty r ine 45 garnet noir for tlte table only white 46 chasselas from fontaine- bleau 47 chassels golden 48 chas- sels cracking 49 chassels musk 50 muscat lezarde 51 muscat small ber ries 52 muscat dalexandria 53 mus cat from jura 54 souvignoo reo 55 chasselas 56 chasselas violet 57 muscat rouge 58 muscat violet 59- muscat grey 60 damas violet 61 da- raas of poquet 62 early magdclen mode of planting the grape vine is propagated either from a slip taken from the stem of healtly vines of at least four or five years growtu or by trasplantiog the roots themselves by the first mode it requires seven or eight years before the vine comet to its full bearing and for the two first years tin 89 plants which fail must be replaced ahout onethird of the whole plantation tbe second mode is tbe best for if you are supplied with good plants well rooted there is no danger of loosing any and the second year from the time of transplanting they yield fruit in climates where the winters are se vere the season for transplanting the vine is the latter part of march or the begining of april but io more temperate latitudes the end of october is to be preferred drills or furrowsof eighteen inches wide and eighteen deep must first be prepared and if they be made in the course of ibe precediog summer or autumn would be still better for the earth thus having re mained exposed to the air would be more favourable to the plant the mostecono- mical and expeditious way of performing this operation is by ostpb a phiueh and po ng with it torce or four tune over the same furrow after which the ground may be dug out with a spade to tbe depth re- quired if the plantation is but small or tho expense no consideration the best me thod is to dig the gronnd deep with tbe spade and turn it op in all directions in lands which are very sandy and light the drills roust be made to the depth of six teen or eighteen inches and the drier tbe soil the deeper they ought to be in ricb soils fifteen inches is sufficient let the drills be run in a direct straight line from north to south that tbe plants may receive tbe rays of the sun on all sides plant the roots from four to six feetapart according to the quality of tbe soil the richer it is the farther apart tbe plants should be if you use horses for ploughing tbe roots ought to be at least six or seven feet distant from one another and eight or nine if oxei are used so that your ground may be used without injuring any of the plants final ly if the spade only is to be used the pta nt may be placed five or six feet apart every way care must be taken likewise 0m to place the plants of one row immediately opposite those of the next row that they may not be in the way of one another in planting the vine lay down six inchc of the plant flat at the bottom of the drill leaningthe upper partof it against tbe side so as to form the figure of an angle when in this position placing one foot on tho roots to press tbem flat with the bottom of the trench you cover them with three or four inches of good earth well pulverised ortwo or three handfulls of moistened ash es you then press the clay or ashes closely wilh your feet aud fill up the drill so n only to leave two eyes of the plant uu- covered the drills when planting imt he free from water if any from preceding rains remain in them dt is better to wait day or two until thejrecome dry the subscriber having been appointed agent for mr- loubat he is now ready i receive orders in terms of the above notice james macfarlane- kinston7th jvhj 1630 v

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