s3 tzht pntsessiona and their cargoes upon ihc term tot forth upon the said net the nod entitled an aetconcerniug navigation passed on the eighteenth day of april on thousand eight hundred and eighteen the act supplementary thereto passed the eighteenth day of may odo thousand eight hundred nod twenty and the act entitled 14 an act to regulate the commercial inter course between the united states and eer- taiu british pons passed the first day of march one thousand eight hundred and twentythree are absolutely repealed and british vessels and their cargoes arc ad mitted to no entry iu the ports of the unit ed states from the islands provinces and colonies of great britain oo or near the north american continent and north or east of the united states given under my hand at the city of washington the fifth day of october in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty and the fiftyfifth of the in dependence of the united states andrew jackson b7 the fmmin rlvan lilkln secretary of state limits uf the east india company 5 chnrttr except the island uf mauritius prohibited to be imported into any of the british pos session on the comment of south ame- ica or iu the west indies except the b tie uf those island in this country con sequently ihe people of thne islands ran- not put chase to the extent that n free in terchnnge of production would injure nevertheless the bootless will revive to n line of packets between this port and ja maica touching at the bal amas would be a good specula 1 inn and n sourre ofgrcat convenience 10 tl ost- islands travellers panics tin pleasure invalids and others would gladly embrace a regular and com furtable conveyance far making ao excur- 11011 0 the united stare the canadas ice as it would be amcnded with less ex pense and he performed in a shorter space of lime thao a similar ji our to kurnpe rjct forercv v- ws mil six days latbr lam the packet ship k harris arrived ibis morning pool having sailed ou iho tdic arrival the p advertiser have i rom kng from the albion the act of parliament above mention ed is eutitled m an act to regulate the trade of british possessions abroad m from it we copy the follovviug sections which show the nature aud extent of the trade permitted to foreign nations- section ii and he it further enacted that uo gtiuds shall be imported into nor ihall any gnodsexcept the produce of fishe ries in british ships he exported from any of the british possessions in america by sea from or 10 auy place other than the united kingdom or uome other of such possessions except into or from the seve ral ports in such possessions called free ports enumerated or described in the ta ble followiug that is to say table of free ports kingston savannah la mar monte pn bay santa lucia antonio st ann falmouth muria moraut bay anuotte bay jamaica st george grenada roseau domiuea st johoa antigua san joseph trinidad scarborough tobago road harbor tortula nassau n providence port st george and port hamilton bermuda pitts town crooked island kiugston st vincent any part where there is a chain ran frotn liver- 8th ult by irtrs nf the commerce eceived their regular file hama ur permuda islands by his majestys certain extent and we think that a regular order iu council base or counterfeit coin books such as are prohibited to be imported iuto the united kingdom by the same act the following port are declared to bo warehousing ports viz kingston jamaica st john ivis bridge town barhadncs halifax aud quebec goods can be warehoused in these ports in the warehouses a p niuted by government without the payioent of auy duty on the first eutry of the same the duties payable upoo some of the leading ai tides of commerce when im ported into the abovo mentioned free purrs are as follows flour barrel idoibs 5s od biscuit or broad cwt 2 g flour or meal not made from wheat barrel i9tilbs or less 2 g wheal bushel 1 n beans peas uyc oats curu c bushel 0 7 shingles m not over 12 inches in length 0 7 do m over do do 14 9 staves or headings redoak m- 12 g while yellow or pitch piue lumber i inch thick m feet 21 0 other kiuiu of wood nod lumber at feet 28 0 hoops wood m 5 3 wine in bottles tun of250galluns 147 0 foreign buttles per dozeu in ad tlitiun 1 0 wine not in buttles 7 14 porcent ad valorem horse and other live stock do 10 leather manufactures clocks and watches linen musical instru ments wire bonks aud papers glass and manufactures soap re fined sngir sugar caudy aud tobacco manufactured hay and straw coin and bullioo salt fresh fruits and vegetable cotton wool c duty free most other artielci such as hemp dry fruits esseuces gums pick les prints quicksilver sausa ges tar tow turpentine 7 12 per cent ad valorem the act extends to eightysix articles 30 20 custom house bridgetown sr andrews halifax quebec st johns geo tow i n amsterdam castries basseterre charles town plymouth bahamas new brunswick do nora scotia canada ncwfouudlaud demerara berhlce st lucia st kins nevis monserraf from the albion west india trade we have placed iu another column the uf london paper til hie 7tll uf september nmi liverpool to the bh both inclusive with shipping lbi pricm current c the ngtiikr lands by the extracts which we have given a5coih- as our limit will allow it will hesicn that the altitude which belgium ha- assumed is not such as to warrant a belief that the insurrection as it is called will be put down by light enuceiuii there is a serious detetmiuaiiou on the part of the public to insist upnu all the rights they claim aud thould there be no foreign interference there is nothing left to the government but submission or a seve rance of the badly assorted kingdom the die tine of the staes general will have grave subjects of deliberation before them the articles demanded of the king by j the deputation from brussels were as fol low no i the sincere execution of the i fundamental law without restriction nr in terpretation either by cabinet circulars ali i oilnal ordinances or any other measure whatsoever 2 the dismissal of the obuoxious mi nistry 3- tho temporary suspension of the slaughter duties droits dnbharage 4- a new system of election by which the right of choosing their representatives may hi more directly vested in the people 5 the reestabihment of trial by jury g liberty of the press and aboliiiou of presidents proclamation fur opening the ihe censorship port of the united states to british vn- 7 a law confirming the legal respnnsi- sels from the 5th inst the british gov- bility of ministers ernment will follow up their measure by 8- a law by which the residence nf ihe immediately recinding the order iu couti- high court of judicature will be fixed lu oil of the 27 ill july 126 promulgated on j the southern province the 18th of august the same year we 9 the termination of all judicial pursuit have appended to the proclamation seve- j against liberal writers and tho reversion of all condemnation for political offences section 111 empowers bis majesty to increase the number of free ports when expedient by order in council see iv and whereas by the lawofna- vignlinu foreign ships are permitted o im port i to auy of the british possessions abroad from the countries to which they belong goods the produce of those coun tries and to export goods from such pos sessions to he carried to any forcigo coun try whatever- and whereas it is expedi ent that such permission should 10 subject to certain conditions be it therefore enact pal sections of the act of 1825 as well as the amount ofduties to be levied on vari ous articles of american production a- mericao manufactures are freely admitted to the british colonics under the provisions of this act and at u rale nf duties far be- afforded in the work resume their 1 dmrs 10 sueeour to ho iriff until they can times a rumour being current that troop were marching upon brussels thetiperiur mili- low thoc imposed on british manufacture t tary authority gave orders to prevent thei ed that tlie j thips shall be ivileges granted to fnrelj countries w oris rnned licit hav to tho u col 4 ships uf those mini possessi- wbeo imported iuto the uoitcil stales manufactures if leather clocks watches musical instruments hooks paper 6cc are admitted at ihittif per cent various dugs at seven and half per cent snap refined sugar aud glass at twenty percent all noneuumcratcd articles are charged at an import duty of fifieeu per cent agree ably to the following clause goods wares aud merchandize not rated or described with a duty by ibis act for eve the true and real value thereof consequent as emg cuuim nor otherwise chared o cotton v tiou i5- and woolen shall kraut the like orivilege of trail- iiuds rpj uthiuuuti filths v w9 l iu with those possessions to british ships i imported into any of the srilish co ionics or which not having colonial possessions j at a duty of 15 per eeut- tlld sameai- shall place the commerce nod navigation pi ul f cabinet ork aricuitli- try audits possessions abroad ral implement e sc of this cou upuu lite ffiolin hi t hi 1 c j itj unudcil sh ol the most favoured ua- majesty by his order in ii in any case deem it expe- nt the whole nr auy of such gn coun- from entering which the civic guards were entrusted with enforcing on arriving at vilvorde the princes of orange ami frederick nf the netherlands received ihe principal inhabitants aud au thorities of brussels they hoi issued on the 30th augum a proclamation it ant we ro expressing bis majestys milwactiihi at the manner in which ihe tranquility of that city had been preserved and stating cer tain measures on which they had resolved submiting the measures to be concerted between the general commanding the 4th military division of the kindmo and the and eitv c m a t the p is an lxtraordioary f autivcrj is i n eputation from ittces on the 3nt brussels august a jt is uot surprising lltat n act containing stcb liberal provisions vould inive met with oppositiou from the enemies of free trad iu england nor is t all to he won- tleicil at that the north aiuerican colonics should complain of a measure thai will have a tendency to thlw the carrying trade into the haudsof rivals who possess es such deciijed advania in proximity c ami the do no ies tbati grant the nrtberu culonessiuee they have embarked their capdal iu this trade utnlerthe belief that it ws permanently thrown iuto their bauds some protecting duties jt certainly w as not to the advan tage of british shipping to reopen ibis trade but his majestys xnvcrntncui was influenced by two considerations fist a coojteijt adherence to luir plan of open fur trade icav dieot to g privileges to the ships of any fore try although the conditions aforesaid shall not io all respects be fulfilled by such fo reign country sec vi- provided always and be it further enacted that until the expiration of situation production often years to be computed from the 24th government iudeed could day of june one thousand eight hundred and thirtytwo eveiy foreign ship which previourt to that day had been engaged io trade between any of the british possessi ons in america shall for the purpose of this act be deemed to be a ship oftho coun try or place to which she had then belong ed is still belonging thereto anything iu the law of navigation to the contrary not- withstanding sec vii and be it further enatced that ihe several sorts of goods onuraerated or described in the table follow iog deno minated u a table of prohibitions aud restrictions arc hereby prohibited to be imported or brought either by sea or by in land carriage or navigation into the bri tish possessions io america or iuto the island of mauritius or shall be so import ed or brought ouly under the restrictions tnentioncd io such table according as the several sorts of such goods are bet forth therein that is to say table of prohibitions and restrictions gunpowder arms ammunitions or utensils of war beef fresh or salted and pork except into new fouudland prohibit ed to he imported except from the united kingdom or from some other british pos sessions teas prohibited to be imported except from the united kingdom or from some other british possessions in america un less by the kast ludia catnpaoy or with their license- fiali dried or salted train oil blub ber fios or skins the produce of crea tures iiviog in the sea prohibited in he im ported exeept from the united kingdom or from some other british possessions nr unless taken by british ships fitted out from the united kingdom or from some other british pussessiuusaud brought in from the fishery aud except herrings from the ile of mao taken and cured by the inhabitants thereof coffee cocoa nuts sugar molasses and rum being of foreign production or xho produciioa of apy place within tho nailed ou it return- was read ill suiting ranee into deputies tog every possible chauue ing it to mercbauts to find out their utility and secondly a feeling uljnsticr aud cour tesy 10 the united states- the united states was the only nation excluded from the benefits of this important act which had expressed itself wiljug to comply with its provisions indeed mr m lane used an irrefutable arguriirut when be told lord aberdeen that the british govern ment could nut with propriety claim sin cerity fur its frequent professions of friend ship for this nation so kng as it denied her privileges which wer granted to eve ry oilier the american tabiuet was rea dy to comply with our 10 terms how then could we iu ordinary civility refuse the demand it is true england might have said as she did iu fact for a lung time thai as the uuited states had declin ed the offer when first maie it should uot he repeated laigland we say had the right to say this hut 11 ceitttiuly whs not a frieudly nor a liberal way conducting the iutercouiseoftwo uatious professing to be on terms of amity and good understanding we make these observations for our colo nial readers who as we have before iuti- m a ted may perhaps feel aggrieved thai the mother country lihsglei aw a trade which they had imagined was exclusively their own let us hope however that the subject is now permanently set ht rest aud that iu- terdictinns and prohibitions will no more be heard of between the british culouies aud the united states the trade will unquestionably be circumscribed under the present enormous america tariff because there is literally uo vent l british west india rum ad sugar the ftaplc cuinmodi- ed with a proclamation w hirli from ihe halronv of ihe low u 11 that 1 bey attached to their ml brussels conditions which the did not feel at liberty concede without previously making publieaiinu in theci lizeik the document signed by them was then rend matin- that thev were pre pared to enter the city sirronnded by the ril sns and followed by be military force defined to relieve ihein frmu batpaioful dntyof guarding the town which they bad hitherto executed as mivii as the colors anil standard which were not legal should be laid aside and the inalnnia misled multitude bad tlef restored this passage was rrccivi disapprobation will was et wl o obltk foj an rame ho k ivra o the prince dratijs- the 1st of september tuiei and without irotips ami w il guard to come out and meet bm der was issued iu consequence chiefs of sectiooi to assent ed 1 r 1 vi me tvhich a should be u marked pniafion 1 cessions ion that hat day irta aboo ihe eivie an or fjr the with their whole sectio state fa tl trance are var in the best imnces en inn us c after having acted have with good sense 11s miner arms him ie reports of the ous and voluu select the shortest he seems yielded with reluctance io and propriety brussels september 2 yesterday n nrruugeimeul with the authoriliesof the city the prince oforange rn imti dihlu ie bad received two deputations on the previous afternoon and night the fiistbehad treated veryhuugh- lily desiring its members to lay aside their colours he declined to make any con cessions but threatened to enter brussels yesterday morning at the head of his troops the announcement of this treat ment and of this threat produced ihe great est agitation among the garde bourgeoise and in the mind of the provisional govern ment under which the capital has been fur the last seven lays they resolved if ho attempted in effect his threateued purpose to nppnse force to force the people about ten oclock on tues day night began in imitation of the pari sians to unpave the streets and to erect barricades at all te issues of the city to wards the side ou which he would enter all the citizens wete at their posts aud the must determined restitutio us were every where taken to romaiu united aud in arms till the prince came to terms wagons were overturned across the streets barrels wfre brought and filled with stones to in crease the obstruction great mounds were formed of the pavement which had been taken up the trees along the boulevards were cut down to throw on these heaps and before six oclock in the morning ihe preparations made to receive the army must have effectually protected the city till after a great slaughter uf ihe troops- yet this was no test of what the resolution nf the inhabitants might ultimately have ac complished as the w 01 u of barricading was discontinued from half past twelve at night when the result nf the priucus conference with the second deputation was anuounced iii royhl highness agreed ou the re presentation made to him nf the state nf the city to cuter it yesterday forenoon with stime meiobersof his stall only and without any other troops uo agreed to send back the troops coming ou to brussels or at least lu suspend their inarch aud to givo orders to those before the palace tu remain inactive iu their position the commandant of ihe civic force is sued an order of the day for the citizens to in he square of the hrffj de ville but before ibey inci tne prineo sent to order viatihey would lay down their colours to this command a positive negative was re turned and it was for softie lime doubtful whether hi royal highness would appear under the brabant flag which had displac ed the orange- the urgency of the occa sion however made him wave even this point which to him at firm was a poiutof honour and be was obliged tu entrust him self without troops or assistance of any kind among 8000 or 100u0 armed citi zens who bad thrown aside the colors of his family and assumed those of their an eieut province 2000 stund of arms had arrived the day before from liege and it probably is nnexaggeratiou to say that uot less than 10000 burgher wre provided with muskets by yesterday morning the square of ihe hotel de villa probably ne ver exhibited a finer display than when each of the eight section had taken up their positions with their appropriate hags and glittering arms they nm ouly displayed the tricolor on their staudards hut each citizen wore a triculnred cock ade at bis button hule and most of theai had tricolored scarfs roufd their waists the march began towards the palace of laeken to meet the prior about halfpast eleven oclock and the lull nf the sectious bad not left the square till halfpast twelve his hoyal highness accrmpanicd by three ai h6decainp came in about halfpast one hut did not reach lh hotel de ville til pit twn oylork t was extremely inxloua to proceed directly to the palace without goiug 10 the hotel lie ville at all hut the lower class of ifthahil n no doubt directed by he city authorities opposed his progress and af- ler a quarter of m hours contest during which the populace repeatedly seized the i pldle of i i horse nnd iusited on bis go ing to pay homage to the city authorities be was obliged to submit to theirdictaiion at the hotel de ville he made a speech iu a very animated manner in which he pro mised to satisfy the reasonable wishes of the belgians aud anuouueed the forma lion of a commission to consider theirgriev auces he then rode offwith the cavalry pari nf the civic guard and going loo fast narrowly escaped bring killed by one of the posts who thought that he was flv iog from ihe city in call tribe troops all the guards were aficnvards passed in review by him before his palace he appeared pale and alarmtd iu the midst of the flardebonrgenise the commission mcots this moraine nt 0 oclock as you will sec by the enclosed proclamation proclamation of the princt of orange the kinz name inhabitants of brussels i come with confidence among you my security is complete gnarnwieed as it is by your loyalty it is to your pru hat the re esta blishment of order due i am glad to acknowledge ibis dljj fcank ynu in the kings name joiu with me in souring tranquillity and no troops will then enter the town ami in concert with void nuihorilio 1 will lake the necessary meas restoring calm uess and confident a commission composed of the duke cpursci president vandcr fosse cover nor of ihe province dwelleus burgo- master of brussels emm vauderliudin hoogvorst commander uf the civic guard general dauhretlfo 1 boekaci t member of the regency duke darcnberp who has agreed n ttishi to coope rate in thiscornniifioo is charged to pro pose these measure io uie it will meet ioprow the 2d of sep tember at uiue oclck in the muruiug al mv palace ulluam prince of orange brussels sept i it was said by the inst advices from b run els that the trine oforange was to et out for ihe hage with proposal the objeei of which was in require that hol land and belgium luld form two distinct hcttiiiilistraiinusi utder a federative gov- ernmeiii at liege tnuriy moos bruges and namur ilisiurhaiiits to a greater nr less extent broke out 01 he latter days uf au gust ai bruges eighteen prisoners look advantage uf he departure ol the troops to escape from gaol sfun the journal du conmtrct of september 1st nays 11 we learn that general mioa left pa ris yesterday in approach ihe spanish frontiers but itses that it is bis iuteu- liou not to pass ihem unless the state of the country should offer him the elemeots of a vigorous resist that be might out have tu reproach hdnself with the death of the gallant men whom his name might induce io take up arms if such a risiug should ultimately rmin unattended with any favourable consequence this way of thinking is certainly praiseworthy hut it i probable that uii his arrival he will lind every thing prepared for action m the morning chunici of september 4th says we learn from n authority on which we can rely that we revolution was to commence io the fiist week of this month of september aodte geoorel through the provinces rdjoining franco aud some of ihe mediterranean provinces all the ac tive spaniard have left pmi fur iindr e- peciive pni ut mina is at pn bent in pa ris but he j now considered active spaniard and we believe the spaniards no lunger count on hirn for aid in their undertaking a sort ot manifesto purpnrting to be is- mled by a self iled directing junta ol io surreclinn appeared in oinu of the lon- doo papers in the beginning of sepleut her it is uf great leogll cites the an cient laws f spain which justify he tle- posiiinu of sovereigns undei certain cir- cuoistauces declares that no barm w a the bandage of honour and the pledge of confidence the twelve legions led by tl eir respective office rn and beaded by their sappers drums and bauds arrived in the champ de mars at noon and drew up on three sides of the ground leaving ihe space next ihe ecule militairc open and be tween each line the space necessary fur the king to pas at the saioe hour the thirteenth ur cavalry legion of the nation al ciwnrth proceeded ii be field stw oquad- riindieu tip in the bin de oharires and the remaiuder of the legion in the court of the palace at half past twelve a salute of 31 rous fiied by the cannon of the ho tel de invalids anuounced the departure inclined against the person of the king who of the king his majesty in the uniform must he protected from traitorous minis- of the national guards nas on horseback lers aud proceeds to give 4i11 eriicms as i aitetided by the doke of oileans ihe duke de ncm from a cunstituied provisional govern mentt a correspondent of the loudon courier says the docuunent in question does not come from spmius but from thelsea where it was originally framed and concocted by half a dozeci spanish refugees w ho know lll v nil marshals ihe dukede tre- tlc keggio and orsegli n marquis there arc two signatures attached to the printed cupies the nue is that of jose ma- ria torijos a spanish general and the other is that of mr- somebody cableron a person who i apprehend has on title to address thus a whole uation wherein he is perhaps little known or uot known at all the copy translated in the timks forms part and parcel of the bundle of pa pers found in the river a few weeks ago and which was delivered to the spauish ambassador by the sailor who picked it up therefore i think there is no chance of circulation iu spain for ibis pathetic and heartbreaking appeal uf mtorrijos l co ah to the title these two pcrsous may think to have to the uuiversal respect and confidence of their country i beg to deeliue ao auswor the ganisoo at madrid is computed at from 15000 to 1 1000 men of all aims but notwithstanding this reiofurcemout thekiughasno iuleutiuu to returo he will proceed from srauja to the esrurial whero he will await the result of events it is intended also to augment the spa nish army by eight regiments uf infantry and three uf cavalry but as money be gins to be wautiug for the must urgent wants it is probable that this augmenta tion will remain unexecuted there is a report that the fort of pensa cola had been taken by the defeudeis ol li berty constitutional portugal tho journal du commerce of sept 2nd contains the following paragraph relating to portugal ou the 18th of aug the ferment continued at lisbon the guns of fort st george were pointed against the city ami the fi igate diana of 48 guns w as anchored in front of the placode term re de pago which is the usual place of popu lar tumults in order to avert the storm agents of the police spread a report among the crowd that charles x had boen res tored to his throne aud that be had cut olfthe heads nf more than 200 noted rebels and among them those of the principal editors uf the jacobin journals aud gcuo ral lafayette france eogland has fully recognised the new french government the mttsagtr des chamhres of the 1st pit says by the paris papers of the 5th it appears that the emperor of austria had followed the example of england and acknowledg ed the new french government yesterday at 2 oclock lord stuart de liothsay and the secretaries uf the eng lish embassy went in state in the king his lordship presented to bis majesty bis new letters of credentials ou leaving the ialas ruva kuia sumrt ho wkwwi acclamations w inch he returned by bow inj in a very friendly manner the public fully appreciated the importance nf ihe new tie which unites two of the most liberal nations nf europe the globe remarks there cn be no doubt that the principal powers of kuropr will follow ihe english example it i impossible uot to admire the tact and good sense evinced by louis phillip thiough all these transactions which in couj unci ion with the general moderation displaced throughout this wonderful revolution w ould absolutely have exacted acquiescence from without had there been a much greater disposition to withhold it when the emperor of russia first heard of the insurrection in france he gave or ders that the tri colored flag should not be received into the harbors ofhis empire hut he was not aware uf the formation of a regular government and it appears from the latest papers that the best informed persons did not apprehend a refusal on his part to reeoguie the new government the moniteui nf the 2d ult contain an announcement by tho king that all peers who do not take the required nith of adhe sion within one month w ill forfeit their right to sit in ihe chamber of peers and thai all deputies who do not take it within 15 days will be deprived of their seats iu the chamber of deputies the review in paris frotn the gatinanis masstnger aug 30- the grand review of the national guards by the king which took place in the champ de mars yesterday was highly favored by ooe of the finest days that could have been desired for such ao occasion ihe hent of ihe san being delightfully tempered miisoit count jourdan and conut moli- tor and a numerous body of general nffi cers who formed his sinn a part of the thir teenth legion preceding and the ret fol low ing ihecnrtege along the whole line r 1 1- tfi 1 led and enthusiastic aeclamatious ipmj reaching the gate of the champ de mart hi majesty was received by general lu fayette commander iu chief of the nation- al guards accompanied hy bis staff the cavalry legion draw ing up at the side of the gate and afterwards taking theirsthtioq at the extremity nf the field next tho bridge the king alighted and taking his seaf 00 a throne rained under a tent iu front of the eeole militaire and facing which were stationed deputations of the thirteen legi- nn comprising an equal uumher of offi cers sub officer aud privates he addres- ed ihem in the following terms com rades it is with pleasure that i entrust these standards tu your keeping nod with peculiar satisfaction that 1 place il cm io yourhaods through those of him who for ty years ago was at the head of your fathers in this same place the colours marked the dawn of liberty amongst us the sight of them recalls to my mind w itb delight my first essays in arms symbols of victory over the enemies of the state lei them be at the same time at home th safeguard of public order aud of liberty let these glo rious colours entrusted to your patriotism and fidelity be ever our rallying ensign vive la france his majesty theu deli vered four colors for legions into the bauds of general lafayette who pronounced tie formula of ihe oath for each deputation when the chiefs of legion the chief of battalions and the members nf the de putations lifted up the right hund and said jelejure- general lafayette then deli dered the colours to each deputation who carried ih m tu the fronts uf their legions aud when all the detachments bad lakeu their pi ce the colonels administered the oath to ibeir respective legions aud thirteen guns were fired iu honour of the thirteen legions al this signal the bauds struck up and the troops presented arms tho co lours haviug beeu delivered the king pro ceeded to the review passing along the front of each ijatalinn the colonel of each legion and the chicfsof battalions accom panying his majesty the king then re turned towards the front of the ecule mi- litaire aud the national guards filed off before him the cavalry passing after the infantry deputations from the natiooal guards of several other towns having ex pressed a desire 10 participate io the ho nours of the review had h station assigned thom on the right of hie first legion the review being terminated his majesty at tended as at his arrival relumed to the palais royab tho queen accompanied hv thevoung prince and ivirieeses of the royal fhi ily occupied a pavilion whch bad been erected for the occasion the national guards were in excellent order ij ttuflijlmv l ih vn v- i al sihcticle the men wen c pi t n forty tho iisaud strong com pie 1 1 l i uo d aud equipped the rising ground mi each side ol the camp de mar the upn space ai the extremity the bridge and tbe height of cbailloi were enured with a dense iiiiish of spirttnrs fanning a multi tude w bieh seis all cab ultttintl of numbers ai d fiance and who during the delivery of the colours and repeatedly ill tie course of the rcviwi rent rhe air with shout of vive ie roi till ihe close ol ibr revbity paris did tint seem i- mauder io chief of the guards the fine review the admit able appearance be longer the capi tal of the kingdom from the absence of all noise and husile md the comparative de- sertlou of the mreels m the lulloaing order of the day dated aug 30 has beeu published by the com in chief uf the paris national of yesterday nf the citizen army the rapid formation of which is iu harmony willi the rapidity of the triumph nf liberty the 111 miier iu which the nali- onal gta presented iheniselves under arms aud hied nff before the kiny excited the enthusiasm nf the immcuee population that surrounded us and the just eulogiums of icnei tits u hose victories have inaoy years since proved them to he the best of all military judges the presence uf the biave men who were wounded in the i real eek and of several deputations of our brethren in arms from the departments added to the enjoyment of ibis memorable day the general in chief confine hiin- elf nn this occasion tu congratulate his comrades of the national guards of paris 011 the superb aud patriotic spectacle they exhibited tin this memorable day what expressions could be fiud after those con tained iu the speech uf the kiug w beu he by a refreshing breeze the preparation placed the colours iu your hands and the for a festival that may truly be called a na- louer he has addressed to his brethereo in tional nue began at an early hour in the arms morning- and the enthusiastic ardour of the corps for whom the honours of the day were destined was heightened by the re collection of the affront offered to them on the day after iheir last review u beu charles the tenth pronount ed the dissnlu- titin ufihe citizenforce to whom at a form er period he slated that safeguard and maintenance ol the charter was entrusted knelt individual of this noble corps to whom france is indebted for the recovery of her liberty and restoration of her peace and curity was annious tu contribute to the splendour of the occasion and hence from the hour of day break activity pre vailed in every quarter to obtain the perfect completemeut of uuiforms and equipments which would fit the truops to receive from the hands of the sovereign of the peoples choice thou btaudarde which iver at ouco fcl the following is the letter addressed by his majesty to ueu lafayette i am anxious to lern my dear general how you find yourself after this elm ions day for i am fern fid that jou must hi overcome with fatigue but 1 have another object which lies near my heart namely to re quest jou to be the intei pretor of my feel ings towards those glorious national guards of whnm yno aie the patriarch tell them that they have not only surpas sed my inot sanguine expectations i us that it is completely out of my power to express my sentiments nfjoy and happiness having beeu a witness of the federation in 171h in this same champ de mai a witness alo of the grand eulhustisiu of 172 when i saw come up 10 jojo our ar my in champagne 46 battalions of the ei tizeut of pari formed id three dsyi umi r-