who so eminently contributed to repel the invasion wf had the happiness of arresting at valmy i am able to make the compa rison ninl it is with transport i declare to you that what i bare just seen is far supe rior co what i then considered so noble and what our enemies found so formidable have the goodness my dear general to express to the national guards how sensi bly 1 was affected by their testimonies iow- ards myself and bow deeply ray heart is iuprcssed therewith yours affectionately louis philip lafayette paris an 29 1830 the bohon upas tube translated from the french for the irish shield it is rather a singular phenomenon in the economy of nature thai the island of javi should produce at the same time the man- gosteen ihe most mellow ami luscious of fruits and the deadly upas the most ma lignant of poisnns in the journal of a bo tanist lat dy deceased when napoleon sent to java in 1810 to make collections of plants for the imperial garden ht s cloud we find the substance of the follow ing facts which we present to our readers the bohon upas is situated in a valley watered by a rivulet and encompassed by hills at the distance of fourteen leagues from batavia the hills and mountains in its vicinage are entirely barren and de nuded as no verdure can vrgetate where the breeze wafts the pestilential vapours that emit from the pestiferous cum of the upas the trench botanist anxious on liis return to frauce to have been able to lay before the emperor a correct descrip tion of the java tree made at the risk of his life n tour all round tbisdangerous spot at about four league disiaut from us de leterious influence and in every direction of bis circuit be found vegetation literally annihilated and the aspect of the country lteiw f awtfwrcwjv lluit on 1 iu imagined near the easiest ascent of one of the bills about sixteen miles from the station of hie tree tbero resided then an old malaya i priest whose office it was to propare for eternity the souls of those who iur different crimes were seut to procure the poison which is a commodity that yields the native government a considera ble revenue- the poion is a gum which like the camphor issues from the bark malefactors under the sentence of death are the only persons who are compelled to gather thin deadly and baleful gum the ministers of the native sovereign provide them with a tortoise shell box in which they are to put ue pestiferous gum these devoted criminals then proceed to the house of tho old priest where they remain until the wind blows in a favourable direction o as to bear the effluvia from them as voon as the deired breeze arises be priest prepares them for their approaching fate at tho moment of departure the priest puts ud their a lung leather cap with two glasses before tbeir eyes which comes down to the breast thus equiped they set out on a journey to that fatal bouroc from which but few travellers return the old ecclesiastic assured our traveller that during a residence of thirty years ou this jreat thoroughfare of death he had wit nessed the departure to the upas of more than eight hundred unhappy beings out of whom not more than thirty ever returned those who escaped the dreadful influence of the upas described it as a middling siz ed tree decorated with branches of the most vivid venture it broods sullenly over a rivulet as a landmark of vegetation in the barren vale of wilderness over which it waves its poisoned foliage tug iv2ngtoy chronicle utitalur october 23 1830 our english dates duty if landed at a bntisjh port and en titled to the bouniy if ep thence to the west indies thoc steps would in a great measure if noticntircly coun tervail the luinous c0ucj of a policy which as now we vie it appears stamped indelibly with vjie characters of the most helpless audi contemptible imbecility the highest expectations are entertained of her speed having two engines up wards of 100 horse power each mr hamilton has been hnppv in the name which he has given his vessel and this being altogether the most spi rited instance of individual enterprise which we know of in the province we most sincerely wish him success it tt it 412 224 206 aie down to he 8li ultimo ample extracts of the latest foreign news will be found in our pre ceding columns the new fiench go vernment seem to conduct matters with more moderation than could have been under all the ciicumstances anticipated in the netherlands the revolutionary spirit appears to be general especially in brabant bul how or where it will end is at present difficult to say the west india trade in a pre ceding column will be found the presi dents pioclamation for opening the ports of the united states to british ves sels as well as several other documents connected with this highly important matter we also copy the able md ju dicious remarks of the editor of the al bion on the subject how far the mea- sinc in question will operate against the mercantile interests of these colonies or bow far the ministry have protected the colonies we are not as yet prepar ed to say but one thing seems certain that our carrying trade will very materi ally suffer by it and any measure that would in any way counteract the evil ought to be adopted the remarks of our neighbour of the patriot on this ques tion deserve the attention of the public to remedy says the patriot as far as possible the blighting effects of this childish policy ihfl duty of one shilling a battel now exacted on american flour passing this way lo the west indies should be immediately remitted and in lieu thereof a shilling per barrel boun ty paid ou all american flour landed in any pari of upper canada above the highest rapids a duty ought also to be exacted on all american flour passing through the welland canal if destined to be landed at an american port on lake ontario but to be allowed free of electioneering inttllioence kingston the election for kingston commenced on monday and at the close of the poll in th evening the votes were for mr hagerman 102 bethune 46 on tuesday morning mr bethune having withdrawn from the contest mr hagerman was declared duly elected a report had been circulated that mr bethune had pledged himself to mr hagerman not to oppose him this report we are informed mr b ad verted lo in his address to the elector and stated that he hoped for mr ha german own character and honor he bad not authorised it for it was un founded and untrue as he had neithor given a pledge nor any assurance to mr hagerman that he would not oppose him this statement of mi bethune we learn was not attempted to be con tradicted on tuesday evening mr hagcrmans friends entertained him at dinner at myers hotel count of front eior the elccfio for this county commenced at the vil lage of waterloo on monday and tho contest between mr maiks and mr campbell has been earned on with greal spirit during the week at 12 oclock today the voles siood for mr thompson campbell marks duncan fraser and edward jessup es quires have been returned for the county of greuvitle heory jones esq for the town of brockville and mr buell aud a mr howard it is supposed will be returned for the county of leeds messrs bid well and perry have been returned for lennox achlirigmn mr sheriff jarvis for the town of york and mr attorney general booltoh for niagara the catholic we have just re ceived the first number of this paper which was issued yesterday evenine ftom the patriot press in this place it is neatly printed on a fair superroyal sheet in quarto form terms 2 per annum exclusive of postage the mat ter appears to be altogether original and explanatory of the forms of the church of rome we have not yet had lime to peruse the different articles but knowing the reverend editor to be a scholar and a gentleman we have no doubt this journal will always be con ducted with talents and moderation the theatre during the present week messrs gilbert and trowbridges theatrical corps have been perforat ing in the hrge room under ihe patriot office in this place to the great a- musement and delight of the inhabi tants yesterday evening they per formed lillos moral and instructive tragedy of george barnwell with greal success and this evening will be acted the fashionable comedy of the honey moon or kouf to rule a wife with the farce of animal magnetism or no magnet like love on tuesday last the foreman in the ordnance department on point henry went into a hut occupied by one of the soldiers of the 79th regl whose wife was at the time confined to bed and in a fit of mental derangement inflicted several wounds with a bayonet on the unfortunate woman who is still alive although in a very dangerous state ano ther woman who happened to be in the hut at the time also teceived it is said several wounds the mar was imme diately secured and committed by ste phen yarwood esq mr mccleart will perform at myers large room at halfpast seven oclock on wednesday evening next the handbills which will be issued indue time will ex plain the nature of tho performance the following flattering notice of mrmcclearys professional powers wo copy from the york courier mr mccleary we last night witnessed the performance of this gentleman at the ontario house and we did so with plea sure the performance consisted of reci tations and songs comic and sentimental and closed with the recitation of po5- tiacs alpkal to his warriors in ihe full costume of an ottawa indian chief the introductory recitations were delivered with spirit and effect aud the songs par ticularly that of cherry cheekd patty ami lovely jzom were exceedingly well done indeed the latter which was dune in the character of a southreu negro was inimitable and called forth shouts uf ap plause from the whole audience pontiffs appeal iu a vplendid ludiao dress wa delivered with emphasis aud effect aud was laudably greeted by tho auditory mr mccleary is undoubtedly a perfor mer of fine taste aud of great versatility of talent and without possessing great compass of voice and without aping tit fine sinking is a correct tasteful aud pleasing linger mr mccleary wo uuderstaud proceeds from this to kingston where we doaht not he will receive all the counte nance and patronage which he certainly merits arrival op lord avlmer on the l2h inst the new governor general wrrived at quebec the official ga- ette gives the following particulars of bis lordships landing on wednesday morning early his ma- j yaich herald commander mux- veil arrived in the hitihor having on board his excelleucy tho lord aylmer qftptnsil general uud governor in cliief of these provinces with lady ay imer and suite about eleven oclock his excellency sir james kempt proceeded in his car riage and four to the landing place ou the kings barf to receive his lordbip r be yards were uiauued and a salute bred from the herald as lord aylmer aud suite left the ship a guard of houor of ihe lth kegt with the regimental color and hand saluted his excellency on his lnud- llg sir james kempt conducted lady aylmer lo ihecliatcau in his carriage his lunuhip following on horseback u tended hy his slatt and a numerous cortege of of ficers of the garrison on arrival at the uhaieau his excelleucy whs received w ith a similarsalute by a guard of honor eonsistiiik of the grenadier company hand aud color of the 32d regiment the eimicourse of people were very great aud uer ladyship bowed repeatedly as she massed through the crowd the dav was beautiful and prcseutcd the scenes ofque- lec io a most pleasing point of view we understand die following are the names of his lordships suite who arrived in the herald lieut colonel j basker- ville glegg ii p unattached military secretary captain richard airey 34th kegt and captain george mckenuou urenadier guads aidcsdecamp his excellency sir james kempt and fcuite will return to england iu the herald but we have not understood that any day ii fixed for his excellencys departure birth on the 20th inst mrs george b of a ton i1ei at bellville on the i7th inst mr- harlow perry oged 21 years theatre mr a ashleys benefit- mr a ashley begs leave most respect ly lo in- firm the inhabitants of kingston that his bene fit is fixed formonday evening oct 25th od being a native of the town together with he pieces he has selected for their amusement hopes to receive a liberal share of their patro nage on monday evening octr 25 1830 will be presented shiels celebrated tragedy of the apostate or spanish tyranny after the tragedy a favorite song by mrs trowbridge to conclude wibhe farce of the lottery ticket or the hunchbacked clerk t having the christian sentinel we have to acknowledge the receipt of the first six numbers of this publication it is ptiniednnd published at three rivers by mi g stobbs upon a fair demy sheet in quarto form aud ediied with arility by the rev a h durwell of the church of england the great britain this fine ves sel was launched at present on satur day the lgdi inst in the presence of a large concourse of spectators we tire informed that she went off the slocks in very beautiful style the model is said to be exceedingly handsome and he mansion house hotel the subset rented this extensive and well known establishment is now about open ing he same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed on store street being ihe principal aud most central street in kingston aud uo establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours ami bed rooms all of which will be fur- uished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unre milling attention to the comforts if ut ruestft he will merit a share of the public patronage in rear of the mansion house is a lare yard- iu which there u an extensive nod commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s carmino kiogston 24tb october 1630 for sale at tak cnroricle office jl fev copies vf tht atlantic souvenir splendidly hound in em bossed leather wiih gilt leaves and containing twelve highly finished cn- giavings ousted by ihe first artists kingston 23d oct 1830 government contracts for engineer and orj- nance service tfwotice is hereby given thai a sealed tenders will be receiv ed atthe commissariat office until 12 oclock of thursday the 18th day of november from such persons as may be willing lo furnish ihe articles and undertake the following for the ordi nary service of the koyal engineer and oidnance departments at king ston and its dependencies from the 25th december next io the 24th de cember 1s31 viz lumber of all kiuds as per specifi cation- lime sand the cartage of the landing to be at the expense of the contractor hair and bricks also for such glaz ing as may be required per specification and for teamhire and cartage for the public service the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling money the rates at which the articles will be delivered at kingston or ai any part of point hen ry or point frederick and each ten der must bear the signatuies of two res ponsible persons as sureties for the un dertaking conditions may be more fully known in krinlvnihriiii a inhv it- tiwc kenvw office the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other cunent coin at the rale of 4s 4d per dollar or in b lis of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of x100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the con tracts j no hare a c o commissariat office kingston oct lg 1830 government contracts notice is hereby given that seal- eu tenders will be received ai the commissariat office until 12 oclock of tuesday the l6ih day of november next from such peisous who may be willing to undertake the furnishing of ihe following supplies for the use of ihe troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from the 25th december nexl io ihe 24lh december 1831 viz ftcsh beef tender no 1 bread biscuit and flour no 2 salt pork no 3 rations of forage no 4 charcoal no 5 the ration of forage lo consist of 9bs of oats 16 do of hay atnd 6 do of straw no difficulty or expense need be en tertained in supplying fmg at a rea sonable rate- as the pmcliee is observ ed at every oilier post in ca iada the several articles to he of the best quality and the forage ration to he delivered from magazines convenient ly situated fur the garrison payments for the several supplies will be made monthly either in british silver or in oiher current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills or exchange on his mnjesys- treasury at the rate of 100 for every 101 10 shillings due upon the coitracts a due supply of the several articles musl be kept in store to meet ihe exi gencies of the public sei ne the tenders to besepirate with the prices in sterling and enuh must bear the real signatuies of two responsible persons as sureties for lie contracts the conditions of which miy be fully as certained on apulving at ms office jntf hare a c g commissariat offiet kin wh oct 1830 145 removal-tbesubscri- ber begs leave m acquaint his friends and the public generally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupiei by mr wm binley dtuggist whoie he is now- receiving a very general assortment o staple and fanc goods well adapted for the sean which he intends io sell unusually low for cash o- short approved ciedit he has also on hand a great vai ivy of school books ami stationery ad h case of christys best vvuterptool hats vv driscoll kingston october li h 1830 notice i do ber by mud nil per- son dusting or harbering my wife on mj acmuut as 1 will not pay y debt con tracted by iter afier this date abraham cllase sen oct 2d 1su ost valuable pro- itjl pert y for sale jr smith barlletl being desirous ofclosingliis con cerns in canada has resolved to oiler for sale the whole of his valuable pro perty which if not shortly disposed of by private will be offered at public sale of which due notice will be given the property consists of those well known premises in front street now in the occupation of rlr bruce consisting of a largtf aud well finished two story stone house a stone store house about 70 feet in length by 30 in bieadih two and a halfstories with a brick front being a convenient merchants shop and a store with space for offices tho cellars under the whole ofthe buildings ate tho best iu town and will stow more than a thousand barrels there is a coinmo dious frame warehouse on the dock which extends 70 feet and ho yard is closed to be safe for ihe storage ol pro perly this properly is especially wll adapted for an extensive lorwurder and commission merchant the brick house in the country one mile from kingston late the residence of mr banleti together with about 90 acres of fine land this whctlir con sidered as a faim or us a residence for a genteel family or both is a most beau tiful and valuable pioperty a tract of land situated about five mllesabove biockville fioniingon the st lawrence 400 acies in widih being lots 36 and 37 in the 1st 2d and zd concessions of elizabetluown 1227 acres known by the name of ihe jessup tract the soil is of superior quality and on it is a good mill seat with a con stant supply of water where a dam could be erected at a very small expense a farm adjoning ihe village of bilh consisting of 225 acres with a good farm house barn and orchard 100 acres under improvement and thirty acres of the finest bever meadow the whole farm is a soil of ihe finest quality a lo containing 100 acres half of which is cleared with a log house upon it four miles from kingston on the yok roiid the quality of the sod is excel lent and the lot contains a sufficiencv of pine timber for the purposes of building also abundance of lime stone with con veniences and wood for burning it and a never failing spring of limpid water cloe to the house a lol at floatingbridge bay con taining 200 acres and a broken front estimated lo contain about 70 acres this is situated eleven miles from king ston on ihe ork road and seven miles from balh and is ahogethcr a desirable property there is fire wood enough upon the lot to pay tho gist cost oflhef land as ii can be transported lo kingston by waicr when the navigation is open and upon ihe ice when it is closed kingston august iolh 1830 further particulars concerning any or all ihe above lots can be had by ap plx tiioti at the patriot office book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list ofthe prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf s d irijluufnllluiuml lulumlfldtiuw ti p ii meuted quarto do do 0 10 0 ociavo do do 0 5 0 l2mo do do 0 3 0 13mo do do 0 2 0 half binding in calf folio half buuud and orna mented 0 17 0 quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 0 l2mo do do 0 1 8 18mo do do 0 1 0 binding in sheep folio full bound and orna- n t7 6 tuented y quarto do do 0 7 6 ociavo do do 0 3 0 12mo do do 0 1 10 18ld0 do do 0 1 half binding in sheep folio half buuud bnd orna- menied quartu do do octavo do do isme do do 0 9 0 13im do do 0 4 0 0 i 7j 0 1 3 0 0 10 ameleihnrg copperplate press afiist rate copperp late punting press has just been received at the chronicle office whxre vhiting cards will be printed ind all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24th 1830 also ledger blauk work and ruling to any size or pattern fur port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfaklane k ing 13th april 1829 al l c liajfokd for sale at iho chronicle office murray s header and introduction neatly and substantially bound lor sale ai ihe c office ou sale lot io 17 in the in nub concession of ihe town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office aingston 9th august1828 ubl1g notice is hereby k thaiall persons foil ud cutting taking away or injuring the timber on ihe lands belonging lo the canada company without a special authority from this of fice will be prosecuted with the uimosi rigour of the law oh na da companys office york 11th oct 1830 j subscription for encuiu using the iniroduction of tho cul ture of the grape vine into the canadas air alphonse loubat bavin considerably enlarged his vineyard mi longisland six miles lyoiu new york on the road to fort dinruend where bo now has io full cultivation a vinetard of foriy acres of ground contiiuuig a slock nfosouo grape vioes and a nursery of 72000 grape vine itoou comprising sixty two varieties selected io europe between 40 and 50 n latitude and having also ihe peculiar advautageof being enabled to procure the best species of roots from bis fathers exteusive vineyards and nur series iu ihe departments ofgiroude lot and ganouuc in france 45 n lat pro poses to the numerous friends to the cul tivation of the grape vine in the cauadas a subscription mr a- l is ready to furnish subscribers with their grape vruc roots the koot will be ihrce years old and will produce considerable fruit iho 2d year from tho timo of their bciugpbuited they will i e carefully liclfiu kilu lijch ill grciiu f 01 lit at the arriving of the roots when transplanted orders will be punctually atteuded toby the subscriber designating the quantities ami species of the grape vino roots they wish to have they will engage to pay for 1000 roots or more at the rate vf 12 cents for each root for less than 1000 at the rate of 15 cents and 25 cents per root for less than 50 itoom only two years old shall be paid for at the rate of 9 cents each for 1000 or more l2 cents for less than 1000 and id cents for less than 50 roots payment to be made on delivery let tcrs not received unless postpaid mr loubat has selected the following species as the best the choice uf which is loft to subscribers table gnipes or for making strong ffine wuitk 1- alicante 2 kobin eyes tvittl big clusters or ceil de tour gtoajtraia 3 do melting or fondant 4 oneel guillant5 muscat 6 do frontiguwo 7 muscadellc irom the river tot o aral- voise 9- tokay 10 syrian 11 con st iutia 12 malaga 13 meillers 1im 14 large muscat 15 mulvoisie 10 red root pied rouge 17 jtflaclft uaniliourg 15 consiantift ior hinc wuite 19 auvergoai20 ulanquettej 21 duuciuelle 22 plan de dame 23 olivette 24 doucette 25 plant de reiue 2g uurguudy 27 morilloo 46 madere 29 hnurgeltu 30 pi card no 31 chalosse 32 panss red 33 claret 34 auvergnat 35 st jeau 36 jacobin 37 meunicr 83 piucau 39 pritanier 40 teinturier 41 buurgignon 42 uouteillaut 43 suisse 44 st anto- ine 45 garnet noir for the talk only white 40 cbasselas from fontaiue- bleau 47 chassels golden 48 chas- sels cracking 49 chus3els musk50 muscat lezarde 51 muscat small jier- ries 52 muscal dalcxaudria 53 mus cat from jura 54 souvigoon rbo 55 cbasselas 56 cbasselas violet 57- muscat rouge 58 muscat violet 59 muscat grey co datnas violet 61 da- mas of poquet 62 early magdelco moie of planting the grapevine is propagated eilner from a slip taken from the stem of healthy vines of at least four or five years growth or by trasplauting the rents tbemselvet 15 the first mode it requires seven or eight years before the vine comes to it full bearing and for the two first years thcea plants which fail must be replaced about onethird ofthe whole plantation tbe second mode is the best for if you aro supplied with good plants well rooted there is no danger of loosing any and the 6ecoud year from the time of transplanting tbey yield fruit in climates where tbe winters are se vere ihe season for transplanting the vine is the latter part of march or the begining o april but in more temperate latitudes i he etui of october is to be preferred drills or furrows of eighteen inches wide am eighteen deep must grit be prepared and if they he made in ihe comae of ihe preceding summer or autumn woulll he still better fur the earth thus having mainod exposed to the air would be inoi e favourable to tho plant- the mosi econo mical and expeditious way of performing this operation is by using a plough and to ng with it throe or four tines over the same furrow after which the ground may be dug 00t with a spade to the depth re- quired if the plantation is but small or the expense no consideration the best ew- ihod is to dig the gronod deep with the spade and turn it up in all directions g inlands which aro very sandy and light the drills must be made to the depth of six teen or eighteen ruches aud the drier the soil the ucene they ought to be- jn jieh soils fifteen inches is sufficient let he drills bo run in a direct straight line from north lo south that the plants oiay receive tbe rays of ihe sun ou all sides plaot the roots irom four to six feet apart according to tbe quality ofthe soil the richer it is tie farther apart the plants should he if you use horses for ploughing the roots ought to be at least six or seven feel distant from one another and eight or uine if oxe are used so lhat your grouod may be used without iujuriog any 01 the plants final ly if the spade ooly is to be used the plauu may be placed five or six feet apart tvery way care must be taken likewise not to place the plants of one row immediately opposite those of bs next row that they may not he to the way of one another lo planting the vine lay down six inches of ihe plant flat at the bottom of ihe drill leaning tho upper part of ii against tbe side so as to form the figure of au angle when in this position placing one fooi oo the roots to press them flat with the bottom of die trench you cover them with three or four inches of good earth well pulverised or two or three handful of moistened ash es you then press the clay or asbei closely with your feet aud fill up ihe drilun h only to leave two eyes of the plant un covered the drills when planting tiit he free from water if any from preceding raius remain in them it is better to wail a day or two until they become dry the subscriber having been appointed agent for mr loubat he is now ready to receive orders in terms of the above notice james maofaklane- kingston 17a july 1630