Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 30, 1830, p. 3

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ror lb g coofl and b at the ai be ddt itimecy and thathe abhorred as damna ble aad bereiical ibe dogma of the sovereignly of ihe people they all know that the duke of broglie it nothing more lhan an english lord grey or rather an english lord dudley very respectable nod very worthy men but not men suita ble to the new state of france and to the new principle which has been established they all know that m chardel is only director of the post ad interim and they teel persuaded that general gerard will not long remain at the department of war they all know that m guizot is dot a good minister of the interior and that france requires more today than doc trines and metaphysics they all know that there have been renewed troubles at v nisraes disturbances at amiem disiatii- faction at roc he fort i riots at befort and downright military insurrectietl at metz sarregueraines and bontamoresson and that m guizot looks on and says these fcre evils which will correct themselves this philosophical indifference or indo lence nud inaction do not suit the people fendtheyare therefore not satisfied with the present ministers the people are dissatisfied with the 100dissolution and even nonapproaching dissolution of the present chamber of de puties this is the present of all existing evils tend it roust be redressed france is go verned by a new king by a new cham ber of peers for all those created by the exmonarch have ceased to exercise their fuoctions being deprived of the peerage out yet france has tbe old chamber of de puties this is unjust and dangerous under the old system france was verv glad to have such men in the chamber as m royer collard m vatismesnil m martiguac and m dehelleyne these gentlemen were called constitutional roy alists they opposed the extreme droite nod they did well but today there is no extreme droite to oppose these men are running off to their chateaus in la vendee or to spain to england or to fribourg the air of france and espe cially of paris is too liberal for them there is too much ofoxygeo and too little of ni trogen and they are afraid of dysentery well then these men must he replaced in the chamber and who will be sent to replace them that will depend on the qualifications of the electors and the elect ed but if the millions are to decide their places will be supplied by you tig men ta lented men meu of the new system men ot about thirty years of age men who have no prejudice to lose and who adopt not merely cheerfully but h ho adore the new order of things the people then ask with reason how can these 150 new men an with the 2yu old ones there will he no harmony uo union and the ministry fewiii rave to deplore in foe words of the eloquent martignac that it marches an the midst of anarchy the people re quire the dissolution of the present cham 4er after it shall have voted the budget aod passed a law of elections these measures might be accomplished in four teen days and io six weeks france might have a oew chamber the new chamber might confirm or repeal the new law of elections or might amend it bed eat bjw of at is i hlicif ii tab ii o a how j eeru tbeu s n ahlei ft alo ningi uch jf the hi m dtryi in of i frs ithe dfaiil tne basil e ss vols i of guip lou king i aug to be 1 m hood- pm ndq ffn pa nil fife ribi u ti is i emwi gali madri ulofli aupi oued- ardi es on e i out dsob autf tub n atm scotland lung thtit fnio i are hi di i cosbt hint ern nil tie ra ti willi heolia u no in tell w prints et rids rsrof as lh as the erallrl heron the si and thi men blies t n tow nooiii to tbea by d placen coura evaacs d with- notjs aski amtf listen r queif parii onmeii fibti ie mi miei l the mt at us li i but cuiol letter of the rev wm bell to the editor of the glasgotv chronicle perth upper canada june 24 1830 sir numerous enquiries from the frieods of religion in scotland respecting the state of the churches hero have induced me to trouble you with the following notices which i hope you will lay before the pub lic for the information of all concerned totheuoited presbytery of upper cana da there belong fifteen ministers and about thirty churches besides nearly a hundred smaller congregations where occasional preaching is supplied even the largest congregations here would be thought small in your city the country being but thinly peopled and divided into a great variety of sects and parties in some districts the methodists are more numerous in others the presbyterians besides the fitfeen mi nisters belonging to our presbytery there res eiuat t ttfcw profess connection with the church of scot- laud aod have never yet joined our pres- bytery some of their people approve of this but others do not wishing nether to see the whole united and this i think is the decided opinion of a large majority of the presbyterians throughout the province a few however for party purposes are making every exertion to throw obstacles id the way and to prevent a union in this place in particular those who dislike the discipline of our church have been loud in their professions of attachment to the established c hurch of scotland and it is said they have made repeated attempts to iiave a minister sent from that quarter for the purpose of keeping up tho excitemeut reports have been put in circulation that a minister was actually appoioted an on his way to this country last summer a grave notice appeared in one of our newspapers iotimatiug that the rev mj scott bad lieen appointed to the charge of the pres- byteriau church at perth then followed flaming account of the oratory erudi tion c of the reverend gentleman not eupposing this to be a mere hoax tbe in telligence was copied by almost every editor in the two provinces by informa tion equally authentic dr lee seems to have been guided in his evidence before the select committee of the house of com mons where he states that the church at perth though net now served by a minis ter of the church of scotland it shall be expressly stipulated shall be so served in future as neither i noranyofthe church under my care ever heard of this transac tion it would be obliging if the reverend doctor would tell the public who are the stipulating parties and from whom he re ceived bis information and it may be proper to inform the reverend gentleman and the public at the same time that there neither is nor ever has been any presby terian church in this place excepting the one which has been collected and hitherto supplied by ray labours lu 1828 our presbytery impressed with the importance of supplying religious in struction to every part of the province formed a home missionary society which has been in successful operation ever since but we want funds and missionaries the people are poor aod many of them care less whether they receive religious instruc tion or not but every whern there are some hungering and thirsting for the bread aod the water of life and we are making every exertion to supply their wants we know tbe country the wants and the dispositions of its inhabitants and we are using every effort to promote their best interests we bave published an address to the religious public in your country which 1 hope will meet with due atten tion unaided aud alone we have alrea dy done much but with tbeir assistance we might do a great deal more the extent the resources and the importance of tbe canadas seem to be still but imperfectly known in britain and among tbe won ders which the present age presents it is not tbe least that the presbytery of upper canada bave struggled with poverty and reproach with every discouragement in preaching the gospel and forming churches where they never existed before by their own individual exertions while the friendly aid of no religious body was extended to them thus the treasure is put into earthen vessels that the excellen cy of the powertnay appear to be of god it was so in djmutive limes the first preachers ofthstsspi had to mhke their way not only vmoot human aid but in opposition to it we do not think the at tention paid to the heathen too great but we do not think that paid to our own co lonies too little the sacrament of the lords supper is administered once here in three months on the last occasion the secood sabbath of june my son who is mioister of to ronto preached and performed most of the services tbe commuuicants present fill ed the whole body of the church and not less lhan 100 hearers went away who could not get admission to the gallery the other churches in the district are equally prosperous though not equally nu merous that emigrants who profess an attachment to religion so seldom come this way is a cause of regret 1 know no place io canada where they might be more hap py with best wishes for the success of your chronicle which in this settlement i often conned over with great care i am ate yours truly william belt minister of the presbyterian church perth- p- s since writing the ahovo i have seen the report of the debates in the sv nod of glasgow and ayr the reverend gentlemen are right who think a provision should be made for ministers before they are sent out to this country it would save much disappointment and misery to both ministers and people ministers are much wanteds but in many cahes the people aro neither able nor willing to provide for their support the queries sent out by the general assembly a few years ago have unintentiooally produced incalculable mischief an opinion hat gone abroad io canada though not warranted by the queries that the scottish church bave tbe means and that they will supply ministers without putting the people to any expense this has created some difficulty to most of our ministers in the mean time but tbe odium will ultimately rest on those who occasioned the mistake there are how- ever other mistakes some time ago the presbyterian com mittee in montreal consisting of clergy and laymen associated for the purpose of securing a share of the clergy reserves invited all the members of our presbytery with a view to the union of the whole to join them in their application to govern ment we did so not doubting of their sincerity we furnished funds and the signatures of our congregations to the pe titions but it has since been asserted both publicly and privately and never yet de nied tbat our signatures were afterwards attached to a petition materially differing from tbat which they signed and that they only meant to make use of our assistance to gain their own object if these thingi and true and they have never yet been de nied i shall leave you to judge what may be the consequence we have written to the committee on the subject but we have received no satisfactory answer w b lion may produce ulterior events which present circumstances scarcely warrant yet that the iorch of war may shortly be flaming in every quarter of europe is very probable policy may cause that which our better sense condemns but should tbe continental power meet inhostiiearrayit does not appear io us that it is imperative on england to involve herself in active warfare the people properly so called in france now begin to find their pow er ihey now seem to have discovered that they are an important weight in either scale and the cry of republica- mism has been already raised if they are not speedily suppressed either by concession or force their turbulent spi rit must break forth the question ten comes will louis philippe hesi- ute between a foreign or a civil war assuredly not the next idea which presents itself to the mind is the empe ror of austria what will he do and how may he find it his interest to em ploy the young napoleon 1 these are startling questions and cause us to look fer farther accounts from the old world with the most exciting anxiety ifthe paris dates of the 4th deserve credence it will be seen that ihe pro gress of liberty is going on with that steady calm and undeviating force which leaves the government nothing o hope and every thing to fear yet vith all these threatening aspects will it be believed that the apomolicals will allow nothing to be yielded 1 the herald ij bound to portsmouth sir james is accompanied by col cooper ate j secretary and col yorke late civil sec votary lt col j ft gleg who canoe oat with his excellency lord aylmer as military secretary ha succeeded col yorke as civil secretary it is understood that capt airey will act as military secretary col glegg and capt maj are extra aides-de- camp old q gra the cattle shew exhibition and ploughing match of the quebec agricultu ral society for the county and district of quebec was held at mr andersons farm near dorchester bridge on thursday last the badness of the weather during the night and morning prevented many persons at a distance from attending- the shews of brood mares and milch cows were good some fine wooled sheep aod also swine of the improved breed were exhibited the stock of cattle of the imported breeds on mr andersons farm were universally ad mired as also some cattle seut by col gore the vegetables as usual was ex cellent and some sample of apples shew ed what may be done by care and atten tion to orchards in this district some fine grapes ripened without artificial heat were exhibited by mr sheppard secreta ry of the society 23 ploughs entered and great improvement was evidentamong the canadian farmers a uumber of priz es were awarded aod some gratifications allowed lists of which will hereafter be published s the elections with regard to the elections generally we may congratulate our readers upon their favorable termi nation tho following is a list of mem bers returned pfcscott and russel donald mcdonald liloncarry wfiwei mcfarlane stonnont archd mlean p van kouchnett oundas p shaver and cook irenville edward jessup fraaer i oeds if butt pete howard lunaik w morris carlton capi lewis r navy broctsvwe ftewy jouce kingston c a hagerman frontenac h c thomson j camp bell lennox addington m s bidioelt sf p perry notice to correspondents when we volunteered to insert elec tion squibs it was with the proviso that they should be harmless and witty we are sorry to say we do not consider ei ther of the three sent us to be of that character one an elector is po sitively illnatured and uncharitable we beg to acknowledge the receipt of the charge delivered by the hon j b macaulay delivered to the grand jury on 30th august last with an apo logy for its long delay but the late hour at which it came to hand this morn ing alone causes our present hasty no tice prince edward hastings northumberland durham town of york county of york simcoe halton norfolk went worth niagara lincoln middlesex oxford j roblin p peterson j samson r white j lyons k mcdonald j boulion j brown w jarvis j ketchum w l mac kenzie w robinson j crooks wm chis- hohn w willson j wilson a mcnabb hj boulton r randall w crooks j clark and b c beard si ey m burwell ft mount e ingersol c dun- combe john brant died at ernest town on the 23d instant after a painful ilbness of eight days which he bore with exemplary patience and resignation isaac h frawrv pn- ff fp frnpr rvj htph1vt town in the niteenin year ol ins age at bath tuesday morning after a lingering illness mrs jane baker wife sf dr baker of that place at york on the 5th inst the rev allan ma caulay of the episcopal church at the almshouse lynn mass mr donald m donald aged 108 he was horn in scotland in 1722 he was in the british service before i e came to this country and was ait the taking of quebec when wolf fell and witbbraddock when he was killed by the indians and was one of the few whom washington whea a major con ducted from the field of battle for sale at the chromclf offlce j few copies of the atlantic souvenir for i s3 1 plendidly bound in em bossed leather with gilt leaves and containg twelve highly finished en- giavings on steel by the first artists kingston 23d oct 18 thk mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented this extensive aud well knowu establishment is now about open ing the same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed on store street being the principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment of the kiud in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which will be fur nished io the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several 3ears has acquired experience io that line and he trusts that with unre mitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patrouage in rear of the mansion house is a large yard iu which there is an extensive and commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s carmino kingston 24th october 1830 government contracts notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders will be received at the commissariat office until 12 oclock of tuesday the l6th day of november next from such persons who may be willing to undertake the furnishing of the following supplies for the use of the troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from the 25th december next to the 24th december 1831 viz fresh beef tender no 1 bread biscuit and flour no 2 salt pork no 3 rations of forage no 4 charcoal no 5 the ration of forage to consist of 9lbs of oats 16 do of hay and g do- of straw no difficulty or expence need be en tertained in supplying forage at a rea sonable rate as the practice is observ ed at every other post in canada the several articles to be of the best te haldimand note those names marked in italics were in the last parliament his excellency sir john colborne k c b arrived here on thursday evening and on friday morning in spected the 79ih regiment on the drill ground sir john who looked re markably well made a very short stay as he left kingston about one oclock yesterday on his return to york by way of the napane mills ki chronicle saturday october 30ja 1630 the present is a moment of intense in terest and with eager anxiety our at tention is turned to the affairs of europe no less from the influence coming e- vents may have upon ourselves tbaa from the peculiar situation in which th continent is at this moment our ex tracts from the morning herald des cribe the french journalists as congra tulating themselves that the edicts of the russian emperor arc merely mat ters of form to be auperseded by the warmest apptoval of the late occurren ces in france it were a waste of words to attempt to controvert such vague so phistry to us it seems that some great re vulsion must follow the late crisis we cannot regard the present apparent calmness as an assurance of future secu rity to us it seems the torrents smoothness ere it dash below we regret to say says the quebec mercury that letters from calcutta dated 11th june received yesterday do not confirm the pleasing anticipa tions respecting the health of the earl of dalhousie contained in the letter to which we referred in our last number on the contrary it was feared by me dical men that his lordships immedi ate return to europe would be abso lutely necessary his excellency lord aylmer took the oaths as administrator yesterday after noon about three oclock before the exe cutive council when a salute was fired from the citadel and the peal of oew bells in the english cathedral rung for tbe first time a little before 4 oclock lt general sir james kempt rode from tho castle to tbe kings wharf accompanied by tbe gov ernor and a very numerous mall aod im mediately embarked in h m yacht herald a very large assemblage of the citizens of government contracts for engineer and ord nance service notice is hereby given that ll sealed tenders will be receiv ed at the commissariat office until 12 oclock of thursday the 18th day of november from such persons as may be willing to furnish the articles nnd undertake the following for the ordi nary service of the royal engineer and ordnance departments at king ston and its dependencies from the 25th december next to the 24th de cember 1831 viz lumber of all kinds as per specifi cation- lime sand the cartage from tthe landing to be at the expense of tbe cxtntomgsqji hair and bricks also for such glaz ing as may be required per specifiation and for teamhire and cartage for tbe public service the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling money the rates at which the articles will be delivered at kingston oral any part of point hen ry or point frederick and each ten der must bear the signatuieg 0 two res ponsible persons as sureties for the un dertaking conditions may be more fully known on application to this or the engineer office the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the con tracts jno hare a c o delivered from magazines convenient ly situated for the garrison payments for the several supplies will be made monthly either in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for every 101 10 shillings due upon the contracts a due supply of the several articles roust be kept infstore to meet the exi gencies of the public service the tenders to be separate with the prices in sterling and each must bear the real signatures of two responsible persons as sureties for the contracts the conditions of which may be fully as certained on applying at this office jno hare a- c g commissariat office kingston 9th oct 1830 14 5 commissariat office kingston oct 16 1830 every class had met before the castle aod we beg to call the serious attention oft io the 8lreet9 through which sir james our readers to a letter signed o p q sir james repeatedly saluted the an intelligent correspondent of lb citizens at the kings wharf he was morning chronicle his view of the mot by a isrge body of gentlemen who state of society in paris is any thing bull wished hirn farewell the uaual aalutes prognostic of a peaceful termination were fired from tbe citadel and the ship and the inflamatory stiain of the liloni- teur des fauxbourgs may prove the brand which is to kindle the flame the affairs of holland it is true have assumed a more tranquil appearance but the political horizon of europe is heavily overcast and self-preserva- wi th her yards manned it wad the inten tion of thecilizeos to accompany sir james down the river in a steamer the wind was however unfavourable and tho flood tide prevented the heralds sailing this morning about half past eight the herald got under weigh and soon after went down with a very strong fair wind revised ejitlon of the provincial sta tutes the number of subscribers for this work not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a souice of undoubted authority that the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will be some consolation to him for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble he has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in the revision thag he has been instrumental in forwardint a measure which must prove of great utility to the province jas macfarlane kingston april 2 1830 removal the subscri- ber begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley druggist where he is now receiving a very general assortmentof staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash qa sjipfiti aannttmta nm lelhnalaoj on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hals w driscoll kingston october 9th 130 notice i do hereby forbid all per sons trusting or harboring my wife on my account as i will not pay any debt con tracted by her after this date abraham chase sen ameleasbnrg oct 2d 1830 copperpl ate press a first rate copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24th 1830- 1tw stereotype e- ax dition of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mayors englih spelling book ster eotyped from the 328th london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22rl hay 1830 hfost valuable pro- ltjr perty for sale mr smith bartlett being desirous of closing his con cerns in canada has resolved to offer for sale the whole of his valuable pro perty which if not shortly disposed of by private will beoffered at public salt- of which due notice will be given tnu property consists of those well known premises in front street now in the occupation bf mr bruce consisting of a large and well finished two slory stum house a stone store house about 70 feet in length by 30 in bieadth two and a halfstories with a brick front being a convenient merchants shop and a storo with space for offices the cellairf under the whole of the buildings are tlm best in town and will stow more than a thousand barrels there is a commo dious frame warehouse on the dock which extends 70 feet and the yard is closed to be safe for the storage of pro perty this property is especially- well adapted for an extensive forwarder and commission merchant the brick house in the country one mile from kingston late the residence of mr bartlettj together with about 90 acres of line land this whethr con sidered as a farm or as a residence fort genteel family or both is a most beau tiful and valuable property a tract of land situated about five miles above brockville fronting on the st lawrence 400 acres in width being lots 36 and 37 in the 1st 2d and 3d concessions of elizabethtown 1227 acres known by the name of the jessup tract the soil is of a superior quality and on it is a good mill seat with a con stant supply of water where a dam could be erected at a very small expense a farm adjoining the village of bath consisting of 225 acres with a good farm house bam and orchard 100 acres under improvoment and thirty acres of the finest bever meadow the whole farm is a soil of tbe finest quality a lot containing 100 acres half ol which is cleared with a log house upon it four miles from kingston on the york road the quality of the soil is excel- lent and the lot contains a sufficiency of pine timber for the purposes of building also abundance of lime stone with con veniences and wood for burning it and a never failing spring of limpid water close to the house tainvzoti tatirew mft estimated to contain about 70 acres this is situated eleven miles from king ston on the york road and seven miles from bath and is altogether a desirablo property there is fire wood enough upon the lot to pay the fiist cost of the land as it can be transported to kingston by water when the navigation is open and upon the ice when it is closed kingston august lotb 1830 further particulars concerning any or all the above lots can be had by ap plication at the patriot office book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged art experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be inadei on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do tfimjo lh dh i8rao do do e s 1 0 0 10 0 5 0 8 d- 0 0 0 b 0 half binding in calf folio half bound mented and orna- j q l7 o quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 0 2mo do do 0 1 8 18m0 do do 0 1 3heep ft binding in i folio full bound mented and orna- j q lf 0 quarto do do 0 7 i octavo da do 0 3 tf 12mo do do 0 1 11 18mo do do 0 1 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 t n 5 t o millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gananoque mills cjmcdonaldco afay 29 1830 wanted immediately two journeymen pi inters apply at the anglocanadian office belleville t 24ih july 1830 half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12rao do do 18mo do do also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kin 13th april 1829 paul clifford fo- sale at the chronicle office murrays reader and introduction neatly and substantially bound for sale at the chronicle o for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at this office k 9th augusm828 public notice is hereby given thatall persons found cutting taking away or injuring the timber on tho lands belonging to the caoada company without a special authority from this of fice will be prosecuted with the utmyst rigour of the law caoadacompaoys office york i lth oct 1630

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