Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 20, 1830, p. 3

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the kingston chronicw5 saturday novr mbcr 20a 1830 05- that huge leviathan the lower canada watchman this week occupies the space usually devoted to points in history we trust our cle ver correspondent will pardon the una voidable delay this week we have again to regret the nonarrival of the albion when our paper went to press our latest dates bm from london octl5th from ports mouth 17th brought to ncy york in 2g days by the packet ship brighton by the kindness of mr hall of the new york commercial advertiser whose attention on many former occa sions we are equally bound to acknow ledge we are enabled to lay before our readers several items of a very interest ing nature we learn from these communications that the prussians have entered belgium in great force headed by prince albert they have opened at three several points first by encreasing the garrison of luxemburg from 4000 to 16000 y maastricht with 6000 and some where farther north in guelders but where is not clearly defined with 8000 the whole are marching upon brussels it is said the whole force destined for this service will amount to 50000 men we must in common with the editor of the commercial adver tiser regret that his english papers had not all come regularly to hand as we are for this reason deprived of the as we are lor this reason deprived of the corroboration of the fact as well as of the speculations of the london press t all times desirable as showing the views of parly and often valuable as ema nating from sources of high authority the london standard a journal to which we are not willing to pay much deference appears to regard the situa tion of the belgian constitutionalists as quite desperate and talks of nothing but submission although their own cor respondent gives a very animated des cription of the spirit of independence and resistance among that aggravated people spain is still in a state of ferment al though no overt act of insurrection can be said to have taken place the murderofthc abbot of st basil is a horrible trail in the spanish character and pleads stiongly in favor of a change of some kind a long list of changes in the administration of affairs has been submitted to ferdinand who seems de termined to use the severest measures to aid his schemes calomarde has been threatened with decapita tion the transpyrennean army of insurgements are said to be in a deplora ble disappointed and disorganised state in portugal matters still remain as before it is however surmised that don miguel anticipates expulsion as he the belgian provisional government has refused to allow eveo belgians from abroad to enter that country the proceedings of the bruxel lots pro visional government aro far from wearing the appearanco of ao intended submission or any distrust in their own means of de fence spain a decree was issued declaring all persons concerned in plans for the e- tablishmcnt of another form of govern ment to he subject to the penally of death the abbot of the conveot of st basil was found a corpse in his bod the head se parated from the body and a mattress over him he was a moderate man he was generally esteemed and bad occasionally preserved many liberals from the aposto lical wrath he had lately forbid his own friars to say mass on account of their licon- tinusness and it is believed he has been as sassinated by them from almost every part of germany we daily hear of disturbances of a local or a general character the gazette of hanover denies official ly what has been stated in the german pa pers that the public tranquility has been disturbed they daily expect the orders of king william iv to furnish the hano verian army with its foil compliment oct 15 great britain ministers have been in active communication the whole morning sir r peel lord melville the chaocellor of the exchequer and lord elleoborough had long interviews with the duke of wel lington the moroiog herald says a good deal of surprise bas been expressed at sir george murrays removal from the coloni al department which coupled with the previous transfer of sir heory hardioge from the war office looks as if the premier had taken the hint so often given him that bis administration had partaken rather too much of the character of a military go vernment further despatches have been received at the foreign office this morning from pa ris and the hague after their arrival prince talleyrand had a long conference with the foreign secretary his excel lency was afterwards closetted for a con- at a meeting of the president and di rectors of the midland district agricultu ral society held yesterday at mr davys ion at bath which was well attended a statement was submitted from tho treasu rer shewing that the sum of fifty one pounds fifteen shillings had been actually paid into his hands by the members of the institu tion this turn exceeding a little the a- mount of subscriptions required to be col lected a petition was drawn up and signed by those present praying his excellency the lieutenant governor to grant tho sum authorised by the statute in aid and sup port of tho society aod the secretary was requested to transmit tho same to york together with the treasurers state ment certifying the amount of money in his hands after the transaction of some other bu siness tho meeting broke up and several members of the society sat down to a din ner prepared by mr davy at which the greatest hilarity and good feeling prevail ed the health of our gracious king and queen aod his representative in this co ny were right loyally drunk as well as many appropriate toasts coooected with the objects of this society viz the ira- provementiof our agriculture aod the pro motion of domestic industry a proposal which met with the approbation of nil pre sent was made that at all general or spe cial meetings of the society the members should he clad in garments made of cana dian cloth and it was agreed that this pro posal should be submitted for the general consideration of the society wo entertain very sanguine hopes of the successful progress of the society and of the benefits it will be the means of coo- f rringon our commuoity every thing however in tho first instance depend co with him all that now remains for l and us to do is to throw down our p in despair and lament the culmi nation of so bright a planet ws review ofthe game of life is received mi consequence of the vast space oc cupied by the 12th number of lower canada watchman hiy iike 80r earthborn giant spreads ttarsty anrs ove our ample pages and monopolizes no is than 12 columns we are this week obliged to defer tho continuation of the points in history as also the ruw and belvs poem however we are enabled to promise our readers a splendid number next week when all ouromitted original articles shall appear we hope this will satisfy our correspon dents the paper makers coffin has been received and we feel no inclination to owmit it to the tomb of our balaam bo j g is thanked for his recollec tion of my native land and also for his frank avowal which was unneces sary for most decidedly we should not hesitate one moment to consider his communications as original matter and of the highest order the poetry sent from the black bucht shall receive immediate atten tion want of room alone prevents its insertion tcday the same apology will wo hope sa tisfy the rover for ihe noninser tion of the song to the air of the girl 1 left behind me hv ii 1 jjtffai qjtiuie ftj t uls 4mow twlrore a line will find him bank notice office ofthe bank of upper canada kingston 3th november 1830 discount day satur- da y op e ver v week notes offered for discount and made 1 a i d john macaulay cashier midland distiuot sale of lands 1do hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lauds as are advertised by the treasurer ofthe district nod contain ed in the warrants of tho clerk ofthe i oace kingston dock yard lith november 1830 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no 36 37 3s 3940 in the 4ih concession of the township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased on ba- halfofthe commissioners of his ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned from cutting down or taking timber or fire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said property and all persons found so tiespassing will be proceeded against with the utmost severity ofthe law and further notice is hereby given that no person is after this dale to erect any hut house or building whatever without permission from tho respective officers of the dockynrd jno r glover naval storekeeper michael spratt master attendant robert moore master shipwright importation for a general winter trade by j w armstr oo co at their wholesale and retailvoolcn and fancy warehouse after considerable time spent in the different manufacturing coun ties iu england in the purchase of goods for a general fall and winter trade tho subserwmtshavcavitliuumj caiooiuu the choicest and most extensive assortment ever introduced to upper canada this kingston 10th do court house 12 o clock a af loughborough 12th do at mcgregors mills 12 oclock a m 6 ernest town 13lh do at forwards inn 12 oclock am portland 14th do at jacob sbiblvs esquire 12 oclock a m camden i5th do at adam bowers esq 2 oclock p 51 lredcricksburgh 16th do at clarkville 10 oclock a m richmond lgtb do at napane mills 1 oclock p m tyendannga 17th do at tyeudanaea mills 12 oclock am madoc 19th do at marmora iron works 11 oclock a m siduey 20th do at thrashers 12 o clock am ran don 20th do at fidlars 2 oclock- p m thurlow 2lstdo at munros loo 11 o clock a m ameliasburgh 22d do at john belyons inn 10 oclock am hillier 22d do at ilerringtous 3 o clock p m sophiasburgh 24th do at demorest- ville 12 oclock am marysburgh 25th do at stone mills 10 oclock a t john maclean sheriff m d november 3d 1830 government contracts for engineer and ord nance service mtotick is hereby given that l sealed tenders will bo receiv ed at the commissariat office until 12 wuiuum ththwu yy asv vj y november from such persons as may be willing to furnish the articles and wi is constantly sending money out ofthe on the zeal and perseverance of the offices b j of tho institution ferar eburif the most important intelligence in out opinion if true is that the emper or of russia on hearing of the revolu- the army it is confidently reported iu the best in formed military circles that the object in calling for a statement of the services aod tion in tho netherlands has refused recoru of other particulars from every offi- to recognise the king ofthe french cer in his majestys service hy the lateex- i ncrienced secretary at war mai gen sir hamlet is made to say there arc g h is to extend the advantages more things in this world than are t 0 the warrant for regulating the pay half dreamt of in our philosophy and j w j of sl st ri r officers dated 20th and 30th july 1830 to how true do we nnd it here one ot ln0 aroiy at and tho rates of full and the most powerful monarchs of europe half pay will be regulated by a schedule was pledged we believ e to recognise the new order of things in france a re- johbt booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist whero he continues his em ployment in all iis varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and tho public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance 0 that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimeres ves- tings trimmings of every description sec afc he is enabled furnish any quan tity on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th nove 1830 general meeting of the dorcas society is requested at 12 oclock on tuesday the 23d inst at the house of mr bid well by ordei ofthe directress s g bidwell secy p s the subscribers to the king ston assemblies are re quested to meet at myers hotel on tuesday next at 12 oclock noon for the purpose of making arrangements for the nii swisa solh november 1830 for sale at the ciironiclk of flce a fm comet of the atlantic souvenir for 1831 splendidly bound in em bossed leather with gilt leaves and cotaing twelve highly finished en giavings on steel by the first artists kingston 23d oct 1 he mansion house elegant stock of goods comprizes almost un the following for the ordi- every article in the above line deserving w servicc of he r engineer notice aod snow respectfully submted ordnance departments at king- a to public inspection thoir establishment will he toned re plete with the finest fabrics in saxony black blue brown olive and medley cloths double milled olive and drab surtout cloth ladies fancy pelisse and queens do bath coating gentlemens french nap printed table cloth single and double milled cassimeres assorted qua lities and colours flushings yorkshire beaver and treble milled pilot cloth fancy silk tuilenette valentia and mar seilles vestings satinetts camlets and tartan plaids brussels kidderroirster and venetian carpeting hearth rugs moreens damask and chintz furniture superfine merinos bombazettes bomba- zins and norwich crapes printed cali coes london chintz and chintz muslin gray domestic and steamloom cottocs apron checks turkey stripes and strip ed ginghams checked horse cloths counterpanes and marseilles quilts silk cotton worsted nnd lambs wool ho siery gloves and braces book ja conet cambric and mull muslins gen tlemens fur caps chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw ers silk and cotton umbrellas fringes india taffeties and bandannas oild and fainted baize table covering shoe thread dutch twiue looking glasses and stationery solution occurs in another state- and he chooses to defer at least the execution of what we believe we may be wrong he had virtually bound himself to do why s this the english parliament will have as sembled before we again appear before our readers the address to be moved in the lords by the marquis of bute in the commons by lord grimslone items we are sorry want of space compels us to condense our foreign intelligence but the following items will be found to contain every thing which we believe would interest our readers wo fire without any additional intelli gence from brussels the king of holland has received real assistance from berlin in the shape of both money and men the prussian forces arriv ing as travellers or private individuals ha bited in the dress of private persons it is said that the kiugof the netherlands being assured of the noniuterveuiion of either euglnnd or franco has resolved ou fighting out the question with the belgians the provisional or revolutionary govern ment is adopting various moans of defence whilst the prince frederick is arranging for auotbor aud tuoro successful attack proportioned to the length of service in a similar ratio as there is scarcely a corps in the service affording instunces ofthe pro motion of officers without purchase equal to the gracious provision promulgated in the warrant it is also expected that the liouteoaots who were actually serving on full pay in 1811 and the captains holding their regimental rank with superior brevet rank in the army of the year 1808 who did not accept the boon of promotion offered to them will have their vacancies filled up by an equal number from the seniors of their respective ranks which would give unat tached promotion to nearly nil the newly created brevet majors as those of the ar tillery engineers and marines might not accept it the average age and service of those who have obtained their several pro motions without purchase is age 50 years aod service 32 years supposing them to have served two years as ensigo 8 as lieu tenant and 22 a captain and the lieu tenants of i8l2 by this calculation would average 30 years of ago aod 21 of service limerick chronicle notice to correspondents we have received a poem signed henry bellwe have some recollection of having seen it or some portion of it be fore but we may be mis taken if as it is stated to be this can bo the first at tempt of the writer he must prove ere long one ofthe first poets ofthe day sure we arc there is no person on these cisatlantic shores who will be able to t hotel the subscriber having rented this extensive and well knn establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of the pumic the mansionhouse is pleasantly situat ed o store street being the principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment ofthe kiud in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of us apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur- mshed in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line aud he trusts that with unre mitting attention to tho comforts of his guests he will merit a sharo of the public patiooage 1 rear of the mansion house is a large yatm which there is ao extensive and commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for the accommodation ofthe public s carmino ki 24th october 1830 rglhe partnership heretofore car- 1 ried on hy samuel t hudson and ccorge cliff in marysburgh in the county of prince edward and province of upper canada is dissolved by mu tual consent george cliff is author ised to receive any debts due the con- cortti and grant acquittances for the same he is also ready to pay any debts due hy the lato firm of hudson cliff signed saml t hudson george cliff itfaryshurgh jutymd 1838 their linen diaper and flannel de partments are largely supplied with the finest texture and choicest material also brewe fttid bleached hollands table nap kins french cambrics huckaback dowlas osoaburghs and sheeting sailcanvas no 2 7 blao- kots serges flannels and baizes c c ladies who honour this establishment with a preference will find among the fancy part of their slock many new and fashiouable articles- figured palmerines crape de lyon crape royal and gauze do athen india silks satin levantine crepe lisse and italianetts canton crape cyprus rock spuu and real thibet shawls artificial flowers thread laces edgingsand quillings lace caps bobbinetts and lace veils fancy oiled silk cambric aprons black and colored silk velvets tortoise shell combs windsor and faucy soap visiting message aod toy cards beaver bonnets fur trimmings muffs and pelevines a choice collection of grosde naples of very suporior texture and prevaihog colors tho principal part of this splendid and beautiful stock having been purchased for cash enables tho proprietors to offer their friends and the public every advantage that can be derived from the present de pressed state of tho english snarkct their woollens are particularly recom mended to the notice of country mer chants es well as tho couisumor special care having been taken in owcry instance to procure cloths calculated for service also 50 crates well assorted ciiockeiey which will bo sold at a smsilu advance by tho package or lot j w armstrong co kingston 30ii october llstfo departments at king son and its dependencies from the 25th december next to the 24th de cember 1831 viz lumber of all kinds as per specifi cation lime sand the cartage from thejanding to be at the expense ofthe contractor hair and bricks also for such glaz ing as may be required per specification and for teamhire and cartage for the public service the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling money the rates at which the articles will be delivered at kingston or at any part of point hen ry or point frederick and each tea dor must bear the signatures of two res ponsible persons as sureties for the un dertaking conditions may be more fully known on application to this or the engineer office the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the con tracts jno hare a c o commissariat office kingsto oct lg 1830 government contracts notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders will be received at the commissariat office unytijjg nvlnrk of tuesday the loth day ol november next from such persons who may be willing to undertake the furnishing of the following supplies for the use of the troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from the 25th december next to the 24lh december 1831 viz fresh beef tender no 1 bread biscuit and flour no 2 salt pork no 3 rations of forage no 4 charcoal no 5 the ration of forage to consist of 9lbs of oats l6do of hay and 6 do of straw no difficulty or expence need be en tertained in supplying forage at a rea sonable rate as the practice is observ ed at every other post in canada the several articles to he of the best quality and the forage ration to be delivered from magazines convenient ly situated for the garrison payments for the several supplies will be made monthly either in british silver or in other current coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for every 101 10 shillings due upon the contracts a due supply ofthe several articles must be kept in to meet the exi gencies of the public service the tenders to be separate with the prices in sterling and each must bear the real signatures of two responsible persons as sureties for the contracts the conditions of which may be fully as certained on applying at this office jno hare a c g commissariat office kingston oth oct 1880 145 wanted immediately two journeymen pi inters apply at the anglocanadian office iff ost valuable pro- xta perty for sale air smith bartlett being desirous of closing his con cerns in canada has resolved to offer for sale the whole of his valuable pro perty which if not shortly disposed of by private will be offered at public sale of which due notice will be given the property consists of those well known premises in front street now in the occupation of mr bruce consisting of a large and well finished two story stone house a stone store house about 70 feet in length by 30 in bteadth two and a halfstories with a brick front being a convenient merchants shop and a store with space for offices the cellars under the whole ofthe buildings are the best in town and will stow more than a thousand barrels there isa commo dious frame warehouse on the dock which extends 70 feet and the yard is closed to be safe for the storage of pro perty this property is especialy well adapted for an extensive forwarder and commission merchant the brick house in the country on mile from kingston late the residence of mr bartlett together with about 90 acres of fine land this whethr con sidered as a farm or as a residence for a genteel family or both is a most beau tiful and valuable property a tract of land situated about five miles above brockville fronting on the st lawrence 400 acres in width being lots 36 and 37 in the 1st 2d and 3d concessions of elizabethtown 1227 acres known by the name of the jessup tract the soil is of a superior quality and on it is a good mill seat with a con stant supply of water where a dam could be erected at a very small expense a farm adjoining the village of bath consisting of 225 acres with a good farm house barn and orchard 100 acres under improvoment and thirty acres of the finest bever meadow tjteyjiole farm is a soil of the finest a lot containing 100 acres half of which is cleared with a log house upon it four miles from kingston on the york road the quality ofthe soil is excel lent and the lot contains a sufficiency of pine timber for the purposes of building also abundance of lime stone with con veniences and wood for burning it and a never failing spring of limpid water close to the house a lot at floatingbridge bay con taining 200 acres and a broken front estimated to contain about 70 acres this is situated eleven miles from king ston on the york road and seven miles from bath and is altogether a desirable property there is fire wood enough upon the lot to pay the fit at cost of the land as it can be transported to kingston by water when the navigation is open and upon the ice when it is closed kingston august 10h 1830 further particulais concerning any or all the above lots can be had by ap plication at the patriot office book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office f he subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be mado on the single volume btndtn folio full bound iu raented quarto do octavo do 12mo do 18mo do half bini folio half bouod mentcd quarto do octavo do 2mo do 18mo do bindinc folio full bouod mentedt quarto do octavo do 12mo do l8mo do f in calfje s d i calf orna- i 0 0 do 0 10 0 do 050 do 0 3 0 do 0 2 0 ung in calf and ernd- o 17 0 do 0 7 0 do 0 3 0 do 0 18 do 0 16 in sheep and orna- 1 o 17 6 do 0 7 6 do 030 dd 0 1 10 do 0 1 3 9 4 1 1 0 0 0 10 half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna- q mented j quarto do do 0 octavo do do 0 12tno do do 0 1 rin i do do 0 also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern ipor port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 for sale lot no 358 in grave street kingston apply to the editor of this paper july 311830 the subscriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy nnd staple goods which he offers for salo exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a caso of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school book ami stationery t w dri9coll

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