j w ito t song- little cupid little cupids quite a stranger to his native homo the heart after wealth a constaul raoger chaffing with a pedlar art natures language plain ami simple he no longer deigns to prize seldom sports ho in a dimple seldom visits sparkling eyes- tracts of land and bags of money he knows how to estimate ere you taste himeniai honey you must learn to calculate- from the new york constellation a jack fob aix trades a druggist in this city last week advertis ed for a clerk and amoog other applicants was that of a tall awkward looking fellow apparently twentyfive years of age coarsely dressed without stockings 911 tl with a skio as rough as the skin of a rhino ceros- after staring a while at 1i10 splen did bottles and other thiogs that attracted bis notice ho broko out arc you the druggist of this ere estab lishment yes well i thought so as soon as i came in said the fellow i know a thing or two for all i look so ive been rcadin in tlio news prints about how you arc 10 want of a dark and thiuks i as soon as least my eyes ont now that place will just suit me 10 a hair and so ive come right up here to make a bargain have you been bread to the business in quired the druggist 1 cant say as i have exactly replied the lout but ive been bred to farmin and 1 have a brother that can chop wood like a horse which i spose will answer all the saute but said the druggist 1 should like to geta man who undeistauds something of the business why for that matter returned the fel low i could soon larn ipl a pretty iugc- nus feller about any thing i uoderiake why its only last winter i made a whole new pigtrough out of my owu head what do you think of that sir i suppose you found the stuff already fit ted to your bands but 1 imagine it is easier for you to make a pigtrough than a druggist try me then and see said the pcrsever- iog applicant you dont know till you try now whatml you wager i cant tell whats in that are round bottle there in the winder im not in the habit of betting said the druggist but i douh you very much whether you can tell you wont bet hay replied the fellow then ill tell you without thai stuff that luokes so blue in that are bottle is dydros- taticmuriaticprohlcmaiicgeucritic acid i larut that of the doctor in our town dont you think now sir tin a puny in- genus scholar 1 i mustsay you have given a very fair specimen replied the owner of the shop but as it takes some years to learn the druggists business i think you had belter cogago in something which you cau undcr- siaucl more readily you think i had hay with a mortified look he then stood musing fur a while and drumming on the counter when ill of n sudden 30eming to have caught a ucw idea ho burst out liy jingo mister i believe youre right aud now i thiuk oot ill go this minute and see if i cant git a iucc 1u il ttulif ztulu 1 yankek questionyou hant none of you seen nothing of no hat no where alooghere upon none of these scats have you answer we hant none on us seen nothing of no hats nor nothing of no kind no where on none of these seats nor no where elso as i founts on book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office flle subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will he perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do l2rao do do gmo do do s a 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 u 3 0 0 2 0 half binding in calf folio half bouud meutcd aud oruit- 0 17 n qikirlo do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 0 l2rno do do 0 1 8 18moi do do 0 1 6 binding in sheep folio full bouud mcnied mid droit l 0 17 6 quarto do do 0 7 j octavo do do 0 3 0 12mo do do 0 1 10 1iim do do 0 1 3 importation for a genekal wintkk tkabe by j w armstrong co at their wholesale and retail woolen and fancy warehouse after considerable lime spent in the different manufacturing coun ties in england in the purchase of id fall aud winter trade the tt e v fa ll goods the lfl subscriber lias in hand a very general issovtmont of dry iood and on he return ofilie regular tra ders from london liverpool and clyde iv daily expected he will re ceive u argo addition t bis present stock consisting of staple fall ii include a choice aftimmv paltmisktf- eh proprietor id the horti cultural and iintancial oardm of brooklyn new- york containing 24 iicres of nurseries offers twelve select cjoods which will uiciuuc a fur a ccucral fall and winter 1 rndc the subscribers have with much care selected seleclioi ol oalicocs chinlzcs mnslms the choicest and most extensive assortment cambrics india and english silks ever introduced to upper canada this i shawls handkerchiefs c bomba- elcgaol stock of goods comprizes almost cites ionibazcens and other stuff goods ill kinds of lrcc goods ho siery cloves and a great variety of small varus jewellery and other birmingham goods ilktwife several bales domestic cottons and shirtiopi scotch bonnets and large overall hose with i variey ot other poods adapt ed for tie fall aud winter trade robert armour vo 25 notre daue street near the english church mont wall september 1 1830 every article in the- above lino deserving notico and is now respectfully submitted to publicinspcction their establishment will be found re- plete with the finest fabrics in saxocy black blue brown olive aud medley cloths doable milled olive and drab sortoui cloth ladies fancy pclisso and queens do bath coating gentlemens french nap printed table cloth siolo aud double milled cassiincres assorted qua lities aud colours flushings yorkshire heaver and treble willed piloi cloth fancy silk toileoctte valentia and mar seilles vcs tings satioetts camlets aud tartan plaids brussels kidderminster and venetian curpctiog hearth hogs moreens damask and chintz furftiturc notice i do hereby forbid all per sons ti using or harboring my wife on my account as 1 will not pay any debt cou- superfinc merinos bombxcltcs uornbit- j tracted by her after this date kins and nonvich crapes printed call- abraham chase hen am filet 9 bu on 2d js30 c cocs london chintz and chintz musliu gray domestic aud steam loom cotioos apron checks turkey stripes and strip ed giughams checked horse cloths counterpanes aod marseilles quilts s i cotton worsted aod lambs wool ho- tilc chronicle office where letting s1kry cloves and braces book slcaras ill be printed and all oilier conet cambric aud mull muslins gcu- copperpuuc work performed with oipeuvsiatepress a first rate copperplate priiiling press has jusi been received demons fur caps chamois waistcoats aud fanialoon draw ers silk and cotton umbrellas fringes india taffetics aud bandannas oild and paiuted haize table covering shoo thread dutch twiuo looking glasses and stationery neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cttntifor saleat the chronicle office july 24a 1s30 mmoval- the subscri- bur hogs leave to acquaint his h friends and the public generally that he has removed to the corner brick diaper and flannel ic- recently occupied by mr wm parlmcnts arc largely supplied with the f druggist where he is now finest texture and choicest material also receiving t very general assortment of brown aud bleached hollands table nap- i apiie and pa cv ooodfl their linco kins frencii camduics huckaback dowlas osnaburhs and sheeting sail canvas no 2 7 klro- kcts serges flaanelsaud iluizcs sic sec aud ladies who honour this estahlijimeut with a preference will find among the fancy part of their stock many fashionable articles figured iiiliiierides crape dc lyon crape royal end gauzo dc allien india silks satin levautiue crepe lissc and ftaliaucts canton crape well adapted for tho season which ho intends to sell uniuiialjy low for cash or short approved cicdit he has also on hail a great variety of school books aud stationery and a case of cistvs best waterproof hals v driscoll kiny october 9lli 1s30 fkt iiw stwiilootylk jr lxi dition of mayors spelling hook the subscriber lias in the press an extensive second edi tion oi mayors enghli spelling book ster co from the s2stb london edition a d is27- this edition which will be printed on cymns roxsuuu and real thibet s l w ilic mills of eastwood ghliaw1 ler of ork will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition slorckicpers and others wishing for supplier will please give in their names withoui delay jas macfarlane kinrson 22d mav u insaud quilhn artificial flowers thread iaces fcl luce cups jfobbiiieus and lace veils funcy oiled silk cambric aprons hluctc aui colored silk velvets tortoise shell combs wiudsor and fancy soap visiting message aud toy cards beaver booucts rut tnutiiiii muirs and pclcviucs a cntfice collection otofos do naples of very superior texture ud prevailing colors the principal part of this splendid and beautiful slock having been purchased tor cash enables the proprietors to offer then- friends and ihe public every advantage that can be derived from the present de pressed stato of the english market i heir woollens are particularly recom mended to the notice of country mer chants as well as the consumer special care having been lakeo in every instance to procure clotbs calculated for service also 50 crates well assorted crockery which will be sold al a small advance by the package or lot j w armstrong co kiogston 3uth october lf30 sao o mfljllh2t a second miller would find employment by imnmdinte application in oaniiiiorjoe li cjjcjuoftaltyoo 0 ot1ce a n bank notice ojfict of the bank of upper canada kingston vsth norcmbtr 1830 persons having de mands against the estate of the late doctor john stickney of sophiashurgh deceased arc requested to present them duly authenticated lo the subscribers lor settle ment aod all persons indebted to the fstate are requested to make immediate payment to the subscribers who are duly authorised to graut discharges riciid sou1es samuel sckonk executors sophinsbftrgli november 2d 1830 midlandj district sals of lands do hereby give noiico that i shull attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as aro advertised by ihetrcakurer of the district and contain ed in the warrants of the clerk of the peace as may be sufficient lo satisfy the arrearages of assessments due the re on at die follow ing time aud places vi- pittsburgh 9d april at stratahans tun at 10 oclock a m i discount day sa tv 11- kingston luth do court house 12 o- va of e ver y week tiy fh lf notes offered for discount and mode m ai mcg payable at not more than ninety days after date must bo put under cover lo the cashier and left ut this office the day before john jhacaulay cashier kingston dock yard llth november 1830 tejue3 kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no sg 37 38 3940 in the 4th concession of the township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased on be- ernest towo i3lh do at forwards inn 12 oclock a al portland hill do at jacob shiblys esquire 12 oclock a al cauidtn 15th do at adam uowers esq 2 oclock pm 1vedeiicksburgh igth do at clarkville loocloci a al richmond igth do at nanane al ills 1 oclock k al tyeudanngn 17th do at tyendanngr alills 12clock a m aladueloth jo at marmora iron works 11 oclock a m siduej 20ih do at thrashers 12 o- of half binding in sheep folio half bouud aud orna mented v- 0 9 0 quarto do do v 0 4 0 octavo do do a 0 1 7 2mo do do m 0 1 3 18mo do do 0 0 10 also ledger blank work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio aod fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston i3tu april is39 half of he commissioners jestys navy that all persons are warned from cuitin down or taking limber or fire wood or in any oilier manner deteriorating the said properly and all persons found so ticspassing will be proceeded against with the utmost severity of the law and further noicc is hereby given that no person is afiei this dale to erect any hm house or building whatever without pet mission from the respective officers of the dock yard jno b glover frtval stortktffct michael spratt maxtor attendant robert moore mutcr iskiptfrigft his ma- lk am notice is hereby given p j 30 do al fidl 2 oclock thurlnt 21 st do at muoros ion 11 o clock am amcliiuburgh s2d do at john itelyonv leu 10 oclock a a itillier 22d do at lierrfostqus 3 o clock p m sophiihburgh 2lth do at demorest- ville 12 oclock a m mhrysborifh 23lh do at stone alus 10 oclaci at john maclean sucriff m d novernlier 3d 1830 oh sale lono 358 tn jave sheet kingston apply to ihe editor of tjiis nitper my lc3- kinds of tabic crapes very hardy from the north of fhance at 8 the doen with directions for planting or at 3s lid separately they can bo bad from the ljlh october lie has a choice assortment of 202 apples ll pears 71 cherries os poaches 13 nec- larians 85 plums is apricols 20 gooseberries and his collection of or namental trees and shrubs is of 301 kinds and has also more than 200 hose plants- mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and ornamental trees from his collection mr p will make arrangements thai whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded witlion the slightest delay catalgcs can be obtained gratis post paid at the oliiccof llicchronicle jirfrrcncc john mncaulay esq john kirhy esq john marks esq stephen yarwoodesq allan maclean esq 22d may 1s30 n b tt may be proper to mention that lie necessary directions will be sent aloofl with the different trees as to the maimer of treating them trees received in tho fall can be sufcly buried in iheglolind until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any in jury from ihe frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all with cortli the smallest orders will be- received and care shall bo laken that several or ders will he made tip into one ftkag with a view to save the expense of car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for air par- mentier is now ready to received or ders agreeably to the above advoriiec- ment james aiacfarlane kingston 29h may issjx any person in the ptissession of a mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at his office wi ii receive through tho imdium of this paper infoi mrtion rcspectiig its nature provided it bo thought worliy of notice december 25ih notice asjsj notes or accounts due to the estate ofthc late frederick keeleuare lo he settled wiih j h samson adrur cllvile 24lh dec 1s2s flliam johnson ba7- ber and hairdresser next door to corminos lenders his grateful acknowlcdgemenls to ihe public fr the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a coihiuuance of the public patro nage kinesion 30th may 1829 ffrjt published hy otrcij jeu tnul ctinim philadelphia the eitist vul- nin to bo continued at intervals of three month f encytmoimnia americana a popular uiclionary of art sciences ut- cratvre history ami politics brought down to the present time and including a copi ous cillcction of origiual articles in aukri- ca hiotikapiiv od the basis of the sev enth edition oftbo german conversations- lexicon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo re persona wisliing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle ojfict where tho 1st volunk may be seen vice tico dolhtsand a half each james macfarlane kngslon 24 dec lcj we the undersigned hereby give public notice that we will not he accountable or li hie s for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence lo montreal and vice versa we promise the public lo employ nunc but sober experienced men as maslcrs of our lioats we will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable of fice for its safe delivery al montreal at the lowest premium to be obtained in cases where no instructions arc given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for ihe safely and interest of ihe owners the properly will be made subject to the premium paid for ils insurance persons who consign property io us ror transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigaiiou hence lo montreal signed h sjones james alccutciion hooker henderson john mcpherson co prescoil22d march 182s n b ownersof goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal lo prescoli will direct ilcrchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our rgcnls in jlontrciil wilh the value of each and every package igucd john mcpherson co it s jones james mccutchon hookers henderson prcscott 1i september 1829 an jrtruct from the regulations of j flier canada colitgt the college quartet arc order ed as follows first quarter begins iiiunejtaielv al ter the christmas vacation about ihe tth of january and ends on me 20th of march second quarter begins on ihe 20th march and ends on he joih june third quarter begins on the 10th juno and ends al the commencement of he summer vacation about the l6ih of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1 si october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 2 1st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admilcd inio the college oi preparatory school his dues for instruction aic payable fiom the begin j of that quarter dtlije all persons having just claims against the eslate of the laic rodolph couchc of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as liulc delay as pos sible and all those indebted 10 said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator lo ihe said es tate william b0wen administrator richmond 13th sept 1s30 for salelotno 17 in the ninth concession of ilic town ship ofloughboio for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th augustls2s ulillc notice is hereby given thaull persons fouoj cutting taking away or injuring the timber on the lands belonging to the canada compauy without a special authority froa lids of fice will bo prosecuted with the utmost rigour of ihe law cimadacompanys oflico v llth o 130 s notice all persons having demaads against ihe estate of the late abraham barker of 11 alio well deceased arc requested to present them duly authenticated to the lubciibers for settlement and all persons indebted lo the estto are re quested to make immediate uiymcnt to the subsciibeis who ttlo duly authorised so grant discharges i li stevenson uknj hubus j ialbeh my llith iso s vlt i1ii elm this invetcrat disease which has long balftcd the art of the most experienced physicians has ut length found a sovereign remedy in dr la grunges genuine uiuimcut pew cutaneous diseases are mci with more rc- uctaucc by the physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience aud justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels o the skin and its original colour and smuothucss numerous recomiueudaiious might he obtained of its superior eflicacyi but lie proprietor chose that a fair tf hi should he itsoiiiy commentator li ban u three or lour weeks cured casus l liliecu and twenty years standing that had re sisted ihe power of every remedy that was tried itiiolonlyat once gives immedi ate relief in salt rheum hut cures tinea capitns commonly called scald ilcnd and all scaliby cruplious peculiar to un healthy children there is nothing of a mercurial na turu contained iu it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle por salo by wm isinley kingston john nlusscn quebec and george ijcnt mon treal sole agent for the cauadas kjugston jlthj 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to cuforce ihe regulation made some years back by which tho use of american hooks in teaching is prohibited and the masters arc directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by uritish authors ouly a copy of majors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates hnve passed the board on applica tion to dr ilubbcll that the compliance of tho school masters is desired with a former regulation eojoining tho use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning and at its close io the eveniog a form adapted o gcnoral use may be found in flavors spellingbook aud is re commended for this purpose by ihe board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to aditl sherwood esq july 1s21 hrockville emoval the sub scriber begs leave lo inform bis friends and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr atruax store street where he has on hand as usual a very general assortment of hardware paints oils coidage c vc and is iu daily expectation of a further supply direct from isirmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool the whole of which ho will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 5j doz eollansbys trass scythes 20 do english grass and cradling do for sale uncommonly low ceo w yaiiker hinhtonmh june iill for saik a very valuable farm in the to wnship olthuiluw situated within limr miles of ihe 0 belleville and within a quarter of a mile of the river monee containing tv hundred acror of land of which there are enc hundred acres in the highest state of cultivation on ihe farm there is a very neat substantial frame dwell ing bouse well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn off fly feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well slocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of the best farms in iho country indisputable litle will be given for further particulars apply to the propri etor on the premises ronald mcimichael tlnirlow iqili may 1s30 alliance british and foreign life and tire assur ance comvrtnn of london established by act of parliament capital five miimoks sterling thk agents for this company beg leave to announce to ihe in habitants of upper canada that they continue to assure against loss or damage by fike and that ihcy have for ihe convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as ihciragcnu in the county towns oflhc different dis tricts via guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aw mortisc firockvilk james macfarlane esq kingston james g bethuno esq cnhmirg robt win prentice esq york i p r xltihht to cither of whom parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents lake leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany ist perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment cf losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7tb the aents have the pou er o settling losses in ibis country without referring lo the coard ef directions iu louden slh reasonable expenses incurred in tho removal of property from fiio will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the compa ny will a- ha tcvei loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured lolh the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation thai ihe profits to be divided will be large mokenzte betiicne co ac k nts mm4 1 24ttl i pi itji ia lisivgl tfad mar- ket square k inpsion james a smitji begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken ilic above eslablishmenl fon mcilykcptin such higb rcpulalionby mr ico mill ward deceased and which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may bo assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommodu lion on the most reasonable terms k inuslon march 15 is30 wanted immediately ic lonir falls south crosby the kid can canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to ftlackay redpath april 1829 okgabps masonry for sale at the chronicle office march is the klnqrox chuokicle s printed cud pubhbjcd every saturday by james macfrlane at bis office in front sitcii kuikton tkrms sctcnteen shillings sixpence perannum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to he paid in advance ia on i prtcn of advbrtise3ets six hues and under 5 id tist insertion nd and 7j cacti subsecucnt insertion ten hues and under 3s4d first insertion and 10tl each bud- kcqueut maeition above ten lines id per lino for the first insertion and id pur line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written dircclions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders tor discontinuing advertisements to he in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock un the day uf publication jcr produce received in payment rt the mar ket price astssd immedhtoly journevincn printers the anglocanadian oflice two apply aoexts john bigncll esq qucbet david cbiahobne fsq three hirers andrew porteons esr uro- rea james miintcsh esq lancaster john cameron esq urlitl k clinc e3q cornxcidf george browse jsj matilda alpheus jones csq pencil henry june- em brccluile josiuli taylor esq perth uwliitinarsh esq richmnr j k hartivcll esq btutand m c j imlomaii oananqtte john dean esq hath allan mepherson eq aapane tlio pjuker esq bcifrule joeipjia kcccr esq d beflniiu v huuiiion fori hope william allan cramajie james david smart ego eq york crook ei vaitivl koi iiiitik ksq tiurin john charles iiiifar esq trray j d cdbcrtsetniifufpauatint