Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 11, 1830, p. 3

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apostles directed their course not to the fierce barbarians of the south aod north of asia but to the learned cities of greece nnd rouio and st- paul while he readily encounters the reasoning aod eloquence of the athenians mokes no attempt to convert the barbarous people of melita to this it might be uflicieot to answer that as the deciples were not fperfect of human pru dence it would have taught them that io the commencement of christianity it was of more importance to convert the civilized than the barbarous nations because of their greater influence ever the rest of mankind hiit our answer is that the apostles were directed by the holy spirit when to preach ami when tobe silent what nations to pass fi1 among what nations to sojourn nor should it be forgotten that the method f introducing the gospel and promotiog its propagation as well the instruments used for hese glorious purposes have generally been in opposition to the wisdom and ex pectations of the world- and there is rea son to before that such will be the case till it has spread over the whole earth for ihose who rank highest id worldly wisdom nxe not always the best qualified to direct christian nations lu iiiii province religion and education are proceeding hand ia hand and this it ever will he if the missionaries pursue their nork in full reliance io god for we are already some of the tribes which were the most miserable and abandoned won over by kind attention to their wants enchan ting drunkeness for temperance a preca rious suhsistauce for a fixed residence and at the same lime making astonishing pro- gress in the knowledge and practice of hristianity the time has arrived when even the more ignoraot of them begiu to preceive that they can no longer live in their ancient manner miserable as it is but that they nhist in order to preserve life become cul tivators nfthosoil hence they are desirous to exchange their wigwams for comfor table dwellings an erratic life exposed to all the vicissitudes of hunger and cold to a fixed residence to your venerablo so ciety i therefore appeal op behalf of the indians of upper canada send mission aries to help them 90 that their temporal and spiritual benefits may be cared for both at the same time of their success their can be no reasonable ouht for the linndof tholord is not sbort- ned that it cennot help here as among other nations christianity will be found to civilize vi lilc ii converts the history of the proportion of tho gospel toll us that the christian convert over ienp9 the com mon progress of society and makes t ml vauce of centuries at a single step is indeed no process by which the oan hjmmuv itmiluffbvauullyvn xhe dignity of a rational aod intellnctual being ashy the teaching of the gospol i ararevd sir yours truly john strachax tiik kiygstox chronicle saturday december i ha 1830 chippewayans65 260 mohawks on grand river 500 200 river credit 45 220 indians in upper canada families souls missionaries ddt ares 50 200 f some progress io religion a flourishing school amissionary of the english church very successful composed ofse- veral tribes some still un converted for this tribe government havebuilta vil lage the me thodists have a missionary a- mong them two schools this tribe are soliciting go vernment to huild them a lake simcoe 150 500 village and be gin to observe religious in structions f mr scott is building one or two villages for them they con- eistof 3 tribes tb vp aimen have been al ready taught to knit and spin are settled on a small island and have em braced chris tianity thro the teaching of the methodists have embrac ed christiaaity under the church of eng- our readers will find our pages this day chiefly occupied with domestic affairs we regret no later intelli gence has reached us from europe it is fair to infer the next arrival wih bring us the king of englands speed to the parliament a political docu ment at all times interesting and iff not always important it most frequent ly leads to discussions most truly so much popularity exists with regard to retrenchment and wa3sand means these are topics which we are led t believe will be among its leading fea- tures and the state of affairs in the netherlands is another scarcely je interesting the fate of the present ministry is also an engrossing subjecf of conversation but it appears very improbable that any combination of parties as they are at present constii tuted can effectually harrass an adrni nistration headed by the duke of weir lington we are induced to take this view of the question not because wg believe the duke to be the best minis ter england has ever had but because we do not know where to look for one so well able to carry on the great mac chine of governmental this time among out- domestic articles will be found an interesting letter from arch deacon strachan on the conversion and civilization of the indians which wc tecoinmend to the perusal of on readers fire yesterday forenoon about 11 o- clock a wooden house in front street oc- copied by mr burley as a brewery wars discovered to be on fiie by the prompt exertions of the inhabitants however thq progress of the destructive element was ar rested without doinjr any material damage thtfmvfrtflmlh vlvkttiljiriflifffltohrt- gret tbattho town fire engines which wc displayed on the occasion were in a iu lamentable state of inefficiency rice lake and 0 neighbourhood crape island 30 190 mohawks 62 250 on wednesday night snow fell to u depth of four or five inches sinco then 1 weather has been remarkably mild a pleasant for the season it is rumoured that our provincial parlj ment will meet on the 8th january for j actual despatch of business we have been duiing many weeks c solving to do justice to the merits of th new york mirror a paper purely j terary and of very considerable ability the last page of each number is cqj stantly devoted to music and presen a degree of neatness and beauty not besurpassedby typography the editor of the philadelphia mfl seum published by little has ma some most judicious selections durin ihe last two months the present nun ber is ornameuted with a sweet littjg whole length portrait of the youn princess victoria the irish shield still continues as ig resting as ever- the j3ih juunber is j commended to the perusal of all our miu sian friends this establishment has re moved to philadelphia where it will in fu ture be published the bocevtt by the london papers we learn that john adams the last survivor of the bountys routineers died at pitcairns island a short time since these are dis- kingston indians23 100 j posed to join 1 their brethren land require 1 the transport stentor is fitting out at missionary ve- d fofd t stores to fernando p ry much r and to remove the establishment at sierra i at grape island supposed num- tne are scal her m the yves- g7 lered but ma tern part of the he collected rrovmce j leon to that island the subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr thos wilson in store street where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his slock trusting that the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie ki 1st december 1830 the officers of the 79th regi ment heieby give notice that they will not be responsible for any debts contracted by their messman mr belonge kingston 29th november 1830 at a meeting held at the court house on wednesday the 8th inst to consider the propiiety of petitioning for the establishment of a branch of the bank of upper canada in this town john kirby esq in the chair the following resolutions were pro posed moved by j s cartwright esq seconded by thos kirkpatrick esq resolved that this meeting being convinced that the method pursued by the bank of upper canada has given general satisfaction to the public are of opinion that the extension of its capital so as to admit of the establishment of branches in the eastern and western parts of the province would be a public benefit which motion was carried moved by mr mccuniffe seconded by mr wilson resolved thai it is the opinion of this meeting that should a branch of the bank of upper canada be establish ed in this town upon a liberal scale it would answer all the put poses of anoi her chartered institution both in a com mercial and agricultural point of view with the additional advantago of an es- a warm discussion having ensued in consequence of the attendance of per sons inclined to support the commercial bank and the motion having been de clared as lot the meeting adjourned at a meeting held at the office of j s cartwright esq on thursday last- present j kirby esq j macaulay esq messrs mccuniffe turpin dris- coll w wilson robt armstrong cartwright kirkpatrick lynch rourk mr kirby in the chair the follow ing resolutions being moved and se conded were unanimously carried resolved that this meeting being convinced that the method pursued by the bank of upper canada has given general satisfaction to the publicare of opinion that the extension of its capi tal so as to admit of the establishment of branches in the eastern and western parts of the province would be a public benefit resolved that it is the opinion of this meeting that should a branch of the bank of upper canada be establish ed in this town upon a liberal scale it would answer all the purposes of ano ther chartered institution both in a commercial and agricultural point of view with the additional advantage of an established reputation resolved that it is the opinion of this meeting that a branch of the bank of upper canada with a capital of at least 50000 enabled to issue its own notes redeemable in specie at the said branch and to transact the usual busi ness of the parent institution c would be at present sufficient resolved that the business of the said branch shall be conducted under the management of a proper number of directors who shall be stockholders of at least twenty shares and residents of the town of kingston which direct ors shall be elected in the same way as the directors of the parent institution arc at present the said election to take place in the said town resolved that should the object of this meeting be carried into effect by the extension of the present charier and enlargement of the capital of the bank of upper canada the stock to be subscribed shall be at par and paya ble by instalments of not more than twenty per cent and in order to enable all persons not stockholders to take stock no present stockholder to the a- mount of twenty shares shall be allow ed to subscribe until subscription books shall have been opened in the towns of kingston bath belleville and hallo- well for the space of ten weeks resolved that a petition be pre sented to the legislature praying that the charter of the bank be extended so as to enable a branch to be establish ed in this town agreeably to the fore- resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the president director of the bank of upper canada requesting that the bank will endeavour to promote the objects of this meeting resolved that the following gen tlemen be a committee to frame such petition and carry the objects of this meeting into effect mr kirby mr cartwright messrs mccuniffe tur pin wilson kirkpatrick driscoll brennan and robert armstrong resolved that a subscription pa per be opened for stock a subscription paper was then opened and stock to the amount of jc7000 sub scribed provided the said branch should be established on the terms proposed s list of letters remaining in the post office kingston on armstrong 4th december 1830 william abbott thomas rody armitage daniel ansley abraham buttomcr john baker doctor baymas alexander barclay benjamin babcock a y bogert john brauu aru- nah beck with piatt burr samuel bigham barnard bolton william brass ira beo- man mary bowen edward brushleaun james barbar joseph bradley aaron v bogert john cullen samuel cromwell john ii carr john chapman m- cameron robert coooick james cashin captain coleman william crocket john camp bell catharine b clemon h or marga ret crawfno joseph crofta james champ samuel chesnut james doyle john de war evert dewitt andrew dauohy robert doland john dugan alexander podds timothy dris coll john drivau william dunn hubert desinaneau eliza deoaice john david son robert english 2 william finney thomas fowler thomas frascr james flinn jonathan fuller mr folix john franklaod john ferris ann gilmour james gordon grayhen- ry griffith duncan graham john gales margaret golden abraham gramer paul herons elizabeth hadley edward harvey henry houlbrook 3 john ha milton eunice hooker james hall tho mas hadfield william hore adam how- at fraok hautoo peter hawley charles hagerman george mickson edward hall laughtin hughes james haueson john houragan eneas jameson prospere and joseph jourdoin james irvin jo jacksoo eliza jacksoo william jacksod richard jones edmund kerby n kerr mrs krcin major krein john knox 2 margaret kerrrosannah knowland james keating lieut col lighlfcot john leatherland william laycock william lennod fran cois lionait owen lavery michael lu- see alexander laing archibald mca ustund walter mcfarlane johu morrison jol0 mcharg andrew mcculloch thomas murray john mcar- thur ira mises archibald mclotyrc john meldio mr mccleart marv mcgill john mcconnell patrick mcdonuugh archi bald mcniveu llugfc macdonald joseph mclean michael iwulrooiiey catharine mccrea edward ivlathcsou samuel or charles merril mid mcfaguc joseph mioard emma mi moakiu 2 mary moouey williamniclolsjanohlecharlesis john owens joaouclette thomas o 1p1mi john pattinson john vowell john proudfoot mary m purdy john v pcr- t jbtteks remaining in ju the post office at frcdcnckj- uuah 011 5ih december 1s30 asnhol mckay barnard forsheecdurch wanloos david brown george huffman iaac carscallon 2 john william martin john fredrick john murdoff luer john percil john doltac john anderson john s mcdonald john erwine job dunham jacob caslcr 2 joseph pringle james joicc mary garrison nicholas rom hock peter barnhart potcr perry robert hap pen samuel carson thomas l- woods william church william mckiui n j5 if the above letters are not re deemed before the 25tb january next they will be sent to the dead letter office d l tho p m it 1st of letters remain- jjlj inein the post office at napa- necth december 1830 ralph p abbot timothy chapman luke carscalleo t demsey robert da vison or william p graham mrs thomas graham william hays daniel maclunch- lio william mecpeak joel meeks tho mas h powers thimothy priu isaac tripp margaret brao samuel clark sa muel clark michael doyle andrew fer- rin mathcw fraser harriet hardy jehi- el hawley james moor 2 william mil lar fraucis oliere john pomeroy staots sugar if thoso letters are not redeemed in six weeks from this date they will be sent to the dead letter office allan macphersonpm came into the subscribers inclo- sure some time in august a brown heiffer supposed to be eighteen months old the owner is requested to come prove property pay charges aod take her away wm moore fifth con of the townsnip of kings ton december 9th 1s30 twoticeys hereby given thtt jl sealed tenders will be receiv ed at this office till 31st december for washing the following articles of barrack and hospital bedding for a period of twelve months from 1st january to 3 1st december 1831 f hound towelsat i rtrlliasscs at bnrrackl bolsters at double f blankets at sheets at rus at palliasses- at kingston assem blies the next as sembly will take place at the kingston hotel on friday evening the 31st inst dancing to commence at 8 oclock precisely dec 4th 1330 rwt oiloe the subscriber hav- mj i been appointed administra trix of the late edward hickey deceas ed requests all those having claims against the estate o present them for adjustment and those indebted to the estate to call and settie tneir accounts ellen jiickey kingston 30th nov is30 for sale the propei y f gentleman about to remov kingston a handsome bay ma- j warranted sound perfectly quiet to fk or drive standing 14j hands high and is under seven years old a single bo died dennet with harness whip rug c complete the carriage was built in april last in montreal and has only been six months in use for par ticulars enquire at the chronicleoffice kingston 27th nov 1830 wanted an experienced woman cook to whom liberal wages will be given also a servant woman enquire at this of fice nov 27th 1830 ifpi paul phil- married on the 7th inst by the rev thomas handcock a b mr archibald marshall to miss mary lewis of kingston at batavia on tuesday last by the hon si mon cummings mr george w harris to mrs lucmda morgan widow of the late capt wm morgan died on thursday morning 9ih inst anna second daughter of mr john rohertson christmas new years gifts ry e priogle burton phil lion patrick reilly leslaw nnkin john richards john ross simon kinc patrick reynolds william richmond bridget reilly simeon kyan christian ratz deloss smiih samuel swan 3 ann sangster john g savago george stra chan 2 james spankee arent sharp pat sheridan sarah spafford levi stevens samuel stone james saddler conrad staller 2 adolphus spatham john seal jacob smith michael smyth john thomas james thomson agnes taylor henry a tompkios mr tho mas adam vanvolkenburgh isaiah vauor- dor david williams michael welsh john walker james watkins gtjorga wright william a weston willfam worthy john wilson 2 joseph williams james e wintermole lewis wartman alex ander woods elisha willcox michael wall henry williams r s wentworth william wall n b such of the above mentioned letters as are not relieved within six weeks from this date will be transmitted to the dead letter office at quebec john macaulay p m t 1st 0f letters remain- mj ing in the post office at bath 6th december 1830 thomas anderson michael asselstioe2 charlotte aylesworth charles bakerjoho bell ephraira blanchard john barryjoho colins william carle lewis comer ro- bc frttrv tftfrhfwrv- owjm ts vy anna davy thomas day thomas empey alexander edgar nathan fel lows 2 isaac fraser 4 charles fair field rev f h- guenther john gibson nathaniel hick john hicks jehiel haw ley caroline hill aaron hutchinson ma ry s johnb jobu jenkins sen robert johnson herekiah loog lydia laporse thomas mayle william madden william madden jun william mackenzie henry montgomery john mootgomnry peter macphersoo samuel neilsoo2 james mccalley dyer phelps john percy jane phair john pencil reuben roger john richards james smith elijah switzer mary slieuler george simmons james toy solomon tesky 2 henry vansick- ler jacob vancleek richard whnrffe 2 simcoe wright robert williams stephen warner john r whip david yeo- mans letters from camden william allen robert burgess george clark samuel clark john dough samuel embury ro bert harrison george p kerby john mc- lauchlin henry mckim jacob miller john millersamuel mulliganabram soles douglass thomson ernest trader samu el rumbough arthur youmaos such of the above letters as are not re deemed io six weeks will be sent to the dead letter office john dean p m single polstors ijiankcts- s heels rues at ilospil palliasses bolsors blankets i sheets i rugs w i 1 at at at at at at at at the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl affections offering with a number of other literary gems elegantly done up for the present sea- sou for sale at lesslie sons store street kingston dec 1s30 1 1st f letters remain- ii ing the post office at adolphus- town on 7th december 1830 elisha ames david brown elijah ben- net ann campbell henry cavis juoior conrod david gideon datra mr samuel dorlaad john frederick marvel garriioa harry lewis thomas mcmastor mrcol mcdonnell donald mcintosh alexander murray william m roblim 2 augustus shorts james scott jobo trumpour al len vanalsline paul wright elam whap- late mary wilson n b if the above letters are not taken up or redeemed within six weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office john dgiilbert pm also for sweeping chim- n1es the prices to be stated oppositeeach article in sterling dollar at 4s 4d two securities will be required for the due performance of the contract for further particulars apply to the barrack it the tenders to be addressed to the respective officers of the ordnance kingston u c ordnance office kingston 27m jvopeinpt 1830 totice toemlgrants jli persons in this country desirous of bringing out their friends from ire land by applying to the subscribers can have an opportunity of securing passages in any of the following vessels to sail from their respective ports about the 25th march next from dublin new ship john porter 600 tons prom belfast do do elizabeth robertson 600 from limerick or cork brig sarah 500 those vessels are of the first class and have sjperior accommodations for passengers j w armstrong co kingston 3d dfrnmlmr 1 s30 1 webster begs most res- jt pectivelyto inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimeresand vest- ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with ihcir orders that they shall be executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 ichard scobeix cooper from england respect fully informs the inhabitants and vicinity of kingston that he has established his business in rear of the brick house foi- merly occupied by mr w driscoll in brock street where he will carry on his employment in all its branches r s flatters himself from his long experience in his line and the reidiness to comply with the call of those who may favour him to deserve a share of public patronage n b the shop kitchen and cellar of the above building to let for par ticulars apply to mr j counter kingston nov 18th 1330 032 johic booth merchant tailor roost respectfully begs leave to inform bis friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its vatieties and execu tes work in the latest lashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage ho exporiencjd at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with tho assurance that his utmost cfibrts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimcres ves ting trimmings of every description fgmnhbbt 1 toll aqhukr tiiy on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 1s30 for sale1 at tie chronicle office ji fno copies of the atlantic souvenir for 1s31 wj pleef dlllv bound in em- j bossed leather with gilt leaves and containg twelve highly finished en giavings on sieel by the first artists kingston 23d oct 1830 the mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented this extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same for tho accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly equat ed on store street being the principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment of the kiud io the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished io the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unre mitting attention to the comforts of hi guests he will merit a share of the public patronage in rear of the mansion house is a large yard io which there it an extensive and atvwswawwh fte the accommodation of the public s carmino kingston 24th october 1830 rwihe partnership heretofore car m ried on by samuel t hudson aod george cliff in marysburgh in the county of prince edward and province of upper canada is dissolved by mu tual consent george cliff is author ised to receive any debts due the con cern and grant acquittances for the ane he is also ready to pay any debts due by the late firm of hudson cliff signed saml t hudson georqb clifp marysburgh july iw 183 revised edition qf the provincial sta tutes the number of subscribers for this wotk not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a souice of undoubted authority that the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will be some consolation to him for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble he has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in the revision thag he has been instrumental n for war aim a measure which must prove of great utility to the province jas macfarane kiogstoo april j830 f orsa l7t jnhe wmuj concession of the town ship of lr for parl en quire at this office fyvston95h auiistls28

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