Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 11, 1830, p. 4

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lady morgan at halfikh p on ridding the advertisement of morgans works at halfprice so spite of all the trade could do or puffidg quackery could devise she who neer blushed at length looks blue and hawks her nonsense at halfprice compared with her poetic taste the soul through lusts sly labyrinths urging littles lascivious lyre seetns chaste aod sapphos self a vestal virgiu in politics a raving beldame la wit a plagiarist at best modest by accident and seldom sparing decorum for ajest romancebut her strange life has been one wild romance through which she floats or spring a female harlequin moms lewis in gilt petticoats halfprice alas miladi morgan though great to you may scera the fall to me i own your vicious jargon wore dearat at any price at all molecules dr schultze of carlsruhe has pub lished a pamphlet containing a detail of observations made by the microscope in investigating the accuracy of mr robert browns statement that all bodies organised or unorganised con tain animated particles having a mo tion peculiar to themselves which par ticles in all bodies are of the same ibrm and size and have the same motion dr schultze has arrived at results quite opposite to those of mr brown he maintains first that the motion of the molecules is by no means spontane ous but is owing to the evaporation of the liquid and in thn imhuiiiion or to the dissolution of the particles if they are placed in a liquid which eva porates with difficulty in oil for in stance the motion ceases while it is greatly accelerated in alchool or e- ther by attentively studying these motions dr schultze has been enabled to distinguish three kinds arising from three different causes the first ascent or descent produced by the evaporation of the liquid the second oscillation similar to the supination iud pronation of the hand produced by the succes sive imbibition of the particles the third rotation produced by the dis solution of the particles in the liquid 2dly that mr brown having advanced that the same particles which he has perceived in the pollen of plants also appear as elementary molecules in all the organs of animals and vegetables and are the same as those described by bullon needham wrisberg muller and edwards dr schultze denies the truth of the proposition as it respects organic particles they differ in form aid size according to the animals and according to the organs and the rea soning upon this accords with the facts for what explanation of the different vital phenomeua could we hope to ob tain if these opinions of a complete si milarity among all the elementary parts of organised bodies were confirmed by observation as for the texture ofin- uigaivic tjoffits hi wtiich mr ft town professes to have found these molecules as elementary parts it appears to dr schultze that they are the product of art and that any degree of size that one chooses may be given them by pulveri zation there certainly seems reason to be lieve that whatever may be the power of our magnifying glasses we are far from having yet reached the limits at which nature commences her opera tions book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12rao do do ibmo do do importation for a tjeneral winteit trade by j- w armstrong 61 co at their wholesale and retail woolen and fancy warehouse after considerable time spent in the different manufacturing coun ties iu england in the purchase of goods fur a geueral kail aod winter trade tho subscriber have with much care selected the choicest and most extensive abbortmeut ever introduced to upper caoadn this clegantslnck of goods comprizes almost every article in the above itin notice aod is now respectfully submitted to public inspection their establishment will he found re plete with the fioest fabrics in kaxony black bluejsrowu olive and medley cloths double milled olive and drab surtout cloth ladies fancy pelisse and queens do hath coating gentlemens french nap printed table cloth siojlo and double milled cassimeres assorted qua lities aod colours flushings yorkshire heaver and treble milled pilot cloth fancy silk toilenette valencia and mar seilles vesting satinetls camlets and tartan plaids brussels kidderminster and venetian carpeting hearth rugs moreens damask and chintz furniture superfine merinos bombazettes tiomba- zins and norwich crapes primed cali coes london chintz and chintz muslin gray domestic and steamloom cottons apron checks turkey stripes and strip ed ginghams checked horse cloths counterpanes and marseilles quilts silk cotton worsted and lambs wool ho siery gloves and braces book ja conet cambric and mull muslins gen tlemens fur caps chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw er silk and cotton umbrellas fringes india taffeties and bandannas oild and painted baize table covering shoo thread dutch twine looking glasses and stationery jsr ew fall goods tlic subscriber his on uunu a very general assortment of dry goods and on the return of he regular tra ders from london liverpool and clyde nw daily expected lie will re ceive a arge addition lo his present stock consisting of staple fall goods which will include a choice selection of gulicoes chintzes muslins cambrics india and english silks shawls handkerchiefs c bomba zettes bombazeens and other stuff deserving joods all kinds of lace goods ho siery gloves and a great variety of small wares jewellery and other birmingham goods likewise several bales domestic cottons and shirtings scotch bonnets and large overall hose with a variey ot oilier goods adapt ed for the full and winter trade robert armour no 25 notre dome street near the english church montreal september i 1830 notice i do lierviiyforbid all per sons trusting or harboring my wife on my account as 1 will not pay any dobt con tracted by her after this date abraham chase sen ameleasburg oct 2d 1830 olpeuplate press a first rate copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards tr sale at the chronicle 0 fllce july 24th 1s30- c andrew tar men ti er proprietor of the horti cultural and jiutancial harden ol brooklyn new- york containing 2a acres of nurseries oilers twvlvc select kinds of tabic grajes very hardy from the north of france at 0 the dozen with directions for planting or at 3s j separately they can be had from the 15th october he has a choice assortment of 202 apples 190 pears 71 cherries 03 peaches 10 nec- tarians s5 plums 18 apricots 20 gooseberries and his collecin of or namental trees and shrubs is ol 30i kinds and has also more thai 200 rose- plants mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and ornamental trees from his collection mr p will make arrangenenls that whatever is ordered from htm will be carefully packed and forwarded witho the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the ofliceof tutchroniclc reference john macmlay esq john kirby esq john mirks esq stephen yarwoodesq allan maclean esq 22d miy 1s30 n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directuns will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating i hen trees received in the fall can he sifcly buried in the ground until the spring when they j e 9 d 1 0 0 0 10 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 half binding in calf folio half bouud mentcd quarto do octavo do l2mo do 18mo do and ornii- do do do do 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 1 8 0 1 6 binding in sheep folio full bound and mooted oro a 0 17 g quarto do do 0 7 g octavo do do 0 3 0 12mo do do 0 1 10 18mo do do 0 1 3 half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do tiiiu do do f- 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 l l 0 0 0 10 also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13lh april 1629 and flaonel de- supplied with the tbeirliueo diaper parttucots arc largely finest texture aod choicest material brown and bleached hollands table nap kins french cambrics huckaback dowlas osnaburhs nod sheeting sail canvas no 2 7 blan kets serges flanuelsaod baizes c c ladies who honour this establishment with a preference will find among the fancy part of their slock many new and fashionable articles figured palmerincs crape de lyon crape royal and guzc de atheo india silks satin levantine crepe lisse aod italianets canton crape cyprus rock spuu aod real thibet shawls artificial flowers thread laces ydgingsand quillings lace caps bobhincus and lace veils fancy oiled silk cambric aproos black and colored silk velvets tortoise shell combs windsor and fancy soap w- mug message aud toy cards beaver douuuta fur trimmings a choice collection of gros do naples of very superior texture and prevailing colors tlio principal pari of this splendid ond beautiful stock haviug beeu purchased for cash enables the proprietors to oftcr their friends and the public every advantage that can be derived from the present de pressed state of the eugluh market their woolleusare particularly recom mended to the notice of country mer chants as well as the cousutner special care haviug been taken in every instance to procure cloths calculated for service also 50 crates well assorted crockery which will bo sold at a small advance by the package or lot j v armstrong co kingston 30th october 1630 bank notice office of the bank of upper canada kingston 13th kvcemhtr ltj0 removal- the subscri ber begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley druggist where he is now receiving n very general assortmentof staple and faxcyf goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hats w driscoll kingston octobe 9th 1s30 kw stekeotvpe k- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the tress an extensive second edi tion of mavors englih spelling book ster cotyped from the 328th london edition a d 1s27- this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills ol eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1830 o millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gananouo mills cjiwcdonaldtio miiy 29 1s3q otice all persons having de- niands against tho estate of the hue doctor john stickneyofsophiashurgh deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated to the subscribers for settle ment aud all persons indebted to the estate arc requested to make immediate payment lo the subscribers who are duly authorised to grant discharges kichd solmes samuel scronk executors sophiasbnrgh november 2d 1830 midland disthiot sale of lands do hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of tho lands as are advertised by the treasurer of the district and contain ed in the warrants of theclerkof the peace as may he sufficient tosatisfy the arrearages of assessments due thereon at the follow ing times and places viz pittsburgh 9th april at stratahaos inn at 10 oclock a m t w i discount day sa tur- kingsionloui do court house 12 o- day of every week mm ao m mcgtvm notes offered for discount and made payable at not more than ninety days after date must be put under cover to the cashier and left at this office the day before john macaulay cashier kingston dock yard llth november lc10 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no 30 3940 in the 4th concession of the township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased on he- half of the commissioners of his ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned from cuttui ego i mills 12 oclock a m ernest town 13th do at forwards iun 12 oclock am portland 1 4th do at jacob shiblys esquire 12 oclock a m camden 15th do at adam bowers esq 2 oclock pm fredericks hurgh 16th do at clarkville 10 oclock a m richmond igth do at xapane mills 1 oclock v m tyendanaga 17th do at tyendanaga 37 3simils 12 oclock am madoc i9th do at marmora irou works 11 oclock a m sidney 20lh do at thrashers 12 o clock a 51 rawdou 20ih do at fidlars 2 oclock p m thurlow 21stdo at munros ion 11 o- down or taking timber or lire woodi m or in any other manner deteriorating the ameliasburgh 22d do at john belyons said property and all persons found so tiespussing will be proceeded against with the utmost severity of the law and further notice is hereby given that no person is after this date to erect any hut house or building whatever without permission from the respective officers of the dock yard j no r glover naval slorektfmr michael spratt mitstt attendant robert moore master shipwright inn iu oclock am llillier 22d do at iierringtous clock p m sopbiasburgh 24lll villc 12 oclock am maryshurgh 23lh do 10 oclock at john maclean sheriff m d november 3d 1830 3o- do at demorcst- at stone mills foit sale- lot no 333 in grave street kingston apply i to the editor of this paper i vty 311830 1 1st published by carey lea and cureym imiilhdolpmath him vol- i mk to bo continued at intervals of three tncycwm501a americana a popular dictionary omrto lieu nets hit- nature jihioy and lotitlcsmm dowu to the present time and including a copi ous collection of original articles in amkki- can blourartft on itobub of the sev enth edition of the german conversations- lexicon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo tp- persona wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle ofjke where the 1st volume may be sceo price two dollars und a half each james macfarlane kngston 21 dec 1829 f ok salea very val farm in the township of i situated u bullfvilb of it i 11hu itulow miles of ilie lown of in a quarter ofi milt ivtr moiree hit four i lid willt w can be planted without receding any in jury from the frost providol that they aro entirely covered brancies and all with earth the smallest orders will bt received and care shall be taken that several or ders will be made up intootc package with a view to save the exptnse of car riage the iibsci hayipa j anum- ed agent i this province for mr par- mentier is now ready to received or ders agreeibly to the above advertiec- ment james macfarlane king 29l h may i any person in the possession of a miioral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will leccivj through the medium of this pap6r infoanrtion respecting its nature provided ibe thought worthy of notice dece mler25t 1829 notice all notes or accounts due lo the estate of the late frederick keeler are lobe settled with j h samson admr bell vile 24th dec 1s28 e the undersigned hereby give public notice that wc will not be accountable or li ble s for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none hut sober experienced men as masters of our boats wc will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable of fice for its safe delivery at montreal i nt the lowest premium to be obtained in cases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of the owners the property will be made subject to the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case ticy toyis cotlviafrl vrrchwt huvcci to all the liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed ii jones james mccutchon hooker s henderson joiin mcpherson co proscotl 22d march 1s2s n b owners f goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal to prescott will direct ijer chants from whom they purchase lo furnish us or our agents in jontrea with the value of each and every packffjv signed joiin mcpiierson ic co ii s jones james mccutchon hooker v henderson prescott 15 september 1829 w illiam johnson bar ber and hairdresser nexl door lo carminos tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public wr the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage k i ngs 30th may 1820 an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters arc order ed as follows first quarto tor the christmas vacation about die 4th of january and ends on the 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the lgth of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited into the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fioni the begining of that quarter totlce ah persons having i just claims against the estate of the late rodolph couche of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator to the said es tate william bowen administrator richmon 13th s 1830 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingsto 9th august 1 s 2 s public noticed hetebtiien that auy persons louud cutting taking away or injuring the timber on the lands btilongiog to the canada companv without a special authority from this 0f- fice will bo prosecuted with tho utmost rigour of the law canada companys office y hth oct 1s30 j notic7 all persons having demands against the estate of the late abraham barker of hallowell deceased arc requested to present them duly authenticated to the pubsciibers for settlement and all persons indebted lo the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscriber who ate july authorised so gram discharges d b str venson benj ill bbs j hallowell may 16th 1s29 8 alt rheum this inveterai disease which his long bil1od the art of the most experienced physicians has at tenglbf found a sovereign remedy iu dp la granges genuine oiotoicut kcw cutaneous diseases arc met with morove uctaoechy the physician none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment lias stood tho test of experience and justly obtaiued an unparalleled ccle- hiity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels o tho skin aud its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtaiued of its superior efficacy hut the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be iisonly commentator it has in begins immediately af- three or four vveeks cured cases of fifteen and intui ycaiv dtauoiu ui initi i sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commouly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children there is nothing of a mercurinl na ture contained in it and it may be used on iufants or uthers under any circumstances whatever- price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for tho canadas kingston llth july 1828 t the board of education for the johnstown district give notice hat from the present time it is their intention strictly to euforce the regulation made some years hack by which the use of american books iu teaching is prohibited and the roasters are directed to coufinu themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors 6pelliugbook may be obtaiued by each master whose certifi cates havo passed the board on applica tion to dr uubbell that the compliance of tho school masters is desired with a former regulatioo enjoiniug the use of prayers at the cora- menccmcut of school iu the morning and at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spclliugbook aud is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for tho quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to adiet shcrivood esq brockville july 1829 removal the sub- scriber begs leave to inform his friends aud ihe public that he has remov ed his wholesale and iteiail hardware establishment to tho store lately occupied by mr atruax store street where he has on hand as usual a very general assortment of hardware iaiuis oils cordage c c and is in daily expectation of a furiher supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool tho whole of which ho will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follausbyg grass scythes 20 doz english grass and cradling do for sale uncommonly low geo w yarker kingston 0h june lc30 w anted immediately two journeymen printers apply at the anglocanadian office t kingston cubourg york niagara desirous of urol containing two hundred urrcs of land of which there ire mc hundred acres in iho highest stale of cultivation on the farm there is a very neat substantia frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a liuncjaomo stream of excellent waler thcie is also a barn of fifty feet in length by thirty five feci wide shutl and other out buildings fiuuhcd in the best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard wollttocked with fruit trues forming altogether one of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to the propri etor on the premises ronald mcmigiiael thurlow i0jh may issa alliance british and foreign life and fire assur ance company of london established by act of parliament capital five millions sterling uk agents for ibis company beg leave to announce to the in habitants of upper canada ihal ihey continue lo assure against loss or damage by fire i and ihal they have for ihe convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as ihcir agents in ihe county lowns oft he ditfercnt dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aw m orris 6xc erockville james macfarlane esq james g bcihune esq robl wm prentice esq john ross esq to either of whom parties effecting assurance will please apply the mpm tiiko fnvi tr ivmmri public of the following important and striking advantages that will bo deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 3th parties who obtain the setlle- ment of losses from fire are not thereby dejed of their right lo participate in the profits of ihe company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7ih the agents have the power o settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directions in londcn 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on properly for a less sum than the real value thereof ihe compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants ihe ex pectation that ihe profits lo be divided will be large jvickenie betiiuneco agents montreal 2sth sept 1826 l g iu 27 ri ii t jr kei square kingston james a smith begs leave lo inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr geo mill ward deceased and which ho confidently hopes lo maintain travellers may be assured offinding as usual every comfort and accommodu lion on ihe most reasonable terms kingston march 13 1830 wantfrimmriediatelv at the long falls south crosby on tho rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpatii april 129 organs masonry for sale at ihe chronicle office march 13 m the kingston ci1konicle is prititcdand published every saturday by james macfatiane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and aud 7fj each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesday nook at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication cj produce received in payment at tho mar ket price agents john bigitdl esq quebec david chisholrae esq three rivers andrew porteous esq mno- treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiei r- cline esq cormcotl ucorge browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq fresclt henry jones esq brocktdue josiah taylor esq perth h whiimarsh esq richmnd j k llartwell esq bastantl mess c j mdonald oananae john dean esq bath allan mcpherson esq jttnote thos parker esq ftdlvittc joseph a keelcr eeq crumahe james 6 bothuue esq hmniuon david smart esq port hope william allan esq ydrk daniel uoss r viurvl john crunks esq iaiur charles biggar esq mtmy j ix oilberr esqvirfwftfwh k v tftfmkt

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