Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 25, 1830, p. 4

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from tbe portland mc advertiser the coiwtoiv iiaciikloh concluded things wsm lining on prclty much in i hi j style and hill had turned thirty when n handsome looking mil liner came up from the town tostbv with her cou- in a week or so to enjoy he rounirv bin miss henriclla august iua adeline jefferson bolingbroke for that was her name had hoard about the rich squire he had got to be a squire four years ago and she had no sort of an ob jection to catching him if she could or ten thousand dollars was no small sum in her estimation tbc time might tome she said when slit should turn thirty unmarried and she could not hare the thought of being called an old maid that sin couldnt miss henri etta bolingbroko her ladyship must her names so as to save room put on her preltiest curls and her prettiest buff gown with her great sleeves and oilier accoutrements and started oti on the very next suuday after her arrival to meeting bill was there too and had dressed himself with more than ordina ry care he went down to the corner that very day before to buy him a bran bow white hat in this he was rigged hit the next sabbath bill hadnt for got ins curling tongs and pomatum and what was more wonderful ho not only greased his boots but blackened hoo over too with blackball and spent the whole morning in brushing them to make then shine but they wernt used to shining and he might have worked on then to doomsday before they would over glisten no sooner had bill got fairly into the pew when miss boling broko turned upon him her killing eyes and he was done up for it in a snap bill felt queer his heart felt queer his heart beat against his sides dread fully and he had to grasp them wiih both his iron paws least it should beat a hole through oh said bill lo him squire being worthy diove her out of his house further deponent saith nol sr l all uoods the ml u very importation for a ounekai wlntflt tkade by j w ueftoxj co at their wholesale aoo llctnil wuolcn ad fancy wariillousk a fter considerable limn spent in the different miijufacttifin conn- j tiejjtl england in the purchase of gomu fur a general fall ami winter trade tho j v ibscriberi have with much care selected j the choicest and must cxtcmive assortment aver introduced lo upper canada this j elcgauijsiock of tiooiu comprizes almost erery article in the above due deserving notice aod is now respcctfullysuliiuitted tw public inspection choir establishment win ho found re plcie with tho ftuest fabrics in saxony fete fc iron- ftvvc vah ifejfej cloths double milled olive ami drah suroil cloth ladiov iancv pclus and j do hath coaling gentlemens french ew subscriber has on h general assortment of drv goods and en the return of the regular tra ders hum london liverpool and clyde now daily expected lin will re ceive t largo addition to ids present stock consisting of staple fall goods which will include a choice selection of uuhcogs chintzes muslins cambrics india and eriiuh silks shawls handkerchiefs c boiulin- zcllus boinbaeens and other stufl goods all kinds of luce mhmk ho- a sierj gloves and n small wares jewel goods grn variety 01 lory and oilier birmingliati cloth single aoil ercs nssurted qua- nnp printed table ljuublo milled cagaii lities aud colours flushings vorksbii bearer and treble milled pilot cloth fancy silk tuilcn ite valcntia and mar seilles vesting satiuetus caniloli and ta ant tan plaids hrusttli kidderminster venetian curpeiiag hearth jiugs moreens damask and chiut furniture suporfine merino liombazette tturiihu- zios aod nornirh crapes pr likewisep several bales domestic cottons nild shirtings scotch bonnets and large qxvvnl ffn with a variey ot other jminds adapt ed fur the fall ami winter trade robert armocr no 35 vufrr dame strut rear the tinptish church mntitreal september i itfmh notice i do hereby forbid all per sons trusting or harboring my wiftf on my account as i will tiol pay any debt con tracted by her after thi date abraham gj1ase sen ameleatbuw ocr 2d 1830 self did you ever ever ever beauty on thund er oh oh oh thunder i thunder thunder what a how i fecit thunder miss bolingbrokes ogles killed ih poor squire he was fairly done up and as tho services were over he made for home and full ofdespiration indict ed tho following letter to miss henriet ta augustina adeline jeficrson uoling- broke my dear madam bill was a novice in the business j had the bill had got so far in his letter when he took to oimbling the dictionary for a word to splice it here and after much tribulation be found inexpressible satisfaction to get a equint at you in meeting to day bill got through this period without an great trouble but he put his pen in the inkstand more than four thousand times before he could hatch up another idea he turned over his dictionary in vain and he scratched his head all to no pir- pns at last he nabbed a ragged thought and cooked it thus youtfe heard i gues of squire simpkins bill was puzzled again but at half past live in the afternoon after ho had been sweating and tugging full four hours over the periods above he burst forth this u he smashed with you and 1 am he and i want to know if youit have m there there said bill in proud mtisfrciiun theie is a notewor thy o squire simpkins poetry too by gosb hear it and i am h an j i vrant to know if youll have mo coppekplatklmiens a first rate copperplate coos london cbii aod mjfuf mi icltsttsj gray domestic ml swamloom coccus lc mcle oltico wlwi nej wiili neatness and despnlch a variety ot fushionablo visiting cards lor sale at the chronicle o ftice jult2th 1330- apron checks turkey stripes and strip cards will be printed and od ginghams checked hurso cloths i copperplate work pttnon couotorpauos and marseilles quilts silk cotton worsted and lambs wool ho siery gloves and llraceq iiok ja cooot cambric aud mull muslios gen- tlemcus fur caps chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw era silk and cottoo tmbrcllas friogcj india tafletics and baodaonas oild nod patdttti baixe table covering slioo thwad dutch ivine aod stationery r tlwir 1iuen pirtmenis are hoest texture and choicest material muo jsruwtj and blenched llcllandif table nap kint french cambrics huckaback dowihb oioaburhs and bheeting sail canvas no 2- 7 blao- ku serges fluuuelsaod baizes sec c emovaltliusub8cri ber begs leave lo acquaint his friends and the public generally that lie has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm loouag glasses j biuley druggist where he is now receiving a very general sissorimcntol btafub ax0 fancy goods well adapted tor the season which he intends lo sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of chrisrrs best waterproof hals w driscoll kingston octoberih lb30 diaper nd flannel de- larsely supplied with lha notick li notes or uccuunrs due 10 the osinteoftuc me frederick klkleuure touesptthd wiui j 11 samson adtm nllvilc h dec iv j an extract f turn the rrguuttiom vjlpjaf canada voltrg tilc col lego quarters are order ed as follows iist quarter begins immcdiuliiy lor the christmas vacation about i tie jlli of january and ends kui the sotlt ol march second quarter begins on the 2ili march ami ends on the loih june third quarter begins on liic luil june and ends at tho conin iciicomeui ol the summer vacation about the loih of august iuuflll qoftlley bcim unfif afier ilie summer vacation hboul two ul ociobcr and ends at i lie commence ment of liic chrislinas vurnmn about the 2 1 st dvceuibor at whatever period of rtilhcr of hic above quarters a scholar is ndniited into the colioge 01 prepaiaiorv scljool his dues for instrnction arc payable lioin the becininu of iliat iiattei- ttotack all orons liavine just claims against tl estate ol the late rodolph couche id camden are requested lo present ihm duly au thenticated with as utile dly as pos sible and all those indebted it raid es- late will please lo call am settle lh same wiih ihe subscriber who is duly appoinled administrator to said es- william rowen lpninistrator richmond 13ih s 10 public notjek wreby piveo thai any persons folfld cutimg inking away or injuring tbfl tior n he lnodi bclongiug 10 ihe cftoatf company without a special authority fr of fice williuo prosecuted wiih the utmost rigour of the law canada companys office york 1 1 1i1 oct 1330 v jiut pohlinhcd ug curry lea and cangoi iliiluilrlpliialhe ftkst voir umb i he continued at jufcrvou of three iiiouiijn of the ncycolmnia amkkicana ir dirliooiiry nf arts sntiici fit- hulory ami tutilics iiiourik n o the prescot lime and ntliiliii- a cupi- uik culkciiun foi filial ai mlcs in amiiki- can hloghully on tho basis ol lac sv- rnlii edition ol the ccrmau cvnvtisatuns- irxicon tu bo coniplotetl in twelve large volumes octavo n popii rature 07 pei sous wlallllljt 10 s ubscrihe to the n work will please apply at the chron- hte ojjinwhcto the ll volumk maybe sccd price two iattamana a half each jamksmaciarlane jcngtton fee idiu wk the undersigned herein i give 1 hlic notice i hut wo will not miwmhwc v limr- pop- waeueus or common carki- eks on ihe liiver st lawrence for tho haani and danger of il- nviga- for sale a very valuable farm in ihe township of thuilow situated within lour miles of the town nf belleville and within a quarter ofa nut of the rivet moirre containing two hundred ncicsof land of which there ate rue hundred acres in the highcji state of cultivation on ili farm thet is a very iical substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent waier there is also a barn of fifty feel in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other oit buildings finished in ihe best style and nearly new toge ther wiih i good orchard well slocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of ihe best farms in the country indisputable title will he given for further particulars apply lo tho propri etor on the premise ron ln mvtru vi i hurlow tutli niiy lvio al1unck british and foreign life iml fire assur ance coin natty of tonaan tslaohshtd 6 lion hence o montreal and vice versa we itromise ihe public to employ act of purltamtnt io turn beg aterllkfl he agents for this company leave 10 announce lo the in- nunc but sober experienced men masters of our uoais we will at all times when it ran he v i 1 habitants of upper canada thai hey done elect insurance on property con- ki j 1 1 j- rril r continue to assure aainst loss or damacci signed o us willi some rcspectaute oi- r ii mi bviikt anu that they have for tli- lice for ils snfc delivery at ivioii 11 i byfire a conveniens at the lowest picnmim lobooblnhicd hj lu pwlc hpointeil incscs where no iistruchons are l n tlio county towns ol the dillercnt dis 2en wilhrespoct lo rlw amount to be insured on the different descriptions or properly wo shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of the owners the property will be mtide subject lo lwlifs who honour this ctrnhliflimtot with ft preference will 5nd hiuonk the hut part of their slock muuy ntw and fashiooable articles fiurcil l crape le lyon crape koyal aud game d atheo lodia silks satiu levantine crepe lisc aod itatttoetti cantou crape cyprus rock spun d real thibet shawls arli6cia flowers thread laces edgiugsand quillioga lace caps robbinetts aod lace veils faocy oiled silk cambric aproos black and colored silk velvets tortoise shell combs wirjdsor and h aocy soap visiting message aod toy cards heaver bonnets far trimming mufff aud ivioiuca n evv stkkeotvpk k- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber bns in ihe press an extensive ercontl edi tion of mayors englih spelling book ster eolvped from the s2slfa london kdiiioni a d 1s27 this edition which will be printer on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1330 6 millers a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gananoque mills cjjfcdonaldgo dny 29 1s30 ot1ce all persons having de mands ahinst the ltn- of the t w aj poetry ilic trie passion prelace lo n watts of very superior texture and revkiho colore the principal pari f thu ipleudid nnd i u hfuttftt jiik iiirvtoi wm pi cnsli enable the propncifira iu bill copied his lotlcr did hup beaulr- i a lhe p cvtf fully though he greased tho outside ail thdl der r 11 sr ii i ti prewod state of the ftver directed u as well as he could oiler liieir advaoiago from the present de- euglish market their woollens are particularly mended to tho uoiice of country rtior cbfioie as well as the consumer special care having been liikcu in erery inataoce to procure cloths calculated for service auo 50 crater well assorted crockery which will be sold at a small advance by the package or lot j warmstrong co kingiton 30th october is30 bank notice ojjitt of the hank of upper canada kingston v3th soumbtr 1610 jent it by his help who by tho way was his kitchen maid and by seven with his mouth wide open as a hogshead oih its head stove our he opened the following answer elegantly wiit- ton in a female hand mr simpkins it gives me great pleasure to find that i am noticed by so distinguished a gentleman asyoursolf be assured sir that i have often heard of your merits for you have not a neighbor that does not sing your praises in regard to your proposal it is of so delicate a na ture that i must decline answering it for the present tho i should be happy to t a f tx i lv wc an interview with you lomorow notes offered for discount and made f 1 fovwsa m a matrimonial engagement is of so much payable at not more lhaii ninety days camjeo 15th do at adam rowers importance that it should not bo enter- after date most be put under cover io esq 2 oclock pm cd upon rashly or unadvisedly yet sir the cashier and left at this office the trctlericksburh icthdo atclarkvillc 1 cannot but feel proud in receiving such day before j 10 oclock a m john macaulay richmond kith do ainapan mills 1 cashier oclock iv m iyemlanaga 1 th no at lyeuuanaga olt sale lot no 17 m the mih oclock a m ninth concession u the town l waloc 3iib do ai marmora iron orks particular en- sidliey do at thrasher 12 o clock am hue doctor john siickneyfsoihiashurgli a choice lollcction ofgrosde niiples dccrascil are requested io preseut ihom duly nlbeuticated to the suuscrlhiim forsetilc- ineul aud nil persons imkbietl o ihe k state rc requested to rirkc inioieiliaiv pajincnl 10 ilie subscribers who arc duly auihoriscd id grout discharges kicild stdmhls samuel scronk executors sophiasburrh november 2nl830 sjj j midland district sale of lands ii0 hereby give notice that i shidl attend and ofler for sale such portion of the lands as are advertisod by tho treasurer of the diatrict aud contain ed in tho warrants of the clerk of the peace as may be sufficient losatisfy the arrearages of ascaient due ihcreoo at the follow ing limtrs aud places viz piilsurh dih april at stratahans inn hi 10 oclock a m kintuii 10th do court home 12 o clock a- m lousbborough i2th do at mcgregors mills 12 oclock a m ernest town 13ih do at forwards notick ll persons having demnds against the estateof the late abinhun barker of hallowcll deceased are requested to present them duly autheuticttcd to the pubsciibers for settlement and all persons indebted to the esnte arc re quested to make immediate payment to the subscriber who aie duly authorised so grunt discharges d b stevenson benj hubb5 hallowell may l6th 1s29- book binding establishment at thk kingston chronicle oje the subscriber having engaged an experienced aud regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list nf the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advauce will be made on the single volume binding in calf the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object lo this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of tho navigation hence lo montreal sigoed ii s jones james mccutciion hooker henderson john mcphekson frco present 22d march 1828 n b owners of goods desireus of insurance against ihe dangers of the navigation from montreal to ircscott will direct merchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in montreal wiih the value of each and every package sieoed john mcpherson 3t ce ii s jones james mccutchon hooker if henderson prgscott 10 september 1829 alt rheum this inveterat disease which has long baffled cent wail hreckrille kingston lulonr york niagara h tho art of the most expeneuced physician has at length found a sovereign remedy in folio full bouod io calf oroa itemed quarto do do do do 1 0 0 octavo l2mo uu do do do do 0 10 0 i i 5 i o half binding in calf folio half bound and oroa- quarto octavo l2rao 18mo do do do do do do do do 0 17 0 7 0 3 0 1 0 1 n 0 0 0 n 0 0 8 6 binding in sheep folio full men ted quarto octavo illh 61 mo bound aod oroa- 0 17 6 do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 7 3 l i c 0 10 3 dr la granges gcuuioo oiofuiedt vew cutaneous disease are met with morere- ucianceby lhe physician oone io nhich he is so uoivcrsally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might bo obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsunly commentator jt has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it uoiouly at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt kheum but cures tinea capitas commouly culled scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to uu- healthy children ttt there is nothing ofa mercurial na ture contained iu it and it may he uaed on infants or others under any circumstances price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm biuley kingston john musson quchecand george bent mon treal sole agent for the caoadas kingsto llthjuly 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district givt notice t h alf binding in sheep discount pay sa tvr- j 0v a proposal from such a source yours respectfully h a a j bolingbroke 1 that means yes it does it does i does bill bawled out vociferously i knowd shed have me seo what ive gained by wailing how the pi el- tv mrs simukins will look under tay arm v in three weeks from ih next sundftv miss brolingbroke was mrs simpkins hoi the gods couldnt describo what a figure was cut by the tall jonathan like squire with his great body legs and paws and the little echo thai he had under his aim not biggor than his two thumbs it it wore not for dealing in scandal i voul go on with the whole story rni suffice it to say that a young law yer lived just a quarter of i milo from squiro simpkins house and that the public say i dont say so that this young lawyer was rather too intimate aith mrs simpkins vboroforo tho f ship o lougliboro quire ai this office kineston 9th atiffustl88 folio hal mooted quarto octavo 2mo 1 llin f bound and do do do do do do do do orna- r- 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 74 i a o io also ledger blank work and ruling to aoy sic or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingbton i3rh april 1821 at for sale tue curomclb flffici a jtxo eopirs ill cm- f tht atiiantk souvehxb for ifsi piend1dky hound bossed leather with gi leaves and i containg twelve hichly finished c gl a vines onslccl hy the first artists kingston 23d ocl 1830 t he oilicrrs of the 79th kegi- moat hoiehy give notice thai they will not bo responsible for nny debts contracted by their messmnn mr uelonge ratrtfoa 30th do at fidlars 2 oclock p iii thnrow qlst do at monros ina ii o clock m aintislurli 22d do at jolio iielyons inn 10 oclock am ilillir 22d do at ilcrriugtoua 3 o clock i m sopiirisburgh 21 th do at dcmoresi- ville 12 oclock am mnrythurgli 26lli do at stone mills ioogme at john maclkax slicrilt m d notcmherd1630 kingston 29th novombor 1s30 for sale rave slrect i lot nt k in lilo ijitor of this ppci juy4 j390 iigstoit 338 in apply kingston dock vartt fuh november 1630 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no 36 37 3s 3940 in the 11 ji concession of the township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased n be half of the commissioners of his ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned from cutting down or taking timber or lire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said properly and all persons found so tiespassing will he proceeded against with the utmost severity of the law and further notice is hereby given that no person is after this dite tu erect any hut house or building whatever wiihout permission from tho respective officers of the dock yard jno r glover naval stonkerntr michael spr vtt muster attendant rohert moore master si i hat from the present time it is their inteotion strictly to euforce tho regulation made some years hack by which the use of american books io teaching is prohibited anil the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtaiucd by each master whoso certifi cates have pnssed tho board on applica tion to dr ilubboll that the compliance of the school masters u desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school iu the morning and at its close iu tho evening a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spelliughook and is re commended for this purpose by tho hoard printed forms for tho quarterly certifi cates to bo signed by two trustees may be had on nppllcatiou to adiet sherwood esq brockvillc july 1829 emovaltlic sub- scriber begs leave lo inform his friouds aud the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to tho store late by mr atrua ou hand as us of hardware paints oils cordage c tfec and is in daily cxpeciaiion ofa further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool the whole of which ho will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follaosbys crass scythes 20 doz english crass aud cradlio forsalo uncommonly low ceo w kingshn9th june 1830 tncts viz cuy c wood esq messrs aw morrisc james macfarhine esq james g bethuue esq robt win prentice esq john ross esq to either of whom parlies desiious o effecting assurance will please apply the agents lake leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuiiog with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 21 honor and liberality in the settle ment ct losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4tb a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate iit the profits of the ctmpanv cth losses by lightning will ba made good 7th the agents have the power o settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directions in londcn 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly from fire will be paid 9ih in the case of an asiuronce be ing made on properly for a lesssem than lhe re value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th tho extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divided will be large mckenzle bethunece aaente montreal 28th sept 1826 wi l liamtohnson bar her and hair- dresser nexi door to carminos tenders his grateful acknowledgements o the public for ih liberal support ho basinet with since he commented business aod he by close attention and industry t a continuance of the pub kingston oun may lj wanted lmimeoiately at the lont falls south crosby on tho riovflu canal about 5 cood stone masons to v liberal encouragement will bs given apply to mackay kedpath april l2q mohgaffs masosry for sale at the chronicle offxe march 13 thk kingston chkomclk js printed and published evcy saturday by james mac fa a w mr at hia office in front street kingeton termfc seventeen shillings sixpence perannumf sent by mail twenty shillings subecripiion v be paid in advance price op advertlsewevtr six lines and under ss cd rirst insertion sr1 aod 7 j each subscipieiit inrcrtinn len lines sod under 3s 4d lirst insertion and lod each sequent inseriicn above ten lines lii per lit- lor the first insenioii and id per line for even subspquenl insertion advert istments uiihcui irniffl dincuor- i- scried tiuforod and charged accerdinlv orders lor discontinuing adveruwinentt l0 h- in anting and delivered by itsosesoai iw at the latest lope io me- c pain nm lax store street iufl avcrv ieueral assoitmcni no bdverusenicnl rrceired after ten oclock v nrcmutd on lhcda igdo yarker john bignell rsn wanted iromedn journeymen printers apply tely two ters nt the anglocanadian offico 6kvrs esq jitter ravid chisholnie fittwr andrew porteotw ksq mo- rrfl jame mcintosh fs lmetaler johi cameron lsq lochtet r dine eeq cornel george browse esq motuda alphcus jonc josiah taylor e p h whitinanh ben kiehmnd j k hartwell rsq bnstcmd mess 0 6l j mdonald ommqaf john dean kq bath allan mephrrsoi esq xbn tbo rarkereq bettviue joseph a kcttr cramaae januw g bcthune ksn hamilton gawd smart esq part have william alln esq york damcl koas ks vtttria jofau crookd esq jsinua charlo biprtar em murrey j d cfltmrt esqvfpiw

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