t gbbwaagg i i for the chronicle ax heroic roelvt mdicatcd to the ladies op i rrti and lower ctluda and to those of bath in particular iv their hvmblc and obedient strcant p canto i contents f replies io ihe editor abuses all wouldbe poets invokes the muse falls of niacra sings of love the universal pnssinn rzecpts st paul jewish story lectures lie ba- chelor prntses matrimony and the fair sings of his native city hid dxtu to the ladies of bath comforts them with a promise sorrv that f is mutfl tis no such thing the falls shall cease to roar ereftosiog its mist to i ise ere i forget the theme on which i daily mine and nightly dream awake my slumbering muse arise awake and with a giants force thy fetters break rndignnut sweep those cob- web strains away and lash the wouldbe poets of the day ye sentimental thieves who rob the dead anddeck with stolen bays an empty head ye meddling fools who curt for love indite 4 thm only know by name of what ye write 9 attend while i in nervous numbers sing the joys nod woes that flow from lifes full spring suggest nh muse the similies and tropes which best can show a lovers fears and hopes pifit satires darts until i make those elves those selfish fools who live but for them selves cower beneath the poets indignation and foam with rage and curse their single nation i named the falls and said their roar should cease kre i in sijeace mourn for my lost peace sublime niagara forgive me if 1 dare to thco a lover in his grief com pare his gushing eyes to thy fallflowing streams thy transient rainbuws to his flitting dreams rainbows of hope that glad the gazers eyes tt when the sun its glorious light supplies htn clouds arisethey fall like lovcrstears tbo illusions cease aodnought the fancy cheers oh mighty flood thou art i thiokin love willi the great king of day that shiocs above and like a mml who willing to bekissd yet sigh behind her vail thou roarest behind thy mist cfiquctuh both for ye huh hide a face behind a vail yet sigh for an embrace the un roll on and burning with desire lie tries in but lint mii- reach hnn tjicy jin the envious croons aim neip face io dim conclusion of canto 1st next number an effulgence so bright mi wiih r lustre so all europe with wonder surveys and from regions of darkucss and dun- gcons of night contends for a share of the blast its splendour let burke like a bat from retire a splendour too strong for ins eyes let pedants and fools his effusions admire entrapt in his cobwebs like flies shall freuzy and sophistry hope to prevail when reason opposes their weight when the welfare of millions is hung in the scale and the balance yet trembles with fate oh i who midst the darkness of night would abide that can taste the pure breezes of morn and who that has drank of the cryitaliue tide to the feculent stream would return 7 when the bosom of beauty the throbbing heart meets ah who would the transport decline and who that has tasted of libertys sweels the prize but with life would resign but tis over high heaven steal ihy tears in quench his fire drop he gets for eer ihy lears ions clouds and help his to it etffiw of tht kingston ckronult drar smu in looking over the papers won wire kind fevwh loi ftfiiliwrnclv the rfofl roll on and burning with desire he tries to steal ihy lears tn quench his fire but not ha drop he guts for eer ihy ears reach him they join the envious clouds and help his frw m dim conclusion of canto la next number notice to correspondents we had just girded up our loins to join battle with tho phillislines of the south when mr kidds letter arrived io him ihcrcfoie will we resign our pugnacious intentions certain that his warm irish heart will prove a much better champion than would our own cold reasoning though aided by jus tice and indignation if there he any thing that can move our ire more than another it issuch conduct as mr kidd complains of and warm irish hear wii prove much hotter champion i woud our own cold reasoning thj aihed by jus lice and indignatiq f lhcrc he any thing that can move 0ur r niore lnan another it issuch t as mr kidd complains of and mou splenetic and ras yet on such occasions havcwc in kwethina dangerous which lot their w fear warsao by ma roscok of liverpuol i we have no doufct our readers will without wishing to bear away from what- j bc as well pleased ft we m to nnd that rvcr real merit mr kosroe may have po- n f has again resumed his pen to the patronage of the l 0 canada we particularly reco fs new pro duction an hcrqjc poem dedicated lo themselves wce give the contents and opening of the 1st canto tq tht eiiiicr of iht kingstcn ckrmtett dlfar sik iii looking over the papers to u were kitnl enough to cml me i have discovers ft pnctn entiilol the birth of french fsktrty which seem to be going the round uftlie american journal and utiicl to have been written about forty e by ma roscok mnnii- iu its poi e5e1 t must deny the assertion that he is lc amliorof the poem now uodercousi- deration that tlc bngliflll journal should thus attempt tn crown mr rosrn with hunours he never earned is something mranje hut dot more so thnn their iat endeavours to palm on the public an impression that ge neral washington was the author of that pathetic aud beautiful ong entitled the irishman wnsliiugtaa a poet god kelp o there was too much frigidity in kh composition this subject however ha been ably disposed of by my talent ed friend doctor mhlnry who hassa tifaclnrily shewn that llic lamented jas oka wat it real author it now becomes my duty to 1inir that the ttev robfrt pofitkfti a presbyterian clergyman of the north of ireland is the undoubted author if he birth of frrnrh tarty a i rrrptcopy of vnieh j now seau you firtt inl and perfect slate it itdc its first nppearance in the nor thern slar in 796 when political fueling ran very high in ireland and was sung by the ballad singers through every fair and market in the north along with several i other songs equally beautiful by the same author nma n f which 1 have at this mo mont in my possession mrt portkh the warm lover of hueoun try used hi powerful uleolt in her de feece his bitty bhff sc squirt firebrand created at thin period the most awakening sensations the eyp of british govern ment was soon turned on porter he was accused as a rebel arrested aud without mueo ceremony basely executed and thus was the brave the patriotic porter torn from his friends and dear connection to embrace the horrors of tbe scaffold for oo crime but that which it still coosidt red a crime in an irishman the lovr ht bears ail country unprized arc her sons till theyve learned tobc tray undistinguished they live if they shame not their aires and the torch that would light them through dig- nilys way mui bc caught from the pile where their country expire let mr kotcoe enjoy his honours and lis liverpool rose inclytt tt cenlinuo tnit the lasting blossoms of the shamrock culled from the grave of tbo martyred por- tor shall never bo allowed to garnish the jpmnpous brow of a foreigner while there is left butooc of grins humblest bards to vindicate tbo causo of right and the ho- ocit fame of that genius which has fallen the early victim of injustice bigotry and oppression 1 remain dear sir your obedieut servant adam kidd- kingston dec 1830 m a km olt a iron works it being tlm intention of the piopri- otor of tluse works to comply with the recommendation of somr of his friends and endeavour to establish them under the manngrmcot and direction of a joint stock company in order to insure greater support than they have hithertoex- perienced by n diffusion of interest through- out the provinces he deems it necessary preparatory in catling a public meeting in furtherance of ihe object to submit to such gentlemen as he thinks likely to promote his view a detailed staiemeut of the pro perty nod ill appurtenances their present value and the probable advantages which in tbe hands of such a company the esta- hlttdimeuf would prove to the province of upper canada and of the profit its suc cessful opcratjas would yield to those more immediately interested calculations tested by the experience of the several blasts of the furuace while owned by peter mcgill esq were made from time to line which proved to his sa tisfaction that had not the establishment to labour under maaj disadvantages then un avoidable- and now overcome the result of its operations would prove highly profit ableneedless m it is to enumerate here those disadvantages the leading ones may be stated ns an overwhelming debt the a- verage interest an which for the last six years has exceeded twelve hundred pounds per annum tw entire ahseoco of any support from tfce merchants of the pro vince and the amazing expenses uselessly but unavoidably incurred in carrying them on uselessly now considered as the necessity of the recurrence of such expenses is obviated by the calculations annexed in which certainly loo liberal allowances are made for the necessary contingencies for the work it appears that the furnace in ope ration for six months would yield no in terest of ten per cent oo the capital in vested and the wost scrupulous investiga tion cannot diminish this added to which is the prospect of an increase of the yield of the furnace of the chaoco of ample em ployment for continued operations from tbe increase of the demand for wares in the province an well ns the additional price on the wares beyond that valued up onalso the profits which would ariae from the constant ernploymont of the forges making bar iron the working of the grist and saw mills and tannery and the proper employment of nil means of revenue which the establishment affords independent of tbo sales which maybe made of omc of tbe valuable lands io the immediate neighbourhood of the works already cleared and fit for cultivation many now are the advantages and few the disadvantages of these works and those few by tbo proper application of mo derate menos nre easily removed and under careful and diligent management aud able direction it is considered that more important advantages would he de rived from the investment of capital in thu stork than in any other vet undertak- madc oi soinc i ue vwuftutu lanus iii hie immediate neighbourhood of the works already cleared and fit for cultivation many now arc the advantages and few the disadvantage of these works and those few by the proper application of mo derate menos are easily removed and under careful and diligent management aud able direction it is considered that more important advantages would bc de rived from the investment of capital in this stock than in any other yet undertak en in the british provinces the principal improvement recommend ed would be the establishment of a cupo la and forges cither at the mouth of the trent or at belleville and allotting the furnaces at marmora to cast pig iron on ly which would he rendered io n cupola at belleville or the trent much more pro fitably and of a superior appearance at a sum much less than by employing the fur naces in making castings the result of the consideration given lo this subject is that the furnace will yield on the ave rage ten cwt more of metal per diem when making pig iron than when em- regretting it did iiql arrive in sufficient ployed in making castings the castings frorn a cupola by a species of refinement the mork of ore coal and wood on hand the lower stnre carpen ters blacksmiths cast ing utensils pattern moulds tools ca fire en gine cost 80 tfterliog in cluded the 2 dams flutoe and canal the water ot at bell- ville the gristmillasawmill burkdull and tannery 300 0 0 actual present the value of i establishment i 300 2000 150 110 11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the decision approves oppression has struggled in vain to the hell she has formed superstition removes and tyranny gnaws her nwn chain oo the records of lime a new era unfolds all nature exults in its birth the creator benign his creation beholds and grants a new charter to earth o catch its high imports ye winds as ye blow o bear it ye waves as ye roll from the nations that feel the suns verti cal glow to the farthest extremes of tho pole equal laws equal rights tbe creation around peace and friendship their precepts im part and wherever the footsteps of man can be found let him biud the decree to his heart porter independent of the privileges of the place worth certaiuly 10000 0 0 the increased value of the lands i the imme diate neighbourhood of the vorks from their having been cultivated tfcecostofthe bridge 209 other late improvements statement founded on actual experience to shew the result of six month operations of ooe furuace at the mannora iron works expences 120 bushels of charcoal atsosperloohusliels u00 tous of ore at the furnace at 7s gd 1 founder aay for 200 days at 15s 2 firemen 200 days at 6s 3d each 2 blacksmiths and 1 car penter 200 days 5s each 2topmen 1 lianksmno 1 ore burner 1 cinderman 1 castings dresser and 1 carpenter 200 days each came into the subscribers inclo- sure some time in august a brown hrifler supposed to bc eighteen months old the owner is requested to come prove property pay charges and take her away wm moore fifth con of the townsnip of kings- ton december 9tb 1830 mrotice to emigrants x persons in this country desirous of bringing out their friends from ire land by applying to the subscribers can have an opportunity of securing passages in any of the following vessels nth december 1830 to sail from their respective ports about i william abbott thomas armstrong the 2mb march next rody armitage daniel ansley araffleto be r fled when a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained a handsome bay mare 7 vears old and a single bodied deknet with all its appurte nances the number of subscribers to he thirtytwo at 6 dollars each the best of three throws of three dice subscription papers will be left at the mansion ouse hotel the kingstou hotel and the chronicle office kingston 24th december 1330 list of letters remaining in the post office kingston on 1800 0 337 10 150 0 135 d 273 15 a 0 0 0 0 at m moulding ingk at 45s siipcriote clerks say 275 tons cast- ml am and two income good casting 273 g18 3000 15 0 15 0 0 0 4655 0 0 275 tons at kiogsiuo at 30 per ton 5500 0 0 45 torm scrap iron at kinmcin nt 10 per ton 450 0 0 irnht on provisions j store goods tc 1000 0 0 tii50 0 0 from dublin new ship john porter 600 tons from oclfust do do elizabeth robertson 600 from limerick or cork brig sarah 500 those vessels arc of the first class and have superior accommodations for passengers j vv armstrong co kingston 3d december 1830 i c harb soobeee r net revenue for months 2295 0 0 tho furnace ivill make more than i oni of iron per diem but i have lakeu the es timate at i tons good castings and ttins scrap per dtetti tugs hktherixgton n i lvtoticb the subscriber hu- j ving retired from bvttness begs nil those who arc indebted to him cither llvfoftv flttwfcf vmumtvivtnilkhm tho furnace will make mure than 1 tons of iron per diem hut 1 have taken the es timate at 1 j tons good cutting and 4 ttfns scrap per client i signed t1ios hktherington j the birth of french liberty oer the vine covered hills and gay valleys of france see tho day star of liberty rise through clouds of detraction unwearied advance and hold hs great course kkiefc- i time to allow it t occupy its proper place on our first page our correspondent lantht will bo gratified to leant that the ilallowelt free press has copied her paraphrase of the 137th psalm we regret how ever that a small but important error lias crept into the copy of our fair friends clever productionmwc mean tho sub stitution of raised razd in the 18th present occasion nf offering the projec tor of the hathwttt frte press our earnest wishos for his ultimate success wf are obliged to our friend of tbe mon gazette for having hceo tbe means of de tecting t gs silly hoax t g object we are at a loss to guess vre all remem ber tbo fable of the daw in borrowed plumes- hot such does not appear to be t gs motive we leave him however to the satisfaction ho must enjoy our renders nil do us the justice to al low us some tact in discovering this sort of cowardly trick upon several other occa sions as our notice to correspondents will testify in selfdefence however we must be attuned to say that hi- m s- was accompanied by a note so plausible as to disarm suspicion and weexpressed oar- selves perfectly satisfied with their claim to originality perhaps t g has had some compunctions of conscience as we have received no continuation of the m s the second part of borratlia has been received we regret we have not room to copy master scaddings prize poem into tho chronicle of this day public notice post office kingston 1st january 1831 the following arrangements rela live to the mails will take effect from the 5th instant the mails for tho east and west will be madeupon sunday mondaytues- day wednesday and thurs day evening hour of closing 4 oclock the mails for offices nn tho line through prince edward county commencing at bath and ending at the river trent will he made up on monday and thurs day evening hour of closing four oclock the mails for the united states for warded via cape vincent will he made up on monday wednesday aud fr i of the metal nre of superior smootbnesss anil appearance the disadvantages ofget- itug workmen at marmora and when there the great evil of any dissipation ou their part rendering at some times the produce of the furnace next to a total loss for days together a difficulty which would oot exist at ihe trent or belleville where workmen could he obtained to reside at much less wages and any iotemperance could only be attended by a temporary sus- mvhfth kf kkhwhhhfc wmsh hww hhg no other loss by this means taking it for granted that good roads are to be established at com bined public and private expense castings could be afforded at tho rate of twenty- two pounds ten shillings per ton and bar iron of the best quality at twentjmive pounds per ton delivered at kingston or at any place on the bay of quiote prices which considering tho acknowledged su periority of the metal and bar iron would certainly preclude all competition from the lower province the plan having the concurrence of mr mcgill who joins me in taking stock to ibe amount of five thousand pounds cur rency and other gentlemen who interest themselves io tho company would bc to establish a joint stock company to con sist of twelve hundred and fifty shares at twenty pounds per share that is to say fifteen thousand pounds for tho purchase of the works and ten thousand pounds as a capital for carrying them on to obtain from the provincial parliament no act of incorporation and commence operations as sooo as possible in elucidation of these observations the annexed statements are respectfully refer red to signed thos hetherington otice the subscriber ha- 1 r retired from business begs all those who arc indebted to hm cither j by note book account c tatcnll and scttlo the same us they will on he first i march next be indcscrimatelyplaced in the bands of an attorney for ejection and nil those to whom he is mdebted will please present their clams for li quidation he offers for sale a potash work in the best of order adjoining mr gar rats distillery in the vicinity of king ston thereon is erected a pod sub stantial ash house 40 by 26 feet al so a boiling house 2fi by 24fcet with 6 good leaches new and laege ket tles coolers pump troughs- c c complete from its proximity to king ston where there is nothing of the kind at present in operation it offers a desir able investment for any person wishing to nmbark in making potashes the present prices and prospect of a rise is is an object also the land which is situated on the lake shore upm which the above buildings c are erected the whole will be sold rcmaifcable low for cnh or short apprpvnd eidrfr a4 an indisputable title gien apply to g- f fcorbett kingston december g cooper from england respect fully informs the inhabitants and vicinity of kingston that ho has established his business in rear of the brick house fot- mcrly occupied by mr w driscoll in brock street where he will cany on his employment in all its branches r s flatters himself from his long experience in his line and the rcidiness to comply with the call of those who may favour him to deserve a share of public patronage n b the shop kitchen and cellar of the above building to let for par ticulars apply to mr j counter kingston nov 18ih 180 20 john booth merchant taiiok most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binlcy druggist where ho continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions lie also embraces this medium of coiivcyinsto his friends aud the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand md now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will he used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise heps leave to intima te that having received a large and finn assortment of cloths cassimercs vcs- tings trimmings of every description src fyc he is enabled furnish any quan- now solicit n connuunncfc ol tta sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will he ustd for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise hops leave to intima te that having received a large and finft assortment of cloths cassimercs vcs- tings trimmings of every description ifre 4c he is enabled furnish any quan- tiiy on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 1s30 old kings head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has lately made considerable alteration in his establish ment in market square which enables him to add much to the comfort of travel lers he has lately erected extensive stabling and pi divided the means of in suring the best accommodation for hor ses kingston december glh 1830 abraham buttomcr john baker doctor raymas alexander barclay benjamin babcock ay boertjohn braoo aru- nah beckwith piatt borr samuel bigharo barnard bolioo william brass ira bee- mau mary bowen edward brushleaun james baibar joseph bradley aaron v- bogert john culleo samuel cromwell john ii carr john chapman m cameron robert connick james cashio captain coleman william crocket john camp bell catharine 6 clemoo h- or marga ret crawfno joseph crofts james champ samuel chsnut james doyle john dewar evert dewitti andrew daoohy robert doland john duran alexander dodds timothy dris- coll john drivau william dunn hubert dcstnarteao eliza denaice john david son robert english 2 william finney thomas fowler tthomas fraser james flion jonathan fuller mr felix john frankland jobo ferris jl ann gilmour james gordon grayheu- ry griffith duncan graham john galea margaret golden abraham gramer paul herons elizabeth hadley edward harvey henry houlbrook3 john ha milton eunice hooker james hall tho mas hadfield william hore adam how at frank llauton peter hawley charles hagerraan george hicksoo edward hall laughliu hughes james haoeson jobo heuragao eneas jameson prospere and joseph jourdoiu james irvin jo jackson eliza jackson william jackson richard jones edmund kerby n kerr mrs krein major kreiu john knox 2 margaret kerrrosaonahknowland james keating lieut- col lightfuot john leatherlaud william laycock william lennon fran cois lionait owen lavery michael lu- sce alexander laiitg archibald mcaustand walter mcfarlana john morrison john mcharg andrew mcculloch thomas murray john mcar- thur ira mises archibald mclntyre john mcldin mr mccloary mary mcgill julio mcconnell patrick mcdonough archi bald mcniven hugh macdonnld joseph mclean michael mulrooney catharioo cois lionait owen jlavery michael lu- sce alexander laing archibald mcaustaodwaltermcfarlaoo john morrison john mcharg andrew mcculloch thomas murray john mcar- thur ira mises archibald mclntyre john mcldin mr mccleary mary mcgill john mcconnell patrick mcdonough archi bald mcniven hugh macdonald joseph mclean michael mulrooney catharioo mccrea edward mathostfn samuel or charles merril michael mafague joseph minard emma miles mcakto mary mooucy wi lliamnickolsjas noblecharlesnash john owens jeanoaelette thomas o farrel john pattinson john powell joha proudfoot mary m purdy jobo w per ry e pringle barton philips paul pbil- lion patrick reilly lcslaw rankin john richards john ross simon rine patrick reynolds william richmond bridget reilly simeon ryan christian raiz deloss smith samuel swan 3 ana saogster john g savage george stra- chan2 james spankee arent sharp pat sheridan sarah spafford levi stevens samoel stone james saddler conrad stallerq adolphus sparham john seal jacob smith michael smyth john thomas james thomson agnes taylor henry a tompkins mr tho mas montreal kinqston and york mail 6tages five times a week leaves montreal kingston and ork everyday except sa turdays and sundays au oclock am and arrive the following days seats taken at the upper canada coach office montreal kingston ho tel kingston and the general stage of fice york extras furnished on reasonable terms all baggage at the owr f h- dickenson montreal h yortonff cokingston n weller y january 1st 1831 ltoticje the general quar- jjm tor sessions of the peace in and for the midland district will be held by adjournment on wednesday the fifth day ot january next at the court house in the town of kingston at the hour t of teh ac forenoon at j s time such persons as arc desrous of re- wimarn a weston william worthy newmc their tavern licences orobtain- j wilson 2 joseph williams james ing new ones for the ensuing year must e wlotermole lewis wurtmaft alex ander woods elisha willcox michael wall henry williams r s wedtnorth william wall n b- soch of the ahore mentioned letters as nre not relieved within six weeks from this date will be transmitted to tbe dead letter office at quebec john riacaulay p m attend for that purpose kingston december 13th 1s30 estimate ot the present estatf ix the marmora value or the irok work through the day hour of closing two oclock p m the olhce will ho open on sunday be tween the hours of 8 and 10 oclock a m john macaulay poittaosur tho 2 furnaces aud nilthe buildings connected as they now stand with bellows bellows gear wheels and other appen dages the forges containing 2 trip hammers 4 fires fc bellows c impelled by 0 wheels the carpenters shop and fuur coal house tho 15 dwelling houcs 12 of which are fitted for 2 families each oew stone store aud office baru ash house and other buildings fourteen thousand acres of laud at jus 3000 0 0 3000 yoo 0 0 0 0 2000 rooo 0 1 0 g webster begs most res- pecttvcly to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned frftu london with a stock of cloths cassimeresand v eat ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons ta the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succcdcd in making purchases at soma of the first establishment he is enabled to execute orders for clontlting at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that ihcy shall b executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first stylo of workmanship at the same time he begs to return hissincere thanks to his friends and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance ollheir favours naval and military uniforms s c w has mude arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions ktncflon vhdatnbf 130 tfjew goodsthe 1 subscriber has received by the late arrivals in november from london liverpool and tplagtno an extensive assortment of staple and fancy goods adapted fotthe winterand early spring trade consisting of an ex cellent selection of calicoes chintzes cambrics muslins fine striped shirt ings bombazettes tartans- mcrinocs shambra s lutestrings gros-de- na ples crapes bobinotts quillings imi tation cimp and grecian laces tat tings lace caps collars tippets veils c worked hnd tamboured muslin collars handkerchicts c fancy silk shawls handkerchiefs and bandannas toilcnct and valcntia nestings cloves hosiery and a great variety of small wares c also a few bales scotch bonnets overall stockings scarlet caps do mestic cottons steam loom shirtings carpeting worsted shawls c robert armour no 25 notre dame street montreal december 16 1830 the subscriber begs leave loin- form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr thos wilson in store street where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his stock trusting that the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kingon 1st december 1890 list of letters remain ing in the post office at bath 6th december 1830 thomas andoraoa michael asseljtioc2 charlotte aylesworth charles baker john bell ephraim blaochard jobo barryjohn colin william carle lewis comer ro bert clark charles clark 2 george da vy anna davy thomas day thomas empcy alexander edgar nathan fel lows 2 isaac fraser 4 charles fair field rev f h guenther john gibsod nathaniel hicks john hicks jehiel haw ley caroline hill aaron hutchinson ma ry s johns john jenkins seo robert johnson herekiah long lydia laporse thomas mayle william madden william madden jun william mackenzie henry montgomery john montgomery peter macpherson samuel neilsoo2 james mccalley dyer phelps john percy jane phair jnhn pencil rouben roger john richards james smith elijah switzer mary slieuter george simmons james toy solomon tesky 2 henry vansick- ler jacob vancloek richard wbarne2 simcoc wright robert williams stephen warner joha r white 1 david yeo- maos letters for camden william alien robert burgess georgo clark samuel clark john dough samuel emhury ro bert harrison georgo p kerby john mc- lauchlin henry mckim jacob miller john millersamuel mulliganabram soles douglass thomson eroest trader samu el rumbough arthur youmans such of tho above letters as are not re deemed io ix weeks will he sent to the dead letter office john dean pm