r tt from a late engltth journal ttie phxioopv op iep tiip imnk wh h tw 12 nn r 2fit vcr i from the ptt n m r macnish whosn work entitled tho ana- lomv if drunkenness was kouig lint since favmirnhlv noticed the ntlthof firsi describes sleep in general in n sci entific and philosophical munnoi lit defines its causes and narrates its ef fects and then proceeds lo enlarge up on the evils by which it is accompanied in those numerous cases of mental and bodily suffering licit disturb our repose by dreams nightmare nloepwnlkillg sleeptalkine restlessness cold c fcc c lu conclusion mr miicttull presents us villi some vnlnnble obser vations on the general management of sleep our authors theory of dreams is concise if not convincing dreaming therefore is a stale of par tial slumber in which ceitnin pans of the brain are asleep ordepf jved of their sensorial power while others continue awake or possesses their accustomed proponion and whatever produces dreams has the effect of exhausting this power in one set of faculties while ii leaves it untouched in oihers dream ing then takes place when ihe repose is broken and consists of a series of thoughts or feelings called into existence by certain powers ol the nil 111 while the other menial powers which control these thoughts or feelings are inactive this theory is the only one capable of affording a satisfactory explanation of all the phenomena of dreams in support of this theory having ad- a i- ritgrtimtm eep ht all pcr- m i he things work while the judgment is is adduces ihfl fact common o sons experience that we dre most absurd and inconsistent without being struck by ihui absurdity or inconsistency till our waking judg ment corrects the error of our ever ac tive imagination the singular though we believe accidental fulfillment of dreams hns been often adduced in proof- paiuteel itaizo of the prophetic nnure of the visions of i rhreml dutch our author gives several cases of i und stauu0 him in all his opinions nul truih to tell wo could point out some inronsnirucjes we are not inclined 10 cavil with nn bo ihor who on ihe whole ins pleased us well importation for a general winter trade ii v j w armstrong co at llieir wholesale urn r- tail woolen and fane warehouse- fter considerable time spent in ihe different mamifactiliinj coun ties in knlniul in the purchase of cooils for a cenenil fall and winter trade the sulisrrilier have iviiji much care selected tho chnicest suit i moti extensive assortment ever introduced to ipper canada this eleaolstoek of gooil comprizes almost every article in the above line deserving notice nml is now respectfully submitted to public inspection their establishment will be found re plcte wiih the finest fabric in black blue brown olive and medley cloths double milled olive and drah surtout cloth ladies fancy pelisse and queens do haiti coating gcntlemeirs french nap printed table cloth single and double milled cfltslrtieres assorted qua lities and colours flushings yorkshire beaver and treble milled pilot cloth forney silk toilenctte valentin and mar scillcs vesting sntinettt- camlets ami tar 1 an plaids brussels kidderminster and venetian carpotior hearth kus moreens damask and chintz furuilnre superfine merino boruhtzette hntuha- zins and norwich crapes printed cali coes londou clliolz and chintz muslin cray domestic aou steamloum cotton pnn checks turkey strip and strip- bank notice qjfct of ihe bank of upper canada kingston v3ih nottnltr lef30 di count day satuti- d v of e ver y week notes oifrnd for discount unci made payable not nit re than ninety days iifier date nnisi be put under rover lo ihe cashier and left at this office llie day before john macaulay cashier fok sale lot no 17 in llie ninth concession of the town shin olxotijyhhoro for particulars en- quire at this office uncsloii dili attgusts2s at saxony for sale this clironlclk oftice jl fio copies of the a t ii a xt i c so t v ex i r for 1631 pejfdldlt bound inem- wiih ei ovos and finishod en jiavin onsipcl by the first artists kingston 23d oct 1s30 s boed icatiht will contain livelvo highly fa oppkkpla b p x e ss aliisi latecofpliiplate plilutng tress has just been received c clotl rest eel giiikhnmii checked horao counierimes nnd ahirscilts qnuis silk coifon worsieil find lnmba wool ho siery gloves and rrsre bok ja conet cambric aud mull muslins gen- ileuicns fur caps chnmois wautconts and ptnilnon draw- ers silk and cotton cmhrellas frinje india taffoiies and ltindaniin ohm hiwl rattle covering shoe twiooi looking classes hi tbe chronicle oflice where visiting cards will be printed and alt other cojpirlfote work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale a the chronicle ofiice july lth 1s30- k moval- tlsubscri- i ends r llhis description but recounts for ihcm j on natural principles take the follow- their linen hfr lieas leuve lo acquaint his and llie public generally that he has removed to the coiner hrick building recently occupied by mr win blnley druggist where lie is now receiving a very general assortinentof staple a nil fancy coods well adiipted for he season which he intends to jell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books unci stationery and a case of christys best waterpiool lints dkiscoll kinton viohfli jjlh is30 notict 4ll notes or accouits due to the eslaiuoflhclale frederick kttler are to he settled willi j ii samson admr btshvile gth de iaj an exirutt from the itrilutionx uf upptr canada co- tfr the college quaiers are order ed is follows first quarter begins immediately af ter ihe christmas vnrttion about ihe 4th of january and encu on the solfa ol march second quarter bjins on the 20ih march and ends on ilie lotll june- third qusuier begos on the 10th june and ends ml the commencement ol the summer vacation about ihe lgih of august fourth quarter berins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the chiistmas vacation nboui the 2 1st december at whatever period of eiihei of the above quarters a scholar is adniiied inio the college 01 prepantory school his dues for instruction are payable liom l lie begining of that qmrter isfotlck all persons liaving j just claims ngansi ihe estate of the late rodolph cotkhe of camden are jvquesied to preset them duly au thenticated with as linle delay as pos sible and all those indebted lo said es tate will please to cftv and settle the same wiili the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator lo the said es tate wuxliat tiowrjv administrator richmond 13 sepl 1s30 pcbuc notice is hereby riveo that any persons fund culling taking away or injuring the timber u the lands belonging to the canada company without a special authority from this of lice will he prosecuted u rigour of the law- canada cnmpanysoflicc york mm oct- is30 just p u lis iit iii cony fea end i rhilaihlpliiatliu fiiist vol i f to he rotitiflued at intcrvnln of three inout s uf ihfr kncyiloivedia amfhicana a pupul irdinionary nf aria scitvccs lit troturt llhtufif and pttlilus brought down to the promt time md including n copi ous collection of ntiinal nrfwlcaill aftlkri- can blookaruy imi the basis of the sev enth edition or the german convtnal os- rcoit to he completed iu twelve large volumes octavo rpeiui vihinr to suhsctihe to the ahove work iti ill please apply at the chron icle 0ict where the lt volumk may be seen price tiea jojitns ultd a half each jambs macfarlane kneston24 dec ia0 w ivc iib ihe utmost mg as a specimen miss r a young ladv a native of rosshire was deeply in love with an officer who accompanied sir john moore in the peninsular war the constant danger to which he was expos ed ind an effect upon her spirits she became pate and melancholy in perpe- tually hroorling over his fortunes and in spite of all tjiat reason could do fili a sort of conviction that when sll last parted with her lover fcbo had parted with him forever in vain was every scheme tried to dispel fiom her mind the awful idea in vain were all the sights which opulence could demand unfolded before her eyes- in ihe midst of pomp and gaiety when music and laqgfator floated aiound hei she walked us a pensive phantom over ivlwwehcnd some dreadful and mysterious influence hung- she was brought lo edinburgh und introduced into all the mil th of that yay imcliopoua but uoilnny cuulo r lore or banish fiom her mind the insup portable pang which invested it the sons and the dance may dissipate the feebler sorrows of the henrt but in a woe so deeply rooted as iters iheir sy- ten influence was tried in vain they only ageravated her disti ess and made the bitterness of despair more poignant in a surprisingly short period her grace ful form declined into all the appalling characteristics of a fatal illness ami she seemed rapidly hastening to the grave when a dream continued the hor rors she had long anticipated and save the finishing stroke to her son ows one night after fulling asleep she ima gined she saw her lover pale bloody and wounded in the breast enter her a partment he drew aside the curtains of the bed aud with a look of the ut most mildness informed her that he had been slain in battle desfring herat the same time lo comfort herself and not to take his death loo seriously to heart it is needless to say what influence this vision had upon a mind so replete wiih woe it withered it entirely aud the unforlunategirl died in a few days there after but not without desiring her pa rents to nole down the day of the month on which it happened and see if it would be confirmed as she confidently declared it would her anticipation was correct for ac counts were shortly after teceived that the young man was slain ill the battle of corunna which was fought on the very day on the night of which his m is i r css had beheld the vision this relation which may be confidently relied upon is one of the most striking examples of identity between ihe dreinn and the real circumstances with which 1 am ac quainted but it must he looked upon as merely accidental the ladys mind was deeply interested in the fate of her lover and full of llml evnl she most deeply dreaded his death the tiim- of this occurence as coinciding with her dream is certainly curious but still there is nothing in it which can justify us in referring it lo any other origin than chance throughout the book most of the general or particular positions taken up by out author arc supported by trong cases and powerful facts and numerous amusing anecdotes are given the au thor is a man of shrewd observation end although v cannot coincide with diaper anil flannel de- re largely supplied with the finest texure aud choicest material low brown aud bleached hollands table nap- j spelling book the kins french cambrics huckaback don las osuahur s and sheet in 1 bnil crtuvfis no 2 7 isiao- tefiflw stkueotytkk- 1j dition of mayors subscriber has extensive second edi the press ui xu cr c fl inuclsaud ueizoff c- t- fjlldies who honour tm establishment with a preference will find anion ihr fatu v nri nftheirstocki many new and fatlimiinlde ai tides figured lalmcriuc5 crape dc lyon crape ijnval ami gauze de athco india sllk satin levnntine crenc lksc aud italiaucts canton crape cyprus koek spuu and real thibet shawls artificial fluwers thread lines kdgingsnud quillings jff cic kniiiunen aud laee lvfb fancy oilcil siik a nillhric aprons ltlark and colored silk velvets tortoise shell combs windsor ami tauey sap isitiii ulessage aud toy cards beaver bonnets fur i i linings muffs aud ivicvines a choice collection of crosde naples nf very superior texture aud prevadiug colors t splcntliil and purchased for oiler their in tion of m tvors knlili spoiling book stereotyped fram ihe 2sth london edition a d iss7 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of voik will hi afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing 1or supplies will please give in iheir names without delay jas macfariane kingston ljd may 1830 o millkusa second miller would fmd employment by immediate application to jlllinnotpic mills cjjcdonaldivgo may 29 1s30 yt otice all persous having dig j nianils against ihe ktare of the hlie doctor foliu sueknevnf sophiashurli deceased are requested in present them duly authenticated to the iuhscrlbcm for settle meut and all persons iudehreil in the fcuintfi are requesteil lo make iinuiediatc payment to the iuhseriherb- who are duly authorised to graut discharge kicud soimes samuklscronk kxccutois sopliiasliurch knvemlipr 2d 1830 notice x persons ltuving demands agains the estate of uc laic alralium barker of hallow el deceased we requested 10 present iliein duly bill hoi ticatcd lo the pubsciibcis for selilemrnt and all persons indebted lo llie estate are re quested to make immodiiie payment to llie subscribes wio tttc uly authorised so grunt discharges i b stevenson bgnj imdbs f hallowcii may l6lll 1s29 book binding kstabusi1mknt at thk kingston chronku offce fwv subscriber having engaged an experienced and rcgtluiy bred book binder informs the publi il all kinds of business in ibis line v porforn- cd at his oflice with nea an patch and on moderate ui- the following is a 1 of the price i 3n when hooks are broii i juanlity a small advam w be made on llie single volume in calf midland do shall purlieu oft 1 dibtkictsale uf lands hereby give notice that i attend and offer for sale such ie lands si are advertised by id contain ed in the warrants of 1 be clerk nf the icnce a mav he sotricicut to satisfy the arrearages the principal part f ihw heiiuviful stock having been cash enaldes the proprietors lu friends and the public every advantage the treasurer of the district thai can be derived from the present de- nreed stale of tie lulish market their eneim are partieularly reroin- meuiled t the mnice uf country mer chants tii well as the com utner special rare having been taken id every instance tu proeure cloths calculated for service also 50 crates well assorted crockery which will he bold at a small advance by the package orbit j w altmstkogco ktnstnn 3ilth oeioler i jtl binding folio full hound 10 calf incntcd quarto do do octavo do lo l2mo do 1 l8mo do tin orna- 1 0 0 o in o o 0 0 0 0 half binding in calf folio half houud aud mentcd e ihe undersigned hereby g public notice that we will not he accountable or ii ble s for warders tir common carri ers on the river st lawrence fur the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa wc promise the public to employ nune but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at all limes when it can he done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable of fice for its safe deliveiy at montreal at the lowest premium to be obtained incases where no instructions are given with respect lo the amount to be insured on the different descriptions nl property wc shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for tbe safety and interest of the owners the pioperiy will he made subject lo the premium jnd for its insurance persons who consign property lo us lor transput 1 and object ly this course will immedi ately sinily it by letter in which casi they must consider themselves subject lo all the liabilities of ihe naviguiinu hence to montreal sigued il jonhs jambs mccutchon mookerikndkksox john mclhekson go ptescotl22d march 1s2s i c owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal to present will direct jerchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in jontrcal with ihe value of each and every package siued john mcpiifrson co il s jonks james meclitchox hooker henderson proscott 13 september is29 cjalt rheum this inveteit disease which has long batiled the art uf the most experienced physicians has at length fuuud a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine uiiitineut few cutaiientts diseases are met wiih mnrerc- uctauce by the physician none iu w inch he is so universally ttusuecesful this ointment hits stood the lest of experience ami justly obtained nil unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the statu healthy action to the vessels o skio and its original colour aud smnn th nes numerous recommend a linus mijrhi be obtained of its superior efficacy hut the proprietor chose that afmetriot three or lour weeks cured cr5cs of fifteen and twenty years ft funding that had re- sired llie pnwer of every remedy that iims tried it not only at once riea immedi ate relief ill salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald mead and all scabby eruptions peculiar to no- healthv 07 gives a chihfren latere is nothing tfa mercurial na- al the follow at stratahan rjtihk mansion house i hotel- tho subset iber having rented this extendi vo and know n establishment has now opened the satno for tho accommodation of ihe public the mansion house isplensantly fituat- ed on store street heiug the principal aud most central street in kiflftstoa j and no establishment of the kind in ihe province can surpass it in the excellence and eomlort nf its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur- oitfhed iu the very hest style tho subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in thai line and he trusts linn ujrh nine- milling attention to the eomfmfs of his quests he will merit a share u the public patronage in rear nf the mansion hfiuse is a nrgfi yard iti which there is an pxtensive and commodious range f siable where a livery stable will he conaoily kepi for theaccommudatiou of the pltblie s taumino kinssion 24th oet 1 otictethe sihscnberbav- n appointed adtniuisita- trix of the late edward hit oy deceas ed requests all those hjtving claims against the estate to present them for adjustment and those indebted lo ihe estate to call and settle th accounts ellen iuckey kingston s0h w sn of assessments due thoreo iog limes ami places viz piusburli 9th april inn at iu oclock a hi kingston 10th do- court house is o- cluck a m looichhoroushi2tli jo at mcgregors mills j3ovlocka ftl ernest towo 13th do at forwards inn 12 oclock a- m pnrilaod i 4 tli do at jacob shihlys esquire 12 oylock a ii camden 15th do ut adam bowers esq 2 nvlnck i trail fredericksburg 10 oclock a m- hiehmond hub do at napane mills 1 oclnck p m h icthdo it clarkville tyemlaoaca 17th do at tyeudanaga milu 120clnek a m madoe 19th do at marmora iron works ii oclock a m sidney solfa do at thrashers 12 o clock am rawdoo 20th do at fidlars 2 oclock p m thurlnw 2utdo at muoros ion 1 1 o clock a m amcltasburch- s2d do at johu helyons lim iu oclock am llilher 22d do at hcrringtous 3 o clock p m sipliiisliurjh 34 ill do at demorcst- villi j2 oclock a h io at sloco mills mnryhurjli 3otli 10 oclock at john novcmwi3lie30 maclean slicriirmd mrotici ari ing bee i7sou salifci loi no nave strcel kinyiion lo ihe eiliior of lliis niiper trf31183q appl quirio octavo l2mo 18mo lo lo do do lo do do do oiua- 0 10 iul ined iu if and ullicrs under jr may io used on 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 1 8 0 1 0 folio meoted quarto octavo 12mo 81 mo binding in sheep full bouod nod orua- 0 17 6 do do do do do do do do 0 7 6 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 3 iny circumstances lure corns uluots oi n hsitcvcr mice one dollar pp- bottle for iftlttby win liinley kinsion john musson i ii rciiud ipinc hcnt imou- ircal sole agent ibr il ciiirailus kiiission llrhjulv ih half binding in sheep folio half hound and orna- 5 o y merited quarto an do octavo do do 12iiio lo do 16mo do do also ledger blank work to any siu or paiwn for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 0 4 0 0 1 7a 0 1 3 0 0 10 and r uling j ust rectrlvwl and for sale u the chronicle orftce treatise nn the steam enginc with plates by profofisorbcnwick of colombia col lege nf- york one 130 kingston dock yard llh sovember 1830 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no 36 37 3s 3 40 in the 4th concession of llie township of kingston in ihe midland district having been purchased on be half of the commissioners of his ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned from cutting down or taking timber or fire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said property and all persons found so ticspassing will be proceeded against uiili the utmost seventy of the law and further notice is hereby given thai no person is after this dale lo erect any hut house or building whatever without ptiimssion fiom the tespeciivc officers cf the dock yard j no r glover ratal storekever michakl sikatt mahrr aftnuhnt- robert moore hftuttr smpwigh the uiqru of education fur the johnst0wn district give notice that from ihe present time it is their intention strictly to enforce ihe regain linn niado some years buck liy which ihe use of american books in telle i ling is prohibited and the masters nre ilirectcd to coiifinc thernselves to such works nf klomenrnry instruction as arc compiled hy british author only a copy of mnvors spellinghook inny he ohtniuctlhycach ninster uhose certifi- caics have passed tlie hoard on applica tion to dr lluhhell that the compliance of the school- masterd is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the coin mencemeut nf school in the morning aud at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may he found in mavors spellinghook ami is re- 171 cr sajlk a very talvabic farm i lit township of thorlow silunlod wiihin ithtr nn btlloville mlltl iiltn uf the itlvcrr moure hunditd iicrcrs o liiml of wlriih there tie rue hundnd acrra ii llie holiest taic ol culiivalion josof tho town of rpinrifr nfn nnle toniariiin two o ri lilt fstlltl wa a vrrv hcntu uifaslniilil ivain w house inns a ha wiier fwl ml- well rmlicd rn livinl indsemie siresuii l exrent there isnlto barn of fifty feet ii length liv thirty five feet wide a l wide il and oilier out buildings fiihcd in thr hest style and nearly new toge ther iviih a good orchaid wellswuked villi fruit trees forming altogether one of llie best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to the propri etor ou llie premises ronald mcmigiiael t miy 1js30 allianck british and portion lift and pi re aut- tmc comfhni of london tstulthud by act of parliament capital pive mimlons stebmng thk agenis for tins company beg leave to unnennce to tin in habitants of upper canada thai ihry continue to nssute against iossoi rlninitr by kirk and that they have lr the convenience of the public npwuiir the following gentlemen as llieii aihiu in ihe county towns oftltq tllflvrem dw tricts via guy c wood csfj cornwall miosis aw morrisc brocitviltc james mncfarlane esq kingsan s iimcs g ueihuno esq cvunurg kobi win prentice esq tw jotill 9m l ti u to either of urhond parties oesilouof effecting assurance will please up ply the agents take leave to remind the public of ihe following important and sinking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuiiug with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assui- ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle mem of losses from fire arc not thereby deprived of heir right to participate in the profits of the company glh losses by lightning will be made good 7lh the agents have the power of settling losses in this couniiy without referring to ihe uourd ef directions iu londc n stl reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fn c will be paid 9ih in the case of an assurance be ing made on property foi a less sum than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding ihe sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants llie ex pectation that the profits to be divided will be huge mckenzie i5et1iune co montreal 2mb sept littck tl eia m j olixson uar- h her hd llairdwweri next door to cnrniinos tenders his grateful acknnwjedenienlit lo ihopublte for the has met ivi ncs and ii liberal he com support he die need hui ih snco by close ailenlion ut a continuance nngo kingston 30ti md lltjusei to ol the public p mhvissj nie- ito- wantkt nimkdlalkly at the long tails south crosby on the kitlenu canal about jo good stone masons to whom liberal encoumgenicnt will be given apply to mackav redpath april 12 m ohcaxs 3iasokv or sale ni llie chronicle oflice mstrrh 1 the kingston chrovulu is pfimrdandpiimjshpd every saturday by jams macrrtanb 1 his oflice in front street kingston tijk ms seventeen shillings ic sixpence perannum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paiil in advance prick op advertisements six lines and under 2s td risl insertion nd commended for this purpose by the liiinid nk 7 each nbacjmcnl inscnion ten lines and irinted forms for the qtinrtcrlv certifi cates lo he signed by two trustees may he oo application to adiet sfiencood esq llll h mrneuville july 1629 removal the sh scribfr bees letive lo inform his irieuds and the public thai he has remov ed his wholesale nnd retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr atruax store street where he has on hand as usual a very renci al assortment of hardware paints oils cordage avc c and is to daily epectation ofa further supply direct lyoin biriniiigliam sheffield wolverhampton hiistol and liverpool the u hole of which he will sell unusually low for cnnh or short approved credit 50 doz fnllnnsbya grass scythes soihiz kuglish irass aud c for sale uucommonly low ct0 w yarker kingston vlh june 1810 radliug do anted ininiei lincly two ft journeymen pi inters apply at the anglocinadiaa 0 uimier 3sw first intfetlioii and tod each bub- sequent insertitn above ten lines id per line for the liisl insertion and id per line lor evcit 5nbspqueit ineition advenitfemcfris without written diicriions h serial tiltforbil nnd charged aecoidiiillv orders fur diseontinoiii advcrtisiincnts tn be in writing and delivered by wednesday nccs at die latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication icr produce received in pavment at the mar ket piicc agents john bignfll esq qurbec david chisholme tsq inretrirtrs andrew porieous esq jlfn treat james mrlmosh esq lancaster john cameron evq loehiel r cline esq comicdl oeoige browse esq matitja alpluim jones eqprcm hcuw jones esq hrkvitu josiah laylor esq prth hwhitninrfh esq rchmut j k ilatwcll esq basterj mcm c 8e j mdonald qmummt john dean esq bam allan mcphcraon esq tfaptaie thot uikcr esq jsrttnu joseph a keeler em tramahe jamea brthune esq hamilton dsvu i smart em port hope wiliiam allan esq xwfc 1 1 row esq viilria john itolki esq auari cbailea biffgai