4 king onicle kbo regis nfc polulo sed utroque vol 12 saturday januarys 1831 rci 28 a sew ye aus address mou me chronicle boy tq his but friendsthe subscribers fffcion fhftt bears in all things sovereign sway requires from me a verstf each new years day vrom mc alas who all the long year through have naught beside with pen and ink to do myoole employ from door to door to speed vvnd leave tie newthatyou at leisure read then think the task how difficult for me to apeak toy thoughts in sourdiop poesy perchance you deem as zimmerman that i can find in towns what snlitndcs supply why haply so i can but all must know the current of mens thought can never flow with ease and grace when zeros chilling sway with icy bonds confine each stream and bay la summcrahrat with een my toil delayd till points iheglass to 80 in the shade more suited to the task of lyric thought with dreams of future fame or profit fraught then blame inc not if in th attempt i fail on fames frail bark to spread my daring sail my gimrou patrons grant me pardon pray can you refuse mc aught on new vears day whilst i presume with halting rhymes to tell what hopes for you within my bosom dwell la yeara to come how many hours of bliss may find their prelude in the joys of this how many dreams of future fame or wealth may yet be your crowod with that garland health mt wishes such ah nd i more display my anxious thoughts in this untutnrd lay mutual hostility aod that luther calvin cation for simile acts lor acts as degrad- and knox inflicted the sacne puuuhmeoton in for their sthj s ey were horrible their opponents as the papists had done fur their wicket but to ill my prayrs in thi one vcre express ivcs will tell my hopes that heaven your bless jlskj or imwfcd tohafs oodfih heaven supply t her all europe looks willi dread and awe rsveren her fiat and oheys her law now thru to france where late the whirlwind past and civil war her flame ofdiscord cast how calm and still whto in that pause can see theutent spark that burns incessantly that shall again perhaps ere many days involve all europe in its kindling blaze lart year twas promised and the bond was paid oar pase to genius ehould be widedisplaym that allmiprht struggle towards the goal of fame and gain at least a wreath to gild thctr name ti your to say how great but all must own weve many a proof of native genius shewn my task is done ray gotlebarp farewell nfrinoreyour tunes shall sweep with measurd swell no more shall i with smile of free delight read my best praise in eye of lady bright rre yet another circling year has past the chill of death may oer this heart he cast wiich vibrates now to cvry changing lone thy gentle chords bave oer the wild breeze thrown and as your st inc anothers hand shall sweep tour lay my early destiny niay weep tbough my rude jong was learned midst fo rests lone where nature proudly rears her winter throne blame not my mountainstrains wild enertrv nor scorn it for its want of majestv fcrgive your laureate bafd for faults like these d judge him onlyby his wish to please what could he learn amidst the desert wild where mountains seem on loftier mountains pild void h learn there in summer phrase to tell the thrilling sorrows of a last farewell january 1st 1831 ft literature t s original for the chronicle points in history 1bvival of learning reformation iir my address last week i endeavoured to explain what was the theory of the eveou of the reformation hshallbemy business dow to investigate how far the evils aod ibt benefits predicted at the commence ment were in fact demonstrated but here 1 must remark how impossible it is jar mc to proceed without leaving a blank in the minds of my readers which their own stody can alone fill up it would he im possible to enter here upoo aoy detail of ibis history what 1 produce must bo only coqtidered as specimens of the evidence which cao illustrate the theory i must therefore assume that this theory may be folly illustrated by an attention to the his tory of ibe age and first as a specimen of evidence to illustrate the effects of the in tolerant principle of the human mind which will hereafter be completely effected when we arrive at the history of the religious wars subsequent to the reformation the testimony of robertson is short aod deci sive that papists and protestants being oeof the truth of their respective doc- tooes conducted the coutest with upon those of their party nnd from the same principle that to withhold audi pu nishment would betray an indifference to the cause of truth which it was their duty to support- this iny on the whole he just but i think that luther should have becu honourably distinguished from cal vin knox and others there arc passages io his writings on this particular subject which do hitn honour however it must he confessed he had not the opportunity of markiug this difference by his couduct he was not weighed io the perilous balaoee i shall now lay before you a few instances uf this intolerant spirit which we have laid down as one sourro of evil attendant on tho reformation john huss was burned by tho noroalists at the council of con- stance for a difference on a metaphysical question but this same huss when dres sed in power had io like manner perse cuted the nornalisls being himself a rea list the murders of huss and jerome of pague had exasperated the brave jeska to an excess of fury and indigoatiou he prevailed on his couotrymen to revenge such barbarous proceedings with equal animosity yet jeska won in every seose a hero and his conduct displays a memo rable iostance of talent and intrepidity off with the other that he would not spare his nearest relations nnd six of his subjects were actually put to death with the greatest excessof barbarity yet francis lived op on the applause of men noble and generous as himself but it will be said that fran cis was naturally warm aod impetuous but whatshall we say of our own sir thos more so extensive in his learning so ac complished io his manuers so amiable in his disposition yet does he take his place in the list of persecutors ho was most anxious to support the church and says the history he pressed the king to put the laws agaiost heretics into execution thos biluey wns the most eminent mar tyr at this time sir t moro was not content with having sent the writ for bis execution but ho also laboured to defame hitn id the tower he looked on and saw the victim of the rack soon after he was himself burut iu smithfield of all the reformers iho most amiable and gentle was meiancthon yet he could approve of calvin in his execution of servetus what name more mild more likely to excite feelings of affection than that of cranmer yet he persecuted and delivered nvcr to the secular arm that is to be burnt in flames an unhappy woman who differed on a point of mystery the young king edward vi complained that such nets were more congenial to the bigotry of the papists than to the milder spirit of tho re formation and it seems he could not be brought to sign the warrants for execution- cranmerwns employed to explain and rea son away these seutiments but says the historian he was more silenced than sati tied with the young king at length over come by argument and debate he consent ed with tears to take up the peo but he so lemnly observed that as be did it in com pliance with ihejudgmeot and influence of cranmer he must aoswer for it to god- the arch bishop paused ho might well pause some effect was produced by the generous dictates of youth and nature his heart was touched the sentence was delay ed and suspended for a whole year but it was at length executed immediately af ter the conference with the king crao- mer and ridley scot for the woman and pressed her to recant ns the means of sav ing her life they wished to sava her they lamented that shesbould suffer their humanity aod good seose for they pns- scssed both were shocked at the fate which heiog over her hut they could dis cern no farther the woman would not recant and thcro was no other remedy compatible with the cause of truth but io have her executed the death of lambert and askew to which cranmer contributed were afterwards ap pealed to in the reign of mary as ajunifi- oi n an fu aod now without hr into the histories before us because st john says heaven si leace rcigocd in without looking forward to the enormi ties of a philip r a charles ix nnd a ca- tberiue de hojteit let the student pause and meditate characters which have been noticed pliny lm ix- be fore the rcforwaiioo sir thos more meiancthon an cranmer after the refor mation sure these were not common characters if lft7 wcr0 not the men that were ornament to human nature what other cau be friuod finished in their learning accorip in heir manners gentle and amft tllcir mpers it has been said tli lbe protestants did not betray aspirit df persecution so envenomed as their oppooem- it may be so but 1 cannot enter into an investigation or the degrees of guilt cannot stay to appreci ate the relative intolerance of protestants and papists- i complain of both i speak of the iotuiernb principle of the human heart and its shp effccts whirfl have been exempli whether by papists or protestants lj w read that when elisha was in te wilderness the lord pas sed by and a rcnt a sr0d wiod rent the mountains adf rocks but the p brake in pieces the was not in the wind and hteriajmlfal ijjftjl the influence of tfo principle the misfor tune is that me honour the maxim of to lerance with theft lips while their heart is far from feeling ft ike principle still holds its place we hao political incompetences and penal laws we havo uncharitable insi nuations mutuauccusntions mutual con tempt mutual ignorance of the arguments of each other the snd effects still illus trate the priuctplpt these only supply the place of tin dunjn and the stake p he chronicle an hfipoic poem dxd1cated to the ladiesof uppeftand lower canada and to those bath in particular by their hurt an obedient servant p sequc andc8 of canto nrtt contents f rep l e editor abuses all wouldbe poets invokes the muse falls of niagara sings of r thc universal passion excepts sl paul teishtry ketwettbeb chelors praises patrimony and the fair singb of his native city i bids ji dieu lo the ladies of bath j comforts am with a promise yes all crotfwd things are ruled by lov oh ye vile bachelors yet graceless wiz- zards heaven iu the place of souls have given ye gizzards or sure i am that ye would dover dare thus to blaspheme and lihel all the fair go fur ye never sought a womans hand go build a wigwam io a savage hud where the cold hermit hid in natures gloom walks lonelv from the cradle to the tomb or heard with those who tho ofuiaies possessed neer felt the flame of love within their breast go join the nativeand his hideous squaw and help to rule her with dispone law no right she claims that guardiao nature gave by such as ye degraded to a sta g trap the fttxi aud circumvert the hear dislodge the elk and chase the timorous deer- why stay ye here remorselessly to fling yum- poisoned thoughts io youths unruf fled spring your precepts ob how vile examples- worse an eye sore to the sex aod to the state a curse a wife ye heavens the home of love can he who hath a wife err know adversity can sorrow visit him who haih a breast to trust his cares to und whereon to rest his weary head to wile his hours away in wise all night and innocence all on your applause is pillard nw success whereer you look attractmu brightly burns you hicotllc and fashions vane obedient turns tho weak my wing to soar fa who taught my truant muse with rhyme fc cloath each thought and even thought was kindled first by you i did not m think until you taught io woo yes good or bjwl ye fair j to yijy belong my humble efforts as a son of ifotut if ye but smile old bachelors ntny frown if ye but praise ill try io tite them down as you tth en un its waves both man aodwaid below and hea ven above the gilded flie aod darwin says the plants all feel iu irjlfeuence aod with passion pants how truo this fe i know not hot the flies make love aojlkiss and buz before our eyes ive heard the bull frogscroak nioruro mo rum it means tranced come miss strad dle comeij and heard th sweethearts answer houke ote- houke which doubirm means im coming dearest ww p yes birds flies- plants aod frogs and liz- zards too all feel loves influence and learn to woo tis love alraigiy love tba sways us all sinners and ss less we except st paul and even he sesc lying jews assert was jilted by handsome jewish flirt then changed w faith and praised a sin gle life and said that ovvw hest wilhout a wife the saiol was pt inspired wheu he wrote that for what were omen mado for answer what to mind aod nvtkc and chronicle small beer to brew aud bkc and toil from year io year accuivd he the io a dear bushtfse for life and there aro stmcrccurvd to be their race who would deiiy lo iboibj in heaven a place who nay that to i hem ou souls have given where the st lawrence known rn song thro darkling forests rolled along where nought butsomo wild bumlotmct the view or indian warriors in their frail canoe a city towers beneath an zuroky whoso lofiy domes attract the strangers eye fair montreal loved ciiy 0 rov birth pearer to me tbao any spot od eh thy beach with slipping friijpdthy proud display when summer smiles of british banner- thy motly crowd thy sash swstfl bitons thy blooming daughter thy ccflrmercial dons thy visitors from the slave cultural state thy mincing yonfree brllts and guessing mates thy spires thy convent ovetl each narrow street tho dull to others i with pieastfre soon shall i joiu the throng tba crowds thy mart for wheu the spring returns i us de- disrespect amon part yet ere i go ye fair of bath recede my farewell homage all i have k ob may you all thro life lonf drama find fortune propitious and your lovers kind when ever you think of fs prosafc muse i know youll praise her for ye an not blues aod if you wish and mac will fk0- roy lays oft will i tune my lyre aod pffs j praise 1 r whose faith wns pledged t certain or in stilijccis id borralia for he waft they i iul carocd in hit service instead of sup plying his wants they endeavoured toroh him of tbott revenues which ho possessed iu his own right nabob was saved the trouble of rofusinga subsidy on such terms for the upper forum rejected ihis attempt to encroach upon tho rights of the sultauo aod an end was put tu their deliberations the composition of the two forums an interesting subject may bre be entered upoo with a view of shewing bow far the men who were returned by the people to the one and thone called by the sultauo to the other were fitted for the sa cred chargo eotfuiled to ibfoli the members of tho lower forum fifty in number were chiefly native born borralians maoy of tbeqi uot speaking nay understanding tho tongunge of their couquerors differing in religion aud wilh deep rooted national prejudices the leaders id the foruto in thc year of the hegira 110 as has already been slated had endeavoured to instil into the minds of their countrymen that there lurked under the apparent disintcrcstedoossand opeuess of the mother government a secret deter mination to seize a favornble opportunity to overturn the religion and liberties of the native population aod that this could ouly be effected by lulling them into a false se curity which they were cbuiiooed agaiust indulging in it is not surprising thot a poaceable and unlettered people who had enjoyed for n long period the most profound tran quillity who were enthusiastically attach ed to their religion and who experienced tfflrtfrfe their designs the old subjects by dint of great exer tion managed to returo three or fourof the 50 members hut they may bo said for the last twenty years lo have beco totally un represented although now forming oue fifth of thc population of the province it is a fact however that six or eight names not of korralian origin mny have occasionally heen found nmoo those who represented the inhabitants of the colony aod let it may be supposed that tho ma jority of these were opposed to the measures of the forum ir itincumheui to state that although the names were not borralian the majority of tho persons bearing them were either native horn or returned to their seats through the ioflucncoofme party un der a soiemu promise of their adhering to them for it was wisely judged that such names would add weight to me cause as showing that it was hacked bydiversof the sultnuus old subjects tho oiitire machinery of the lower fo rum was as circumstances required put in motion or stopped by at most half a dozen of the crtr the downright waot of elementary education which prevailed therein with full two thirds of the mem bers some of whom could neither nad or tcrite gave great consideration to the o- pldiwu aodvievs uirthcjiv inufp gmwtm fellows nod associates and assured to them a ready cooperation in every general mea sure which the faction thought it desirable to carry the more promioent and violent of the selfstyled patriots who thundered their elo quence in the forum were two native borralians who had received the jinishing jroink nf acootmcted education in a neigh- inre to style a wife a lawful u plague for tht chronicle extracts from a work cntitttd bokralia and her rvlers continued the speech of nohob made l ni- pression on the members of thp lower forum- tho excitement whp had been created by those of desperate fortune it was thought necessary to prerp f languishing and aroid heats and uimo- silics and intemperance a period p to their sittings without any prov made fur tho want of the bouring state which somo forty years be fore had rebelled agaiost the sultaon aod had declared itself and had been acknow ledged as a free and independent republic these men admiring more iho republi can thauthe monarchical furm of govern ment strove to bring iuto disrepute aud their couotrymen any other sovereign power than that of the people ard both in and out of the forum they openly and fearlessly expressed them selves as the opponents of all legitimate exe cutive dominion as established by lha con stitution one of these men had been rewarded by the forum for that itody had rewards aod patronage to dispose of as well as the ex ecutive with the office of their prolocutor for which he received for his services of three months io each year no less than one thousand golden rupees a sum equal to three thuusaod six hundred of that coin per annum whilst the forum whose expenses god knows how disposed of had increased in a trifling space of time from 1500 to 15000 golden rupees per annum had office to confer aspiraots would not be wanting ready for the sake of it to paodarto the wishes of the desfgoinz and to barter repu- tatiou and honor neither of which quali ties were by the bye possessed by the pro locutor or his associate for the pale drudge twccn man qnd man no more than oight men at most within the forum aod some four score without have exercised an uobouoded sway over the minds of the peaceable and wll dis- blues thc flash name givcu mate pedauts lo fa- posed inhabitants of borralia these have conjured up oil the imaginary evils which arc pretended to exist and these have rid den on the political storms which have so long agitated and convulsed that fertile and once happy province the numbers of the upper forum were selected by the sultaun from the mosteo- ligbtened aod educated ofhis subjects their scats being secured to them io such a way that high treason alone could work their forfeiture the sultauo has boen reproached by tho party and its adherents for placing in the upper forum persons holding office under the executive and t has been very publicly asserted that such officers must necessarily be uader the immediate contract of the ruler to whom the sultauo dele gates his power io the province and that their votes may he obtained to any mea sure which the emperor may wish to car ry hut such accusation is founded onca- lumny for the independent manner in which the majority knowingly stigmatized by the vizier murrazwode as the minority opposing thtmsctve to the pietts of the jlifxittiic xtood forward io defence of tho constitution has heen vouched for by that high though weak and timid functionary the truth is that the upper forum had been long obnoxious to the lower for it had for years stood as the fast harrier bo tween them and the sultaon could they extiipate a body so formidable to them they might the moro easily calculate io car rying their designs into effect and it has therefore heen one of their strenuous ob jects to persuade the borralians that such a body as tho upper forum was daoge- roustothojihtrtifsof thepkjfraorfplj3t wnich obtained to the exclusion of the law of primogeniture forced the emperor to call to the upper forum those who bo con- ceived were best qualified by their educa tion their talents their probity ond forti tude to discharge the important trust else where confided to au hereditary oohili- if few native borralians ar to be found havtog seats to thc upper forum where lay tho fault certainly cot with ihj sul tauo the mere property ofsomehuodred acres of land possessing a nominal value or held on fcedal tenure could give tho owner no claim to such honor when com mon education and fitness were alike want ing to return to the train of events nobob on the close of the session having acquaint ed te vizier with the result of it receiv ed through him the instructions of the sultaun emperor to liquidate the wages which had become duo to his servants in borralia out of his own revenues and if those were found insufficient it was hinted to nobob that tho sultaun though uowil- ling to touch upon monies which had not been appropriated by the forums bad loo great a regard for the tranquility of the province to fiesitate io sanctioning that tho deficiency should he paid from the su perabundant fund which lay io ibe public the sultaun had tho less reluctance in approving such course for at this time tho homo government was expending an enor mous annual sum in fortifying the now im pregnable fortress of quagco the capital of borralia so as to secure the lohabitaots from any contemplated invasion of their powerful republican neighbour for two successive years tho forums met as the constitution provides and the one session coded as tho other without a ny provision being made for tho support nf the soltauns government it is troe that as before kills were matured in tho lower forum and sent up to tho upper but they were there rejected on the strong est of constitutional grounds the degradation of the sullauns gov ernment was the great object of tho party and in this view although in the year of the hegira 110 they had pledged them selves to pay tho expenses of the govern ment if they might be permitted to do so no soooer did tho emperor call upon them to redeem their promise than they basely availed themselves of provaricatioo and subterfuge to evade what they had so so lemnly tendered it was preteoded that tho sultauns demand exceeded what they had promised to make good that their offer only extended to an annual vote- that such a public servant who was ob noxious to them was too heavily paid aod that such offices should he either totally a- bolished or the income attached to them greatly diminished the persons holding offices aod not tho utility of the offices camo under review to render the lower forum the fountain to which all should look for honor aod re ward was desirable this point once car ried aa unconditioual surrender of tho rights of the sultaun would have followed nobob firm amid the discord which rag ed around him beot not to the storm but it required his constant vigilance to pre vent being stranded on the quicksands with which ho was surrounded on every side to be continued