cr nr tfmirwttrat rrtrrl wvi w pvhis nov 2iv the wholq attention oft bin country i hw turn td o the rtntucntou question of uc pgfcfibfhiy mut evcu probability f iwr th uweditntuti uftet ftdlwfnwo tr wellington rftfi received willi iauglikniiit tliit is he speech which diipprdhation earl ueay pokc in opposition in lie pro mter nj ttiu k many oilwr tlitituislict nicnunrs nfthe honsm of lords and in tin debate of the follou m evening 3d nov frncs honor tovrfrdj tint imqwm wiimliisca till now of the minis- n which ao human eye can fmesec will crrtaiiily tonal parly ld mf that naswtgti of the noble dulcet rs uav io llh army i he opinioi 1 ctfor in its vnvcr eoiiitiit with iq veil which related in had been trained to v i- u a umumury re view ol 4011 life ns he nrcoiupantcd his iwijel civic festival and iroin an officer in tin too hour hear wholcvvrinay boj ttntotfttiiicd by individuals as to the nllicial acts bo j poulieal character of lo duke of wellington utlierea man in the country 1 am sure thai the gallant colourl who cheer so loudly when the heat of dehnle itad passed by will bcailumtg he find to de precate such attempts hear from col da j vies is there i snv a single man of ihftp slightest respectability in tie country who tnnciri him mr ij die mid llir iuilioii tril is iinnnnab d tijcs sir henrv ianiell iiui he support of the ntbh- j uould wuh to carrv uh political hostility lo to vmkf in the event of mmvoidablr hostilities with tfc greatest energy nor do wc duum thai hi ens- uf a defensive vvr u appeal frank ami brm nf phil ii i to the french natiun would he iuitafttly tallow 4 by m euorauhit dcyelopcmcm of fnrre read vd j eiliatmi and itr to enter the field indeed a wnrof thutramnil and highminded noblemen with whom in such an gxtuiitl hear hear to pro- wtflm be extremely popular howcvrf ib y vvral of our bet informed political circles ihoro i till a dtmbt that a general war will take placis those wlm jiviueut them humbly caiceivc thai uvoi in the del ieau- rtfikircf belgium heft dot yfi tppeu the slightest ground for a foreign inutknnce kusia luufma he first manifested very utile svmnathv ti sirui clmnmti laird ail mr- her mrwh kivr to ist wtu inn h i inrp ies mm i- a linl p ll- i wi iv sir j mr hi iwpirr m mr hu wvim ipioruin t cuitiiuuhv lord dungla jhim sew m i lillleto tntf rie tklaiid l wis adjniiij tt hall sa waft unusually ullllod he could tell the nnhlijeced however wilhthu letter duke thai lie mihl as widt dttcmpl to lakti hih heaven by siotm lims coutrtrv wna u such a situution llmt it required ihe most efii c tent men in the administration tim tire sent iutiiidtcr were not in pokscknon of ol av the leai tor the iiw nnut or things hi rnucv t fc el j i i n i the autcint in in ult to our ha had thr j mil lilciicc nt the eotnln and oilier null i iiimlrticctomvthatlie wii mt cxauii- ihi- iimtih i- l1at twwo led philip in msupl tht cfotflt this ovl dcntly unuouncn uttle sjood will and forebfidc- evil om neither france nur kiiufaml eaji alhiw th au itkmcnal ion of mimkiis shortly after 1 nvlock air seen la v peakera follows it inn willi tl muil ed iviwcl iii the hourtu thiit i likv l erh- of rd thi unle i ivsecivr alfi- ionl mirtridc on ec hfhik ihr iin- lnb co ionl lill p jlatvuf korceh iurdj- ltusell imrcaleraft snf mn it r 1- sir ii pmiiir vieemy of irchil mw- nfnjprtv i of northum chielsr fir ijm- ii h sunley ir llllaniijigu cbieeilor of lwd wwokrit nir a uolt atlor ueii foruo lv futiefafljcrim mr joy uovai household iai steward of uourthow mariin vdieley 1 mihirr of the hie earl allwiiiari- j liiirtl chamltfrlmi duke ol hevoddiire trtwi ot ihe lliumhold earl jewev mttvrufk h mtmwlii viscount anson mr oeiosnti whoollered huttmlffor litkiii o iucctsd atrilawwbi hi been elected by a major- ii if ri i rr mn kuui hi antagonist tla thteei it nnderhiod lia fixed on the ltli dav of ftlmuuv nt for holding her jlrt drawing no ihuil i- 1 r vi rccn cv lias howiver ycl been iu r ihe pjhtiltini of cowktl tor llo- dj dcml lake place in tho course of ihe j week two inctcantilc failuro- n some corf- licnyonml west india house the other thai of ilmrfrr co in the east india i mile th taffr hint u 111 mi more iimnerfhirli hx ii w aueneehrtve ttlcen pliiee in ll linn of plmnmcr wilann inninre iiumrdirh i m in i hk nt iwcteif pjis menltoti aiiiutj of ilnlitcli u- philipto msum the giotf h thi vj country 1roni danger he linnly bcticvnl icei uttle oot will and forelmtloiovil that all the inotelaul pari oflhc coniruunitv neunertniiee nrkii ran a js imi him l onfiashco in the present ndmiuistla- tocrat whose immense rnd apparently ruowentu in ti i rt i yire misbci from the pole til near cotfwiw t cww only place confidence in suilt oppose the coiibtitutional progress ol the northern men as the noble duke hichmoiuk we he biatu oteoropc j liove and llu noblo earl grey we belie vi j austria moving hi the same s iwho had always acted consistently and uir cuptes df her armies the whole italian tmiimila ey ki- i u- a i tl s it cljdine from it the french and eoduh tmde such i nw bcirajen their principles and iho cowiu ayitcmu tbi would be a hostile w the two oa- dence ol ollwt men in a manner unparallvllei in the history of the country tioiu as the continental blockade of napoleon 4 anticipate then by the natunlcourse eldong an in- 1 timalc alliaoce between france and great jlritain it docs nut ia the least appear to ns impossible that j commercial treaties might be made between tht two eoafttricsand favorable to both when ow france i shall have renounced the too violent democralical leu- tlency of licr firt revolution and ahall have abandon ed all idea of the unlimited auj mad cquest of her imperial cables then the course of events would point oat an alliance between us two a- the most natural and the most pontic proceeding we have heard with jfreat satisfaction that this is the probable elite of the relation between onr governments lurd greyn open and noble declaration must lead to this and 1 s pc crc stlch nicn k and deserved ihe eonficree ofthr body of the country do joimiuul i ral buvc also collector lor marseil he iiplorei iheir lordships to consider the situation of the country and place before lith majesty in strong but respectful terms their want of confidence in his majestys advisers ami point out to bis majesty tho necessity of pluc- itltho government in the hands of men of more poulical honesty and integrity than ihe present ministers and more cupubfc of discharging the duties of ministers ofthc heir that si de talleyrand rporti to hi- court are roun such was llicir uupopularityj thii respect which i unlock really wishes the welfare of ihe country must have lor your irate and the gratitude we ottcyouhave induced tie lo adopt this course 1 have c john key lord mayor immense dissatisfaction was excited in the lord ahhorproic but nnkcin mlwntonc a to bo inaudible the noble lord observed alter the declaration of the rt hon rfccielro he lloiue wa placed in sueh circummancei that lw ihouuhi it would us impossible for his hon and iriucd friend mft bniuehamto briar forward his imirtant motion of juch iilacwought t to he indeminfied n their du ll iiee pkde ire kept it may fairly fprcsum ed i hat directlv r imlircctly every duty of a mini- tcraoil every vijhtiiu inteivi ofthc nation may be comprehended mid provided for under these hcad a uftjiju h prung op uu the subject of the abo lition of rotten borough whether the proprietor- of broiijf a comuterciat hoi it was liosely eoi the loiters iroili pasia mention tin failure of two houses there viz those of umic ami id fttitfrin de konrln also that of rouen two receiver ene- lopped payment m bricointe es and m bmtdefond lu thalinet for slrasburo thetailurts have increastd ihe distnikt uhirh before pn- vailed in tarts and have contributed to de press ihe funds there more perhaps than lire state olnolities though gloomy anticipations on that head also are exlremely prevalent i lie dutch letters received ihis montng clear up ihe previous doubts relative to lb suspension ol arms which it now appears lias been officially announced by the dutch as well as ihe jielian govnnrmrnl thtrchqi also been nnnoujicctl in due lorni the rnisipg of the blockade of ihe belgian pork by hoi- land ol wined a notification has been eoniuiu- nicated to lloyds this morning hv ihe dutch consul the following is a eoy ojii kefonn on that niht ile neer ivioe luhered when fcuicliiwoicnt w c have been frequently called upon city by this letter which had ihe effect of df dtficicney io the adhvtraimn that u l- i i u t t question of such vital importance wdi3ciued ofthc same bearing we attribute tothix the good itate of oux fundi ever sicc ttic xeffj ironi belgi um in the racin time our government fa duplay- ulclftmt laudable activity to be in complete read me- for any movement from the coafttk quarter marshal soull ubnur day and night tc expect in january 1331 independently of the jrat force of national guard orcfj where armed nd crnippeil to have a regular army of 3ouo0o inon ujvuurrnittuir iiithhiu numbers an appeal from the crmvn would mutter in an instant our internal dtate i pretty i now the trial of minister ii almost forgotten in prepara tion for national defence some en place in he kcolede droit iil celebrity our minister audience and order was restored our kins ennti he believed were it not lor ihe influence nf theirtdhce tttcv could not find in ihe new parliament all votes to support their adnii nivt ration for ihe peace and salolv of ihe country he hoped ere long lo secfanolhor set of men in their place lor they could lint hold office without endangering all thcinmt- terrin the royal persons from visiting the ci ul j t kg h fricuj ullvlbcr h had nm tv the lord mayor had publicly express- better postpone it mr brougham aid with the grvatcst respect for the house he oiut ay that he fell lu rmum repui nance in putting olf his motion it ffw however disorder tmc tak a pmfeior of car- was liiied by the students one of m de mcrilbauf himself mkc to the n- ues to he extremely popular 1 foresaw clearly that our priest would compel the government to some ucverc measures m de la mennias journal dav- enir in been seized for a mom violent appeal to catholic fanitncism under a pretext mf a mrieeolicm from the crown there is not amnnptf the counsel lor of hi majesty iat puue at jartje the most distant ida approaching to piecution i the fact in that when the romub priets are not allowed to command alone thev en itts that they wre perecuted but all llii will not do in trance in- dittereticc is the religion of he land one of our wits said ofthe catholic journal lwveuir thcll- tun tkutjutvrt i already pisxals from tie frontiers of hvsnut vor l tield marshal count 1 imeh u expected on the frontiers of rlufiu poluid to review ihe troops com- ing from the intcriorand to orderihe necesary mea sures for their cantonmcrt and subsistence lie will afterwards return to berlin where he has been fur fcodm time on an extraordinary minion it i cd that the iroops ordered lo the frontiers will be to the number of 200000 men wiih 400 pjccc of can noj there are arc to be seven corps including the polish army the duplay of uignut military force inuft be looked upm a no mor thai a very serirnu iyic of liutmtrem oi the ohi ihisth artu ilw kntls at vienna are very heay the hi i i hae been as iovmsu 14 but im llic 19th they were 81 m 2 and the book stock at ofthc ho il and sd nueiuber mvr been u illutnillielllll iij4i it was the speech rlttltcc ol wiiiej vv have the opposition of ivirhc gtc titht rs on appear t iteasiuit lllft ul rabiner oil tin the morse whieh ho tiekiibs visit tolhc ninjtmfy to rchw ti- i mayor to ih iii a dnbr tht of tbisalliir our review h nnliuj und which was ik premier the so veil above and iiichclxea and which in in- eaiiurxegroi for having written it and the company of stationers to which he belong ed had received a toast lo his health with um vcrsal hisses the funds lull 3 per cent on account of the refusal of the vin iodine in the city auil in the week previous aller the kings speech tlwy had fallen 4 percent in addition to i lie letter of ihe lord may or elect kir k peel read the following pla card which among others had in anticipa- ipieu this bdon hilarity nl he whiinston vttv heels of ibis itihowid je pinvtiinl in rclati citv iii tt hisaiivirc ulfalh ivilalioii o hw lord iltldbnlhm ihimith no- i particulars vhidi nllltic paper now under nn a timid and imbecile pto unitljatc causr iiowiur i ouiu- pnnic in london to whichwc ready alludihj in rousupiruri of trie ttc- micrs speech al parliaiitiillary reform at which tltu nipulnr imiiiraiiou had liccii m stroiudy rousu aid key itn lord may- orehrl leaned lhat his nc pfion at least pnvtoos to entering the city tnhfbl k dnn- ifttrm- acrourf to his ietsuti vilely he thercloic wrote a iiwm iteifijimc llie unnisier tit hi tlh- 75 arm8 to arm fjherty or iealh iiontbn mecla on tuesday nest an opportf nitv nt l be lost for revenging ihe wrongs w have suffered so long oinc armed be linij and victory must be ours an kncmsiim ax awlhcr oftbeni was couclad in the lb lowlier terms uocrly or death kngluhmen bn ion ami hotiecl met tlie lime hasno arrived all ltndou meets on tuesday- coiiieanuetl ve assure you jrom ocular dp inoncalion lhat li cutlasses imve he rcmoed from ihe lower lor the immedia question of such vital importance that the noble lord had aid it ought not to be difcw ud whilst there was a deficiency in the cabinet- he cacurred with the uriitiiuents of the noble lord h must however take that occasion to ay that a qnvamh of uch iiu portunee in hi opinion hd netrr been discussed wilhinthe walls of that house be therefore felt great rcrtbontibuityand ear in taking any tl t retard its beinedicued he would however bow with de ference li the opinion of the hmue although a change m the aoonitratioii was about to take place that u as a measure that eoiild nut by possibility afiect seemed to pfocecil systematically in the iles him- lie might therefore take this o of 0 nkichines burnings c at the u kast liclweell by letter to fivtotir opinion noon this point and shall therefore pive it frankly we answer yes they might tobe indemnified and we will give an instance in point a noble lord i said to have just paid toan hon baronet upward of j50 a rotten bo i not far from town the alhur is indeed so public that the house of common i at onci dis graced if it dne- ot take it up and the projierway to indemnify his lordship and those of whm he iijm inmlit the boreujfh is by sending them ah io new gate for a breach of privilege this i the way in wlech we woufd indemnify all the dealers in the rights nf the people fur the loss of their infamous trade wine dlstvhbaffcefl among the ladorkks iii twelve or fourteen counties the laborers con h ijiy of stating that il he did not proceed in making his mo lion for reform pursuant to hif notice that cveinn he slnmm pm it tdf only toote 2jtb of this mimti no bwjjer for he was determined let who would be his majestys minuter to bring forward the question of parliamentary reform lrmd cheers sir k peel trusted the hoiine would excuse him for one moment the noble lord opposite althoni had stated thai in consequence of the resignation of minis tcrs the country would be in a most precarious state as there was then no aduiinijlratitin existing aa this inieht be very much misunderstood in some part of the country he thought it ought to be generall knmva that as ion as a minister held the seals offal office b ivelys woody speech from uoug- ihc ihronc i oemeniber tl those enf in r- ni till of rji ihin si itolwaw enolam vktty important from the albany arfju after ihe king speech was delivered on the 2d november which wc published savs ihe n y evening port on ihe 22d inst from a french copy received by ihe lc kham an animated debate took place in ihe boon of lords only part of which is in the files before us it apwars that speakjnon this subject the duke of wellington id that the king had no intimation norwas it ihe in- lonlion of any ibrein power ti interlero by means ol arm wilhlhe affairs of lite nether lands but it was the desire of england and every other party concerned to settle if kw- rihlc every point by meam of mcgocintion and by negocuilion alone thu declaration was well received on the subject of the repeal of the union he said it was objictcd to on the stronjcsl lenity by all bis noble friends in ireland by all th- proprietors in that country by a fteat majority o the roman catholics and y nearly all the protestants of ireland and it was opposed by the unanimous voice of bulb houses of parliament or at least with oulyoati exception this was also wllre- ceive i the dublin evening pwl is op posed to mr ocunncr plan of the dissolu tion of the union we jind the london times a slrone advocate on the same side it was however- when the duke of well ington spoke on the subject of parliamentary reform that not only ihe indication of par ilanieil but also of the people wild raised ion 1 and strong against htm on this subject his jrace sam- he was not prepared witli any measure of reform and so ahw was the go ernnient lie would go further on his own dejrperute and abandoned churaclcrs n ho are circuni- while h on his iriiurd an i lo ub kihdi pncaulions ax wmtld avert the datiircr icnrcrf this inlunalion koimiell alarmed weliiiir- -aiiir-uiijrci- aiii aujovuim iiinoi iic rtu dclrrminaiion when i hese thiu were known in the ci ty a grant lermcnl took place ljc public storks tleetiued the tower was strruirlln m d with men and munitions the bank ol eng land was shut or all business save the pay ing and receiving checks ami was guarded by an additional number of soldiers the slrcetswerccrowdcd with the idle the curious and the vicious the lord mayor elect went from guildhall to westminster io be sworn in hi a private carriage and returned fol lowed by a rarest mob hooting and hissing the preparations made for au illumination were lakeit down and every precaution used o prevent a riol during the evening and night winch was much eared the day dawned however without any serious orcnrrenee and the tears which agitated ihe public blind subsided though the city was all hustle und crowded with an immncse concourse of cili- zens the duke of wellington is certainly un popular but the fears of ihe mayor elect which caused all in ear and commotion by reason of writing the letter was disapprov ed and disavowed bylhecourtof aldermen on ilicsth nov the following arc some of the particulars of the events of which the jireccding is alum ina ry in ihe house of commons on the sill of no vember mr feel read the following teller addressed to the duke of wellington by tin- lord mayor of london my cord duke from the situation of lord mayor lo which i have been elected numbcrlesttconimumcations are made lo ire both personally and by leller in reference to the 9th hist and it is on that account i lake ihe liberty of addressing your grace although iho feelings of all the respect able citizrns of london are decidedly loyal yet it cannot but be known there ur holli in london as well as in the cuuiittv a set of use o curse dumivd police are now to be litjimmwill ycu put up will lereiitc o this distmbed siato couri r of the 15tli remarks we liar lhat there is mhih all lhe burnings um thcmoicwe rt ihe chmiuci of the ministers n posljioi kiugn isit to the city- the more we arc vop vinctnl that to that lection we are indebted not only for ihe maintenance of irampiility m was competent vrrhitly to act hear bear and for himself until he bad delivered nj the wall f liitf offies tq hi sovereign hear hear he should fed calltd upon if ntcily required it i oxcrruc ilm-i- functkn jnt the ainc if he had not resigned hear bear and he irulcj lie ihoubl have the mpport of tlie lii bear hear in uov measure which the public welfare of the country re quired ioud cheering i ii i althuip obncrvcdi tbat the explanation riven ticep plot i y sir robert peel was not xaelly in accordance iwct with his srntiiuenu ile had been misunderstood by liimt l l t hon uaronet what h- aid w thai in coo- euence of the resignation nf minister the couoti v n a- placed under circlmtance in whieh a motion of the njtnre of the honorable member for yorkshire ne ver had been made hffivlfnndw imi i vwthf ibrfffvpufrkni supnv iwbma w f- j whim the mu fsenthumn hadtopnetittofmojestysiy resigwrf lb llieion it was true thai ihu riirbl bom his majesty has bee rl inttamhodtallaftiorakivii ihe nvil lisl as compared wih the civil list of i only till my mceesfflt s appninleu skrial scitnw held in nuvuiber kcutir r knatchlmll presided twenty and thirty jersons were trial and a great number rommillc tttruying thivahlng inaejtincs and similar ol- hiirek the tviltcucvs pacd excited as- tonislunctil by their severity one man vis trnnspotted fir lite many other ir kotne years and the rest to imprisouineut or luliirer or shorter period sr k- k vaidttint lenity shown ul ibfnirr oilcinlr had produced a bad effect at maidslone sovcnil persons iiad been commiltcd at fhc latest daks on a clmrifr cdatson al slametird a band ofmu- ellhll bfeakcm ba been tlisperseil bv uu irtneil imrc mid twenty command fur- mi sable unities of them liud risen in hum- ntrtoi and destroyed considerable propcrl v tilly wvrecapturnl in one day sunihiral- riuut are published ol liots in berkshire cornwall ww other count i vs which il was neivsary to call in the military to quell circulars hw been addressed hv lord melbourne secretary lor home aliains to tl h parucli ioic nut ilis- v 12 hul he sir cover how ihe wit hear he had abo talked ofa total saving of xi 50000 but i be whole maltrr was rrnd- cruino obscure and coiuplicalrd by depart- itm lout ihe whole ibnn and iutroducim uewdases that it was utmost impsblc to ihrmnn opinion on tin wbieci h ivould ap- neatrun llie risfht huuovahlc cilllcuklu s own htfiirs sis ron i the khkw bclorc tin hon that the ll wiviujf mon iliini anci tin- invtou euuhl hot lirip iclliint of mana llirtn 7000 hu u flni ishtc vas sot tit hi ts obscurily to ivem apjjear ol saviiihvwbeii lhre was actually none ravini under the head of pmmink for required cxplanalmn mmiu r la fall itir ui tlic list i erouu lor stspmhi that nil crrpi ui and therclore lliey jriuiid for insist in tn ijkpiiry cj of tu o tiit the s he conceived uu ttjv in of tio i of clatxiitt ibn was ptia mi oi rmsolljatrd iiifl ani not tmi of le civil itul ivm nil cror ibry had btroitir nn uf nlltio errors had had mnmg there were nuui not ins- conl tmyham 5aij bat in consequence ulectect fitsir of what had usl falb from the noble duke he should withdraw is uce ol motion and postpone it to anothtrf the nev ministry the new ministrv iri pt uled h terdy onmtndavthe- which time his ma- jeuv held acomtyitthayjcct lord chnneelior lyth ttw dukc of ucllm todtevttf iatburt jiosavo and aberdeen a ismut melville lord ellcnbok jir robert peel ir ithiulltvd to ntllcjgennre murray the ri- honbles heiirj goulboum ml land j- 1 llerflm had a separate audience of the kin and resigned their respective seals of oilieis and then left the palace at half past two uctna gre hc new adroinitration arrived ul handa u several appointments the foltowin- ii i rt neu- edinwtiy irith their predecesiors in thr respective othcc which u believed lobe accural of tfls cabinet m plill io idim llllwhun i was netherlands consulate oimrrel french st nov 1sj0 sir- i have llic honor lo ne0iiul vou for the infonrmuon of ihe trade in oncral lhat on blockade cslablished hv oniiimrcof thekineoflhe neiheriaiula of the 7th has bern withdrawn on ihe 25h ol is motmh r so ion as the cessation of hostilities in ihat kingdom shall continue 1 remain sir yours fcc j wmay consuls general of lib maj s tl the netherlands liverpool nov 25 since our last rcspecls we have had a regular and steady demand lor cotton the entire sales oflhc last week were 22200 bags inclu- diu- 14800 american and this weeks arc compntcd al about 900 bale at prices about 1ld above the currency of tendavs since wilha firm feeling pervading ihe market hie accounts iron the interior represent the iuiuku c as uiiahalcd and the demand dlor de- pxxlsat manchester rather inipruved- in general produce ihe transactions ate limi- led in extent but without altvttuli in pliers ashes arc steady holders fimty ilemkniiinv 41s for pots und 40 lor pearls in kavsl stoics wc have no sale about 1200 bbls turpentine are advenised for public sale lor which the advanced rate named in our last report is expected in the corn market tin tuesday 23d considerable business was transacted in wheat at rather advancing rates american flour fold in moderate quantities at 27 a 28s per bl in bond ami 20 a 37s duty paid ouics tits week as last advised except on indian coin wihch is reduced to 7s lm per quarter liverpool to manchester inme hnvr it has often been a subject of doubt whether ihfl distance iron liverpool to munchcsier could be travelled by a locomotive engine i the space of one hour this extra rdinarvfral was performed on moildfiv morning bv lie rl lniilvminw and miiraev pii r ri hut moderate the uimy viry smalt jiikt il ft iii ifi i i oiihucitij rcili aisp rani ivbff bwude the 00 the firl ld of the trca lord l uiiirtr chancellor ofbxqr home secretary forein secretary cnlonjal secretary first lt r admiralty prct nf io council karl grey lnn brougham lord allhnqi lord mclbowue lord palnierston lord gnticrich sir j rg gmham mar i- iie lord ljorhun llimsill s ol which they had slrun reimiii loi inrd privy seal t this was suflvicnt irround to warl mas oi mint ddaftr lord auckland lift ill iiiiuit im presl nf lid if contrwl hi- c y irilt ul rijtt nlkmi eislli v cihmhiluccs loiluwcd by ivjr wiibout i in c part mid say ilmlhe iiatl nnvcr reuttorlkant of any measure up lo llic pwtseiil mom ilv aitxiouif i iil tliemsrives of any sluiicq irt riic luniiiuiimlrnnfusioii wuicli coald in any dcjftco tfntialy wt niiml all of any rcsjieruiiiiy in immm are vitfins flint ihe slate of representation coum be imliviihoaclioilirr lotrtfyclmrloyauyon h i iv vm or rftttiuraj mow sitwfiictory lu ihe occasion from tvjiul ileum rcninlry um um till ul tlu bnhmfdl lliolulilt he lilted tluu iho rountry tyssel al ihe jireionl moiucnt a leguluturc hibii nmwend nil llwfjortd purposes of hini and litis ioh featfu than ixuy legjlalure ever in aiwacrvtl in any coqtlffv ffwltfvun the rirjirc nlat ion notescd m hc saiil tin full aid itir coititlonce oflhft fnuulry utttl il lntuiil ihcdutv totosfl upon bim of forming a iceisluturc for fcay cuintiy wd especially for kiiiuli it would he one if not like ihe prnti u feast it would be one roducin it iho mlenlion ew alludisi lo iihiiig ultacx or tfninv ot ihe ihvjumale rimrac lu lake ihe npohuiily o uu your greens ppisojk very loud ckrftritl mtnled willi cm- kidcruvlekuhler rmiutlamipj oiiinn hiuch- cs ihe cheering ol col ljv wss pveuliarh hml fc good lud sir a fttfcjstie rlnw ron- liuued sir k ivoj amdv loi in the house of nmntoittf on hearing thai ihe kntl mayor nf london han coitunuiviealeil ut ihe duke nf wellington lhal he had rumui lo he- line thm an attack would be made on hi cdifimr jkiuiws and mr herrit s who old wen vpiel u hy 1iml allhnrp and imr fint ld of ihe twa wym strangers were 1 he u tirdered lo ird choncvllnr ivillihnw and llic hinwe divided wheni thiti were kir the original ninlion 0i fir sir m- piinkirninrtidmciii saj mtjuriiy ns ti wimumiiei td nih imiil r rtf r tn rj m- ifohuuim- in ii- riflhi f u ili j synuf insl i nl ieer ittunsirs lu ul lids inajtrtilv was lifttv l m 1 on liiv i m irr lftti nuii 1 m is h orhe sttl- nil taj rv mid ma 1 on o ii lkiii atjil7 iy n the 1 iiriirv iih- iinend of tin for i wish crii of move hi cntylnn nn iroivrham m iuwd t ij usile lo ihiiih pivi ihta ti an io lira mow j ihmvir wis rrinrni hoj ilieiids iitnli a ul i mini 41ll1t t rim mil lei it ts there il is 311- n utinninra lit rh- prpiiiahirf as iffiihfirr impnriniiiviiilhr linst ji ihe etpllhlitlklll id ihe nmi- wtmidiirii in mv lion fneiid juuir irfirdi tot ailmindty junior lnrds nf the trcmuir i im w llv ilia sii would nof fir h be lmir iospoifil until io iiiorrov inietirni imihvnjr 1 joint srcrhiirir to fill ivi mmli a ir stw iu in nil ie ri the advance oftwohillingsjwhichtook plarc at the close of fridays market has hern fully maintained io day tho supply of bar ley is very great lltouh we have hut lew fresh arrivals and llic trade is very flat at a reduction of is to 2s per quarler the hour market is very largely supplied and the de mand being but moderate has prevented ihe advance that was expected ihe prices re maiuing asi last quoted wheat essex and kent 6js 0 74s per quarter a letter of the 200 bays mar ket shows strong symptoms of activity a- inericnn flour in bund is talcttbleal ssand none ofteiiug at lhat price wheat is still more in favour at 50s a 52s per qr the prospeel is lhat large importalions wili be wanted from the tniled slates jvuo 30 sugar tbr failures which have occurred wilhiii llielasl few days in lhc east and west india irades has thrown a partial gloom over ihe colonial markets but we are ledto hope that ihemischiefwill not be more extended and ttattlie aflbirs of the highly respectable houses lhat liava been compelled to suspend ihcir payments will wind rp more favourably than at first anticialcl in the sugar market this morning scarcely any tiling has been done coffee the market is dull and prices heave v escepl fhr fine qualitiess hpiccs the spice market is firm and prices supported good unsifted pepper is at 2 34d io2 7 sd per lb saltpetre is heavy at 3ssto405pcr cwt and expected lower ops this market continues exceedingly brisk and prices have further risen the returns of the amount of duty on the growth of ihe present year have been completed and lehow that 8047 will be lhc produce a much smaller sum than was imagined cotton in the cotton trade there is uo- doingthis morning lorcoox nov 30 city the price of consols which open ed yesterday at s2a was raised lo 83a by a purclime to ihe extent of 50000 made by oneoflhc leading brokers but a depression was caused almost immediately afterwards bv large sftles tor ihe amount and after some fluctuation of no importance it finally closed tmrlithiinjsim3irtoartcwiy hi a j for january exchequer bills leave offal 14 a 17s premium some anxiety is lidt in the city as to the course likely lo be pursued al ihi period lj the bank ol knglaml in giving the aecom- modation lo ihe inonied inleresl usual at ihis period in loans a i 3 percent on securities of various kinil until tlu pameul offhe di- iridendas the practice hhstuiw been in e- lrnre jiir llion ihao 12 month rmd la l risorted lu j1 the elew tj k ur airc grant lord holland 1 nf liichmutiri karl of carlisle 1 in in try i of wvuiiigtoii lord ljmhtirt mr joulfnirn liniu srcrrlary robert peel foreign secretary m of vbenleea coltmial srcretarr sir ceo murray plrrt ld otadmimlty vi melville prcr oflhc council bvurt ird pri v seal lf klyn i may nf mini fid oftl f- ssv i pitit lltbil nf cmitml w wlenbnroiirh ducb uf kftncaster mr arlmihnnt pniniater general lfmancheur not op ttffi cabinet iwkv ulirfsftjs cwd ninintry mi ni nf ord sir v gordon visvi hrrofonl witml and kotvt hun wli v leivihit xmltp aili eiui mr b grant sir julia tvckrlt tmw nfnaiy vier lr sil ih mil irftrud- sir m manly jjunlm i diiidu vr- b prcholl hon 5- harrington ijinl sagwt k raring esq fr pmwtki- i hun i pflwiibv mr ulw laik mf my lii mr- maniti if lk sifl v llnllnu thing nuwnft i it d mr iwh morning advociitfer have received nu merous files of london papers of llic moru- ingol liio it drccmlicr and liverpool of the 2d they have also received some of iho periodical fur ueeemher and this ton before they have bad tim io luuk iuio thuae for vrinher- affairs of bitgivmtue morning cbrouieto of detenihor ui tootnio two iroin iis ciimopondcot at krusiceu dated the 25th ami 9gth of nuvemher th writer is strong in iho belief that the injudicious proceedings of ihe lielic cuo- givm ill inevicahiy brin down upon iho conulry thu wrath of the holy alliance the fatal step the writer beleivrs ivnil tho decree excluding the iiuuscol nsnu from lic throne of belgium forevtr in another iwrhgrapli the writer tavs uith an assurance louuded upon something aironger lhan rumor hc know for cer tainty that the dtciswn of the congress against the house ofstssau wilt 6- opposed by the holy alliance our cat press vcttd its exclusion titty cxvart b forehand oj thu fact it kus ivfonntd by iujw and fam ed by franc lucouclusiun tho writer says tho rtiwi- i shall we havenario leccuihrrof altirrlt 1 nil hupe neither at the one nor ihe other period hut my hope aro not vry jtunl- ing tho government expucto war moke importaxt fitill the moruiu herald of december lit stales editorially and without qunlifien- iou that tht emperor ofrtusiu has at ready yvbtishetf a sort of manifesto in which hehtqtes that vttida forcing upon the free people of brtgium tl dynesty which thy de test fit is also concerned for the honour and authority of the f gowmnunt end would sure it from mtasuns which the impe tuosity of tht french people might oblige it to adopt ve stated yesterday the formation of camps upon the ithihe and at the foot of ihe pyraunecs it is now added that orders have been given u provision the fortresses ihiouglmut france forall governors to re pair to their commands and all olfieers pe- remptotily to join their tamards and if wo interpret rightly a paragraph iu one of thft paper for the fonitieaiinu of iho heijjtu of paris lu hs to make that capital a climlel fr liberty in ihe ihsi extremity the postscript io the herald contain a letter from pari of the hhh nov writ aidilferenf i vs iiotti i lill pal 1 ii i imvimii dutch have broken he armistice an troops nn oa the march lo i j