ft wtjtf yoa will find io the newspapers no ac count ofthe arrest of nn aidducamp of mormon due tie raguse charged with tending arms aod warlike equipments into tottnuae half pastour i have just been at the two chambers at seven oclock m moo- talivet mse in the chamber of deputies to proposo resolutions respecting the nation al guard you will find copy of his speech in the second edition ofthe musagtr ties chrtmbrcsf which i shall send you oeueral sehasiiani was expected to fol low with a demnud for 150 million of fraocs for bis the foreign department all at the chamber appeared to expect war at the chamber of peers the com- inissioners presented their report to the chamber io secret committee aud ro- i tired at halfpasl three nothing has yet tmnspired the funds bavfl recovered a little as you will see by your litis but ukuw any news io account for it tile follnwiug is an extract from a pri vate letter dated now 2u halfpast four oclock no message from the crown has been hroughtdotvd to the chamber by mitiis- j lersou the state of the diplomatic affairs or deiuud fw a large credit to meet the expenses pf the preparations for war as credibly announced by yesterday and ibis moriljdg pptn at the itourse it wits reported that m litillc inicmled not to i ducuhey ought to pursue in case thej should he ordered to march to the frontier a step which lite character of marshal so ult induces them to believe will bo takeo should war break out this is found o he a grave question during i ho summer it was pleasant enough to be campaigning in the champ do mars at their own door v may be said but to tic obliged toahandou their shops aod business to march to the rhine of moselle in the depth of winter and there to be treated to martial luwus common soldiers is a very diflicult alftiir and one which may occasion serious dis content should an attempt be made to en force it the report that the belgians have sent to offer the sovereignty of their country to the due de nemours is revived hut there can be littlo doubt that the offer would if matfoi be rejected not from auy indispo sition ou the part ofthe king or of france to accopt it on bjinlfof ihu young frince but least it should excite the jealousy of jour government to preserve peaco with whom is and very wisely and object hero ofthe greatest solicitude extract from the farts times ofkov 29 every subject vaujshes before the ques tion of peace or war even the trial ofthe exminister of which a report is tolo made today to the chamber of peer is forgotten the presentation in a short i time of the latm upon the electioo upou collector 2d 3d 4th 5tb 1th oppose the occupation of the duchess of ioaaj uuini on ina municipalities jvixemburt by the prussian the nub- 0d llie ud5el vwp lie voice wnttmwl the adoption of uch p unknown a fortnight ago in this pt a course ofpoliey- charles vaikw vvyoo was appointed ou the 30th november secretary at war lord qlcdtwarth is appointed governor ofnew stiwiuwale this appointmeut is shiitfactory to tjte merchants interested iu this rapidly improving colony the hijh stlwlflr f jtuckingharmhite u ii i i i 14 4 m u 41 41 41 7th 3d it 4ih5th ii 7ih iudiflerenre with regard io in a tiers of seri- ftds importance there exisis a serious warn- iog which is that tle question ii now trans ported out of france wc hail achieved our revolution europe had engaged to respect it and we were oc cupied in organizing our new iustitutions when of a sudden events occurred at a few arrived iuiuwn expm on ftbi frontiers which solicit for the purpose of 04biiuoicfltiup with the 0w interference and perhaps government on the rfislurbed stale of se- j j jf hrms l wa 0 vain ha veral districts in tbatcounty lord mel- m bl uttered the language of wisdom bourne hoingin the house of lords when i aml experience his lessons were useless that geuiloiuaii reached the home office i ho hrew s u matter hut flame he proceeded immedihlely thither and had ns bccn cmimiuiiicnied to it what has a long interview with hwxordship nfici cwllsmi fr lasl ln n3s spread which the noble secretary accompanied i in which hb do nut as yet par- iflin to the homeofficejrraw ireland ireland the grand orange i nil s i have find a special meeting at which it ivhtf resnlred lltttt the society would op pore the repeal uf the legislative- union hutwcu kugland and i rotund that the society highly approved uc-tlw-deteniiiiiji- tion of the kin to repress all pupuur tnoveineut and finally ihrthcotitcia fiun held iudfiu readiness to arise ju mi litary array under the itritish fjag if the state of ihu tiiocb render such a ttkiveiuent neccisary from the lumtick chmnict of nop 3 lieuiconiitotorral sir j ityng has ttued a general tinier roioniaidrri all the innpv j turn out twice a week in hill lllftrcliittj order td paired the rondi iu tle vicinity nf their quarters the garrison of limerick has been out every day iljjj week vuc lh tyuuw hr n she nwua and the fir division was to leave neivry for dublin ou monday two companies of the 76th regiment art stitioned at the pigeon house four at geores street and four at the beggars llushliarrack dublin the 7th royal lluisars nt dundalk are uuder arms every night the nutpen sioners will be called for the purpose of funuillg the different corps of vcleraus not as heretofore by proclamation hut by uuiicts served o ihein froflt the proper offices the coontcss of harcourt transport has arrived at cork to couvej troops to bar- vbadoes the two rompwiu of the 32d regi- fnmti vacant by liwimprirtwllobl ofcap- taras smith and alarikhani will it is un derstood be shortly disposed of iu conse- ijttence of an application to general lord h4l commaoder f the forces to that effect the iiiteinior of applying for a new trial ou the ground ofthe jiuje who tried the cause of those unfortunate gen tlcuien rsaltfiik 0 wtwf their counsel to sneak to evideuic bfu been abandoned france tiuojfichatfpatz oclock a m dec 1 xtraordinary lew of troops in addition to the 146000 called out by receut ordinances and who are to march on the 1st and 15th december tho government has determined upon making an extraordinary levee of 80000 men the oouseut of tho chambers will be applied for on au oarly day and ao extraordioary credit asked for to moet the expenses ren dered necessary by the levy thss farts have been made known by the ministers themselves the national of this moroing says a letter from tho interior of russia dated nov 10 confirms what has already been a nouueed respecting tho march of the fius- aiao army toward tho frontiers tho manner in which this utter is expressed leffte no doubt that the movement is the consequence of a preconcerted plan he- tween the cabinets uf petersburgh and berlin private corre3fonpkwce paris nov 29 12 oclock the questwii uf the exlminisiers conic oo at a moment svheo the public miod is fnriimaiely with an affair of great er moment liitle seoiatjon will there- forohc ciipd of felt oo hat subjeci dny i will give you to a posicriju an ac count of 11 ilratshay transpire there- your report from the chamber of deputies will contain 00 the other and greater qucstiou all thai frball occur or be slated in the de puties 1 thiswillhe adayofreal business here the report of the cointnissioo appointul to examine into and conduct the process against the ministers of charles x- will bo laid before the chamber of pters jid it is expected that a conjraunicatioq will be made voluutarily by or extorted from the ministers of the king in the chamber of deputies declaratory of the situation of france wiih respect to foreign powers iu a word whether or not a war is probable the general imprpssioo continues to be that france will be comoiitted in war so itmn ii ibis conviction lhaf many of the jaiiouu guards rnobttvs who are citizens fif aris begin to jiscuss w bat liue of ton- licipate but winch the government alone cao pot nu end to by an unreserved expla nation uf it view and of its hopes to frrnch minds uncertainty i tho only real evil wc have no doubt that the opportu nity of explaining will be offered to minis ters without de lay iu the chambers it is necessary to he a live in a word as well us iu tleed prepxnuioo fur war cao alone secure the maintenance of peace the week which is hot commenciuk must pot an end to all uncertainty upon the princi pal question both of foreign and domes tic policy ourgoverumontcnndo all that it has the will io do but it must be known what its intentions are let the govern ment speak and france will answer and europe will reflect tux kingston chronicle sttenfthft annuity stuy lu- our leaders will find ample stores of kitercsting information in that pan of our paper devoted to foreign intelli gence we will not detain them with our own visionary speculations but o- pen to them the important page and leave them to digest its contents the warcloud bangs darkly over the wide expanse ofthe european horizon from time to time we have ventur ed to hazard our opinions of coming e- vents andour readers we hope will do so much justice to our discernment as to acknowledge that on many important subjects the opinions wc expressed have been justified by the developement ofthe present as it passes by a friend in uaukesbui writes us undnrctatu of december bi the fol lowing melancholy catastrophe an mvful visitation of proviiltnet at t eat hiawkcsttuiy on the nilit of the 33d iustanu mr george fitz henry and a fe male svi viut in his ciriplny wero consum ed almust to ashes by fire the deceased was a native of ireland and hy profession a mill wright iu which capacity he was actively nnd usefully employed iu different parts of his province for the last ten vears and foi ihe last 18 mouths whs engaged in buildinr a sawmill and gristmill in ri ver de grass the sawmill was finished aod had ihe deceased but lived a few weeks longer ono of tho most beautiful grist mills in canada would have becu in full operation hut there is a fate in thu strange world which oft decrees to us hu inexplicable doom the deceased who bore an excellent character was of a mild and gentle disposition and was noted for his sober habii got on the day of the fa tal accident contrary to his usual practice a drinking with some people about the mills quarrelled with one or more of them and became towards the evening turbulent aod riotous mr angus mcdonell who rents the sawmill succeeded in taking him away from them pacified him n little and rothim to bed the dwelling place of the deceased was a small log building cou- sisting of ooe apartment of about ib feet hy 12 without any chimney the bed were on the floor aod consisted of dry shavings with a blanket or two thrown over them aud were placed within 18 in ches ofthe lire place without any thing to guard them from the fire- there wero two or more of these sleeping places in the apartment upon one of thorn mr angus mcdooell placed tho deceased- there was di7ion a considerable quantity nf tallow in the place and afire of dry hemlock split up was kiudled under these circumstances mr mcdoneli left the unfortunate do- ceased in a state of insensibility ut 11 o clock attended by ao unfortuuaio female who lived with him aod who as some say was at the timo cjniio sober nud went home al about halfpnst 12 oclock mr mcdoneli observed the huoso on fire and along tilth mr- weuh and hailing who were in the deceaseds employ with others to thu u amber of u or 12 ran to the spot oo iheif arrivnl ihe fire raged violemly that thvy could not approach the house nor render any asjittauco to llioso within they mihlseediiiuctly through the door the defeased lying upou his face ou the lloor opposite ihe door having left the bed on which mr mcoouell laid him the fire continned to rage violently owing to the tallow and other combustible subgtauccs that were in the apartment till daybreak at thl time they succeeded in breaking down part ofthe roof nud got admtssiou to the liouae when they entered they lieholiliatafinniflclu calculated to shock tho stoutet heait they found the remains of mr fitz horry in the very spot in which ihey nuaerviuhim when they first enme to the house the legs and arms were all consumed nnl the rest of the body was so much destroyed that they could only re cognize it tulle the remaius of a human being the remains of the woman was found near fht fire place her body was con sumed much in the samo way the co roners inquest was held over the bodies oo friday the terdict of the jury we have not been able to learn the remains of the unfortunate deceased weraiuterred on sunday last in the catholic huryioggrouod at lochielthcy were botliof the catholic relgioo town mekting the following officrs were chosen for the present year town clerk tames r benson j a vt township albert mcmichatl do town 1ilin yinctn wiiliau wilson- road masters 1st concession ist west wet miadle east west middle kal west middle kast wai middle east west middle kast we eat wvst addition it tcrn addition montreal road ttmna colling do east micbiel malinny nu tk c archibald beeth jmmcconne id twn keepers jnrullikn ferris henry ivarlioiii prtntiss kitcli tico morcy atbnt ccubck gen horning johnmcxichael t daltnu t lnvii robert gibson jacob powley jaiocs gordon i mtrajnh guess ft ucijanun hcbcock linrnard mason john merrill lcncan kvcth cihc bic lewis daley william norman ttuius smith lft ipitu moon david vader ssbks the next as- iblywill mike place at the kingston fi iday evening il- ist on iiisi precise to commence at 8 oclock dec 4lh 1830 thomas molsou juseli ferris junr phenis mckcevcr 2bujj w samuel metrill adam vaotolkeoburgh james rcij- tnomas wikhl- general laws for the towk8hip to ruo at lrgc cowi sind hu h- not to nm al larc horses colts own sheep jwine no cattle to run at large sibwi mills and taveroi between january 1st april ut fences to be full five feet hih the openings between the rails not to be more than six inches the ridere not t be more than 12 inches from the body ofthe fence the upper part or ihe fence to be well secured cither bysttkenor riderst omny other secure method the nature of the fence may require laws for the town nut to ran at terse in the town horses oxen cows sheep or goats notice road masters for last yew are direct ed to bring in their accounts at a special sessions to be held on the first monday in march when the road masters for the present year will receive their birth oo ihe lm iot tht lady of mr henry daltoo of ihis toohip ola da usliiop makried on monday eoing tho 27th inst hy the rev dr stunrt mr tbomni dyer of the napuue miils to hiu ann tweddell nr kingston died on tho 4rh inirnnt mr susan hcdoooih wife of mrardiibnld mcdoneli al rrirlunn rutland mi th 25th no vember 1830 ihe lady of lieut col lto- beri royal anillury cartage team hire for the engineer and ordnance ser vice at kingstohtfor the yrar 1831 the commissary general having directed lbatanftw advcrlisomoui should be given to iho public for lhi service scaled tenders for llie same will be received at this office until 12 oclock on tuesday the lsih instant which aic to specify the ttcift ster ling for the following items cart with two horses nnd a driver at per dcy two horses drivcrwithoulacart at do cart witli one horse and driver m do one horse driver without a cart at do the tenders nre to specify the naraas of two respectable persons who will be come sureties for the undertaking bat the real signatures will nol be requited to the tender until the lowest offer has been ascertained john hare commissariati kingston january 3rf 1831 montreal kingston and york majl stacks five times a wttu ir eaves mmim king mj nnd yoik every duy cepl si- lurlays anil sundays al 4 oclock am and arrive llic following da vs seals taken ni the upper canada coach oflice montical kingston ho tel kingston nnd the general stage of fice york extras furnished on reasonable terms all baggage at ho owners risk h dickenson montreal if nortonsf cokmgston ik heller york january 1st 1s31 twtotice tlw suhscriher ha- ju ving retired from business begs all those who are indebted io him either by note book account c to call and settle the same as they will on lie first march next be indescriniutck placed in the hands of an attorney fof collection and all those to whom lie is indebted will please present their claims for li quidation he offer for sale a potash work in the best of order adjoining mr gar- rats distillery in the vicinity of king ston theieon is erected a good sub stantial ash house 40 by 26 feet al so a boiling house 20 by 24 feet with g good leaches new and large ket tles coolers pump troughs c c complete from its proximity lo king ston where there is nothing of the kind at present in operation it offers a desir able investment for any person wishing to embark in making potashes the present prices and prospect of a rise is is an object also the land which is si in at fid on lh lake shore upon which the above buildings dec arc eiecied the whole will lie sold remarkable low for cash or rfiori approved credit and an indisputable title sitien apply to c f cokbett kindlon december is30 tvotice to emigrants af persons in this country desirous of bringing out their friends from ire land by applying to the subscribers can itttvo an opportunity of securing passages in an of the following vessels to sail from their respective ports about the 25tli march next from dublin new ilip john porter 600 ton from belfast rich do elizabeth robertson 600 finm limerick or cork brig sarah 600 those vessels are ofthe first class and have superior accommodations for passengers j w armstrong co kingston 3d december 1830 lost on friday the 7ih january in the streets or in ihe vicinity of kingston a topaz brooch set in gold mr editor having occasion lately to bo travelling in the country aod the fall of whoever lias found tnettieiy veftwp night fast approaching 1 entered too ia vern of mr william smith nine miles 1 webster begs most rcs- lflt pec lively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he liasjusl returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimeresand vest- ings ofthe most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and lateat pattern aud having succeded in making purchases at soma ofthe first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen enlitistirg him with their orders that they shall be executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends nnd the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g xv has made atrangments with one ofthe first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 olcmari scobee17 jkjb cooper from england respect fully informs the inhabitants nnd viciniiv of kingson that he has established his business in ear of the brick house foi- merly occupied by mr w driscolj in brock street where he will cany on his employment jn all its branches k s flatters himself from his ion experience in his hnc and ihereidines to comply with tho call of those who may favour him to deserve a share of public patronage n u the shop kitchen and cellar of the above building to let for par ticulars apply o mr j counter kingston n 13 1830 203 john booth mute tailoo most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends iid the pub lic init be has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere hanks for the patronage ho experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom lie likewise begs leave to intima te thai having received a large aud finr assortment of cvoms cassimere vtt tings trimmings of every tttseription ifyc fyc he is enabled furnish any quan tity on the must reasonable terms n 15 constantly on hand a veiy fyshtonnble assortment of ready made clothing kingston hth november 1830- ld kings head mar- ket square kingston james a- smitk begs to acquaint his friends and ihe public thai he has lately made considerable alieraiion in bis establish- mom in miukei squftte whteh mttw him to add much to the comfort of travel lers he has lately erected extensive stabling and provided ihe means of in suring the best accommodation for hor ses kingston december 6th 1830 the rev john machar minister of si andrews church in this place ar rived in town this marnmgfrom iiver pool mr machar will perform divine service tomorrow at 11 am for the military and at 2 p m for the congre gation we beg to return our grateful ac knowledgements to mr hali of the commercial advertiser for the files of scotch newspapers he so obligingly for warded to u- montreal official gazettc- we beg to inform mr armour that thega- zette did not reach kingston by last post chronicle of december 25 answer kingston chronicle we beg leave to inform mr macfarlane that the chronicle did not roach montreal by last post being only received this day via quebec gazette of jan 3 the army lt colmao of ihe 15th foot to he captain vice quill promoted to a majority 7gthr staff assistant sur geon v cruiekshank to be asislot sur geon vice divlr promoted io the 91st foot from kingdom on the bath road to abide for ihe eight ueiogcousidcrflbly fatigued occasioned from a long jouruev i had that day accomplished a short rime only elaps ed from my entrance into the house before i lay down on a form or bench in the bar- room sod unconiciouily fell sileep i re mained jhus absorbed till morning and on my awaking fouod ibat i wa deficient io money ten shilliogs when the landlord mr smith came io i acquainted him with the loss i had eodergoue who to his credit he it spoken replied that 1 need not fear my money was safe ho then referred me lo a boy myers duuey who as then re- sidiog in ihu house suying that he wan ihe person thai had it aiid would delirer it upou application it appears sir that during oiy noctur nal visions for a few 1 had the money had rolled out of my pocket aod the suid myers dutley observing it picked it up and was requested by mr smith to retain il till i awoke i merely state this circum stance sir io contradistinction to reports i have heard thamurcoumry taverns wero deficient somewhat in honesty to travel lers as well as of retorniog my thaoki in a public manner to mr smith for this one actof uprightness and integrity and also to myers dutley whose parents he reflects great credit upon io this iastanceof faith ful ocss trusting mr editor you will give this a place in your valuable journal i remain sir yours a traveller casualty on the evening of fri day last a man in tho employment of mr molsonof this place while super intending ho ungipeof the distillery by some accident had his right nrm en tangled in a part of the machinery when discovered the arm was found to be so dreadfully mangled that amputa tion was theonly resource we under stand that lie has since been removed to the llosmlal and doing wc january tea sales 1831 the agents to the honor able east india company in ca nada give notice that there will be put up to public sale at their wai chouses in quebec on saturday the lul january a quantity of teas equal to about 500 chests and al montreal on saturday ihe 22d january about 1500 chests catalogues will be ready for delivery and shew chips open for inspection al each place ffom monday morning un til tliuisday afternoon of the week of sale qy the slcs to commence at clo ven oclock i he forenoon forsyte richardson co agents to the h- e i c montreal jfflrtery3 1830 ing it to the chronicle office will be suitably rewarded ikt oticje at a meeting of i the board of directors this day it was resolved ihat a dividend of one pound ten shillings currency on each share ofthe capital stock ofthfe calaraqui bridge compaivy be now declared payable at this office g f corbett sccftreas- c- b co cataraqui bridge office kingston jqn6th 1831 public notice hereby given that a meeting of the cataraqui bridge company will be held at this office ou monday the 31st instant at 12 oclock noon for the pur pose of electing directors foi the en suing year agreeably t the act of in- corpoialion by order of the directors g f corbett see treas c b co cataraqui bridge office kingston jmgtkq3 1 1st of letters from the jld lnited slates remaining in the post office at kingston on3i de cember 1830 william ash thomas arnott orson barns patrick boywt samuel bradley joel carle gilbert d dillon abijah farwoll david ffiet alvan frary john gelsbaoeo robert oarmr james grcn llanuah grnss william harrisou isabella t hill na thaniel s hatrh thomas jordan kzekitl i him james laird- floreura mccarthy john mehaigs thuuias murphy timothy s nuhles thomas 1helan james quinn charles ripley william j scull jnmes scots- or john mrulainv sarah swart george c treinain nelson tiruax william vaoauiine david warwick william wanner john macaulay pm public notice post office kingston 1st january 1831 the following arrangements rela tive lo the mails will takecitcci mroticje the general quar- x im sessions of the peace in and for the midland district will be held by adjournment on wednesday the fifth day of january next at the court house in the town of kingston at the hour often oclock in the forenoon at which lime such persons as are dcsilous of re newing their tavern licences or obtain ing new ones for the ensuing year must attend for that purpose kingston december 13th 1ss0 toe w good sthe 1 subscriber has received by ihe late arrivals in november from london liverpool and glasgow an extensive assortment of staple and fancy goods adapted foi the winter and early spring trade roitsisliag of ast ex- the mjkbriem selection of calicoes chintzes cambrics muslins fine striped shirt ings bombazettes tartans merinoes sharabrays lutestrings gros-de-na- ples crapes bobinetts quillmg8irai- lavton gimp and grecian laces tai lings lacecapsi collars tippets veils c worked hnd tamboutfed muslin collars handkerchieis c fancy silk shawls handkerchiefs and bandannas toilenet and valentia ve9tings cloves hosiery and a great variety of small wares c also a few bales scotch bonnets overall stockings scarlet caps do mestic cottons steam loom shirtings carpeting worsted shawls c robert armour no 25 notre dame street montreal december 16 1830- made upno sunday mondaytiies- day wednesday aud tlfcrs- day hour ofclosiog 4 oclock p m the mails for offices oo the line through prioce edward county commencing at bath and ending at the river trent will be made up on monday and thurs day hour of closing 4 oclock p m the malls fr tho uoited stares for warded via cape vincent will be made up on monday wednesday and frf- day hour ofclosiog two ofclock 1 m the office will be open or sunday be tween the hours of 8 nnd 10 oclock am john macaulay postmaster lflhe partnership heretofore car- b ricd on by samuel t hudson and george cliff in hamburgh in the county ofprince edward and province of upper canada is dissolved by mu tual consent george cliff is author ised to receive any debts due the con cern and grant acquittances for tho same he is also ready to pay any debis due bv the late firm of hudson cliff signed samv t hvdson george cliff maryshvrgh july 23 1830 for sale loi no sf8 iii grave street kingston apply to the editor of this paper my 3 1 wo- a raffle i raf boil when a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained a handsome bay mare 7 years old and a single bodied dennet with all its appurte nances the number of subscribers lo be thirtytwo al 6 dollars each the best of three throws of three dice subscription papers will be left at the mansion ouse hotel the kingston hotel and ihe chronicle office kingston s4tll december 1330 the subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in ihe dry goods and grocery line in ihe shop formerly occupied by mr thos wilson in sioro street where he respectfully invite them io call and examine his stock rusting ibal ihe quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them io favour him vith a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kincson 1 december 1830 christmas fc new y ears gift the token tho atlantic souvenir the pearl affections offei ing with a number of oiher literary gems elegantly dono up for the present sea son for sale at lesslie sons store street kingston pec isw k