Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 8, 1831, p. 4

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a common character st thomas prinolf esq xot altogether wicked but so weak thai greater villaios made of him their tool not void ociatent yet so much a fool as honour hy dishonest means to seek proud to the humble to thehiiughty meek in flattery servile insolent iu rule keen for his own for others interest cool hate in his heart and smiles upou bis choek this man with abject meanness joiod 10 pride was yet a pleasant fellow in his day for all unseemly traits ho well could hide wheneer he miorled with the great and but he is buried now and when he died no one teemed sorry that ho was aw excerpts from labrvyere profound ignorance makes a man dogmatic he who knows nothing thinks he can teach others what he has just now learned himself whilst he who knows a great deal can scarce im agine any one should not be acquainted with what he says and speaks for this reasou with more indifference this youth so fresh so florid and healthy is lord of an abbey and ten other benefices they bring him in al together one hundred and twenty thou sand liviesa year which ore constantly paid in gold there are elsewhere one hundred and twenty indigent families who have no fire 10 warm them in win ter no clothes to cover their nakedness nor bread lo eat their poverty is ex treme and piteous what inequality does not this clearly demonstrate a fu turity features discover complexion and munrrars uur lis ltluiiirainiiniuhwdruii discover the goods of fortune tis writ ten in a mans countenance whether he has more or less than a thousand livres a year there are only two ways of rising in the woi 11 by our own industry or by the weakness of others when i see some persons who used to be beforehand with me in their civil ities expect on the contrary i should salute ihem first and stand on their punctilios i say to myself very fine i am glad things go so well with ihem tis certain this gentleman is better pro vided than formerly that he lias gotten within these few months into some post or other by which he has already con siderably advanced his fortune pray heaven he may in time come even to despise me there is occasion for a great deal of resolution as well as greainejs of soul to refuse posts and employments and sit down contented with retirement and doing nothing few there are who have merit enough to play this part handsomely or know how to pass their leisure hours without what the vulgar call business yet there is nothing wanting to the idleness of a wise man but a bptier name and that his medita tion discourse reading and repose should be called employment a beautiful woman who has the qua lities of an accomplished man is of all conversations in the world the most delicious hi llttff i lo uu louiiuull hit merits ofbolh sexes tis not so hard to meet with wit as with people who make a good use of their own or another mans if at any time we have been liberal to those we love whatever happens after wards we ought by no means to re flect on our benefits tho pleasure of society amongst friends is cultivated by a likeness of inclinations as to manners and by some difference in opinion as to scien ces between saying bad things or sayin such good things us every body knows and putting them off for new there is so little difference that i dont know which to choose a high birth or a great fortune set off merit and makes it sooner distin guished some excuse to an ambitious cox comb for his ambition is the care he takes uftcrhc has raised his fortuue to find out some merit which he never had before to render him as worthy in our opinion us he is iu his own thi wise sometimes avoid the world that they may not be surfeited with it observe those people who never commend any one who are n i ways find ing fault are content wiih nobody and you will find them persons with whom nobody is content i allow nobody lo be a knave but i allow a knave to play high 1 fotbid it an honest man there is too much fol ly and puerility in exposing ones sell to a great loss there is but one affliction which is lasting the loss of an estate lime which swectensall others sharpens this we feel it every moment during the course of our lives that we miss the for tune we have lost tho court is like a marble structure composed of men very hard but very polished none are impudent hy choice but by constitution tis a vice to be so but tis natural lie who is not born so is mo dest and cannot easily pass from one extreme to the oilier be impudont and succeed is a good lesson but thrown away upon him a bad imitation will do him no service he will be baffled a real native impudence is necessary to drop froi autumn when i see v their trees in lite beginning wf just such think i is the friend- nes ship of the world while the sap of maintenance lasts my friends swarm iu abundance but in the winter of mv need ihey leave me nuked he is a happy man that hath a true fiiend at hits need but he is more truly happy thai hath no need of his friends bank notice ojjict of lite bunk of upper canada i kingston vath sartttltr j kid discount day mtuit- da i or ever y wmmk i notes offered for dfcconnt md made payable at not more than ninety tuxys after date must bo put under cover to the cashier and left at this oflice the day before john macaulay cashier s for sale at thk ciiromclk office j rip eopks of ike atlantic souvenir for 1831 pleivdidly bound in em- bossed leather will gilt importation for a general winter t kadfc by j w armstrong co at their wholesale and retail woolen and fancv warehouse after considerable time spent in the different manufacturing coun ties iu eogland in the purchase or goods for a general full and winter trade the subscribers have wiih much care selected the choicest and most exteosivc assortment ever introduced to upper canada this elegaotjsioek of goods comprizes almost every article io the above hue deserving notice and h now respectfully submitieii printing press has just been received to public inspection j il lhe chronicle oflice where visiting i heir establishment will he found re- cwj wu be jmed j pleie null the finest fabrics in saxony black blue brown olive aud medley eaves and containg twelve highly finished en giavings on steel by the first artists kingston 23d oct 1830 coppisrplate puess a first rate copperplate cloths double milled olive aud drab urtout printed and all olher copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable a fll estai notice notes or nti mill- due in lhe looftheutu frederick keklerare tobesettlnl with j ii samson admr bnllvilo 24lh dec 182 visiting cloih ladies faocy pelisse and queeu i cards for sale at the chronicle office do jjath coating gentlemens french nap printed tahlo cloth singlo ami double milled cassiineres assorted qua lities and colours flushings yorkshire beaver and treble milled pilot cloth faocy silk toilenette valeotia and mar seillfcs vesliogs satioctls camlets and tartan plaids and july 24th 1s30 gbmoval the subscri ber begs leave to acquaint his friends and lhe public generally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr win brussels kidderminster binley diuggist where he is now veoeiiao carpeting hearth rugs receiving a very general assortment of moreens damask and chintz furniture superfine merinos bnmbazettes bomba- bint nod norwich rapes printed cali cnes london chintz and chintz muslin gray domestic and stoamloom cottoos apron checks turkey strjpcs and sirii cd qioghains checked horse cloths couaterpaues and marseilles quilts silk cottoo worsted and lambs wool ho siery gloves and braces book ja conet cambric and mull muslins geo- tlcmcus fur caps staple and fancy cjoodk well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school iliiwu- tmllcaulruiimy ami i vau oi christys best waterproof hats w dkiscoll kingston october 9th 130 j ttew stereotype e- dition of mayors an kxtruci mm the uuuiiiviis ojupfct canada college the college quarters ore oider- od as follows first quarter begins immediately al ter lhe christmas vncuikm about the jth of january and ends mi the liolli ol march second quarter begins on llio 20th march and ends on lhe lolli june third quarter begins on the jotli june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about tlnj lcth of august fourth quarter begins immediately afier lhe summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at lhe commence ment of he christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited inio the college or preparatory school h tjustpilli ihpd hv carry lra ond t ruuvrvoi v io ie continued at interval of three imsd americana inc lit- wn r popular ikcuouxry j arts satnresl troture uhhry and polities iiruhi do io the present lime and installing a copi ous collection of original article ill amkri- las uiooiiaiiiv on the basis ol the sev enth edition of the german conversations- lexicon to he completed in twelve large volumes octavo frtpcrsous wishing to subscribe to tec nlwve work will please apply at the chron icle ojjict where tho lit volume may be price tico dollars and a half each james macfaklaxe 34 dec 1 fcmu hnsston fe pub i h undersigned hereby give c notice that we will not c accountable or llrblo js for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger ol the naviga tion hence to monireul and vice versa we promise the public lo employ nunc but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at nil times when it can be f the col esc or preparatory sriioui ins j ir t n ll r done elect insurance on pro pci tv con- dues for instruction are payable iioin sined to us with some respectable ol- the begining of that quarter lice for its safe delivery at montreal ivtotice all persons having ai the lowest premium lobe obtained- 1 just claims against the kslate of incases where no instructions are the late kodolph couchc of camden given with respect to lhe amount to be are requested lo present them duly au thenticated wiih as little delay as pos sible and all hose indebted to said es- nsured on the different descripiions ol properly we shall ensure such amount will be for the safety and is we conceive same with lhe subscriber who is appointed administrator lo the said laic interest of the owners the properly tato will please to call and settle the duly will be made subject to the premium jiies muclurlanc esq efc- naidforils insurance persons who i james 0 ijelhuno esc ihread dutch and stationery chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw- spelling book the subscriber has ers isilk and cotton umbrellas fringes in the press an extensive second edi- ludia taftetics and bandannas oifd ud j tion of mavors englih spelling book faioted baie tahlo covering shoe stereotyped from the s23th london twine looking glasses eduloo a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much c hen pee ill an lhe former edition siorekeepeia ind others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 2 2d may 1sj0 pi ull william bowen administrator mmml aaii i foa p consign propeny to is lor transport and object lo this course will immedi- oss esq btely signify il by letter in which cast or sale avery taluable farm in the township of tliurlow situated within lom miles of the town ol belleville und within a quarter ufa mile of the kiver moiiee containing two hundred acres of land of which there me pile hundred acres in the hihei slate of cultivation on the farm then is a very neat substantial frame dwell iitg liouo well fintslitrd in from of which runs u handsoaio stream of excellent wafer there is nlo a bftril of fifty fee in 1 jth by thirty five feet wide u shed and other out buildings finished in tlie best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked with fruit trees forming altogether one of the besl farms in lhe coultlrv indisputable title will he given for further arilcttlars apply to the propri etor on lhe premises ronald mcmlchael thurlow 10th may is30 almamce british and funign lift und fire assur anct company of london established by act of parliament capital five millions stehlixc ii agents for this company beg leave to unncuiicc to lite in habitants of upper canada that they continue io assuie against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns ofihe different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aav morriftc brockvilu kingston h robt win prentice ksq t to either of whom parties cahaure york niagara desiious of their lineo diaper and flannel de partnients arc largely supplied with the fiuest texture and choicest material low hrowu aud bleached hollands table np- french cambrics huckaback dow la 0sufl hurs and sheeting sail cniivas no 27 rlfto- kcts serge flannels and baizes c c s ladies who honnur this estahlishmcnt with a preference will find among the fancy part of their stock maoy ucw and fashionable nrticlcs figured llinciiocs crape de lyon crape royal aud gauze de atheo india silks satin levantine crepe lissc and italiane canton crape cyprus rock spun and real thibet shawls artificial flowers thread laces edgingsaod quilliois lace caps rnhhiuttt and lace veil fancy oiled jdilk te camhnc aprou rlnck and colored silk vclveti tortoise shell combs windsor aud fancy soap viiiiug alcssage aud toy cards kcaver uouuets fur trimmings alnrts and televises a choice collection ofgrosdo naples of very superior texture and prevailing colors to 3zilleks a second miller would find employment by immediate application to gaua ioquc mills cjjcdonald ilay 29 1s30 tt otice ah persons having deg x maods against the estate of the late doctor john stickncynfsophiashurgh deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated to the subscribers for settle ment aad all perous indebted to the instate are requested to make immediate payment tn the subscribers who are duly authorised to grant discharges richd solmes samuels ckonk flxccutors sophiasburgh november 2d 1830- publ1c notice is hereby given that aoy perwns found cutting lakiog away or injuring the timber on the lands belonging to canada company without a special authority from thi of fice will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour ofihe law canada companys office york uih oculft 5 notice all persons having demands against the estatcof the late abraham barker of hailowell deceard arc requested to present then duly authenticated to the pubsciibers for soiuoment and all persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscriber who aie duly authorised so grant discharges d b stevenson benj hubbs j hailowell may 1 6th lb29 uavigaiiou r i public of the following important anj j striking advantages that will be deriv- 1 i4ni tiiis to all lhe liabilities of lhe henco io montreal sigoccl ii is 8 jones jamfs mccutcuox cd irum assunng willi the alliance com- hookfrs- henderson n book binding kstablishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book- binder informs the 1ublic that all kinds ofbusiness in ibis line will be perform ed at his oflice wiih neatness and des patch and o moderate terms the following i a list of the price when books arc brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume bfxdixti iv fml i tho principal pari of this splendid and boautiful sink hnviug been purchnsefj fn cash eoables tho proprietors to orer ihoir friends nod the public every advantage that ciin be derived from the present de pressed stale of the eoglish market their woollens are particolarly rccom mcuded to the uoiice of country mer chants as well as the cousumer special care having heen taken in every imtaiice to procure cloths calculated for service also 50cratos well assorted crockery n rich will be sold at a small advance by the package or lot j v armstrono co kiii u ociobor i rlii rmsht mansion hois jl hotel the subscribe having reuted this extensive aud well knowu estalilisliincnt has now opened hesatno for tho accommodation of the public the mansion hooso is pleasaotly firuat th 2istdo at monros loo ii o- eu on ctorc street heiug ihc princijal aui clock a- m most ccmral sirect in kingston and uti i ameliashurgh- 22d do at john belyons cstauiislimcui ofine kiud in the province jo oclock a m cao surpass it in the excellence and comfort iii do nt herrioetons 3o- ol its apirtment5 in regard both to pnrtoui clock i m and bed rooms all of which are fur sopbinsbirgh 24th do at demorest- mshed iu the very hest stylo vil jo 0 a m maryshurgh 25th do at stone mills 10 oclock at john maclean midland district sale ok lands do hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as are advertised by the treasurer of the district and contain cd in the warrants of the clerk of the peace as may be sulficient io satisfy tho arrearages of assessments due thereon at the follow ing times aud places viz pittsburgh 9th april at stratahans inn at iu oclock a m kingston luih do court house vl o clock a m loughborough 12th do at mcgregors mills 12 oclock a m ernest town i3th do at forwards ino 12 oclock am porilaod 14th io atjacob shiblys esquire 12 oclock a m camden 15th do at adam bowers esq 2 oclock pm frederieksburgh 16th do at clarkville 10 oclock a m richmond 16th do at napane mills 1 oclock p m tycndanaga 17th do at tyeudaoaga mills lioclock am madoc 19th do at marmora iron works 11 oclock a m sidney 20th do at thrashers 12 o clock am rawduo 20th do at fidlars 2 oclock pm folio full bound in calf orna roented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do itinio do do 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 s 3 o 0 0 0 0 q half binding in calf folio half bouud mented quarto do octavo do l2mo do l8mo do and orua- do do do do 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 1 8 u 1 6 i november 3d 1830 sheriff m d the tiuliscnber having kept tavern fm several years ikis acquired experience ii hat liue aud he trusts that with unre m utiijg attention to the comforts of hu guests he will merit a sharu of the public patronage in roar of lho mansion house is a inrgfc yard in which theru is an extensive rik cucntnodjuus raoqo of stables and where a livery stable will he constantly kept foi n wj i v lenublic rrocegsorkenwick vl lolomuia col it ust received and for sale of the jhronicle oflice treatise oh the steam engine will plates by theaccuminodation of the s carmino kingston 24ih october 1s3w- ca31k hho the mibscribers inclo surc oino time in augosl n brown heitve lege new york dec 1830- bind1ng in sheep folio full nieoted quarto octavo 12rao 81il0 bouud aud oroa- 0 17 6 do do do do do do do do 0 7 g 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 10 0 n i months old saccces k i csan supposed to be ciebtccn s oia the owner is rciueslfdi to come prove properly pay charges aod take her away wsi moore fifth con of lho townsnip of kings ton december jib l tvtotick the subscriber hav- ii ing been appointed adminisira- irix of lhe late edward llickey deceas ed requests all those having claims against the estate to present ihem for hnjusuoenl and those indebted lo the estate lo call and setile their accounts ellkn 1iickey linjipwj y ii alf binding in sheep folio hal f bound aud orna memed j- quarto do do octavo do do 12rno do do lcrmo do do also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1 kingston dock yard hth november 1630- the kingston mills liescrvc con sisting of lots no- 36 37 38 i0 in the 4ih concession of the township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased on be half of the commissioners of his ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned from cutting down or taking timber or fire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said property and all persons found so tiespassing will he proceeded against with the utmost severity ofihe law and further notice is hereby given that no person is after this date lo erect any ilui mnuse or building whatever without permission from the lespeotive officers of the dock yard jno it clover rami storekeeper michakl spkatt masttr attendant roitert moore jlil if shirr 9ffk john mcimikkson co presott22d march 1s2s b owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of llio navigation from moolreal lo present will direct jlcrchants fiom whom tliov purchase to furnish us or our agenls in jontreal with the value of each and every package sicocd joiin mcpherson co v b ii s jonks james mcclitcnon hooker v henderson prcscott 15 september 182q 1 alt khel this invetcrnt k5 disoase which has long baflled the art of the most experienced physiciatis has at length found a sovcreigu remedy in dr ia granges gcouiue oiotmeut kew cutaneous diseases arc met with more re- uctaoce hy the physician none in which he is ao universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood tho test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action lo the vessels o the skin aud its original colour and smoothucss numerous rccommeuriaijous might he obtained of its superior efficacy hut the proprietor choso that nfair trial thould be itsonly commentator it hts u three or four weeks cured case offiftecu aud twenty years ttamliogt that had re- ktsied lhe power of every reqieny that was ato relief iu salt khcutn but cures tinea canitas commonly called scald head ana all scabby eruptious peculiar to un healthy children jt there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle tor sale by wm ilinley kingston john musson quebec and geoigo kent mou- treal sole ageut for the caoadas kinsston 11th july 1826- the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which lho use of american monks in i teaching is prohibited aod the masters are directed to confioe themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed tho board ou applica tion to dr hubbcll 1 f at the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayera at the com mencement of school in tho moruinpr aud paiiy 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in tltc settle ment ol louses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits oth parties who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right 10 participate in the profits ofihe company 6th losses by lightning will be mado good 7ll the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring io the board el directions in louden 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly fiom fito will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made ou properly for a less sum than the real value thereof he compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the tx- peclation that the profits to he divided will be inrgre- mckknzie bkthuneco agents montreal 23th sept isc ipjrn 1 vm mviinttv v w ber and jlairuresser next door to carminos lenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public fnr the liberal support he has met wiih sinc he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry io me rit a continuance ofihe public patro nage kingston 0th may 1s9 vani1vi7immkdvately at lhe long falls south crosby on lhe hideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackav redpath april is8 for sale lot no ninth concession of ship nt louhboro quire at this office kingston 9th august is2s 17 in lho the town for particulars en- tie kixcstov i1homcle ws printed and vublishrd every saturday i jl hy james mackarlamb t his oflice in iruiu stieet kmgsion at its close in tliecvcniog a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spelliugbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board 1rintcd forms for lhe quarter certifl terms seventeen dulling sixpence prrannum if sent by mail i twenty shillings subscription to be paid 111 advance price op advertisements rmc 1 arms m vc uarwry ccrtm- s lines and under 2s cd fiist ssflcctt- cates to ho signed by two i rusiec maybe n 7 each suhscqueiit insertion ten line and had on application to adicl bficntrtod esq 1 under 3s4d first insertion and hrnckville jul jj30 demovai sub- eb scriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truax store street where he has on baud as usual a very ceoeral assortment of hardware pains oils cordage c c aud is io daily expectation ofti further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol aud liverpool lho whole of which he will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit so doz follaosbys grass scythes 30 doz english grass and crauiiug do for sale uocornuionly low geo w yarker kbifrstonoth june 1830 sequent insertion d lod each sub- bove ten lines id per line lor the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisement without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accord in lv orders lor discominuing advcrtisemjnle to im in leriui- and delivered by wednesday rw at the latest no advertiftcment received after ten on the day of publication igf produce received in kcl piice oclock payment at ummtr- wanted im journeymen at the imodiitcly pi inters anlo- canadian office two apply morgans masonkt for sale it the mih 1 chronicle oflice agents john bignell esq quebec david cliisliolmi- keq lhrec rivers andrew porteous esq mno- ireat james mcintosh esq lmeeuter john cameron esq lothiel r feline esq comxcalt ueore browse esq jttatima alpheus jones esq prcselt ihnry jones esq brockvilu josiah taylor esq perth ii whitmarsh esq richmnd j k llarlmell esq rastand mess c at j mdonald uananque john dean esq bath allan mcplwrsod esq xapane thos paiker esq rrtlciue josopli a keder esq uramahe james v bcthunc ho hamilton david smart eq rort hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittria joha mok eij susifa cluul 1 rj i j itiuvri udpkuetw

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