independent of cherishing the north a ntcricaa colonies aod holding llio sway over a country which if properly mnoaed will ever keep great britain independent of all foreign competition in lumber na val slorea nod trade io geoeral it has heco estimated by the most shrewd statistical calculators that the countries tuhject to the british empire through which the river st lawreoce aod its tri butary streams flow together with parts adjacent to its inland seas nod lakes is ca pable of maintaining in a healthy climate fortyfive million inhabitants attached by interest and other ties of a peculiar nature to great britaio what might not be ac complished if these advantages were duly appreciated and acted upon with that knowledge and judgment possessed by the imperial parliament of great britaio whoso tcdundnot population aad unlimited wealth only seek tor judicious direction to accomplish the setilemeut of the fiuem couotry in the world withour deranging any of the present plan for settling lands in canada a more extensive and national plnn should be adopted which would givo immediate re jtef to the british empire and after its per manent arrangement the baltic and many other protection duties might bo take o off and the british isles rendered truly the wonder nod admiration of the world uoder this view oftho subject suppose the househuilder artisan or farmer docs actually pay 2s for n foot of british colo nial timber which it is pretended by the advocates of the baltic trade might he fur oished from that quarter for is to is 6d per foot yet he will find more ample means of so doing by reasno oftho profits arising to him from colonial trade therefore it is the interest of the empire and not that of the colonies alone that require for the present this protection all which is humbly submitted by james george quebec 10th january 1831 t asseverates l no quite ibe reverse but the finest practical instance of this im perturbable pnliictjcss occurred during ilia severe frost of last winter when ftuf ff talttl slipping oo some ice fell with must awful violeuce like the deputy licensers hero iqqc shove oo bis heads antipodes whilst sitliog pnlo as ft parsoip bold upright scarcely nblo to move several per sons ran to lift him up and one compassi onate samaritan iciudly asking are you hurt sir 1 fear severely our polite friend who has so unremittingly the feur of chesterfield before his eyes groaned out with stifled accents oh no- sir i- am exxxccssively omigeri tyou quuito thththe reverse the force of politeness cao no further go miscexiiaott selected from late english papers your wag is always on the look oat for food for bin mental appetite his eye is turned to all changes aad circumtaaces and begets occasion for bis wit and fcvery object thai the one doth catch the other turns to a mirth moving jest which his fair totiuccoiiceitsepoiior delivers in most apt and gracious terms the lato tnutat fonts rerun under your favour country gcuilcfiieii have given rise to a shoal ul witticisms one wag says the m aw ministry is getting old already fur its head is crcy another says the new brougham will sweep the chancery court cleat another adds that the lord chancellor has claimed the titles of itaroo brougham and vaux because he feels a presentiment that the name of brougham unco so much noted and res pected will speedily he forgotten aod he will then he ux et preterea nihil the chancery coun is already called vaux- liall the vice chauccllors sir l- shad- wells court skndiveit docks the ex chequer court where jodgc bailey pre sides isoicknamd tbo old bailey and the court of kings bench is called parke place oh these boys they saymore- over as many jtu tlesprits of the outs as of the ins that george robert dawatui is the son of jack daws son that gould- bourne should have been replaced by mel- bourne which would only have been giv- iug gold for honey that wetlincon is out of fashion that plaola is trans- planted tffus is twisted out croker will have leisure to arrange bis notes for a new editioo of that deadly lively work bos- wells lifo of johnston aod lo dissect his antagonists in the quarterly lord ellen- borough may devote his lime to the culti vation of hi locks aud continue bis cor respondence with tame elephants aud mr spenctr pereivnl may cut bis coat accoid- ins to his cloth unless be can stick in the skirts of the whigs though now it is the mode for trigs to havo no tails and so much for these totes of the whigs aod the toriesthe ius aud the outs the following lines to bo song to the luoe of home sweet home were pick- od up in the houso of commons to th exchequer or bellamys oo m p r mum but whenever hes wanted hes fouod out by holmes though a dinner or suppers prepared for him there holmes will ooo find hjm out if hes 1 teonfeti elsewhere holmes holmes sharp billy holmes theyll neer fiud a whipperin better than holmes ad exile from place the whigs beckoq io vain they never shall couot billy holmes in their train nor those m pa so softly who came at bis call though he still keeps his berth which is better than all for holmes holmes sharp billy holmes no more whipperio oow but simple bill holmes previous to the installation of a certaiu wise man of the east io bis office as mag nate of the city he ordered a new service of plate on which he desired his crest and name might be eograved- will yon oot haveenquired the silversmith 4 the right honorable lord mayor k no replied the city bridegroom elect no only simple k conceive the horror of this geotlemao when his new service was sent home ivith the deeply iuciscd in scription of simple k what a lock on the human understanding what must have beeo his fccliogs loxcurd tbo uolucky tradesman a very complaisant friend of ours one who always plays the amiable uod perpe tually turns away wrath because he always give a soft answer had a habit of saying on most occasions no 1 thauk you ex cessively quito the reverse are you not unwell today asks one oh iiojuito the rovers he drinks a scalding cup of tea the tears come iuto his eyes uubiddeu hut udcheckable the lady hostess expre her fear that he has burnt hi mouth th6 k chronicle saturday january 291ft 1831 by the arrival of the cordelia rom ha lifax the editors of the boston papers have received advices from england to the lltli of december from which it is to be inferred that all fears of a con tinental war have subsided the morning chronicle affects to believe the event would have been different had the duke of wellington still continued to preside over the british councils it is gratifying lo find that the disturban ces in the counties of england are nearly quelled great praise has been given to the firmness of the new go vernment on this trying occasion the cause of parliamentary reform still continues to advance with giant strides and earl grey is represented to have declared that it is probable that unless granted as a boon the people will take it as a right an expedition that sailed from copen hagen in may last succeeded in reach ing the eastern coast of g iocnlnd some norwegian colonists settled eight centuries ago and to which all access had since been prcvcntcdby ihe ice the expedition found there the descendants of the primitive colonists who still pro- fuss christianity which was carried thilber by their forefathers their lan guage is that of the norwegians of the nth century nii century te ic it gives us much pleasure to nol an advertisement in the york court re lating to a literary society abort to be established at the seat of govement under the patronage of the ltetfcnant governor sir john colborne vfehave transferred the advertisement 0 own columns and shall be at all times happy to forward any object cott with literature or education we beg to remind our military r of a remark we made some timp sliicc expressing how much we were indebt ed to mr armour editor of lite mon treal gazette for ins enrly euro pean information we now beg 10 direct their attention to the circumstrf the attention he is now paying 1 nal most interesting subject to the sfuilary artmy news several colurrt been in the late numbers of thrff jour nal dedicated to that head arid it is gratifying to remark how late am now numerous his communications arp w have reason to know mi armtt nas many unfailing resources at hi com mand and a little more attention lo this subject will shortly make his paper in valuable in the eyes of the military de partments in these provinces the gazette after the beginning ot next month is to be published three tiroes a week new publications we have just received the first number of the west ern mercury edited by mr johnson and published in the town of hamil ton in the district of gore wo have also to acknowledge the receipt of the port hope 7clegraph it is printed on a super- royal sheet and seems to be got up in a manner very creditable to the editors messrsfurby and woodhouse if a multiplicity ofnewspapersbea sign of the prosperity of this young colony we arc truly in a most flourishing con dition the qui ec stat we observe is dis continued tiik debates in our provincial parlia ment such as they are occupy a large portion of this days chronicle the resolutions passed by the friends of religion liberty came too lato for insertion in this days paper he crius horribly a ghastly soiiie whilst li below sevo the weather during tbo past week has been very cold ihe thermometer frequently ranging from 10 to 14 deg arc still without snov wis undcfntand from undoubted atrlin- riiy says the qnelv mvriii t his majesty has been jiacijulv il5e to accept tlie tender ol bis tvjjiiioi matte by the chlrt justice uf the pro vince of his seat in the kxeciitivecouii- cil and u declare that he highly and duly appreciates the motives which have induced the chief justice at the present lime lo retire from nn office which he has so honorably filled for many years we are happy to learn that petitions to ihe imperial pailiamem in favour of the lumber tnide of this province are about lobe sent round for signature thro the country parishes there cannot be a sound opinion in opposition to the be nefit of this staple trade of canada and we hope that these petitions will ask for ihe permanency of ihe protecting duties not for the compromise of en joying their advantages a few years longer by a private letter from york we learn that the following poisons have been ap pointed members of the legislative coun cil viz bishop of quebec bishop mcdonell messrs- elrasly fiuroham bostvell john kirhy cul adatnsou col lloyd alei mcdonell of york john hamition alex- granti of the ottawa district captain stewart newcastle district jnms crooks abraham nelles james kirhy capt baldwin the lotestate estate bill was thrown out after a toogflnd aniinafed ditcussion by the casting voto of the speaker 20 to 20 canadian watchman literary am philosophical i i provincial parliament the serious indisposition of hi excel lency lord aylmer prevented his attend ance to open the legislature today a messagowas received by mr secy glepg informing the assembly of ihis fact and ithaviog met with closed doors af ter somedebate it adjourned till tomorrow without proceeding m other business than the consideration of the message messrs halt and viger thu new legis lative councillors have arrived and been sworn ii- the members of the assembly who were sworn in luday were seventy one fittmrct gazette to the editor of the kingston chronicle sir 1 have rend the valedictory of the lower caoada wntchmanaud i hare read it with admiration lie bos stnlked from the arena like a giant conscious of still unexened strength yet dospisingtoexpeod ihft lias n bbwbwhy fefe h ha quitted the contest unequal from his own superiority with a dignity solemn and im posing and awful to his country enemies and his owo but from their pitiable arro gance and robellious ignorance he has retired like a lion from the fight uocooquer- ed and uotouched by the prowoss of an adversary hut chafed and wearied and disgusted by the moral lurpitude of the in domitable outbreaktngs of factious inso lence and malignity- cannot but venerate the profundity of that head which originated the wisdom of that production the powers of that intel lect which bodied it forth in such maturity of strength and the inaguanimity of that heart which dictated the noble purity of its sentiments if the lower canada watchman has now subscribed to his own epitaph aud its prophetic words pass unregarded his coun try may yot be compelled to read it with the tearful cyo of unavailing repentance yours prilo january 21 1631- marrilid on the 27th iost by the rev mr mcdonald v g mr nicholas boilen to miss margaret warran on the 13th iuttaot atcramake by the rev j grier mr christopher bullock third son of the late col bullock to miss louisa second daughter of t d sauford esq- of that township died on wednesday the 19th iost- widoir elizabeth brewer one of the 6rsi settler of tho county of fronteoac aged 68 at sandwich on the 29th dec john handli esq register for the county of esseftt aged 2s son of wot hands esq sheriffnf the western district at montreal on the 17th instant after n short illness daniel mnaughtan esq- merchant of this city aged 37 years he ujuslly and deeply regretted by a very large circle of acquaintances and frieods at amherstburg the 7th instant after a short illness alexander mcgregor esq aed 15 eldest son of the late john mc gregor of sandwich for many years a member of ihe house of assembly of this provin raffle to be raffled when- evcrthere arc twenty subscri bers highly finished and superior toned london made piana forte the property of colonel brown each subscriber to pay two guineas and the best of three thiowsof three dice to decide subscription lists will be left at mr armstrongs shop kiagsio jan 133 promptness and despatch anew line of stages has commenced running from kington via cape vincent belvillo pulasvi sackets harbour oswego sy racuse in utica every day cx- c sundays leaving kingston at four oclctffci p- m hooks kept at ihe stage house old kings head market sauai by iasies a smith 1 robert nickles 3us campbell daniel mcollock samuel iiinckly proprietors kindlon 2mi january 233 1 37 1 iv nscjlt a k- t il yif jotiy e air been formed ic purpose of ittveati- frphe above society hn ia this town for the gating the natural atu civil history of the colony and the whole interior a far as llie pacini aid polar seas throughout the auifoal veritable and mineral kintduinst unci o promote the cuutvattoo of natural history natural fbilosotdty chemistry and other seieitifir nud literary pursuits this society will he formed into cijus ectoltrh having n chairmrm and secreta ry professing lectirshipk on the several ohjcts of the society dr dunlnpt mr foticril antl dr rces form a committee u draw up rules to cany the objects of the society into ope ra t ion a mufeum and library are commenced and the society are particularly anxious to procuro rveiy existing and probable record of the aborigines and their language mi neral fossils animals plants birds fishes paintings hooks and every other object of interest- in prosecution of tbc views of the socie ty iuis proposed lo graoi honorary re wards and pecuniary considerations ac cording to circumstances at the same time hope tp meet the aid of every person interested iu the welfare of this province the annual subscriptions of each mem ber is 5 who together with the officers n ml io elected hv ballot the names ol gentlemen desirous of be coming members aod other communica tions addressed postage free lo dr rees will be laid before the society at their first general meeting york 22d january 1881 the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved ihe subset ib- ersare severally authorised to settle ihe affairs of the late copartnership all per sons having demands art requested to present ihcm at their office at prcscoit signed john mcphekson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott 12th january 1831 rgrtkxdlus will be received il tbo jr o nice of ihu subscriber on r befw n k i yth february next fur v0 tvomif oak ontl red ce dar timiir uiiabb foi ilio imildinuf a steai i dofttfbr tlterideau canal the timber to bo delivered on mrsiissigaa point in the town of kingston specificalions to bo seen by i ji ivinff t en tie r it the ofltce of the subscriber for the oak md cedar will be received separntelv if required david j smith trtasttrtr kingston 2 1st janna 1831 kor sale at pttvlfc auction l ot no a in the 6th concession acres it new forwarding establish- mil nt the subscribers liejj leave to in form i he morch nn is ol uipr canada and ilie public in yencral ihiit they have entered inro copatinership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdciwbltrgh rnd that ofnlcmillan link co jit montreal they will ho prepared on the opening oftho navigation u iiii good durham m iiml ivapiiiufi hwr with experienced masters ind conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may ho favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgb will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonell matthias link mtotice the subscriber ha- 1 ving retired from business begs all those who are indebted lo him either by note book account c to call and settle the same as they will on he first march nfcxl be indescrimatcly placed in the hands of an attorney for collection and all those to whom he is indebted will please present their claims for li quidation ho offers for sale a potash work in the best of order adjoining mr gar- rats distillery in the vicinity of king ston theieon is erected a good sub stantial ash house 40 by 26 feet al so a boiling house 2f by 24 feet with 6 good leaches new and largo ket tles coolers pump troughs c c complete from its proximity to king ston where there is nothing of tho kind at present in operation it offers a desir able investment for any person wishing to embark in making potashes the present prices and prospect of a rise is is an object also the land which is situated on the lake shore u wni the above buildings c are erected the whole will be sold remarkable low for cash of short approved credit and an indisputable title gitic apply to g f corbett kingston december 1s5q ukthllc notice jl hereby given that a meeting of the catarnqui bridge company will bo held at this office on mwodny the slst instant at 12 oclock noo for the pur pose of electing director for the en suing year agreeably totueact of in corporation by order of the doctors g f corbett src sf trias c b co cataraqui bridge office kings gi 1831- tototice al u meeting of iyi the board ol dircors this day it was resolved that a dividend of one pound ten shillings currency on each share of the capita stock of ilie cataraqui bridge comfiny be now declared payable at this office g f corbett sec3rtr- c b co culnraqui bridge ojjice jchietw jungth 133h eft i ston a ssell- 14 bmes the next as- somhly will take place at he kingston hotel on friday evening the 4ih ftilllu iry duriltilb to commence at 8 oclock richmond 300 west half of lot no s in tho first con cession ditto and lot no s in the 2d concession ditto 337 acres former ly ihe properly of the late andrew kimmerly esquire on which is an ex cellent house barns and outhouses terms- cash onethird on the day of sale onethird in six months and onctyird in twelve months sale lo take place on the farm of 337 acres on lltulsihday of february next the above premises were mortgaged to the present owners who ar now in possessio n under their mortgages the mortgagors having failed in payment the lots will be sold separately und possession given immediately after the sale together with the title oftho mort gagees on their receiving security for the second and third instalments for further particulars enquire of the sub scriber d bethune kingston january 17th 1831 the mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented this cxteosive aod well itnowo establishment has now opeued the satno for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly rituat- cd oo store street being ihe principal and must central street in kingston and uo establishment of the kind in tho province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours ninl hed rooms all of which arc fur- oiilinl id the very heal style the subscriber having kept tavern for sovera years has acquired experjonco io that line am he trusts that with unre al uing intention to the comforts of hie gucsts he will merit a share of ih public patronage in rear of the mansion house is a inrgc yard in which there is nu extensive and commodious rauye of stablc9ani where a limy smms ffl its mmilifkspifsf the cecum modation of the public s cajimino kingt 24 october 1630 montreal kingston and ork mail stages five tunes a week leaves montreal kingston and york every day except sa turday and sundays at 4 oclockam and arcivo the following days scafls taken at the upper canada coach ofijcc montreal kingston ho tel kingston and ie general stage of fice york extras furnished on reasonable terms all baggage at the owners risk h- dickbnsok montreal h yortonf cokingston w 1veller york january 1st 1 websteu begs most res pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that ho has just returned from london with a slock of cloths cassimeres and vest- ins of the most fashionable colours and oftho finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at somo of the first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that they shall bo executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return hissincere thanks to his friends and the public for the sup port ho has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made atrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 public notice post ojfice kingston ut january 1831 the following arrangements rela tive to the mails will take effect from the 5ih iostaot tho mails for the east and west will he made upon sunday moinday tues day wednesday and thurs day hour of closing 4 oclock p m the mails for offices oo the line through prince edward county coinmeociog at bath and ending at tho pfvcr trent will he made up uo monday aod thurs day hour of closing 4 oclock p m the mails for the uoitcd states for warded tfvr capo vincent will ho made up on monday wednesday and fri day hour of closiug two oclock p m the olnco will bo open on sunday be tween tho hours of 8 and 10 oclock am johnmacaueay postmaster wsj frotice jjf binder nig precisely jan 29th 1831 a journeyman book- would meet with good en- courugcmeni by applying at the king ston chronicle office mill january 1331 v arafjffie tn be rat- jiv icfia suftccni nontbfe of sunscriixrs is obtained a humssonu rav hiailk 7 vmirs iiluuj a jvive ilict dexnet ivitli oil ii utipurtfr naiicv- tc minibor oi siihscriir to be thirijtwo at 6 dullars cac ibu bcstofilircq throws of ihrcfi dine subscription papers will be ht at ihe mansion ifousu hotel the kiogstou hotel and the chronicle office k decembdr isso oiin booth merchakt tailoh most respcctiully begs leave to inlbrni his friends and the pub lic that be has removed to market street next door to mr w binloy druffgistf where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying o his friends and he public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former sianti and now solicits a continuance of hat sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima- tcthat having received a large and 6d assortment of cloths cassimeres v- tings trimmings of every description sfcfycaye is enabled to furnish anyquan tity on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hapd a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston hth novembemsso old kings head mar ket square kingston- james a smith begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has lately made considerable alteration in his establish ment in market square which enables him to add much to the comfort of traveu lers he has lately erected extensive stabling and provided the means of in suring the best accommodation for hor ses kingston december 6th 1830 wew good stho jj subscriber has received by the late arrivals in november from london liverpool and glasgow un extensive assortment of staple and fancy goods adapted fot the winter and curly spring trade consisting of an ex cellent selection of calicoes chintzes cambrics muslins fine striped shirt ings bombazettcs tartans merinoes shainbravs lutestrings gros-de-na- plcs drapes feneuqnvgs no tation gimp and grecian laces tai lings lace caps collars tippets veils ccc worked hnd tamboured muslin collars handkerchiots fancy silk shawls handkerchiefs and bandannas toilenet and valentia postings gloves hosiery and a groat variety of small wares c also a few bales scotch bonneis overall stockings scarlet caps do mestic cottons steam loom shirtings carpeting worsted shawls sec robert armour no 25 notre dame street montreal december 16 1830 the subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr thos wilson in store street where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his stock trusting that the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them lo favour him with a sbare of their patronage and support william mackenzie kingston 1st december 1830 ehrlstmabnewybar clfts the token the atlantic souvenir the pear affections offering with a number of other literary gems elegantly done up for the present sea son for sale at lesslie sons store street kingston dec js80 t he partnership heretofore car- rieil on by samuel t hudson aod george cliff in marysburgh in the county of prince edward and pvovincj of upper canada is dissolved by mil tual consent george cliff is author ised to receive any debts due the con cern and grant acquittances lor tb same he is also ready to pay any debts uuc bv the late firm of hudson cliff signed saml t hudson george cliff ibfarysburgh july 23rf 183j richard scobe cooper from england resp fully informs the inhabitants and vicj of kingston that he has established bis business in rear of ihe brick house fou merty occupied by mr w driscoll in brock street where he will carry on his employment in all its branches r s flatters himself from his long experience in his line and the radioes to comply with tho call ot those who may favour him to dcseivo u stre o public patronage ft b the shop kitchen and cellar of the above building to let for par ticulars apply to mr j counter kingston r 131b 1s3q 203 w