Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 5, 1831, p. 4

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lost s mnn ciur0 t firilowiug pooliral jcux ftspr it appeared in a laic london ttrus missing oritur lutt saturday nilit a wiiicrlim coin uhcienn wflfl tracm th inscription cotirngo ill lelum bright though a liitlo by rust of year defaced- the metal thereof ii rough and hard and tta thought oflaie raixd up with brass but it hear the stamp of fames rewnrd and through all posteritys haud will pass how it was lott god only knows aud perhaps- the city whose thieves they say broke in on tho owners evening doze aod filchm this gift of god away one neer could of course the cits suspect if wo lindui thateveoing ehaucdto see at therobhd mans door a man- elect with an ass to keep her company whosoever of this lost treasure knows is besged lo state all fuels about it as the owner cant well face his foes nor indeed his friends just now with out it read sluikspenro anl only to hiiyuquo led him once and that in a puraagc e- vidently brought away from the ibeuirv the folio wint is nn extract address delivered by captain from nn tn andifsir clod will briogubock like a trusty bnrooet wise and able he shall have a ride on the whitest back that is left in old king georges stable a company of american soldier n short tiiuo previous to the engagement at detroit 11 now roys here conies these g j jay helot h it old country sarpenls along wllhl them cursed old canadian tories i when they meet us fight but if there is loo much danger boys run buys as i am a leeile innie as you all know vll run note jiajvk xotici qjjict otthr bonkf upjtr canada kingston huh kocmutt isj0 iscovnt 0ebatvh da y or i vh yweek notes offered for discount and mnilu payubll at not more than ninety days after dale must bo nut itdfr civer to the cashier and left at this oflicc the e john macatxay cashier notiok jcj notes or accounts due m ihe estate of i he late frederick kteler aie to be settled with j if samson admr billvitc 2slh dec u2s at t fob sams itk chromctk ornck v yitr copies uj the import atiost for a general wihtkk trade by j- w armotroxu at lbeir wholesale ami retail woolen and faricv watteuouse after considerable time spent in iho different manufacturing conn- lies iu eugjandt in the purchase nf goods for a general fell mil winter trade the subscribers liavt with much rare selected tho choicest and most extensive assortment over introduced to upoer caoadn this eleganistoek every article 8 a t i v t i no u v k n 1 k for 1831 plexd10ly boum mid n cm bussed leather will tilt leaves and contain twelve highly finished en giavinys on steel hv the first artists kingston 2d oci 1s30 sdliflujstatk pkksh a first ratu copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all oilier copper- plate work performed with of qoncu comprizes almost neatness and despatch in the above lnc deserving a variety of fashionable visitin is now found london police r town hall a modern philosopher on t day a lantern visaged visionary is henry taylor was charged wilj ating a disturbance in a coflees yorkstreet and attempting to i the wife of the proprietor a mr olivia goble slated that ili soncr came into the shop about y clock on wednesday evening andig vidg refreshed himself with wliac chose to call for commenced anm the rest of the customers by m long nonsensical speeches which ing the disgust of some and the d on of others he became so iiise that lie attempted to strike several sons as well as herself upon lice- deavouring to prevail with him loe- part she then sent for a constable nonce tt public iospcttion thoir eitablulmtedt will be oleto with llic finest w nxouv mr morns gave notice of a bill to amend ihe laws now in force regulatidg the prac tice of physic and surgery mr mccallgavc notico of a bill for tho relief of abraham a rapeljee sheriff of the loudon district mr jarvi from the committee to whom wni refered the petition of john goeiimau reported the york farmer store house company incorporation bill the bill was read aod ordered for a se cond reading wmorrow respecnilly submitted cards for sale at the chronicle oflicc fuhf ulk 1 sjo rbjuoitajli- btr begs leave lo rcqoalnt wends and the public geacraliy tl ut us eh tut 4- ro mil removed lo the corner brick recently occupied by mr wm i in ill upper canada civil list f the following is the answer of the lieu- tenant governor to the important address of the house of assembly requesting in- formation concerning the amount andpar- ticulars of the expenditure upon the officers p of this government i answer to address jk gentlemen o- siich part of the information requested ir this iddressas may not be contained in thi anpaal pybjic accounts laid before the le- fur caps he has huildin binlcy druggist where he is now receiving a very general assortment of staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationary and a case of ohrisiys best watcrinoo hals v driscoll kingston october 9th 1s30 mewmreotype k- mtion of mayors look the subscriber has hss n exteosivt second odi- spellfi iljo 1 ii non of mitvors bnglih sptilin lm n cummins a constable from the bridge chamois waistcoats and ianiauon draw informed the alderman thai on his way i or silk and cotto ylors silk and cottou iinhrcll to the borough compter with the prii india taflctics aud bnodannatf 0 soner he told him that he was a modern i painted bflizq table coverim r nuges il and shoe philosopher an inverate enemy to non- j resistance and passive obedience e- 1 aud stationery riiread dutch twine luoktu classes lationcrv- tbetr liucu pi afier anrt i i ivi i i oartmoolf are largelv supplied with the mysteries hcahhoircd as bo did llic t an e i whore of babylon like her uic prolihc browo am bleached hollands tulep- ser eolyped ivom ihc 23h bldllion a l 1837 this edition which will be printed oi jrood piper ivom flic miiu orlasiwoud and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than lbs former edition slorekofpttk and oiheis wishing ur supplier will please give in their names withcmii dchiv kingston 22d mvi isao an krtruct fi in th rttvlathn of upper canada tvryr the college quaiiers ore order ed us lnru j first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vwcitlon about ib iih of january and ends nn die 20tli of march second quarter begins on the 20lll march and ends on the lotli june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation abott tho loili oi august fourth quarter begins immediately ofter ihc summer vacation about the 1st october and cods at the commence ment of the christmas vacation about the 2 1st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is adivitcd inio the college or preparatory school his dues tor instruction are payable flora the begining of that quarter ttotice all persons having jjq just claims against the estate of the late itodolph couche of camden are requested lo present them drly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator 10 the said es tate william bovn administrator richmond 13th sept 1830 just published hy carry lea and corey ol vial imhdpbfa the pjmt viifc ju t he continued at intervau uf three mouths of the encyclopedia americana a popular diclioonry utarts scfetctt lit- traturti history uml potuicsjmniut down lo the preseut time and including u copi ous collection of original article in aurfti casi liio0aph ou thehasis of the sev enth edition uf tho german contftimtlons fjtxicon to hv completed in twelve large volumes octato iersuus wishing lo subscribe to ihc ahove work will please apply at the ckron uu qjjkt where the ut volomk may he seeu price tin doltats tnd a halfrttch james macfaulane knstan dtc 181- tu w undersigned hereby public notice that wc will not give for a it iii- lawrencr for men as public notice i hereby given thai any persons found cutting taking away or injuring the timber on the lands belonging to the canada company without a special authority om this of fice wilkho prosecuted with tho utmost rigour of the law canada onipativsoflloc york 1 1fli ocl 1630 source of all evil he had not only read hut thought and concluded by beseech ing him to lead tom paines works alderman ansloy said he hoped hi didnl make a convert of him fa laugh honest cummins replied not he indeed your worship he only made me think him a slippery chap and to take a tighter grip of his collar i told him my business was to put drunk and disorderly chaps like him into quod alderman ansley who had not been able to refrain from joining in the mirth to the prisoner well mrphilovophor what docs your philosophy dictate as a defence for your foolery 1 what do you think of your doctrine of nonicsistance now the prisoner who had covered his fun with lit hands and evidonllv held inward converse with himself on the subject here raised his eyes anddhect- ing his eyes first to the ceiling and ihen any where but towards the magistrate looking more like a goose than a philo sopher made a thousand excuses it was not his practice to be overseen in any way would the alderman be so good so obliging as to look over it he held a highly respoctable situation in tho city he opined that he had made himselfextremely ridiculous alderman ansley have you been to any of cobbetfs lectures of latethat you held forth so splendidly last night 1 the philosopher protested he had never heard cobbett in his life nor ever wished to do so alderman ansley well hen pro mise mo that youll not lecture any more this side the watet and ill discharge you without a fine t mi milleksta second french cambrics l mi w01 find employment huckaback dowlm osnnhur and ffjwm application to gaiianoquc sheeting sail canvas no 3 7 blao kcu serges flaoucuaod baizes c c ladies who houour thia establishment t ut ah persous having do with a preference will find nmoo tho tfny ijjfclonald4co faocy part ofthoirstockt maoy new and fashinnable aniclei plgared palmennes crape dc lynu crape royal aud gauze de athen lodia silks satin lcvautinc creno lio wid italianetts canton crape cyprus rock spun and real thibet shawlfi artificial flowery thread laces kdgingsand uuiltius lacr cajis bobbtnetts and lace es fancy oiled silk cambric aprons black aotl colored silk velvets tortoise shell comhs windsor and fancy soap visiting message aod toy cards beaver bouoets fur trimmings muffs aod pelevinos a choice collection of groa do naples of very superior texture aod prevailing colors the principal part of this splendid and beautiful stock haviog hceo purchased for cash enables tho proprietors to offer their friends and tho public every ad van t that cao bo derived from the present de pressed state of the english market their woollens arc particularly recom mended to tbo notico of couutry mer chants as well as the consumer special care haviug been taken in every instance to procure cloths calculated for service ao 50 crates well assorted crockery notice all hinnds against tho estate of the j late doctor john stickoeyof sophiasburgh deceased are requested to preseut them doly autheuiumied to the subscribers for settle j nieot aud all person indebted to the estate arc requited to make immediate payment to thosultftcriberst who are duly authorised to grant discharges richd solmfp samuel scronk e 5 ecu tors- snphiuslntrjh november sd 1830- not1ce hl persons having demands against the iwjiutef jhe late abtaham barker of halloweij uvwww requested to present them duly othenticntod to lite pubsciihois tor settle icnt and all persons indebted to ttic usfale are ro- uuomed tt make idmhminte payment to jul jdimu uit aly tiofisvl so grunt discharges i b stevenson benj- huubs i hnllowc ltfth 1s book binding establishment at thk kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged n experienced and regularly bred book hinder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed ut his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prict when books arc brought in by th quantity a small advance will be muij on the sinyle volume binding ix calf i s the philosopher pledged his honour which will be sold ai a he would be invisibleand on these terms was set at liberty lie a few days ago the proprietor of one of the fashionable hotel receiv ed from a friend a circular enclosed in a letter thus worded dear sir will you oblige me by suffering the en closed circular to lay upon yourroflve- room table youis tiuly dec to the which mino host replied dear sir before i grant your request ou must let mo know what sort of eggs your circular intends oy nig truly your c tbo packag kingstou small advance by e or jot w armstrongs co 30th october 1830 r conjugal affection mr p a rich wom india planter one tempestuous gvcniilg after supper his stock of wa- it being exhausted sem lits wife a suotl dlsianco from tlie huuse for a fresh sup ply the thunder aod lightning being excessive during her mlsencc a friend aid to him why did juu not send that girl a slave for the water such a niglil as this instead of your wife t oh no replied lie m that would ne ver do that slave cost me forty pounds i midiami disthict saib ol lands lip hereby j noiice lhit 1 shall attend and offer ibr sale such poriiou oflho lands as aro advertised by the treasure nf the district aud cooiaiu- td in ihc warmnu of ibeclcrkof tho peace as may he siihicicnt insaiisfy tho arrearages uf assessm due thereon at the fulluw- eos times afd places viz- pittsburgh wo april at stratahaoi ion ai 10clock a m kinatotfhlotb du court house i2 o clock a m- loufthborousu 12th do at mcgregors mills i2oviocka ftl kin est iowu 13ih do at forwards ino 12 oclock a m porilaodhh do at jacob shiblys rsqulre 12 oclock a m caindco15th do at adam bowers esq 2 oclock p m fredericksburg igth do at clarkvillc 10 oclock a- m- kichinond lothdo at nupaoe mills 1 oclock p m- tyendonaga i7ih do at tyeudaoaga mills 12 oclock a m madnc ijlh do at marmora irou works 11 oclock a m- sidney 20th do at thrashers 12 o clock am rawdon 30th do at fidlars 2 oclock p m thurlow 2lstdo at muoros iod ii o clock a m aineliashurh 22d do at johu belyons inn 10 oclock am ilillier 22d do at hcrriugtons 3 o clock p m suphiasburgh 24ih do at dcmorcsi- villa 12 oclock a m marysburgh 25th ilo at stoco mills evrsku eoitiox of thk provincial sta tutes the number of subscriber forthis woik not being eipiul to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a soune of undoubted authority that the legtsla lure at its next session is likely to sc about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandoning design it will he some consolation to hinl for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble hu has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in the revision that i ohiia been instrumental in tbtwardins f ova of urea v 57 ut colombw col- folio full bound in calf nientedi quarlu du do uetavo i2mo i time lilt do do du do do if oroa- 1 0 0 10 s u 3 0 2 s- il i 0 half binding in calf folio half bouud and orna mented quarto do do octavo ilo do l2rno tlo do 18ino tlo do orun 0 17 0 0 7 0 3 0 i 0 1 rinding in i polio full hound and men ted quarto do do octavo do do 12rao du de blmo du lo 0 17 g d 7 c 0 3 0 0 1 10 l i a ii alf binding in sheep folio half menied quano octavo i2mo hound aud orna- 0 9 do do do do do do do do be accountable or lirbla s warders or common c erson the river st 1 the hi7ard and danger of the naviga tion hence lo montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none but sober experienced masters of oiir boats wc will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on propctty con signed to us with some respectable of licc for its safe delivery at montreal at the lowest premium to be obtained incases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions o property we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safely and interest of the owners the property will be made subject lo the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case thv must consider themselves subject tn ail he liabilities of the navigation hence tp montreal- simied u sjones iames mecutchon iiookermihndfrpox john mcrtleesoncw prescoit22d march 1ss n it owners of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal lo prescott will direct jerchanis from whom hey purchase to furnish us or our agents in jontreo with the value of each and every packitgc si joilnmclhkrson 5 co h s jokks james nhcctchon hooker tf htlndeiteon salt klieum this inveteral disease which has long baffled the an of the most experienced physicians has at length tuuud asovcreigo remedy in dr la granges geojine uiuirncut few euraneous disease aremci with more re- uciaueby the plmicinu nonc ion hit it be is w uoiverhlly uusuccesbfuh this ointmctl liasswod the lest ot experience aotl justly oftwined aj unparalleled cele brity it hdiatclj removes iho scab gives a heaftfty ctw to the vessels the skin mil is original colour and smoothncts nunerous recomrneodatious might hfidbutlocd 01 its superior cflicncvi but the proprietor chuso tbatajah trial should i- usooly commeutulor jt has in tbe rr four weeks cured casus of fifiecfl and iwtuty jxars staodin thit bad re- bfstei he oovw of every remedy that was tried- it n ii only at oneo jive immedi ate relief iu alt uiieutn hut imuos tinea pniiitas couiaiouly culled scold head aud all scabby eruptions peculiar lu uu bttikhu nliilitim qj there ishfolulds l b mercurial nn- lure contained iu it ftjw may he used irti iulautsor others undr uuy circumstances whatever piuce one dollar per bottle for saloby win binlcy lvsoii musson quebec and george lcnt mon treal sole arcm for the cauadas kin ltfae the board o education jar the toasuwi district gitt notice that from the present time it their intention strictly to enforce ijw regulation made some ytun hack by which the use of americau books in teaching is prohibited and the masters arc directed to cnnliuo themselves to sucll works of elementary instruction us are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spolliugbciok iny he obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr ilubhelh that the compliance of the school- 10b salea very rami in the township of thuilo situilud tiiihin lour miles of ihc town of bellrvillo and within a quarter ofa mile toflhekivct moiie- containing two hundred acres ol land of which there ne me hundred acres in the highest state of cultivation on ihc f diere is a very neat substantial frump dwell ing house well finished id from of which runsu handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn offifiy few in ungth by thirty five feet wide shed and oilier out buildings finished in ilm best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked wiih fruit trees forming alioveiher on of the best farms in ih rohutl v indisputable title will he given fer further uartkuhus apply to the propri etor on the priniims ronald mcmichvel tli luth may lnjo acijance british and fonjtn tje mid fire attur- met company of london tatallhhtu iy act of parliament- capital tivk millions kterllkfl thk agents for this compny beg leave to announce to the in habitants of upper canada that i hey continue to assure against loss or daman by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public apt ihe following gentlemen as their- in the county towns ofthc ditfeientdia- tricts via cny c wood esq curtail ialcssrs a morrisdc erockvilk kingston appointed agents cabaure york niagara ilesu on uf james macfarlane ksq- j timet g beibunni esq robt wm prentice eq jolin ros esq to eiiher of whom parties effecting assurance will please apply the agents luke leuve to teniind the public of the following important and stiikiug advnotagestliui will be dcriv t6 from assuiiug whu ihc alliance com- jt perfect security 2d honor and libcrtflhy intlic multlo- impbl of losses 3d moderate once ilh a participation of profits dili parties who obtain the settle ment of lueses from iire arc not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the coniiinny 6th losses by lightning will b uod premiums of assur- mauo settling rim losses ii ilis counuy without referring lo ilie board ef directions in londtn 8th reasonablf cspcnsps incurred in tliq removal of property 1iom fuo will be paid 9ili in ilie case of an assuinnce be ing made on properly for ussstim ban ihe real value lliercof tho compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits lo be divided will be large mckenzie betilunejtco oent3 montreal 2slh sept 1826 wtp cuawtoitnson ij- er and hairdresser next door to car mi nos lenders hi grateful acknowledgements o thiptilie fnrlhn lld commenced business and he hopes by cluse attention and industry u me rit a continuance oftbu public patro nage kingston 30tb may 1329 vante51mm rdi allfly at the long falls south crosby on the itideau canal nbuut 0 good stone masons lo whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackav reupath apri 1629 vjor sale lot no 17 in the i ninth concession of the town ship oxoughboro for particulars en quire at lh office alngstoi th anenrtlsr also ledger illauk work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio and fancy jtiudiog separate charge james macfarlake kingston 13th april 1829 0 4 0 0 1 7j 0 1 0 0 10 enjoining the use of prayers at the cum- masters is desired with a former regulation 10 oclock at november 3d joiix maclean sheriff m d just ecoived and for sale at the chronicle office treatise iiifumirc which must pr uiility to the province jas macfaklane pge new york a lit x lie iton my soul a lie- l and claseical addison ihe most all c ivijb inio ihc subscriber inclo- suroj some lime hi angiwt a brown hrillcr supposed lo bit uightcia nitmilis old the owner i requiwl to roni prove property pay cliarens arid tke her away vm mooue fifth con of ihe town si mi of kinv- j never to iihvcltop decetnbi 0h io dec isjo n otick thcsnhsciilierliav g been appointed ad minis i ra- irix of ih hilc edward uicky deceus ed leqilms all lhoe having claims 5aini llli rsdttc lo pre sen i iheni for lutmrnt md ihost- indebted lo he lle 10 cill and set lie iheir uc conn is kllkn juckey kihcft 30th nov 130 kingston dock yard wth sovcmbcr 1830 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lois 1n0 3g 7 3 340 in the lth concession of ihe township of kingston in ihe midland districl having been purchased on be half nf ihe conimissioners of ilis ma jestys navy notice is hereby given that all persons are warned fiom cullihff down or taking limber or fire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said properly and all persons found o uespassing will be proceeded against with ihc inmost severity ofihu law and furulcr notice ii hereby given ibni no person is aller thi date lo erect any hut house or building whatever without permission from hie icsucctivu officers of the dockyinl jxo itnlover a01w stoafcttvrr michakl spratt mntitt atttndant robeivt muokti inencement of school io the morning aud at its close in the evening a form adapted lo general use may be found in mvorsspelliughook and is re commended for this purpose by the honrd prinied frus for ihe quarterly certifi cates to he sigued by two trustees may be nl on applicatiou to adict shentvod sq lirockvill july 1 removal wc sb- scriber begs leave to inform his frieuds aud the public iht he has remov ed his wholesale nod retail hardware establishment to the siore lately occupied hy mr atruax store street where he lias mi band as usunl a very eeucrnl asortmeut it hardware paints oils cordage e ic and is in daily expectation of i further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool ihc whole uf which he will sell unusually low for cub or short approved credit hit doz follausi gran scythes olih rass aud cradliug do for sale uucommoulv low- geo wyarickr- kingston j j- 1830- il axtku niiniimjiitcly two journeymen primurs apply ic anclncaniktiau oflice muuaxsx masonkv- for wle at ihe chi ruuicle ofiice m ttth the klsiihtos chromtmj is pnnud and published cvciy saturpat by james macparlahc at hu oco m front street kingston terh0 scventrn diiiliegh 4c sixpence pcrannum if j ftciitbv mail iviity thillmg subacripiion lo i be paid in advance price of advertisements sx lien and under 2s ccl firi insertion ind aud 7 j each subsequent insertion ten tines end uidcr sff4d lirsrt inscilion and lod each sub frequent insertion above ten linen 4d per tise for the ful insertion and id per line for eery siihscqne insrftion advcrtismonls without written direetiom in serted till jvrbitt and charged aeeoidsuly orders for discontinuing advuliwmenm to be in writing and delivered by wcdnlsdav noo at the lalcrit no advertisement received after tnx oclock on the day uf publication ic produce received in paymenl tthe mar ket price aiiesth john bigndl e luibn daud chiaholaio esq three hivrrs andrew porteous esq mry trt sixties mclmuilb twi lancaster jolm cameron ewp lochitt kcline en comvtttl qeorgfl browse eq jualttda alpheu jonea ff presets henry jonvfl esq brockvittt jnah taylor e-q- perth ilavhtlmarth eaq richmnd j k iliirtwcii esq bastanu mfias c j muiild qantmtiht john dean esq oath albumcphcrwiiieq xapvne tikm poikcr ei fsrtlvitte joepli a kceler eq vramuhc james c uethune ktq hatuuftk david smart eq l hope william aluo esq yorl daniel k ilsq- vtitri john crocdu km stafford charlw figar eq mkfa

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